IB. ! if 10 and 13c. ! PASTIME THE VTRE 1 Open Fridays and Saturdays JT lvj FRIDAY I : P. A. Powers Offers J jf 'HARRY CAREY I ! J fROAI MEETING A SICCESS 'suthorties of the respective counties J ; niOM STAKT TO FINISH ' a'd association .the necessary in- -M-9-8-X-e-8-e- ! formation, covering costs, bridges to r y ; tContiuued from page one.) be built, and all oiher such data, as ! UellCIOUS . may be necessary in the premises to! . . s - further the immediate building and Refreshing of the country been linked together construction of said highway to its' by good roads.'" as one of his sig- immediate conclusion. uificant utterance. Cot. McCouib M That we call noon the chair-! $ came to North Carolina ftom Texas man snd members of the board of I ana til nts sjeecn expressed himself county commissioners or proper road as highly pleased with the Old North 'authorities of the respective counties. State and paid a hth tribute to her through which the proposed highway , loyally. vu run, .o make immediate apptica- An advisory committee composed t ion to the state highway coiiunis- of one inau from each county through sum to their pro rata part of federal i which the highway was passed was aid. : appointed with Mr. R. A. Morrow rep- i 4 That we earnestly urse upon j resenting I num. A commit tee on res-, the members of the board of rountvj Exhilarating; Invigorating "AX OASIS IN THE DESERT OF THIRST." A Special Attraction "A FIGHT FOR LOVE" One Day Only 10 nd 13c. SATURDAY Jack Ford's Dig: Western Production THE FIGHTING BROS." Featuring Pete Morrison, Juette Mitch ell and Hoot Gibson. EDDIE POLO in Lure of the Circus. Greatest Circus Show-Earth. ! olutious was appointed with Mayor 'j. C. Sikes representing this county. 'Col. Kirkpalruk then surrendered the chair to Hon. V. A. .UcUirt, the chairman of the board of county com- i missioners of New Hanover and the president of the North Carolina tiood , Kouds Association Speaking on "Why t'.ie Highway Must Be Built. " X.r James H. Cowan. 'executive secretary of the Wilmington coiiimisioiiers and proper road au ihorities of the respective counties. i b.'siu at once, and as soon as the necessary data has been furnished them, the laying out and grading the! proposed highway through their re- sirt;ve counties, and that as far as I pructical. t!u width of the said road .-hall be 40 feet. ; i That we call upon the county j commissioners or proper road author- j "THE DRINK THAT TAKES THE . WRY OUT OF DRY Chamber of Commerce, vividly plctur- iti.s of the respective counties, as far ' t-a me development ot every field of the state s industries which would tollow the building of the highway. ' He showed how that the farmer could get his produce to market easier and predicted that North Carolina would rise to hist place in production of farm crops after the road is built. ! The most important part of the as practical to outta a nara surface road through their counties, and that provision be made for the permanent i iiiainieiiance and upkeep of the said! highway when built. ! (6.1 That we. the delegates of! this convention, pledge our unstined! support, efforts and hearty co-opera-j tiuu to the governing bodies of the re "TRANSFORMS BEADS OF PERSPIRATION INTO BEADS OF DELIGHT." "THE BOTTLE THAT THROTTLES YOUR GROUCH "UP TO THE NECK IN COLDSOME, WHOLESOME TASTINESS." on day's happenings followed, when ex- sportive counties to help them secured I pressiois were called for trom repre sentatives of the various counties as to what their county was going to do about the project. The result stated in the beginning of this article fol- i lowed. i Mr. McDonald of Charlotte, speak ing for Mecklenburg and Gaston : Something Funny for the Kiddies. PASTIME TERATRE Open Fridavs and Saturdays 10 and 15c. v.rt U"vW 6 further aid from the national govern-I inent in building a hard surface high- '. way provided their present allot-1 menis, together with that furnished! by themselves and the state is not of a sufficient amount. j i T. That we pledge to the state j hUliway commission our loyal sup-i countus said that they already had port and co-operation in the matter ( under construction 44 miles of 'con- of building a permanent system of c crete road alon,; the line of the high- siaie highways in North Carolina. j way. "If ou other counties can't That we call upon our sena- j build any more, t hen come up and tors and congressmen of the state to ; ride on ours."" he said. co-operate in the matter of national Speaking tor I niua county Messrs. legislation in the building of a nation- j J. C Sikes and F. i. Henderson told ;:! system of permanent highways; the j tiie convention that I'uioii was going 1 appointment of a federal commission! to do her part. "Decide upon the for the building and management of; width ot road you want and then we federal highways; and that they use i their very effort to aid North Caro-; lina. and ihe several states of thej union in the building of permanent ' state highways The Monroe Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Phone 340. F. W. PINKSTON, Proprietor. "OLD NORTH STATE" SUPPORTS ; WAR WELFARE WORK TO LIMIT i North Carolina, as a ute. has a re wd In the World War which will al ays be the occasion of grtat and Just stride to her future generations. Every tmU made of the Old North State, for en, money, food, manufactured prod ucts, was promptly and generously toet. The war record of the boys in toe service, and none hare better, has keen matched by the women and men who at all times etood solidly back of toeir fighting sons. Her boyi were to the thick of the battle and those at borne saw to it that the farms, facto ries, bunks, bnsiness generally and ef forts indivldnally. were all lined up to win the war. Every appeal for funds was met and over. Liberty Bonds, War Pavings Stamps, the Red Cross, Y. II. C A. and other welfare agendas all received generous support from the people of North Carolina. War Is Over. The war is won and for the most of us it is over and done with. The oys coming back from France cast Wff their uniform with a feeling of a Job well and completely douo. It is jOTer for them. They have done all I hat was asked or eipectud of them 'and better. P.ut there are a few jPhases of the war in which the home ifolks took part, that are not as yet completed. In mind is the United jWar Work Campaign which was held Tovember ot last year. North Caro jjina pledged a total of $1,208,000. Of this grand total there has only been win U are still la France ready tor any eventuality. We owe t&em a debt; the money has been pledged and in paying it real true-blue patrlotiaa will be shown. Nstd For Fund. Secretary Joseph us Daniels, In ap proving the budget of the War Work societies, made aa urgent request to the people of the nation to pay In full their pledges. Following is a combin ed statement of Secretary Newton D. Baker and Secretary Joseph us Dan iels. Regarding the budgets which will finance the activities of the evea or ganisations presented in the campaign from October 1st, last, to December 11. 1913. the secretaries declared reports from overseas confirmed the neoeastty of "maintaining and. m some of 1U aspects, augmenting this work." "In our Judgment," the statement continued, "the full sum eabecribed tn the campaign will be required, if these societies are to do what the American people desire to bare them do in serv ing the soldiers and tailors and the other classes Included in tbe original appeal. "Moreover, there could, fa oar Judg ment, be no wiser nse of such funds. The demobilization plana, so Car as they have been determined, maka U plain the work of the different organ iaations will be needed for a long time till, and, owing to conditions whkh necessarily characteriae the period of Will build ours a little wider," they ( said. Dr. Halt of Wadesboro, chairman of the Anson county board of com missioners, was I'uned to leave the convention before this time, but a delegate aiose to say that he had talked with Dr. Hart in the morning and that he had evpresst'd himself as 'heartily in favor of the load and had said that An.sou could be counted on ; to build her share of it. An official from Richmond county jdi-iiaivtl that his county had had a I taste of good roads and found It good and was Johnny on the spot ! when it came to building the 20 miles j of the highway thiough their terrl i tory. I Items Hn.Ih Indian Trail llonle One. Indian Trail, R. K. D. 1. May 29. Mis Fae Helms of Monroe spent last week with friends here. Mr. Ueece Griffin and Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.. Dixon and children of Charlotte spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dixon. Rev. T. G. Husgins has changed the tune of preaching at Union Grove to Saturday night before the first Sun dav in earh month instead of the first Sunday nichf.. Rev. A. It. Haywood will preach Scotland county was not officially ; next Sunday at Union Grove at 1 1 : 00 J represented but a delegate arose to J state that the sentiment was all in favor of the road in his county and that she would be there with the Koods when the time came. An official from the county Qf Robeson arose to say that although there would be 44 miles of the high way through his county that it was going to be built and mare if neces-i sary. j Mr. Council of Columbus county arose to deliver the message from hisi people and did it in fine and orig- n. m. Sunday scnool nt ten. Messrs. Sylvester Price and Jas. Thus. Hill of Charlotte ran down here in a Ford and the Jitney Jitneyed dead on them and they had to walk thtee. miles before they could get help. Miss Odessa Richardson of Mount Carniel visited friends here recently. Messrs. Ernest Hill. Roy Simpson, snd Mack Simpson spent a day and night last week In Charlote. Miss Vela Helms has returned to her home in Charlotte, and Miss Ha zel Furr is hack home here. Inal style. He hud a witty wav of. Miss I.illie Hill in on the sick list saying things that kept the audience this week. in an uproar ot applause most of the time he was on the lloor He declar ed that the county he represented had been building roads for year now and was not going to quit at this late day. Every speaker who hail preceded Mr. Council had attempted to bring the name of his city in the title of the highway but he clapped the climax by calling it the Monroe lo Lake Wacca in aw Highway. Mr. McGuirt, who was presiding, spoke lor New Hanover ami Bruns wick counties, declaring that they were already at work on part of the road through their territory. Mr. Joseph W Little, in the closing minutes of the convention, on behali of Wilmington, presented to Monroe and Union county a large group ot pictures of good road scenes in New Hanover county. They were accepted on behalf of the county and city by Mayor Sikes.' Mrs. E. C. Epps of Monroe visited her sister. Mrs. I). L. Furr, last week. Fairness. Local Market. Good white cotton 31.50 Rowden 32.00 Fggs, hen 37 Eggs, guinea 30 Butter 30 to 35 Country hams 28 to 32 Beeswax 20 to 25 Corn 1.30 Pork 19 to 20 Beef cattle White peas Young chickens r - -- - i JUNE f ; Sc VICTOR RECORDS j ON SALE j JpM SATURDAY. (F ;'j If j Come in and Let us I Play Them for You. ,lT .1 I lira I W. J. RUDGE CO. j j V. iilenced Ity targe Xnmber of 1'iis oners Heing Sent to State prison. .Many Voting Hoys ulth Tliem, j Hens fi5 to Wool 30 to CHIME SEKMS TO HE ON IX. ! daily in his prison cell. He Is 30 CREASi: X .NORTH CAKOI.IXA ! -vea8 old. . I Also, the negro Tom Owvn. hn been brought from Newton to await electrocution for assaulting a 16-year-old white girl, a crime that he admits. In explaining the big increase in Raleigh. May 28,-Sla.e prison at.-1 V "r. " . " ',80l,e,s .. 8ent 7 to flUhoritles say there Is evidently a re- , l ' " "e "wnce 2.50 markable increase in crime in North i", .." Hud.!.for the large. n.un,ber 35 to 0 Carolina just now. as evi.lencei by i Z'Z 171".!" a the increased Influx of convicts-to the 1 1 TT' , hIT i .V"" brought here temporarily for rafe , w 'n; 80 !5 jjbiu in up 10 mm nme tne amount work will be erea more aeeded tts tf fl.001,000. All of this money wag Wfpe the Kate Clean. fifteen out of a hundred twnfW of the state ot North Caroliaa have already reported errry cast coQectef and In soma caawt am oves-colloctioa la reported. Tne county chairmen and tre uwira pledged in entire good faith by the cit Jzenship of the state. The war is orer kut only half of the boys have been fent home from France. .Those that (remain are Impatient and restless land chafing to get bucik. Put yourself In a foreign country, with Strang i facee and languages, bound by an Iron 'dlsclpllns and wiih your thoughts .turning ever to HOME. How would 'you feel! The welfare agenciea, which co-operated in the United War Work Campaign, are at the preMn.. - - personal prM aoossn to aay I own ambacrtpCfona. the eootr That the delegates were glad that demobQlsation, this practical welfare I the convention had been held in .vio iroe was snnwn in tne to nw ne ! resolution, submitted bv th; commit- Loans and Uiscounts tee on resolutions, und adopted unan imously: Resolved: That we Ihe committee Vtlniiugton-Chai;lotte-Asheville High way Association hereby express out most cordial thanks and deep felt ap preciation to T. L. Riddle, cxecutivt secretary of Monroe Chamber of Coni- prison and numbers of r brought here Report of the Condition of the keeping, pending their trial back in . Tt . i. ., I'i'soiiers seni up Savin. Loan and Trust CrTVW at Monroe, N. C, at the 'years all 20 of the cells in what Is close of business. May 12lh, 1919 : -known us "death row" are occupied RESOURCES i "J prisoners enner awaiting electro- nil t Ir in ni aoni Kaa to. nn 1. $183 53 97 ( onv iit-ic iui rtttir ivfriniig rAatta i mi OA t ,u "wail inm lor capuai onenses. "V,J 1,V":'-a-'-HU' of the prisoners in death row Furniture and Fixtures. 11,096.00 1.749.40 Real Estate owned 3,239.42 Due from National Banks 11,592,75 Due from State Banks and Bankers 2,451.86 of work in their history. Helping the Boys. Large colleges with full staffa of dacatori are helping the boys im prove their time of waiting; scores u4 scores of trained entertainers are (traveling from ono end ot francs to the other, dtspanolng cheer and ra 'shine and helping the boys get ay tfceir ova shows; athletic areata art Wing staged that oompare wita format Olympic meets; everything possible U being done at this time to nalga nrrinursttnaa eaaavot wipe ffc slate elnM Cor Qvetr enrmttos. Surely there caa be bo better way of thaakaefftoe and approdaUaa tkat the war to von than to pay aw all obligation) iwfi,tawit tar ll pi iwn n tioa ot the war. Every eml pteofcvt is Baeded for Uke vert f As wettar aencie. Tma stnte of North Caae lia oan tkoa suka a recera ta the United War Work Canpaiga sfonlaw ts taoa in tanner artvws. Tbs saa- ti boors go taster tor the boys vtu!ton have ftaiahsd thair to aad Ba Isday are npnaldlng Us power of rlgatltoha H veiL The aasM-cfULawry ts the Osrmaaa. The war to won and ishosad bars the sans Trm at m too many st Us boys who helpse ItsaUag Ual Uay asrra anas Uaor s& of Us comities sot paid ap has work ed as hard aad faithfully ss Ueae la Us coon tie which hare paid Us en tire subscription; fat soma rasns, par- haps, mors so. bat if Us psopls of their COBLES CASH GARAGE I 5 FISK TIRES. aBDiBBaiaiBaiBiBiiiBisiBiiiaBiiaiaiii Cash Items held over 24 hours 509.75 merce, and members of Mt.i. roe cnecus tor clearing ...... .oio.jo I Chamber of Commerce, Mayor J c. : Oold Coin 50.00 i Sikes and Board of Commissioners of (Silver Coin, including all minor I Union county and citizens of the' currency 160.90 "county of Union and city sf Monroe, ; National Bank & U. S. notes 3,291.00 land the Press for the eneroim hnani. I Insurance Investment 1.000.00 ttsfr county have act local priato aad ! tality and cordial welcome which we Building Fund 305.70 have received and enjoyed. Signed, I , " . ' " " by Resolutions Committee. i loiai Lumberton was selected as 'he cityj LIABILITIES where the association should hold its Capital Stock paid in ... . 125.000.00 next convention, some time next fall, i Surplus Fund 12,500.00 One hundred and twenty dollars was : Undivided Profits 2,994.65 secured toward paying the expenses Dividends Unpaid 20.00 of yesterday's convention when the ? Bills Payable 35,000.00 hat was passed. j Deposits subject to check 67.932.54 The following resolutions offered i Demand Certificates of by the advisory committee were Deposit 47,161.17 adopted unamlnously: SaTings Deposits 14,398.22 Be it resolved, that it it the sense rBhler's Checks outstnndln 902.95 of the member and delegates of the: Trust Deposits 16,838.78 vv iiuiingion-narioiie-Asnevtiie High way association, in convention assem ble: (1.) That we request the state highway commission of North Caro lina to make an immediate survey of the Wllmlngton-Charlotte-Ashevllle highway and that said highway be de clared to be "a single project." (1 1-2.) That as to the contention between Bladen and Columbus coun ties as to the location of said high way, each route be viewed and in spected by said surveyors with a view to ascertaining the most practical route with a recommendation thereon. (2.) That the state highway com j mission ro requested at once to make I me necessary oiue-print, snowing the i I proposed highway, also furnish to the I county commissioners or proper road FORD REPAIRING A SPECIALTIY. Next to Baptist Church. FORD PARTS. Total $222,748.31 State of North Carolina, County of Union, May 21st, 1919. I, H. B. Clark. Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief ' H-B. CLARK. Cashier. Correct Attest: It. A. MORROW. J. M. BELK. S. O. BLAIR, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of May. 1919. HARGROVE BOWLES, N. P. LEAVE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION for The Monroe Journal. Charlotte Ob server and anv mngaiine at our store. The W. J. P.udge Co. are under death sentence now It is pointed out that In the past few weeks numbers of young white boys have been sent up from different parts of the state under conviction and sentence for burglary. These are young men of 19 to 20 odd years, these constituting an exceptional group of prisoners. One of the latest additions to "death row" Is the young married man. Godley, of Smithfleld, public au to driver, charged with criminal as sault on a nine-year-old girl near Smithfleld. He has just waived ex amination in a preliminary hearing and was brought back to the prison for safe keeping. His wife visits him Itetter for Her "How's your husband getting along Mrs. Fogarty?" "Well, sometimes he's better an' sometimes he's worse, but from the way he growls an' takes on whin he's better. Oi think he's better whin' he's worse." Boston Transcript. Those Iost letters. "Did you mail my letters?' "I'm sorry," replied the absent minded husband. "I forgot all about it," "Well, don't take It to heart. The postofflce would probably have done the same thing." Washington Star. Mr. Hoover mtght score a point in food conservation if he would suggest how we could eliminate the pestifer ous English sparrow. A SAFE GUARD This is a world of chance, and the prudent man will make use of every means of SAFETY. That piece of property, for which you hav toiled and sacrificed, is not safe. Fire may consume it; wind may wreck it INSURANCE WILL SAFEGUARD IT. Your health may be perfect today. But have you any assurance it will be the same tomorrow, or next week, or next year? INSURANCE WILL SAFEGUARD IT. That is, while it will not prevent your becoming sick, it will prevent FINANCIAL LOSS through sickness. Come to us for any kind of an insurant nnliVv vmi may need Fire, Life. Tornado. Accident. FlnnH Rafa companies and attractive policies. MONROE INSURANCE & INVESTMENT rn ! Office in Bank of Union. G. B. Caldwell. Man now 9

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