Zeb and His Folks , . 1 I I n T T?-vn KTP k P. Lessie Horton, Adinrx. I CALENDAR For August Term, Union Superior Court, 131. Hon. 1J. F. Ixmg, Judge. Monday, August SO. S. k P. Ilaine icKory 1 S. D. v. R. k S.J. Wes Vickory 'itui cMtiniii of road. It will be one curve after another, dui you can go around a hill on a gTaaea rcai a ir i vim run en over the hill on a straight roaa ana airy inr much load i the graded, roaa . iop soiled. The remarkably alounltn.i thin? about the beginning of modern road construction is the number of inmi-hni.'or who will object to a sui road bed and then nb ject again to furnishing the top soil that must be used, uver in uanuoipu niinir fii-mora have caused this pi- Mur ita nf "ob lections." Instead of objecting to a survey they beg for it. and llien tney not. ouij i.nm.t y- j-ihei-t Tairv but they get togeuier wun mcir , i0S0D Grirfin ons and haul the surface at their own O- L. Josepn umnn expense. It isn i pieasani 10 rnr. CroniD to it. but in his travels in the Eastern & P.. p. L.T. fe. tromp countiies Mr. Stack made the remarK- "... q Th .ki Hipnvprv that in I'nion county A. . &. inompson we do not as yet have as niucn genu- R. k S. Waltham k Hord Co. 4 S. D. va -C. G. Shaw (J. Z. GREEN in The Home.) "Sheading ground limestone w th out a lime spreader Is a big Job." said a Marsbville township farmer, and so it is. but by a simple discov ery the important fact has been re vealed that every farmer is already in possession of as good lime spread er as it is possible to buy. This lime spreader consists of Just a plain farm wagon and a shingle or a wood stick or paddle. The processes of opera tion are as follows: Order your ground limestone loose in a car. When it arrives shovel it into your wagon body, drive into your field, where the lime is to be spread. Raise the hind gate in the wagon body cii.htir Whpn the driver starts let " -: : . . , 4 i we ao not aa yei uavc a iuuvu stuu-I ... . a man walking at the rear st., t o and d0 V. k P.. W. 0. L weaving that paddle back and .. tttj . . aa ntanv nnA -,., asl ti,PVl et als ,.nti it ... is distributed. It will! ""l "T"..?::w" 36 vs Ult3 ill IU1IK IUC M-wev w. - msuire one man on me wagon w , h pad of the heat keep the lime shoveled i i . . 11':. k llir.u j:aie. u mi a nine rnttjii . ...... l.n voi-v OKKIirull'IV rfiz- , .lltlllilllL I mi ur III I W. vv.iv..j ulat' d bv the hind gate and by LTL g. .he ! have got ahead of the heathens in b?- R- s l 1 i.'Fotten us badly beaten when it comva R- -L. A. Thompson. Protest R. & S. Daniel Starnes, et als weaxins the paddle raster or slower as max- be required. Those who have lifted" heavy limestone into lime spreaders all day will readily per ceive that this method Of spreading lime r-iuires much less work than H ro.iiiinl by the use of a lime spread er. It nut only saves labor but it saves an unnecessary expenditure in the pui chase of a sp reader. "Wo have bought five car loads of ln.Hstone for our farm," said Clyde Newso:.i. manager of the United Cash Store Co. Clyde is a great believer in lime and he has used more lime stone on the farms that the company ha? owned than anybody else in the in'n.ii:n He not onlv believes in to building "d roads. Wlien Jti:i Mivens beard th tt li( could eet ?2.'0 a bushel for Irish po- I'liwe ii. nifteppdef! to dis some "shiiiIh" frnm his natch and he brought S!1iue tine ones to Marshvllle as. Howard vs Lula Howard 3." & P., L. U. C. Funderburk 53 vs notes. -Cora Fund' rbus k u.A H-. Ski. A. A. tuwan;er S. D. vs . A. S. A. L. Railway R. k S. Rodman. Clark k Co. 103. D. vs A S. A. L. Railway 1-V- viilnninw WiiiiL hr lllif- Ii:ili3. Aus. 6. VU London. It is officially d via red that ccntrary to rumors . i' iv. mheiiusng losses in ub:uaiin t!e luontMy aveiae is illtle i:ir ;i .! liutv iid-i water boats c ::n.- pi:oi n- :n Febru ary 1 to Ausut. !i!l.' t.ie uiontniy I increa?e n 'iS:i.ar:nt s coasKuctt-J Is many tinit larger. DRINK RE If KIDNEYS BOTHER 2i.t 1m seat aai tala Salu far Eck kdii or Sl&dder troubls Seatia!izea acids. R. 4. S. Fulton KurtU 20 S. D. ts A S. A. L. Railway 5IOTIOX DOCKET it P. J. H. Cutler k Co. 28 vs A. Armfield k Williamson Time Kr IV.m Talk .t Here, Wil WHI Illlllk-. Washington. Aup i. President Wilson had a l-ns .-'inference todsy trte tt'i In meat exciUa tfie kldneyj, with Senator Lei. i!ie democratic 1 they become rerworked; pet tlugri. whip, urged ha-te in the final enact- ache, and feel like lump cf lead. The meut of the food control and rev- ur me txcouea cloudy; th bladder is irri enue bills and is understood to have ! UUd, and you may be ot.liRd to seek re indicated that he does not consider j lief two or three times during the night, the present the time for iiM-usion When the kidneys clog you must, help S. k P. Standard Varnish Works, et als 9 va R. & S. Piedmont Buggy Co., et als of peace negotiations with Germany. S. P. W. R. Standiford, et als Here's a Real Hair Grower That Shows Results in Few Days R. k S. Howie Mining Co. S. k P. Monroe Ice and Fuel Co. tig vs II. S. Ledbetter 51 60 hut the price had dropped. After try- ini the lofirkct he was shown some seed notaioi-s which the merchant . si 'line ill S 1.10 a neck, but he finally p-rso.:id"d the groceryman to make an even exchange with him on ia basis of one peck of the little seea ! . . . 1 1. ..I f finn naw-pmn lOiaioes !ir i' iranuri ui ... , potatoes. After Jim returned home t. v. A., K. v & Kn.i tu rnn to stiulv over his trade he came to the conclusion that a man who would swap a bushel of what m nnii..!i "reariv-made notatoes tor neck of puny-looKing seeu poiauic- D. B. Baker V3 Margarctt, et als Piedmont Mt. Aairy Guano Co vs J. S. Etlxvaids R. M. Saunders 5 vs Crooks J. W. Gaddy i a- tf. Daniel Starn.-s, et ;ds T' vs '.'.a P., W.O.L. L.A.Thompsoti. t ak A. Jane II k S. Bates, et als T3 S. H. Bracy, et als 11. & S.J. J. Crow, et als 77 vs P. I. D. Shu limestone but he talks.limestone a;l' llst not ,e in his right mind. "Some in and year out to his customers. "lf 'how , feU iike i was acting the fool we don't get our lime shipped in by, Uip tra(,e wag made 8ad jjnl. the l:wt nf unist we'll have no as-1 . . . j,h suranev? of getting it this fall, said e,jint, tho pel.t of eed potatoes to ne. 1 lie MUK.ui biiuuiu uu vi-i j i Tl'KSDAV, AlfilST -M. K. Lee 81 vs -P. F. Lee, et als S. k P. J. C. McLityre C.AcP., R.&.-?. Brcnm-Boyte Lumber Company I A., Love, L. Esther Baker, et al 90 vs S. k P. Ed Colhus. et als I be "Oct your. f ,hhma for tl.00 iimotnne tn AnciiRt!" If x'ou are not i . ready to put it out on the land when t poverned pe0ple are the F.W.A., R.&S. E. O. Phifer, Adinrx. it i.iin nrrv it into the fields'. . . i in,., n,. I i mil.. - - - .. . . hunt envprnea oeooie. ncu ui.i n o LoveA. D. 130 S. k P. W, where it is to be used, shovel it out Aldemim wag conducting one of the j. Gj B. Julius Gaddy into a heap and let it remain u n i tenchers. ,nstitntea at Monroe you are ready for it. The rain win hg warned the teachers against writ- o. L. Ben Howie not injure it. The first rain that , ,ist of ..rules-. under iQ6 vs comes will form a nttie crust on wj, fl h students should be governed, heap, which affords a watershed, andi - . (, first teachers under which the rain will not penetrate t more . . . h, school iife Love A. F. Brooks m vs W. L. Griffin, et als Tom Kendall than n half inch and this outside sur face will not be in the least Injured bv the rain but will be easily pulver ised when shoveled into the wagon again. .,. The co-oiierative road building. habit ought to become contageous. It is unfortunate to become Infected ith not-tain binds of disease germs, but when a fellow's system becomes t..rla nut n Inn? list Of thOU-shalt- not rules and placed on the walls of the schoolhouse so mat me siuuems micht take due notice ana govern themselves accordingly. In an ofn- Alum and fiienifled manner the teach er opened the session by reading to the school the thou-shalt-nots as a stern challenege to the student body fine of the rules read Romethine like this: "You shall not S. & P. E. C. Griffin, et als 109 vs B. T. Barrett s. & P. jno. IJ. stexvart 1 Sit vs R. k S. Howie Mining Co., et als R. k S. Sikes-Collm3 Co. Ill vs Ernest Cherry S. k P. J. S. Plyler 157 vs R. & S.J. H. Starnes et als A. F. 130 k M. Bank vs L. H. Medlin out wihii n " " Tienmetninr I kp in s iuu unu so full of the good roads germ that j gUck ,n8 in your desk ,nates." Dr. s, g. p.w. M. Morgan hi triiua nut nrtinnsr nls nt'iKiiuuio, .,, i,i v.. v,h nevrr inn inu itt va " " ., !.. ' BUCK ill )'"" -- ,, vn nut nmnns. his neiChDOlS. ... i.i v.. ImiiI mn'or thniieht suri. .. ------- . Aiuermun emu c na ' and gets them to join with him ana if that f0rt of amusement until the Love John Duncan use teams to haul surface (top-soil) ,.,.,. rnti ,hp -rule" and the flrgt and place on the clay road beds s th he ,nd was t0 get him a good WEDNESDAY, AUG. 22. mighty fortunate tor '"e. l"1,u',u"' long hat pin to use on his raaw Love W. E. Smith Mfg. Co. inaioPcuiiifcniruiiLi ui.-o , I and he proceeaea io use n wnnuui vg road germs, it win De remeiiiur.cu , tQ determine now tar into & pj ar0ore roaa germs, n ue "'""j'y i any gauge to determine now ir that a nexvs item that appeared in jh9 degk niate the pin penetrated this paper the latter part of last wln- ot. nnnvovnit the Information that this sort of germ had in some way soaked into the system of several farmers in Lanes Creek township, and as a result they proceeded to apply the gravel surface to a sec tion of red-mud road and converted it into a modern hard-surface top soil road. Here are the names of those who became pioneer co-operative road builders: Sylvester Autry, F. L. Autry, Edgar Autry, E. J. Rig gins, C. G. Helms, W. E. Taylor, Fred c.ii rhnrtpv Steeall. Harvey Au try, V.' B. Kelly, Johnnie Horton, J. an T T f l- at nla . - . . ., In o- r. J. u. a country town who entertains him- g A L. Railway self hv arresting boys that insult him . is what I call a joke." is e g. & p.x. F. Griffin ilmonl ovnipaqprl hv an lUlclllKcltv I ... traveling man. Nobody realizes more (Soc.Ap.) So. Allumi- . m il wtnn t n O T a Ilia I ' me trutn or me Bumruv ..; um company. ... . . V. 1 . nvnerun in HI tie Dll Ol BUIUUIIIJ l""mv country town marshal, m a iuu w w Pu8ser Country town someumea vivuuvv-. ... tremendous swellings in i uppn o. Western Union Tel. Co. imitv nf the anatomy. It is said , v rt . - j . - - ... , i. that an idle brain Is the devn s wors- M Williams, Sr. shoo and you seldom hear of a real try. W. B. Kelly, Johnnie Honon, j. lndustriou8 man being insulted. He 0Western Union Tel. Co B. Rollins, J. C. Rollins, and two col- J gQ bu that he hasn.t got time toT- u- wesiern union . knv, rtnv McRride and David , ..'j .iiiimii marshal whol I I vi v. .'. .-j - i ng lusunt u. nnMo Tnwnshtn hoards of super luiunu.. " " " r - . visors can greatly encourage this sort of co-operative road building by aid ing the co-operators financially to the amount of something like fifty per cent of the cost of the work. If there are hills the road should be surveyed and graded around the hills before surface Is laid. If surveyed and grad ed the surface can be kept on the T. M. Williams, Jr. 150 vs k G. Western Union Tel. Co. A VlllilUC maiouai """I . . a a . I i X. I. A 1100.1 keeDB niniseii Dusy, euuei iu a . - .a -., n la Oft. Tul occupation 01 nis uwu, v. . gaged at work improving the streets and side walks hasn t got time 10 in- p.Gordon Nash suit anybody or to be insulted and - under his administration mere are A . xallassoe very few violations. An officious town R.L .8., , R -S. (Spe. Ap.) marshal who has no omer emyiuj- ment except to hide around in enoris ed the surface can be kept on the it the D0V3 under insignificant A KJ Knt It ti'lll WBSh away lfl ...'. ...Inm. InlmMlnnt flf iuuu ut uu - - -nan uiinniui viiiu nu"' - i.i...n.i ..n linivv ffrades. A EOOU Way,., , .. ..n!iiciU' onpnnvn cinE JIHl.t-l '".I I.VM'rf O." ' - surface. I suits rather than with tho purpose , .'of Impartial law enforcement he still Le: i Marsh is anxious for r.oa( further lo.es his Intluence and the mirvex- from Marshvllle to Gilboa. , t,,.,, ,rt,nntfi spirit of the boys B.-uieo"..! Mnish is equally anxious for , ) u t iakc iluIo violations, . n....,aa hta fnrni and Since, ". . , ......i.i 1,., nimlo TIU USDAY, AVO. 2;5. S. & P. J. T. Curlee 154 vs Jno. H. Edwards, et als 4 - 130 -II. D. Browning vs -Garrison Medlin, et ,1 -lllir. .i..... ... ----- wnlCn OIlieiXXlM' mim t i. u. t.,....,n ihu lint farms I wOUlol . . , ,.i,n -!. Hu.ii. eon- I... r..i.-ioittiiu' business suicide If l vvh-:i conditions like thl ar W. 0 tUi uld not be willing and anxious for , . (, ,,,ti a'CCuntrv toxvn would have 158 .. . niv land-even if the .... ,.,ini. w itl.iv.i n A.--S. A l r II t ' ..... . , . . i UliUlV I 1 Ml 1'.'. i " .... ... i ,. ri ...I bod should be en irely, Ui,mhal Uum wlth one. To nv- & P. N. B. Ilelk irfi vs R.k., W.B.L. A. II. Ilel.?, et L. S L. , M. Stan; vs Railway &. P. Everett Melton no vs A. 3. A. Railxvay N. Whitley vs J. Roxvell If voiir hair U thlnn'e'-it. lifeless. full nf il;indruff. and vour head itch; like mad. it" a Fure si).n of the diiii- crnrnil ; il lll.lrlllY "fllil. iM'J (lll:( i it-- linn iimsf tic taken o x. wt al Kan vou have and tait ;. iien growth Ilniri u-:.i! until the n u! is dead, lor fien n.dhini: c-ci h. ! you imt l-pi frnm vtiit diusci-t lour ouuei s of randan it 'ion i co.-t nv.it'- and !!! : noiMr.g you -il.l ! ili.it- ne:-. Dr. i:mffiliVint1. t:n- ! u: : ! - p alirt. ii:-ccvrred Dial !;nn!iitl a:n r.illtn ir hair nr cau.- -i hv a niirru!i -the:i c;lii-. t!ie dit.Cf.x-ry ol t! viilm. in l'ari-ii.'in sna ilioaid i-"n. I to des'r -v tlN eerii!. :i -vent f.-ii il i hair ;-!'! t!i loMnauon "t dandni.t A few !:..!:! xvith la--'-i..n m hire nil i . it nre uuai l .-i-e. '" v.. i v soon vou shO';H ' " to the no'v hairs co;u'i:k in. Parisian sa-f is women s Mvorito i1 -r i us. because it will not vtai'i and makes the h-ir lu-troils. - ill all-i (luffy. Be sure vou get Parisian -up'1 iGirou-i'sl. for this brand is cuaran teed. English Drug Co. can supply you them flush off the body's urinous wtsta or you'll be real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kid ney region, you suffer from backache, tick headache, dizziness, stomach get our, tongue coated and you feel hett matie twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lota of water; ato get from any pharmacist four ounce ef Jd Salt; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water Ufore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys wi'.I tiicn act fine. " This famous ealts ;a taada from the acid cf trrapcj anl lemon juice, combined wiih li'hia, jinl hf.s hen used fr gereratioiis to e'-eaa oi-vp-1 kidneys and stimulate t'.tin t wul atUxity, also to neutralize tl:c nd 'S 5a uriwx, M it no lot:;?vr is a sour-e t irritation, thus ending Madder wtakrosj. Jad Suits is inexpi ns'.ve, cannot in jure; makes a delightful i-ITinvscent iithia water driuk which everyone t-lioult take noxv and then to keep tUe kidney clean and active. DruA'U't here say they eell lots of Jad Salts to folks who b.'lieve ia oxercomiij kiuacy trouble xvlile it ia only trouble. Oilier pi-ople's troubles lure ilian our oxvn. bore U3 STOMAt'll AND I.IVKU TltOlBLES No end oi misery and actual suffer insj is caused by disorders of the stomach and liver, and may be avoid ed bv the use of Chamberlain's Tab lets." Give them a trial. They only .cost a quarter. & P. Bank of Union 153 vs W. E. Brock, et als A. Neal McKlnnin 150 vs R. & S. F. M. Hasty, et als S. & P. G. M. Stewart, Admr. 2 S. D. vs R.& S. Geo. B. Stewart, et als J. V. Griffith, 7 S. D. vs R. & S.J. T. Shute sheriff TSieSikesCoo -l w-rrH,. eV-s3 Y. J. M. Little 9 S. D. vs A. S. A. L. Railway S. & P. David McGairy, et als 14 vs R. & S. S. II. Bracy, et als S. & P. Hortence Mullis 17 S. D. vs R. M. Saunders Portico unit wltnpssps need not at- rt until the Hnv set for the trial of the case in which they are parties or witness. R. W. LEM-MU-MJ. U. S. V. ahan.'oii'o. There is nhsomioiy no chrtiic- io h:ie a good road in a hilly emtntrv "ii!omt u survey and tins i ;' that there will hot bo many Wanted! All the chickens and eggs I can get. Will pay 25 cents per dozen for eggs and 20 cents per pound for young chickens. I heve the other fellows skinned a mile- Ten grades of Soap and Washing Powders all at 5 cents a bar. We keep a Little of Every thing, such as Sugar, Coffee, Tobac cos, Fresh Ground Meal, Flour, Ba con, Lard. Special prices on fine Hosiery. My corn mill will run all day on Saturdays, and will grind any day at 12 o'clock. Good apple mill for sale. Cost $25.00, will sell for $15.00. Give me a call. I have a fine Guernsy bull, fee $1 cash, or $1.25 on time. Respectfully. W. P. Plyler, MT. rROSFECT, N. C. The Leader in Low Prices. .t,,.. if., t,.,ut suvifii no o i fleer l 'huvo the respeet and conn lone- m j tho folYs that be serves. H may !' ii.ij r.n,i nt the 'ame time bo fit i-; and stoat' fi- t hi his oiScial duties. ASK ANVONK WHO HAS ISIID IT There? ".-v fiimili-'S vho nlxvoy .i:io to keep a bottle of Canmbe: Iain's Col'.c and Diarrhoea Remedy in the hou:e for ue in' ci.se it ia needed, and find that it Is not only a good in vestment but saves them no end of suffering. As to its reliability. r.F'. anyone who has used it. T. A. A.. S. !5M . y W. 0. L. Flonnle Pilvett 21 vs H.ird.away Contracting Co. S. & P. J. R. Shute 8 S. D. vs Love, R.& S.J. T. Shute The Beauty Secret. Ladies desire that irre sistible charm a good complexion. Of course they do not wish others I a" to know a beautirier 1 has been used so they ' buy a bottle of Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER tad om ceommf n aimia - i" - j IT, i. a,-! at one. Soothing, cookng and lafrcahiiic. Heab Sunbura. (top Tan. Pl4. Wklk. Rom-M. 75. mi VmuUk ' h mail tflrad SampU (Mthar color) for 2c Sump. Lrl Mf. Co.. 40 South Fihh St Brooklyn. N Y i r &. P. Annie L. II vs . C. Heath 1TJDAY. Al t;. 21. k P. J. W. McCain 5 S. D. vs Hepta -ophs 8. k P. J. E. Funderburk 12 vs R.L.S., R.&S. (Spe. Ap.) Tallahas see Power company, et ais. R. &.S. W. H. Sapp 133. D. vs Sam Thompson ESMERALDA Situated in the Garden Spot of WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. SPEND YOUR VACATION THERE. MANY NATURAL WONDERS m ra::iyi!-5 Chimney Rod. r,00 1 cot high, Rottomless Fcolr', . Ecr.utiful Water Falls. "RIGHT OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS." Reached via Hendersonville, North Carolina. Leaflets at Journal Office, or address ESMERALDA INN, Bat Cave, N. C. If you want to Ride Right Ride in a Tyson 6 Jones, High Point, Corbitt, Southern Queen, or a Moyer Buggy. We recommend any of these for; Service, Comfort and Durability. Their best qualities you caai't see. They are under the paint. We have a large number in stock, bought at the old price. See us now and save money. W. O. L. Ella Davis 16 S. D. vs P. A. Davis S. k P. T. F. Griffin s n. vs R.L.S., R.&S. (Spe. Ap.) Tallahas see Power Company, et ais V.- M. Medlin vs J. W. Baily MONDAY, AUG. 27. R. k S.W. O. Harrell, et als 104 A S. A. L. Railway TtieSikesCo. 2 Weaver College t iMntr itinlnr Colleges flit Ul lC l-u"0 w - of the State. Four years high school -n vear I OllPtre XX orn. Only Junior College west of Blue Ridge recognized by State Board im,,..i:i,i, r.rnrtnatps can se- U l IUUV" v.- ..... .ooohora rprtiflcates without examination. Ideal location. Low f.i. rtnnrfl at actual cost, ror catalogue ana other Information ad j coaratirv Wep vervllle. N. C HEV. EVGEKB BLAKE, Preidet. WF. MAKE Rl i ' I V nop A SPECIALTY OF APPLYING riRES. WE HAVE EXPERT BLACKSMIHS TO DO ALL KINDS OF RE PAIR WORK ON BUGGIES AND WAGONS. OUR nMITH MACHINERY IS DRIV EN BY KLKCiT.iCITY AND WE CAN TURN OUT JOBS QUICKLY. IF YOU WANT YOUR OLD BUGGY OR WAGON MADE NEW AGAIN, BRING IT TO US. LET PAUL STE GALL DO YOUR SHOEING. Sikes Repair Shop OA" RIOGE, N. C 4" T.E. WHirAKEH. PRESIDENT. UjV fcvlv! An old-fihloned Southrn cbool dailn frnm W1. In It lon bis- t wt 4l iorr Hhji enrolled lhounrt fto'a ibe 'amlln and aljolnln atates. V "J V -m Preparstlon thtoiiitlie way lobirvr a.-coinp'.UIuaentslii rollie, bu'ln'. vj I anJiue. ay) acrei in cam put. atiileiic rounrt. onbards and frm. Molrn t avboul lin.llir(!. Steam brat and alibwera. I.lbrarr. Active llwrsrf anripiien. Vjvrf Vi UeallUlaL sc-t-essible location near iiroonshora Moro tlmn a thonitand feet & f m jm .i..uaui...i e.,A m....i i..h..., . .ew i-vf 4?K . l in..i e.,A m....i t. n.. . ' a'uwi' i, .v.. imii., nun .i n i, m-mt.a. . .l.nulM.I.I. n. . . I . . . I . . .UUrSHS lUUIUUKIIIf wiciiiik iii'THltirv, Hi enoe. teaching. Niolikeeplncaoil horthand and mutio. Athlellcaencmiraired. All mnlou-nrh er. 1'iarlpllne mild but Arm. C t.i reasonable. o for the Tfar. Y awnlnn nn na Sepinmlr i, HIT. W rite fur Illustrated catalogue. Address Oak Ridge Institute, Oak Rldoc. N. C