NOTICE. I Having qualified as administratrix) of the estate or J. A. iiowie, oeceas d. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the de ceased to present them to me at my residence in Sandy Kidge twnship. Uuly proven, on or before the 24th !ay of July. 1918. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the estate are request ed to make prompt settlement. This 23rd day of July. 191". MRS. J. A. HOW IK. AJmx. Stack k Parker. Attys. AX IMAGINARY VACATION Get the ChiMi-en Ready For School.! An order for one million khaki Six men and a woman are In cus-i f School teachers of the State are pocket Testaments ror American soi-;ioay in ccicago. suspeciea oi com- lj r irrr MVT1CK OF SALE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the provi sions of a deed of trust bearing date of 29th day of April. 1909. by E. S. Carraway to C. S. Msssey. tru-tee for the A. W. Heath Company, anl at the request of the holder of the bond secure J by said deed of trust, which said deed of trust has been duly reg istered in the office of Kegister of !' is for CnioT county in book A. L. tf deeds, pace 132. to which refer-i-nee is hereby craved for a more par ticular description. I will on Monday, the lot" day of Sept.. 1917. at twelve o'clock, at the court house door in the city of Monroe, j1" ountv or i nion anu staie oi This it a precriptioo prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. How tlie Man I'.njoyed the Vacation tilling parents to get meir cnuaren uiers aau sauurs u wru a.. u. nnnj .u.. He II id Never TaLeu ill Reality. ready lor school no, ineir advice uie .auuriai war um iuuhh ui mvosT-m.o , .r "wui i , u- - if .hiliren must he rawi-Mhe Y. M. C. A- with the American to-deliver the weekly payroll of 9 - f i ir-ji i fir- ai tiaiu.i. - r - w - , .... - . . . . , av. The man who sits at a desk and nuted before they can enter school.' liible t-ociety. The nm delivery ot tuu to a inmpi manuiaciunng ; t j,e ,is do wiU break .ay oe, .ad handles important looking papers have this done at once, so that any j l'0Hi Testaments to the M. C. company. The robbers opened fire it,Ca then at a tonic the Fevet will not mas asked if he had taken his vaca- dis.ou.fort or illness they may suf -!.. will he made early in October and as the messengers approached the, -rt, OB UTer bettet Uaa tion vet The dav was hot and the fer Uom vaccinated arms may be'a slightly larger number will be pates and fled with their booty in ! Calomel and doct not Kripe or ucken. 2S man was hot. yet he smiled plea. otr van o. iore scaooi oegins. taaue rata iumiiuS mount, antlv, Wned' back in bis chair an! thi'tg is more annoying to the teach-: said". - Yes:" He said he had just er," they tay. "nor does the class a- . . returned from a two-weeks' stay in a whole a greater injury than irres BSSSSaOBB the mountains and expected to h'ave ular attendance on annum oi sick the nrst weeks work, particularly j r,nl weefc fur the coast. ness uunn It was a surprise, lor he is a man school." . mrir uni'mU a week at a I l'ublic health time from hi work. He is on- of medical school inspection, nas mam those unusuai nun who work all the the teacher the guardian angel o:'i time and vet have the r.-sted look of the children's health while they are a man of i.-isure of a man just back under her charge. Teachers are r.- from awhile spent out of doors in aluing this responsibility when the) I cool meadows and green fields. Then advise: " Parents should know that i he explained his vacation. He u.d their children have no contagious or ; not have time to leave tlie office but ini'ectious dista:es or have been d;-; he ktpt imagining that he woul 1 recily exposed to them when th.. find tia.e. Sj he planned a delight-;tan tneni 10 sc.-.o.t u mey are u v , i th.. inoiT,t::lns. He t.u.K sure aaa it any lonuuunicaoie c. , lul trm to tne his lisiiinn tackle, several hooks that he had antid to read, and a lew of the neeessiitis of life anil pmve-dej by train, by ;ritot.iolile and .af.n t a certain iun:ii:e-u(vn s-ki'-a which was l.Kated on the bank id a irn mi orrr rnr nnh.ic Rnie ill ine v.'"..i.,, i.i.i.i, n .,f th .tlfroia towns, stream in the mountains miles away ofnees, telephones. newspapers, l.'iere i.e I U..J.. 1 T?.t 111. 1 1119 OI rord township. Union county. .North I. i-u: d t o vv o, Ks; Carolina, bounded on the No-th. i t " n West and South hv the lands vt W.l'eadmc Ear y in the moming he X. rieik- on tbe E; st hv the lanes of : cooking his b.vakiast by a camp unu vm iiiui in . i --v .i v . 3). C. Wallace i:nd others, containing about 'Jj acres, mote or les, and be ing the home place of the said K. S. Carraway. On this property there is a prior viced of trust registered in Book A. but from the purchase prior encumbrance will 1. page 134 woney, the "foe removed. This the 10th day of Aug.. 191 C. S. MASSKY, Trustee Redwine & Sikes, Attys. ease, as dipil.eria. measles, whoop-; in,: cough or scailtt fever, is prex .-; lent in the cuwn'.ii'.ity. the faniiiy j physivi.'.n slioi'.l i lie called in for h j advice. Ii" the ehilurca have b' ". j exposed to any disease they 8hou' i be kept at hoi'.ie till their phy?icl:. n advises it is suf.? to st irt to j It is only by keeping sick ch .'-1 dren away from school." say t'ie teachers, "that school epidemics c. i be avoided and the health of the ch '1 dreii, as well : s thut of the coiiin: i nity, can be best safeguarded. " Moiintaiii Slun-p Yoik. With the agreement of Mr. S. T. H.p.iv of Siru?e Tine, Mitch!l the wood-folk go L county, to allow his 1,350 acre far:n -for the night, as the 0 be used for experimental work NOTICE OF SALE OF LOTS Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain order made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Union county in the spec ial proceeding entitled "Josephine Oregg, administratrix, vs. Maurice A. J. Gregg ct als." I. J. J. Parker, com missioner of the court in said special proceeding on .Saturday, the 15th day of Sept. liH", at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house Joor in Union county, in Monroe, X. O., will sell at public auction to the highest bidder the following describ ed real estate, viz: Second Tract On the waters of Twelve Mile Creek, adjoining the lands of Steve Williams lot, Wesley Uailey lot, the G. C. & X. Railroad sind others, bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a stake Arty feet north from the centre of the G. C. & X. Railroad track, Steve Williams' lot corner, and runs with the said Steve Williams lot line about due north 105 feet to a stake, the L. G. McGill and Wesley Bailey's lot line about due ?ast 105 feet to n stake in the Joseph Adam's old line about south 2 west 78 feet to a stump hole supposed to be the old Joseph Adams corner by a black gum pointer; thence about S. 73 1-2 W. 105 feet to the beginning, the mountains. In the heat of I'ae day he was fishing in a little old ca noe that drifted down the creek among the trees, la tne evening ne was watching bed or get up lease miaht be. And always he was!wj,j, sheen bv the North Carolin by himself, no other persou to I"3 ; Experiment Station, and with V.r seen nil day. And he did not have 'anointment of Mr. W. U. Radfon! any mail, not one piece of mail. j0f Yancey county to take charge of Of course it was all imaginatisn. this work, the Animal Industry I i -The i:;an was in reality in his office . vision has begun its campaign for t!. all through thos.1 hot das, dictating production of more bheep In tlie letters, listening to the Jingle of the'gtate and for further study of nil and attending to business 'the problems affecting the Industry telepho cenera ly refreshed. If it was only imagir.a tion that refreshed him. Furthermore, he is planning a trip to the coast, a trip which he will not take this summer. He will spend long days out oa the rocks with just himself and the rocks, the sky and the sea. Lois of people who take long vacations and leave their imag ination at home, don't get half the fun out of life that this man does. mid But he said he was great- jon the farm. Mr. Radford is a grad uate ot the class ot isii, ana special ized in animal work. It is the purpose of the station to develop a system of range sheep husbandry to determine the practi cability "of the industry for t'ie State. Along with this will be ex perimental work conducted for adap tation to the small average farm, where 30 to 40 sheep are maintain ed. Mr. Henry's farm will be divid ed Into a system of seven or eigat sheep corrals, each of which will ac commodate from 150 to 200 head. Fifty breeding ewes will be purcli.i. ed this year, as a first unit of the work, and 50 lambs will be bou:ht next fpring as a second unit, addi tional units of the same number to be bought as the land is cleared, pasture provided and other nects.-.i-ry f ed giown for the malntenatice of the (lock. The work will be conducted for a I least a period of five years, and longer if satisfactory arrangements are made. U-Roat Commander Courteous lloiitable. Captain Cyrus W. Crooks, master of the American bark Christian which was sunk by a German sub marine August 7, near the Azores, was entertained as a guest on board the U-boat, and over a glass of wine was told by the German commander that he "hated to sink American ships." Captain Crunks related the incident on arrival at an American port on board an Italian liner. The American captain said he was bound home from London when his ship was sunk. Not being armed, he surrendered to the U-boat. "We left the Christiane in two life boats,' iPnntnU f'vi..r a onid "nttl I if ic ... remaining bdoui jo poies vi,ed bv the U-boat captain in excel- of land more or less; and as farther ,ent EnV,Lh t0 br,nR thw of m men and come aboard. We were taken into the officers' cibin, r.nd alter giving me a receipt stating that my ship had been sunk, the description of said land reference to deed from J. W. Price and wife, M. M. Price, to B. R. McCaia dated Sept. 1st, 1801, and recorded on V w i. Ci r, rt O O r t j-inuar;- .Wifl .u ' .. " ,.. J ' eoi'iuiandei' ordered luncheon sened,! "'i 'u V' .7 " k , ..V, ': i pic. neine uie laiiu . lumcu iu m , .... ..... vv,. . npituniru'inp . ... ... , f , , , u-iai saui ne couiu uo noinii'K ioi "He kept up an interesting ecu- lFrlC3se The German Insisted that he versauon w line were were eaung. anu i Ti'lfH to Break Into I'rUon Cnnip. Declaring that he had been n sailor on the German steamship Vaterland, Herman Friesse appeared at the office of United States Marshal Webb in Asheville and demanded thai he be interned at the detention ctunp at Hot Springs. The case was re: erred 'to an immigration official who hap- sink American vessels and only did TVviis. naee .ffonveved by B. R. McCain and Mary . 3m? ?.V"Cain, his wife, of Union coun ts. IV. C. to Junius Gregg, of Union .y:inty, X. C. the Mh day of May A. i V.. i02. recorded in tne oince oil , , . . .,,, Register of Deeds of I nion county, in ;countrVt r!o!'.3,3'J)ap,e 5!m , ,i id "Another thing that npprare.l to Third Tract-Adjoining th s .auda , , orleg ,,p h,,( ll0;lvi of l MrK'e' Nnt,Mc',?Un' 1 i of sinking of lifeboats by snbm:.- & X. Railway and others, bounded! ,. B . b :e tUlw a.ft.nowa. viz: Beginning at a stake . - , a, 11) feet from the center j of ' the said (.(,IK.el,'1(,(1 no liIboil!s wiu ,vor nuct tiainvay, s;uu .miillll nil an, cum rui thence about due East 105 feet rv....n..T m itli unlit l!:iilwnv to .i stake: v.." .... .... .... x- tn f.,.,. . n marine srif-nee uouui uue ij im m 1ake bv two white oaks and black kere were eating, anu ih in,01.n,i !in,i .wmwi to reuard it a more than once declared he hated to ....i.-iu, f u-hieh ho w b'.-inir de- sueh a fate from my ship. "We spent two hours on the sub- while the Germans removed iprived. He said he had been in Colo- irado and moie recently had been at Work at Lake Toxawny. He declared that his wages had been unsatisfac tory and that his food was in no way eniial to that served at the camp. Possibly this German had heard the stories which are not true that the interned Germans nt Hot Springs are maintained in luxury fed on the verv best food and each nun given im individual bed and room jak; thence about due W. 103 feet to i 'and sunk her with bombs. ca;- .. i a tstake. said McCain's corner; thence ' ' 1 about due S. 103 feet with said Mc- "J ; .,.,,, lino tn iho hnclnnlnsT contain-! 1 ' 1 1,1 . '. " inyopf ,3'jsrt?r r.cre and being the; J -. v ' i i... ,l,An,l rl a 4 fitl W. nice una u V . Iceipt I 2Tth day of Dec. 1889, and register- .(;e; ed in Registry oi saiu cuu:n. Book 21, page 182. etc., being the land conveyed by H. M. Broom, of l-nion county, X. C, to Junius Gregg, nf Union county, X. C, Xovember 1S58. recorded In the office of the I'.egister of Deeds of Union county, r. C. In Book 28. page 450. Fourth Tract In Waxhaw. X. C., on the North side or 'e."JU U'!U !s10otinir of both men and feeling at Joining the Wesley uaiiey ioi. iArap.lhot,, Bamlico county, is run- Tlu then escorted us to our lite- e us the direction of nea :iud bid us a courteous good- l'he submarine was about 4e0 , i ......;. ,.i ..,.i. years IJin: .tllil V til ill vi umj ri.-ui. n n'l. . r.,...l ... . " in .,,. nrkni. fnr killing a man navy. We landed safely at Ponta Delgada." I I In Durham Superior court last ,' week Logan Meadows was convicted of store-breaking and larceny anu sentenced to the State prison for ton A few weeks ago Meadows, who was serving a 23-year .-entenc' Knee Clash in Pamlico County. J. W. Boomer, colored, is dead, M. W. Caddy, white, is in St. Luke's hospital New Berne, with a serious bullet wound in his body. Will and Allen Boomer, colored, are in the Craven county jail charged with the vas iardoned by Gov. Picket t. He hadn't been out of prison 21 hours until he broke Into and n-bbed store. DRINK ill E IF MS BOTHER Marvin deceased, and oiners. ami known as the D. S. Davis or Lllison lot and containing 1-4 acre, more or less, b-ing the tract deeded by the .Morrow-Heath Company to Junius Oreug and J. V. Morrison by deed -dated Oct. 10, 1903, recorded in Hook 33, page ning nign, an tne reuu oi me Kill ing of one hog, valued nt less than 110. says a New Berne special to the Charlotte Observer. Boomer, so reports from AraUUU nahoe. riding in his automobile, ran Idown and killed a hog owned by Mr. ' n .1 .. rt i. t , ,ih ,.1- K ; in t g r. 1 ? kj I il'l J ilr iduri unit i u u i in n Upon the following terms. for the anininl nn(i when he refused in rash, balance iff six months, title , ha(J & warrant gWorn out for him to be retained until nil P"rc3e jan,i he was cited to appear before n money has been paid. De f erred Pa I ni41 p ist rat e. The trial was held and wentB to bear mtorrsi '" "'lk. finding of the court was ngalnst Crr to be securea Dy auequ.iec dorsenient. . .... This the 11th day of August, 191 j. j. r.vuiviiu. at,,,inst Bo i lit' n. " - Eat lea meat and take Salts Tor Bade ache or Bladder trouble Neutralize acids. AD.MI.MSTHATOit'S XOTICK ad. ir..vinf tbls dav qualified as -tor oi the. psiaie ui j. di late of Lr.ion ministr county, No.Ci Carolina, this I to ; notify nil r'ona having claims; against the estate cf the said d-cor-. e to present them to the i:nkrsi?n- ed at Mc-nroo. X. C. on or before the, iUh d .v of Augu-t. 1318. or till? no-i tiee will bo piead'd In bar cf thMr( recover V. . Ml npitons Indebted to said mate : Bed the town vitl plear? make Immediate payment. This the 9th day rf Aui.u: t, 101 1. D. B. KXYDEU, Admr. of J. Walter Ballings, deceased. Kedwine & Siks, Attys. Piles Cur;d in 6 to 14 Days Toot rtmirrl't will rcfunl nrnner if PAZO IStmENT 1.11. to cure nnr cn o I Ih first i p:iiitijn w -as nJ Rb1 the ntgro, who was order d to pay Boomer, so say reports from Ara- I wife r.nd dayehter were witnesses it-r and at tic concm " i of the l.eP.rlrg be intimated that they 'i'or the ilev.d aniiii: !. Mr. Grady's J Icol' tin isegru and tie M.oojins was on. Will ;nd Allen Brntner. sons of J. V. p.oomir, arc chr.ri'.d with th? : it is alleged that th y sliot nt Grady and killed th ir lather by accident". Keellnir nrainst them was P'i strong that they were t.iktn to New Bern" for safety. Since then the fn'Iins at Arti,i,"h.e bus been so :en.-e that a race Hoi I? reared. Two automobiles loaded with regroes vis- t night. Th j ne?roes t were asked their business and r?f un- (1 to ftate it. Tht y were onL'rid to have :nd re'.u.-ed. Then a battle followed, many shot" Wing fired, but it is said nobody vat Lurt. Ta Cure a Cell In One Day. t... f itiTrvP rROMOOulnHe. Iltt.-ir t-' Couih ind H'diicb nJ worki ol the Cold. Ur5e acid In meat txcitrs ll.e kidney they become overworked; pt sluggish, ache, ond foci like lumps of Wd. The urint become cloudy i the Madder Uirrt tated. and you may bo otdi-'ed io seek re lief two or three times during the night. Wlien the kiJnoy3 clog yoa must help t'tiem flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a rerd sick person shortly, At first you feci a dull mi.-ery in the kid region, you uir.'r fr-.-m backache. sick headache, dij-iiia' 9, ftimnch gets our. txume coaUd and von feel iheU' luatie twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less BKvat, dri.ik lnti ,f water al.-o get from any j liaratirit four ounces r.f Jad Falls: take a t-ddwpooaful in a clacs of wat r NLre breaklart f .r a few Liv ar. Tour kidneys will V.ici act Cr.e. This f.unous f .dts is nmJe from tho acid of f-r-s;".' io .l lc.noa juii-e, ce;i,'.'inoi with litid-u tu Uen used I t fTCTieMtior.j to cl.'.'.'i e'i vr".l kidneys a ui y'.imulato thtm i activity, cl;o ta neutrnlLi) t':o 4 in urine, so it no loi;rrcr is a soitrve -f irriUlion, tiius ciidii.g Liu! !r .o'c.r. .-3. Jad Salts ii i:.(.p.-ive, cannot In jure; rake a deli.-l.if'.'l :!irve9cent lithia-watvr dri:;k which r. try one slioulJ take now and t'.ita t kep ths kidneys clean and active. Dru-i. ta here Mf they sell lJta of J.l S.w to fo'Jcs wlio I Sieve ia orercomir, kidney trouble LU it is ca!r trouble. OS IF BfURDTHERS MOTOR tm Get In The Game. This Is a progressive age and the intelligent public are buying Dodge cars. Why? Because they are made of the very best material to be had, selected by experts, and every effort employed to make this the best car on the market. Economical when It comes to gas consumption Selected by the U. S. Government on account of Its durable qualities, and the only car that ever made the trip successfully across the Valley of Death in Southern California. Noiseless and sensitive, will glide over the hills on high like a rein deer and then idle down with the slowest., Play the game, follow the crowd. Buy your car from the Secrest Motor Co., where you can gel adjustments and be taken care of. , We have only a limited amount of these cars, so place your order at once. The Secrest Motor Co. A. M. SECREST, Manager. Phone No. 310. Monroe, N. C. i . Dont Risk a Blow Out! ATTEND TO YOUR TIRES. It is poor economy to continue to run weak tires that may blow out at any time. Half the pleasure and profit of motoring is lost by fear of accidents. Keep good tires and feel safe. ' THE MONROE STEAM VULCANIZING CO. has the biggest and best vulcanizing plant in this section. It is our sole business, hence our superiority. Our field is Union and adjoining counties because we are best equip ped to handle business. We vulcanize everything from a hot water bottle to the biggest tire. Sell your worn out casings to us and get new ones. We pay Sjo for old casings and V for old tubes. - We sell the famous Good Year and Fisk tires and ac- NufT scd. cessories. MONROE STEAM VULCANIZING CO. "On.llic Square." E. B. Stack, Manager.

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