c-c-x-x-"X-xxx-xxxx- 1 waxhaw is ti:yiv; to laxp Y X XHV MUX AXI Vritr FTI'AVlXG ZEatsssaussmExma We Can Help You. In the selection of a final tribute to -our Loved Ones care should be used to secure a material that will retain its beauty and de sign through the ages. We handle none other. See us and save agent's commission. EFIRD MARBLE WORKS, Monroe, X. C. "WX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX'XXX A Word to the Wheat Farmer Harvest time is now here and we want to urge the wheat farm er to use great care in the harvesting of his wheat. Don't harvest your wheat until it is thoroughly matured. Immature wheat makes a tough, sticky biscuit. Shocking should be done carefully. Frequently great damage is done by wind and rain on account of the improper method of shocking, whereas tf the shocks had been well built and properly capped little or no damage would have occurred. When thoroughly cured house your wheat If possible. Thresh your wheat only when It is dry and do not allow your threshman to break it IF YOUR GRAIN SHOULD GET WET do not allow it to re main so, but Immediately bring it to us and we will dry it for you at a minimum coat. V y T f x V V ? ? x X V T X -M New Machinery Installed We have installed some new mnchlnery and have thoroughly gone over our plant in preparation for the new crop. Our drying machine Is a dandy, so is our new Mixing Machine for making Self n '.rihi s Flour. We invite jouto come in and see them. Tell your friends about us, or better still, hring thorn along with you. After the movement of the new crop our mill will be open day and night. There will be no war grade flour this year, bo bring your wheat along and got good white flour on our guarantee that it will give you satisfaction. , Henderson Roller Mills Company b-..-w.... -. ....... n n "it . i aam COBLES CASH GARAGE J FORD REPAIRING A SPECIALTIY. Next to Baptist Church. FISK TIRES. FORD PARTS. 180;l DUO ALBEMARLE NORMAL & INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE A Good Christian, Home School. Girls have motherly attention. Beau tiful and Healthful situation. Course of Study from Fifth through Elev enth Grade. Excellent Musical Advantages. Sppcii'.l Classes in Cooking, Sewinr. and Hon. Nursing. Pupils pepared for College, for Teaching, and ff-r Duties of Home. Experienced and Capable Teachers. Terms verv Reasonable. Write for catalogue and Information to (MUS.) F.I.VA ('. IIAKItIS, Snpt., Albemarle, N. C. 1 OTNDKD IX 18;5 nUIUT.HKO IS 1839 TRINITY COLLEGE IH'KHAM, X. C. A well endowed old college with handsome new buildings, a large beautiful campus, first-class special and general equipment, an da nation wide reputation for high standards and progressive policies. Fees and ex penses Jow. Classical and scientific courses leading to Bachelor's degree. Graduate courses in all departments. Schools of Engineering, Education, and Law. For catalgue and Illustrated booklet, address K. L. FLOWF.KS, Secretary to the Cot'iorntioii, cj-'-t t,-.-7jj- t n . ZLX -r'r -.'7n. T.-.y v 1 . T . .- JULY VICTOR RECORDS l MtTOJ ON SALE .lfM 1 11 ! Come in and Let us ssm ! Play Them for You. 3fe5$ j I W. J. KUDGE CO. M Y. The Ol.l Town i Ii.iiiiiiiiig to Wake l p Tliire FirM Fights Have Ke- Milteil From Thai tliuryli Mi-l'i. J Froni the Waxhaw Enterprise.) v At a melting of prominent citizens X held last night at the Waxhaw Bank ing A; Trust Company, a committee was apopiuted to confer with practi cal cotton mill men and power com pa- , nies with a view to getting another cotton mill located at Waxhaw. An effort will be made also to tet the ' Southern Power company line here. The meeting was called by Messrs. C. S. Massey, and J. A. Wililaina, president and cashier of the bank. :A round table discussion was held during which the fact was brought lOiit that unless some other industries , are located here the growth of the town is about stopped, and it was the j consensus of opinion that a cotton mill is the logical and practical in- dustry obtainable. The following committee was ap- ' pointed to get in touch will mill men at once with a view to getting them interested in a Waxhaw site for a mill: J. M. Niven. chairman; C. S. Massey, J. A. Williams, G. L. Nisbet. j Much optimism was in evidence at the meeting. The men believe an other mill is coming to Waxhaw. It ! was intimated that permanent organ ization similar to a chamber of com- : inerce might result from this meet Ing. Adjournment was taken to meet again at the call of the chairman, J. A. Williams. ' At a meeting of the town commis sioners Monday night it was decided , to begin work at once on street pav-; ing. It was also ordered that adver- i tisements be inserted in some of the larger papers for a lighting system to ' light the town. The town now has some money on i hands and this will be used for pav-! ing work. The plan will be for the property owners to pay a part of the cost of paving along their property. Petitions will be circulated in a few days and as soon as enough property owners sign them an engineer will jbe put to work platting the town for paving. The present plan is for the I town to be divided into paving dis- ' Mricts. beginning at the center of the ; business sections and working out ward into the residential sections, i A special committee composed of: .Mr. V. S. Davis for the board; Mr. Call Wolfe for the business men. and ,i representative of the Women's Club was appointed to look after and push j the pav ing work. j Another mailer of importance was ' tiie decision l.y the hoaftl lo ask the j county commissioners to co-operate1 ; v. i t h the town in leasing I he co'ton j I'iatforiii from the railroad, or if this! cannot be done thou i select a site j ami build a platform Ihal will belong i to the people ami not the railroad. Note was made last week of the free-for-all fight participated in by ; members and ex-members of Waxhaw Baptist church last Saturday week, li was a deplorable ami disgraceful affair, but so long as It was confined ; to the church yard it was nobody else's business. It is not amusing. Already three street lights have resulted from it and feeling among good men is run 1 ing high. The factions are almost j equally divided and some of the best ! people the country affords are on each side. Not only t he church but ' tha Ainu tti ll i. it la di.I i . 1 lu n 1 I nnr luiii in it in 1 1 ii3 viiir rt'iii, li in ui irp.'lflv cnltt Tim tiwioih lu ti-ldon i,i ir and serious trouble may ensue. Such a situation ought not to i.muse anyone. It is mortifying. Every man who has the good of the church as a whole and the interest of Christianity at heart should use his inilueiice to bring about a peaceful settlement of the difficulty. The Enterprise has no side. Each fdde has many of our best friends among iis adherents. We are not in terested In the supremacy of any fac tion. We are deeply interest in pre serving good will among the citizens of ti:e community. To this end we call upon the preacher and the lead ers of the church to use their utmost ef.'orts to restore harmony anmong their people. If their sense of person al vindication or their idea of Justice will not allow- them to do this, then In the Interest of Christianity, they should remove themselves from their places of so-called leadership. G t Ready For Big Meetings by Buying a New Buggy Buggies Buggies The biggest and best and most stylish lot of buggies is to be seen in our vehicle department. Ye sell the famous TYSON-JONES, HIGH POINTS. CORBITTS. SOUTHERN QUEENS, EMPIRES, TAYLOR & CANADYS, LYNCHBURGS and other high grade makes. We have top buggies, open buggies, Basket seat buggies, one-half stick seat busies all colors of paint and styles you are looking fdY. O ji Buggies are the Best our Prices are Right Now is the Time to Buy a New Buggy. The Sikes Co. iBasWSs Largest Buggy Dealers in State. n u it American Artillery Men. (From the Statesvllle Landmark.) Major General Ernest Hinds, chief of artillery of the American expedi tionary forces, has returned from Europe, "I can confidently make one statement regarding our men." he said, "and that is that as artillerymen ; the American soldiers are th? best in Jthe world. If takes a high standard of Intelligence to operate the big guns and American hoys have this better Jthan any other nationally.' "At the ilos.' t.f tie war tinre wen' jonly 24 Anut'i"an type ten s In oper ation," said General Hinds, "jPte.io ;were made iv. England from .American designs. All the other gns were 'either French or English gunu in bo-'h design and viaa Jfacture " 1 It I I! ?? VY IT "? fa .... rf ft it vv ft fa Y'f M After you eat alwayg take 'ATONIC ) (TOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH) Instantly relieves Heartburn, BIoaN d Catty FWinf. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Atft4ittioaaadapptit. Kcept ttemach WMtaod trooc. IncntMtViulity and Pep. EATONICit thtbMt rtmtdy. TtM of thou sand, woodwfiiUv tenanted. OnlycotUa cmt artwoaoartoiuait. Potitlnly ftuarantaxl toptaaMorwawUI rfun4 punt itU baa today. Vau will tat. KiiRllsh Drug Co., Monroe, X. C. i j'Y YY Y Y? ! If ?? 9 I I H :! Chevrolet The Greatest Automobile Value for the Dollar is The CHEVROLET Car Built by one of the most powerful organizations in America, this splendid car, with its "valve in head" motor, is being recognized for its stability, efficiency and economy in operation and low cost of upkeep. Better place your order early, for the demand is far ahead of the supply, and although there arc nine building factories from which to be supplied, these factories are now away behind upon orders. wwwwww No Worms In a Healthy Child All chtldrrn troubled vlth worms have an oa healthy co!nr, which indicate poor blood, and as f ruM. mere is more ir less stunned ustjrmiw GROWS TASTELESS chill TONIC C'.ven reuularlj iortwoor three weeks V;ll c-ori-h the !-Vxl. Im prove lUe Jlwllon, ami a i tJ 0 Ornern' ?"reiii!th" eat- Tmip t! tt-c wlw rtcm. tj- vi::r"i ihn-wofTor inno)t' i wpn:u,r.t th- '.i d will i t JJ Dvmxt 1 .eutaat te tuic iU icr buttle n vv 8 Secrest Motor Company A. M. SECREST, Manager. BROOKS MYERS, Head Mechanic. T. B. LANEY, Salesman. :-x:-sx :xx-x

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