THE MONROE eJOtURNAIL, riUUSHED Tl "ESP.IYS AM) FlUP.Wsi HUIUV, Jl l V 1. 1. 1917. price $ run year cash. m V STHKK.N NEARLY I OMI'l.ETE r S590 A IVlivered at Your IHr. UBIIC We have just been notified by the Chrevolet Motor Company that the price of their cars, which now sells for $390 delivered, will be advanced to $675 on the first of Au gust. We have bought three car loads of these cars, part of which will arrive this afternoon. They will be sold at the old price this month only. This car speaks for itself. It cannot be duplicated when it conies to beauty of workmanship, motor power, and durability. We invite the public to inspect our stock. Place your order early, as you only have twenty days to buy at the old price. The Secrest Motor Co. A. M. SECREST, Manager. , T. B. Laney, Salesman. Brooks Myers, Head Mechanic. Topsy Sends the News From Centre 'new $43 bicycle so as to lose no time tirove, Correspondence of The Journal. Monroe Route 6, July 11. Mr. Jessee Griffin of Altan was a wel comed visitor of Mr. Duke and Vance Went! Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Carl Pressley of Unlonville spent Saturday night and Sunday in this vicinity with friends and rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Thompson and daughter. Miss Bessie, spent Sunday In the Stouts community with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Freeman. Mr. Cecil Deese spent Saturday and Sunday in Charlotte with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Martin spent Sunday in Indian Trail with friends and relatives. Mr. Reece Griffin and children nio- In going to see the girls, although he seems to be going the other way all the time. There Is some cooking going on in and around this section this week as the threshers are passers around. I Blackberries are plentiful, of which i we can bake pies, and there is a i number of good looking boys along land it doesn't seem to be of very I much trouble. Grandmotrer says all boys are fond of pies and pickles. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Haywood of Marshvllle and Mrs. Haywood's mother, Mrs. J. V, McRorie of Mon roe, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Perry McRorie of this vicinity. I Mrs. Mary Yandle found in her garden a few days ago a cucumber which had a well developed leaf grown out of the cucumber instead of on the vine. Those who saw it Farmer John left home one morn ing, and waited at the station for i the limited. He climbed aboard, and i shambled into a car. "Mister," he drawled, when Ihe conductor halted before him, "is that i thar two-cents-a-mile rate good on , this train?" I "It Is," replied the conductor brusquely. "Where's your ticket?" j The old man fumbled In the depths of an ancient shot-bag. ! "Ain't got no ticket, mister," he said slowly, "but here be two cents. I never rode on one of these pesky 'flyers, and I just wanted to feel the sensation. Put nie off after I've rode i one mile." tored down from Kannapolis Sunday ,gtate8 ,hat ,t ag B' ,ook, and spent the day with friends and I cucumber Indeed relatives of this vicinity. I As letter jg , , and Mr. James Hill of near Monroe ght d, ,. juKt off wh was a welcomed visitor in this rom-beRt wsheg t0 all The Journal cor. munity Sunday afternoon ; respondents. Topsy. Mrs. W. C. Helms of Indian Trail, spent the latter part of last week, A wh sna), mind Uam has occasion to change it. The Ihrice-a.Week Edi tion of Tbe New York World IN 1017. T?"h.YirJ v umnVhp;i,,'''1,y " I" t the Price of n f or "nle Urne has blen We'kl'- So w"llr In the with Mr. and Mrs. John Helms. Miss Carrie Penegar of Kannapo lis was the guest of Miss Eula May Helms Sunday. i Miss Mamie Ritch and Topsy were guests of Misses Kthel and Annie I Lee Yandle Sunday. 1 Mr. Brady Helms of Stouts vicinity I epent Saturday night with his sister, j Mrs. Noah Williams. j Myrtle Louise, the little daughter) Of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Helms of In dian Trail, w grandparent very sick with bronchitis, but Is lm proving rapidly. I Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haywood! The value and need of a newspa spent Saturday night in the Stouts! per In the household was never community with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin greater than at the present time. The Thompson. I great war in Europe Is now Into Its Rev. Mr. Fink of Unlonville will; third year, and, whether peace be at preach at the Hemby school building j hand or yet far off. it and the events next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, to follow it are sure to be of absorb Mr. Fink is one of North Carolina's Ing Interest for many a month to best preachers. Let us all go hear j come. him and give him a hearty welcome! These are world-shaking affairs, In Into this community. I which the United States, willing or There will be children's day at Sar- unwilling. Is compelled to take a part, dls Baptist church the fifth Sunday : No Intelligent person can ignore such in this month. The Sunday school I issues. has gone to work In earnest on the: THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S beginning so as to make the day a regular subscriMion price is only $1 success in every way. There will bp; per year, and this pr.ys for 156 pa all day exercise, with dinner on the'pers. We offer this unequalled news- grounrt. Everybody come. Doni, paper and Ihe Monroe Journal to- ! The indignant youth entered the j office of the railway company and .demanded to see the manager. "Here. I say," he said angrily to that official, "I got a cinder in my eye from one of your engines and it cost me $2 for a doctor to have it taken out and the eye dressed. What are you going to do about It?" I But the manager was a wily man. "Nothing, my dear Fir, nothing," he replied rauvely. "We have no fur ther use for the cinder and you are quite welcome to it. From a legal point of view the cinder was not yours and no doubt you could be proceeded against for removing our property. But we will take no steps in the matter, you may rest assured." Bravery Is reckoned by what we do, not by what we threaten. M.ii-lnille Is llu Satisfied Wilh I Ik- Trial Social ami Personal toting Men Entertained. Cm respondence of The Journal. M.iruvi;ie. July 12. Miss Anna I1: :r ot Monroe and Mrs. Maggie iAI .tr.Jr of Maleville are pleasant ii: !:oii at lr. M. P. Blair's. Miss May Cay or Charlotte arriv ed Wednesday to visit Mrs. Charlie Mori-un. Miss Giay taught in our school last year and her many friends arc t'lad to welcome her as a visitor. Mrs. W. D. McRae has returned hon.e after a two weeks' visit to her .!!; r. Mrs. G. A. Fincher, near Char lotte. Mi Jennie Suinmerlin of Monroe vis.vd Mrs. Minnie Bivens in the, community this week. .ii.-s Elizabeth SUarpe of States-' v :: visited Miss Mary McBiide Wed-i n -!.iy aial Thurrtiay of this week. I T!i wails are almost completed for! in. new stores rnd the work is be-' :tit rapidly can it d forward so i.u; I rutned-out folk.? will be in heir n -. he: es soon. These buildings will be ii . i' tn in every way and a credit to o i' town. Mrs. Nora Austin has returned from a visit to her sister. Mrs. Gibson, at l.emond Springs. LitUe Miss Grace (",;!. sen accompanied her aunt home fur a visit. M:s. Seymour Taylor and Master Willard returned Tuesday from a pltasant visit in Alleghaney county. Quite a number of our folks have been in Monroe to witness the Efird Allen trial this week, and the gener al comment Is satisfaction at th aiiiiiable disposition of the same. The young men of the Baraca Class of the Methodist church will be entertained by the young ladies of the Philathea Class at a patriotic party Friday evening from 8 to 11 at the home of Miss Lucy Leonard The decorations will be red, white aim blue and will be carried out in the refreshments, consisting of cream. cake nnd punch. The young ladies in white middy suits, blue collars and red ties will prove charming hostesses and a jolly good time is expected. Miss Rosa Penegrr of Monroe Is the guest of Miss Kate Green at Oak- dale for a few days. Mrs. Lou Redfearn spent Thursday with relatives in Monroe. Miss Bessie Mae Hallnian has re turned home after a pleasant visit to Greenville. S. C, Hendersonville and Caesar's Head. The following young people wer? in Monroe Tuesday for the teachers examination: Misses Mary McBrlde, Lottie Hartill. Mary Griffin, Floy Myers. Lizzie Boyd and Ada Hamil ton, Messrs. Beecher Harrill and George Medlin. This Is the first of dog days. I have heard many weather forecasts concerning dog days. The truest is the simplest. God sends the weather n dog days the same as other days and we can only surmise. ooooooooooooo o o Used 40 Years o o HI forget the date, July 29. Start. at 10 o'clock. Mr. George Klzer has purchased a gether for one year for $2.2.".. The regular subscription price of the two papers Is $2.50. o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOO The Woman's Tonic g Sold Everywhere- 8 Xotlh Monroe Items. Correspondence of The Journal. Dr. Man. presiding tdder of the Charlotte district, preached an excel lent sermon in North Monroe Metho dist church last Sunday night. Little .Miss Daisy uyrum is suffer ng from having cut her foot on a : .' ' .t i . I liieec ui 1 ne eui so en- ou3 a doctor was called and a few stitches were necessary. Mrs. iggor Curlee, who has been right sick for some time, is improv ing. Mrs. Roxie Broom was confined to er bed for a lew, days last week but is able to be up again. The many friends of Mr. Henry Crump will be sorry to hear that he had the misfortune to get his left arm broken. He was repairing a building and somehow lost his bal ance and fell. While walking around In the yard last Wednesday, Mrs. Seabron Polk fell and received injuries to the ex tent that she has not been able to be up scarcely any since. Mrs. Lex Bennett, who has been isitlng her mother at Marshville, re turned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Starnes of Badln visited friends and relatives here and at Corinth last week. When preparing for starting home Mr. Starnes had the misfortune of sprain ing his arm while cranking his car. Miss Cordie Thomason left Tues day for a trip to the mountains. She expects to spend the remainder of the summer visiting at different points. Mrs. John Bass of the Center neighborhood visited her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Privette, last week. Mrs. Archie Culbreth of Bennetts ville, who has been visiting her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Spears, re turned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byrum visit ed their daughter, Mrs. Dee Rogers, at Concord Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Trull visited at Mr. Will Helms' at Matthews Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Medlin de lightfully entertained a few of their frineds Saturday night. Ice cream was served. Picking and canning blackberries has been the order of the day for the past few weeks. Mr. J. H. and Master Oscar Trull, Mrs. Sidney Yandle, Mrs. George Eagler and Mrs. Hugh Starnes went down in the Prospect neighborhood Thursday of last week In Mr. Trull's new Ford and brought hack about forty gallons of luscious berries. Judging from appearances, the wedding bells will ring ere lng. S. DRINK Coca-Cola in Bottles The Health Producer. Coca-Cola in Bottles K the mind's garment. Clothed in good health the mind is cn ided to develop tin highest intelligence, perform Its greatest feat.s, do its noblest deeds, ami aliove all, enjoy the fruits r its labors. IWr health clothes the mind in misery. Moiling its two greatest helps to siueesA physical endurance it ml patience, depriving it-or all sense of appreciation and enjoyment. Nature never meant you should he a failure through ill health. She has tilled her More house with good things for the benefit of mankind. She distills the air.the Minhcams and the rain, transform ing them into flowers, nmts leaves harks and lerries, from these the most refreshing and beneficial Iteverage in the world is made, COI.A-COLA. Drink Coca-Cola in Bottles And You Drink Good Health A drink for the thirst, good for the digestion, gimd for the blood, giMKl for the whole system, giving you basic strength and nerve to fulfill vour destinv as nature intended. THY Ol lt XEW DRINK IX IIOTTLKS Cherry Blossoms IN BOTTLES It Is the most delirious Cherry Drink on tbe Market. If your deal, er can't supply you with COCA-COI.A and CHERRY BLOSSOMS IN HOTTLES, Just telephone 340 and we w ill see your order is filled promptly.- The Monroe Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Z. V. MURPHREY, Manager. MONROE. .... North Carolina. NMZD PAW PAW The Ideal Spring Medicine 3 POWERFUL FORCES IN 1 The new remedy, a conitination ofNUX, IRON AND PAW-PAW, rec ommended by doctors, lawyers, clergymen and thousands upon thousands of men and women t'iroughtout the United States of America, Europe and all civilized nations Ironlzed Paw-Paw makes strong, vigorous Iron men and healthy, at tractive, rosy cheeked women One tablespoonful before meals, will promote appetite, Increase the strength of run-down, weak and nervous people, lionized Paw-Paw is put up in liquid form, not tablets, which sometimes the patient cannat 'easily digest this i3 why our chemist approves of liquid compound. Your druggist probably keeps it, but if he doesn't it is sold in Mcnroe by the English Drug Company. Ironlzed Paw-faw, price $1.00. Formula on every bottle. Mail orders promptly attended to. Interstate Drug Co., Inc., New York. Adv. When the star boarder marries his landlady he becomes a fixed star. Everybody's Bom It I When anybody in Mon roe says or thinks "Drug Store" it is always the "Union Drug Store." WHY? Ask anybody. They all know. The Union Orug'vCo. The Value of Groceries depends on how good they are. If you buy a poor grade that you are unable to use, there isnot much comfort in the fact that you bought them cheap. till0aiy J. C. Smith Co.