(l I I THE UNIVERSAL CAR jj j A little extra attention to your Ford car, a J III Utile adjustir.fr now end then, will help to keep I HI it in prime condition and add to its ability to III rerve you. Bring your Ford car here. Why It HI take any chancer? Let those who know how, II HI those who use genuine Ford parts, take care HI of your car. To be sure of pettinjr the best HI service from your T rd car let skilled Ford men m care for it. Pron. attention assured. HI Touring Car $360. Runabout $345. Sedan II $645. Town Car $595, Ccuptkt $505 all f. o. b. HI On display and for rale by HENDERSON II C.ARAC.E & MACHINE COMr.WY, MONROE, X. C. War Can't Stop Us! It makes no difference in our appetites for good eats. But the question of the hour is, "where to get good, satisfying eats at medium prices." WE HAVE THE ANSWER It is plainly in evidence in every part of our store. Itconsitsof FRESH GROCERIES PURE GROCERIES CLEAN GROCERIES REASONABLE PRICES. And the smiles, of many satisfied customers is the best of proof that we make good on every claim. Eivens Brothers GENERAL MERCHANDISE Phone 255. Opposite Oil Mill. Big Crop Yields. Mr. Farmer, is that the condition of your farm? If so, do not become so absorbed in the harvesting and marketing as to forget the most important thing of all the disposal of the proceeds. Have you started a Savings Account.' If not, now is the very time to open one. As you bring your produce to market, just step around and deposit the proceeds of each load in this bank. It will be as safe as if in the U. S. Treasury, and it will WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP because we pay four per cent interest on deposits. The Savings, Loan and Trust Co. . R. B. Redwine, President. H. B. Clark, Cashier lHaBarMHlllHMnHMiHsMasWMMsl HANK ANDPCTE wut i Just R0681RY HAS Ju&T RC PORTED AT HEA0 quATta&, AN' 1nC Ft us a cone out of That noutc wta 6C BAC f tuNC ovta Hit WrtOUtOt A . I WC HUSKY Wl CAM CATCH CAPTAIN &CNT OUT WCR0 TO WATCH PO SuiPlCiOUil Ml,M You ' '. MUSHY W CAM CATCH 1 YOU SILLY " 1 II ,,l II iwnwniw , . . , " a.li lw.WlPCMOHBnr' Mirt M YOU Ru RouNP LJf, , .- f o, ,T V-,rJ 41 EXPLAIN II VVP0 v HCA" ?i TTT TMATcoRNCR-uHiLCt ? ,1 f I FFTSr BUT ) JlSrl VtAr-LrUN !! 3 IS IT), THAT COftNCR-UHllC t Shoot uf AH' Wt U SuHHOunOEO sau k"W4 HOLP OM TMCRC YoOHd FCClCfc! WHAT WERE YOU POIN IN THAT H0U6 WITH THAT Prop it cuick oa ' You suly " RowBounO thi tioc HAVE HI I FTogrsm of I'nkut Merting. The Union Meeting of the Union Daptist Asociation will be held at Oak Grove on Friday and Saturday. July :T and 28. The following is tht preg.am: atui lay 11:00 a. tu.. Introduc triy ruion by IifV. K. W. Hogan. Waxhaw, N. C. Dinner. p. in.. Organization and re pot from the churches. 2:00 p. in.. Are V Ready for Our Revival? Rev. A. Marsh and Rev. R. M. Haipler. 3:u0 p. in.. Have We Enoush Doc trinal I'reaching Today? Rev. E. C. SnyJer. Rev. A. C. Davis and Rtv. J. A. Divens. Saturday 9: SO a. in.. Devotional exercise, conducted by Rev. J. S. Simpson. 10:00 a. in.. Ought We to be Con cerned About the Great War? Rev. John A. Wray and Hon. R. F. Beas- 11:00 a. ni.. Is the Missionary Spir it Growing in Our Churches? Rev. M. D. L. Preslar. Rev. K. W. Hogan and Rev. R. M. Haigler. 1:00 p. r.i.. Miscellaneous business. 1-r:n r in.. f)n We 'peif a Reviv al of Religion in the Union Associa tion? Rev. K. C. Snyder and Rev. A. Marsh. , 2:00 p. ni.. Should the Tastor's Salary Go Unpaid Till Fall? Are We Paying Our Pastors Sufficient Salary to Enable Them to Meet the High Cost of Living Messrs. B. C. Ash- rraft. J. G. Carroll. B. II. Griffin. C. J. Braswel). and Baxter GoTdon. Let every church in the association appoint delepates and see to it that they attend. C. J. Black, for Com mittee. The Beauty Spot OF THG Blue Ridge Mountains IS Chimney Rock & Bat Cave SITUATED IX HICKORY NUT GAP There are many hotels and board ing houses and country homes where board can be obtained at lower rates than at any other section where the same class of accommodation Is giv en. Before you make up your mind where to go write us for printed in formation, which will be sent free of cost. If you want a few picture postal cards of the many bcauty-sppts around here, send 10 to 25 cents in stamps and we'll buy and send them to you. Teachers of Public and Private Schools who want to take special courses under the most competent in structors sllould write "Literary, Arts and Handei kerchief Association." Teachers who want to join the Teach ers Outing Club, where they share expenses, and thereby get their out ing at smallest cost. Write 'Outing Club." Doctors, bankers, lawyers, mer chants and manufacturers can get printed information that is of special interest to them. It costs less to send your family here than any other sec tion. Furnished cottages, single room for housekeeping, and tents,, can be rented at reasonable rates. Write for information. Address Esmeralda Inn, Bat Cave, P. O., N. C. DAI AND BEAUTIFUL Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Almost everyone knows that Sape Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked of pray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which it muagy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You will get a large bottle of this old time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients for about CO centi. Everybody uses this prepara tion now, because no one can possihiy tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it nnd dray tbia through your hnir, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another appli cation or two. your hair becomes h-auti-fully dark, thick and glossy and jou look years youngpr. Wyeth's Sage nnd Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. W mm GIVE GRAY hi AH PONT TRY TO TtU MC ITS MOVING DAY 6 THAT YOURC PtTUVERlNC TVtf WIFt's WASM.'CAOSE Y30R MA IS IN DlCTlONASY UP T SinC iiNC, 50 You' , HUM ? we'll Knock B n wo iwi AH Cole IVi-Minal !!em;tiicnce of Ylis w-r. Wrifen fcr TL Journal. U'-turcIng tj LiKUit. I h;td occasiou j to r !!tct again on the last. My re.itl.-i.s will t-njoy the rveit.J of a f- amusing incidents. ! Vin a boy 1 was working in the; n.it Woods at the Uraytoii place. By! m" ine-tns the took bad discovered ' a sa.i:le turnip and cookti it in a pot lull of water. A plate full of soup containing about six rashers of j turnip was placed on the table. I wa-- hungry, and as we were not in j tie habit of "saying anything before! ate,". 1 helped myself to about1 four rashers oi turnip and an ample, supply of water. Mr. Blank, observ-j ins symptoms of a voracious appetite on ti.y part, quietly remarked, "sorter ! divide." I supposed there were more, turnips in the pot, and had hoped that the cook was not investing in samples. I have cot been educated to believe in the doctrine that "might is ripht." being, probably, only about one-siYtpenth r.rman Of ooiirsp alter being reprimanded, I felt like f Id swallowed something siur or in-j Uic-'etlble. 1 enjoyed going to "corn shuck ir.es.' on one occasion, after seating rnvxlf at the tablr. Bud Coley also sat down beside inc. There was just ont' plate between us. I seized it. and quietly remarked, "I got here ni-t." Bud was 25 yers old and I about 12. Bud retired, an I the feast- ers laughed heartily at hi expense. It is always interesting to "get there in life" and to "get there first." We will not forget the associated fea tures of a corn shucking the play party. Danci&g was not always al lowed. Prohibition had not then as sumed its present colossr.l propor tions. There Wire four distilleries mar Locust at the four cardinal points. East, We. t. North, South, and within two mile--. Whiskey was in evidence but not very much drunk enness. The boys and girls used snuif. I can't say what particular brand was used. The party com menced with a game of "snap," merged into "stealing partners," "fishing," "meeting the Queen," "pig drovers," the "Irish trot." "twistifi cation." etc. There was the usual accompaniment of singing without instrumental music. They would sing. ' Move up, move up, so they say," while marching around. The boys and girls had not learned the "Hesi tation Waltz." but the girls sat in the boys' laps end used their black gum tooth blushes in dipping snuff from a common snuff box. The "germ the ory" had not been heard of by the masses and the Pure Food laws had not materialized in Stanly county. In the village of Locust, the firm of Hosea Faulk & Co., were ginning cotton, grinding corn, and sawing logs for the citizens. Many of the contemporary citizens have either died or moved away. Jonah Little, Eli Osborne. Riley Hartsell, George Heid, lyng Hinson, and a few other old fellows have passed on. While attending school at Locust, when 1 was a small boy, the teacher lectured the larger pupils An their de portment. I was late in getting home. Father asked me what kept me so late. 1 replied that the teacher asked the "big scholars" to. remain for a lecture, so I remained. Once, when about 16 years old, 'father invited two preachers hpme with him to talk to us boys. The preachers expressed themselves as being of the opinion that father ought to set an example by becoming a member of the church first, before attempting to influence his boys to become religiojjs. So we escaped the uninteresting exhortation to "flee from the wrath to come." Personally, I believe in setting ideals before th? young, that they may be Inspired to go on. Father Inherited his Ideas to some extent. He was good, but not "Just" to himself. On one occasion father drank too much of something stronger than water. He was then in a mood tn lecture us boys: "Listen to me, boys, whiskey has been the cause of many a man going to the "old scratch," but it won't take your daddy there." He was harmless and slept off the stu pefaction. Uncle Tom had brought around the liquid. Father usually kept whiskey for medicinal purposes and often tried to get me to take it. when I was sick. I thought that I knew better than father. Parents are usually "wise" to some things, but they seem to think that boys ought to be ignorant along certain lines. Lucifer, his satanic majesty, may object to being referred to as the "old scratch." If the devil really has horns on his head, a tail, and hoofs, then he Is not a night hawk with claws and can't scratch. t'mise of IehKiidency. Desm.ndenev is often caused by in digestion and constipation, and quick ly disappears when cnaniuenain s Tablets are taken. These tablets trengthen the digestion and move the bowels THE iN A OUNCE 10 DM I Don't (witue OPEN ICiKC A DUKlULt. or SH.VIE WW ftHTIFT MF ww . . TwCj 0 rr I - ISOOuiT your STAO.INC.ANT I " I .u'AHf 1.1IT,, . I I A. XI . .a - .. II T I Hit SIGNATURE 110? IMPORTANT QUESTION CONCERN ING USE OF LITTLE LABOR- SAVING DEVICE. WHERE DIFFICULTY ARRISES Any Ont Who Slant Any Document in Any Way la Bound By Hia Signature. Is a rubber stamp signature vaJldt Considering bow many of them ara going out of insurance offices daily, bow many agents affix them to poli cies and riders, and the almost gen eral use made of this labor-saving, authority-delegating device, it is well to attend the reply recently made by the Journal of Commerce to the lap quiry of a subscriber on the point "Any one." says our contemporary, "who indorses a check or signs any ether document is bound by his sis nature, whether it is made with pen or pencil, a rubber stamp, or in any other way. The difficulty arises only when an attempt is made to show that the signature is his. If he ad mits it, he is bound without further controversy. If lis declares that he did not append the signature to the document, it will be necessary to prove that he did make it, and tb is the point at which the whole diifi culty arises. A written signature can be compared with others known or acknowledged to have been made by a certain person, and the correspond ents of that person or handwriting experts can testify with a consider able degree of assurance as to the genuineness of the signature in ques tion. No one can say with assurance, however, whether a rubber Btamp was in the hands of one person or ot another, when it was in use for the making of a disputed signature. For this reason no one can reasonably be asked to adopt a signature so difficult to prove as that made with a rubber stamp." Insurance and Commerical Magazine. SIGNS OF THE TIME. One of the important indications pointing to a general awakening In the direction of fire protection and prevention was the recent action of the International Association of Fire Chiefs and Engineers, advocating a more extensive tfse ot automatic sprinklers and urging the passage of ordiances requiring automatic sprink lers to be installed in buildings where conditions favor the inception and spread of fire, especially where the safety of life is menaced. The resolutions of the Are chiefs included the appointment of committees "to consider the compulsory require ments fo rlnstallatlons of automatic sprinkler systems and to Investigate ways and means whereby automauo sprinkler systems may be used to best advantage by fire departments as fire defense auxiliaries." Surely the work of fire protection and pre vention is grow ing in popular esteem. Fire Facts. LIFE HAZARD. The Indiana Urn marshal receives reports of deaths by fire, and these reports show that during t' ' 'ear 60 adults and 21 children, a t .al of 71 persons, lost thalr lives. Gasoline explosions were responsible for a to tal of 15 deaths; kerosene explosioni for 17; clothing in contact with fire, 17; lodging and dwelling house fires, 8; children playing with matches, 4; tnd the rest scattering. It is note worthy that the list shows that three adults committed suicide by Are and that the specific cause of one death was unknown. This last item indi cates that much more care Is eer cised In discovering the specific cause of fire when it causes loss of life than when it cauies oss ot property. -Fire Protection, ty to eipumn anything too,1 CoT Y'wiTH THC COCOS.AN'lf YDONTl UP THAT SAC VC LL iAKE Y LOOKi BcCF STSW N 4i GCCONDi! :,0 OiT YouR STAO.INC, AN OPtN OP That CLOTH i I a DO y mlar : inn r A I SAUS IF Harmless to Cash Kidneys and neutral ize irritating acids Splendid , for system. Kidney and Bladder wnlmiwa rwult from nrio acid, says a noted authority. The kidneys filter this acid from tUa blood and pus it on to the bladder, w here it often remains to irritate and iniUnw, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the ni'ht. The sufferer is in constant dread, the water puses sometimes with a scalding sensatioa and ia very profuse; fg-in, there is difficulty in avoiding it Bladder weakness, most fulks call it, because they cant control urination. While it is extremely annoying and one times Tery painful, this is really one cf the most simple ailments to overcame. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your pharmacist and bike a tiMe poonful in a glass of wa'.er lofore breakfast, continue this for two or tl.ree days. This will neutralize the taJs in the urine so it no longer ia a fuuroe cf irritation to the bladder and 'r::nrv or gans which then act norn'.ly ar-.m. Jad Salts is inexpensive. t,ari.:lts, and is made from the acid of prtpos a ad lemon juice, combined with 1:1 u. and is used by thousands of folks wha arc subject to urinary disorders c::i:- ! h.V uric acid irritation. Jad Sa!u i splen did for kidneys and causes uo l,wf effects whatever. Here you have a pleasant, e.T'.-r-'. vent lithia-water drink, which quiuk-'y n'.ievca bladder trouble. A quiet wedding may be but the aim before the storm. The Beauty Secret. Ladies desire that irre sistible charma good complexion. Of course they do not wish others to know a beautifier has been used so they buy a bottle of Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER and um Kcordinf to simple dirf?lion,. Improve ment ia noticed at once. Soothine, cooling and rerreehing. Heale Sunburn, etope Tan. Pink. WhH,. RoM-RtJ. 75c ml DntiUtt ar ti mail Jlnd. Sample (either color) for 2c Stamp. Lyon Mf. Co., 40 South Fifth St.. Brooklyn. N.Y. Tightening the (strings of a violin is a musical strain. RUB-r.lY-TISr.1 lAVill cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains. Bruises, Cuts and Burns, O'd Sores. Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally tPrice 25c. ON GUARD A HINT TO THE WISE. A clock will keep good time without hands, but nobod)' can know it. And a good store may also keep a good stock of goods without advertising. NDNH5 By KEN KLiNG

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