Join our band of satisfied customers and do your trading at this store. We guarantee every article we sell to be exactly as represented. gas SPOT CASH GROCERY. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. (Political announcements inserted unJer this head at the rate- of one cent a word for each insertion. The minimum charge is $2.50.1 For lUreeiiliUlve. We present the name of Mr. V. P. . . . . 1 : I . . ... V. kamtj Jiawneiii as a canuiuuiv iii uit i of the Democratic party in the com ing primary election, as one oi me Representatives from Union county in the Lower House of the next Gen eral Assembly. Mr. Hawfield is ca pable, upright, loyal and will make a splendid representative. Let us nom- inate him, elect mm anil senu nnu ( one of our Representatives and he will serve us well and faithfully. i CITIZENS, i For Representative. Having secured his consent to make t':e race, we hereby announce the name of C. J. Braswell as a can oidate for one or the seats in the Lower House at the next General As Mrubly. subject to the action of the Democratic primary MANY VOTERS. F'or Sheriff. I heieby announ-e myself a candi date for Sheriff of I'nion county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. THOMAS C. COLLINS. For MemlH'r Hoard of Education. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Member of the Poard of Education of Union county, sibjvt to the Democratic primary. A. LEX FUNDERRURK. F'or Recorder. I lici t by announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Recorder rir I'nion county, subject to the- Democratic primary. V. 0. LEMMONP. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Com missioner, subject to the action of t'nc Democratic primary. A. A. SECREST. Walt AsJicmft for Coroner. We believe that the office of Coro ner requires a man of scientilic train ing, a man who has a knowledge of tha fiiiiiliinientals of antomv and sur gery. Dr. Watt Ashcraft possesses these l equipments, and if he were nominated for the office of Coroner and would serve, he would make a good one. We have reason to believe that if he were sufficiently urged he would consent to let his name be used n? candidate for this office. This article is being published with out Dr. Ashcraft's knowledge or con sent. It is inserted in this paper and paid for by Dr. Ashcraft's friends in the hope that it may influence pub lic opinion along the line of forcing Dr. Ashcraft to (iconic a candidate. FRIENDS OF WATT ASHCRAFT. Sam I. Helms For Coi.iiiii-'iom-r. We take this means of suggesting the name of Mr. Sam D Helms of west Monroe townrhip for County Commissioner. IL' is a progressive farmer and a good man. He manages his own affairs well and his mialities of sterling honesty and democratic principles would make iim a good commissioner. Let's have him. CITIZENS. For Recorder. The friends of Mr. James D. M Rae announce him as a candidate fc Recorder of I'nion county. Mr. Mc Rae is a man of integrity, capa ity. the highest moral character and mai'c us one of the best Recorders that w ever had. MANY VOTERS. F'tr Comity Commissioner. I herebv announce myself a candi date for the office of County Commis sioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. T. GILBERT COLLINS. For Prosecuting Attorney. I hereby anonunce myself a candidate- for the office of prosecuting at torney in the Recorder's Court, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. C. BROOKS. George Smith Sr., for County Com missioner. To the People of Union County: We need a progressive man for coun ty commissioner like George Smith. grthf man who put New Salem township over the top in the War Sav ings Stamp campaign. We, the voter of New Salem township, demand that Mr. Smith accept the nomination. A level-headed man like him on the Board of County Commissioners would cast credit on any county. Let us have vour consent Mr. Smith. VOTERS OF NEW SALEM. For County Commissioner. The friends of Mr. W. L. Hemby have taken the liberty of announcing him a candidate for county commis sioner subject to the action of the Democratic primary. We commend Mr. Hemby to the voters of Union county as a progressive, safe, -round business man, who is more than competent to fill one of these, f in portant posts in a creditable and sat isfactory manner. MANY VOTERS. F'or the legislature. I hereby announce myself a cand idate for the Legislature subject to the action of the. Democratic party. B. H. GRIFFIN. For t'eninty Commissioner. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. LEE POLK. Our Fall Seed Irish Potatoes Arrived Today, Also Red Valentine and Stringless Green Pod Bunch Beans, Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans and White Creaseback Cornfield Beans. Also other seed in season.' T. P. REDWINE. lor MciiiIkt Hoard l Ktluoation. As friends of Mr. C. S. Masse. f Waxhaw. we urge that he be nomina ted in the Democratic primary to suc ceed himself as a member of t.Kt County Board of Education. CITIZENS. lor Memlier Hoard of ftluralhnu As friends of Mr. S. A. Lathan. ei Rnfnni fnwnshin. we urte that he be noiuinaU-d in the Democratic prima; y to succeed himel:' as a member ut the Countv Boatd cf E:iu.ation. CITIZENS. Fr the l.egiliuire The friends of Hon. R. B. Red wine hereby announce hiiu a candidate for the Legislature, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Kor Sherifl. I hereby announce myself a candi date lor the office of Sheriff of I'nion county, subject to the action of the Democratic primaiy. C. C. SIKES. For the I,egMature. The friends of Mr. Ellis B. Fusser hereby announce him a candidate tor the Legislature, sutject to the- action of the Democratic primary. For the Legislature. I hereby announce myself a candi date, for the Legislature. suDj.ct to the action of the Democratic primary. JERKE C. LANKY. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candi date for tiie office of Sheriff of I'nion county, subject to the action of th" i Democratic primary. Y. L EARNHARDT. For Cotton Weigher I hereby announce myself a can didate for Cotton Weigher at Mon roe subject to the ation of the Demo cratic primary. H. M. I'KESSON. For County t'onmiissionei. 1 heieby announce myself as a can didate fir County Commission-!, sub ject to the action e: t:ie Democratic primal. L K. BLAIR. For Sheriff. I l ercby r nr. ounce mysel! a candi date tor Sheriff of I'nion county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. V. GRIFFITH. For Constable. I hereby announce myself as i; can didate tor constable of Buford town ship, siilijt-ct to the action of tn Dem ocratic primary. R. I;. BAKER. For Clerk of 'ourt. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Clerk of Court, subject to the action of the Demo cratic ptimary. R. W. LE.MMOND. For Register of Deeds. I hereby anounce myself as a can didate for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the action o! the Democratic primary. M. C. LONG. MALTA COMMANDERY KXIGTHS TEMPLAR MEETS TOXIGKT. KF.D KS I Ed KM'.. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF UXIOX, at Monroe, N. C, at the close of bus.-m.-s June Ulitn, l'.tl. RESOURCES Loans and discounts . . J452.331.31 L tilled States Bonus ai,u Liberty bonds 4M5O.O0 Furnituie and fixtures .. fc.V41.25 Demand loans 1 . 4 4 4 . - Due from National banks 10.U42.fi8 Due from State bauks and Bankers 22,035.57 Cash Hems held over :4 Ms Checks lor clearing .. .. 1,845.56 Silver coin, including all mi nor currency 1,711.51 National Dank notes and other U. S. Notes .. ..10,896.00 Insurance Premiums .. .. i.,4il.-o Total $57fc.04y.M LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in . . $ 50 Surplus fund 75 Undivided Profits, less cur rent expense s and taxes . . Dividends unpaid 1 Bills payable 60 Deposits subject to check 217 Demand Cert, of Deposit 173 Cachiers checks outstanding ,000. OU ,000.(111 78.03 ,132.50 OoO.On bSl.H 741.0.. 47!). 59 Total $578,049. M Stale of North Carolina, County of Union. I, K. G. Laney, cashier of the above named bank, do solmenly swear that the above statement if; true to the best of my knowledge and belief R. G. LANEY, Cashier. Correct Attest: E. C. WINCHESTER, J. E. STACK. T. C. COLLINS, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before r.i this loth day of July, 1918. H. B. CLARK. Notary Public. HAH AW TO HAVE NF.W SCHOOL lit II. DING TF.U HEKS ELKCTKD Mr. C. S. .Massej Heeled lreklent of Waxhaw Hanking ami Trust eo. Succeeding .Mr. Rodman, t From The Waxhaw Enterprise! Messrs. J. M. Belk. R. A. Morrow and J. C. Sikes of Monroe were here Monday attending the directors' (netting of Waxhaw Banking and Tust Company. Mrs. R. N. Nisbet of .Monroe spent a day or two last week with her daughter. Mis. T. R. Nisbet. She was accompanied home by her granddaughter, little Pauline Nisbet. tor a visit of several days. The darkies were here on the Fourth for the big baibecue from Dan to Beesheba. Several Waxhaw white people made short talks to them and one of the professor of Biddle University made an address. Miss Lola Rodman, who has been in the hospital at Chester where she underwent an operation for appendi citis about two weeks ago. letuined home yesterday afternoon. Her re-,-overy has been very satisfactory and she is still doing nicely after the trip home. The bonds lor Waxhaw school district for twenty thousand dollars voted last winter for building a new school house have been printed and eceivtd heie. They are being sent forward this week for collection and the money will be deposited in bank until retiuned tor its proper purpose ef building a school house. j The diiectors of Waxhaw Banking and Trust Company held a meeting i Monday afternoon at which Mr. C. S. Massty was elected president, suc ceeding Mr. J. L. Rodman, deceased; Mr. B. F. Pi ice was elected vice president succeeding Mr. Massey, and Mr. J. L. Rodniau. Jr., was elected to th- board of directors. Mrs. J. B. Godfrey and little daugh ter. Rachel, and M's. A. Ii. McManus went to Morgi nton last week to visit Mi. Godfrey ho is in the state hos pital there. Mr. Godfrey's -ondition is not Improving. Mrs. S. E. Oates ;.!so went to visit iier sister who lives ';tt Morganton. The Tirzah Bible Soceity will con Ivene at Tirzah church ou the last Saturday in this month, July 27th. The annual address will be deliver ed bv Rev. J. K. Abernethy of Mon- 'toe. A good meeting is expected this (year. Th week following the Bible (society meeting is always like "honie i coming week" for the Tirzah com ! inanity and is looked forward to from ear to year as a social feast. Fol lowing this custom there will be a good deal of visiting in the rirzah neighborhood that week. The teachers for Waxhaw graded school for the coining term have been elected as follows: Mr. Jackson Ham ilton of Pineville, superintendent; Miss Sallie Allen of Warrenton, as sistant in high school; Miss Cora Belle Ballaid of Alexis for the tilth and sixth grades; Mrs. Lottie Steele tor third and fourth grades; Miss Ma ry YanLandinghanr of Heath Springs ti r first and second grades. The mu sic teacher has not been selected yet. i Mr. Hamilton, the new principal, is a 1 teacher of some years experience. He ; taught the Farm Life school at Pine iviUe for five years, and taught last iyear at Indian Trail. His family is !iow at Pineville. He expects to move jto Waxhaw sonic, time in August am! school is t'hcduled to commence th. tj i st Monday in September. , Rev. E. E. 1'ies.sley. a well known I A. R. p. minister and teacher, die I hist Thursday at his home in States ;vil!e. He taught and preached in Lancaster county lor many years. Hi .was pastor of Unity. Shiloh and Gills jCieek churches in Lancaster county. I He was a Confederate veteran ami was severely wounded in battle. Mr. J resslcy was well known to many ' people throughout this section. Jle leaves his wife and several sons an. liaughtei s. JSeMi1 of the Condition o! (lie Slate Bank of Winfale ut WliigaNs X. C, at the Clos of Business June mh, ItllH. RESOURCES Loans and discounts ... $53,945.33 U. S. and Liberty Bonds . . 2,500.00 Banking House 1,143.54 Furniture and Fixtures .... 1,600.00 Due from National Banks.. 9,771.53 Due from S. Banks & Bankers 13.25 Cash Items held over 24 his 2,820.84 Gold Coin 45.00 Silver coin and minor currency 520.47 National Bank and U. S. Notes 955.00 Total $73,314.96 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid In . . . $10,000. ft"- Surplus Fund 5.000.00 Undivided Prints 665.60 Dividends Unpaid 25.00 Bills Payable 10.000. oo Deposits subject to check 24,915.16 Demand certificates deposit 21,307.52 Cashier's che ks outstanding 1,401.68 Total $73,314.96 State- of North Carolina, County of Union, July 9, 1918. I, W. A. Chaney, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge, and belief. V. A. CHANEY. Cashier. Correct Attest : G. M. STEWART, W. M. PERRY, J. L. AUSTIN. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of July, 1918. H. K. HELMS, Notary Public. V. Miss Kathrine Shute entertained at her home on Windsor avenue Friday morning lu honor of Misses Dorothy and Laura Holland of Danville, Va.. who are visiting Mus Ruth Houston, and Miss Elizabeth .Mullen of Lincoln ton, the guest of Mrs. W. S. Basker-ville-. The national colors were car rieel out appropriately. Rook was played at five tables. The tables had bWn planned so as to represent five branc hes of military service, the ord nance, artillery, cavalry, marine and infantry. A miniature American flag was presented to each guest as she scoied in the game. Thrift stamps we.e olteied as a prize and were awarded to Misses Beatrice Fairley. Rebecca Norwood and Elizabeth Hud son, who presented them to the guests of honor. The national colors were carried out even in the refreshments, which consisted of red, white and blue ice cream with cake. Those present were-: The guests of honor. Misses Laura Holland, Dorothy Holland and Elizabeth Mullen. Misses Pat Ash craft. Julia Fitzwater, Ruth Houston, Hannah Blair, Elizabeth Houston. Elizabeth Hudson, Rachel Howie, Be atrice Fairley, Lucile Britton of Sal bury, who is visiting Miss Fairley, El eanor Gurney, Rachel Armfield, Re becca Norwood, Nora Lee. Elizabeth Smith. Jennie Russell, Guerard Stack and May lieasley. Marriage of Miss Hill and Mr. Ctan forcl. A simple home wedding was sol emnized Sunday afternoon at 6:30 o'clock at the home of the bride when Miss Mamie Hill, the oldest daughte1, of Mr. J. C. Hill became the bride of Mr. Rones C. Cranford of York coun ty. S. C. Rev. C. L. McCain, the bride's pastor, performed the cere ninny. The wedding was a very quiet affair, only a few friends and lela ties being present. These are well known young people. The groom is a man of excellent character. The is an attractive young lady. Im mediately after the ceremony the couple left for Charlotte where the will re-inain a few days before going to their home. Re-ply to Mr. CliHiiey. Fearing that my ignoring the charges brought against me in "A Card Fiom Mrs. T. J. Chaney" in Tuesday's Journal, and treating the matter with silence might be consid ered discourteous by Mrs. Chaney. I will say in reply that the accusation Is false. Respectfully, IL, N. NISBET. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the people of Monroe for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our daughter. We pray God's richest blessings on each and every one. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Saleeby. Ignatius and Yours Truly Have Taken a Fancy lo Marshville. Correspondence, of The Journal. Stouts. July 11 Mr. Jennings Haywood, who is stationed at Fort Scriven, Ga.. Is at home on a thirty days furlough. He will help on the farm while here. Miss Beulah Bitch spent last Sat urday night and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Condor. Our friend and excellent farmer. Mr. ". C. Carnes, said the other day that if it did not hurry up and rain that he would have to buy some pic pans and place over his cotton to keep the moisture in the ground. We can say, however, that he is not the only farmer in this section who plant ed "the late Plate Dutch" variety of cotton. A number of young folks from this community took the te.icher's exam ination in Monroe Tuesday. Mr. J. P. Ritch spent last Sunday evening visiting In the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Yandle of North Monroe. "Ignatius" and "Yours Truly" Forded to Marshville Sunday e vening. They seem to have taken a rather strong fancy to this charming little town and some of the contents there in. Mr. P. H. Ritch, after spending some time In the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ritch. on a viisit. left for Sheffield. Ala., Sunday night where he has a position in a chemical plant. Mr. J. T. Hargelt and Mr. R. M. Conder were business visitors in Char lotte Saturday. The quota of War Savings stamps allotted to Stouts school district still lacks a little of being subscribed. But the good work will not stop until It is lubscribed. Our motto Is "Buy 'em or bust." If you want to help win the war why just kill the DOGS. You thought we were going to say the Kaiser. But we will say the dogs first. The Scout. LOCAL MARKET. Good white Rowden 30.00 Bright tinges 22.00 Stains 16 Cotton seed 75 Hens 20c lb Young rhirkens 25 to 27.5 Eggs 31 Butter 25 to 35 Country hame 30 to 32 Colored peas $2.00 to $2.50 Irish potatoes 1.50 Peesewax . . . . .25 White peas $2.50 to $3.0r' Pork 20 to 23 Beef cattle 7 to 9 i,. .1 . JOURNAL ONE CENT A WORD IN HIGH grade watch repairing you want the best. Take your watch to McCall. ENERGETIC AGENTS wanted to sell reliable accident and health insur ance on popular monthly payment plan. Write for your territory to day. Liberal contract. Johnson & Adams, Southeastern Managers, Washington, D. C. SPECIAL cut prices for Saturday. July 13, at our store- at Indian Trail. See us or fruit Jars. caps, rubbers, coffee, snuff, tobacco, and many other things too numerous to mention. Some special cut prices: $1.00 shirts for 75c; $1.25 shirts for $1.15; 75c underwear, (light weight!, 50c; mill feed. $3.00; cotton seed meal. $2.50; 320 sweet feed at $3.00; coffee, 18c; No. 3 cans kraut, 10c; No. 3 cans toma toes, 15c. See us before you buy or sell your produce. G. W. IL Ri ser. Buy War Savings Stamps. JEWELRY of all kinds at MeCall's NOTICE I forbid any and all per sons from harboring my wife, Ellen Thompson. All persons found so doing will be prosecuted by law. This July 8, 1918. Henry Thomp son. LEARN ABOUT wonderful Peru Sha hon peas. How one fanner realized si 5.000 fioiit 3t acres. Grows pods three feet lon&, vines thirty feet. Prodigious yielder of peas and vines. Farmers Seed Co., Clarksville, Tenn. FOR SALE 300 cords 4-foot pine and oak wood. A. W. McCall , FOUND One new Dodge Bros.' touring car at the Secrest Motor Co. Come, quick if you want if. Phone 310. INVESTIGATE US That's all we ask; then invest $1.00 few months, get warranty deed to land that may pay $200 monthly in oil profits. Write- today. Free maps.--Sour-lake Texas Oil Co., 725 DeMenil. St. Louis, Mo. NOTICE We have in stock two Chevrolet touring cars and one Chevrolet roadster. These cars ad vance $50 August 1. Buy now and save $50. Secrest Motor Co. STEAM VULCANIZING 1 have 'in stalled a modern vulcanizing plant at my home, 10 miles from town, on Jhe Monroe load, and am doing modern work, which 1 guarantee. Any kind of repairing done. Bring me your worn out casings and leaky tubes. Charges reasonable. A. C. Small, Monroe Rt. 1. WE ARE in the market for all your produce. We pay higVst cash price for butter, eggs a'id chickens and then fell you goods fir less money than others. We are selling sweet feed for less than market to day. $3.00; coffee, lSc; meal, $2.30; No. 3 tomatoes. 15c; No. ,1 cans kraut, 10c; salmon, 20c; cheese. 35c. We have full line of tobacco and snuff. We handle ice. Give your orders for ice eaily In the week. Give us a ciial. -G. W. H. Kizer. Indian Trail, N.,C. WATCH repairing at old prices at MeCall's. Twelve months guaicn tee behind each job. FOR RENT. The photograph gal lery building on main street next to Baptist church apply to N. C. Eng lish. LOOKOUT Mountain Irish potatoes, price $2.25 per busnel. instruc tions with order. W. P. Harris, Owlngs, S. C. PHONE 328. MeCall's Reliable Press ing Club and Transfer. COLORED WOMEN MARRIED OR SINGLE Wanted at once by the DU PONT COMPANY at Hopewell, Virginia Light labor 8 hours a day. Outside work. 25 cents an hour, total $2.00 per day. Inside factory work, 8 hours, 30 cents per hour, $2.40 per day. WAITRESSES, must be able to read and write. $35 per month Board furnish ed free. DISHWASHERS $30 per month. Free board. Largest colored Y. M. C. A. In the country. Excellent living conditions and recre ation opportunities. Don't write Come ready for work. Transportation refunded after you have worked thirty days. FOR SALE Nice gentle pony and i cart. $100 cash. Buggy and har-: ness thrown In J. E. Wager, R. F. D. 6. ' n WANT ADS. FOR EACH INSERTION 3 IFOR RENT. A four room cottajs. H. E. Copple. I rnt cat V fhnioa nf Iwn rnnH miltr cows J. Z. Nash, Monroe Rout- 4- WANTED all the good wool in the county, will pay the highest mar ket price for the same. J. t. Sikk 41 Coaipany. AUTO SERVICE Call M. L. Threat! ! at Monroe Cafe. GOOD INVESTMENT Give you? boy or girl a business education. Superior advantages are offered br us. We secure a position for all who graduate. Write for catalogue The Motte Business College, Wil mington, N. C. FOR SALE Some line Berkshire pigs entitled to registration; also Simpkins' cotton seed. T. L. Price, Route 1, Unionville, N. C. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. D P. Austin. Unionville, N. C. Pborv j No. 3, Sincerity. NOTICE OF PRIMARY. Democratic primary for nomina tions of County and township ofnVrs and Representaties of the Ce-cra! Assembly, will be held on Saturday, August ii, 1018, from sunrise to sunset at North aid South Monroe precincts, and from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. at all other precmr-. The following are the voting p--cincts and the poll holders at each: North Monroe M. L. Flow, J. F. Benton, Blair Secrest. South Monroe, D. Huntley, P. E. Blakeney. J. W. Lathan. Wlngate H. Kemp Helms, K. L. McWhorter. J. J. Perry. Marshville Rommie Griffin, J. C. Mrlntyre. Hiram Strawn. Olive Branch A. A. Gaddy. .V. C. Austin, Thos. Brune-r. Euto W. W. Pusser, Huey Pu S. C. Toms. ' North Goose Creek H. M. F-j". Columbus Clont. G. B. Haigler. South Goose Creek Lonnle Tv er, M. S. Baucom, M. C. Haigler. Irby's A. M. Eubanks, The: -s Starnes, W. L. Flncher. Altan T. C. Eubanks, J. P. F f ers, B. W. Laney. Walters V. T. Chears, two Ju'ii-s to be appointed by V. T. Chears. Lanes Creek Luther Thomas, two Judges to be appointed by Lut:-er Thomas. Smyrna Jack Davis, two judg- to be appointed by Jack Davis. The first named in each precln-:! Is the Roglstrtar, and the last two if judges. UnlonWlle, T. L. A. Helms, J-ff Little. N. C. Price. Vance J. I. Orr, Hamp Start-s. T. M. Yandle. East Sandy Ridge Geo. W. Chester, C. T. Winchester, J. F. Bi; gers. West Sandy Ridge J. D. Heu::: . Dick Hudson, V. S. Hunter. Marvin G. W. Sutton. Thos. Fj : son, F. S. Crane. Waxhaw Will Weir. W. J. Svv. S. S. Dunlap. Wilson's Old Store W. W. V -Whorter, J. Harvie Starnes. VV. :. McNeely. rt p . P"""J r H H2. 3 0O. re 2: ? a o ft CU 5 a g a . go o ? $3

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