FARM NOTES I THE MONROE JOURNAL JOHN" F.EASI.F.Y. Editor. 1 Founded ia 1894 by the present owners and puoiisners. u. m. auu The fo,owing from lhe n of R. K. t. I,eas-.e. H KdluundS- tniitor of Manufactur- m . j . ...: era liecora, snouia oe reu ur eested by every farmer in Union ; , county: Special Notice One cent a word each insertion. (By T. J. W. Broom.) The Journal Building, coiner Jtfferrcn and B-'asley Slreot3. of FOR SALE New 4-rooin bungalow, with barn and well; 2$ acres of land; situated all O. K. Monroe Insurance Investment Co.. G. B. Caldwell. Manager. 51. L. FIOW. United States Conimis l sioner. administers oaths to tobac- co and income tax reports. FOR SALE CHEAP About eight square of second-hand galvanized rooting in good shape. A. B Helms, Monroe Route 2. lnblK!ied Each Tuesday and Friday, f 1.50 a Year. Invariably in Advance. Tl'iltne No. 19. i "I have no hesitation in saying tnat ! it would have been infinitely better ! for the South if it had never raised a bale of cotton. This, the most royal BUY ;crop ever given by Providence to, mankind, has been a curse to the! South. It fastened slavery around .uiKt. AUTO ACCESSORIES carry a complete line of automobile acres- FOR" RENT A nice front room for; sones j. Lee roia company. A notice to discontlnu: The Journal, ,ne ieck of ,ne s0U(h. and out of, is not necessary, as we taka it for tnig filllle a condition which resulted! framed that you do not waut theiin ,ht. rxix yar. It has caused the1 ycper when you fail to rone. KltlHAY. FF.BIU AKY iiH. 1919. The Women Will Vol. one or two men. Phone 323. your auto tires from J. Lee Polk ft Co. at Mineral Springs. Those who owe me will please settle with Mrs. H. D. Stew art and get a receipt. You will never have to pay the account twice. H. D. Stewart. St. Jean de Monts. France. Base Section No. 1. A. E. F. Mineral Springs. M. L. FLOW. United States Commis sioner, prepares proofs and affida vits for claims, allowances and pen sions before the War Department at Washington. South to think in terms of cotton, to. base its religious and educational ac- i tiviiits on cotton and to raise cotton : merely for the purpose of buying foodstuffs from other sections. At REEFER'S MORE Egg times it looked as though we of the: Hens. South have cotton bolls for brains and a cotton siring for a backbone, because we have permitted the rest of ,' lhe world to absolutely dominate the RED AND Yellow Carneau Pigeons: A LARGE STOCK of latest Improved talking machines just received, f 20 to (150. terms cash or credit, at llolloway s Music House, Monroe, N. C. Tonic for Guaranteed to make laver? ' out of loafers. $1 per package. ', C. K. Marshall. Jr.. Gastonia. N. C j Guaranteed mated and branded Pair. $1.50. Three pairs $4.20. j Silver Wyandotte eggs for hatch-1 ing $3.00 per 15. C. K. Marshall. Jr., Gastonia, N. C. modern times. Producing far less in 1 vnliia ttr nrrp tit u-hpnt anil rnrii the will never vote in this Western farmers have grown rich on ' When will they vote in North Car olina? Well, we don't know just when, but it will not be long. They vote in nearly every otner siaie ii. co,ton trade al;d hoId ,he ;ou(h the Union now in one way or another slavery by low priced eolton. end it will not be long till thev will "Holding a practical monopoly of ' vote ia everv one. even in North Car- ,hi,s- r"f important .ingle rl-, , . cultural product known to mankind. olina. They are already voting in the fT0Vtfn nave lived in poverty al- tvery European country of any im- most unknown to any other agricul- ( penance, including England. Yet turai region or civuuea countries in some people in North Carolina think that they state. The woman leaders themselves their agricultural activities. The sav that just as soon as Mr. Wilson Southern farmers have been held in calls an extra session of congress that ' ,he 1cfha.'" Poverty. j I ..... A. , "Had the South never raised a bale ; FOR sALfc -00 dozen .no. 3 cans congress w.ll submit to the several of cotton it wouId have concentrated I Silver Floss Kraut. $1.37 per states the question of a constitutional its attention upon foodstuffs and live i dozen. W.J. Heath. amendment wherebv everv state in stock and it would today be the cen-; j the Union will be forbidden to enact of the live stock industry of; FOR S . , . . ica. as it can yet be whenever its peo-! Silver Floss Kraut. $1.37H peri voting laws that exclude any voters make up hfr minds ,0 center ; dozen. W. J. Heath. on the ground of sex. This proposed their agricultural activities on diver- j it mend men t linked onlv one vote of sitied agriculture and cattle and hog . WANTED Good Mule ten or twelve, . . . - m it it i being submitted bv the present con- rawing. : -- .uDU... ,, i ,t ,, , "The recent decline in the price of 1 " cress and the next one will surely ..., mav . ,)mvp h K to CABBAGE CUTTER - 6 knives FOR SALE Good work mule, cash or credit, or will exchange for good gentle horse. R. Redfearn. C. WHITE LEGHORN eggs $2 per hfteen. or $3.50 for thirty postpaid. Lucrelia Parker, Duke. N. C. TALKING MACHINES, pianos and ! ukelelts. We have them, at Hollo- FOR RENT The nine room houses way's Music House. in Wingate formerly occupied by I Rev. C. J. Black. Renter can also JAPAN CLOVER SEED Grown for secure from 2 to 15 acres of land, if desired. Good barn and out buildings, good well ii nd young or chard. J. C. Mclntyre. i seed, not the wild seed collected up; $9 bushel; will grow where other clovers fail: a sure hay crop or pasture; reseeds itself every year. Cole Seed Saver Co., New bern, Tenn. Mioimt " . the South if it drives this section In North Carolina the leadeis of away from the worship of cotton, a; the woman suffrage movement ask lhe legislature to grant them the right of municipal suffrage. This can be done under the constitution which forbids women voters in State elec tions, but will permit the legislature to grant suffrage in town elections. The demand of the women is now based upon this sole request so far cs North Carolina is concerned. They Ere not asking for Representative fetish which will forever curse us as long as we bow before cotton, and if it cai'ses this section to produce the' things which in the end will increase the fertility of our soil, enrich our, farmers, give higher wages to farm laborers anil bring a well rounded, prosperity to the life of the whole! section. "Cotton as a subject ruled abso lutely by the fouth could be made to i aid in bringing prosperity to I his section; but cotton continued as a, king dominating abject slaves will Griffin's bill to submit the question of forever hold lis in the slavery of pov- umeuditig the constitution of the State to a oie of the people, believ Jr.g that they will get the vote from congress quicker than they could gel it from the state. A bill allowing the women to vote in town and city elections is now be fore the legislature. It was diseuss td publicly before the committee Tuesday night. Seveial women spoke in advocacy of the measure and one men for it ami one against. It is said that the women beat the men in argument though they did not speak FO loud. Mr. H. S. Ward, a lawyer of Washington, this state, was the wan who spoke against the measure and lie made a snoner. He declared that no good ami only evil could conw cf letting women vote. He said that the theory of !ie, and that those who were asking lor this small measure were just us ing it as a means to get more a erty. We believe that what Mr. Edmunds sas here is the veritable truth and demands the consideration of every southern farmer. A sure and safe' road to permanent prosperity is being made for every southern farmer that chooses to walk therein a diver sified agriculture that includes live stock, such as cattie, sheep and hogs. Hundreds and thousands of southern fanners elected to that road, in fact; are already travelling it. and find J that it leads to prosperity. i One brood sow to each farm and , an average of a half dozen sheep to the farm in this county would result in an increase to the incomes from the farms of the county a sum ap-' proximating a million dollars annual-, ly. We can do this and still raisr , ; II the cotton we can get a profitable' price for. We will have with t:s neNt week slices all kinds of vegetables rapid- i ly. Fine for potato chips. Prepaid, j $1. Three for $2. Lusher Bros . Elkhart, Indiana. j FOR SALE Oood planting cotton! seed from Texas Five Lock, very ' prolific and two weeks earlier than t How den. Have 450 bushels will! sell at $1.25 and $1.50 each. 1375 pounds of seed cotton will make a j 500 pound bale. Have tried this! cotton for a long time and it im proves yearly. S. N. Stack, Lan-! caster. S. C, Rt. 7. ! AUTO REPAIRS We have employ-! ed a ro;iiHtent mechanic and are now prepared to make all kinds of i repairs on your automobile. J. Lee Polk A: Co. Mineral Springs. BOOK-KEEPING. Shorthand thor oughly taught; enroll any time. Write for catalogue. Address Greensboro Commercial School, Greensboro, N. C. USED FORDS for sale or trade Two touring cars in good condition and que small truck Ernest L. Harris. CABBAGE PLANTS Millions hardy cabbage plants from selected seed. Any variety now until May, $2.00 per 1,000; 10.000, $1.50 per 1.000. Troinpt delivery EnterpriseTruck Farm, Georgetown, South Carolina WHEN YOU break your glasses ot they get out of shape take them to Dr. H. Smith, eye-sight specialist New frr.mes, temples, broken lense? duplicated. No matter what youi trouble is, simply call in and w will do the rest. FOR SALE A practically new bicy cle. Francis Taylor, Phono 222. HEAVY FRUITER COTTON Rec ord four bales per acre; 40 bolls weigh pound; 46 per cent lint. Staple inch. Heavy Fruiter Company, Lavonla, Ga. IMPROVED Porto Rica and Nancy Hall potato plant $1.75 per thou sand; over 10,000 $1.65. Booking orders, April, May June deliveries. Cash with orders. B. J. Head. Alma, Ga. EGGS from thoroughbred White Wyandottes, prize winners, $1.00 per setting of 15 at home, or $2.00 when packed for shipping. E. N. I Bivens, Wingate, N. C, Route 1. I "Saved Me 4llPp $100.00!" "Time was," a fanner told me the other day, "when I had to take all my little odd jobs of repairing to the black smith and the carpenter. It cost me money and wasted time. But no more ! Tie COUNTRY GEOTLEMAH has shown me how to do my own work. Handy Farm Mechanics that's the page ! Every week it helps me in my little repairs, points out short-cutsr tells how to make things, and explains every detail with drawings. "I figure it has saved me a hundred dollars, at least, in the past three months. I wouldn't be without it for one hun dred timesthe cost of my Country Gentleman subscription I" He's not the only man who profits from that page. It's written largely by men on farms maybe you can send in an idea yourself. Anyway, get acquainted with it. And remember this it's only one page out of forty to seventy each week that tell the whole story of fanning, and which are packed with concrete money -laving suggest ions about the very diffi culties that bother you. saves hundreds of dollars a year, but it costs only $1 for 52 big issues. Order through mo-today! Miss Hatiie Belk Phone No. 20(1-11 I West Houston Street, Monroe An tuthorlird aibtcriptloii rrprtwnutlvt of IkContri&BtkaMft lastaWBosMloml UttSitanhylvningrW C SIKES B4U BUY Better be safe. than sorry. We have then, the beasts of burden, that fairly dazzle your eyes. Values that are fa? from the ordinary Horses and mules bought on orders. THE SIKES COMPANY "In the Business 26 Years." BEST GRADE of red leaf chewing and smoking tobacco 2 pounds $1; It pounds $4; postpaid. Reference, Peoples Bank. Wharton & C.iycc, Martin, Tenn. FOR SALE Ford touring car, late model, absolutely tirst-class condi tion. Price, $475. Address, Ford, care Monroe Journal. two men from the Extension Service equal suffrage was a ', fml" ""' 1)airv Division, the oih- . ; u-a Sheep Extension man. It Is our j ""'"""""" purpose to organize the Jersey breed- ! F,td fo.r 1-5.0 I)tr bimhel. W. M. ers and secure their cooperation in St'11, 1 "ionville, ,', c.. Route 2. getting a car load of registered Jer-1 rilone 35 1'Ioasunt Hill. thing which no one denied, because "' heifers immediately as founda tion stork for growing breeding stork. and we want to Let in touch with every fanner in the county who wants 'hu breed of cattle between now and i ho Sih of March. We purpose also to get sheep by the car load and we want all who are interested in get ting a few sheep as a foundation for building a flock to g t in touch with It was a lively time v-s by letter or attend the meetings that is all they can get unless the con stitution of North Carolina or that of the I'nited States is changed. He said they were crawling on their bellies Into the garden or Eden like the old Serpent. He charged every evil to woman suffrage from Bolshevikism to short skirts and the house of representatives where the hearing was held, was full. Mr. Ward succeeded in making all the advocates of the measure fighting mad, but the deep dyed old antics were highly pleased. The committee withheld its deci sion for the tiPie and what is to be come of the bill is not yet known. VIRSID QL'ALITY LEGHORNS -The Single Comb Whites, with I'vurds around 200 and above. Open i.mga grown; under graduate care; ;red for beauty too; profitable to us and will be to you. Hatching eggs i 1.50 silting prepaid. Vlrsid l'o' l'ry Farm, Buhs Creek, N. C. (ieiniMii' Fiiortuou ew Airplane. According to an Associated Press dispatch from Berlin, if the war had lasted a few months longer Germany was prepared to surprise the world with an enormous airplane. The new giant of the air, which was planned by Harold Wolff, an engineer, will have its first trial at Doberitz within a few days. The new machine is nearly 165 feet from wing tip to wing tip and stands more than 23 feet high. It scheduled below. If ou are inten sted in getting reg istered pigs for breeding purposes we will help on and will be glad to get your orders as quickly as possible. Meetings villi be held ns follows: j Mineral Springs, Tuesday, March 4 1 h. in A. M.. Wesley Chapel. 2 P.! M; Wednesdav. Rehobeth. 10 A. M., i Marvin. 2:?.t P. M.; Thursday. Pros-' peel in A. M.. Trinity. 2:30 P. M.; i Friday. Hock Rest 10 A. M., I'liion. i Lanes Creek, 2:30 P. M.; Saturday, Monroe, in my office, 11 A. M. If we get the car load of Jerseys l this spring we must decide the mat-, ter next week, so get In touch with j is at our office or at the meetings, i Miss Carter, the Home Demonstra-1 tion Agent, will be with us at the; above appointments with an atlrac-j tit'n nrnprn iii mm Ihiit uil) Iia nf ill-! Ii'al f.i fai'i.i u-rtinr-n Mica Co vttt r : L KLR desires to meet ns many of the farm women as possible at these meetings get acquainted with them and out line her work for the year. Miss Jl'ST RECEIVED a car load of fine young mules direct from Kansas. All sizis and weight. We are go ing to sell t hem cheap. Come now and get the pick of the hunch. F. W. Walters and 0. A. Collins, Monroe R. F. D. S. LKSPFDZA - PA NED. RE-CLEANED No. 1 seed. No Johnson Grass. $6 cash. F. J. Burson, Slate Springs, Miss. FOR REGISTERED ANGUS CATTLE write Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Co., Kingston, Tenn. ELGIN WATCHES. Hampden Watch es Complete line at McCall's. FOR SALE Desirable building lots in Monroe. C. D. Roberts. OF ALL KINDS at Mc- rftw " " . I ,jr-L' Call's. OFFICE MOVED over Tharp's hard ware. W. B. Houston. has six motors, with a total of 180 horsepower, driven bv four luonel- r nrtrr rnmou tn na frith tho heut nf lers, two of which are forward and recommendations She ia here to;SAVK MONEY by trading at t U . ... - . .. . Pnll'a r.aCII UI me pro ie CrS nilS c.rvn moot hurmiH , Ivo lior o Imirlr wail B. iwo or ine motors. It welcome and a chance to he n. two aft. four blr.des Is said, can stop simultaneously with out affecting any propellers or hav ing any result except to reduce the speed of the airplane. Apart from its dimensions and power, the new airplane is not only Local Market Mc- BUY YOUR Watch from McCall. Rest white cotton' 28.00 ! EVE?.Yw,ch we scU is ear'tei Cotton seed 1.00 H Kr . 27 1 McCall. Bu iter . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 30 WANTED Twelve men to work at suiiiKie Biiu paw nun lur one year, good wages for good men. Five miles south of Monroe on Route 7. J. L. Mclnnls. equipped with devlcps enabling the; sweet potatoes 150 pilots to know at all times their altl- Irish potatois $1.25 tude and angle of elevation, but also I Country hams 30 with devices to tell the absolute as ' Beeswax 30 wen as relative direcMon. which. It Is i Corn 1 60 to 1 65 " believed, will make flying possible on pork 23 F0U SALE A 13-room house In the darkest night and in the thickest ;rwf r'n'ttto mJ Wingate; good barn, pood well of fog. The device for determining the wmio Mg ? sn i water. J. C. Mclntyre. absolute direction consists of an In- Hens 25c lb. strument adapted to receiving mes-! Young 'chicken's .......... 30c lb. sages from various wireless stations j ' and capable of such adjustment that j cw Joe Left Home. a message from any particular sfa-1 -pear Joe Come home. Forgive! Hon can be heard only when the de-jand forget. I haie destroyed the I SPECIAL Good Georgia cane syrup vice Is turned in that direction. 'hook of war-recipes. Violet." Tit- Parker & Moore's. ! nit. TAKE YOUR watch to McCall for re pair. Ten years experience. All work guaranteed. Will-o'-the-Wlsp. Knicker "Has Jones returned to his pre-war work?" Bocker "Yes, he is looking for the same Job he was looking for." New York Sun. Significant. "I shuddered when Tom proposed." "Was he o awkward?" "Oh. no; he did it so well." Bos ton Transcript. OFFICE MOVED New location. Af ter February 1st, Dr. H. Smith, eye sight specialist, can be found at bis new office, Belk-Bundy building, over Bivens Bro.'s store, next to Dr. Green's dental office. Detroit Vapor Stoves For Every Season of the Year Winter or Summer. Spring; or Fall, a Detroit Vapor Stove gives the same perfect cooking; and baking ai a modern city gas range. Detroit Vapor Stoves have sturdy gs stove construction and operate just as easily They Work Like Gas BURN OIL. GALOLINE or DISTILLATE There are no wicks or wick substitutes in a Detroit Vapor Stove. Durable 8'2 pound burners vapor ize the fuel, so a gas is burned. Detroit Vapor Stoves give 19 hours cook ing to a gallon. Come in and see one work. We handle them exclusively for this territory. Monroe Hardware Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. u ii n B H B B U B H B a B a H U D B U n a a B a B B