We in ake specialty o! Fancy Groceries and COUNTRY PRODUCE Vann Funderburk On PrifA PncK flmjm K f.-..i r . muvvi v iMiiiuiia UCIIiCrT I uvcai ana rersonai. Dr. H. E. Gurney will deliver the literary address at the commence ment at Troy. N. C.. Monday. The Wesleyan Philatbea class of Central Methodist Sunday school will ueet with Mrs. J. L. I'atton Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. J. Milton Todd. District Deputy, will speak at College Hill V. O. W. hall on Woodcraft, Saturday night. May 31. at 8:30. The public is in vited. The second quarterly conference for Pageland circuit wt;; u held at New Hope M. P. church Saturday at 5 p. m. The Rev. J. W. Quick will preach Sunday at 11 a. la. The Jesse Hasty farm, a tract of SC5 acres near Maishville. has been purchased by Mr. U. M. Stewart of Wingate, Rev. J V. Little of Char lotte and Messrs. Stack & Parker. It is one of the finest farms in the coun ty and It is the intention of the pur chasers to make extensive develop ments on it. Mr. E. L. Harris returned from a visit to Washington. D. C. and other I'oints lit Maryland and Virginia Wednesday. While in Washington he purchased five automobiles. He se cured men to drive four of the cars to Monroe while he presided at the wheel of the other. However, he dis posed of two of the machines before Monroe was reached. were almost The roads in impassible, he Places says. The Town Team carried home the bacon In the opening game of the city league at Roberts field, winning from the Railroaders by the score of 12 to 9 yesterday afternoon No spec tacular plays featured the game but the large crowd which attended seem ed repaid for their trouble. The next game will be played Tuesday af ternoon at 5:30, the Town Team con testing for the honors with the High School team. Re,v. John A. Wray, who was a member of the class of '94 at Har vard, received a telegram from a lady in Boston this week inviting him to be present at the commencement ex ercises June 15-20. The lady who is to entertain him had a son In the class of which Mr, Wtay was a mem ber, who has since died, and It Is i his honor that the Invitation Is given The entire expense of the trip both for Mr. and Mrs. Wray is to be paid by this lady, whom Mr. Wray does not even know. Miss Jessie Edwards of Buford township died at the home of her brother. Mr. J. H. Edwards, Tuesday about noon. She had been sick sev tral months. The funeral was con ducted at Altan Wednesday by Rev Mr. Watson, pastor of the Presbyter! an church, of which Miss Edwards had long been a faithful and conse crated member. The deceased taught school in the county several years and was a woman of the highest christian character. She was a daughter of Hev. Thomas Edwards and was born in Rutherford county. Commencement exercises of th Monroe Graded Schools begin Sunday when Rev. John A. Wray will preach the sermon to the graluating class In tne Hist Ilaptist church at 8:30 :n. Monday afternoon the domestic science class will give a reception at 1he High School for their parenls, for parents of members of the graduating class and for the school board. The regular graduating exercises will be held In the Graded School auditorium Monday night at 8:30. At this time Hon. Cameron Morrison of Charlotte will deliver the address Wheeler Henley and Allen Davis young white men, were arraigned be fore Recorder Lenimoud this morn ing on a charge of beating their way on a train, judgment in the case against them was suspended upon payment of the costs When arrested by Special Officer L. C. Robinson of the Seaboard last eight one of the boys declared that "It was the first time they had been pinched since they left Annlston, Ala." At the same Kitting of the court Mr. Boyce Langley was before the court to explain why he had been operating an automobile after having been convicted of speed ing and sentenced to cease the opera tion of a car for a period of sixty riajs. Mr. Langley explained to the court that he did not understand this part of the sentence. Upon this ex planation and the request that this part of the sentence be changed the Judge granted his request and sub stituted a fine of $25. Four young white wen were ar rested upon a charge of making whis key, a barrel of beer was poured out and a twenty gallon capacity outfit was seized when Deputy Sheriff Clif ford Fowler. Chief of Police C. H. Griffin and Officer Clyde Winchester raided a house on Mr Gus Ilalgler's place In Goose Creek township early this morning and found a still In op eration. The young men had their booze factory connected to a stove and were busily engaged in making a run of the mountain dew. The men arrested were Ed and Roy Howard, Jim Richardson and Wiley Funder burk. When surprised by the officers three of them attempted to make their escape but were captured. When arraigned in Recorder's court this morning for a preliminary hearing they entered pleas of not guilty. Mr. J. C. M. Vann has been retained as counsel for the two Howard men and Mr. W. B Love for Richardson. Upon It being shown by Messrs. Love and Vann that they had had no opportu nity to consult with their clients or arrange their cases. Judge Lemmond ordered a continuance until Saturday June 7th. A bond or $500 each was required for their appearance. Sergeant O. L. Richardson land ed In New York Wednesday and will arrive dome in a few days. Mrs. I. F. Plyler. who underwent a serious operation at the Charlotte feanatoriuni last Thursday is improv ng. There will be an ice cream sup per and show consisting of some of me mteisting wonders of the world at Indian Trail Saturday night at nine o clock. The Dew Drop Woodmen Circle ill give an ice cream and box suoner at me icemorlee park Saturday nieht There will be an address by Hon. R. v. Lemmond, and music will be fur nished by the band. Public invited. Miss Annie Griffin and Mr. Ver non Sinclair, both of Marshville town ship, were married May 25th by Rev. C .M. Li-tle. These voting people nave many friends who wish them h&ppluus, Constable M. L. Threatt left last niuht for Baltimore, Md.. where Wade Richardson, colored, will be delivered into his custody. Constable Threatt will bring the negro back to Monroe to answer to charges of abandonment and other crimes. Some time ago Richardson left his wife and eloped to Baltimore with the wife of Ed Massey of Waxhaw. The latter Is the one that is seeing that Richardson is brought to justice, The Rural Mail Carriers Associ alion of Union, Anson, Richmond and Scotland counties convened in the courthouse this morning at twelve o'clock with twenty members present, The address of welcome was deliver ed by Mayor Sikes. to which Mr. Cop pedge of Rockingham responded. Mr. T. L. Love, president of the Associa tion, presided. At one o'clock the morning session was adjourned and those present marched in a body to the JofTre for dinner. The business session will be held this afternoon. The employees of a number of the cotton mills at North Charlotte have been on a srlke for several days and the management of the mills offered attractive prices to men who would act as guards of the mill prop erty. Several Monroe men, among them Messrs. Brown McCorkle and T. M. Christenbury. went up to look things over with a view of taking a job as guard. However, they found that the rioters used brick bats and bad language so indiscreetly that they did not tarry long. A Mr. Me Ateer of North Charlotte was in Mon roe Wednesday afternoon and told how while he was acting as guard at a mill a crowd of the strikers beat him up. "When are you going back?" he was asked "I don't know," he replied in tones that seemed to imply that the idea was far from his thoughts, Strand Theatre SATURDAY DOROTHY GISH TEPPE POLLY" and - FATTY ARBUCKLE The Mile-a-Minute Comedy "CAMPING OUT' A Real Treat Don't Miss It. MONDAY Paramount Artcraft Presents MARY PICKFORD CAPT. KIDD 1R The Last of the Paramount Artcraft Pickford Productions. Admisson 10 and 20c. THE STRAND COMING .THURSDAY WE CAN'T HAVE EVERYTHING. MA J OH HIXDE IX CHARGE or SOLDI KK'S IMHADK. Purely Personal. Mrs. M.'L. Flow Will arrive home tomorrow from an extended visit to relatives in WilmiiiEtou, Del., and Washington, D C. .Miss Lottie Williams, a ited cross nurse who has been overseas, landed in New York Saturday and expects to be home in a lew days. Mrs. Emma Whitfield and son, Mr, W. M. Whitfield, leave Monday for Tampa, Fla., where they will make their home In the future. They have many friends here who regret that they are no longer to be citizens of Monroe. Lt Andrew Monroe leaves to-night for Columbia. He will be stationed at Camp Jackson until ho receives his discharge. Miss .Ruth Houston has returned from Decatur, Ga., where she attend ed Agnes Scott College. Mr. W. A. Benton and little son, William, have returned from Ruther- fordton where they attended the com mencement exercises of the graded school. Rev. L. M. White delivered the literary address Monday morning. Miss Laura Moore Benton returned with her father to spend a few days before going to visit her brother, W. Add. Benton, in Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. Edward J. Williams and little two-months-old daughter, Jeanne Sutherland, are visiting Mr. and Mrs W. A. Benton. First Lieut Edw. J Williams hopes to be home In July and is very anxious to see his little daughter. Lieut, and Mrs. Williams are to make their home in Charlotte Mr. Julian Carpenter has received an honorable discharge from the na vy and is at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carpenter. Mr. G M. Whitfield of Lumberton, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Motte and children of Charlotte spent yesterday with Mrs. V. C. Whitfield and attended the Good Roads Convention. Lt. R. L Payne left last night for Camp Gordon after spending a short furlough at home. Miss Velma Horn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn, has arrived home, having been honorably dis charged from the yeomanette serivce at Norfolk. Rev. H. H. Jordan is In Atlanta to day to attend the commencement ex ercises of the Southern Dental Col lege. His son. Dr. Henry W. Jordan, Is a member of the graduating class Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mclntyre of Lumberton and Mrs. L. P. Stack of Hamlet were the guests of Mr.- and Mrs. A. M. Stack Thursday. Every Soldier of County Kiectel To Be On Hand For Welcome Home Celebration Organization Will Be Perfected and Picture Taken. The Fourth of July committee has appointed Major Hugh Hinde. the senior officer of the county, as officer in charge of the soldier's nam no at the Welcome Home celebration to be held on Julv 4th. Ma tor Hinde in al ready making his preparations for the occasion. Major Hinde savs that he wants the parade in Monroe to be the e-rent. est county parade held In the state anu ne is wonting to that end. He will arrange for a nhotoirrnnhpr In attend the celebration and make a big picture of the soldiers which pan he kept as a memorial for all time. He suggests that a book be purchased In which the name of every soldier par ticipating in the parade shall be writ ten and filed in the county archives. The Maior intends to Kiure-pst th organization of an Association of Sol diers 01 tne county to those attend ing. Later tr tne so d ors opr 11 the association can be joined with the American Legion or o trior veteran as sociations.. At the same time. Maior Hinde says, a committee should be appointed to arrange lor a fitting monument to be placed on the court house souare In conimenmrntinn nf all those who gave their lives in de mise or their country, whether it be from the bullets of the enemv or the insidious disease of the camps On some date before the celebra tion a meeting of renrespntativp ml- diers of the various townships will be neiu 10 make final preparations for the parade and other necessary plans for the successful carr.vlne out of the projects suggested above. It is honed and expected that pvpi-v soldier, white and colored, who went from Union county will be in Monroe for the celebration, which Is held In their honor, and take part in the pa rade. It is hoped to make this tho greatest celebration Monroe has ever seen and the presence of every sol dier is therefore necessary. The at tendance of all who did service of any son. wnether in the army, the navy, the Red Cross, or in any of the other branches of service is asked and their presence in the parade is requested "Captain Kldd. ar.," Mary Pickfoi-d's evest Picture. Once before haa Mm Pi.irrrri played a Scotch role in "The Pride or me tian," one of her most popular Artcraft pictures. In "Cantain KIHri jr. ner new photoplay which will be snown at tne strand theatre next Mowday. she is again Scotch but transplanted from the heather some where in America, aa th irronH- daughter of Angus McTavish, keeper or a curio and bookshop where the buried treasure, which is the basic Idea of the story, is first noised ahnnr And Mary is said to be the most winsome, close-fisted, lovable and at the same time. irritatinc little nprsnn you would find from one coast to the otner. hhe keeps Jim Gleason, engag ing in writing a novel, dangling till the very end And she is a demon at a trade so that when the book with the secret plan of the buried treasure appears, she is one nf ihn fmpmnct fin arranging for the search which takes them to Cabba Center and thereafter the tale of one of the most engrossing, amusing and whimsical character. On the stage, this play by Rida Johnson Y nunc was a prpnt flnnnpua !ln the films with Mary Pickford in me ieaa it seems destined to create even a greater furore, to judge by the reports emanating- from the studio i where it was recently completed by I William D. Taylor. Frances Marlon 'adapted the comedy to the screen. ! A wonderful cast supports "Our I Mary." Douglas MacLean Is the lead ing man. "Captain Kldd, Jr." is, a i complete departure from the previous Artcraft offerings starring America's Sweetheart and it should prove a welcome attraction for every kind of audience. Time wasted can never be recalled. Get busy, and keep busy. St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Sunday after Ascension Day. June 1 Sunday school at 10:30: Commu- lon service at 11:30. with sermon on The Ascension of Humanity." Men's Bible Class at 4 o'clock Evening prayer and sermon at 8:30. Every Wednesday evening at 8:30. Litany and address, followed 11" choir practice. Chevrolet Motor Cars The CHEVROLET is the lowest priced . nd lightest weight, electrically equipped, car on the American market. The CHEVROLET is built for every day service, at the most reasonable price, to give attractiveness, urability and satisfaction. " The CHEVROLET delivers more mile age on tires and gasoline than any other car built, except ing none 20 to .30 miles per gallon of gas, 5,000 to 10,000 miles on tires. It also gives you that added grace and comfort to every mile you ride. The CHEVROLET is built and backed by the biggest automobile organization in the world The General Motor Corporation. We have just received a car load of there splen did automobiles. Let us give you a demonstration. NEW MODELS-PRICE $S50, DELIVERED The Secrest Motor Co. PHONE 310 TIRES, ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS. Clothing' Insurance 11 Building a home starts with a good foundation and finishes with an insurance policy. In the building such factors as design, workmanship and material must be watched most carefully. It's the same with clothing. HrfGHAmlLOTUS MADE BY STROUSE k. BROTHERS, BALTIMORE, MO. are built of wear-giving materials in designs and fabric weaves to please the most critical. The work manship is conscientious and the High Art label is your insurance. Come in today and let us show you what real clothing insurance is. Lee & Lee Co. FOR BETTER MERCHANDISE. New Drug Store! ANNOUNCEMENT I We wish to announce to the people of Monroe and Union county that we have opened a new Drug Store in the new hotel building next to Tharn Hardware, 1- Ml 1 .. .... 1 . ' vnere we win oe prepared at all times with a first $ class line of new drugs, toilet articles, stationery, 2 and all the many lines that go to the making of an up- to-date drug store, to serve the needs of the public. X Our Prescription Department will be in charge of a graduate pharmacist who will be ever alert in his ef- S forts to minister to the wants of the sick by com- pounding prescriptions true to the doctor's direc- X tions. g Dr. G. B. Nance will make his headquarters at our store and will have an office over the Tharp Hard- t ware. JC We will be pleased to have you call and inspect our new store. You will be welcome whether you pur- & chase anything or not. Bohona Drug Company I I Boosting Prices. Yes, we're price boosters, and we're proud of it. We're boosting thp nnVp tn t ha kiVk I notch, and will give you the tip-top market figures for all your . ' g PRODUCE.! Chickens, Eggs, Butter. Hides. Tallnw. i any and every kind of produce and barter from the farm will bring you the highest nncp TN HASH if t .i. 1 I " x you Dnng it to us. 4 T. C. LEE. The Chautauqua has been feeding the minds of our people. To properly assimilate knowledge requires proper food. Call us; we are food experts. LEE GRIFFIN Itre.tyo,ihtbecu.eIkoowhow. e 0 0 0 WANTED SprinJ chickens and tUt at biheittniriet pricel

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