i'V a i ; B B B s ''i: i i . ,4-1 , B B B B B M B n H B 1 I i i v . B B 1- 3! I. H. ! ( SKBHnaaEiaH!ZaBB3B533X3a2-E3ISBX3inEani!.V.KnHX rJ:iOKn.S IV CiEU- jadvan.-e. chief of wbVh is the torn-1 w y HATS MATS 8 B B a B B MANY A UK TREATKft BAD HATS I MATS HATS j What Kind of Hats? Sunshade Hats Sunshade Hats Sunshade Hats Sunshade Hats "Stiiv-!i;til? lints" i'i:t thrni nil In (lie s!i;nli Wr hn?il llicm ul the hi-t ii'i. tte r st-Hiiii: !!c ::i ;it t!ic JW !. Co-operative Mercantile j Company A Jlcp-'rt liii:s'il l- liussUn Pris oner, Il.uk 1'ivri Germany, Sayit Our Iil--'eJ aii'l Insulted. A Russian prisoner ho recently returned f:om uernunv, has made a ttaieuient at Moscow which U now 'available fcete. to the effect that he saw American prisoners of war in camp at Tuchel. west Frussia. and that they asked him to let it be known that they were being treated brutally. The prisoners said they were hungry and penniless. When the Americana arrived at the ramp. ac:ordin to this account, the Germans removed their clothes. They were particularly anxious to have the Americans' shoe.. They told the pris oners they should uot wear expen sive clothing and shoes while work- i init and that their property would be taken care of until their return to I America. The Russian said, however, thnt everyone knows what that means. A consul, ine uussiaa was not sure whether he was a Swiss or a Spaniard. vUited the camp. Com plaint was nude to him by the Amer icans and their clothes were returned, but as the consul seldom visited the camp the Germans had opportunity to practice many injustices. The Russian said 'ht American? captured seveial months aso reached jthe camp at midday and being very hunsary. asked tor bread. They were told bread was distributed only In the morning. They were piaeea tn a nut with Russians, after being required to stand in a biia.ire where Germans were given an opportunity to insult them. The huts in which the Amer icans are livin?. the Russian said, are jdamp. cold and untie for habitation. Some ot me .v.iericvu oecume hi, Two of them v'.i'i were in a hospital had an opportunity to ta!k v.ith the Russian and w.i through them that he obtained the information on which his statement is fusel. ' ins into contact with the French and Rritish reserves, and the changed con dUions of road and railroad coumtun icati;ns after the crossing of the M;rue. It is probable that the week will see the materialization of these regents v.hich have so long figured in U;e calculations, but which are al ways troing to be but never are. Hom I ong-IUiiKe (inn Wm l.nratct1 Careful measurements of two holes made by a single shell in passin; through two awnings in a Paris fac tory enabled French artillery officers to locate the great German long range suns by a feat of mathema tics. To Chester M. Wright, a mem ber ot the American labor mission, whieh has just returned from Europe. French officers explained how the di rect ion and distance of the gun was figured. The two awnings were several feet apart and the relation of one to the other gave perfect data on the course which the shell had taken as it ap proached the earth. After the aper tures had been measured to the one thousan 1th part of an inch and the direction of the shell's fall exactly established, the earlier career of the shell became a problem on paper. B BsaEnaasBaaBnaBiaflaasaBssasiiaiflaiEaKSBBi "THE FAMILY STORE I " l8g7-GKOVER ClEVaAND-90a fcSS Ranked First 3 rr (icniutiiy'.H Week. (From Sunday's Charlotte Observer.) It was Germany's best week since the war begun. If w.-s not until the two days tint the full impact of the German Army i.tade itself felt, and then it whs so enormously strong as to be irresistible. The Allies, who had been slowly retiring, beyan niov inu back more rr.pidly and the pur suit of the Germans was accelerated Banked First Sixty Dollars The first money Orovcr Cleveland ever earned was from his uncle, Lewis P. Allen. He tot sixty dollars for six weeks' work helping to compile a book. He banked the money In Buffalo, N. Y. Did you bank the first money yoa earned? Are you banklnf your money BOW? See us today about opening an account Banking of all kinds. H'tgwaMow New.. Correspondent of the Journal. Hogwallow. June 1. Poke Bai lee's Uo;s treed a map agent Thurs- iay. The Editor of the Tickville Tidings savs every time men want to exer cise their rights as tree-born citizens anil taxpayers, they sit down and write a column to the paper demand ing radical changes in the dog, law. The weather is one of the very old est of old institutions, and is well established along the lines laid down Ly nature; and yet there is consider able amount of complaint about i!. r.nd there is not a day passes but that somebody would change it if they could. The Mail Carrier has been unable to make his trips this week on ac count of having traded horses with Fri.-by Hancock. The Dog Hill P'cacher is bein? urced to start a protracted meeting as soon us possible tor the benefh of Wash Hocks arid Atlas Pock, who fell from Grace this week while try ing to drive a calf out of a coru patch. A dniriuier was in thin vicinity la! week and tried to sell the Rye Straw store keeper n bill of goods, but met j with poor success as the storekeep-j to such an extent that even while mia runnrf j 'iH'i rill 1 ' n in fh:it thwv I ., ivm trtllntr ..'iilv tr pn Hhini' were maKinv: proxies m ine unec- itim miiis says many ui us men t'on of the Ma me. tVy had reached are in the habit of overlooking the the hanks o! th:t stream. We are smaller details of life, but that the fpeakinc. of course, of the operations i gaps ju a razor are to be reckoned around Mitssons, where the twenty i with when they are shaved. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK LEE, President. J. X. IMl. J. E. ASHCRAFT. Vice Pres. LANEY. Cn-shier. Several rent or borhood. nice dwellings to sell Good neigh- Monroe Insurance and Investment Co. divisions of the Cror. n Prince's Army were massed against the seven of the Allies. On ?il ether portions of the front the Allies held their ground and even made gains. Hut it was the drive for the Maine that was the feature of the wek in the war and its quirk consummation that marks the week as the' best Germany has had. There can be no longer doVbt about the German intention to march on Paris and the closing situation of the week indicated that the German commanders will throw their forces in the direction of Montdidier, Al bert and Amiens, iu an effort to split the British and French and make a way to Paris. The German front on the west bank of the Maine covers a distance of ten miles, and within 24 hours of having arrived there the undertaking to force a passage was attempted. In this, however, the Ger mans were unsuccessful, having been driven back. The Germans advance on the Chateau-Thierry sector has been checked by the French and the German hurled backed to some ex tent, and the French are holding much recaptured ground. One war correspondent thinks that the Ger mans, having reached tiie Maine, will now dig in there and await a more favorable opportunity to renew the drive, but this is improbable, Ger many has been meeting with too much success to make a nautius movement probable, unless halted by force. One German paper evidently speaks "straight" when it says that this is not a new attack, but is a continuation of the German war plans when halted In the first drive, and that it has been broadening and de veloping exactly according to the Ger man program. This same paper gives some significant light on the situa tion and in which there may be found explanation for the success of the drive so far a3 it has gone. It is because while the Germans have been concentrating their attacks on a short section of the Allied lines, General Foch's main Army has been disposed to the region north of Amiens and has not been engaged against the Germans. This German authority speaks, futher, of the difficulties in store for the Germans in their future Raz Barlow Sahirduyed in Ticks- i!!e and as there was a big crowd in town, he got a good look at the public. Ho says the public Is a pecu liar looking lot of people when they all et together. Tone Moweley's wife says Secretary McAdoo, with his whole passel of jobs, can now symathlze with a wom an who has a squad of young and growing children to look after. The Excelsior Fiddling Band stroll ed over and played in front of the Wild Onion school house Monday night while nobody was. around. Sile Klilcw. who has been absent for "sonic time, has returned home and fays HogwaHow is good enough for him. and that he expects to die here. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. A man went up in a balloon tit Ticksville last Saturday before a large audience. He wanted to take up a collection before going up. Instead of after coming down, but the crowd thought they would wait, as he might get killed. The Tickville train is bound to make money, as It hardly ever conies In without a total of one to two passengers on board. Sid Hocks, who attended and took part in a pie supper on Gander Creek Friday night, is able to be up town with his clothes on. When the time comes for the will geese to wend their way bark toward their northern cummer home, the sight always makes us have a sort of fellow feeling for the poor home talent geese that have to be contend to spend their winters standing on first one foot and then the other, on the sunny side of the old pond down In the horse lot. The worse pit of misfortune Into which a man can fall is the one he digs himself. Ex. For Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousness Just try one 53-ccnt bottlo of LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant to take. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medi cine Co., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic. iiuball Pianos V 4 Are the Favorites of the World's Greatest Artists. The Redpath Chautuqua has made the fourtli year's visit to Monroe. This Chautauqua goes in all climates of the U. S. A. and the Kimball Piano is the only Piano you will see on the platform of this Chautauqua. It is the only Piano built up to this present day that will stand all climatic changes. The tone of the Kimball Piano is won derful, the volume is grand, the service cannot be duplica ted in any other Piano. While there are many good Pianos, and among them you will find sold in Monroe, the Kimball, Whitney, Hinze, Adam-Schaaf. Chase Hackley, Cable & Sons, Krell and a half dozen other makes, prices from $200.00 to sixteen hundred dollars. While in Monroe see these Pianos, and get catalogs and prices from J. T. HOLL AWAY PIANO COMPANY. 3 "You'll Nevor Know How Good This Coffee Is Until Youlrylt- ? J I corn . i tRih.TVKv WORDS cannot adequately describe the fine flavor of Luzianna Coffee. You've got to taste it yourself. Won't you try Luzianr.e next time? Luzianne ia packed in sanitary, air tight, full-mea9ure tins impurities can't get in and the flavor can't leak out. It has been made very easy for you to get acquainted. You take no chances. If Luzianne doesn't taste batter than any other coffee you ever tried, your grocer will refund your money, So, buy that first can today. "When It Pours, It Reigns 31 PERILOUS PREDICAMENTS 54? YOUR THANK AND PETE quit uwxNBLm m mi ts. By KEN KL1NG1 what for. did COWGRATUtATC My wire just ppeseMTeo ne win an etcwT. Pound vooNCSteR! ieu,weu.,AiNT THAT CRCAT ! HAT DtJes TUC Kid took cm;e ? I mp I.HT.J aij eiii -Jl VlHAT D(iES TME" II WIr1.yT, BUT TH rf ! r!T i.IH I OUT OF l"P SW"-" vouf , M o v10 citfe ? Jl j NoR5c ys it J V0"'. C1 )" A VfouNO VooNCsteR'.J IZl! Iuoks josTtivc U v Sf V'l -H 1