Locals From Stout. Correspondence of The Journal. Stouts. Aug. 8. Messrs. R. M. ami J F. Conder spent Sunday nisht in the home of Mr A. L- Funderhurk. Mr. F. M. Yandl hi h-.n very sick, but r are glad t It-am that fc is improving. Misses Thetus and Virs.se Hargt-tt of Union vilie w-re xis-t-x: ni th village Friday ami Suturda Master U ha rise Brown C itrlo l Wesley Chapel ?pent Saturday and Sunday in the ha ue of his aunt. Mi.-. Frank Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Yandle of N i th Monroe were isitors in the tilluse Sunday. Mrs. Mary Yandle spent S:uiday night and Sunday in the home of her Bon. Mr. F. M. Yandle. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hattrett visited relatives in Charlotte Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kudolph Haywood of Marshville were visitors in the home of their mother Sundtiy. Mouts is gettine to lit a lonely place now as most all the .ouns nu n who have not joined th? a.my me vorkine on Camp Greene. Chirlmte. Mr. Mark Gordon. h. lias b-n-n in feeble health for some time, is ini provine. Mr. Herman Hayes has t ken a position :is machinist in the Kinley repair s:u; at Indian Trail. Miss Hal!ie Iev.-e an ! cm-in. litii Miss Minnie IVese, of Charlotte at" visiting relatives ia this vicinity this week. Miss Ola Heuhy, !.o is teach :' ot the priniarv grades !n-ie. sii. n; Sat urday and Sundav with h'i::- j .Iks Messrs. J 1. llait.'tt and F V. Hayes, who have been wot king at !'ie, training camp, spent Sundav with their families here Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Y:ok-:.v t-m' Sund.:.- in the li-ime of the t. i;iir's Topsy spent Saturday night with I MarJivitle Locals, her eld schoolmate. Miss Mamie Lee ! Correspondence of The Journal. ' Hitch, of this community. j i.rhriii fr w... Mr. Brady Helms of Stouts vicinity is vKltiug his sister, Mrs. Noah Yil- l:aws. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Freeman of Stouts spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi. John Helms. Mr. and Mrs. M. l Keid of Char lotle .motored down in this vicinity Sunday and spent a few hours with friends and relatives. In conclusion I wish a word to the hoys, those who will soon be called: to fig lit tjr their country: You may' say that you can't serve God and your eountrv at the same time, but . t.ke your Dihle alone wit h you and read it every day. and say your pray- j ers and fight for your rouatry, but serve God. Don't drink or gamble. It will be hard I know to part with them ; ' but our country must have helpers. Shall it be our son. our brother? We know not. lint take this advice and , be pteparcl to meet God as you will the Ge-n.ans Tiust God and you'll come out ictermiis. Topsey. lintra til Mvtiu at SliiMi. Correspondence of The Jou.n: '. Monroe. K. A us. !. The iia ios:ty o! the i.i'iiuis are done work m this -ection. although there are a : t:,.ii :! not tlotit yt but this iek will hud ttieiii all finished. The pns.-pi'd-: n-v. a'e tor a tine cop of inot eeiy!hi-ia. especially cin, for wh; h we shfve.M very eratefnl. tin p otvaii "d !i.-etinc will boj;iti T. Griffin and son. Uuy, Messrs. Kedin Campbell and Charles Russell ot Jonesboro are visiting relatives in ilarshville and surrounding com munity. Mrs. M. P. Blair accompanied her mother, Mrs. Mary Blosoiu. on her re turn to her home in Uloxom, Va., Tuesday. Mrs. Blair will vUit rela tives and friends for a couple of weeks before returning. Mrs. 11. C. Griffin and little daugh ter. Virginia, are visiting relatives jn Statesville. Mr. and Mrs. Will J. Armfleld and little daughter. Kate, of Los Angeles, Cal. are visiting the former's patents, Dr. and Mrs. R. Armfleld. Mr. George Medlin has joined the aviation corps ot the United States army and left last week for a train ing camp in Kentucky. Mr. C. V. Wren and small son. Brue, of Hoffman were visitors at the hotel last week. Mrs. J. C. Little of Raleigh is visit ing her mother. Mrs. Irene Marsh. Mrs. J. M. Griffin of Charlotte was here Monday in the interest of a Woodman Circle. Mrs. T. W. Ashuaft returned Sat urday from a visit to her home folksJ it Mars Hill. Mrs. Robert Cumiinehaia una little daughter, lit leu, of Monro-? arrived this evening to visit her fNut, Mrs. J. B. Bailey, Mrs. Ernest Barrett and baby, of Carthage are pleasant visitors at Rev. J. W. Little". Mesdames J. Hurley Griffin and Joe Baker entertained their respec tive Sunday school classes, all boys, at Mrs. Baker's residence Monday af ternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. Ke ii hiiunts consisted of cream and cuke w?re served, and all present rc- poit a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strawn nictated to Albemarle and Badin Sundav. Miss Odessa Austin of Monro Is visiting Miss Kate Hinson and the family of Mr. J. C. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Covington and daughter, Jibs Ola, and Miss Jlettie lYiineuter of Albemarle visited al Mr. Marshal T. Fnifer's this week. Mr. R. C. Newsome has the lumber placed for the erection of a modern u-sidence on his lot in the northern part of town, and expects to begin work on same next week. The activity in tmilding and re building in our town is commendable. jln most any direction you go you will see one or more buildings in the course of construction. Mi. Lonnic- Thifer is quite sick at i:m wrutnu, we are sorry to say. H p.' he will be alle to be out soon. THiWingate School August the twenty-first Is the date (large class Is assured. New fields In for the opening or The Wingate this line or work open up great op School, and it is very important that j portunities tor girls and boys, every student be there on the first j All expenses are very reasonable, day. (Tuition has not advanced. In the Boys and girls should make sarrl- j grades it is from SI to $2, and in fices to prepare themselves for the High School from $2.50 to J3.50 per great opportunities that are Just 'month. Board in private homes for ahead. Some new features in our j f 12 per month. A laree number of college preparatory course will great-students plan to do lijiht house-keenly improve the work in this depart- ing. We have two large houses near nient. jthe school for this purpose. Those The music Department is under the ; interested should enquire into the management of Miss Netta Liles. a excellent arrangement for girls, teacher of wide experience in this A play, "Home Ties." will be ren kind of work. She has been very,dered on the evening of August the successful In her profession. twentieth by former graduates of the Miss Lea is to return as director j school. or the Business Department, and from the enquiries of students a' For further information, address J. J. l'ARROLI Wingnte. X. C. I n.iti iiii. I - 'I'lufnnnn iH nas'. ii. lit v Mr. H'rriv. w ill do l.v. .'I, n. 1.1 ..v.u'vli.l.il :ilt..H.I i "'t'tS the-' s, iAi.. There, will also !v preachinc S't irdav afternoon. mother. Trail. Mrs. J. C. Vic-k ef India- Mrs. Fad Helms and daughter Iarsi'!-!!.' of .Monroe visited al Mr. .1. F. Williams' Monday. Mr. Gvover Baucnm is now teach ins at the V.ndall school. Mr. Bau-i-nia has hi en employed to teach the l.nnes Mis: was a w ee Ti-c-.iltle IP.ie to Disgruntled Republi cans. Today's GreensDJio News carried the following Wafhington dispatch Minting to the draft agitation in this muniy: -Solicitor W. C. Brock of Wades-1..-10. v. ho is visitins here, todav de- Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Lee. in dat ed that the main opposition to Creek township. the draft in North Carolina, especial- i Kmtna Diggers of Mint Hill. Iy m l'tiou county, comes from dis pleasant visitor in town last g iituled Republicans. He said few- Miss Diggers has spent sev-, I1--mot-rats are protesting against the ,. , .. . i w inter sc1 ml at that place also and tenter (.rove ev .. 1(V,hlv ,mne his .uniU. , Ul(, Cor:- spondence of The Journal. i rail in order to be near his work. Monroe, IU. t... Aug. Mr. and' Master Whit ford Myers and iis- fra Plifirli T,.11. in.l fliil,li-T tT littl.i Vl.c Itiirci.i Miiira u-unr Lando are visitinu friends and rela- to Charlotte last Friday to visit . daughter of Esq. and Mis. Henry tives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. irien.ls. Tl.ev returned Sunday. jBaucom of Laneshoro township Aa- Pnlk have manv trien-ts who ..re eh.,1 i Tin. Woman's Missionarv Snr!ftv'son I'OUnt.V, were secretly married On eral seasons here, in charge of Marsh- law and that the state has been done Lee's millinery department, and num bevs her friends by the pcore. Mr. C. M. Giifnn and family are visiting relatives in Stanly county. It has just become known that Mr Will H. Edwards, son of Esq. and Mrs. A. P. Edwards of Marnhville township, and Miss Bertha Paticom, a great injustice uy me pi ess teports circulated throughout th-? country that the people of North Caroliua haif caused riots in an effort to pre- tit the law from being carried out." to see them hack. talks. After the program was finish-; is l''e Suest of Miss Kate Morgan this typeg for some of our best looking t r.,.i.,.. .. na,mn ,,-m, i ia i wie iiikih oi juue . ii.ev. i. j-. 1.11- IH'1.1 .Hl'llllill Ol I- ' UVIll lll .i.IO. V... . . Miss Docle Watkins was the guest F. Williams. A very interesting pro- P1' 'rmi ig me ceieiiionj. mi. anu of Miss Winnie Trull Saturdav niuht. ! gram was carried out with Mrs. Ina,-1'8' a,e rinJ oung peo- Miss Ada Hamilton of Ma'rshville 1 Beam presiding. Mrs. Snyder and : P'e and their many friends wish them Isa welcomed visitor in this vicinitv Mrs. Wray from the Monroe society , Ulu,c.h happiness and success in life. this iur.. nieaenl unit niaHo interest'nff MISS Maude MOOie Of ROCK Rest Mr. and Mrs. Joe Watkins and children of Marshville are visitincr Mr. Dock Watkins and family of this community. A large crowd is attending the meeting here this veek. Much in terest is being taken, we are glad to say. Miss Kate Thompson of near In dian Trail spent Wednesday night with Missis Ollie and Sarah Honev-cutt. IHKi WAIJ.OW XEWS Isaac Hellwanger has read some thing about somebody's move to es- Ubli.-di nation-wide prohibition. He says if this project is carried to a suc cess and everybody is forced to drink nothing but water, in a few years there won't be enough of it left to wash a person's face. A traveling photographer was hero the other day and made a lot of tin- 'Bat" Maste.son In the days when "gunflghting" was considered the king of sports, there lived in Dodge City, Kan., an twhusiastic exponent of the art. He was ' Bat" Masterson. Born in Iro quois county, Illinois, In 1S54, and brought up on a farm, Masterson at p.n early age became an artistic ma nipulator (.;" the "six gun" and jump- covered that he was in rather a dan gerous position, which resulted in a "drawing of horns." Realizing that Dodge and Master son were ready for any emergency, the Texas belligerents decided that "peace talk" was ia order, and what might have been one of the bloodiest chapters in the hirtory of Dodge was never written. Masterson later came East and was appointed n Deputy United States Marshal for the Southern Dis trict of New York by President Roosjvelt. He latr was offered a eii ice cream ana cane were served by little Misses Willie Secrest and Marguerite Helms. The sweet potato crop promises to be tine this year. Mrs. Andrew Craig and Mrs. J. S. Baucom are the first to report having had potatoes. Masters William Harris from Ala bama and Zeph Howie from Osceola have been spending several days with their aunt, Mrs. James Garrison. week. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Yow and baby Miss Daisy Helms is visiting her They returned home yesterday. brother, Mr. Ellis Helms, of this place. Mr. and Mrs.. B. R. Martin spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Martin. ' ! Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Polk were wel comed visitors in the Birmingham home Wednesday. Mr. Zeb Helms and family spent Sunday at Mrs. J. S. Baucom's. j Mr. Atlas Baucom is spending a few days on Rocky River. Mr. Reaman Secrest has returned home after spending several days. with his grandfather at Rodman. S. j C Busy Bee. JUNE Wanted. We are always In the market for iron, metal of all kinds, bones, paper, etc. Open every day. MOXROE ITJOX & METAL CO. Near Freight Depot. Dosge Brothers CAR I Get In The Game. This Is a progressive age and the Intelligent public are buying Dodge cars. Why? Because they are made of the very best material to be had, rejected by experts, and every effort employed to make this the best car on the market. Economical when it comes to gas consumption. Selected by the U. S. Government on account or its durable qualities, and the only car that ever made the trip successfully across the Valley of Death In Southern California. Noiseless and sensitive, will glide over the hills on high like a rein deer and then Idle down wluh the slowest. Play the game, follow the crowd. Buy your car from the Secrest Motor Co., where you can get adjustments and be taken care cf. We have only a limited amount of these cars, so place your order at once. The Secrest Motor Co. A. M. SECREST, Manager. Phone No. 310. Monroe, N. C. people. Isaac Hellwanger bought sev eral dozen of his wife a pictures, as that was the first time he had evtr caught her looking pleasant. Atlas Peck thinks It is a good thing that the public does not know aj much about a man as his wife does. Miss Hostetter Hocks, who has been wearing her bouquet of flowers on the west side of her hat for the past several years, has moved them to the top for this season. In order to save useless work Fletcher Henstep this year planted his garden on ground that was too poor to grow weeds. Mrs. Washington Hocks set a hen last week and since then she has had Wash wearing his overshoes so he v on't Jar the eggs when he walks. Frisby Hancock Bays he never U11113 mid stares back at a good-looking young woman if he can possibly 'help it. I A doctor Is the only married per son in exi.-teuce who can enjoy unre strained liberty, no questions asked. 'He can go from Lome any time, day !or night, and stay out as long as he likes, and when he gets back he does not have to account for his deeds and i misdeeds. After being out of fix for the past I several weeks the Wild Onion school ! teacher Is again in a good humor and has come out for world-wide peace. ' Raz Barlow says as soon as he has a few more pictures made of himself he is going to paste them together land have them run through the magic lantern. Sidney Hocks fooled the Dog Hill congregation last Sunday. When the preacher asked everybody to rise and sing, Sid got up, but instead of sing ing he merely chewed his wax and no body knew the difference. A number of our most prominent citizens, and Sim Flinders, Poke Eaz ley, Wash Hocks, Ellick Hellwanger, Tobe Moseley and Frisby Hancock, held a long discussion over the ques tion ot useless citizens, while seated on the fence near the postoffice one day last week. The result of their talk was a general agreement among jthem that a useless ciUzen is one who works and attends to bis own busi ness. ' I Yam Sims thinks the Excelsior Fiddling Band should be put after the 1 Kaiser. I The Dog Hill church women are trying to get up an Ice cream supper for this summer. While the public I in general does not like church ice cream, all of the members will have to eat some, anyway. The Excelsior Fiddling Band ren dered several nice pieces of music at the open air entertainment the other 'night. However, they played bo fast that when they got through the audi ence was completely out of breath, j While there are a number of mar riageable ladies in the Hogwallow section who do not have any pro nounced public admiration for the Widow ot the Calf Ribs neighbor hood, she acts toward them as a wo man should, and only last Sunday was seen to turn up her nose at Miss iFlutie Belcher when the latter saw ' her silting on a stump at the Dog Hill church talking to Sidney Hocks. eu mis tne iimengni Dy tne powder position as a sporting writer on a ,0'J,e- ' mctiopolitan daily and now turns out It became rather abvlous to the! spotting Mope" in trulv docile man general public who from time toner. time came iuto contact with youn?j id? is very much averse to puldici Masterson that his talents of a lead- ty on his past life and has never throwing nature were good, and he. been known to "give out a story" received a wide berth from th03e of concerning it. Ther e who knew him meeker spirit. in the wild days of D lge, however. In the early days of the great West, never tire of telling of his exploits, when it was necessary to get. food- "Bat" is now n familiar figure from the game herds of the plains. ' among the blight lights of Broad Masterson uvs employed to kill but-.way, where he now Is known bv the falces for some of the great hunting ' imposing cognomen of "William outfits which plied between the Ar- Barclay Masterson." kansa3 and Canadian rivers, and it! . . was during this period of game mas-i 4. Hoth Der Kaiser! sacre that he received the nickname Der Kaiser of dis Fatherland of "Bat." j rnd Gott on high all dings command. In 1872. due mostly to the accur-.Ye two ach! Don't vou understand? ate rifle fire of Masterson, 300 thou-' , Myself und (iptt. sand buffalo hides were shipped from ; the single town of Dodge, which , Vile sowi? men sing the power divine, would indicate that his knowledge of i Mine -soldiers sing "Der Watch am the grazing grounds was only second Rhine," to that of "Buffalo Bill." I Und drink der health in Rhenish When the Cheyennes took to the wine warpath in 1874 he enlisted as a .Of.Me und Gott. Bcout under General Nelson A. Miles, j ana saw considerable service, it was Dere s France, she swaeeers all during this period that the famous battle of "Dube Walls" took place at Dodge, when Masterson and some 15 other buffalo hunters stood oft 500 Indians who bad "jumped" the res ervation and attacked the town. Masterson during the fight, ac- swaggers aroundt; She's ausgespleld, of no account, To much, we dink, she don't amount; Myself und Gott. She vill not dare to fight again, But If she shouldt. I'll show her blaln cording to the tales of some of the j Dot Elsass und (In French) Lorraine survivors, gumpea irom a secona-sio-i Are meln By Gott! ry window of the dobe buffalo shack' and scalped a number of Indians uu-1 Defe's Grandma dinks she's nlcht der heavy fire. ' ) . ismall beer. Later, when he had reached the Mit Boers und such she Interfere; advanced age of 22, Masterson was She'll learn none owns dis hemisphere elected sheriff cf Ford county, Kan-j But Me und Gott. sas, which housed within its borders! the lively town of Dodge. . j?he dinks, good frau, fine ships she's Masterson s reputation ns a gun got, fighter grew with the town, and it! Und soldiers mit der scarlet goat; soon became apparent that "Bui Ach We could knock dem nouf. like rattier enjoyed tne prospect ot n "tiieeting-up" with a "bad" man, so much so, in fact, that "bad men" tl-?-cUed that Dodge wns rather ;,n un healthy place to "start soi:i'thi:ig." To more cleat ly illustrate the fore sight pnd activity which the wary Masterson displayed on various oc-i ensions, it is necessary to explain the In fact, I humor efery whim, conditions which existed in Dodge j Mit aspect dark und visage grim; City at the time lie was In his prime. Gott pulls mit me und I mit him, dot. Myself mit Gott! In dimes of peace, brebate for wars, I hear der spoar und helm of Mars, Und care not for a dousand Czars Myself mit Gott! Several gentlemen from Texas, who by nature were inclined toward quick , shooting, had wandered into Dodge City at various periods in quest of explosive enjoyment. Their demise had been quick, and relatives in the Lone Star State had Intimat ed that some day they would journey north and wipe Masterson and Dodge city off the map. Masterson had several friends in Dodge who were rather handy with their artillery, and, always believing in preparedness, Bat rallied them to his standard. Luke Short, V'yatt Earp, "Gyp" Halliday and a few more "quick-pulling" resldehts of Dodge started cleaning up their saw-ed-oft shotguns and oiling their Colts. These gentle touls were all proficient gun artists, and they re sented very much the Idea that the Myself und Gott! NOTICE OF SALE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the provi sions of a deed of trust bearing date of 29th day of April, 1909, by E. S. Carraway to C. S. Massey, trustee for the A. W. Heath Company, and at the request of the holder of the bond secured by said deed of trust, which said deed of trust has been duly reg istered in the office of Register of Deeds for Union county In book A. L. of deeds, page 132, to which refer ence Is hereby craved for a more par ticular description, I will on Monday, the 10th day of Sept., 1917, at twelve o'clock, at the court house door in the city of Monroe, county of Union and state of North Carolina, offer for public sale to the highest bidder, for cash: all of that fair reputation of Dodge should be j tract of land lying and being in Bu threatened by an Invasion from Tex-, ford township, Union county, North Word went out that when the war started every man with a Texas cow hat was legitimate prey, and each night the Dodge residents waited for the opening of hoFtilitles. One afternoon Clay Allison, the Texas chieftain, road into Dodge and announced that he was out for blood. Masterson was seated in the sheriff's office, and hearing the oratory, start ed out the door and covered Alison from the rear with a shotgun. He made no sound, but waited. Finally, the Texan turned around and dis- Carolina, bounded on the North, West and South by the lands of W. L. Belk; on the East by the lands of D.'C. Wallace and others, containing about 36 acres, more or less, and be ing the home place of the said E. S. Carraway. On this property there is a prior deed of trust registered In Book A. I. page 134, but from the purchase money, the prior encumbrance will be removed. This the 10th day of Aug., 1917. C. S. MASSEY, Trustee. Redwlne & Sikes, Attys. Charges Chicapo Effort to Obstruct Draft Work. Chicago, Aug. 6. MaJ. B. M. Chlp erfleld, of the staff of Provost Mar shal General Crowder today under took to speed up the work of the draft exemption boards hereby order ing the dismissal of one member, or dering another back from a fishing trip and laying before the federal authorities a mass of evidence of at tempts to obstruct the machinery of the draft. The complete equipment of the Monroe Steam Laundry will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the court house door in Monroe, at 12 o'clock M., Monday, September the 3rd. Gtr fTc Yr1ir Orrliar or your groceries and let us do the rest. You will be highly I Vtc; US JLUUl pleased with our polite service, prompt delivery, quality of goods and ecomomy of prices. You will be satisfied with all you buy here and with the amount o! every bill yw pay us. J. C. SMITH CO. The Quality Stora Phone 33

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