jW&nt More Money Well, become physically fit Take i M A W T O W E 2 King of Reconstructive Tonics j S "Makes You Feel Good All Over. No Advance in Price. One Dollar. All Druggists.! DESCRIPTION FIRST REAL ! AMERICAN DRIVE CANTIGNY American Lieutenant Tell of Sjden dkl Spirit of American Ttxps Artillery Wonderful cWave Confi driKf to .Men. A letter from which Wki. receive Seen and Heard Around the Streets of Monroe. & RECENT HAPPENINGS By HENRY I! ELK A Monroe man remarked the oth er day, "Mnte President Wilson jlei News l the War. the Stat ami the Nation. The most destructive ha;l storm uc j NOTICE. The U requires all guarlians to render annual accounts to the C. S. C. and upon the arrival at age of ward to tile iinal settlement of their tt j!is estate. The law also require? is VIIiOX EXPRESSES ENTIRE i THREE FT IX AR-MY OHUN OiNKIDKMT IN FA JIM HIS ORGANIZED BY PKRaHINU Agricultural A"1rition Bill Ye-' MWMNHI X. S. Troop Already Sent toed ItecaiiM ot AmriHliiient. Washington, July 12. In vetoing the S28.0u0.000 annual agricultural appropriation bill because of Its' amendment fixing the government guaranteed minimum wheat price at 2.40 a bushel, the President inform-1 d Congress today that he did not be- lievo the farmers of America "depend Overoeu. Time Originally E-li. mated to Put First Army Abroad lm IUi-n Cut iu H.lf. Washington, July 13. Reduction by half ol the- time it was originally estimated it would take to put Aniei- ; lea's first field army in Fi ance was disclosed today with the formal an- ..................... t... t V. Ikn mn.l!t:m..hlinnlHMnrinlh.li- uuuu.riueui uy urue.ai .Ud.v.l luai ' , . ... ,v ' ,. . .Kithiee full army corps had been or- world at th s me of cr is ' bv Gpn cJ that Til .kI r.i.! ithe number of soldiers sent overseas .nil ,h. fr hi "t hv I numbered more than 1.100,000. p nt or the farmers has been wortny , ... . , , '... , v, of all praise and has shown thorn' The ".visions compos ng the davine a mot admi-able and cratl- col,8' "on!i,!,,ll8 r regular, nine n tt,? t ii ?,?lnifin r national guard and live national army 111 ? u LVil.i ?h r?. units, probably will com- buipe n ops 'the " have raisS this PUnts1 "'I'? ttr,oops' T " year have relieved "the anxiety of the 1,'"' "f. record for that wction Miuk Wake a!' guardians to renew bond once ev rounty Friday. All crop weie com-;-' Sh""" ars. There is a penalty nliolw rnino.l in un phi...,iu ru for a failure of anv guaiuian to rom- niakine Conrress kj stejrlilv at'u. u .:i . l.'!i,u iih ihahv ,n u,- . a vonnr lieutenant - --,inr uau tiuurs ere er large, in - ......iwu. . I tZ i. - kJ J Yi i work durin? tbe summer some ef the j places it fell to a depth of over ten ! The clerk was directed by the judge eigh girl gives a thrilling descriDtion ! Iaw ,ous toshes. oMluf " Ust "" r rt here to ofVrecetUleofC their seats In that August! h... ,Hjrt I the bill ;J.J r"S " juf lr Ut "Vtoi p ,k , I Official, of theberman towns along ia this count, ho have not readied though French tronl hd .X ' tM" b,D'fit f thw ' " r" kiUK an effo. t to gel ! nnual accounts and renewed bond taken "he Uwn onK ! i. .!.h!ifor offlcc' we Prnt the fUlovi ing: j the imperial Germen authorities tojery three years and who have not ii -v . . . which U Knmihat rf u rihnrsai.hu cimir to an aereement with the Allies rendered final accounts when taeir , ..... ...... . H.i - .atuu, v - ... -.. . . captured Can tigny and successfully repulsed seven count r-a: tacks launched by the ene my in an effort to retake it and took two hundred prisoners. It was here that Lieut. Harry Watson of Raleigh lost his life while heroically cheering ' his men on against the Germans. ! The lieutenant writes that he saw) Germans operate machine guns till, they eie rurrounded by the Amerl-! cans and th Huns then threw upUt of Kiplings famous "If." If you can smile. And tip your hat. At every one you pass; And remember faces. And ask about the baby: Then run for offk-e. my son. And the job is as gcod as won. jthat will stop the aeiial bombardment ! ards rriid at the ane of 21 years. Jof their towns behind the lines. This notice is to call attention of Governor Uickett will have Com- uroians 10 me aDoie wiai ikose or missiener of Public Welfare Ii. F. , tiiem w ho have not may make their Bcasley investigate the I.ydia Spruill annual account or final settlement, .a-e involving the Caswell Training '". before July 29th. as the grand School. 'Jury may b inwtructed to take some In the- future all shipments of cot- action against those who do not. (ton to Pnrtueul must he licensed. ! Administrator and executors are The mammoth shipbuilding plant Judge V. O. Leiiimcml. who has nations arrayed against Germany with regard to their food supplies. aiy 1, 1919, as originally planned, it Consress was further informed that ! " " " the President did not believe that such ; ";'. " ,b n. v inelastic provisions as contained in ! . A Kill ho ..,l.,.in uluroH In a ..r.'; tneir nanJs and cried. "Kamerad! i following toast: tribulation, conster The Ame-ricans had heard about the ! nation, perturbation, exilation. deso Germans and their famous "Kame- lation, ehaustat:on, di spoliation, rail" and they replied: "Kamerad. .emaciation, damnation and ruination; hell. Lusitania. you The. to the Kaiser and t?-e whole German spirit of the Americans as they en-: nation. tered the town, which had been blown , almost to smithereens by the Ameri can artilery. could not have been beaten, asserts the lieutenant. Ger mans were fleeing in all directions, screaming and trying to surrender everywhere. The. letter in part, follows: "Things have happened so fast over here lately that I know you can't re member places on the front, especial ly since you probably can't follow it v ........ j-unt uiu miii. a uhiik.... .. tK,.AnA v., ! raI1jHlv nearinir the soda fountain proosed the;.......... ;...,...nb' .i.k..,. . ... , - - ben laid and 28.5mi workers are em ployed in the yard. Mrs. Ma Lamb of Railey, N. C. 16 years old. was shot and killed at her home at that place yesterday morn ing. Hoover Lamm, her 18 year old also required to render an inventory within 90 days from their appoint ment, and to make annual account with the C. S. C, and to settle the estate within two years unless for good caue the time he extended. All administrators, executors, guar diunr and trust res who have not made annual accounts, settlements, etc., a husband, has been ariesied and lodg- ' required, are requested to do so on or !ed in jail at Nashville charged with ,wiore tne .'Tin aay or July, ihatur- lullinu, ,oiiy neiore court I, tnat same may oe court convenes on !th conducted numerous Old Time Fid- u e s ,u,..ru.. ... in ill is au.i ouier A,.colding to dispatches fl Olll Rer Mates Is considering holding one. last ,in colj b wav of Um)(in six ' viitu.iuu iu iiir ufci a uuum; uric; t sometime in the tarty fall, that will tl.A. nn u tri.ui:. . r ..uu.e e. ...e ,.uu.... conv- Tirs machines, dispatches sav. were tmns ever held by him; this grand ,., 4 . hmi.a,H,-.Bt ..f Coblenz when they were shot down American airplanes w ith their pilots I ! have fallen into the hands of the Hun. ! ' audited before Julv 29th. U. V. LKM.MON1). C. NtrTKE. hy Germun gunfire. finale to be givn for the benefit of the Ked Cross. As It Is now plan-! n'd hv tho Judre there will he both as closely as we do. But the little tan afternoon and a night perform-' show' at Cantigny. the first actual jance; numbers to consist of both vo dvive by Americans alone, was not cal and instrumental selections, classi- only u most interesting affair bu ta ! cal. r.-iKtime, and the songs and lunes their food laws. The judKes stick John Jiull's Way. The English take- r.o fooling about ia;r c-xampie ot the ability of th American soldier as a fighting .nan. our rathers and mothers loved to lines on violators mat must nun ano sing. One of the features ol' this liurt bad. One man who had ei:n- North Carolina, Union County. In the Superior Court. The Henderson Roller Mills Company. Incorporated, vs. E. U. Reed and I. D. Myers, trading as Heed fc .Myers, and tho Jefferson Bank & Trust Co., Incorporated. Tne defendants above named, to v. it : E. B. Reed and I. U. Myers, trad- way that would be advantageous to 4 nn ittifiAt an1 firtneili.lol' ha0 II C A they establish arbitrary levels which ; ua KI De itre quite independent of the normal t,'u market conditions. The administra-' tive method in fixing prices, he said, has been entirely satisfactory and should be continued. A fixed minimum price of $2.40 a bushel, the Trtsident said, would in- will then be The great project of establishing the j mere are ncm netter. our boys convention will be the war songs of : teen pounds of tea on hand. mty-:ing as ij0O(1 & Myels anj tne jef. one pounds ol sugar, and eight-seven ; f-on Hank A Trust Co.. Inc., will pounds of jam wai fined $15 foi sell- j take notic that an action entitled as ing sugar to a man who didn't have.) above ,a!l D,,vn commenced in the a card. A butcher paid $50 fine and Superior Court of Union County for $25 costs for overcharging on meat. 1 the purpose of recovering an imlebt V man was fined $250 for merely ledness due bv the defendants to the American army as the right flank o! wcresimp! wonderful, invincible. within ! cantigny is a town, or was bcrore our artillery started in oa it, upon a General March said organization of the first field army had not yet been completed. The formation of the three corps, however, and his an nouncement that troop movements to France were proceeding at the same hill which coinmanjiul n view of our rear zones perfectly. The Hun held it and could see our every move. the tin's and today's. The Judge savs that he knows an old lady in the; country whom he is going to secure, to don the costume of her girlhood ' and sing that favorite ef our fathers; The Southern Girl." Some of thei crease the price of flour from $1050 , ""J'"" tV "ZZ n,Z to 112 5 a barrel and would DUt an n,le for ,he ,ast three monthf' niR1 llti?! American military programme year on the consumers. Such an in-,''e'V . , , :. . u ...... .. ..i.i Each contains r ee III I', ice, lie rum. n.ium .... i i .imiinr inV,. ) Panada. ths en-. 25o.oo me n ot the regulars, national rrench troops captured it twice and I young women of the town will be se- "tiering to sell a wild rabbit for three 1 plaintiff by virtue of the defendants of cured to lender the modern songs, i shillings. A large company hand-1 Reed Myers selling to the plaintiffs lost again this valuable little post observation. Then it became our sector and of course we wantel 't. ' The night before the attack we from hr- nu he whole sVale of financial :" and nationjl K"anl- tenches aw r pen tion In thtcountry i,y the AN ! Hunter Liggett tern- ,n.. -ereens lied governments and affecting Dia.- . Irarily commands the first corps. To n iKo a i !,,f. ,vi " the two other commanders have not just like tal jling sugar retused to sell any to pe-r- Judge I.einniond once went down'ms who had sugar cards on the first to hold a convention at that historic , three days of the year, apparently were raided and lost one prisoner, j old city of Camden. South Carolina, i holding cut In the hope of being al but ho was a wise bird, and didn't in the days before ouart laws or even i lowed to charge a higher price; and 225.000 to 'give r.way our secret. Our artillery ; barrel laws had been thought of, 'the court fined the concern $50 and was wonderful. It simply blew their There was n large and appreciative i charged $125 costs, tenches away, pounded the town to j audience and everything went fine and 1 rem which tried to and gave us coiiliticnee, long story short, it was Inklnir itlo frntil n t.iihv tn :..11 iko ...I il.l llie iwo oilier vuiiiiuaiiui i s na.r .... .... ticauy tne enure woiiu. i.j k hu ... .! 'canime the town. The hit test came . The House is exprctoi to pass he - - ai. w,wtwJ tne. when we had to hold it. Seven coun- ..... ''"''", - will have the rank of lieutenant gen-1 ter-attai ks were launched by the Hun ing a young forest on his face nmt-nunieui r. mni, -, , land each time our line held. We still Hated more liquor than dandy with the exception of one old! buy other goods in combination with fiddler, who. as the- holder of con-, sugar was fined ..(0. John uuil is a car load of corn, and making draft with bill of lading attached payable to the Jefferson Bank & Trust Co., and the said corn not being the kind or (juality purchased, and when re ceived was in a heated, damaged and Another con-1 decaying condition. The said defend make persons I ants will further take notice that guaranteed price as $2.20 a bushel. Some Senators from wheatgrowing States were disposed tonight to urge the Senate to pass the bill over the President's veto, while others sug gested that the wheat price amend ment might be added to the $11,000, 000 emergency agricultural bill to which It attached the prohibition. Besides this, the chief of staff dis-ihold it amk still light to retain it, but . losed important information of the j it is ours to stay unless some big gen exact troops which go to make up the kuil offensive comes along whk-h may corps. This information never has! make it advisable to withdraw, been given before to the people at "The spirit of our boys couldn't he home j beaten. As they went into the town, The rate of transport ion of troops Huns fleeing, screaming, trying to i i.rowress with the fiddle. for July, General March said, was ; surrender everywhere, they yelled began to follow Judge Lemmond out keeninc nn with previous months. I 'Chow in Montdidier tonight, boys, . upon the stage when he was an- vention says, could barely strike few notes of "Turkey in the Straw." Tills old fiddler, who was support- assim- he could think or walk straight with. Know ing this Mr. Lemmond did not pro pose to call upon him to perform, but kept putting him off. The tipsy one however became insistent in his call to be allowed to show his short of rations and he aims to make what he gets go n long ways; and those who Interfere with his food arrangements arcs simply ' burnt up" when they go into court.- ton Star. Wilmiug- PUec Cared Id 6 to 14 Days DnuMfeU rrfnod money If PAZO OINTMENT fails tocarc Itch in. Blind. BlrrdinJ or Protruding' Pue. xi can gn PrkaOOc iDRtantly rdiw lithlnit Pilrs, and you can grt restful ikep alter ue rmt appucauoo. More than 90,000 troops were trans ported last week alone. Guarantee the soldiers' ration sugar by sticking to your own. of Victrolas Pathephones Pianos The lieason. It seemed that when Itastus am! Sam died they took different routes; so when the latter got to heaven he Filially he , alled on tihe phone. "Itastus," he said, "how yo like it down thai?" "Oh, boy! Dis here am some place," replied liastus. "All we has ter do is to wear a red suit wid horns, an' ebeiy now and den shovel some coal on de fire. We don't work no' more dan two hours out oh de twenty-four how Bring up the chow wagons.' We took nouncing the next number and ask- over two hundred prisoners, but we ing in a voice easily heard by the didn't want prisoners. I audience "When's my time? When's "God, 1 never supposed I could kill i my time?" Noticing this the audi and like it, but when it's thick with 'enVe began to call and cheer for him. smoke and dust and dead, something i The call became so loud and insls- just comes up and you glory In it. ! tent that Mr. Lemmond was lorced down here. But tell me, Sam "Germans were running every way! to allow him to start at least. Socur-s wjth you up yonder " and I had the best pistol shooting I I ing the name of the selection the fid-; -.Mali goodness! We has to gi! ever hope to get. Two American hoys I ler Intended to render: the Judge au- ,,,, at f0' o'clock in de inawnin' an' were wounded and I had two men I vanccd to the footlights and announc- Vnthah in de stars: den we has to jed that the next number was a lid-. haui n de moon and hang out ' die solo entitled "Darling, Comb (e sun j)t,n we nil!J M r ru clouds ! Down Those Long Curly Hangs." Li- arotin' all duv long." quor must have made the would be -But, Sam, how come yo I performer hnsniui tor ne staggereu to the middle of the stage and turn el t he back of t lie chair provided for (he actors to the audience, and 'sat down, in this position, unci began tuning his fiddle to render his selee- they are required to appear at the term of Superior Court of said county to be held on the 5th Monday before the 1st Monday in September, 1918, it being the 29th day of July, 1918, at the courthouse of said county in Monroe, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the .plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. I The defendants will also take notice j that a warrant of attachment was is sued out of the Superior Court of said county on the 24th day of June, 1918, against the property of said de fendants, which warrant is returna ble at the same time and place above named for the return of the sum mons, when and where the defend ants are required to appear and an swer or demur to the complaint or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 27th dav of June, 1918. R. W. LEMMOND. C. S. C. Redwine & Sikes, Attys for Pltffs. with me and told them to take the wounded ones back. They begged: Please, Lieutenant, don't send us back. That's our company up there righting like hell. We want to go on, please!' 'I couldn't send those men to the rear; they'd rather die up there with their company than go back, so I let them go. has ter work so hard?" "Well, to tell do t.ul'. liastus, we's kin' o' short on help up here.'" Grove's Tastclc. chill Tonic NOTICK. S Bl "There were funny things happen T'd, too. One fellow with his squad ; came rushing up to me and asked " i where the church was, he was sup- pose. I to 'clean up' that street. There were no roads no streets, nothing hut (iusi, shell holes and bricks. 1 said "ii said: 'I don't know. I never was B tion. The stage on which lie sat was a high one and he was very noir the edge. Finally when he had gotten his instrument sufficiently out of tune to suit his liquor befuddled senses he leanetl back in his chair.. In this position, with the front legs of his chair off the floor, he attempted to In this town before. He said: 'Net-! cross one leg over the other. His ther was I, Lieutenant, never was ' attempt was too forceful for his chair here before in my life.' Neither of i went backward over t lie edge of the iu smiled, nor were we trying to heiMtairp and with becoming grace he funny, but later I nearly died laugh- followed. Members of the audienc? The defendant, ing. picked him up and restored him to "While it was going on I was bub- his place on the stage but it is need bling over with joy that I could fight, less to fay that he did not proceed but after it was all over and 1 relax- to render his selection then or did he ask to be allowed to do so later. North Carolina, Union County: In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. D. B. Snyder, administrator of J. W. Hailing.', deceased, vs. Minnie J. Ilallings, widow of J. W. Railings. et als. To John W. Collins, one of the de fendants in the above entitled pro vxtore vitality ami cnersy by purityinil and e.i- You Will take notice that an action riehirift the IiIimmI. You can n fori lis Str-nuili- ! 0P proceed ing cut itled as above has uini!, Invin.iruti.it! Effect. I'rii? Wc. I teon commenced in the Superior court of Union county to sell tho NOTKT.! lands of J. W Railings, deceased.' for North Carolina, Union County- In the) the purpose of creating assets to pay Superior Court, Before t lie Clerk. ! off the debts and also to allot dower tn Minnie .1. Ballings, and the remain- WHEN THE BOYS ON FURLOUGH PAY A FLYING VISIT Are you ready to welcome them? Can you roll back the rugs, start your machine and give a dance at a moments no tice? Can you gather around the Piano and sing the home songs? If you can't, see STONE - SPENCER MUSIC CO. at once and save the 20 war tax on musical instruments. 2!6N.TryonSt. Charlotte, N. C. ed, for just a little while I wished I was six months old kicking the cover off my cradle. That has all gone now and I'm back to normal again. "I am resting for a few days, before going back at old Kaiser Bill. And our boys are certainly showijg him that his underestimation cf American troops is going to coBt him not only men and munitions, but a lot of trou bled sleep and disturbed plans. "Don't worry about my welfare. I've lost a few pieces of skin, been A Black Patriot. Edmund Johnson, of Elizabeth City, Is 79 years old. He Is black and gray; that is to say, his skin Is black and his hair is gray. He was a chattel slave in his youth and did a man's work when he was ten years old. He has been working ever since. Of late years he has been fee ble and not equal to steady employ ment, so he ekes out a living Dy gar knocked down, rolled over and cover-1 nening. He has a little garden of ed up, but no real wounds and what is his own and he works white folks' better, I have lost life and pepper.' none of my old lio:-a D. Henley and husband William Heiisley, Sam D. Davenport and wife Miriam Davenport, vs. Julian Davenport- NOTICK. Julian Davenport, above nanio.1 will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Union county, before the Clerk of said court, for the purpose of selling certain lands for partition among tenants in common, said lands being owned and held in common by the said defendant and plaintiffs above named, and the said defendant will further take notice that he Is required to appear before the Clerk of the Su perior court in his office In Monroe, N. C, on the 20th day of August, 1918, at 10 o'clo-. k a. ni., and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint. This 11th day of July. 1918. U. W. LEMMOND. Clerk Superior Court. j JUNK Wanted. We are always In the market to ron, nietal of all kinds, bones, paper etc. Open every aay. MONROE IRON METAL CO. Near Freight Depot gardens. Having worked tor sixty nine years and having put something Into life every one of thosew years. There are so many folks in the world who never have done a day's work: ..T . rimnVB In their lives, who not only have rest, . U. IriltlMUli U, but luxury. And they have rest and - AttomeV-at-LaW. luxurv slmplv because folks like old ; n,,,- ,., uncle'Edmund have done the world's Office in Law Building, old Library work. If no one worked all would i Room, Monroe, N. C. starve- part o fthe people doing li Will practice In all the State and the world's work keep all the world Federal Courts. Will give special at GORDON INSURANCE & INVESTMENT CO. INSURANCE EXPERTS. . Phone 209. Farmers & Merchants Bank Building. fed and clothed and housed. Too of ten the person who produces most of the comforts of life has no tlim in which to enjoy them. Bu this is no' ; sermon. I jud st ir'e.l out sav that old uncle Edmund is buy ing War Savings Stamps. He now has two of the five dollar one-, rep-i resenting pretty much all of his sav ing. "I want to see my side win," he told me in his simple fashion. "And I don't mind letting eni have what little money I can spare." Has any white man done more for his; country than this black man? Kliz- i abeth City Independent. Grove'a Tasteless chill Tonic dntroy the malarial ftrtmr which art trensmittrd to the blood by the Malaria Mm. Jto. 1 rk-r U- tention to collection of claims and settlement of es'ates by administra tors and executors. W. B. HOUSTON, Surgeon Dentist. MONT.OK, X. C. Office up-stairs, Fitzgerald Building, Not th west of Court House. Dr. B. C. Rcdfearn, Dentist. Office over Heath Morrow Co., Thone 232. MONROE, N. C At Mjshville on first and third Mondays of each month and at Mat thews second and fourth Monday. dor of said estate to be divided among tenants in common, and also for the purpose of obtaining a final decree of settlement of the estate of J. W. Hallings by said administrator, and the said defendant J. W. Collins will further take mil ice that he is requir ed to appear at the office of Clerk of Superior Court of Union county, in Monroe, N. C, on Saturday, the 13th day of July, A. D., 1918. and answer the complaint which has been filed in this proceeding, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in the complaint. This the 27th day of June, 19 IS. It. W. LEMMOND. Clerk: of the Superior Court of Union Co. Redwine & Sikes, Attorneys. ADMINISTRATOR S XOT1CF.. Having qualified before. It. W. Lemmond, clerk of Si:p"i ior court of Union county as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. P. P. He.ifc am, deceas ed, late of Union coun.y. North Caro lina, this Is to notify a 1 persons hav ing claims against said estate to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Monroe, N. C, on or before June 7, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate are hereby no tified to make immediate settlement of same. This the 7th dav of June, 191S. U. RKDFKAKN. Admr. of the estate of p. p. Ded f earn. deed. ADMIMSTRATOR'S NOTICI". lLivini' this day qualified as ndmin istrr.tors of the estate of L. II. Helms, late of the county of Union, State of Noith Carolina, notice is hereby given to all parties holding claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned at Monroe, N. C, on or be fore the 10th clay or July. 1919, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their right of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement. This Julv 8th. 1918. STAMEV R. HELMS and EARLE A. HELMS. Admr. of L. R HoIt" decode:!. Redwine A Sikes, Attorneys.

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