THE MONROE JOURNAL wiX eludinj himself, hire had a tough siege with the measles, but all are up I - . 1 I 1K1IU. Founded la ISM by the present Correspondence ot me Mr j. B. Beckham was taken to a wner and publishers, O. U. and , Indian Trail R- F. D. 1. Marcs is. ; charlotte hospital for an operation. E. F. Beasley. Cooing doves ana woipi-wij iast week.' Telephone No. 19. JOHX UEASLEY. Editor. Published V'jub Tum1t and FrkUy ft AO per Tear. Tl'llAV. MAUCH 19. 19IH. WATCH THK I.ABF.I. l'AI'F.IL OX YOl'K mere heard all last week, and dog The condition of Mr. Archie Sikes. j woods are blooming. I wno was injured a few weeks ago by j ! We will have a big strawberry crop j a faI1 orer a tombstone, continues to j unless a destructive frost comes. First sertous. It seems that his kidneys ' blooms were seen on Feb. 11. were badly bruised. He is a nephew j . I :-3 .iuuic v ... ' " o I II r laur .uis. Lrr uauri , uu in . ! house in Mrs. D. L. Furr's place while . mllns were lnterred in the Emanuel j she is in a Charlotte nospttai. ! cemetery a few weeks ago. j 1 The farmers are turning over the; yr. and Mrs. J. W. Hartsell. and dirt right along for early crops. Mi5Ses LUia. piora tnd Mary Hartsell ' Uain yesterday prevented every-; of nionviUe were recent visitors In s body from going to Union Grove to Mi neighborhood. preaching. Rev. J. W. Bennett was i Vesjames g. V. Rowell and John' looking forward to siopp.n ai -"r ;y pixon have been connend to their, All i.u!wriitUiM to The Jour- j nal ie payable Mrictly In ad- j tunrr. This itpjdic to every body. At the expiration of time J for the er mi ' continued. Watch the label on your nir and ihI in renewal a few days in advance of the date of expiration, if you want the uht rontiiiiiel. A notice to diM-ontinue is not necessary, as we will take it for granted that you do not want the laK-r when you fail to renew. I homes about four weeks from the ef- , fects of neuralgia. Fairness. Waxhaw Soldier Fine Lot. Correspondence of The Journal. Waxhaw. March 18. Mrs. L. E. Brown of Chester spent several days of last week here visiting her parent. Mr. an I Mrs. J. L. Rodman. Miss Margaret Spratt. who is teach ins school at Rehohoth. spent the week end at her home in Fort Mill. i Mrs. Roy N. Walkup of Lancaster; is visiting 'her parents. Mr. and Mrs.; J. L. Rodman. i Dr. L. K. Ouion an 1 family ar spendins; a tew days at Dr. Onion's father's at I'nionville. Dr. Ouion has' been notified to report at Ft. Ogle thorpe. Oa.. for active military ser vice in the medical reserve corps on March 25. The liyhtinj; system at t fie Presby terian church, which lias been out of order on account of freezing during the winter has been fixed again and ; services will again he held at night beginning at once. The colored people had a mass 1 meeting: Tuesday night of last week for the purpose of raisins money to buy War Savings Stamps. Talks were, made by Messrs. J. W. McCain and Frank Vestal of the postoffiee force. also short talks by Dr. T. K. Craig, i Re. S. L. Full wood and Prof. Mas-! sey of the colored school. There were iuite a number present and a goodly; sum was raised. ! Mrs. D. C. McDonald has been real) sick for several days but is improving , some now. Mr. Jack Winpate. Miss Lola Rod-; man and Mrs. J. L. Rodman. Jr., spent Saturday in Charlotte. They' were accompanied back by Miss May Wingate, who has been spending sev-: cral weeks In Charlotte. j Miss Klise Davis of Flora McDon ald college, Red Springs, is spending several days here with her parents, : Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davis. 1 Messrs. William Massey and B. R. 1 NIsbet spent Sunday at Camp Jackson ' with the soldier boys from Waxhaw. ' Miss Ethel Hodman, who is teach-' ing in Statesville. spent Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. 1 Rodman. Mr. Luther Raker of Flint Rid?e' is among the boys who leave fori Camp Jackson on Tuesday, and Mr. j Frank Vestal is ordered to report ; Thursday to go to camp. Hoys of the draft age are getting more scarce; ach day around Waxhaw. But, al-j though we hate to see our hoys leave, ' if every town this size could boa-t of as fine a bunch of boys in camp as Waxhaw can, Uncle Sam's army can I Tightly be called the (inert army in the world and all the divisions would j be like the famous "Rainbow Divis-j Jon." I ilrs. T. R. Nishet and daughter, lit tle Fauline, and Miss Mabel Robin son spent the week-end at Monroe. Mrs. John Norwood of the Walkers- ! ville community is spending sometime With her people here. j Mrs. Ben Massey of Rock Hill spent a few days last week with her son, j Mr. T. X. Massey, here. Mr. W. H. Collins received a letter! from his son, Mr. John Collins, who I is stationed on the Mexican border! with the U. S. Troops, in which he gays he Is going to move real soon and that he hopes to a cooler climate, 80 It must be quite warm down there. Messrs W. J. Sims. 11. A. Sims. Mrs. W. J. Sims and Miss Margaret Bowling attended the teachers' meet ing in Monroe Saturday. Messrs. Olln Niven and Charlie Bil- lue spent Saturday night in Charlotte! and while there Mr. Niven traded i his automobile which was a Hudson big six for a more modern Studeba- i ker six. The new car is indeed a pret ty one. The Woman's club of Waxhaw en tertained at the school building on Friday night last. The main feature was an old time spelling match. First the men and the hoys, of the town stood against the ladies and j girls. In the next match Mrs. M. H. j Vestal and Miss Laura McCain were j captains and chose sides. Quite an interesting match followed and when; the match was called on account or the late hour, J. A. Williams and D. S. Davis were the only ones on the floor and as they were on oppo site sides, it was decided to let them be captains for the next match which we hope will be soon. The high school girls rendered several songs which were indeed fine, also Miss Eva Boat, the music teacher, sang a solo. Ev eryone enjoyed the evening immense ly. The door receipts were $16.20, which was good as the a lnii'.nn was only 10 cents for everyone. Mae. and Mrs. Lee Blarkmon's for dinner. j Sundav before last he preached at Mill Grove at 3 p. m. ! Messrs. Albert Mills. John Samuel Rowell. and others, will soon leave Tor the training camps. . Mr. D. L. Furr and Miss Anni M.lma were in Charlotte jesierua? with Mrs. Furr. They report u-nrr Rowell and C. T. Loans and discounts ... 166.098.25 Mills were in Charlotte Friday. They U S Bonds and Lib. Bonds brought back the report that Mrs. Banking house Mills who was recently operated up-1 Furniture and fixtures .. . n i not doin so well. We hope Due from Xational Banks she will soon recover. tr T. L. A. Helms of Unionville spent one day here last week friends of the Condition of THK State Bank of Wingate At Wingate, X. C her at the close of business Mar. 4. 1918. RESOURCES S6 son nn 1.143.54 1.600.00 8,816.80 Due from S. links and Bnkrs 5, 00.00 Cash items held over 24 hours 100.04 with Gold coin 50.00 Silver coin & minor currency 430.57 Mr. Vernon FunueiourK anu sisier. .auonai tiant i . a. ,uirs .vvv.w Mrs. James E. Oi mand. are great nsh- j ers. Recently they caught forty-five j Total $87,439.20 fish with hook and line in one day. I LIABILITIES Mr Tom Duncan Is back home Capital stock paid In .... $10,000.00 from the Morganton hospital, where j surplus fund 5,J2"22 he has been receiving treatment. Undivided profits ,i ?5 Messrs. T. L. Price and J. E. Fun-; Dividends unpaid 32.50 derburk were in Charlotte recently , Deposits subject to check 34.561.69 getting repairs for a saw mill. Demand certificates deposit 35,300.92 Mr. Bud Sossamon is spending a Cashier's checks outstanding 2,179.46 while In Charlotte on business. I Mr Frank Faulks and sister. Miss Total $8 ,439.20 Fllie Faulks, or Zion church spent aj i, c. W. Baueom, cashier of the while here reeentlv with friends. I above named bank, do solemnly swear Mr and Mrs. Ira Broadaway are that the above statement is true to visiting in Salisburv. jthe best of my knowledge and belief. Mrs. E. P. Epps is in Charlotte with j c. W. Baueom. Cashier, her sister. Mrs. D. L. Furr. I Correct Attest: The ramilv of Mr. E. J. Byrum, in- J. L. Austin. i W. A. Chaney, S. W. Hinson. mm Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of March. 1918. H. K. Helms. Notary Public. "' i Doim9ti Lose Your Religion Cussing That Contrary Bicycle. We'll fix it right, At the right Price. MONROE BICYCLE SHOP, i have just returned from st. j Opposite Henderson Garage One cent a word each Insertion. JUST RECEIVED A shipment of 90 j day and red rust proof seed oats, i T. P. Redwine. j i HOUSES AND MULES Car load of i horses mares, and mules from St. i Louis, 111., came in Saturday night. They are all in good condition, j Two car loads of buggies Tyson & Jones, Corbett, High Point. See us 1 before you trade. Our terms are i cash or credit. The Sikes Co. I Louis, where I bought a car load of mules for Fowler & Lee, and they arrived Monday, As mules are getting scarce and high, it will pay you to not delay. J. W, Fow ler. FOR SALE A fresh milk cow. John H. Price, Monroe, Rt. 2. CAR OF Wannamaker cotton seed has arrived. If you have placed order for these seed please get them this week. Union Supply Co. ; Distributors, Marshvllle, X. C." ' SAVE THOSE TIRES Don't take Chances on a blowout, but bring them to us and have them vulcaniz ed. We do it the steam way. Prices reasonable. Monroe Vulcanizing Company. LET US RECHARGE your batteries. Wi know how. Monroe Vulcaniz ing Co. SEE FOWLER & LEE for good mules car arrived Monday. MONEY IN YOUR TOCKET That's our business. We save the old tires, which saves you good money. Monroe Vulcanizing Company. , FOR RENT A one or two horse farm, will furnish stock, ten miles North of Monroe on Ridge road. For sale, two good young mules. Hugh Austin. ' FIELD PEAS in barcs, $3.40 Walk er's Bargain House, Mocksville, X. C. ; HIGH GRADE selected cotton seed., Cleveland Big Boll, won Cleveland county prize on highest yield of cotton; two bales per acre. $2.00 per bushel, sacked here in quanti ties over three bushels. O. Max Gardner, Shelby, X. C. PLANTS Frost - Proof Cabbage Plants, all varieties, one thousand, $2. OA; ten thousand, $1.75; twen ty thousand and over, $1.50. Genuine Nancy Hall and Porto Rica potato sprouts, $3.00 per thousand; ten thousand and over, i $2.5. All varieties tomato, egg and pepper plants. Write for prices and special assortment of plants for small gardens. Enterprise Co., Inc., Sumter, S. C. FOR SALE Slightly used harrow. 2 and 1 horse plow, cultivator, cotton planter, fertilizer distributor. See me and save money. Randolph Redfearn. N. Church St. nun immtmmiti E "Q) WTT T7f .ISliflLfJr New Silk Dresses just ar rived for the occasion. Silk Taffeta Mesaline, trimmed in Georette Crepe, in almost every shade $11.50 Beautiful line of Silk Poplin Dresses, made of Susquhannah's best Poplins, in almost every shade, Copen, Navy, Tan, Khaiki, Grey, . $5.95 and $6.95 $25.00 value in best quality of Foulard and Ginghams patterns Taffeta Dresses at $19.95 and 21.50 $1.50 value in Cotton Shirt Waist, in stripe Voile, Organdy, etc. 98 cents NEW SHETLAND SWEATERS. Very good for early Spring wear, made in Middy and Coat Style, with col lars of Angora wool, also striped collars, in most attractive shades for Spring, Rose, Copen, Gold, Light Blue, Corn, etc., $5.00, $6.95 and $7.95. MINERVA YARNS. A complete stock of this well-known yarn. SHETLAND FLOSS AND SILK ZEPHYRS In colors popular for Spring Middys and Coat Sweaters 50 and 68c ball New Spring H&ts Arriving Daily by Express Straws are Here. The Latest Showing of the New Shapes and I BELK BROS. ! '. I SELL IT FOR LESS. 7Tf... iilTlll IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIHIIIIIIBI 17 - Retail -17 Department 17 - Stores -17 Sinking Dates Changed. Mr. Frank Limerick makes the fol lowing announcement: The follow ing changes are made In the public speakings on War Saving3 and Thrift Stamps. As previously published it was Btated that J. M. C. Vann would epeak at Mt. Pleasant Friday, March 22, at 8 p. m. This should be Thurs day, March 21st, at 8 p. m. Also Walkers speaking and club -will be organized at 1 P. m. Instead of 3 p. ni., and Rehoboth school at 3 n. m. instead of Friday, .March 22nd. LOST Cameo brooch up town Satur day night. Four pearls on pin. Reward for return to Mrs. J. E. Ltles. ANOTHER CAR LOAD of mules ar rived Monday. Don't delay. They are getting scarce. Fowler k Lee. GORDON INSURANCE & INVESTMENT CO. INSURANCE EXPERTS. Phone 209. Farmers & Merchants Bank Building. USED CARS FOR SALE We offer for sale at &w b&rgain to quick purchasers the follow ing makes, which can be seen at our garage: Two Ford Roadsters One Ford Touring Car One 5-Passenger Buick One 5-Passenger Dodge Brothers One Oakland Six. These cars have been thor oughly overhauled, and are in excellent mechanical condition. See us bargain. quick if you want a SECREST MOTOR CO. Garage on Franklin St. Phone 310. Our display room will reveal to you a Brand New, Clean, Up-to-Date Line of BUGGIES in Emmerson Babcock Hackney Taylor-Canady Peters Wrenn and Brown at 5360.00 to $125.00 Monroe Hardware Co. Hayne Street Member Chamber of Commerce