vn7 run WV7D LTLIn MM & EMI 'Mi :1 1 ',4 ; 1 Ujx JJ J M UjLlJ J 0 u ul I Begins THURSDAY Morning', Feb. 27th This is a sale of Cotton Fabrics, which will be a pleasing' combination of High Quality Merchandise at prices unheard of since before the war. Thousands of yards of Standard Merchandise of recent purchasing are included in this Sale. j SPECIALS YARD-WIDE BLEACHING, Good Quality 10c. ! ! YARD-WIDE SEA ISLAND -10c. S APRON AND DRESS GINGHAMS 10c. 2 39c CRETONNES 25c. Floral and Figured Cretonnes, Special 25c. GINGHAM SPECIALS 10,000 Yards Apron or Dress Ginghams, Special for Sale - 10c. 10c. . 10c, SPECIAL COUNTER J NUMBER ONE These Counters contain Apron Ginghams, Dress Ginghams, Percales, Fancy Prints, Curtain Draper- J ies, etc., values up to' 25c., Special 10c. X APRON AND DRESS GINGHAMS 25c Value in Apron or Dress Ginghams, beautiful pattern?, absolutely fast colors, Special 15c. 15c. 15c NEW DRESS GINGHAMS 5 45c Value of brand new Dress Ginghams, beauti ful patterns, r!2-inch, Special 35c. ; SPECIAL COUNTER i S NUMBER TWO. On this Special Counter you will find a large assort- ment of Apron Ginghams, Dress Ginghams, Percales, Cheviots, Serges, Flannelettes, Suitings, Plaids, etc., Special 15c. J BIRDSEYE CLOTH. Best Absorbent Quality, absolutely low prices, S 18-inch, 10-yard bolts $1.35. J 24-inch, 10-yard bolts $1.75. 27-inch, 10-yard bolts $1.98. S TOWELS. Barber Towels ...... 7c. 20c Huck Towels 15c. i 18c Huck Towels 12'c. I 65c value extra large Turkish Towels at 49c. TOILET GOODS X PERCALES, 36-INCH WIDE. X o6-inch Percales in light and colored patterns 15c. X X and - 19c. SHIRT AND DRESS PERCALES V .x-.xw-x-xxmk-:- LONG CLOTH AT SAVING I $2.50 value best quality Long Cloth, Special ...... $1.95. .X"X"K'XXW"M''-"K ? 16c. 16c. 10c Talcum Powder 20c Colgate Talcum Powder ..... Colgate Dental Cream Colgate Shaving Cream Colgate's Face Powder Palmolive Powder 59c value Palmolive Shampoo 5c. 12J4c 10-19c. 10-19c. . .. 10 19c. 19c. 39c. Thousands of yards of Fine Standard Percales in light and dark colors, 40c value, Special ... 25c. J ? t 2'k PAJAMA CLOTH. 39c MADRAS 25c. IB! Fine Madras, suitable for shirts, HDc value, Special 25c. DRESS POPLINS. Z 39c Dress Poplins r 25c. These are all new wanted shades for Spring Dresses, J Special 25c. 39c VALUE IN SERPENTINE CREPES 29c. These Crepes are in good variety for Kimonas, S Special -.1 29c. 25c quality Pajama Cloth 16c. ..;..:..x-H"X:W"::" & BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AT GREAT SAVINGS. X 20c value yard-wide Sheeting, Special 10c. 25c quality fine finished Sheeting 16c. X :0c value heaviest quality brown Sheeting, Special 20c. & x zvc quaiuy Hieacnea fcneeung, .so-incn, gooa quality, Special 10c. 25c value extra fine Bleach. Special 16?c. mX'4x--xX"X-"X-"X-- 23c 23c. GALATEA CLOTH. :5c value in Galatea Cloth for rompers, slightly second Special 23c. X"X-K":X"X"XhX"XxX"XK : vx-:xxxxxxxxMx:, GREAT TIME TO BUY SOME OF THE LEAD- I ? LNG MANUFACTURERS' BEST PRO- f DUCTION IN HOSIERY FOR f 4 . LESS. X X Ladies black and white Hose 10c. ;5c va'ue in Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose, Special .. 19c. J; $ Fine Gray Cotton Hose 20c. i X Ladies Silk Hose 49-79-95c. S ? l X'X''XX-XK"X"XX"XK"XXX"XXSXi'X' x:..x-'X"X"XX'xx-x MEN'S AND BOYS HOSE. I 20c value Cotton Sox, Black, White, Blue and x Gray . 10c. Men's Heavy Work Sox X Men's Lisle Thread and Silk .. 19c. .25-35-50-75c. ..XXX'sXXKX-:"nX-'"XXs-'XX-"X'N 40c Indigo Blue Denims, Special 50c Indigo Blue Demins xx-xXK"XsX"X-x-xX"XX--xx:xx"X"XX"X BLUE DENIM. 29c. 33c. XX'XX4;X 5-4 Standard Table Oil Cloth 35c.