imvonr TfllTRVAT to believe them saints, but I believe THE MONROE JULKAA- ihem t0 bl prtlt. fOCd folk8 , len . . . . . ...... - I . ; . . iti ijou, ana in raicrr ii "'"n -.. one of them than bis grana-iamer. JOHN BEASLEY. Editor. Founded ia 1894 by the present oncers and publishers, G. M. and K. F. Beasley. Special Notices One cent a word each Insertion. - - 1 1 .-J a. A CAIII SW fft ffwI some political information so that we MRS.EDWARD JEROME WILLIAMS is The Journal Building, comer JrfIt"on and Basley Streets. of rublikhfHl Eath TueMlay and Friday. 91.50 a Year, Invariably In Advance. Telephone No. 19. mav nt intfllisoiitlv: and how are we going to pet it? By reading, and t greatly by going to i-olitical speak ings. "0." some one actually gasps, "A woman at a political speaking?" Yes; why not. Don't the same men , attend these speakings that go to church? "Yes." but you say ' that isn'a preaching." I know it and I have been at many other gatherings in my life that were not preaching and I have never seen the men act any way unbecoming to a gentleman and , I do't think they will act any other j way at a political speaking. And be-' side that don't our preachers go to political spakings. and does it con- laminate them? No. I expect to go to i that kind of speakings and come away j just as I am now. I don't eipect the going to hurl me in the least. Pont vou suppose Mr. Wilson has been to many of them and many of our men A notice to discontinue The Journal Id not necessary, as we take it for granted that you do not want the I'cper when you fail to TUESDAY, JINK IT. 119. The Battle of Cmitigny. Stars and Stripes. Ran the American communique of May 28, 1918. ; .kini ho u th embodiment of all the This morning in Picardy curi womanly virtues and a quarter miles, advanced out lines and captured the village of Ciu tigny. We took 20) prisoners and in Hicted on the enemy sever losses In killed and wounded. Our casulaties were relatively small. Hostib counter-attacks broke down unJer our Are. Ran the American communique or May 29. 1918. In the Cantigny salient we na . . .-. , the consolidated our positions in spite of v - do i RECEIVEDrA car load of, XX heavy artillery ana macmne nm n". , th , DUgilieM on account of it. i buggies, all kinds, steel and rubber ; Renewed connter-attcks broke down h vnm ( firp. fOD ,.,d runabouts. Prices! V will receive pupils in expression and the piano beginning June 23. j Address Mrs. Edward Jerome Wil- Y.Y liams, care Mrs. u. a. uenloti, Bentou Heights. WANTED Chickens, eggs, hams and country produce ol an Kinds m a large quantities. S. R. Doster. Yj - I WILL thresh wheat for the public at my residence next Saturday af-'ti ternoon. T. L. Price, Unionville. XJ MR- FARMER, take your watch to Y McCall; ten years experience at bench; all work guaranteed. Next i door to Union Drug Co. i before you sell your chickens, eggs XX and country produce of all kinds, 4i Five Points Grocery Company, j YY Intersection of Wadesboro and XX Windsor Avenues. vy ' : -'fa FOR SALE A few thousand Porto aa W.H.Belk&En Many Attractions Rico potato Douglas. J, plants. Phone M. Douglas. . J. A too, as to that. The old tale about politics injuring our women Is rotten i as can be. Has politics hurt our men? I Don't our preachers vote? Are our . 1 ...... . V. m. men any worae -,- No. verily. I believe my husband is a . WANTED Chickens, eggs, hams and far better man today than he was' country produce of all kinds In XX on the day he first cast his vote. I large quantities. S. R. Doster. ; Ji It is enough to make us sick to .JA hear. too. that the woman will neglect WEDDING PRESENTS A new line. XX the home. We so to church and oth-, McCall. Prices Fowler tires, top and runabouts, what she riEht. Come and see us i is about and the home is safe In her j & Lee. I capable hands. And, too, she has too j 1 much sense to have a family fuss be- ' SPECIAL TAX NOTICE All city and cause nusuana can i see laiuta w gprciui mniw mut, sees them. If they happen to disa- imripr niir fire. And the Communique of Ma 30. 1918 just a year today wrote the finis to the story by tersely stating: The enemy has again been com pletely repulsed by artillery and in fantry action in attacks against anAiAat .he will oui- new positions near Cantigny f the c.ndidate . Thus, in the brief and soldierly J hrni do : words of the communique, is told the cr h ; story of how the first American-plan- , "e ... . kn0. , ned and executed attack of' he war he? . thnk .RE in the market for wool and made good, and with a enReance. , Jw f0II)pelUn- her ,0 j pay tne highest price. S. R. Dos- the communiques do not tell how th(l , much the sign and token of Cantigny , .... nA ,. , meant to the weary aj.d arased Al- h bu- ,t My thfy are one as it will be Impossible for me to see you all. please come in. settle your tax, get your license and ob iiKe Very truly, James McNeeley. City Tax Collector. Men's and Boys' Ready-to-Wear Department THIS WEEK MEN'S FINE SHIRTS About 50 dozen French CuiT Shirts, also starch cuffs, large range of pat terns. Two lots : 98c and $1.48 ARROW BRAND SHIRTS Arrow Brand Shirts in the better quality, Madras with Silk Stripe $1.95, $2.50, $2.95 up to $6.00 SOFT COLLARS Every wanted style in Soft and Laundered Collars 20c, 25c, 30c, 50c WORK SHIRTS Extra Heavy Quality of best Chanibray, full size . 85c and 95c MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR Men's Shirts and Drawers, Balbriggan or Porosknit . ISc each MEN'S UNION SUITS 50 doz., Special for this week, in all sizes, in medium weight Pajama Check 50 cents . Ji mil over two hibhthw be ore, (hfnk y0(, tl;e Hun had launched his great f;iwmli( Yw, i win vote when tensive uesignea 10 fpm mr nrmn, and British armies and sweep tne lat- FOR SALE One Ford touring car,, 1916 model. R. M. Haigler, Win-, gate. . 1 Sox for everybody. T I - TT . ' usie nose SOX -MEN'S SOX Men's Cotton Sox, white, black iur intn fhp sa Vield Marshal Sn Douglas Haig had wrenched the hearts and stiffened the backbone of, the Allied peoples with the famous "Hacks to the wall" order. General Pershing had made his offer of "All that we have is yours" to Marshal Foch. newly-made commander - U -chief f the Allied armies: and the world turned, expectunt to see what nil that e had could do. And the part of our then so liuie all assigned to the supremely impor tant sector northwest of Montdidi-r and southeast of Amiens, at the vry apex of the salient created by the en emy in his March 21 offensive, (lid nurpassing well. It proved beyond a doubt that the American fighting unn could be relied on not only to deli vet the goods in a smashing attack, but to hang on and hold his hard-won posi tion in the face of the worst of coun ter fire. It gave new quickening' to the heart, new blood to the cheeks, to hear it sung that "the Yanks are coming." For at Cantlngy. for the first time on a European oattleleM, they came, saw and conqured. After that first test, the thp time conies. 1 consider the wel fare of the home just as important to me as it is to the man, and certainly the laws concern the home, therefore I shall deem it my duty to vote and shall not hesitatt to do ko. Edna V. Funderbu rk. FARM NOTES mv T .1 W. I'KOOM.l A number of farmers have akeil me about a market for their lambs. I am in receipt of a letter today from ' the Bureau of Markets at Kaleigh pivinu the Information that spring lambs, weighing sixty-five to seventy jtive pounds are now bringing 21 cents 'gross in Philadelphia. Freight and : shrinkage and selling charges will be 'around three cents per pound. A re icent shipment from this state to Phil adelphia, consisting of 155 Iambs, av jeraging 52 pounds, netted the farm ers 115.72 per hundred weight gross after paying all expenses. ' Farmers who have lambs and de !siie to Rhln eo-oiierativelv will please Allied ! notify me at once and I will arrange FOR SALE Tomato and pepper I ? plants, lt'C tr doz. Karl Schach-:.A rer. A? . 1 FOU SALE Fresh milk cow. J. P-' XX Kitch, Matthews Route 26. XX BEEF CATTLE WANTED We are;.U in the market for a car load of ex- !Ay tra tine beef cattle and will pay the j j;X highest price Five Points Grocery XX ' Company, intersection of Windsor1 and Wadesboro Avenues. ; XX 10c 25c, 35c. 50c. 38c. Silk Pleated Hose 7nc value in Men's Fancv Silk Pleated Hose .. Pure Silk Hose in Phoenix, all best colors -.. 75c, 80c, $1.00 BOYS' UNION SUITS Little Boys and Big Boys' Union Suits 35c and 45c SOLID GOLD jewelry of all kinds at McCalls. FOU SALE A six-room house on Washington street, and a Blx-rooia house on Crawford street. W. J. Rudge. TIRES We sell ville Motor Co. the best. Union- vv YY vv n 10 10 Big Department Stores Is One Reason Why We Sell it for Less. 10 10 Belk Bros. Carolinas' Largest Distributors of RELIABLE MERCHANDISE. 10 10 Ills Department Store Is One Reason Why We Sell it for Less, to 10 inr hoQititPii ahmit nut. 1 for the shipment. Give me the n uni ting American troops into position.! of ! her of lambs you have for sale and responsibility. At Chateau-Thierry, ; the approximate weight. The earlier In the Marne defensive, in th? sreat ' we ship the better the price. Don t Se.csons-Marne eounter-offe;is've cf : wait until next week but let me know July, and at St. Mihiel, thev amply at once if you have lambs for market, justified the trust reposed in them,; The price of wool is advancing. Am until after those wearv weeks in the i advised that it is yet too early to sell. . 11 n.,n., v.i thmm.h i Market vour wool co-operatively. I nnd destroyed the enemy's most vital lines of communication on the entire Western front. The promise of Can tigny in the late spring was fulfilled, and more than fulfilled, in the late fall before the gates of Sedan; and the harvest of victory was reaped. Of the men who fought at tanttg-; ... . i i rty, not so very many arc nuw i.n among us on this Memorial Day anni versary of our first sitnal success in the war, for the great division which took ana field tnat town in ricaruj , tias traveled far and gone through much In the year that is past. But those members of the 28th United States Infantry and of the battalion of the 26th United States Infantry that took part in the attack and went through the two day's nightmare that succeeded it have today the right, if ever fighting men had. to shake each other by the hand in remembrance of that time a scant twelvemonth ago; for there they gave hope to the world. will notify you when to bring it. hunrirv many LADIES, we remount diamonds' by hand which protects them from los ing. McCall, Jeweler. NOTICE TO THRESHERS You are hereby notified that the laws now require you to register In the of fice of Register of Deeds before you can operate a thresher. The reg istration cards are now in my pos session. It costs you nothing to register, but if you fall you are li able to be Indicted. This second day of June, 1919. M. C. Long, Register of Deeds. SEE the Puncture Proof Inner tubes at Coble's Cash Garage. We have secured the . agency for the Model Steam Laundry of Char lotte and have arranged to secure laundering done with promptness and dis patch for the people of Monroe. WE GUARANTEE to save you at least 25 per cent on Jewelry. McCall. NURSES WANTED Three years course in training, with salary and maintenance. Must be in good health and have at least one year in High School or Its equivalent. For application blanks write to William Ray Griffin. M. D., Appa lachian Hall, Asheville, N. C, NO MORE TROUBLE if you use Per ry Puncture Proof Inner tubea. Coble's Cash Garage. WE MAKE a specialty of mounting diamonds, and guarantee not to crack them. W. J. Rudge Co. Bring your work to the Monroe Steam Pressing Club. THE MONROE STEAM PRESSING CLUB. hU We Vote or Shall We Not Vote I As HuM) Says? j Written for The Journal. J That question is frequently being, ...... ,,. . cum abked these days and I am taking It I WE WILL MAKE A SHIP upon imysell 'to , answer it. Yes . 'here MENT EVERY FRIDAY. are many ui u itw win iui .i.d.i year or two vote as husband says, and there are others of us who will vote as he says If it suits us, but if we think otherwise wo will vote as we think even the first year. vYou see, there are some of us who haven't In formed ourselves about things polit ically, consequently for a year or two, until we have had time to acquire come Information, we will have to take hubby's word for it and vote as he savs; but let me tell you, the wo men of this day and time, the Inform ed woman, does some thinking for kAMAif cIia Antn't fin tikp her nriBrn . ' 1 1 . - - - , grand-mother did, sit down with her hands meekly folded and never have i even a thought that she could call her , own. Though between you and me, I j believe grand-mother had some of her own Ideas now and then, even if she was not allowed to express them. Be-. cause, you see. our grand-fathers i were more domineering than the men j of this day are. Yes. I wouldn't for anything say anything disrespectful of them. They had many virtues, but ; I believe the men of this day have all j their virtues and then some; ana among the same Is the virtue of being more generous witn nis wne ana m LET COBLE repair your Ford and be satisfied. OUR JEWELRY has got to be as rep resented. McCall, Jeweler. Next to Union Drug Co. A NEW LINE of cut ceived. McCall. glass Just re- TRY ONE of our ever-sharp pencils. V. J. Kuqge tjo. NEW LOT of jewelry for graduation presents at Kuage s. X ,.i . I i $ rnu: ! - it- . i X If you can't sleep at night Ride a Bicycle In the Dav Time- But ride a Gendron. This is the way to save today Without More ray Ride a Ripvcle A Gendron Bike on Every Hike. x Ride a Gendron Bicycle Nearly a Hundred Gendron Bicycles are at our store awaiting your inspec tion. There are large Bicycles, small Bicycles, at almost any price you want to pay. Come tomorrow and take a look. It will make you want to go back to the Bicycles. Probably you've already heard "the bicycle is coming back." But the truth is "you are going back to the bicycle." There is nothing so good for the inside of a man as to be on the outside on a bicycle. NOTICE. North Carolina, Union County In the Superior Court, July Term, 1919 Robert S. Starnes, Plaintiff, vs. Vena Starnes. Defendant. X Cln.rii, th. (IsfanHtinl bKaV. - - - v- j . . " - i , CUM tll.l 111', I II V wvivnu.lll caster avenue 280 feet front by 450 I named. will take notice that an action ..... Y1-U1 t.ta Kv 1 .. .. . l . (intuitu ha unavt nas ueen enmmenc- the Superior Court of Union LOTS FOR SALE One lot on Lan- fppt deen. Will also sell this halves. One lot adjoining Lancas ter avenue property 200 feet fac ing Lane street on the north. One vacant lot 60 feet bv 120 ,eet ,ac ing Washington street. Two houses and lots facing south on Lane utreet. For particulars write 4Vrs. Mattie L. Simpson, 1505 Hubbard Street. Jacksonville, Florida. DR. H. SMITH, fye'-sipht specialist, is now out of town for awhile. Dr. Howard Smith will have regular days at his father's office. In the Belk-Bundy building. Watch this paper for his dates. . . i n,,HAff.B tkan nwr lowing ner iuuic yi i n-f.-o wii v. .... rrand-mothera ever dreamed of. ! LET RUDGE repa.r your watch the Saints? You nek. No, I didn't mean next time and save you money by vo. 4ha men f this dav are saints. I Jiave lived with one of them too long havirg a the job, ed in county for the purpose of dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore; existing between the plaintiff and de fendant on the ground of adultery by the defendant and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear at the term of the Superior Court for said county to be held on the 6th Monday before the i first Monday In September, it being jthe 28th day of July, 1919, at the l court house of said county in Mon jroe, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or "the I plaintiff will apply to the court for 'the relief demanded In said com 1 plaint. This the 16th day of June, 1919. R. W. LE.VMOND, C. S. C. John C. Sikes, Atty. Monroe Hardware Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. 2 ti.L. tt.'-l. P... T,, X ECONOMIZE I 11 t K" ,r UA 1,1 UK RIDE A BICYCLE; .. Worries You of course it will f Riie a Bicycle- ha n npndmn. X Gendron King of the.Road. . , a i

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