Three Killed When Student Fired Miell. Ma: Una. Ga.. Au?. S. Three per sons were tepottej killed, including a woman, and tw t:un seriously in jured late today N-n a sh-ll from a field artillery r vr h:eh was J inp used in target practice by student Officers ot the Foit McPhrrson. Ga.. officers' training camp. mid its mark and exploded on the side of Kenncsaw mountain, near here. Two of the dead are sa:d to be negroes. Accord. ns to report received here the rrojectile, mis-in; its target, ftruck a knoll on the mountain and ricocheted, taking a part of its death toll from anions .-pntators ho had lined a road nearby to atch th- practice. A fragment of the sh-'ll. said to have been of a compression type of ehrapiv l. struck Mrs. Sc:h Harris an,! a Besres hj were riding in a bagcy. kill-rg them both. T!ie accident came at the ilee of artillery practice after the t:bro gunners h;i.l vnt several hour ftr ias s'f. 1 and h th ';'.os:e sV lis at t.ftets a !-..r.c.' of about yards. Need Uoud I'mim M Make Quality PAIXU OF A tJOOD WOMAX liutur. I To the nd:-or of The Journal. FiiihuI of Mr, tali fin W Heltl at The in pon .at factors is -iakSaej Wiusiate Tuesday by Her Ia.tor. qualit) bil't -r depends p'in. : a:!y u;- Con spondence of The Journal. ,.u the en-am ircentd. ami t I iaijte. Aue. 9. We are rlad our p:u- n- cooler weather has come our way. The hot weather of last week was about beyond endurance, but n.-w. Siiice sh.ier have begun to and the bret-ze is line, we arc on nicely. To Him be th- must depend on The condition under which arm separators are ope: arid w the taut a ftw tel.i.nUs o!l tr.! -.. -J'-ct. I lie people in the v-t have been more promineut ia irt inducing farm senarators. According to the lowav Dairy Commissioner report of 1 there eie then only ;ui farm sepa rators in use. This ios that the dairv business is saining and l-saie. Viie piotracted meetings at Faulk s ami Austin s Grove are very fine. Twelve have joined at Faults and lour at Austin's Grove. The Interest the introduction of nana separators ,,roWH trom service to service, an I MP r-.:- and bu: : th lu bo- -tr ;U' :" - h .' . arr Is in t. -pf t.'.r. tho w rf th onh.:. to I:i a beke t counte: -a Ma '; th-1 h :t winn abo'' Y:-- ! heavy at t ill '' also they were llcpuUe Tent' !l-..i.". ::'. : A.- !I.IU is st;:i on tne tnctae. Under the piesent manner of car rying on the hand separator system the quality of built i is much poorer than th.U 'mad ; 'in the whole m;lk. This is n.'t due to the sytciu. but to the poo- cue which the sepaialor an I the c'v.ui re. ,-ke. The sepal a tor is of Mt h'l. i' i in an unsuitabl' place. S'.tvh as tiie barn. It i.iilk is separated :i s.ich a place it vi:i .!. so h od-' and undesirable t;,:Mls. ; ', i-t....i s-hi, -ui taken are of. '.ho s- .. . ' ri-'t washed, barely s'. '.:. d w:'.h a little cold wat -r la s' o: S'.nc taken apart ..a', n ish- ;en s cahlcd a hi i t ;i the c!' i'i r 1 utci I inlel 'l i'-' I'l 'p -silo;:! to w '. 1 t:i- -.i: the to Th (e-:. .ai- th th, 1 :or ;.- ' !e fron? ?.uil' on al-o del:t a s-ct Dtiti-li c !:. nicrt pa:.ition. but own back. 11 ft-r n .1 tho t.liv. til: l ,1 am nd - i - ' :i pa'a' d a. ar. ! ' ia--'ther. AutoiifliiHiiii and a Skinned oe. i F:n::i the Marshville Home.) Vi.. V. P. W. riyler is canying a skin:v-d nose. h.:t he hasn't been intJ a fi-iht. A bri Ue across the public read near Mr. Wes Austin's, in Maishville township, broke throuti: as Mr. riyler's automobile pas pass ing over it and the jolt threw Mr. riyler !s.i!'i-t some part of th? car and inflicted the wound. l ;n a pom ei c.r.: to i'.;, -n h . s.'.nt !h.or oo d :t-: !h- n !,! i thorouthly. at 1 : -lit c li. is n.l.u production .'!" il- a o , ', Mit ,o;.:pl..-d it':- pi in a cl '.tr. propei iv t..k- irator : v -to. . : W'ulo V.Vk .rsidered. a-vl ,-. d, 'a h-a tile ff.ihl is thi jar from (ool)t'- th-' at e n stii mi after i can -os the and collect : The crea e -houl 1 aor temp.. rat'.ive. our jar and mixed ;.st twice per day. until I we are sure that many more will join at both places. Large crowd are attending the services and the pn .n-liing seems to be enjoyed by all v' hope that this means the begin r.ia: ot the ielval spirit in our coun ty - need it so much. i Mi. Itayaid May and wife are!: the week with Mr. Ellis !i. .irs May is not well. She has ! e!i ia d. t lining health for aoim ti !.!. ."she is goins to spend a few 'weeks ai Wingat and Marshville s1 she may rest and take treatment ; t I'roin o;i doctors. Isayard letuins t. r.a-lin t!ie lat of the week. Mr W. 1". Gni'tin Is clerking fi : the J !.. Austin lo. We are glad I is ia t!i- n. Ho will make a to..: . ,.i sn-a'i. ! Mr. M'imfoid Trull of Oolumhia . vi.-l.ius .a I luon county this wee!.. ' li- Me'iu.i-y night with h - ' . .Mr. Wl. c Au--tin. lie will x e,.. ,.l,i. . s w hi Jo h c. He h.. ; t.. - i ,;..iv ;ioi.i l iHoii county 1 ! .- c - vi n years, i .i- i:. W. Grit tin. or." of Yi; it. s an : honored women pass .ioy l.i..t Monday eru:iig at ni ... ..'i. -k S!ie had been lii'gering !: o Hi. i -si months. Her Ueat . v. ,. - net a .-uiprise at. all. She w; -Mi-ickea neatly two years ag o,i l able io bo about some, b :' a little o . r six months ago she h.- a .-o.oirl .-!;(ike which rendered h i ttr, i:-. iy helpU-ss. Since that tino .-lie lias ualually weakened until tic iend caiuo. All that kind ham! : could do was done for her. She had crea;:. Kept as cooi as poi.Mi.i- unui ., trained nurse lor many weeks, and delivered to the creamery. H the medical attention one could There are tw o ways of disposing of ey,,,., hut to no avail. The time crea tit on the farm, selling it to the h.l(l C01110 for ller t0 take her depa,t. cre.ii i iy or o'her parties, and tnak-'uret was one 0f the best women it int..,. en Ihu I o-lii I H ' i il a il iu.o ..i.iii v'.i .." " .... fortm-r method is the most genus, a, creameries are better equip- i1;lt si.p coui.i .hile living and lit i A b!g.lll' he can nianag ft! a time. a man who thin!;4 i than one won, an i vet' t-ee-r hiirvt, one ifaira a iiubi 01 advatlKl- f,i,.i,j hnl not nn eneniv. Sh did P-.i to coniioi ine ii-.iaiuj 'i ' "' ad ice and prayers will live on to ravn': ror quality 1 nuiee win ue a uoo,i svstei'i to improve the quality cf cream Th-re should be at least three cents per pound difference be1-twt-en thf two grades. O. L. llawn Come In Again This invitation is extended to every customer, because we appreciate to the full every item you turn our way. "v. We are in business for a legitimate profit. We put a SMALL profit on every article we sell, so we don't have to make up off of YOU what we have GIVEN some one else. They all pay tlje same price at this store. We find that it keeps the people coming our way. Bivens Bros. EVERTHING IN GROCERIES, PRODUCE AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE Phone No. 253. Opposite Oil Mill. bless and encourage her friends for .Mars to come. She leaves a hus band, one daughter, one brother, J. W. Uivens, one sister, Mrs. Martha Trull, six grandchildren, and one .citat Kiand child to sorrow for her. Mrs. Griffin wa3 sixty-nine yeai old la-t July. She was born in I n- Uon county and spent her days here 'She died near where she was raise!, 'so she died among her friends. Si e was married to E. W. Griffin fifty-two years a.o. To this union God add-d 'live children. Two of these died n infancy, and three lived to be grow :, i These ate Mrs. V. J. Perry, who di I at Chesterfield about eleven yea is ago, DriKht Griflin who died son..- , ver lived ia Unioa county. Just tw o :.:or of her father's family remain, J W. IK-.vns of Winsate and Mrs. Martha Trull who lives about thre.' :::! s north of here. Ia the death of Mrs. Griffin the o .. ' has lost a noble w ife and ..:other. t:ie community a great ;iir'.il and tympathizer, the chunh ne ei its most loyal members May ihe peace of God which passeth a'l understand. at; comfort and consed-' the bert:!ed husband and family. Miss Kdna Lens whose serious ill ness we mentioned in our Tuesday's Utter, died at one o'clock Wednesday norninc. She had been sick for .tiiout twenty-four or five days. Sne .eas eluhleea years old. Her reinams were burlej at the Trull graveyard Wednesday evening at three o'clck. She was a daughter of Mr. Julius I.onir. The family has our sympathy. Houston 1'ressley went back to the training camp today. How sad it is to give up our boys, and yet it ii'ius that we must do this, or lose ! national pride. We are sorry that j s.m. are try ing to discourage th" ihojs about drafting. Why, this Is i.oio ci i'e fairest things we have . m ea. i;i.- t i-si and tne poor air alike. The w hite and the bla k ili;:. to do their bit. It looks hard, i.ii w must not siiy that Wil.-on caused it. He did what he could to keep us out of it. He was cursed and idiculod for not taking the matter op sooner, now that he has they want i. abuse him for that. There is a GKKAT GOD behind this war. H? is the only one that can stop it. It has come our way because we have t . 1 1 n him. When we hunibl ai selves, he will stop it and not i tfoie. Please read II Chron. 7:14. Init-s not this scripture still hold coed? Humble yourselves and our I boys will not have to go to war. 'rftjiiiie Helms told us last Tuesday ; that the chain j;ang would soon be ;.it work on our streets again. We are idad of this. We have as pretty lit tle tow n as can be found in the State. J If we would just do as well as we look we would never have another! !sie,h, but all would be well. Wish i people could remember that "Fretty is as pretty does." Mrs. D. n. Snyder is going to be with the ladies ia their missionry meeting Saturday afternoon. Let ev ery lady in the Meadow Branch con gregation make ready to remain over alter services to hear Mrs. Snyder, She has a great treat lor you. Miss Kllie Bivens Is spending the week with Mrs. Settle Haigler in Monroe. "Glenalpine." years since, and Mrs. J. L. Chan y The Globe Nurseries w ho lives at the old home with bi r (father. Brother Chaney and his v,if? jhave made their home with Brother Griffin for many years. Mrs. Griffin raised two grandchil dren, the sons of Blight Grifnn by is first wife. These boys are crown , now. They both are working at Ba din. Boyce is married but Frank Is 'still single. ! Mrs. Griffin professed faith in Christ fifty-two years ago and joined Meadow Branch church whcie she ! remained a member until the day of her death. She was baptized by Un 'cle Lemuel Bennette. All ot these 'fifty-two years were years of service in the Master's vineyard. Sh? loved her church, she loved the btcthren jand sisters, and the very spot of ground where the old church stands. Her funeral was conducted by her i pastor at Meadow Branch Tuesday I evening. An exceedingly large crowd ! attended the funeral. Nearly every section of the county was represented at the funeral. She had many rela tives and more friends. They came out of respect to her memory, and to sympathize with Brother Griflin. Her remain were laid to rest in the Win gate cemetery nearest town. Thus ends one of the noblest lives that r.nisToi.. . tf..-v.. whom si i; ami m:r.ii. .how;-t.s or . i:f im, mii:uv tm w. Oi;;AMTi:n in rt. capital v) ri ; i!i:r p.t:i:n to ti: v ovn i vrnvn;-. 22 AGEN WARTS si.;;v op. oMMHsiov. nr.Ait Tin: Th- jv ;V.r. e; jeJ, O- ii bn.i.-ji . ! h. )o1h-s. Tlo- r- le w Ject; l. Y '1 k I' .".- t' tlellvc-ii. t:e r.:. : .;:n.: b--nro 1 .l- a- 1 - n i.i'irkah! I d a u: truly. f?i?nediG. V. ri'LLLN. Perfect Protection. The Philadelphia Life Insurance Company has just issued a new policy embracing premium waiver and life annuity in case of total disability. To illus trate: If you become disabled while the policy is in force, all future premiums shall waive and the monthly annuity of $8.33 per thousand will be paid for life. This is one of the most attractive policies on the market, and the rates are reasonable. For full information, see or write GORDON INSURANCE & INVESTMENT CO. STATE AGENTS M0IR0: NORTH CAROLINA JDS, ARMS, L!M3S ASLEEP ArJ Tf'-s Hca-Dowa, V'c-!; r.J Nerve::.', Sayi Flowli L-!. tm Bctils; cf fcr&i Ude Her Well. Ktuhleoi. Ha. Mrs. Dallas Prlne, of this l.ic, rnys: "After thn blrtlt of Diy last child... I cot very much. run-doTva nnd w-pilten;J, to niuctt that I could hardly do anything at all. I vas so awfully nervous that I could scarcely endure the least noise. My condition was getting worse all the time... I knew I must have some relief or I would s.vrn le la the bed and In t serious condition for I felt bo badly and was so nervous and weak I could hardly live. My husband asked Dr. about my taking CarduL He said, It's a good medicine, and good for that trouble', so he got me 5 bot tles... After about the second bottle I felt greatly Improved... before taking it my limbs and hands and arms would go to sleep. After taking It, however, this poor circulation disap peared. My strength camo baolr to me and I was soon on the road to health. After the nse of about 5 bot tles, I could do all my house-work and attend to mr six children be sides." You can feel safo ia giving Cardul a thorough trial for your troubles. It contains no harmful or habit-forming drugs, but is composed of mild, vege table, medicinal Ingredients wJth to bad after-effects. Thousands of women have volun'artly .written, telling of the rood Cardul has dona them It should help yon, too. Try It 74 Wndc Is Now Relieved. (From the Statesville Landmark.) A was to have been expected, Ed itor Harris, who waited in fear and treniblinK for August 4th, the day Seer ndwnrda of New Jersey said the end of the world was to begin, sin-in? thine apparently normal af ter the iltt ad day had passed, is now in fine spirits and says he didn't be lieve It nnyUow, Better not shout too soon, colonel. The world may have besun crumbling on the outer edges on the 4th and the disturb ance may not have reached Charlotte. Moreover, September 16th la the day when the saints and-children are to be "carght up." Uetter continue a sea'jn of prayer and fasting until af ter September 16th. NOTICK. North Carolina, Union County In the Superior Court. . W. M. Smith, administrator of the estate of W. C. White, deceased, vs. Jno. Holmes White, Mrs. Carrie King, Mrs. Eugenia Lore, Bertha Walker, J. E. AValker, J. M. Walker, E. S. Pharr, W. H. Pharr, E. W. Pharr, Union Guano Company, Allen Hard ware Company, Davis & Wiley Bank, W. R. Foreman, Assignee, W. R. Foreman, Trustee, Studebaker Har ness Company, Geo. A. Alexander, C. Greshain, Assignee, J. D. Albright, Adm. Estate of E. C. Miller, Edgar W. Pharr, Trustee, American Fertl liing Company, American Trust Com pany, Merchants A Farmers National Bank, Brown Carriage Company, Un ion Carriage & Gear Company, J. W. Lewis & Company, First National Bank of Richmond, Va., Sturtevant Larabee Company, T. B. Hoover, Adair. (1. b. n. c. t. a. of Estate of T. M. Shaw. The ilei'i ndants. Union Guano Com pany. AlUn Hardware Companv, Da vis & Wll y Bank, Studebaker Har ness Cf-iupany, C. Greshain, As!?nee, Americ; n Fertilizing Company, Ulch mon'! Cuano Company. Brown Carri age Ouui'iiny. rr.i-'n Cart Inge & Gear Comi pii p v. l- ir.-t National Bank of Rich . ':i!. Va.. an I Stuitt-vpnt-Lara-bee Ci-i.ijiiir.y, will tVrp notice that a f p.-r i;v I ! i "i .-'I In i ei.tPli'd as above h:'si ... a i "iniiii in. d in the St-flor t'ftirt f r-iini County. N. C. K. V,-. J; , . flork ot 'aid! con. I. t) ft-) Ci j-2 interest In t!-. '1 Htrkn-'s Mine Trait, ultleh beloas;. ' ed I W. C. n hi'e and J. J. rn Hut t tin- th.-.- ,m- th-' d'-ath cf said S'. C. Wiite, t' r th" piirnoie of iiialring patinlnn cf ni I tract of land be tween the said W. C. White ami J. J. I'ar'.K r and atiply t li - inteiet In -.1 hind, to w!)i"h mi Id W. C. Whi'e va entitled, to the payment of hU debts; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the SHid R. W. Lem mond. E.q., Clerk of said court, at his office in the court house, in Mon roe. N. C, on Saturday, the 18th day of August. 1917, and answer or de mur to the complaint and petition in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This the 14th day of July, 1917. R. W. LEMM0ND, C. S. C. 7- -yHOE TT TT I REPAIRING S. A. WARLICK "THE KOI-E POCTOR." SCRIPT M'RITKR AD AFFIDAVIT TAKER. Hayne Street "On th Square." IENTON'S Cash Store will 0) pay you the top of the market for your chickens, eggs and butter. We cany at all times a full and complete line of Fancy Groceries, Flour, Meal, Sweet' Feed, Mill Feed, Dairy Feed, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, Corn, Oats and Timothy Hay. BENTON'S CASH STORE, PIIOXE 178. TIIE STORE THAT APPRECIATES YOUR TRADE. Timely Topics The present prospect for the corn crop of Union county is the best in fifty years according to all old observers. There is a good prospect for cotton, with a prac tical certainty that the price will be the best since the close of the Civil War. In our salesroom we have TWO car loads of steel tired and rubber tired buggies, any style. As it is the season for protracted meetings and picnics when you need new vehicles, it will pay you to come to see us. Also Agents for Dort Automobiles. Headquar ters for Mules and Farm Mares. Remember we sell on a credit or swop. - ... Fowler & Lee. Life Insurance is the flower of love surviving ihe frost of death. FOUR WEIGHTY REASONS FOR LIFE INSURANCE. FIRST Statistics tell us that only two men in one hundred succeed in business. SECOND That only one man in thirty has suffi cient for old age. THIRD That in the settlement of valuable estates scarcely one per cent reaches or maintains the valuation of the Testator. FOURTH That the number of contested wills is very large. IF YOU could pay the cost of a life policy and neg lected to do" so, it's a mean thing for you to go up to Heaven, while your family go to the poor house. You, at death, move into a mansion, riv er front, and they move into two rooms cn the fourth story back of a tenement house. When they are out at the elbows and knees, the thought of your splendid robe in Heaven will not keep them warm. The minister may preach a splendid sermon over your remains and the quartette may sing like four angels in the organ loft, but your death will be a swindle. TALK WITH ME BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Monroe insurance & liivc-stmctit Office la Dank of Union Building. COIliII O. B. CALDWELL, Manager.

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