JL s. l ! II) d HI IS ic 8 8. 8 0. 24 48 PS ;ze He ISC 25c 35c THE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY NEEDS IT" 1 THE UNION COUNTY PAPER E VI VBOD Y READS FT -pi fj- 4 1 r.-u-tK-ist I. i BODY READS e Monroe Jourm. ntTTlT vnvmv W aaWteaatBaaa1 VOL.23. No. 33. PUBLISHED TWICE EACH WEEK - TUESDAY AND FRIDAY MONROE, N. G, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1919. ROAD MKKTIXU A S!'(riN I..-.-- . -....II f w ri.iun , - - i.iau.. j i.r O50 PER YEAR CASH. .greatest thing confronting North" Car- Mayor Sike, Ktenlei a ColM Wei- oT'ouS V In... """"" " "'osi uai importance to he entire state taken tip bv th last legislature was th question i.f pro viding money for the construction .f roads. At this point Col. Kirkpatrick an pointed Mr. K. W. Lrmmnnd iw of Superior court, as the official aecre- 77 or ne convention. Col. Klrkpat rick spoke of the mwii,,. .i. ingham last September ..d hi.. that the purpose of the Monroe meet ing was to DUt the nrnnnaitln.. r. u L'u inRi niMni.ii' ...i . . . . . . - ivi.o-uuiiiiKiDi ni?n otjiiTCii cuuniies wav iun,.., . r . " " , - - was v.gitiiizeu over. cmie to "The City f Kit." mm! Lt. titif. O. Max Gardner IU-jkmkI-l Mecklenburg an, . Han over Had Banner lK-legations OIT THKXKWS IX RHVMK Will rumlerburfc Hu Slimed HU l- AM ERICA X RU.I-LAR TROOPS i tare areas in which t.iihi.;tto. ... i.-wt.iuiTY Tl DEXTS , ae"- eir total area is about , MKjuttaieni to that of .New Hamp er Up Things Are Sort I...M i -W IWed t Mk. iwu .1 !j" iney Include the southeastern . I . .IIHIU or ! ttt Kn Standing Ann) Huge Inl- verit ..n Sol.lier May Attend. i.f .""u rr ,he Wilmingtou-Cha.-otte-Asheville hard surface highway tooi denniu shape at the good roada convention held here yesterday Authoritative or official word was given by the deleeatea mnrun,.. thirteen of the aivie.. ........... AW w . i u U ilea I m B V w TJ'Jf Wrt -V "GooS U- , , .. . . ' j 0.U uu me man mho gets In ing them. ,0 build their oar 7he L"T " An r f to l0P Js ln to Iu after years when run over." He made a number of ... irecommendatioiis which were adooted hard surface h ghwVj Unto th. S committee and ac important cities T in .hi "pted by .the invention at the after- M:?dbS,i .iwSS: theHAner.?n? E'ridSe- -resenting the citi eorihe "SifZ lTV?L?J ioto'Z beach f ",T h,e. eo.icern.ng- KedVral r--be th.t the coen- 000.000 JT?J!! IV J d in Mo, " 8e" r -?he Sere wf.l Je" NoTh'caroli Pern,a' hi ' 'good word for Monroe ,h- , i.?! I?"01'" was mailable during 0j aU - " ncxi nve y ears. To secure g this The convention c.,, nu. I lne. ? U8t furnish tations. in numbers aM.nHinVT; 7" I?" J","ou!u: whe'! the way came achievments and in evm ' h a audience. assured, was e'seleS ffi J':'?. " ,'"1 MecKlenbure and Vow Hanover Hon bill nroviiTn;7i.:rrK"r: The Meek- be distributed ., ... th- .."."! n iiv in. lutia Ik., v . . " uaniier iipu.irurin.ta tk. ..-.. ... j. .. j... " :,f ? "c ""w oistriDtited and IJobe, r a1! he 8al- He showed that 1- act that road buildiiie hornphn.. k tUelTnited States had increased in n. (rroa t until about 2:30. comin on in -v ,. r, ,h.. , ""ru.f.T," ' ua.e,al A11 Special." charter, fnr r-.UTc """ "orugnout the a- i . v r - itu oiaira iih.ii i nnrpasan tn n a ir:-"""f? " being extent. Since the pas nV".'' mlrgton tll I JU...I I v.. A representative of The Journal ai- Ktu.ii.cu iiuii. . jt L.eiunmiif1 whn i . . . nietea out Justice In th- ul,-. laur-'on force In the Court, the other day fo7. . ..,." .m"' '"f .Al!wr'" army He opened up his heart and handed us Statea ih. ,K, 1,1 ,he U,,iled a whole batch of stuff JJJl " ,he-,,ear futur lf th P and what u ..., i "" i government officials Jd. Le,,m,oM. f ,"""8 " L",','!,"" ""j""! .rr HuK. u L ""'nary iraintng but will w Kn OtIDorllliiition In academic and VOralinnnl lAamlnv ki.i. t . : i .... It's awful quiet around Monroe No general news for a month or so ii euiueinmg doesn't happen away I he law Or go non Business The mills Tl , '""i a iiuiiiiiie nnnir . ih. u- . . .. ' ......,; line. v "; e enierea the army he will be t0 Now. in this dearth of general new IB ft 09 . j .. . " mr"is ana uie star vallev. "Pl'All KafnM .1... , "... . Plebiscite would have found strong anti-German support in each of these Auer tne war. when the choice is between tax - huninoH . vcimaiii u oine otner power, there would seem to be little doubt the Saar re gion will prefer France. Schelswig "... .Tr.n, to uenmark and the East Prussian area to Poland "Of course, these comparisons do i marK tne complete losses of Ger- manv Tk... j.. ... ... . . V L "ol laKe "'to ac- mii me colonies she parts with. Other nations, as nianri.iinH .in AH.lllila. T- - 'rr ivauierun. iogoland, Ger- ... wiuinwcsi and German East Af- coniDarlson mnm vu-ih equipped to waee a rlrtnrin... Vt,i L": . 81 Post-war Germany will find a I r . . . .. nier mare nn.ir h. e.. .i . . The Journal should nt lllll." ' 8U" !e busi- to ,he terrirvonr e?.ual choose: -roiessonal world. England StntV. ,V.r 'Sl"'' But let its correspondents .PH k ""1'D"!1" .r thls "la have Peimsvlva, fa ' " ' ana S.0,"e.'- "V- mend to "friend, work dZ"81 dJ '".h "WiL h" war area. enua. to - - i a rAiia in ii iia i ir r i , i V til ?an. or Texas mi- lderfnl durilie thn nant fon llvinntha Kt- . 1. A fj.. . n sion ih tho AmoriA.n ": "r,u" " ine Kngland States x i ...... . .v.ii uAurumu miry runt r1.. .1-... r orce in France. Since the uni.. IV ..r""""V" l- .Viany support- of the armistice somthinK like 450.- . L '-00 people, nearly nnn tt ... . . v-t ...i us lilt nnnniai n np . . ,,,,. ui AIIICI1- 000 American soldiers have been ap- Ca preciably 'benefitted by the army '.'it 1. r schools which have been put within accurals late after they arrived. A " "ill Ing them wa ih.iV n" .e'. has agreed vi inetr nnta an nutAh u I...... .. .. formert Dn -V::. """"""K " "". " directed special was thPir nw k.. j "IT... ,",c'"' "s aKreea 8lee club. Cards wV n Z ' 7' 'J "tn construction of I j .. IIIC fomert nil 'fc.ri. """'" "p. ne aireciea spec a attention ThTw,,01 where they wer from, to that portion of the Federal iw ?? Wi'n!,,n delegation numbered which orevldSl th. .! . rlL,a ooui zuo. anions tho... . ...... v. . I 7. "- laitioa M..iT - j. 7 - """lucr i lunmruciea It lllU8t be Kept UD IfZ xR H lL L! I8""68! be bu.it .When a. o- uviv(jnuui 19 UUtf I tun PU IQ nuc nui i m villus. .Nnn inu uH 'Pointed. A number of the h- r.l nnn ,..,.:. , . ., r .""X "i"" wrr! houses were decorated for ,h U.Y , ,'7';k...l.,."'s. ."' "aie ? . . : v w.iMiivu unit n i fie was one vrhi- ann were ndomoil with on. u T tt .ur vlIU ate signs. The delegates were innrl nh I ! "' t ?.m. trl" ed in royal fashion and w,ivBH , " V"..,' .":V prMen " i . - o-' ao uuo Mvncu iu Kii 11 ii rM rial l ran tha . . i ine women. Mr .i w t .w - : r. ",0 r' . . . -" ..in "tuiiujojuu nn. amberonVZ t read tele- try rrom attending, but aV twM t Webb and vZll9 CoKreM ia estimated that a thn.....,L!r" " .f..I..an.d . 5OD,n8on 'nd Senators .S d a, Ltet'ilig Ve! aion. One h..nrt;e ovf ,. "" .r r.", ::i " 1 "l u,e' cou,a not attend the k. . " oro llttll I vll Veil 1011, court room had been decora t en .iTh Li.V' ".1 "L'iruct ve ad flarts and national minr. t " I 2!.' " . '"ning session was nf .h. ..... k" "T.:.. "ereu oy miss h. M. Berry, secre. ... ..ou Mauii comrimited tarv nf ih. v...u -. .. . flowers to comt.lete the riMf,tin. n. l" -'' uoou The business mo., ,t . """" reaa regaru- Sir .was.5 -s a ma ineps occasion propri treat a good impression of Mnnme The nieetinc was called tn nnor hv Col. T. L. Kirkpatrick of Charlotte, president of the association, rtr if E. Gurney opened the cnnventi .... U'lth prayer, following which Mayor J. C. Sikes in ait words welcomed the del . egatea to Monroe. I.i commenting upon the need for good roads iu the course of his wel ooine address Mayor Sikes declared that It la the young man, or the man young in spirit If not years, who is going to see that roads are built, uf course there are some who will op pose every good road project, he said, but let them oppose. Like the little noy wno tilled the bath tub about half full of water and took the old cat with her several little kittens to bap tize them. Little kitten number one waa plunged in and as she went under the water the boy said "James I bap tize thee," and ao on until all the kit tens were soused under the water. Then the little boy picked up the old mania cat and attempted to bantlze finer. But the old cat obiected. She bit and she scratched and she clawed and raised all manner of cain gener ally, wan every attempt to souse her under the water her oblectinna became more insistent. - Finally the ittle boy gave it up and cast her nn law. M - - - , . ... ; f-uo uuur saying as ne aia ao, "Well, rmer arnmwi & 000.000 whll,. If the roads were ini ooTooo'1 would co''' 0,lly a,l0Ut Mr. F. G. Henderson next offerer! a resolution that the name of the aaxn- ciiition be changed to the Wllminj;-ton-Charlotte-Asheville Highway As- miiiauini, ana tn:u the counties of uamon, Cleveland. Rutherford. Hen uerson anu iiuncoiube be admitted m.o ineinnership in the association ine motion was passed unanimously And Walter's dogs are still roaming there. Doc. Secrest is sfill at the Union Drug biui e. But is selling score. possible to arrive at a falHv accurate estimate of her reduced pop ulation. For Germany's citizens were "c" uimriDinea over her former em VOUIllieSS Blliall eillea ., niiva iuwub ana a aense rural population tamer man numerous lar,.o made her average density of popula- Anticlpation that vou wilt Allow me thus some space to fill And that you will direct the reader' earnest gaze Upon the following local lays- r . . uuiij oi our noys are back from thei Will Funderburk'hn, Bhav..i v.. !eac.or. every man and which have per lip ' piuviueu acuities to study almost And says he took hla beard off ITIZV'T".' trom f- Because his face was not n vmVny. The courthouse still ,i,n. ,kL, r?w 01 . he. arn,v educators in " ,ut ' ranee roallzed at the nnisM h ct'l iltt I C. I . ... v " : ;.?.u,i i u "u7 u r:e w" n- on high. IZ SZ'riT "''"eraKe density was about proffered opportunities has astounded 7, . V qu8re mlle 1,1 ai,d them. astounded the total number of square miles lost With this object lesson before If . " "i'A"' V,8"0 ect' Plebiscites. p- il . . i uui urn n niiti it iu am r.. .. r Dr. Watt Ashcraft is reading" Henry P The prophets." but he'll soon be done, derstood he TT' " '8 ""J ,0 ,he mbl,,ed populi lono New '8..',.othl.?. tory grand tTlimXi ? A" M.WhuU, ubSlt Z f HI I IIIIII1TB IS' III timn n.....LH I. v UIUPHI ail T Tl T I llllll III II I I.i .1 .. J : . . . . w iu i ii nn nf n - n.. . .1 ' "ui'.vuu . i el in rr ina u aa nr xta can. ' 'a' ""r- ana ,ne' ny "e a short York and nln "l 4,cw tt . . . DPrinfl or rnmrmlunrtr traini.. tk. I . ' eLh.1 Jh.e "oti". youths of the try Z .I L . ous a 'a-v have been the t on: "8 ,,e' WUn g'eat 'rao- -cheme Is not dependent upon ike ""r '.W. t0 Th hi. al. compulsory feature I.i. - .unome u bus lost That. hJ.8..devotlon t0 hls Pty and vvnAer ,L T ...m . ...k.-.. th.e war- B"t to pay for her capital lainiiy . - o..jio crimes aealnat olviii.oi. i.u u i . - . . ou a n lanrnt frnm a d r" . I n .. . " v,,,"" nnii me rXYrirJl: brandy. the n,,.: throueh DeThaV. the Va'le area ",U8t JusVlVke evbodv ;xCnee ?' of university work. Voca- Rhode .".."31 Zl " uonai train nr wnuld nntiiraiiv rr . ' VWWI iaieu " - iviiu h n e ina i nhaai I f . . a most important nhase nf the n, r' '" ,ral " Europe. . . r: . I in in s nistor e nren nf t.EKMAXVS ANSWER IX HAXDS OF THE ( Ol .( . OF Font Huim Will Ue f.ri.,H. :ithep Sign or Reject Treaty u-,y Con. sits of Counter I'miimmmIm-. Auntrl n Tiruty X Vet Heiuly. Today's Associated . The representatives of the allied and associated powers at las, have be fore them the answer of Germany t the terms of the peace treaty Lnder the procedure adopted by tne peace con Germa (0 ,h. y reat. consisting mainly of counter Proposals seeking to lessen the sever- It Of the allied tern., -ill i.- ' : sidered by the nt,mZZ c.l of four, who will digest the views or he enemy and report back their dec s.on as quickly as possible Th s decision is to be final, and Germany then will be compiled eitL: ,T? or reject the treaty. w B'8U In case of a Brit sh. French and American troop. H1,'Td t0 t:ke such, steps Is Marshall Foch may deenuweessa" C l '8 ,ne blockau,,. gainst uenuauy is readv to he- i.k. a again. A pian of the allies to have Switzerland, in the event of a refusal by Germany to sin. enfnree . ."I" severe blockade against Germany if necessary, is reported to have failed Switzerland claim!,, this would In fringe Swiss neutrality i an oeen believed possible that automobiles by the like everybody exnected And they the oath of nfflre hih ht. And one ex-policeman did elevate Slkeg says he will yet pull a trick With his board Of Ttolahevlka John Vann et at leave to-day ror uaieign. why: I did not sav: But this I do know, 'tis verv i. luln 1 1 Tn......, .k . ...., in .un inry iu return again. Chief Griffin says he never saw So few Infractions of the law. Winchester patrols the streets all night: All, all alone till broad daylight. And now he very rarely Aggers I" court, to prosecute a nigger. itrnoKs calls the ro II each dav In Hecorder's court he's cot full swav sometimes there ia no one to prose- ruie, For .. t .. . ... . ' i ... ...in iiiHLorir area nf nat.... ..o,8 wno naa .naa no opport- bounty this earth .. V" unity ror BChOO Una before enterlnir I. .,T r Bil'cs .u. ..." I the army would be started on their t! ne he .urf.crwaH.;", way and would be permitted to rein. K,"i 8u.rrace as Perced to its list at the expiration of their service ..,,-'LV,. . .. in order to carrv on the. hIoo "cu ",ua: frownea with an other. Who nerhana hd i .Uh-J . "i1..""" 8,10 Ca,tlP8- 'Ok dow.l .. .....lv ,,31,,,, luwns. high school, would be given a chance to begin their collece course so that there would be no waste of time In case they were planning to go Into prniessioiiB or business There would be military trainliiff. nr course, and the soldiers would ho made .is nenrly physically perfect as hand howoV 1,, ??: e day when Germain ub.uiu. .1 v.. lunm.ir. 1 1 r i it . .... i .. I "'... U I.CU Llll'II MIlI.l.f.lT t. ... " n ' it was me eastern Ppiihh vonh. r Germany with the Pittsburg left out. cum in iicnen. metropolis or the area has only about 30.000 population. "Not only was the Saar Coal of Im portance to Germany, but some of it na atverted to Italy and Swltzpr- . oui i ui lu.uer-irroiinri nin.,1 nn . ..uu.. me lenns or peace to Aus ria would be ready for submission by he council of four to the representa tives of tho small however, has been found impractica b e owing t0 , I)eceg8lty t0"ein JirH6 ,he "ew osieement as re- gards the Italian claim in the Adrl- vnv. 7?Lon- NeV('hele8s. the en o5s of the smaller nations will hear the document read Friday, and it ia possible that the early week will wit ness the handing of the treaty to the Austrlans at St. Germain I'nofflclal advices 8t,'eme,It of the Adriatic issue are boe nfeffeC ,,hat Fil,me- the ief pone of contention between the Ital ian and the other memhera nf 4k- council of four, which Italy desired as h" 'n bt ifh President Wilson and Premiers Lloyd George and Clenienceau declined to concede her. ia to become Indenendent iti.. Port has It. is to obtain certain of the Dalmatian iRlahri. h.,t ,k.k la . .v ' " v "urluer an la to get the seaports of Zara and Se bencico. on the Dalmatian MOO !fen.18 '?ube doubt- 0l,e report de she wm not8he and a"ther that l i j ... ...... ... - I tin ii nu iiiiii'i. the reason that tl.ev their hnn I" U, M ' 10 improving tneir minds. "Dnnzi t,n, ..e.. . ... forsook. . " "f. believes, any boy. no importance TlncVthe 'daV. u," 7 H-wftfto this I do no, know. fiS For e sits , the shade at Hemby's Xd'elSfeJ" ZcVZ ItX"' ore, Mayor Sikes. advocate, Spent several days outside the State Last week. He's back, and says that he A predates more Monroe, N. C; been forced to leave school at an early age; tor example, a New York East Henry G. Shirley, secretary of the ? K k"; He sees what f I'd better stop f-i . ... . f Caused by the Construct. , t v, ul ",me ana rea80 " be gone. Highway Industrial A.0nc.i. " " , . "" ne". ne ,ra vels an(1 ' om back Washington. D. C. 'addressed' th. ,M 1: iack' meeting: on "The i.Vnn..,u " ' '"""""k on w "vvmu.iiiv i aaiu Mourfu mrougn JJanzig. re recent ly the city hag been a cel.. re for hii. hl.lll.ini.nnJ . .. - . . 1 Side hoy who has left school to hell. u'ure or inn... suppori the family and has no equip- ..Ever .lnpp ,h(i ,,,,,,. ment to enable him to secure ucra- ko " "lI tive work and so drifts about In un- n r " 'fi. 1rPa- ... vij t.u.ii iusiiik ner ricil i-ermanent .Highways." Mr. Shirley l" man wno nad charge of the Hbtlt.wl l.ihh ir u . IZZ11?' rmy.' Poen and Silesia tninlne district. llr i"" i" woi-k in me scnooi. . irnn and ..i, ,k- i" T, j housed and fed, and paid a regular t f hir at mtld. 5?..; d wage which he can send home t hi, "...?r. vaun.ted industrial organism. DKATH OK MRS. ROI.L1XS. buildinr nf Marvla.wl'a n.n.,'j.r..i . ten. of "state road: " p " n ' w '"1!' Urr"rwl at "'- Nr Jefferson la ' . " "i.i i mu 1 1 rieifce he proved to his audience that ii pas io ouiia permanent highways e snowed that good roads meant prosperity and related how a certain county in Maryland before food roads one White fou Coroner Atkinson IVatl Mr, Itolicrt Johnson Injured. Pageland Journal. Mrs. Elizabeth Rollins, wife nf t AniOH Rnlll.ia AinA .t k. V ' were ennatrnctod i.. i .r j j .: i nci nuiiie near . . u it iv naa irxiruen i jeneram. 7'hi...Hnv ... 1 . " "i Pooreat eountr In the o'clock and w. T buriTd ' af w ZZ' . . "V e Ba'a ou can 1 buy a Plains Thursday evenlne at f piece or land in that county fnr leaa Invi than 1200 Der acre ' Z j . ,B Burvlveo i ner hus ThJcondhig-address of ,hJ2' ! "l.?"' morning session was delivered hv whom .h- "r ul Hon. Pamernn Un..nn k..r.. " " j . .. u IO IllOUrn . ---. v . a v i sou 1 1 ui i.iihi nil ih. i liar nantn rnnHMoift v V. " UM,ll,t meniDer Barn you. be a Methodist then." Thia Carolln, r iff. . i"ri" ine. "Be"?n. BaPf"'t church. She la the way to treat the objector, to as an Asse " Th. 1" Q h.er I" there to achievement fnr "v n" "V " . !e COUld do for , . w ui pci in a- uo waa aone ror her. She w SLffi: X. !2S" if ood bumoreandS.h.ewaThad" ?taCtee "'8"n bet of the 1 to h KdV inZ tad i K state. It would mean more Industrial bor. and .he .m k. .".,f fiB; enterprises, better school, and more by her many friend. ' " farm product.. It would mean a Coroner h T iiiin. di t . areater lihertv n.i k- 7. V?roner.. T- Atkinson died last - ' uiiu. i Aunair arrarnnnn iKah. . ...,. k . . t.: . " ' - w v.. road projects, Mayor Sike. told those present On behalf of the citiiens of Monroe he told the delegate how klad the city was to hare them a. Ruest. and expressed the hope that ney would like our city so well that ney would come again. "Make your- eives at Dome In the "City of Roses." e concluded. The name of Hon. W. N. Ererett ad been placed on the program to espona to the address of welcome ut at the last minute a telegram was lecelvwl stating that he was unavold- Diy detained and could not attend tie meeting. In hi. absence Lleuten- nt Governor O. Max Gardner, and a pndidate for governor, replied to the pares, by Mayor Sike.. The Lieutenant Governor thanked ayor Sike. and the citizen, of iMon- pe for their hearty welcome. It wa. Pleasure to be here, he said. In the Jarse of hi. address he pledged the legiance of the people of his county td city Shelby to the project of ildlng the highway. He declared at since the beginning the things ucn naa contributed most to clvlll tion were tha means by which dis- of heart trouble, and was hurled at Center Grove Baptist church, of wnicn ne was a member. He had suf- iereo. a long time with rheumatism. no wa. between 50 and 55 year, old men." be ended. "Let', co down m our pocaet. and build the Wilmlng uiii-vuarioue-Asneviiie Highway." LFUring tne moraine aeaalnn the Icemorlee band of 15 olecea fnmUh. ea excellent music. The ennventinn t.Z ' " Z7. 7"? u u,u- adjourned at l;sft for It" ' " "ne cmittren. 4 . J? ".ft.er10On.,eM.,.on wa cal'ed o her for quite a while UlUn B I . n Pinnv T1TI aMknl- M m m attendant i ih-V-Vn .r ""'"L - ..flir' Kober John8"' Chester- ly increased 5.t- neia was seriously injured while at The first .peaker of the afternoon . rk: ' 7 . U0I1 " was Col. A. C McPnmh ",..IZI '"i "aay aner- good roads and good fellowshin He .iw. .,A" J 'lP.u.utH'1 J ' was Interrupted frequently by bursts was broken He wl. Va ieo to the n PrP "8e: :JIC'r'5ar "osplta. at FlorenTe" f'freatm e . - mrniunB I nere ne still ia and n.,..., k i. 1 "nj Hi: in uuuig Tery wen, (Continued on page eight ) people. At the end of the year it is expected that he will be proficient enoii;ii in his trade so that he ca secure a good job with good pros pects. The gate to the broad highway win te opened to him It is believed by educators that many poor youths will devote not only one year to tne army but will remain for several years, In order to acquire at teast some higher education This, in brief, is the plan which Is being worked on In Paris now by prominent men who have every hope that it win be carried out. ARKA LOST BY C.KRMAXV IX THE GRF.AT WORLD WAR Lone Tertons Equivalent to the Com- blued Population of New York and MussncliiiKetts A Region Greatly Prlaed Because It Ww Hard to Ac quire. The National Geographic Socletv, Washington, ha. issued the following bulletin in regard to areas Germany must rorreu under the peace treaty "lo visualize more clearly what Germany lost In territory, take a map of the United States. From the area of Texas deduct that of Mlchlean. This may be done, roughly, by elimi nating tne pan-handle and that west ern rectangle beyond the Rio Grande, with ei 1'a.o in the northwest cor ner. The result will be an area ap proximately the .lie of the continen tal German empire before the armis tice was signed. From thi. area Germany loses outright her Ill-gotten Alsace-Lor raine; part of Silesia. Posen and West Prussia, the Danzig area. Eunen and Malmedy. This territory la ahout equivalent to the area nf Maine. 'That Is not all. In addition, there dime from the area which German is called upon to forfeit to Poland, so long aeoarrea from this rightful in heritance. Hard coal also came from mis region in considerable quantity, y granting a plebiscite to acnieswig (which i. to be taken suc cessively in three areas, as Indicated on the map) Germany ia likely to lose a province which has not the indus trial importance of the Saar or Sile sian districts but has a naval value retted In the North and Baltic Seas lierniany prized this region be cause it was so hard to acquire. No Balkan problem la more complex, nor did the Alsac-Lorrafne Issue cause more Irritation than the so-called scnieswigtHolsteln question. One his torian remarked that only three men even understand the 'points at issue and one was dead, another insane ana a third had forgotten what it was an about. Sams Resigns Powlt Ion a Teacher buperviaor Raleigh. May 27. E. E. Sa ma re sign, ni. position with the state de partment of education to take up law wun nut orotner in Winston-Salemn. He came to the department chief clerk In 1911 and then succeeded to ne piace or supervisor of teaching raining, ai me aeatn or J. A. nivlna the first state .uperviaor. No ancceaa- or Is yet named. Presbyterian Church Note Sunday school at 10:30. Preaching at 11:30. In the evening the conereratinn will unite In attending the commence ment sermon to be preached at the Baptist church at 8:30. Soft hearted singer. Doe hnv Why does she close her eves when she sings?" Pay shent. "Because she can't bear to see us suffer." Over Here. WAX HAW NEWS. Members of Tlraah r...,u ....!..- Njient Snturday with Pastor Hatch, foul. He Being S Ye.,fs 01.t. Inn Weir DihwimmI Mi! McCain (militate nt ( lilcorn. Waxhaw Enterprise A goodly nnnilier nf ......k.w. . niaiih congregation gathered at the manse Sattird IV til HlliaitH tfiA 4 with their venerably pustor. Hey VV. W. Ratchford. Ow.i;; to the press of work on tho raiins Hie crowd was uot so large as usual, but Cs Mr. Ratch ford himself said, "it was a mightv good crowd, what there was of it." ninner was spread on a table under lne big oaks in the yard, nnd when spread that table presented iiU;-h a profusion of good things lo cat as would have made a blind man hun gry. After dinner in.- crowd si-eni un hour or two together a.,d tl. jollilest man on the vard whose 88th birthday anniversary was the occasion of the dinner. Allan Weir, son nf t- o..,t nt t-.. ... . ..... uiit. t.i I s, ann Weir of Charlotte, was drown ed Saturday afternoon while swim ming in the old rock nnairv u-h.ch i, near Mr. Weir's home. A telephone message Saturday afternoon brought the sad news to Messrs. R L W A and J. T. Weir, uncles of the boy. Fu neral and burial services were h. Id at Gastonia Sunday. Messrs. J. jr. and W. A. Weir and Holland Voii- ....i Mrs. G. F. Steele attended the aervt. ces. The littl l.id un. , ...iv. fellow He was just learning .0 swim hit. being the first time ha had ben ii I lie (UUI. Messrs. Fred ynd Pp rrv PhtliiM n.i.t Clarence Winate returned home last week from the army. All of thse reiiow. saw strenuous service over. seas. Mrs. J. W McCain nnrt n., rk- Walker. Jr., attended commenc'o...nt exercises at Chlcora College at Colum bia this week. Mie F.t.io..- .j Elgiva McCain graduated. From Co lumbia they will come by Newberry to Visit Mrg. T. P. Johnson and -lt1 ... rive home the last of the week. Winding fp the War Illustrating the problems nt the construction of the fighting area MaJ. Chas J. Riddle of Philadelphia. In a recent lecture, after tellin hn. a machine had tot Into th. k..kj wire entanglements, told the story of a colored trooper in the aviation service. "It was 1he fashion fit Avai.kAfttf to ask everybody else how long the "V "'s to last, .o someone asked a colored trnnnor m,k. v. thought of it. He replied that he plac- An f h A A 1 1 . m ...... uuianuil or nostllltiea at a undred year, and air mnmh. ti. Interrogator wondered hnw h. possibly reason it out that way and be so definite. " "You see. It am rila a hn. replied the black trooper. 'Ise kind 0' nggered out dat we will lick d v.i. ser In six months; and den It'll take one hundred years to wind up all dl. i 4 " i: