miri vftYnnr IrtlTRV AT till fewer thought drinking was nee- : Men Who Have S Service and Met j THE MONROE JOURNAL n had bfgun to thint twa. aWSiiST' ! Published Each Tuesday ami Friday. a,,d ,0 ,lv The ! "The average American doughboy. ' i-uPitiie.i rn ies , temperance came by legislative enact- hu BIOInw ralher. brother, sister. ment upon those who would learn no wife or sweetheart will always love f 1.SA a Year. InvariaMjr in Advance. wm ,rue of ,he Salvatioil ArIllJ. for ,hey owe that .hi-.v d he- wonderful organization a debt of Momoe. X. Kridav. April 4. I91. ' Mn W,H ,h" I gratitude. Americana will and must ! - r r J come unaccustomed to thinking 'iregpeet ,ne principles and Ideals of; war. Then we shall have peace. The ,ne organization that has stood the The Kal roiiiniission. mogt (,owerfu incentive to the think-: acid test without a murmur or coin-; . i f ,. is a leacue of nationa. ' plaint from creed or color. The Sal-1 Governor Bickett has promptly ap- S of V ' J , ..,- ivation Army has implanted such an Pointed the State Road Com mission. , The next is the reduction of arma-, ,nfluence , ,ne heart8 of the world J .. . a.1Iinil ,he men who had ts- vhe e ,hi,,k ,eace for , through her fighting men that the He did not appoint the men wno naa arma- geeds it has sown in No Mans Land ! the most recon.mendat.ons. an I he ; be , in. ,nd at ,he training camps, will spring did not appoint any one connected L.emiiv between iia-'P nd ber (ruit8 ,hat wi" iVe the 1 with the former highway commission. ' tell.gence and fraternit be ween : wrW ,he firet real U8te of a lrut. He made a clean sweep and backed 'ions will be the governing influence. deniocrac,.. , jie maae a . , ag are betwt,en 81gter gta,es j , the above few words. Private his own judgment. There is no neighbors in the Frank Ivy Goldsboro. of North Caro- but that he got as good men as could . 'a ," .u"'g " Una 8imi up wnat ne na9 seen of the be found and a bunch that will go sani blocK- work or the Salvation Army abroad. ,head and make things happen. ; i l UiUCV.,,., Wn,.u.se A,, -!v c.ded to se d out hioi h e 80ns. While he lay on his cot at Ft. The cotton warehouse act known try one milium co iw o ' McPhenon hospital waiting time to . the Price bill, which had the sup-," -a . Le iV 1"! ; h1 the ou.d. Inaieted byttae Hn. -port before the IJ the ; Plate Acr.cultn.al Department Dr. , 0e hundred hd Lewis 1 Army both here and abroad. Clarence Poe. and ...any other lead- Ih.s is the " k8 bv "n-i When he learned of the coming ig men and agencies in the agricult- i made ""' b- U'-Reel drive In May for additional fund, for oral work in the State, has aroused T8KLbIual National Committee 1 h is great cause he wounded hero . great deal of discussion since the , red a B1,1o; o, r.h. Sdlf 5 ISi.'th'.S .SS'n: " legislature adjourned. The Attorney , of attack,,, Virs5.i4 mogram ! who would go far and wide to tell the ' General of the State has given his ; fault o. l . .du J"": , people of this country jnst what the opinion to the effect that the law ; in seating the Lewis .peel h ft A .tand, ;hfl-ha hdid0 pta uncontitutional in that it '--8 a !afiV as reply is in response upon a separate class tor a spec.ftc w, PU'PO"- , ievtracts from the newspapers taken be there. This is no aae tisin,. Meanwhile the Board of -o Record. "'"'Sinhe m.t hS 5 ure has gone on with the creation of This Slt.ech of Senator Lewis cam" to do is to tell the ttutl. of tnis great the warehouse machinery and elected after three days ot ' terrible ' AmeHfa a8 a nation w, po t0 ,ne a State manager. It is understood .boinbardinem foi. this preat cause during the that a test case will be made up at K- of " h j week of May 19 to Now, hat the: once and carried before the Supreme , sentiment. up to the time of the ; oik of Jalva Ion A ; court in order to see whether the p eech of was P-.ounced , i-fiSJSlv wilE1 To, law will stand or not. It U contend-1 against he ,Tl,e- wde;B;alnr (cope with the demand and to continue ; fd that if the law had simply put .S ludVf , l WffSxZ privilege tax of twent -five cents a siona, h,a(U of a ins,inies here, as ; 1?' " ,eCUrWl bJ bale upon all gins i.P e,y baleWell as ,Ue diplomats from 'iPTUh ? S S be designated i they alnned. .here would he no doubt lands, owedan.nt, to the U about having accomplished in a con-;- d 11)ade preat impression stitutional way the same purpose the Wilson league constitu- ' , m Xew i which is aouaht. But putting a tax Iioll. WB; , face of ,h , hoalje y1 upon the cotton itself seems to be in feeling that Lewis too k he floor He j o R the nature of an adv.loru... .ax and deni-nded that th M-.hn. of m , when such a .ax is laid it must be '""'"oSu'ed'h.. reply with ..ji.ie, ! njijon and to d' ) upon all property and no, upon a dipnily of MPression and wn .font ".'S,0,8' o,,, ! single class of property. As the law j manuscript J ; J'ei " n i ,)anied by c. w. Cuthell. the War De- ,. ikely .o prove more unpopular he w. c b m dtI JVha.r j P.rtn.ent'. representative on thej than it was expected, it. may be well ' .Thad lived for two!,;,'? the matter goes off on its uncons.i- da)s ,y 0I1 ho, .,ulk. Soon he R rheuUKnU. KtanlS . tutionali.y so that the next leg.sla- seennd to he ' lnd';,el ' h ; King, his private secretary. turecan re-enact it in a way that Mr. Baker in announcing the date! .route the objection of few persons -,, (Lewis would , ly , of his sailing sa.d hts May abr; outride the comparative small nam- br llEh me nib e o 1 hU intion was o return a, so.,,. ber of ginners. 'he dlI,l"m5 heads " the conferences with the arbiua- i'he, "t!1" !- fiHeitrS board had bee" foncl,,ded and League of Nation, Asm.,,.. JZ:: the he had made a few necessary Inspec- No,wi,hsta.7Th7fuss and ci.i-1 JmR.K fo, alon ! ' .he secretary said he had no, de clsms of politicians who are trying f fiis l.oKe 'four fon Fro.., - cided we her he would trial, the a, 10 find campaign issues in opposition stni,Hss to an Intense hush, then to,'") or occupation. nant is already established in the onb vU) ((,. , M,rora,0. the senate. ' MIMX. 1 IWl Mtn. sure way that anything can be estab-;aaid ,, (liBlllfte(l as is its usual ! Carollna rnioll Countv In the masses of mankind. No nape, . jois u.nea o i. Snmorn Jane , Bates et al vg. s, . nraCey agreement that can be written would f vindicated against the assaults, et al. be of much service unless the princi- j tn;(I nad been made against the Wil- j By virtue of an order of Hon. Thos. i. Ipr it cont iined were established in son plan, and continued their ap-'j. Shaw. Judge of the Superior Court i Y . t ..., P..r mere nauer plause. They felt ,ha, Lewis had de- of NorIh Carolina, made an entered the hearts of men. For a n.e.e pape. i. ,ne-arpiimtM11R of the assail-; ia ,he above entitled action at the agreement could be torn in pieces as ants The gaiie,. became a pan-1 Feruary, 1919. Civil Term of the other agreements have been if the deloniuni of cheers and applause, superior Court of Union County, the me came when anv nation desired to 1 The Vice-President could not restrain undersigned Commissioner will at unje , . r. ,.,.. Hid Rut I them. 12 M on MoiKlny, May .Vli. HM, run mad again as Geiman did Bu '" Jrhimph of f(,1)a,or UwU wa. expose to sale at public auction to with the ideas of peace establisneu rpuarkable ns , luing from old ,he highest bider for cash at the and the minds of men turned from senaIors the verdict iha never in the , court house door In Monroe, N. C, war as a means of soiling disputes, I his, orv of the senate, to their know!- ;an Ine property, both real and per- Bn,iiheil In ' fdte. had Mich a personal victory sonai , 0f the Howie Mining Company. a league is alreads establ.shul in . iat ,in ,iian Tne Waah-, personal property consisting of all eentials. ington Post, an opponent of tre supplies, equipnieiit, Etorts and ef- There has been a singular overlook-: ,,ai.tl gaj,i ,he ovation to Lewis was j fH.,g 0f Kajd Howie Mining Company, ii. r of the iisvcholocv involved in the one all men of the senate would long'a mining corporation whose plant is if. r a iV,M.e of nations Before 'remember. The Herald said it was ,orated m.ar Waxhaw. N. C. and real idea of a league ol nations tieio unprtra,0)od even, of personal eH,ate consisting of lands bounded the world war all men hud tliougn, ; . nlHtorv not seen before in described as follows: war and expected war and never ,u. lifetime of any senator or spec- ist Tract: Adjoining the land of i dreamed in anv reallv universal way: tutor. All the eas.ern papers prais- c jj, Ltwis alld others, beginning at j !, .he world could be organized ed the speech as the one oration that a ,l0,lar stump by a large poplar, that .he oiHI couui , oiv..nu inie() lhf ldp f 0pl)O!(,iol, and ov- nnd ninntnK , hence with the various upon any other basis than a,,lie" erraiiie ,he prejudice that followed courses Machine Branch 2175 chs. peace. The futility of maintaining i,.,,,,, (he ureal attacks of the great ,() a l0lP branch; thence S. 26 peace bv being prepared for war has senators who had assaulted. It wa det and 50 niins. W. 12. 511 chs. to ' ' ....... i.,iu tint an historical event for IHinois. stouts: thence S. 26 3-4 decrees East oeen oemonsi i ...ru . ?fi el. tc, sTi.nes. TvKi.iL'ei CO!-! Seeklnn tirave-. l Solilier. er; thence N. 72 E. 84. fill rlis. to a Four thousand men of the A. E. large elm on Three Mile Creek; F are now engaged in the registra- thence down the various courses of til.,'. mid search for the graves f Three-Mile Creek. 18. GX chs. to a. un ricnns who died in battle. ' sugar miiple. 50 links from the mouth even all the fools of mankind, excepl politicians hunting for issues, and the various other little cliques represent ing some selfish interest, ci.n under stand it. Some men have always be lieved that mankind ought to havt inTlcans wnuuiru ....... - n ..r ......t.;n.v tlio I'utine .,f a'liil f.f.iulr ami helllir fill .lie .ntl,n 1 lie WO K "1 rttn. iji " n . ... i rr i,. Mil r"..,.l,. , v.. ,... Iieveu null uiaiiMiKi ""sin " tilllCPS of Alliel'lciyi Heroes is ri" uaiiH u. iweur .inc ihth, IUVI1V.V, l. - . . i..'. u.. .. ..ti.... i,r rravM Hriuii Tu'nlve Mile Preek. the renter sense enougn .o Ket-) mn " unaeriuKen mt v... but the mass of mt-u have clung to, hp registration, which is directing its. of the creek being the line. 48.25 Diu ine mass o. " ffm.,s s ai, to be able to designate chs. ,o two elms, a maple and an idea, .ill its hist and most powerful , "K1.ave of (.ven. American should ; iron-wood, on the west bank of same, explosion, that wars were a necessary congress authorize the return of ihejc. H. Lewis' comer; thence with two evil. Now thev see cleailv that they bodies of the fallen. of his lines as follows: 1st. S. 45 deg. ,r. i nH thit sn lone as we relv Tireless seekiilg for identification 40.50 chs. ,o a stone near the old are no, and tha so long as we .elj ; 1,,ea ,he daKjlv ,aRk of ,he llieI1 public well; second. S. 62 deggrees upon war we will have war. : or the graves registration section. W. 18.42 chs. to the beginning, con- Now the world has conceived the They set out on their solemn mission ; taining 253 acres, surveyed July 4th Idea that the first and biggest prob-; equipped with pick, shovel and gas and 6th by R. W. Elliott, County Sur lem of mankind is to so organize the I mask. Sometimes they pry down ; veyor of ;,.on. 50n';;C- f ,. . . , . . .. . I into the ground for the identity of 2nd tract: Adjoining the lands or world Hjat It will not be considered ; edead arrior. sometimes they fer- I. Blythe and others, being a part anywhere that war is necessary. Thus j ret int0 (ne recesses of discarded dug- of the Bates plantation, beginning; at we will cease to think war, to dream louts and sometimes they clear away a pile of stones on side of a hill by a war. and to glorify war. The states-' the brush of the fores, to find some pine and runa the old line S 61 1-t , . ! trace of the victims of battle. degrees V,. 5 chs. to a beech 25 !ks- men hereafter who can propose noth- j ,r"Each cemetery where Americans from a branch; thence N. 43 V. 8.33 ing but war for the solution of a dif- have been burled Is fully plotted on chs. to a wh. o.; thence N. 10 W. 2 fleulty 'ill be considered a lame stick. I maps. The graves registration ser-: 1-2 chs. to a pine; thence N. 20 E. 4 The mandate or the people to their' vice is now expending every energy chs. to the branch by 2 Ironwoods and Tne mandate oi tne peopie .o '"i fomplrte the burying, marking, re-! 2 black gums; thence up the various Utesmen hereafter will be no, tojjocompiew eee who can have the most prepara- j Americans. i corner opposite the Milhouse; thence tion for war. but who can do most to j '. r with Blythe's line 1.25 chs. to a pile prevent It. Hereafter no nation will . ... !.. r t ..,. . thon S K1 1.9 V 4 1.2 , l llllt'lllNir inu 1 Biuuro, .. . l I ...h A iftar AtiTA Ahi a a ttnnp nil Ihp pnMt hiiIa nf a ' dare to contemplate an aggressive j q , ggked he nw ervant who branch by 2 sycamores and 1 pine; j war against a neighbor. If one na-ha(j been engaged In an English j thence s. 14 degrees and 10 minutes Hon cannot think to steal another's ; household. west 3.05 ens. to awn. u.; tnence o. territory or another's government I "The mlFSiis said we'd got to 67 W. 5 chs. to a Black Gum by a r. territory or anoiners roenimei.i ,..., ,a m.rnHne n and .nnrwood: thence S. 27 de- truiiuiiiur, dw . v u - ...... -. - . . .. . t . I ... .V. Ullnknr. " ra. I unuii IV 1 1 fl K lh In t h P l Pf n II I II B . Wlin ine me.B in me rih-ucu, ... - .... " f o. , plied 1 he old cook. j containing seventeen and a half acres i -Doesn't she have It, then?" jmore or less as snown oy survey oi Not 'er! She says as 'ow it doesn't same made by R. w. tiiiott. county without Incurring the III will and certain combination or the world against It. none will want ,o start a war. It Is someJhlng like prohibi tion. At first only a few saw the truth and stood for It. By and by manr more as the years went by. Jwer and fewer learned to drink and suit 'er digestion. But there aln i nothing wrong with 'er digestion. We know that, for we often sends 'er up margarine, and 'ave butter our-Bclves.' surveyor of Union County. N. C, I" November, 1911. FRANK ARM FIELD, Commissioner. Mancsi, Armflejd k Vann, Altys. rji 1 rlijtff !th 4!lP tvx 'naW It3" Nil Ibi&iW; no Ward's Orange-Crush THE NATION. ORANGE DRINK Sparkling like champagne, full-flavovered and refreshing, Orange Crush never fails to win a welcome. Guests and hostess alike will turn with delight to its carbonated, satisfying sweetness. Thirst-Tenpting Deliciously Different $j cold, golden goodness will bring At party or picnic, club or cafe, and best of all in the home, Orange-Crush is the perfect drink perfect in palatability, perfect as a thirst-quencher, perfct in its health-giving qualities. Orange-Crush is the drink de lightfula thirst-tempter that is deliciously different. Its ice- unfailing joy to your parched palate. Order a case of OrangeiCrush today. Obtainable wherever soft drinks are sold. We guarantee every bottle of Orange-Crush to be aglow with refreshing purity. That's why it's known as the per fect family health-drink. by the bottle. Less by the case. MONROE BOTTLING WORKS. T. J. Price, Proprietor. (Tim a Mr?3ff 02f iTTTT S3 Keep Well Do not allow the poisons of undigested food to accumulate in your bowels, where they are absorbed into your system. Indigestion, con stipation, headache, bad blood, and numerous other troubles are bound to follow. Keep your system clean, as thous ands of others do, by taking an occasional dose of the old, reliable, veg etable, family liver medi cine. Thedford's til Black-Draught Mrs. W. F. Pickle, of Rising Fawn, Oa., writes: "We have used Thed ford's Black-Draught as a family medicine. My mother-in-law could not take calomel as it seemed too strong for her, so she used Black-Draught as a mild laxative and liver regulator ... We use it in the family and believe it is the best medicine for the liver made." Try it Insist on the eenuine Thedford's. 2 Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit Open sluices of the system each morning and wash away the poisonous, stagnant matter. I XOTICK OK KKfilSTKATIOX. j Having been appointed registrar nf voters for the rlty election to be hr'.ft on the first Monday in May. 1019, I notice Is hereby piven that the reis !t ration books will be opened for the ) registration ot voters on Saturday, March 2!th, 1319. and on each suc- ceeding Saturday until the second I Saturday before the election, at the office of The Monroe Enquirer, souih I of the court house, on Franklin ! street, whenaiid where all persons ! possessing the requisite qualification may register for the coming ciry election. This March 17. 1919. J. G. ROGERS, Registrar. NOTICE Those of us who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy wh?n we arise; splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, lame back, can, instead, t..K InAlr nnri fnnl fia frofth fta ft flnlfiv always by washing the poisons and Notice is hereby given to the Der.i- toxlns from the body with phoephated ocratlc voters of the City of Monroe OF CITY PEMOCKATIC ntlMARY. E-75 hot water each morning. We should drink, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In it to flush from the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day's Indigestible waste, sour that a primary for the nomination of a Mayor and six Aldermen will be held at the court house on Saturday, the 19th day of April. 1919. All rez istered Democratic voters of said city are Invited to participate. If a sec ond nrlmarv is necessary the same bile and poisonous toxins: thus cleans- will be held on Saturday, the 26- ing, sweetening and purifying the I day of April. 1919. The hours of the entire alimentary tract before putting primary will be from 7 o'clock a. r.i. ire food into the stomach. until 8 oclock p. ni. To meet the ex- The action of limestone phosphate Ipenses each candidate is assessed 81, and hot water on an empty stomach i payable to the undersigned Secretary Is wonderfully Invigorating. It cleans !on or before the 16th day of April, out all the sour fermentations, gases, 1919. waste and acidity and g'ves one a splendid appetite for breakfast and I It Is said to be but a little while until : the roses begin to appear In the cheeks. A quarter pound of limestone ' phosphate will cost very little at the drug store, but Is sufficient to make anyone who Is bothered with billons-, r.ess, constipation, stomach trouble or rheumatism a real enthusiast on tha subject of Internal sanitation. Try It and yon are assured that you will look better and feel better In every way shortly. GEO. S. LEE.JR.. Secretary ntv Democratic Executive Coin. GORDON INSURANCE & INVESTMENT CO. INSURANCE EXPERTS. Phone 209. Farmers & Merchants Bank Building. . ,