Cool Drinks Farmers of Union M.t'.iL Cut :tii'v Oilwr J.iloivM- ii iit:i al the Tnil. -:i- n;n..l. i;r- .f The Jc ::TT:'. lit. sTACY I "1 S Ml HAL mm AO On rst a v, -r ! :h! la " tt:n. ' . .:i Ti : 1. .''.:. M.iU(l AND adjoining counties YOU CAN GET YOUR GRAIN GROUND HERE IN THE VERY BEST WAY. WE ARE GRINDING WHEAT FOR THE FARM- ERS OF SEVERAL COUNTIES. PREPARED TO HANDLE YOUR GRINDING PROMPTLY, DAY OR NIGHT -THE LARGER THE QUANTITY THE BETTER. The mmm Roller Mills Monroe, N. C. Small Farms. We have several Small Farms, 20 to 60 acres each, that we will sell for a email payment down, balance on long time. On these tracts we will build the purchaser al necessary building, clear the land and place it In working condition so the purchaser can move right on the farm and raise a crop. Call in and see about this. Honroe Insurance and Investment Company. G. D. CALDWELL, Manager. THE UNIVERSAL CAR World-wide distribution and the continually growing demand for Ford cars are the best proofs of Ford value. Ford cars are utilities they are positive necessities for they have revolutionized modern business, brought country and city together, and opened up new life to the family. The Ford car has become a necessary part of everyday life. Touring Car 1360, Runabout 345. Sedan $645. Town Car S595, Coupelet $505 all f. 0. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by HENDERSON GARAGE & MACHINE COMPANY, MONROE, N. C 0 tO.l .-M il -Tn nil lint' i-U !-I I' :. Wi :te to J I. CSau. A-i- X. C. Tln.r.K PRESS 48 l.ox oil null, ore llml .i!ue if tilnn mii-k. No l - t 1 l.M-ulity in the State for oil mill. Vox Gainesville. Ca. i- t !,.- o: Char).. 11- h :r ! visitia :'.!.'- ; r.'l i.l.itivtr- lift-- n-.tiuly. '! lilli' .- l.i.tftT i-i !. ill' 8S :!' -u-st it K.'ivn-.-"' S.i 1 !: v i-tii s f-.;.i in.-l.-ii a, Mrs. J. V 1 o!.ei? . J! - .Mitltlie li M.ii loit': i: -Us. and M.-.-ms. K,iin an I Tt-Jjie UoU'its. We i.otiud .Mr. tftai-y Dir. the s'ib-c:trrier, was walking a'.'i leading hi.- Lome. We thought at firt that the horse v.!- sick, lut i.irnid that he was lookiue for hi poll medal that he lost the day before. Mr. Orr had a runaway over twelve months aen and lost his medal home where on this route. Some of hi best girls found it for him then. We do not know whether it was lost in a run away this time or not. Miss Annie Duncan is now at home from Winthrop College. Rock Hill for a few (lava vacation Members ot Ebenezer church have made some improvements at that place, preparatory to the protracted meeting which begins baturoay, mn. at 3 n ni. A seven day revival meeting will begin at Mill Grove the 12th. at 10 a. m. All members are requested to meet at that hour for Sunday scnooi. n t ... ill n it I rreacn ns ai . . J "rWAXTED Knitting Mill II ana s:ia. uev. .Mr. r iuk m u n . ,,- nrenrhinz. The meeting closed at l nion urove Snndav. Three new converts for Haiitism. fifteen penitents for prayer The meeting dosed at Iienton's Cro.-s Roads Friday with five converts for Il.'ptism. one by letter; six addi tion in all. end eight penitents for n ravei From one small peach tree forty- eight one-half gallon Jars were pre Kiivert hv Mrs. J. A. Pressler last week, besides bakine pies and eat In twice that amount. Some fruit It inn one tree. Misies Lela. Lula. Flora and Mary Pressley of Unionville spent a week here with friends and relatives Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mills have re turned to their home in Georgia. Last Saturday nicht while Messrs Will Simpson and Grant Duncan were at church, some one cut their harness sn harilv that thev could not get home until the harness was repaired. This mean act was done while services were In full force at union uiove. ,., .., Messrs. J. C. Foard and Bruce Hot Days. WALK IX AND SIT DOWN. A FEW OF 'EM. FOR SALE First check for ;5 tel.- 36 inch mill stones with new hoop ami hopper. Big bargain. J. K. Gainer. Cheraw. S. C. I LOST - Red memorandum book con taining some papers and accounts, al- a check for $56.20 given by X. B. Avers on First National Bank. Reward for return. T. C. IM wards, Marshville, N. C. WELL BRED Berkshire Well bred, easy feeders, thrifty Berk shires, the practical hoe for the farmer. Ready for shipment. Eith er sex. 3 months old. sia.U".- Preston Woodall. Benson. N. C. elp. Wi re now nneratin? our new mill- cool, sanitary building. Street carsi every five minutes. Close at 1- o eloek Saturdays. Good wages to toppers, knitters, loopers. Can al- ft use brieht rounu women to barn. Most attractive city in the ouin. Forty thousand troons ana Hi any flyine machines to be station- il here. Charlotte knittine Com pany, Charlotte, X. C. AliMs FOR SALE Seven horse farm fenced. Finest location in South Georgia for livestock and dairy. Twenty miles of two pack- insr nl:ints and creanierv. Hiehl rhiS!i nmnoRition in rollee-p town - rurdon Stock Farm, Sparta, ua. FOR SALE 161 acres fine grain and tobacco land, good dwelling, good barns, good pasture, plenty urioer. Great opportunity for home seek ers or investors. Wes Yarbrough, Timberlake, N. C. ICE CREAM SODAS MILK SHAKE COCA-COLA GRAPE JUICE GRAPE FRUIT JUICE ICE CREAM GINGER ALE ROOT BEER LIME ADE LEMON ADE MIXED SODAS ALL FLAVORS CHOCOLATE SUNDAIS CHERRY SMASH CHERO-COLA PEPSI-COLA. J ED KNOWS HOW TO MAKE 'EM ALL. Ihe Union Drug Co. mmmm VV WmmT A V V " A 1 lie kuaalli diore A. M. Secrest, Manager Phone Xo. 221. Hartsell had a new buggy whip and a hat stolen from their Duggies aur- Inir the service at 1 nion Grove. Well. "Wild Rose" and "Farm Bov", may happiness and prosperity attend you. is our wish. Don't give nn the news work, nut come ngm alnnir with it. Mr J. R. Funderburk lias a posi tion at the ramns In Charlotte. Sev eral others of this place went to get 4,.h hut were irlad to COllie baCK when thev heard they had to wora on Sunday, six days are au i iie aliont worklne In a week. Sometimes r ahirk off throuKh the weeK, any way heifers, and Hampshiredown sheep. J. Al. Allen, Kingston, ienn. FOR SALE Three good horses, on registered Jersey nun, cow and heifer. Would exchange horses for car. A. L. Baker. Newton, N. C, Rt. 4. WANTED A reliable and progres sive representative to sell direct from one of the largest and best equipped factories in the boutn. Position pleasant, profitable and permanent. Palmer Stone Works Albemarle, N. C. 'Benton's Cross Roads church has ALL ABOUT Papershell Pecan Cul- raountlv hpen repainted Mr T.onni Uvrum OI ance town .Mn and Miss Etta BelK OI UOOSe Creek were married July 22nd, at the home of the officiating magistrate, r. C. Stlnson. They are keeping nou:e with Mrs. Martha Belk at present. mih F.iln neckham and Lela Helms were the guests of Miss Mamie Dixon two days of last week. vt riowev Ynndle found attraction ... .. .-v .. ... ... . or a short vacation here trom i ...:; r,mn nn1 the "lasxles" of iiaujuijs ---- our colony, and other friends, enjoy aA ha otnv here. &ii are nv ted to prayer meeting at Ebenezer Saturday at 8 p. m., also at Union Grove Sunday at 8 p. Dr. Love of Unionville was cain-u to the home of Mr. II. M. Furr Sun- Aav We understand that -Mrs. J-ui i '.oa fpver. Tho rtunlnn at Mr. Ellas Helm n.,oort nfr onleilv Saturday. The Ice morlee band rendered music ior u.c occasion. All who are Interested are renm-st- a,i t inwet nt Emanuel ceilK'tel ainv,i .v 11th. at 7 o'clock, to clean off the grounds. We desire to fini-h oorlv in nvder that Wu may gO to t'lC inr.ticlnrr at Hpnton'8 L TOSS KOiUIS in Hip nt'ternoon. A row helnnelna to Mr. J. A. t 1 ley tried to get out of the pasture n n a I'.iW hnt week and Eot fast n a on the barbed wire. As the wenih-r was extremely hot, she died .i.,h in iha wire. The cow vas valued at about $35. Fairness ture Free. Bass Pecan Com pany, Lumberton, Miss. FOR SALE Two Ford touring cars and one roadster. secrest Motor Company. BUY YOUR Wesson cooking oil for salads, etc. from English Drug Co. in any quantity. WATT ASHCRAFT. Veterinarian. Day calls, 113; night calls, 191-R. Office on Franklin street, Monroe, N. C. LADIES CAN RPdire a car from T. C. Marnor with the assurance of courteous treatment and careful drivers. Just call either 316 or 171-R. PLEASE CALL at any time for hack work. Henry Liiy, rnone zts, H. E. COPPLE'S furniture store has a full line of all kinds or furniture and It pays to call there before you buy. W. O. LEMMOND, Attorney-at-Law. Office In Law Building, old Llbrarj Room. Monroe, in. Will practice In all the State and Federal Courts. Will give special at tention to collection of claims and settlement of estates by admlnlstra tors and executors. that the country s officially in the World War, we who wear the khaki of business may well ask what our part will be what changes, if any. will be made In the regular course of out affairs; shall we do more or less advertising? We believe that adver tising is woven into the fabric of modern business and will make IU voice heard and Its power felt in spite of the tumult and the shouting, and that after the lords and kings depart (speed the day), It will be employed to a greater degree than ever in the work of reconstruction. Therefore, be it known by these presents that we expect to keep It up and that we stand back of all we advertise. We keep the goods to please the people. Our complete line comprising a pleas ing variety from the modest low priced through the medium to the high grade, enjoys correctness of de sign and construction and finish. To this we add prompt, Intelligent and courteous service. Welcome one and all. T. P. DILLON. At the same old stand. Turnip Seed. WHITE FLESH SORTS 3 ounces of seed to 100 yards of row; 3 pounds to the acre; matures 60 to 90 days according to variey and season. EARLY FLAT RED or PURPLE TOP-60 days. EARLY FLAT DUTCH 60 days. . LARGE EARLY RED TOP GLOBE-65 days; large size and rapid growth. WHITE EGG always good. YELLOW FLESH SORTS-GOLDEN BALL, YEL LOW GLOBE, YELLOW ABERDEEN, RUTA BAGA. ' r ENGLISH DRUG CO. "The Store That Alwayi Hai If PfcnnnNft!'? Monroe, N. C Regrets That Boys Haven't l'und Kverrthing i'ieasin. fFrom the Wadesboro Ansonian.t The Ansonion i egrets very much ttn nnr rnnsina have not found mut ters here altogether pleasing As stated in these columns rccenu) Anson officers deny emphatically that any effort was made to take advan- in in the d vision or otneers, m.n Union was given an opportunity to name candidates for the positions and failed to do so within the required , .a, in th treatment in hip quarters, the Ansonian understands IL.I nraa O mnVPtllPnt tO Ct coverings but that the boys sifted that the government s snipmem annniip wan exnected at any time ,i n.oi hov were pet Line along very u" : " i well. The Union noys are a nne .i of fellows and they have conducted ihoinutrea nil eentlemen here. An son's members are proud to be asso ciated with them and here s ni"u that the very best feelings may i"' tinue to exist among them SIMMF.U COMPLAINT rs.. h knl' r f t lO UUIIIlg l"r "v" . summer months some memoes ... at pvprv family is likely t" ue troubled with an unnatural lfOr-en a of the bowels, and it Is or tne m i; ul Ininnrlanco that this be tlOiieu promptly, whicn can tniy uf linn Mrs. F. F. Scott, Scottsville. N. - states. "I first used Chamnei iam Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy ns much as five years ago. At that time I had a severe attack of summer com plaint and was suffering intense pain. One does relieved me. Other mem bers of tuy family have since used it with like results. . . . DR. R. L PAYNE. Physician and Surgeon, MONROE. N. C. vs..a in old Postofflce Building nef Union DruK Co. Office hours i: to 12 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. m. Residence Phone, zu-u. Dr. B. C. Redfearn, Dentist Office one door soutn 01 rtruner's Store. Phn. QX-l MONROE. N. C a MarshTllle on first and tnire Mondays of each month and at Mat thews second ana rounn noauar. MRS. JUUA It. PRICE, Registered Nurse, Monroe, N. C. Plume Si 7. Residence 203 East Windsor. DR. R. H. GARREN, rHYSIClAX AND Sl'RGUW. Office over Hamllton-LHes Co. Store. Orilce Phone No. 258. Residence Phone No. 15-J. MONROE, N. C. DR. G. M. SMITH. Physician and Surgeon, MONROE. N. C. Office over The Union Drug Store Monroe, N. C. m Calls answered promptly aay anc night Fhone 221. Sikes-Sandlers Coe We Pay Highest Prices for Chickens, Eggs, Hams, and other produce. - SEE US - for Flour, Corn, Hay, Oats, Mill Feed, etc. Sikes-Sanders Co. Place of Business at Sikes' Stables. The Home of Better Groceries. VV. B. HOUSTON, Surgeon Dentist . MONROE, N. C. Of flee op-ta!it. Fltigerald Building Northwest of Court House, Tn tVinco rlnvc when ALT, frrocpHPs are hif?h in nrice JLll H ' - v.t. J ' - - o 1 the poor as well as the good the real choice is in Quality. Uood groceries cost veiy nine more man mierior ones, but they go a long ways further. QUALITY IS OUR TRADE MARK. It is stamned on everv Dackase. or bac. or pail, or bas ket of goods that leaves our store. You will conserve both your health ar.d your pleasure bv buying groceries from us. We give you the SA i of au i uk i Kina 01 eats. Come to us and bring the whole family. This store is l.linctly THE FAMILY STORE. Co-operative M-utQe Co.

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