THE MONROE JOURNAL mivr, imbued, with foi-' notions of German kultur. is sek- Founded In 1894 by avners and publishers, R. F. Beasley. the present in? world domination. What dots G. M. and j,u 0f these high sounding phrases SKETCHES EY JOHN BEASLEY imillllllll LI If TTTITT!lItITtllll III trryi TeK'pbne No. 19. R. F. BEASLET. EdiUw Published Each Tuesdar and FrWsy. $1.50 per Year. mean to this lad. who has been rear ed in the quietness of his country home; hi dream of possessing some day turned by the carnage and that is ravishing Europe? You and I. who know that the l( l Cruel World. It is In i J for one to leave one's home tor the short time of two - ... ,. .. . . ...1 V. U . J . a little rami of ms own unuis- ivnic un.n i uuu uuet slaughter 'epuiaiion. uum uy jmh oi eieaay plodding, is in jeopardy. That is the experience 1 have recently undergone. As some of our readers are aware. foundation of democracy i being The Journal prints The Journal Building, corner Jefferson and Beasley Streets. FKIDAY. AltilST 10, 1UI7. Xo Time lo Talk lVace. There are a good many people in this country who do not understand what America is fighting for. Among this class is the paee advocate, who Juggles with figures, and decries an intending bankruptcy. They are, for the most part, practical men ; without the least bit of vision. J Teace. if Mr. Wilson sticks to his! policy, will not be had until the backbone of Prussian militarism is . broken. This is not a war to sett! ; questions of recent appearance, but a war to insure peace to the world for all times to come. another sheet 'threatened; that the allies are wag-M0 w.n,e'ilJf'. 'c .pa.ra,d,e OIinr a war to perpetuate the treat principle bf rule by the people; might ,.,1 down there about three weeks ago gladlv die for the flag, but this young the boys in the shop were swau ped man may go to his death believing l.l.h ,.rk. nd c?" VL.?h.? in the oflice, 1 was sent down there tor the long space of two weeks. On my return. I learned that Capt. that his life was sacrificed for naught. For, you see, he doesn't understand. Liberia, the negro republic, has de- Heath was circulating a good on on dared war upon Germany. Japan me about my deatn.vs in his charac- threatens to follow suit. If the teristie good humor. As it uidn'r ' , . . , , really happen, and as they say noth- scramble to get on the side of the ,ng bu tne tnah hmU , dont niinJ allies doesn't slack up. fom Crowell tflling it even if 1 am the victim, will have to build an addition to his j I was being examined by a rt- cruiting otlicer in Charlotte, accord ing to the Captain. The officer plac ed a watch lo my ear, and asked nie if I liuunl it li. Winy "Vis " hd rr.. ly does he catch it in times of peace. . pIo(L Ht 1m,u it a ,iltle further but it looks like some of them, es-off. Stiil I heard it. But as I had pecially the ones who have no chil-, previously shown myself to be a lit tle dear in asking nun to repeat ques tions, the onicer became suspicious. flag pole. Thu ru im ' ii,.,iriil man Vnt nn- u ... ....... dren, are going tsomell a little pow der, and dodge a few bullets. A patched-up peace at this I'utfj Xw yuj(ler would only postpoue the struggl-1 fori j am sending a piece of poetry I a few years. Autocracy and democ-tread some time ago in the Burke ... . ... ' Pmintr Www I think it ij tin.' .-or.,- v.. -,r itiiii it w : fnif-T n m - ...- - ........ ..... which policy shall dominate the : School Giil. Warm Weather Specials in Men's and Boys' Furnishings. DO NOT MISS THIS. Mtn 8 Fine Shirts, Soft Cuffs 50c. Men's Fine Shirts, Stiff Cuffs 50c. Large range of Patters in .Men's Better Grade Shirts 98c, $1.48. world. If Germany win, the an swer will be autociacy. America has thrown her untold resources ol ii:or. and money into the conflict to makv the world sale for democracy. To destroy the Prussian system. Kaiser William, and the rest of the house of Hohenzollern must be rele gated to the scrap heap of fallen princes, ana divine ngnts ol KinfeS. To do this thousands of liennan must be killed to break the now fa-j nious von Hindeuburg line, which j French and English officers have ad- i mitted is impregnable unless rein forcements are received from Ameii- ra. Without You will see his banners Hying As today you see them (lung. 'Till ho fetches home the bacon And the last dog has been hung. a doubt Germany would I ThouS he'8 slow to indignation. ..... . , .s our neig iDors long nave re t, agree to peace. Sne nught relinquish j He can whfp a convotion Alsace-Lorraine and Belgium, but when he tightens up his belt, she would, insist on keeping her old traditions. For fifty years, or per-:h: he'11 scraP and kpen on scrappin'. .en i inula iu run me scrap. a ill the foe is shot to pieres haps a hundred, the world would en joy peace. But during this tiuie, if we read the Prussian mind right, Gerniauj would be preparing on a much larger scale thaa heretofore to wage the inevitable conflict. And, too, her diplomacy might succeed 'n Influencing strong allies to her stan dard, and when the next conflict conies about, the countries w heie the spirit of democracy is deep-rooted, might find all the advantage on the side of autocracy. Mr. Wilson, we believe, will not sue lor peace until the German royal family agrees to step down and out, nnd other far-reaching agreements as to the niaintainance of an army and nav are allowed. Two things will accomplish this; either the overthrow of the llohenzolleins through an in ternal revolution, or through the suc cess of t'i allied anus, f Ab Internal revolution in Germany would be welcomed by many. It would demonstrate to the world that the people are tired of autocratic rule, and that they have a leaning towards a democratic form of gov ernment. President Wilson for one, Seizing a dooi knob while I wasn't looking (accouiin. to the Capt.l, he placed it dose to my ear. Dc you hear th;l?" lie wanted to know. "Suie." 1 replied, thiuking he still M neiu w.iun iu ins iianu. inen, , (still accoiding to the Capt.l the office'- said: "You go home bom.. You j hear too d n well!" ' Ju-t as I was getting over r.iy tPecv isdiiiess, Zeb Grctn cume around, i Hello!" he gleet ed me, as he shook my hand. "I knew you were back when 1 lead that coin stalk in The : Journal!" Vainly I protested that I 'was not the author of that yarn, but i he couldn't be convinced. 1 grew madder still; but this morning, when . 1 had about recovered my usual j equinaLiity, 1 read the following in Tucker's I'ageland Journal: "For a few issues past John Beas ley's "Sketches' in the Monroe Jour nal had been missing. We were at a loss to know w here he had gone, but in Friday's issue appeared the prob able explanation. He had been at tending a bins school, and did not return until he had taken a post graduate course. As evidence that he now holds the championship in this county we submit the following taken from Friday's Issue cf this Monioe paper: "The corn crop in this section bids fair lo be the best ever. Much of the coin is about made, and a few more rains will make good corn In ..!..... ..... .... 1 1 1 . . .. i i .wiiiuM nt-iu. rei wiurv nas 11 ii. ....; - u.... ... i PI Till the Hnhpn rp., thir . .u . seeu voui .,.e as goou H .v. w u ' j color as tins season mm mr niiiaci 114s ueeu cauueu. Men's Work Shirts 4Sc, 83c. Boys Work Shirts Boys Play Blouses Boys' Soft Collar Shirts Boys' Stiff Cuffs Shirts 48c. 2oc, 48c. 48c 48c. Boys' Sport Shirts in Bright Pat- terns 25c, 48c. I'nele aiu is not a quitter; . He is slow to .-bed his coat Slow to draw his lethal weapons. ! And demand another's goat; II nt when once the fuss is started. Though the scrap be fierce and rough. 'i'nele Sam will go the limit. And will never say "enough." I When the warlike captain blunders,' Anil the brazen bugles blare, i I'nele Sam will join the scrimmage i t With his coat tail in the air, ' ! He will swing his deadly brand j j Till the llohens cease their zoller. And the Kaiser has been canned. Men and Boys' Summer Underwear. And goes tumbling off the map. He'll conduct his red hot riot On the sea and on the land Winstora-Salem lady Praises Ironized Paw-Paw Could Xot Fat or Sleep With Any Comfort, Would Wake l'p at Xight With Shortness of Breath. HAS GAIXKD 10 POINDS THKKK WEEKS. IN Mrs. Claude S. Levier. residing at 1514 Cenreville St., Winston-Salem, says : "Why, I didn't know what a good night's sleep was for the past year or two until I began using Ironized Paw Paw. I believe I had the worst case of indigestion and sleeplessness on record, along with nervous head aches. I had no ambition to do any thing. I began taking Ironized Paw Paw and within two weeks, to my we believe, would hall such a demon-j preat surprise, I arose one morning istration with joy. I. would be au as-jto realize that I had slept the entire Burance to him that he was pursuing n'ht h'0ugh without awaken once. iUK . , . . . ..... .I have gained 10 V pounds In three the right course when he stated that ' ks ad can eatanPd gleep a3lwe this country was not warring the Ger- as I ever did. man people, but the German rystem, I "My nervous headaches and dizzy The peace advocates stnuld eadi- sPe,l!' are, no Pas- My stomach i. . .. .1,1. . , ,. i, 1 retains all solids without any discom- ly see that this Is no tuna to talkjfort WBMever. ! am convinced that peace. America stayed out of the , ironized Paw-Paw Is the peer of all war for months hoping that shei other tonics and I am delightful to be could perform this sacred office fori'1D'e t0 8a'r so-" the rest of the world until she rcaliz- LnA, !,i?i V?0' , , , I run down requires a harmless stiniu- ed that her interests weie at stake, j lant. Alcohol lifts but lets you fall. And the allies will not m-iKe peace , !nnlzed Paw-Paw lifts and holds vou. until Kaiser William, his family, and Your druggists probably keeps It, but Nearly all of it has remained grten from the ground up. and a big long ear Is on almost every stalk, and on many there are two. Pageland Journal. " ';Such a report as this shows tha' Editor Tucker is I apt asleep on the corn crop. Either he is jealous of real corn growing such as we have up here in Union, or else he has't heard j of it. for if he had he certainly would not have -thought it worth while to say anything at all about his old crop. Why down in Buford township, not" far above Tucker's town, but In Un ion county of course, corn is growing right. Down there the other day a boy climbed a corn stalk to see how: the corn was getting along and now; the stalk is growing up faster than! the boy can climb down. The boy is i plumb out of sight. Three men have undertaken to cut down the stalk I with axes and save the boy from star-! vation. It grows so fast that they, can't hack twice In the same place.' The poor boy is living on nothing but raw coin and has already thrown down four bushels of cobs. ! " 'Wake up Tucker'." The Journal editor, in a recent is-: sue of the paper, took exception to my statement that most newspaper men! ore pessimists. Now I leave it up to Journal readers if 1 haven't all the cause in the world to be a rank pes-j simists. One couldn't' posibly be an optimist with the guns of Capt. Heath, Zeb Green, and Tucker all leveled on him. Men's Union Suits 95c, $1.00. Men's Full Cut Urilon Suits 48c. Men's Poros Knit Union Suits 48c. Men's Shirts and Drawers in Im itation Poros Knit and Bal brigan 25c each. Genuine Balbrigan in Drawers and Shirts 48c. Men's Cotton Half Hose, assorted colors, 10c. Men's Lisle Thread Men's Silk Sox Men's Silk Sox 1 15c.' U 25c, 35c. 50c. 17 Retail -17 Department 17 - Stores -17 III RRDS SELL IT FOR LESS. 17 - Retail -17 Department 17 - Stores -17 tMiimiiiiiiiiiniinmiiniii t! LAAlIllllliyrr MonroeHardware Co. Member Chamber Commmerce. his adherents are robbed of their m fignias of office, and are banished to another St. Helena. He Doesn't 1'nderMund. A group of young men, "called to the colors," were standing around the court house the other day await ing their turn to be examined. Among them was a lad who was visibly agi tated. He stood apart from the rest, and to appearances It cost him an ef fort to control himself. .Turnlnz around to a gentleman, who was standing nearby, he said, with quiv ering lips: "I would rather die than go. I don't want to fight. I haven't got anything against them!" Some would call that young ftllow, taken from the sheltering wings of a Christian home, unpatriotic, but it was because he couldn't understand why he was being summoned with the view of sending him, If found fit, to kill his fellow-men In far off France. He doesn't know, likft you nnd I, that the veritable existence of democracy is threatened; that on In sidious power, more designing than the hosts of Satan, Is attempting to manacle the liberties of man for fenerations and fenerations to come; neither does he know that a vain and If people don't hush talking about such tine corn; such delicious water melons, and such juicy fruit, some Mohammedan Is coming along and mistake this country for his long j promised heaven of milk and honey. Listen at Tucker's ravings: "When we feast on watermelons, cantaloupes, seuppernongs, huckle berries, etc., we sometimes wonder why people still try to exist in a bar ren country like Union county. We might invite John Beasley, Zeb Green and Luther Hugglns down here for a few days, but If they should come they could never stay up there satisfied any more, and It's probably better to let them along and let them think they are in a fait ly good place. In this ense ignorance is bliss." Thank heavens there is one garden spot In that South Carolina Sahara desert of sand! !f he doesn't it Is sold at the English urug company. Ironized Paw-Paw, price $1.00. Formula on ever bottle. Mall or ders promptly attended to. Inter state Drug Co.. Inc., New York. .NOTICE 1. G. S. Lee. Jr., Clerk of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Monroe, do hereby certify that the following resolution was adopted by the said Board of Aldermen at Its meeting on the 25th day of July, 1917: "Resolved, that Houston Street from Lancaster avenue to Charles street; Charles street to Houston St. to waacsDoro Ave; Hayne M. from i Overshadows our happiness here Houston St. to Hudson alley; Church Oftlmes the All-seeing God t. from Houston St. to a point 150 j Takes away one to us so dear fet south of Grc -n st. be Improved tinder Chapter 56, Public Laws of The HeavenK Father, in his lovr lOlj. and in accordance with the pe- Has taken this friend away ' ..ii. -ii uri'i iih me vieiK in me away rrom the sorrows of life i.oaru or Aldermen or the City of Monroe, by laying sheet asphalt on a concrete base according to specifica tions of J. B. McCrary Company, as filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Aldermen, and that the City pay 1-5 of the cost In front of private property and all the cost of i Although we shall miss him here intersections, and that the abutting! And his place win vacant be- ' property owners pay 4-5 according to We know he did not fenr tne number or lineal fett or frontage they hare on said street and in ac cordance with said petition, and that said improvement be made as early as possible." This the 25th day of July. 1917. J. C. SIKES, Mayor. Attest: O. S. LEE, JR., City Clerk. A Tribute to Mr. J. W. Railings. Sometimes a cloud of sadness To the realm of endless day. I Everyone mourns his loss. For he was a friend of all. (Looking back over bis life, I Many deeds of mercy we Avail. Wben called to cross life's sea. THE NAME BEHIND THE TIRE B) (51 Whet's in a Name? In the Name Behind (g)' the (s) Gr & J TIRE j there is the reputation J of years of fine tire iSJ buikling inspiring a confidence that this (fiji) lire will give to you the service you are Icokinff for in your 0 3 ft :inff tires. The easy riding qualities you desire. Protection against skidding. The feclipg of ahsolut; security you cannot afford lo U without. Aii this is in the a & j tirr Ei'ilp your car with them and be free from tire care. (si & (5) a) (5) (53 5) Dear v.i . weep not for him, i IJe Is not gone forever only b-! fore; j He Is happy in that beautiful land i Where dear ones part never more.1 A Friend, j 5,a MonroeHarclwareCo. Member Chamber Commerce.