HTTP XTflVUflT-inTTRVlT 'srose from livestock farming. Which llifci JlUKUti JULttAL is 0 My we Rre ctvp farmfns merely JOHN BEASLEY, Editor. ' or mainly while they are livestock iarmers with well developed farm in dustries creameries, cheese factor- Special Notices One cent a word each insertion. Founded la 1S94 ty the Precj ,es. and the like. As t result the bank VICTROLAS and records at The V. owner and publishers. G. M. and acfount gavings f Iowa wore nearly j J. Rudge Co. R.F. Beasley. : five timr8 those of North Carolina, i . . Indeed, thev were ten million dollars , WANTED Man to sell tree, shrubs. The Journal Building, corner oft h Ih . k CCOunt savings, roses, vines, bulbs. Permanent. Jefferson and B-'asley Street3. Published Each Tuesday and Friday. 11.50 Year, Invariably in Advance, Teleihone No. 19. Kill DAY. MAY 30. Attend OumiieiM-enieiit. of the nine cottoa belt States coui : bined. j Crop farmer are bound to remain 'poor actually or relatively, no matter j how much they pet for their cash ! crops in fortunate years. When we j learn to produce cotton and tobacco ion a home-produced bread-and-meat jbasis the South will be the richest ' farm area on the globe. I For all the grains we have made .since 1910. North Carolina is still on There is one thing which is a cause the bottom-most level of cron-farm-r much regret among a number of jJ "ZlnS tor tte public spirited citizens of Monroe, and that U the woeful lack of inter est displayed in the commencement exercises of the Graded Schools. While the Chautauqua was here Mon- tries. but we have a lone way to so before we stand alongside Iowa and Wisconsin or Denmark and Holland, where the farmers are rich and domi nate the civilizations they create. Livestock levels in North Carolina roe did herself proud find packed the,ranpe frpln j ,ier ce,n j,. Cumber- tent at t-verv performance The com-! land, one of the greatest cotton coun neneemeiit exercises of the Graded 'ries. to 47 per cent in Camden and ueniemeiu earn ; Hvde. two tick-infested countries in Schools begin Sunday and are co-j,,ie ,UIe water cou!ry. Really the eluded Monday night, but if no more j r0Un!jes that head the list in North i-iterest is manifest this vear than in Carolina, both the quantity and utial tte exercises of previous' years there ; Href will be many empty seats. j State and Western counties are mov- Tbe school is the mill in which cit- j lnjs p rapidly in the number and liens are manufactured. The manner breed of beef and dairy cattle; while , which the peopie of the town co- l tZ operate uu witr pwj-.i o . pmjftiona thing tnat is generally true of our peanut-sweet COtao-couiUies along the Virginia border. Jn their work is one of the most im portant factors which determine the nudity of the ;rodi turned out. If the jiupll note? Ihkl The peopje of the "Town regard the commencement of no We have f.r!lv even begun to cap italize the livestock advantages that lie in the soils and seasons of this importance he may not seek to attain states-m our a no Hvls ut'i aiivm abumlaure of running wattr every where, the variety ot soils that make forage crops possible the year arouna. the highest perfection possible in the part of the exercises assigned to him. nn ih.. other hand, if the commence ment is regarded as one of the most j peanuts, sweet potatoes, sorghum city as it is he is l::spired and does i for lnstan(.e is an aim0st unconsid his best. ered by-product in North Carolina. It is the duty of every resident of and yet we are among the first 15 Monroe who has good of his P.,,, school at heart to attend the exercis- )d pas.y )ead ,he wnole rnlled es Sunday night and Monday. I states in the production of poultry and eggs. And the same chance lies A (ireitt Negro. open to us in the production of butter - land cheese, beef. pork, and mutton. Oh, yes, there are great negroes j 0ur fanuers need larger farm cap- sometimes, and this one is Robert K. j ital. better breeds or iarni a nimus. con- Brown Brothers Nurseries, Roches ter. N. Y. NOTICE I have one mule for sale cheap, or will trade for cow. P. P. cox. ; I W. H. Be)k & Bro.'s Big Department Store S MANY SPECIALS IN SILK HOSE. FOR RENT A house with all mod-;; em conveniences. R. Red f earn. V, FOR SALE Or will swap for Ford ; touring car. a number 75 Overland , roadster In good condition. B. C-' Hinson. LOST At street dance last night, a ', plain gold ring wrapped in hand kerchief. Finder return to James McNeely and receive reward. FEAS WANTED We pay the best market price. F. U. Ashcraft. JUNE VICTOR records on sale Satur day. Come in and let us play them for you. -W. J. Rudge Co. WANTED Four cords ,ood stove wood. A. M. Crowvll. SEE the Funeture Pioof inner tubes at Coble's Cash Garage. 11.50 values in Ladies' Silk Hose, almost every shade Special YS $2 00 Silk Hose in all colors XX white, black, cordovan, grey, V etc $1.30 !00 dozen Silk Fibre Hose, value front 5c to $1.00. birds and clock effect Special 50e I0 dozen Lisle Thread Hose, In black, white, cordovan 25c to 5t'c values slightly second Special 10c Silk Hose, in better quality, white and black $1.03 and 2.03 WANTED A second-hand electric fan in good condition. S. R. Dos- ! ter, Phone 66. FOR SALE One Ford touring car in ! good condition, cheap. Coble's Cash. Garage J Nl'RSES WANTED Three years1; course in training, with salary and j, maintenance. Must be in good;. health and have at least one year,; in High School or its equivalent. , For application blanks write to;. William Ray Griffin, M. D.. Appa-;; lachian Hall. Ashevilie, N. C. i, BEFORE buying your car see J. S. ,; Folk. Briscoe dealer for Union i, county. Monroe Route 6. Phone!; Baker's. ! LOST Saturday, between RudgeV and Seaboard station, black and white antique cameo. Leave at The ; Journal office. Reward Mrs. Fred i Ezzell. i NO MORE TROUBLE if you use Per-; ry Puncture Froof inner tubes. , Coble's Cash Garage. ' WE MAKE a specialty of mounting diamonds, and guarantee not to crack them. W. J. Itudge Co. Moton. president of Tuskegee Insti- more ; local markets yards tute of Alabama, created and made .elenpre. facilities .and rates .cheap world famous by Booker Washington, j e,. CIT,jjti ad above all things a larg Dr. Moton is a coal black negro and 'er measure of co-operation in select- . , . !. ii., i,- km nr nnrt rarine lor ivcmuik hu i aklngome speeches in North Ctr-ljgf,, JK ollna this week, and Governor Bick- Aln) all ,he time they must bear in , Rush it along. b. It. Uoster. ett, who inroduced him on one occa- mind the fundamental facts that the , nroduce Bring .,on. says that he is great because he fannors along, can -"e - yfthelr VN XA e sgS. SSt y Is speaking from the heart and oj' cooperat,on 0f consum-1 and hams I am in a position Jo m&ordon O v-Homrr 19 19 Big Deiartmeut Stores Is One Reason Why We Sell it for Less. 10 19 flVrXPJlJSMi! I pi'! IP c- r 1 ! 1 wr w - 1 I )9lordon 1 HOSIER.' g I I ie 10 I til Belk Bros. Carolinas' Largest Distributors of RELIABLE MERCHANDISE. Big Deitartinent Store is One Reason Why We Sell it for Les. 10 19 Bincerely that there can be no mis-, er9i merchants, hankers, and railroad ! take. He says that he is a good ; authorities. Class co-operation alone i , v.... ..,i .obQ nur! will not so ve tne pronieiu. i uv ku- iookii.k e..u uui . rollusion not in looking white man He is Dimming ; cMMmh , Th(1 nprl,nan feeling that over with negro wit and good humor evel-ything and everybody is combined and full of sense as sound as any i airainst th farmer is not the largest white man. He is at home before any i view to taKe or tne mauer uoi audience and speaks with perfect good taste to white, black, or mixed i audiences. ! His whole plea to the negroes is to j make themselves honest, industrious; and trustworthy, to appreciate the I white people and to learn all they i ,,.;.iei-. Underlnnation is can from them. Thve must learn, lie ' thousands of tireliuilders time. Tire lVm'H Don't run your car with the wheels out of alignment. Wheels that "don't track" ate gluttors for rubber. Don't let your inflation get below the point recomnieniiea n uie mr pav the highest market price. T. C. Lee. DR HOWARD SMITH will be in his office, over Haniilto'.-Libs store, on Saturday, May St-.t. If you need glasses see liiia. NOTICE I have moved my office to the rooms formerly occupied by Dr. W. B. Houston over Tharp Hard ware, and will make headquarters nt the Bohona Drue Co. store. Office telephone 274. Dr. G. B. Nance. This is the way to save today x . If you can't sleep at night $ Kide a bicycle '4 In the Dav Time- But ride a Gendron. Without More Pay Ride a Bicycle x A Gendron Bike on Every Hike. X keeping j I-KT COBLE repair your Ford and be working satisfied. ays. to cease ,r,,g ,o we,a,p ,f vo likp Ihr else but negroes as God made tlie-in st.nsation 0f gnj,i tirrs. buy a wagon, and to win confidence and respect by! Don't ignore small cuts. A patch deserving it. He preaches at all in time saves dollars, times good wiU. kindUness. good Hr izenship. manliness and womanliness. f(f (hg w.oi(.h, f ,hp one you own. He says their salvation lies in indus-J It !, economy, trv and economv and in obeying the; Don't forget to remove and reverse law and staying on good terms wither Inner tubes every three months , . . u . .i 'Thev appreciate n change and will the white people. And he gives l', ,'aV for it. eame counsel of patience, forbear-1 pon't buy a nameless tube or cas ance and kindliness to the white peo- ling. The manufacturer who is afraid i to put his name on his product is ashamed of the goods, LET RUDGE repair your watch the next time and save you money by having a first-class workman do the job. pie. LIVE STtM'K ADVANTAGES AND LEVELS IN NORTH CAROLINA YOU LOSE money if you sell your country produce before you see S. R. Doster. WANTED Country produce. We pay the highest price for chickens, but ler, eggs, and hams. Be sure you see us before you sell. S. R. Doster. Tills State 1 On Bottom-most Level of Crop l-Vi-iiilna Aiiioiik First 13 Poultry KaisiiiK State of the Union. N. C. News Letter. Don't blame the tire if it "blows" sfter stand in ir idle in a warm garage all winter. Tires don't thrive on a I hibernation diet of heat, oil and grease. FOR SALE Five good draft horse and three good buggy horses at B. C. Unison's old stand. "Book Farming;" Paueland Journal. Too often the farmer belittles and even scorns information coming Last week we presented a table ' from books and papers on the various showing the livestock levels of the subjects connected with farming, call ftates in 1910; at which time North ling it "book farming." and contend Carolina was nearly 75 per cent be-,ing that nothing worth while is gain low the level of even a lightly stocked ;ed from such sources. As well might farm area, while her rank was third , the lawyer, doctor or the preacher from the bottom. Only South Caro-isay that books, papers, etc., on law, Una and South Dakota one a cotton- j medicine, or theology are not of val mad and the other a wheat-crazy , ue. Of course experience is valuable. State made a poorer showing. ; but where has the "book farming" There are three levels In agricul-1 come from. From experiment cou ture. (1) crop-farming merely or j ducted by the Individual farmer, the mainly, which produces crude crop j specialist or the agricultural school wealth only cotton, tobacco, or, or experimental station. This knowl wealth of every sort, (2) live-stock ledge is then put In print and becomes farming based on food and feed crops, "book farming." After an it is ex as In Iowa and Wisconsin, and (3) perieuce that has been worked out farm industries creameries, conden-! and put where the Tanner can get it series, cheese factories, packing j best. plants, flour and prist mills.' cotton If the farmer would buy good seed mills and mixing plants, peanut, I books and subscribe for papers that cotton, and tobacco factories, and the j have this "book farming" and will jike. read and study them, he no doubt. Farmers everywhere have the , woum get sometning out or inem mat chance to turn their own raw pro-1 would help in his work. He wor.ld ducts into finished forms for final i find more pleasure and profit to his HIGHLY IMPROVED Porto Rico po tato plants, $1.75 per 1000. Large supply. Fine stock. Prompt ship ment. Hawthorne Plant Farm, Nocatee, Fla. FOR SALE Fresh milk cow C. C. Broom, Mineral Springs, Rt. 1. TRY ONE of our ever-sharp pencils. W. J. Rudge Co. NEW LOT of Jewelry for graduation presents at Rudge's. FOR SALE Shingle mill outfit com plete; in good condition. Price, $1,000. See. J. L. Alclnnis, five miles south-of Monroe on Route 7. consumption. In Denmark they finish and market their own farm products down to the last detail, and they do It In the only way In which It can be done that Is to say, co-operatively. If farmers cannot or will not bunch up and develop their own .farm Indus tries, then other people seize upon the opportunity. and of course reap the larger profits that He In finished commerical commodities, while the farmer's share of the consumer's dol lar remains a mere bagatelle. In 1915 two-thirds of our farm In come was derived from crop sales and only one-third from the sale of live stock and livestock products. In Iowa three-fourths of the farm income farm. CALL the Unionville Motor Company If you have car ro:ili?. DR. H. SMITH, eye-sight specialist, is now out of town for awhile. Dr. Howard Smith will have regular days at his father's office, In the Belk-Bundy building. Watch this paper for his dates. FOR SALE My former residence, in cluding house, on W. Windsor and Crawford streets. Will divide the lot If purchaser desires. Mrs. Frank Armfleld. 148 N. Union St., Concord, N. C. SIMPSON'S ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP now open. Bring your old shoes and have them repaired. First-class workmanship. W. R. Simpson. Ride a Gendron Bicycle LOTS FOR SALE One lot on Lan caster avenue 280 feet front by 450 feet deep. Will also sell this by halves. One lot adjoining Lancas ter avenue property 200 feet fac ing Lane street on the north. One vacant lot 60 feet by 120 feet fac ing Washington street. Two houses and Ipts facing south on Lane street. For particulars write Mattie L. Simpson. 1505 Hubbard Street, Jacksonville, Florida. THE UNIONVILLE Motor Co. will fii your car right. Call If there is trouble. GARAGE: The Un'.onville Motor Co. Is prepared to !lx vonr car. Fred Medlin Is the nu luuc an 1 will do you a good Job. FOR SALE 60 acres of land on Goose Creek, good buildings and water, 40 acres in cultivation, near church and school. See S. E. Halgler, at Postofflce, Monroe, N.C. Nearly a Hundred Gendron Bicycles are at our store awaiting your inspec tion. There are large Bicycles, small Bicycles, at almost any price you want to pay. Come tomorrow and take a look. It will make you want to go back to the Bicycles. Probably you've already heard "the bicycle is coming back." But the truth is "you are going back to the bicycle." There is nothing so good for the inside of a man as to be on the outside on a bicycle. Monroe Hardware Co. . RETAIL DEPARTMENT. ECONOMIZE! RIDE A BICYCLE; of course it will be a Gendron. If the High Cost of Drugs Worries You Ride a Bicycle Gendron King of the Road. a

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