THE MOXItOE JOURNAL Founded ia 1894 by th present cuei; artl rubUsht-r. G. M. tnJ K. F. lU-;.sley. T-lcituu .V. IB. published F h Tutar ! IVuUy. 1.50 ikt Yeor. In in TJixaMe Proiiy. Ti. tula ia a!u.u:on of ;-'pr'v v -r fiat o; 1 " 1 7 in Fat a com y is dMite tor Co a'mo-t one million ilolla:-. T be je t to t .e a fvi.i i! i 1x1.334. as i hov, a jy th.' b.Ht' in the of. 1c of Res ter of Deed- M. C. Lor..;, Gains in prop er! v wee made in all the tow !;shii.s t vej't J.uko:i wr.ioh lot Aevoi dir. For County l'.iimU-.iiiier. i I a-v- ;- auuos.v i.iyseli a a can- ;- Co u:--.'.ss:oaer. sub- . a of tic lieiuoeratic ' ir::i.:i:y. W. V. JUVENS. , The Journal Building. eorner Jefftrson and Beasley Streets. of 191 follows Monroe. 1:IT. $;:.515.5!H; $3.S!'U$ Cain $174,852. Marshville. HIT. $1,054,110 $1.1S0,53!. Gala $126.44!. Itutord. 1H17. $7;i).74; $?t;.74'1. Clin. $132,000. Goose Creek. 1917. $S32.37S $:13.61$. Cain $l.24t. Every day we see evidences of the; Jackson. HI". $S"3.14; an.l work of the $S33.4j.. Loss. J.H..U.. 1 !..... F.r former. ! I ;-.e:v ..uu r.nee me-!f a can.ii--ate I .- i el-H'tun to tie otiW of, to the book the proves ty Co:o2-r Union o ::r . subject la of the entire . ountv ai returned is t:ie a;tijj o: t ie Demo- ratie primary. ; valued at $10.0i:.7S4 J- S. PLl LLR The value of property for 191. an 1 mil Hi HI D JOHN RKASLEY, Editor. h:iiay. JULY 2. IIH. For t'omitj 4'tMiunUsioner. 1?1S. 1 at-reby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner of Un- l'.'li ioa county. subject tj the action of lae Democratic primary. C. W. SMITH. SR. Fpu- Your Interest in the Hoy 191S. IMS urgent Canteen Department of the Cross. The canteen uniform at the statim carries with it, a message of j $ fi!ii.;i;V For Member llounl of Fdmntioii. At fneuis of Mr. C. S. Massey, of Waxhaw. we ur? that he be nomina te 1 in the Dv-.-.ociatie ptimary to sue- . .i. fi iti.. i lia rul lvnu.lf :i nie:n!ier of tm- Uea r -. t 1 I'rtUEIV It.)'l"J Of Li'ltltUin. vu'i.lem lMtf .1S6.2b: 1!1J I " CITIZENS. Cain. J1U2.00 friendship and the soldiers' conii dencc in this friendship more manifest every day. He has; learned that exery request or desire of , his will be granted, provided that it is in ;he power of the Cante-m work- ir Vance. L'l7. $tl'.3o3; 1918: Fr Member ll-ur.l of KiliK.ition. i ! $472,054 Cain. $52,091. ' aj tnenus oi .vir. a. uiojo, oi 'jecoilies i .. in. i 'jl .ict. lata tlnf.rH r.iu. twiin ai ii-ik lh:it hn hi ?an.i iuj;a it'v, ... - -, . $811.05. Cain. 141.973. nominal 1 in t!ie Democratic primary !t suv-ceet himelt as a member of Men Wanteil for the Ann?. the County Board of ELicatioa. Men between the ase of IS anlj CITIZENS. ).:ween :! t and who hive. 'not reaohel ther 41st birthday ar For the lcilutur In unv organization where one wanted for the army. Not a few men ! lue tr-.enn ot n. k. u. ueawine i-i to do cood there is alwavs to 1 know that marriel men can be ac-; hereby aunouuoe htm a , candidate for t.u, to do good mere k i . ,lKU, ta?as a, single the LeUUture. subject to the action be found the mean, cruical person. T sv. . o( the Demoorati.- primary. uho does not enter into the spirit f , ernient has mile provisions for the; . tho rk. who sneers at every effort j supmrt of the families of married! For Member llo.inl t Miuation. It tho e interred This is true of soldiers. The allowances are based I her-by announce myself a candi of thoe l ,,1;!lren ,n a, a member of the Board of the Canteen service evet w it. of Un.on county, subject as tlu-y may; . . , s,v.s under t) the action of the- Denoerati pn Tht;e men or women. i ha;pcn to be, consider so many of the! is yea,., ,,f a?1 fr .u enlisting in he ; mary. TOM LE2 PRICE. Red Cross attempts at knUuess a. ridiculous and think they are unap preciated by the soldiers, in aivitu tliis destructive criticism these "lo!v er? on" toixet that the aveiaue sol dier has a big. rucced hc.rt and i deeply appifciative of .my little act pi kindness. IMially it is d.incul' for him to his jrralefulness but as a you". Canadian Lieut-mint has said: 'They won t say it 'r. so many words, hu' aftei v:ar.l wl.en in il (,uvt mi m.Mlt thoil-allds -.f n'!e- lu re t-itiiue m id '' " is. will th-ir i.ioii,-h:- l" land of I.M.erty. Ur. a !ionrs of tne :i bov.- will take armv. evorv onj .ri ler resisiraima ae nuts 'law. a sworn statement, sworn to 'r''or- i n! i:-y (lublii1. stat in., t ti t t . -i Tin 1 1., i ! i -.r 1 ve.i rs . . . . . . . r . I. . I A .... : . il i ii-k he iifif I jet'T t) i.-;!iM in in- it-nmi i ai ic For 'teriiT. I hereby -iuo'tnce melf a raudl-Jjt- r r leriff ef lai m county, sub- f as-v Tii bv eiiii."- parent '" iJsV. u'uriian. ' All branches :" th army are now open for oalist.::e:f. and soou o''S cers' Train. '.is !' o'ts ire to be o;.e:i d. as t sc'a"i ..- to en listed t.i.-i! only, it -.ri '. , t';e brinlit man h eat si- will .-Jt his cha nee. Men ab.ive the d' i" M w i have '.lad prewus s.wice will be aecepted : lor the L' State iluai 1. a:i or-' ionization lor duty w;hin the limits :.ia:v. THOMAS C. COLLINS. For Mei;:!er lioar.l of Fducation. I h iby anaounee myMf a candi date for u- mfu1 of M'mbr of the B.iarJ f Eduoati n of V:Uu county. ub! vt ta the lie ti oc-.Ki. primary. A. LEX FL'XDERBl'RK. from in Flanders. wafted iicro-s tae which, if pei-essiiry. to lay dev.n their lives, and many of t ,ie L'ui'.i 1 ".i!- s. tection of I'ubl'.c utilit . Call at or write ta t: enutini Sf.;tio:. I'harl " '.nforti!.it:.a about t'.: !n am li of :ve ! a ill. :i 1 f r the :.- For County t'oniniiiner. I iiereby -tan an e myself as a can- j iio .te far County Commissioner, sub-j j-vt to fie actum of th- Democratic, prima :. I. H. BLAIR. Armv N C '.at ;c it rest ei lime in the wee : i, nonius: the Amel il iiioii-. it back to t'an'c to tm' hitlit-s who serv.1 them, who a'-'V" them a word of cheer to speed them on the way to their adventure." ,,, r:m:... n hut is one of the !-t , , round --o the men on passing to m .oiinii. ..l)r l)M(j 4 omnii-semer. troop trains say. But we -In! nee.i , , !u,It,;(. an!1.,,,u,. I11SJ;:- .t., ., r,,. chairs tables, cups and t (ij,ja,, road c )::i..i:siiin"r of Mon .,.,, hntcher knives, attractive : rm. town slr.p.Viihject t.) the action o; .o.. fi-n t liall'l i.i' TOl tlisu liiutiiiM, I h.-reb;, late for S. jeer u For MietiiT. ; an ia life u yjelf a candl-j e.iff o; I'aion county, sub- art -.ta o' t': Democratic i J. V. t.'.MKFITH. j Our 30th Anninversary Sale opened yesterday and thou sands of customers went out with arms full and happy smiles intending to return ev ery succeeding day. We are getting fresh shipment daily from the great Wilmington stock so there will be new bar gains for you every morning. Come; seeing is believing. For I load F. munitioner. " We present Mr. .1 iha D. Bissiers as a'e f-.'i '. .i I Comm:s.-ione: foi Monroe township. He is progres sive ani a Bond oiu:i:i--.-ioner. CITIZENS. i 1 baskets or dish towels, soap in fact any thing the housewife needs in her own kitchen. In the larger towns and cities this work is being carried out on a larg er scale than we ran yet afford; they have more conveniences than is pos sible for us. For instance, in Ral igh a hath house for soldiers is enuinned with 250 hot and cold show ers; in New Orleans there have been - . Democrat! .... i o.." n.ionn fori e?tr.tiiisneo lamrni iw.-n. the colored soldiers, consisting of a u n.iHijn nf five rooms in uk- - Democratic jinnurv. JOHN D BICCERS. For I'liJistii'ile. .-reby anmun..v mv-el.' as a ran e ; ir con-t ible of iluford tow n .mbj ct to th. aol.on of the Deiu :: ;:;: :.vy. IX. V. BAKER. 1'or t leik of I imrt. I liere'oy announce my -elf a candidate- f.,r the office of Ci v Ic of Court, subject to the action of the Democrat:..- p-imary. R. W. LEMMOND. 17 - Retail - 17 Th Department ln If 17 - Stores'- 17 . or Surveyor. I heteby annoua.-e myself a a can didate for re-election to the office of County Surveyor, subject to the a' tion of the -ratio primary. R. W. ELLIOTT. For Register of IVeiK I hereby anounre myself as a can didate fDr the office of Register of J Deeds, subject to the action of the De-mocratic primary. M. L. LO.NU. For Komi Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a cand! late for rial commissioner of Mon- For Iteronler. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Recorder for Union county, subject to SELL IT FOR LESS. 17 - Retail - 17 Department 17 - Stores -17 Monroe Hardware Co. roe township, subject to tho action of,'-- i. ' . V. i-J - . V ' pr im.arv. J. V. FOWLER. unite Temple; in Montevideo, Mmnesoio. nrranpements have been made to give the- passing soldiers a dip In the Min nesota River.; in Athens. Georgia, ev ery soldier is given a dainty and palatable box lunch. Certainly some of these things are beyond our reach as jet, but it is possible for us to disseminate in a lady-like manner a spirit of cheer and good will alon with the refreshing drinks and fruits, and so leave in the minds of the thankful Folider a great love for the South and a respect of wo manhood. The majority of the Monroe citi zens and many of the good people of Vnion county have contributed and are still giving weekly to the Can teen Fund. It was impossible for the canvassers to see every person in the county, but the opportunity to give is still open. This appeal applies par ticularly to the farmers, for very few of the Monroe people are so fortunate as to possess fruit trees. Won't you divide your share of apples, peaches, grapes, or melons with our soldier boys? No gift is too small for the Red Cross to accept and appreciate. Bring your contribution to the can teen hut or to the residence or Mrs. A. L. Monroe. Two of the teams, one captained by Mrs. Charles Iceman, the other by Mrs. G. B. Caldwell, ate plauniOK to nerve fried chicken to a troop train. If you wish to help Mrs. Iceman, car ry a chicken to her home on West Franklin street. Mrs. Caldwell has had placed on the square a large coop and if you care to assist her, drop a chicken in it, and it will be cared for until enough accumulate to serve a train. Help the canteen service. In this way you can express concretely your heart-felt interest In the soldier boys. Recent dispatches state that von Hindenberg. chief of the German military staff. i3 not dead but serious ly ill. He is Incapable of writin?. He has not taken part In any of the operation this year, so the dispatch es state. F.- Count v Commissioner. For Koa.l Cm.lioner. .. her.-'v aonjunre W;;' " I here-bv announce myself a can ii-! f ,r lhZ Z date for the office of Road Commis-: "ion-r subject to the action of the sioner. Monroe township, subject to I,',norratlc P'"'1'- wrnv the actioa of the Democratic primary. J. C. WINCHESTER. " . , , , For County t orn:iiv!oiier. i I hei-.'by announce myr-V.f a candi For t ounty ( ommissioner. iiatt fo!. tllP offlc(, of C(,unty Commis- I hereby announce myself a canli-i -,ttl. .,hia tn h .ieinn nf the Detuocr.'Mc primary. i T. GILBERT COLLINS. dat? for the office of County Commis sioner, subject to the action of the Deri icriitic primary. SAM D. HELMS. For County (Mamissioner. ., I herebv announce :.:y.elf a canJi- rortoioner. County Commissioner, sub- I hereby ann.vjnce myself a candl- ,. , tu n.,.,tin late for th- office of Coroner of Un- 1" X".nV DAVIS. primary. T. B. F'or Recorder. I Iiereby announre myself a candi date for the office of Recorder, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. D. McRAE. For the Legislature. I hereby announce myself a cand idate for the Legislature subject to the action of the- Democratic party. B. H. GRIFFIN. Hike For Sheriff. A friend to all, and always at your service, whether in prosperity or ad versity. Observer. For County t'ominlvdoner. I hereby announce myself a candi date fj-- County Commissioner, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. LEE POLK. For Sheriff. I hereby aunounee myself a candi date for the office.of Sheriff of Union county, subject ta the Democratic : Dmopratlc primary primary. 1. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Union county, subject to the action of the C. C. SIKES. . ynf egNHtiire. For Prose utm Attorney. i t h,.ebv ann!)nc myseir a candi I hereby aanouu.-e myself a catdi- ;(,afe f,r t!l(l legislature, subject to date Tjr the ofti-e of Prosecuting At- t-1(f action ot th(? Democratic primary, torney for the Recorder's court, sub-; JERRE' C. LANKY. ject to tne action ot t;;e uemocratic primary. C. VANCE McNEELEY. For Road Commissioner. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Union of the I hereby annou -e myself a candi-, pounty suaj,,ct to the action late far township Road Commissioner : Democratic primary. 1 of Monroe township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. HENRY McCOLLUM W. L. EARNHARDT. The shipping board announces that one hundred vessels will b launched on labor day. For Cotton Weigher I herebv announce myself a can- For County ('omniisioner. didate for Cotton Weiz'ie-r at Mon I hereby announce myself a candi- j roe subject to the ation of the Demo date for the office of County Commis-! cratic primary. H. M. PRESSON. sioner, subject to the action of thei Democratic primary. j For Representative. W. L. HEMBY. Having secured his consent to . . 'make the race, we hereby announce For ProHerutin Attorney. the name of C. J. Braswell as a can- I hereby anonunce myself a candi- didate for one of the seats in the date for the office of prosecuting at- i Lower House at the next General At torney in the Recorder's Court, sub-1 se-mbly. subject to the action of the Ject to the action or the Democratic primary. J. C. BROOKS. A Card to the Railroad Men. I am soliciting your support for sheriff because tf you are the same big, open-hearted men now that you were when I was In the service you believe In helping the little man who Is trying to make good. Respectfully, W. L. EARNHARDT. Democratic primary MANY VOTERS. For Road Cotnm Unloner For Monroe Township. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Road Commis sioner for Monroe township, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. DUNCAN HUNTLEY. Desires to call your attention to the fact that they are prepared to supply custom ers with HARDWARE of every de scription at prices that cannot fail to be of interest and their guarantee goes with every article sold to he just as represent ed or the purchase price will he returned. Should you need Heavy Hardware Builders' Hardware and Supplies ' Farm Implements Automobile Supplies Kitchen Utensils Stoves, Ranges Tools for Everybody Refrigerators, Etc. High Class Cutlery Paints, Oils and Varnish Screen Doors, Etc. Wire Fencing Pumps, Mail Boxes Crockery or Glassware Call in and look over our stock and get our prices. We try to please in every possible manner and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. MonroeHardwareCo. tt 8 8 it ? X .-. ?t XT h n k YV V s ft Ti Yt