IDEA OF SCARCITY OF RUBBER IN GERMANY Delicious Refreshing Exhilarating Invigorating Motor I l Accidents .Si I; ''Or 1 i If "AN OASIS IX THE DESERT OF THIRST. THE DRINK THAT TAKES THE 'WRY OUT OF DRY. TRANSFORMS BEADS OF PERSPIRATION INTO BEADS OF DELIGHT. THE BOTTLE THAT THROTTLES YOUR GROUCH. "UP TO THE NECK IN COLDSOME, WHOLESOME TASTINESS. The Monroe Coca Phone 340. F. I Look for theH sealed package, but S Jiave an eye out j also for the name ;p WRKUEYS . I Tb3t name Is your pro- tection against Inferior H Imitations. Just as the seated package Is pro- S tection afialnst Impurity. llj The Greatest Name Bp Flavor jjj j When you have Money you have Friends. Have you ever noticed that when a man is known to have money in the bank he invariably has friends, many friends? Not necessarily because he has mon ey, but because the possession of a banking account is a strong indication of his success in life and suc cessful men are always admired. We invite you to open an account with us today. The Savings, Loan and Trust Co. R. B. Red wine, President. H. B. Clark, Cashier COBLES CASH GARAGE FORD REPAIRING A SPECIALTIY. Next to Baptist Church. FISK TIRES. FORD PARTS. - Cola Bottling Co. W. PINKSTON, Proprietor. This interesting French official photograph, which was taken at Oise. Quesmy, gives a ery good Idea of the scarcity of rubber la Germ any. The blcjcle wheel that the man In the picture Ii holdiug In a German wheel lacking rubber tires. In place of the rubber that Is not put on. because of the rubtn being i scarce, springs have been put on It Instead. SPARK PLUG TROUBLES Two frequent causes of spark plug trouble are oil or particles of carbon collecting between the points and sooting of the porce lain. The first mentioned Is remedied by carefully removing the oil or carbon and thus clear ing the Kiip. If the carbon on the iHrrcelain Is hard, do not at tempt to scrape It off. Souk the porcelain In kerosene or liquid carbon remover until the carbon Is soft enough to wipe off clean ly with a clirth. Points out of adjustment or burned awny will also- cause missing. The points should be adjusted to a gap of from one-thirty-second to one-slxty-fouith of un inch, depending upon the ignition system, carburetor ad justment und deslgu of motor. OIL FOR THROW-OUT COLLAR Thera Are Several Self-Feeding Cups on Market Which May Be Used for Thli Purpose. In certain cars it Is necessary to remove the floor boards In order to lubricate the clutch throw-out collar. As a consequence many car owners neglect this Important item of lubri cation, until trouble In the units makes the need evident. In cases of this kind where no provision has been made for lubrlcatlou by having a grease cup that extends up through the floor boards It will be wise to In stall an oil lfne to feed this part. This con easily be done by arranging a lnre oil cup to feed through a small opening Into a metal pipe running to the throw-out collar. It is necessary to have a small opening, so that the flow of oil will not be too rapid, for obvious reasons. There are several self-feeding oil cups on the market, which muy be used to advantage In this connection. MOST CONVENIENT TIRE TOOL Little Wfldge of Wood Can Be Slipped In Between Beads and Pulled i Around Surface. One of the most convnlent little weapons for use In tire repairing Is a little wedge of wood, three-quarters of an Inch thick and three to five Inches long, depending en the size of tires 1 used. This wedge Is slipped In be-' tween the beads and can be pulled around the entire circumference of the tire with one hand, while the oth-, er Is free to hold the tire. This Is much easier than trying to use both 1 hands to force the ending open, while holding It on the shoulder. DO NOT NEGLECT UNIVERSALS Joints Wear Rapidly and Frequently Break if Grease Is Lacking Look After Them. A dry universal wears rnpldly and frequently seizes and breaks If It lacks grease. Do not neglect, there fore, the lubrication of your universal Joints. True, It is usually a lot of trouble to grease them. They are tm dir the car and Just when you feel like doing the Job bo grease gun Is handy. However, to neglect them Is to court disaster. They should be lubricated about once a month. GOOD ADJUSTMENT OF BRAKES If To Tight, Friction Results and Unit Becomes Hot Good Plan to Feel Brake Drum. Ilest Is the Inevitable concomitant of friction. When the brakes have been too tightly adjusted, friction re sults and the unit becomes hot. It Is a good plan to feel the brake drum after an adjustment has been made and the car run awhile, for If the parts nre too tight, the heat preset In the drum will Indicate the trou;!o. ' V;- mam yr: ifi-m ;svi, AUTO JACK WILL DO MANY THI11GS Four of Them of Different Sizes Will Save Car Owner Much Time and Temper. WILL JACK CAR OUT OF MUD Device I Indispensable During Spring Overhauling or When There Art Sent Parts to Body or Frame of Machine. That little Jack stowed away under the seat of your cur will do many help ful things, but three more of them, of different sizes, will save you much time and temper. For Instance, when you get hope lessly stuck In mud, sand, clay or even snow your Juck may be the menns of getting your car out of Its predlca- I tnent and save you that sis-mile walk to the Dearest village to get a span of ' horses. Every Jack should be fitted with a j two-Inch block of wood as broad nod , long as will conveniently fit Into the car. If the Jack Is so equipped, It will allow the car to be Jacked up out of the mudhole, so thnt the rear wheels can have boards slipped beneath thera for traetlon. If necessary It Is not a bad Idea even to use the car cushion for traction ; that Is, If no plunks are at band and you are hard-pushed for Do Not Neglect to Increase Your Jack Family by at Least One or Two Be fore Taking a Tour. the necessary mnterlal. In fact, any thing that will enable your car to get on solid ground Is cheaper than wait ing all night for assistance. One of the cleverest uses for the Jack was seen recently, when a wound ed soldier drove into town In a heavy car that had a broken spring. As he had a crippled leg, he was not strong enough to lift the body of the car to place a bumper or log between the axle and the frame. Hut he had wise ly provided himself with a small low Jack, which conveniently fitted Into the space between the axle and the body. The Jack Is Indispensable during the spring overhauling or when there are bent parts to the body or frame. For example, bent body parts, may be straightened by giving the jack a lev erage against the garage wall. ' Jacks have long been used In garages that are not equipped with huge machinery for straightening bent frames and even front axles. In addi tion to this, when straightening a bent frame with a Jack the chassis does not need to be dismantled, as It would If heat were applied. G. F. Collins In Popular Science Monthly. LOOSEN INACCESSIBLE NUTS Best Plan Is to Use Socket Wrench of Proper Sis With Big Wrench for Leverage. The best way of loosening large and Inaccessible nuts, which are some times found about the chassis. Is to use a socket wrench of the proper size, with a big wrench to furnUh the Lwi?'.'. This combination will han dle ulmust anything. A large per cent of auto accidents are really MOTOR accidents. ' Your motor is the heart of your car. Wrien it goes bad there's something doing. INSURE YOUR MOTOR by bringing'it to us for a thorough over-hauling. If it isn't too far gone we can put it in first-class con dition. We have facilities for repairing ANY part of ANY motor. Bring it to us for SAFETY. We are agents for the Maxwell car and wili be pleased to show it to you; $990 delivered. Heath Motor Co. A SAFE GUARD This is a world of chance, and the prudent man will make use of every means of SAFETY. That piece of property, for which you have toiled and sacrificed, is not safe. Fire may consume it; wind may wreck it. INSURANCE WILL SAFEGUARD IT. Your health may be perfect today. But have you any assurance it will be the same tomorrow, or next wppV nr next year? INSURANCE WILL SAFEGUARD IT. That is. while it will not Drevent vmir hprnmincr ciV it will prevent FINANCIAL LOSS through sickness. Come to us for anv kind of an insurant nnlW vnii may need Fire, Life, Tornado, Accident, Flood. Safe companies and attractive policies. MONROE INSURANCE Office in Bank of Union. (ZrTA """N y (THIS MKrote 1 m& tt4SS""yr s 0000 1 AO Mil T" fVN ' X AS tT. wJ w I V'W-Jw. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE Not the cheapest, but as good as the best. We do not de sire to be known as the cheapest store on earth. Our goods are what we claim them to be worth the price and our prices are extremely moderate when quality is consid ered. You can get goods cheaper than we care to sell, for we do not care to handle the ordinary cheap glue pot variety of furniture; but no reliable store in any other city can offer you better values than we do, and our ser vice is good ask vour next door neiVhhnr nhnnr. it. arA about us. Come and see us. to please you. T. P. Dillon & Sons JUNE fiti VICTOR RECORDS j JJ ON SALE " jH I J I ' f I Come in and Let us j lA ,o j Play Them for You. f m "-j. The 1 p J "WJ. RUDGE CO. 1 i nii ii. ' ' m. , & INVESTMENT CO. G. B. Caldwell Manser. , e--- Remember it is our business Hsaai