We are making extremely low prices on canned goods. You had better get busy and take advantage of these bargains. Don't forget jour home-made kraut and molasses. We still have garden seed, cabbage plants, and sweet and Irish potatoes for planting. ' jS? Vann Funderburk, One Price Cash Grocer. 5 Minutes Delivery. Local and Personal. Mecklenburg Presbytery meets here the veek beginning April 9th. Miss Janle Sanders has accepted a position with the First National Bank. Mr. J. C. Mclntyre of Wingate joined the Union county War Savings Limit Club" yesterday. Rer. C. H. Martin will preach at New Salem church Sunday at eleven and at two o'clock. Mr. T. L. Crowell has originated the clogan, "Monroe Does Crow," and is using It on the city's stationery. Colored teachers are urged to at tend the teachers meeting in the court house next Saturday. Elder H. Taylor will preach at Liberty church next Saturday and Suaday at the usual hour. Mr. D. F. Newman. Seabor.rd ma chinist, has moved here from Bostic, and Is occupying the J. F. Eenton house on Benton Heights. The U. D. C.'a will meet with Mrs. A. L. Monroe at 3:30 Friday afternoon instead of Thursday as has been previously announced. Many Union county people will be interested to know that the emi nently successful term of the Boiling Springs school in Cleveland county. Rev. J. W. Rowell, superintendent, will close the 29th Inst. The Monroe chapter U. D. C. will meet with Mrs. A. L. Monroe and Mrs. Walter Henderson Friday after noon at 2:30. The lives of General Wade Hampton and General Braxton Bragg will be subjects for discussion. There will be a meeting of the Democratic county executive commit tee in the courthouse here Saturday, March 23, at 2 p. m. Important bust- STRAND Theatre, FRIDAY Paramount presents tbe Incomparable Star, PAULINE FREDERICK, in "THE HUNGRY HEART" A play you want to be sure to see. MONDAY "An American Widow" Featuring Ethel B&rrymore. Monroe's Mod- TPU 4 nJ Monroe's Mod ern Movie. & U M; WPllCAUU era Movie. j thf.y ;kt DAILY TAPKUS IX WAXHAW OUT SLOT MACHIXK Postmaster McCain Make) Ingenious Device Tliat Fills I-onjj-Felt Want Sells Newspapers Automatically Also Has Many lubor-SaviiiK In ventions in Postofflre. nund for it in small towns as well as in cities: especially in those towns which forbid Sunday paier sales newspapers could station the ma chines at various points In the city and instead of dividing its profits with the paper venders, could get it all. It could be also used to advantage on trains and steamships on which there are no newsdealers. Mr. Mc Cain's machine is an interesting lit tie piece of mechanism, and does the work without fail, In addition to making the slot ma chine for his brother, Mr. SCcCain has installed several little labor saving the papers without requiring any of j now. and then t0 op;n door3 for pa. his time. He told his brother of the need, and It wasn't but a few days before the popular Waxhaw postmas ter had installed a machine that did the work without a hitch. To get a daily paper In Waxhaw, you must go Into the postoffice, and walk to the corner where Mr. J. E. McCain's office is walled off from the rest of the room. There, Inserted in one of the walls, you will find a slot machine. Full directions for its op eration are posted on the wall, and you go about buying your paper in this way: Insert a nickel In the slot, pull a lever slowly upward, and pres to! there comes your paper. Mr. McCain isn't telling everybody how the machine works. He knows that It Alls a long-felt need, and he in tends having it patented. The machine is automatic, not even requiring any body to be In the building. When the supply of papers la exhausted, the money slot automatically closes, and there's no danger of anyone being defrauded. It Is very Improbable that there Is another machine of its kind in the country. There would be a big de- trons and rural carriers. Instead of taking ihe time to cclcu late the zones and cost of a parcel post package, Mr. McCain turns around in his chair a little, gives an automatic zone caluculator a few twists, and he has the right amount without making calculatians of his own. Other labor savers include boxes to expedite the posting of rural mail. Purely Personal. Mr. and Mrs. Hill White of Colum bla are visiting Mrs. White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Benton. Mrs. John Adams and little daugh ter, Viola, have returned from i visit to relatives In Concord. Mr. J. P. Chrlstenbury, son of Chief Chrlstenbury, went to a Charlotte hospital Monday where he will under go an operation. Misses Velma Morrow and Cordie Parker of Albemarle are the guests of Mrs. Estelle Stewart. Mesdames Frank E. Wilson and B. B. Wood of Gaffney are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. Frank Laney. There are stamp and chewing gum slot machines, but Mr. J. V. McCain, I Waxhaw postmaster; has made prob ably the only newspaper slot machine ; in existence today. The invention can ness relative to the 1918 primaries be seen at the office of his biother. V. ... A i 1111 A.l - t f V M r J" 1 11 uu ui..r muur, u. ue lancn up ,.V J- mcwuu. ai esiaie aeaier. , inventions in the postoffice. As the mis Hireling. Willi omces in one corner Or me nnainfflpo nt U'h l lll-nrrnrnre.1 Following are the purchasers or postoffice building. The lat-: and ,abor is 8carCe, he has little wires War Savings Stamps last week in i te.r gentleman, being agent for one at ni8 desk that win open any of tne amounts of $100 or more: Mrs. A. 01 e iaie aauies, ieu ine neea or doors In the building. Thus, he is M. Secrest. Janle C. Sikes, Margaret "cn macnine mai wouia dispose or j8aved the trouble of petting up every slices, .Monroe; w. u. Long, union- ville; Olive Tucker, Unlonvllle Rt. 1 J. Frank Duncan, Indian Trail: Miss Mary V. Griffin, WSngate. Every progressive county is be ginning to realize that it pays in the long run to build concrete bridges instead of the dangerous, uncertain wooden bridges. The Union county commissioners have seen the light and have ordered a concrete bridge built over Bear Skin creek between Monroe and Iceniorlee. The many friends of Captain J, E. Haywood will be interested to learn that he has recently been pro moted from First Lieutenant to Cap tain. He has been stationed in Texas for the last year, but has been trans ferred to Camp Greene, Charlotte Capt. Haywood is the son of Mr. Jas W. Haywood of Stouts. All those who have jam and preserves for the soldiers are request ed to send their packages to the resi dence of Mrs. J. M. Blair before Fri day. If unable to send, notify either Mrs. liiair, .Mrs. r. u. Henderson or Mrs. It. F. Beasley and they will send for the packages at once. Jams and preserves are needed at the Camp Greene base hospital, and all patriotic citizens are urged to help the cause, A railroad man said the other day that the town clock kept the most correct time of any clock between At lanta and Washington. This is cov ering a lot of territory, but it Is J known fact that the old clock keeps right up with the time sent out hour ly from Washington over the West ern Union telegraph line. Usually It Is on the Job, but an occasional freeze does put It out of commission for a few days each year. The Journal, getting Its Informa tion from Mr. T, J. W. Broom, stated recently that there was a big demand for cotton stains in the manufacture of ammunition. Mr. J. E. Stack, a local cotton buyer, Informs us that we were in error; that stains are on ly used for making rope, twine and like commodities. He says tha,t the stained staple is too short for ammu nition purposes, and that this form of manufacturing requires a good grade. Randolph Funderburk, a 17-year old negro with a color commonly known as "high jailer," was arrested yesterday by Officer Fowler for steal ing a $65 watch and a valuable chain from the residence of Mr. J. B. Simp son. The negro sold the articles to Mr. Stamey Helms at The W. J. Rudge Co., who upon examining the watch found that It was one that had been previously repaired for Mr. Simpson. He then phoned Mr. Simp son and asked if his watch had been stolen. Upon searching he found that it was gone. The arrest of the negro followed. This negro has been In the Recorder's court a number of times for various offenses. Interest In the Wilmington to Charlotte highway is growing daily. Although nothing definite has come from the Vance road commissioners, hope Is still held out from that quar ter. Contrary to current opinion, the highway does not have to go through that township, but it Is desired that it go this way because It Is the logi cal route. Sentiment for the road in Vance Is divided because It would on ly supply about one-third of the town ship, but the commissioners. It seems, fail to take Into consideration the fact that after it Is built the govern ment keeps .it up permanently. If one-third of the township's road fund Is Rnnually spent on this route, the road would be a money saver in the long run, as after the initial Invest ment Is saved, about $200 each year would be released for work on the other roads. Lyceum Tickets Redeemed All those holding Lyceum tickets can get same re deemed if presented at Strand Theatre on Monday, April 1st, from one until five o'clock. No tickets honored only between these hours and on date mentioned. ONLY one day, if you fail to come you lose. Be sure and bring tick et. No money back if you fail to bring ticket. C. N. BRUNER STANDARD PATTERNS ANNOUNCEMENT We beg to announce that we have obtained the agen cy for the famous Standard Patterns which are always ahead in style, yet are simplest in construction and give a perfect fit. Standard Patterns reproduce the smart styles illus trated in The Designer and the Standard Quarterly. See the very newest fashion at our Standard Pattern department. Co-operative Mercantile Co, THE FAMILY STORE. Commend American lind Co. I wish to commend the American Land Co., on their attitude towards the Food Administration. As has been their custom at other r-laces they give cash and various articles of val ue to their customers when they have a land sale, but at Monroe they show their loyalty and patriotism to their Government by giving a combination of flour and other cereals, according to the request of the Food Adminis trator, as prizes. LEE GRIFFIN. Food Administrator Union County. Itifr Iloon Fop War Gardeners. Big display of Pakro Seedtape at our store now. This is something new in the way of seed, and our pa trons are urged to come and Inspect the line. '.The seed are done up In fertilized tape, and all one has to do is lay the tape In the ground. Quick yields, and straight, beautiful rows are the results of planting Seedtape. UNION DRUG CO. Our buyer has Just returned from St. Louis, where he bought another car load of fine mules. They are get ting scarce and high, and if you are going to need one this spring, it will pay you to not delay. Fowler & Lee. New Spring' Coats. You can find your style, color and material in today's shipment of la dies' spring coats. They represent perfection and not a lady or young woman will try these coats out but will agree with us as to their merit; and the proof of the coat is in the wearing thereof, for their service is as strong as their style is per fect. Price .... $6.50 to $25.00. Ladies Suits. In choice materials; tailored with the object in view to please. You can't fail to appreciate the supe rior contour of these garments. Ladies9 Neckwear. New styles and materials, fresh with an air of spring. We shall be pleased to show these new goods. Lee & Lee Co. The Leading Dry Goods, Millinery, Notion, Clothing, Hat and Shoe Store in Monroe, North Carolina. The Nations Lesson. When you get the Banking Habit you have an asset that is of the greatest value to you. The pocket leaks. Thebank preserves your money. You learn that money grows. This habit makes for permanece in a depositor. You feel you have a stake in the community, and you are care ful of your financial standing. This bank encourages you to get the habit of deposit ing your earnings. We will take your money, keep it safely, and pay it out on your check as you need it. Get the Banking Habit. Get the habit of banking with us. We appreciate your account, be it large or small. -THE- Bank of Union. THE WELCOME BANK. W. S. BLAKENEY, President R. G. LANEY, Cashier. CAPITAL $50,000.00. SURPLUS $75,000.00. GROCERIES at BARGAIN PRICES One can 15c Van Camps Soup and one package 8c Oyster ettes, both for 16c; Porto Rico Molasses 75c per gallon; finest country packed Tomatoes 20c per can or $2.10 per dozen; best Pink Salmon 23 cents per can or $2.50 per doz. LEE GRIFFIN.. I want to buy some nice fat hens and will take all your butter and eggs.