THE MONROE JOURNAL JOHN BEAS.LEY, Editor. ! Founded in 1891 by the present owners and publishers, C. X:. and R. F. Beasley. j The Journal Buildins. corner of JcEe-son and B.'asley Siret ts. Published Each Tuodity and Friday. . f 1.50 a Year, Invariably In Advance, j j Telephone No. t9. j A colice to discontinu; The Journal i !a not necessary, as we take it for; granted that you do not want the yuj-er when you fail to icrcw. FKIIHY. JIW'E 13, 1949. j Suit inte IUliliciiiti. i w Many Attractions IN' Men's and Boys' Ready-to-Wear Department THIS WEEK MEN'S FINE SHIRTS 1 1 1 33Pr-1 1 r ' "iY ill Governor Eickett has called a spe cial session of the North Carolina General Assembly for next July and tfcm seems to b o doubt but that the Susan B. Anthony suffrage bill JjU te ratified at that time. Last fiit-itLy Illinois. Michigan and Wis consin ratified the amendment, the vote In Michigan being unanimous, and only three negative votes were Cast In each or the other two states. Both the Democratic and Republi can National Executive Committees at recent meetings requested the gov ernors of the various siates to call ex tra sessions and 22 have assented. Lesislatuies in five states meet in reg ular session next year. The women are anxious that the required two thirds of the states ratify the amend ment in order that they may vote in the 1!20 elections. IUN't't for the I'nilonn. Sergeant Battle Williams of Camp Gordon ha written a letter to a num ber of Carolina papers deploring the growing tendency on the part of dis charged soldiers to wear the uniform incorrectly. As he expresses it: 'Tart army and some civil." He thinks there is no real excuse for mixing the khaki with civilian clothes; if the ex-soldier is unable to obtain an outfit of mufti at one time, let him continue to wear his uniform in full. In the following words Sgt. Williams denounces this practice as a transgression on the dignity of the uniform : Such a practice diverts from the sa credness of the honor of the soldiers who put the olive drab over the top. tending to discount the many blood stained olive drabs that went down with their wearers In the great fight for world humanity. Everyone should know that the uniform is symbolical of the price we paid for world free dom, that It was the raiment of the noble heroes who fell on honor's field of battle, and that It deserves the most Illustrious treatment and re spect that we can bestow upon It. XX FOOD IS CURE FOR BOLSHEVISM Flret A 14 Treatment Splendid Medi cine for Spirit of Unrest. Hew War Saving Stamps Help. President Wilton has asked for food to stop the wave of Bolshevism roll tot westward out of Russia. No Intel ligent paraon doubts the value of food at a Snt aid. but at bottom the secur ity of oar inttitution rests upon the worklag interest the people take in those irtt'fulion. Cititens saving no Interest In a gov ernment, no economic interest in the uccett of that government, are apt to be the firtt victims of vicious propa ganda or unbalanced political theo rists. On the other band men and women who have invested In their government either by way of conduct ing private enterprise under its pro tection or through direct purchase of government securities have something at stake and desire to maintain stable Institutions. Such persons are not necessarily reactionists. They may be quite progressive and anxious for reform where reform is needed. Consequently the effective barrier to Bolshevism In America today Is thrift tnd investment. The philosophy must reach into the workshops of the nation. It is reaching into those work shops and into the sihoolhouses of the nation In the fcrm of the Thrift Stamp and the War Pavings Stamp. When everybody In America is buy ing Thrift and War Pavings Stumps as a habit one won't heir much about Bolshevism In America. It Is the financial and patriotic duty of every American who loves real liberty to get the Thrift Sump habit NOW. TO ENCOURAGE THRIFT School Called Upon by Treasury Department to Make Saving Happy Habit i 1 About 50 dozen French CuiT Shirts, also starch cuffs, large range of pat terns. Two lots - : yc and 51.48 !SX ARROW BRAND SHIRTS Through the government saving -rectors of the twelve federal reserve districts, the Savings Division of the United States Treasury Department haa called upon the normal school, collere and universal of th ctmn try to aid In the government earn , palgn to make thrift a happy habit! The American Council on Education.1 representing institution o( higher j learning throughout the country, hat Joined with the Saving Division te secure the co-operation of th schools The plan evolved by the Saving Di vision and the Council on Education contemplates the creation of thrift or ganizations in each of the normal school, college and univenitle. to teach the basic principle of intelli gent saving wise buying, cane pending, safe investment and avoid ance of watte, and to aid In featuring the advantage of Thrift Stampt and War Saving Stamps a the ideal in vestment for small saving. Through the American Council on Education, i the presidents of the institutions ol hirher learning have been urged tcj name institutional thrift represent ; tives. who will co-operate with the lo-' ral savings organization. Thil has been done in most case. The edura tional institutions are expected tc have a large Influence in the move ment to make the United States nation of intelligent savers. Arrow Brand Shirts in the better quality, Madras with Silk Stripe H 8 SI 05. S2.SR. S2.95 un in Sfi Ofl SOFT COLLARS Every wanted style in Soft and Laundered Collars 20c, 25c, 30c, 50c WORK SHIRTS 22:2 - " rr .xira neavy vuainy oi oest v-namoray, iuii size (wuj. MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR ' Men's Shirts and Drawers, Balbriggan or Porosknit 48c each TV Ad HOLD WAR SECURITIES. vv MEN'S UNION SUITS 50 doz., Special for this week, in all sizes, in medium weight Pajama Check 50 cents U SOX MEN'S SOX XX tt Sox for everybody. Men's Cotton Sox, white, black 10c. U Lisle Hose 25c, 35c. Silk Pleated Hose . 50c. Men's Fanev Silk Pleated Hose 38c. Pure Silk Hose in Phoenix, all best colors. BOYS' UNION SUITS Little Boys and Big Boys' Union Suits WORLD'S HISTORY IN RE SUME PROVES W. S. S. WILL PAY. Eastern Buslnes Men Utue Warning Against Parting With Government Bend and W. 8. 8. Violet' Talks About Suffrage. Correspondence of The Journal. Stouts, June 11. So tlu Student: has decided to drop the subj-vt, ' Sunday Labor," and has 'aken a more dangerous one, "Woman Suf frage." This subject has been dis cussed for a long time and 1 am sure the women are going to get to vote Jn the near future. I stand for wo man suffrage myself and since wo men have been created equal to men they should enjoy the sume privilege a men when it comes to suppotting a government which concerns women as much as it concerns men. As to the arguments that women are inferior to men or that they should be home-mukers it Is too dis gusting for words. Why can't a wo man vote for what she thinks Is right and still be a good home-maker? And why withhold tis from what is our tight because of the selfishness of some individuals who never look be yond their horizon of life? Well I guess I had better stop now before I raise the Student's dander and you know when you get a red-headed per son angry you have a job 'on your hands. Miss Margaret Boyd of Charlotte is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. m Boyd, this week. Messrs. Erman Haywood. James Hitch and Clarence Conder visited the j lOTmer's brother, Mr. Blair Haywood, j of Waxhaw Sunday. i Miss Ethelyn Elms of Indian Trail I visited her cousin. Miss Lula Garri-j unn Cuttrl'tV 1 Mr. W. Clyde Ritch of Alt. Holly, better known to The Journal as "The cout," arrived home Wednesday to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ritch. Mr. W. T. Ballentlne has arrived home after spending some time In a Charlotte hospital and we are glad to aay he has greatly Improved in health. Mies Eula Yandle spent Sunday In the home of her friend. Miss Kate Conder. Gravson, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hayes, is very sick at this writing. Children's Day here next Sunday. Everybody Invited to come. The ex ercises will begin at about 10 o'clock and will last all day. Violet. That it Is a bad business proposi tion for any merchant to encourage faoldert of War Savings Stamps to exrhang them for merchandise Is the opinion of a group of eastern business men, who recently discussed this question at their annual convention. "Such action merely helps fake pro tnolart and dltticnest brokers In their effort to shake public confidence in government bond as an Investment," said on of the speaker. "It Is la mentable that they have worked to an alarming degree among the poor, and among Ignorant people of this coun try." The two hundred delegates attend ing the gathering were o impresed with tie necessity for keeping War Savings Stamp In the hands ot the original purchasers that each pledged to go back heme and constitute him self the head of a vigilance commit tee to oppose the offering of merchan dise for government securities. One thing we know as we purrut the history of antiquity, from times Vnuh a, . th. n.vfl vf Pnhv lon'a Iniquity, down through the dayt when Caesar's ghot was haunting Brutus in hi bed, is this. The spenderi shouted most, but nearly all of then were bled. Whereas the lad wh never flung sesterce to the Forum crowd wat never tmmaturely hung not measured tor an early shroud. Thli bit of ancient ophittry ha now Iti modern counterpart, and more and more If borne on me how tplendld it the saving art th art of mind Inr one' alfairt and watching llttl things Increase. Tt rids the future oi its caret, thow profit on our e.bow grease. Today when W. S. S. yon read upon a hanging tlgn, you know rtie man sell Thriftines. a vlrtuf once quite hard to find. I do not thank the war for much, bt thl I've learn ed, and learned It proper, when iome one trie to mak a "touch'' a Thrifl Stamp make an A-l stopper. tt ft ft ft ft ; ft. ft ft ft tt f it 75c, 80c, $1.00 U . 35c and 45c. 10 10 Ilig Department Stores Is One Iteawn Why We Sell it for Less. 19 tO Belle Bros. Carolinas' Largest Distributors of RELIABLE MERCHANDISE. 10 10 Big Ie Mrtment Store Is One Reason Why We Sell It for Less. 19 19 I If you can't sleep at night I This is the way to save today X ? Ride a Bicycle t. Without More Pay ? In the Dav Time f Ride a Bicycle I But ride a Gendron. A Gendron Bike on Every Hike. ;-..:..ttK":-M'-X":"M Watch your nickels and th dollar rill take care of themtelvet. Ride a Gendron Bicycle dmall leakt sink big ships atop them with W. 8. S. TABLE SHOWS HOW MONEY MULTIPLIES Trifle Mart Than On Hundred Dol lar Monthly for Eight Month Will Crew Into Thousand Dol lar by January 1, 1924. Tint Much for Her It was Sarah Jane's day out. and ahe was comparing note with Susan, from a neighboring house. "So I hear you're left that artist's." Susan said. "Yes, Indeed," remarked Sarah Jane, "I couldn't stand the missus' insults. I hadn't been there a day when she said to me: 'Sarah Jane.' he say, 'when're dusting ofT the ftudlo you mint be very careful pot to touch the old master. It's worth hundreds of pound.' she says. Wetl, that got my temper tip proper. 'Excuse me. ma'am,' says I. "but I've ftrt a young man of my own and I don't want any old master, not If he Ja worth millions.' " The following table will be of erv Ice to tb individual who 'plans to sate systematically throughout the year by means of War Saving Stamp. Th Ump draw four per eent Interest compounded quarterly. Bach 191 War Saving Stamp was worth last January $4.11. Each stamp, because of the ieterest that it com pounded, cost one cent more eacb month. o that next January It will cott 14.24 and at the end of five year It will be worth 15. Thrift Stamp are of the denomi nation of It rent and are the means by which one may accumulate small savings until a sufficient amount is saved to purchase a War Saving Stamp. They re Invaluable for the thrifty taver who run lay aside only small amount at a time. Cost At toon m h accumulates tixteen Thrift Stamp he may exchange them for a War Savings Stamp by paying the few cents additional to make up the purchase price of a War Saving Stamp for that asonth. Thu it the Thrift Stamp taver col lected hit tixteen itamp In May, It then cost him It -centt additional to convert them Into en War Savings Stamp. In Jun it eottt 17 cant addi tional and io on, and than or January 1, 1124, lest than Ave yean after the exchange, the War Saving Stamp will be worth $( and th government will pay that amount for it In tbe tab! below the second col-' umn shwt that the ptraon who In vest a little more than 1100 a month for eight month of this year, will have paid In before January 1, 1120, $839. On January 1. 1124, (hi will have grown to 11.000. Th other col umns thow what the purrhatr will he required to lnvtt to hav $500, 1250, $100 or $00 by January 1, 1(24. Nearly a Hundred Gendron Bicycles are at our store awaiting your inspec tion. There are large Bicycles, small Bicycles, at almost any price you want to pay. Come tomorrow and take a look. It will make you want to go back to the Bicycles. Probably you've already heard "the bicycle is coming back." But the truth is "you are going back to the bicycle." There is nothing so good for the inside of a man as to be on the outside on a bicycle. Hach Month Ko. Cost No. Cott No. Cott No. Cott No. Cot May $4.1 25 $104 00 13 $04 OS 7 $29.1$ S $12 4$ I $8 SI June 4.17 25 104.26 12 60 04 C 2S.02 S 8.34 1 417 July 4.18 25 104 SO 13 14 34 25.08 8 12 (4 1 4.18 Aug. 4.19 25 104.75 12 K0 28 26.14 I 8.38 1 4.19 Sept. 4 20 25 105 00 13 64 60 7 29.40 I 12 60 2 8 40 Oct. 4 21 25 105.25 It 60.52 25.26 t ' 8.42 1 4.21 Nov. 4.22 25 105.60 13 646 C 25.33 ' t 12.66 1 4 22 Dm. 423 26 105.75 12 t0.7 26 38 I 8 46 1 4.23 TOTAL ....,200 839.00 100 419 48 5? fi9.72 ft 83.88 10 41.12 Maturity Val. Jaa. 1. 1924.. 1,000 00 500 00 250.00 100 00 60.60 Monroe Hardware Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. ECONOMIZE ! ? If the High Cost of Drugs RIDE A BICYCLE; Worries You of course it will Ride a Bicycle be a Gendron. t Gendron King of the Road. t