r L JOURNAL WANT ADS. ONE CENT A WORD FOR EACH INSERTION A. Big Merting Still Going on. Correspondence of The Journal. WANTED All the eggs I can get See me first. S. R. Doster. STRAYED A white shoat pig. Re ward for information. A. T. English. IF YOU want tobacco bargains come to see us. Pljier, Funderburk Company. WANTED Man to work for wages on farm. George Hart. FOR SALE By the city of Monroe, a fine mare and colt; good worker. See J. D. McRae or j. C. Collins. SEE S. R. DOSTER before you sell your chickens, eggs, country hams and produce. BRING YOUR chickens and eggs to me. I pay top market prices. S. R. Doster. f FOR RENT A six-room house on j West Jefferson Street. T. L. Crow- : ell. FOR SALE Porto Rico and other leading varieties sweet potato plants. Price f 2.00 per 1.000. In lots of 10,000 $1-75 per 1.000 f. o. b. B. T. Rape, Alva, Fla. WANTED AU the country hama I can get. Highest cash market price paid. See me before you sell. S. R. Doster, Reliable Produce Dealer. WANTED Your second-hand Ford. Must be cheap for cash. Secrest Motor Company. EGGS WANTED Now this is straight: I have orders for 10.000 dozen eggs, and though I don't ex pect to get that many, am buying all I can get Ask my customers about their dealing with me. If you haven't tried me, come along. Raymond Outen. FOR SALE Good young mule. J. B. Williams. SOY BEANS ( Mammoth Yellow for seed) Freight prepaid in small or large lots today, $4.40 bu. Market advancing Allen Seed Co., Ayden, North Carolina. TAKE YOUR CORN to the Hender son Roller Mills Co. and get the highest market price. They can use yellow or white corn in any quantities shelled or ear corn. JUST RECEIVED Two car loads of 5-passenger Cherolet automobiles. Price $745 delivered at your door, Let us show you. Secrest Motor Company. FOR SALE A good - young brood mare at a bargain, cash or good pa per; also fresh milk cow. T. L. Price. Rt. 1. Unionville. N. C. DR H. SMITH, eye-slfrht specialist of Monroe, will be at Marshville Mon day, April 1st,; Polkton. Tuesday, April 2nd, at hotel. Hr.ve your eyes examined and glasses fitted. FOR RENT One six-room cottage, all modern conveniences, on Craw ford Street, also one five-room cot tage on College Street. J.E.Eflrd. OUT OF TOWN for a while I will be out of town for awhile after April 1st. If you need glasses, come and let me examine ycur eyes an! fit you up while I riu here. Truly, Dr. H. Smith BIGGS' Prolific Seed Corn, field se lected, $3.00 per bu.; $1.00 peck. Paul L. Smith. Oakboro, N. C. FOR SALE Cook's Improved cotton seed This cotton is free from dis ease.high yielding lint and especial ly good picking cotton. Write Wm. M. Eagles, Secretary Crisp Commu nity Cotton Breeders' Association, Macclesfield, N. C. REGISTERED Hampshire hogs for sale Boars, sows and gilts. Best breeding. Nutwood Hampshire Farm, Thomasvllle, Ga. LARGE BERKSHIRES Stone Gate Farm, Petersburg, Virginia. PLANTS FOR SALE Cabbage plants ready 15th of March. $1.50 per 1.000; 10,000 and over, $1.25. Nancy Hall and Porto Rico sweet potato plants. $2.00 per 1.000. Enterprise Truck Farm, George town, S. C. WE WILL BUY and pay highest mar ket price for dry, poplar, ash or -.ak lumber. If you have any to offer, communicate with us at one The Henderson Garage and Machine Co. THE HENDERSON ROLLER MILLS expect to make Monroe the best market for local corn In the state. It will pay you to see them If you have corn to sell. GORDON'S S. C. Buff Orphlngton'a They weigh, they win, they lay, they pay; they are fine winter lay ers; they are hardy and healthy; they are the heaviest of all clean legged birds; their meat is white, sweet and Juicy; tliey are growing fast In popularity, and I keep my breed up to the very beet standard. Putting new blood on the yard ev ery year. Eggs, per setting of 15, $1.50. Mrs. J. C. Gordon, Wax haw, N. C. , THE LONE STAR JACK, known as the Vernon- Griffin Jack, will make the season of 1918 on the farm of M. A. Griffin, one mile west of Marshville; to insure, $12.50 M. A. and J. V. Griffin. SWEET POTATO PLANTS for sale t Nancy Hall and Porto Rico, $2.50 per thousand; five thousand lots, $2.25. Tomatoes, $3.00 per thou sand. Guaranteed true to name or money refunded. Wells Plant Co., Orlando, Fla. W. O. W. Receipt Books at The Jour- nal Office. Wingate. March 18. The revival meeting at the Baptist church is still in progress. Rev. John A. Wray is doing come fine preaching. Large crowds are attending, and much in terest is being manifested. The rain yesterday demoralised things a little, but the crowds were good in spite of the rain. Several professions were made last night and tl.e interest is such that many are expected today. The meeting is very quiet There has been no real outburst, but the spirit of the meeting has been real fine. We think that neonle too often silo up a meeting by the noise the preacher and people make. They lose sight of the great fact in religion, that Is, that it is the doing and not the professions that counts. Too many people have "big nieetin'" re ligion. They can talk and pray, do almost anything during the meeting, but when something is to be done that takes some effort they are not there. Some people do not attend church from one meeting to another. We trust that this meeting at Mead ow Branch may produce permanent results. We believe that it will. We are not sure as to how long it will continue, but rather think that we will close tomorrow evening. Bruce and William Snyder have been home for a few dayss visit ! They each have a job at Badin. Work Is being pushed on Rev. E. C. Snyder's residence. WKen com pleted, it will be one of the prettiest residences in our little town. Dr. Greene and wife of Monroe have been doing some very fine sing- I ing In the meeting now in progress ,ct the Baptist church. I People are beginning to plow for i their spring crops. More oats have been sowed than we have ever seen ' at this time of the year. Many have sowed large fields of them. Mr. W. P. Griffin has purchased the M. S. Humphrey place in front of the school building. We are not sure as to what Mr. Humphrey Is go ing to do. He has a fine farm in Robeson county. Possibly he Is go ing to move back to it. Mrs. Zeb. Secrest of Bakers visited relatives and friends in this section last week and attended the meeting. Mr. Fred Helms and Tamily of Mon roe visited Mr. K. C. Bivens Saturday and Sunday. Mr. M. W. Griffin has been unwell for the past few days. He has not been able to attend service at the church but one day. He is such a faithful hand we miss him when he Is not there. Mr. Rul'us Williams has a new car. Of course it is a Ford. Nearly all of us have Fords. Mr. Vann Griffin is still Improving, we are glad to note. Mrs. I. S. Funderburk. who has been very sick for the past six or seven weeks, is considered out of dan ger now unless some complication sets in that is not evident at this time. There will be services at Austin's Grove Saturday before the fifth Sun day and the fifth Sunday afternoon. The congregation will please take no tice. We want to have service be cause the winter has been so bad we could not fill all of our appointments. Rev. M. D. L. Preslar and Rev. R. M. Haigler held a short meeting at. Union church last week. It was an interesting one indeed, and had it not j been for some epidemic in that sec-' tion it would have resulted In many! additions to the church. Much inter-i est was manifested as it was and one j was added by baptism, possibly some by letter and restoration. i Mrs. Ada Gathings is still improv ing. Mr. L. Medlin is proving to be! the best doctor for pellagra in this' PaM Ul 11 raH himuAtf m rA la nnnr I trying to get all the others suffering from this dreadful disease to follow the thing he has tried out Mrs. Gath ings is getting on as nicely as one possibly can to have been so low as she was. . Many people are still having elec tric lights put In. Rock Rest is about supplied, and other sections have tak en them about as extensively as that one. Bob Belk Is making as fine grits and meal as you can buy, and since he has gone into this business, peo ple are coming here from many se tions to get his meal. He knows how to grind it sure. A1 Bracing as a North Wind T the end of a hard day, Just sit Americans From (iermany. Due to a better system of food dis tribution, and more rigid control of food supplies by means of ration cards, the last winter in Germany was not so severe on the poor people as was the previous winter, accord- j ing to Miss Elizabeth McCann, an I American, who, with her three sis- j ters, has arrived in America on a ! Danish steamship. They left Ger-I many last December, she said, after j residing in that country for 14 years, t 'The people are hoping for peace to come soon," Miss McCann said. "I do not beleive there will be an upris ing of any consequence as long as the war lasts, for the Germans apparent ly have every conflderfce they will win. We made our home in Ham burg and we were practically intern ed from the day that America enter ed the war. . ' "The German people know Amer ica has joined the other nations agin st them, but they seem to believe what they have been told that enough American soldiers to help the allies to any extent will not be able to cross the Atlantic." y Two other Americans on the ship who left Germany the same month were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rente of De troit. Mr. Rente, who was represen tative at Schoneberg, a town near Madgeburg, for an American man ufacturing company, said that food was scarce and costly rationed, but that there was plenty for those who had the money to pay for it down to a cud of Luzianne Coffee. See how you pick up with every savory sip, Luzianne is far, far different from any other coffee. It's Cot something that all the others seem to lack. And it's packed in dust-proof, moisture-proof cans that bring Luzianne to your kitchen just the same as when it left the roaster. Buy a can and try it for yourself. An iron-dad. air-tight guarantee says that if you are not entirely satisfied with Luzianne, your grocer will give you back your money. And he wilL , "When It Pours, It Reigns" To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine. It stops Cough and Headache and works off the cold. Druggists refund mon ey If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature on each bcx. 30c. Tht Qulnlna That Does Not Affect the Head Bkiiw of 1U Ionic end laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE ia better than ordinary Quinine and doea not eauie nervouineaa nor ringing in bead. Remember tin lull name and took for the aignature ol t. W. GKOVK. 3uc Kimball Pianos are now in the homes of over three hundred thousand sat isfied customers. The world's greatest artists use the Kimball. The most durable piano in the world today. They can be purchased from J. T. Hollaway Piano Co. at factory prices. As we work no agents we can save you from fifty to one hundred dollars on same grade piano. We do not pay tuners and music teachers, or any one else, to tell you we sell you a good piano. We tell you that our selves. Beware of the company that will send a music teacher to tell you the piano is first class. Do not take chances on a piano you have to ask about. Get a Kimball and be pleased for life. n J..T. HOLLAWAY PIANO CO. N Weak Hut Sound. (From Charity and Children.) The Charlotte Observer, In its haste, said that Captln David Fallon occupied the Baptist church at Thom asvllle, and the editor of this paper did not like it and cautioned the Bap tists against the indiscriminate use of their churches. Captain Fallon did not speak in the Baptist church of Thomasvllle and never will while his theme Is war, for we have a pas tor who is not a war lord, but a sane, safe and sensible minister of the gos pel. The address refered to was de livered in the Methodist church of High Point After administering a gentle rebuke the Observer neutra lizes all it said before in these words: "At the same time, it is to be ad mitted that profanity in the church more than any other place, Is calcu lated to grate on the nerves." That is weak but sound. FOR SALE Some good farm stock, for cash or good papers. Lathan & Richardson. LOST On Main street, black enamel fraternity pin, ruby and emerald border: letters Z. A. E. Finder please return to Journal office and get reward. PRINCE JOHN THIRD Duroc Jer sey boar for service. Fee, 12 cash -George Hart. WANTED Two good moulders for foundry. In writing state wages expected and how soon you can re port for duty. Newman Machine Company, Greensboro, N. C. FOR SALE. Improved Porto Rico potato plants; $2.50 per 1000; 10, 000 and over. $2.00. Booking or ders April deliveries. Cash with or der. Dixie Plant Co., Ty Ty, tJa. THE HENDERSON ROLLER MILLS are In a position to handle all the corn that you have to sell, shelled or on cob, white or yellow. FOR SALE Pure bred white leghorn eggs, $1 per 15. Frank Richardson. PRESTON'S PLANTS Send for de scriptive price list of vegetable plants. Fred M. Preston, Orlando, Florida. FOR THE old reliable brands of V. C. Co.'s, Swift's, and Royster's fer tilizers, see Collins & Hargett. FOR SALE Three head of horses and mules. If you need stock, do not buy untlKyou tee these. Good stock, and tne" price is right to a quick buyer. T. J. Price. WANTED Several thousand feet of dry poplar lumber. Can also ue dry oak and ash. The Henderson Garage ft Machine Co. , IF YOU have any dry poplar, ash or oak lumber for sale, see The Hen derson Garage and Machine Co. at once. WANTED To buy 1000 bushels corn at once. X!o-Opern'ive Mercantile Company. FOWLER k CO.. near Wesley Chap el, Monroe Route 5, have two large mammoth Kentucky Jacks, solid black with white points; weight one thousand pounds each; plenty of bone and quality the kind that pays. Fee: single, ten dollars, two for fifteen dollars. Come where you will be waited upon. Time Is1 gold. Wh- -t have the best. Bill Fow ler, Monroe Route 6 . ... I.I.J C) i iimn w, ttr scientific-. ,jS .jv.K.M)Wi "'HI Ocr&Hl y mu than you, J" ORinJBuildirujp; - Paints - Varnishes Certain-teed means certainty of quality and guaranteed satisfaction the :zZ and last object cf careful buyers. Both quality zr.d satis faction are guaranteed by a business which has gained world leadership because of its ability to manufacture and distribute the highest quality products at fair prices. m flCHBT QUALITY P0313LE TO ,C - : cm) iw Wf c ill si hi .13, Mffi mm r ' NO LABEL REQUIRED it u" in CertawAeed Roofing & Shingles Ctrta'tn-tetd i a conservation product. It is made from rajs and ar.phalt, skillfully converted into roofing; that is impervious to the elements. Ctrtain-ttid is the most efficient typo of roof for all kinds of buildings, from the modern sky scraper to the farm barn. It is light weight, weatherproof, clean, sanitary, fire-retardant. Ctrta'in-tttd is not affected by fumes or gases, and cannnot rust or corrode. Its first cost is moderate, lay ins cost low, and upkeep practi cally nothing, driain-tecd is Guaranteed 5, 10 or IS years, according to thickness. V 1 mm ffvjvBfi Ceriafa-ked cwajmu.M.CTc4 ira Paints & Varnishes Made from the best quality materials, mixed by modern machinery in scientifically correct proportions to produce the highest quality paint. Ccria'ttt-tccd Paints and Varnishes arc sold at cost plus a small profit.. Each color is priced according to its cost. . Paint makers usually charge the same for all colors, basing their prices o:i the cost of making the expensive colors. The Certa'm-Ued policy puts each color on the right basis. Therefore most Certain-tetd Paints cost you less than competing paints of anything like the same high quality. Certain-teed Products Corporation Factorial Si.LouU.Mo. Esit SlLou1,11L MareilIea,KL York,P. Niag-tra Falla, N.Y. Richmond, Calif. Warthoaseti Albany, Atlanta, B.mcor. Me., Birmlnahnm, Bon, Buffalo, CMcaao, Cincinnati, Cleveland. pll. Dei Moina, Duhitb. Grand Rapid., Houston, IndianaBoli. Jen-y Citr, KaaaaiCitr Mo.. LaaAnialoi. rncnDur, va. motnpnit, miiwauitoo, mimieapolii, nn.SY-iiT, l"vr Urioana, Morfoik, Va., Oklahoma Citr. iltiburfh, Portland. Or... ReKmend, Va., SkLouia, SiU Lake Uiy, ScattJa, Waaih, Sbrevaport, Spokaaa, iiKimrfn. ini.aii, p.Liim.nu, V ... Sprinifiald, Mat., Wichita, Havana, Cuba. Saht Officii t Npw York, CMcafO, Philadelphia. JtLoni.. Bofea. CWIand, Pitttl-b. Detroit, Bnffalo. San francuco, Milwaukee. Itaciiinati, N.w Ohsaiia. LoeAanalea, MiuMpeba, tiaaaae City, Seattle. Inilianapolit. Areata, Memphia, Richmond, Grand Rapidi, Kaihrille, Albany, Salt Loire City, Uea Maine, Houaion, Djlulii, LonJeo, Sydney, Hareaa. mm be I SiJ?N. I i-J H H ; 3 i . For Sale by MONROE HARDWARE COMPANY

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