THE MONROE 40n;L. 1 "Kill t V. Ji t V 20. WW. AM A i i ii i ii ii f i y kM Hit i i i ii ii 11 r i ontheHeadWhenHe. THE J. H. MYERS MANUFACTURING PLANT V i IT,.:4. V C Benton Heigtns, Jlonroe, . t. Shon Phone 18 i, i!.. ..Wil f -n y 0 FURNITURE - FURNITURE - FURNITURE Not the cheapest, but as good as the best. We do not do- v-' -sire to be known as the cheapest store on earth. Uur goods years unm some of th. (ii. niicai ei. are what we claim them to be-worth the price-and our Z1::: prices are extremely moderate when quality is consul-; consumed b- the successive crops ered. You can get goods cheaper than we care to sell, for we do not care to handle the ordinary cheap glue pot variety of furniture; but no reliable store in any other city can offer you better values than we do, and our ser vice is good ask your next door neighbor about it and cbout us. Come and see us. Remember it is our business to please you. T. P. Dillon & Sons HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL t CHAKLOTTE, X V. X Fatuous for high standard In scholarship and discipline. Emi nent and experienced faculty of college graduates. Four miles by electric line from the best city in the Carolina. In the most beau tiful and elaborate residential park in Anurica. A country school with all the advantages of a flourishing city. For catalogue, ad dress COL. J..C. HORXEK. GLASS OF IIS IF I Eat lets meat if yon feel Backaohy or bT Bladder trouble Salts fine for Kidneys, Meat forms nrie tcid which excibi 1 and overwork! the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the lyatera. Regular eat en of meat must flush the kidneys occa sionally. You muit relieve them like you relieve your bowelt; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or tick headache, die tints, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weether is bad you have rheumatic- twinges. The urine is cloudy, full oi sediment; the channels often pet irritated, obliging you to get up two or Uiree times during tne night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste pet about four ounces of Jad Salt irom any pharmacy; take table spoonful in a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will (hen act fine and bladder disorders dis appear. This famous salts is made from the acid of prapes and lemon juioa, com bined with lithia, and has been used for fenerations to clean and stimulate slug rih kidneys and stop bladder irritation. Jad Sails is inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which millions of men and wrasea take now and then, thus avoiding trJeoi IXdofi aad U'sAJti dijeasa YOUR KIDNEYS H the Nail i MTis r to Euild Well at tie Start Than to Male Repairs All Your Life" Don't make the mist ale cf trying building material by price only. Under-size timbers that cannot stand the strain of weight are a poor in vestment at any price. A little care ful attention to the requirements of your material will often save the expense of frequent repairs. Strength Where Needed T.en you buy lumber here, you cet wilh it the benefit of our yean of experi ence. We will gladly check your speci EcAtion with the plans and verify the correctness of the sizes you order. We v iD see that the sizes or dered are adequate to carry their load safe ly and enduringly. Don't let this important feature escape your attention Kesidence rnone Zbi-u. this finiNiruie. just as gjoo I h-,) j ,T was wrcv t, W LIES! LOOK Y016, Use the Old-time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Will know. Gray hair, however handsome, de i notes advancing age. We all know the advantages of a youthful appear ; ance. Tour hair Is your charm. It i makes or mars the race. When It i fades, turns gray and looks streaked, Just a ftw applications of Sage Tea ; and Sulphur enhances Its appearance I a hundred-fold. I Don't stay gray! Look young! ! Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a bottle of "Wyeth'e Sage and Sulphur Com I pound," which Is merely the old-time I recipe Improved by the addition of other ingredients. Thousands cf folks ! recommend this ready-to-usu prepare tlon, because it darkens the hair beau tlfully, besides, no one can possibly tell, ss It darkens so naturally and evenly. Tou moisten a sponge or soft brush with It. drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two. Its natural color la restored and It becomes thick, glossy and lus trous, and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Saee and Sulphur Com pound ia a delightful toilet requisite. It Is not Intended for the cure, mlU ratlon or prevention of disease. (WW quickly relieves CouMljmtlon. HillouNiieos, loss of appetite and Head aches, due to Torpid Liver. -AdT. 1 nx : ipfmic is more than i iku.v lo ri-utuai: ii. i;.ii':.iu Tinw -iu Cai lrwii! r I iiit llie IIt-0 tit fence of lilt" lifts"!!". ' P.J.iesV A'ijr-isi 29 r-i fo:- inf-tr: .i.itie i atiC 'advice with rren. ! ;i jji.l.aM rv-,' l '.r:i f in'"ii-r.2:i dTtitp the a - ! T'loaehi-ir ' --r mtfi'hs D:. W. S. j , Rdr.Mr. I W.lio-Aii'? i'S!f:!IS' it V.J-K'h i'p thf'ic:) trri. o,'r at t'.:!, choi:M to -, of !ior--f -.Imj-, ctr t.ositioti cti cf Faf-tv." .is: Tht eidiUr'-.K' of l.-itVmna v,i:i re 'r;i v in?r. if it :- i that rn;:?- s i; is not i o'lt I-i ki!!in? tople .if v.e have no a::i3:ial : it aris (UTRrantin' or vafhiaiifj fo- Offltvo'litlsr ?!) ;a.'t;F, or if hilR HO! alroad;. afTtrto-i a'l of i'f pot'iiation t'tat is t :!.!. HiTi !;ot t!i" thrfe "ifs"; anv .tip of thT i ran Tir"- x-lit r:n tiip j-fCTirr of If. I'. !. tli-.!rfv i l ar-rt a 'Nf.'-. to q-K-,i::. v '!l tl' ; "r tiis wit't-v. 'htt ; the threr j.ossmi! fa.'io-s t ht liUK;o'l O'" liMi.'t "Vr -'and o- iiviM Ah srs r Pie: frStfd. t!i(- tiltff First: Th !t-s o,f i:i:!...c-l-v th ii' lTT;P priil whirl) ra ','? I'll ;!- ! Ofiulo. i's a i';rtor in th r.-a tio cf , tln p;-iii:-ii!f, is r.'i xJrnK-ly if mote rtnl.pidtitv ctnuist too ri.ioi to '(iif.iys. The writer U itnaM to find : p-iv rt-ffrfi"i in i he litetatare avail-1 i;Me to h!:a on this question; indeed I th" fch :ir of Iwcteriolopy taohs i th revorie, t!-.?.t infoeiive c:f-"r.!s pain i ra'hv than loe vindenrp duriT'c 8n j in :o. f; .!is aro stjiall VPi't-iahl? j j 'ovjth. and it is a t:at'r of coriiMon j or.sf rvation t:iat Riirrfs v c-iiera-tions of pirn. the oil in which they riow rrrinl'iine th snrie, h'cne piore virf roi-s ra:her than Hss vip- lororB. It I rffltinTT-itac f j of the t;i th--tf'ivo (ioss not seem " V Tfohn' T. that e;ider-i-:c ''ii f'oti heoat'se -r'.':! of ty.e infective rernt I "s nd: a .uficim w . ,,.eh I niiara nt in and vaci nat ion . r.iav j effective r...;.::fd in the control he of ty- ifome eid iemirH. as di..Mh-ria pho'd, FcrrJft fevtr, yellow fvcr. etc.. but ih:-re is no evidenpo to show, and there are no health of.loers of de;i ndahl" repniatioii who heiieve, !hit any t-'ddeinlc of intlivnza lias .".'i- :-"ii or cr.n bo c;n' rolled or stoui'n', with (Mir present tivan. Th" 'rost that can h- dmif hv ariificial means, such as nifveii'i;;'; ';:'!ic as- e!;;il!Cf)l. i'l to f.'illd th t "o?rSS of a: epidftn'c s--o that avi'.iliihlp nied iuil av.d nt'.rsini; care nay le ade qratf to i lie enierppiifv. Third: The cmisM.'iitinn of the in fective materiiii. Hnsceptihle fuel, endffin it iniiiMiiic like the un sr!ekeii or'iiv.i of th ioj niat ion. Is. hv flie eNeliislo i of the o'h"f two port sild' factor., the responsible factor and the sole factor in limiiins the duration of an influenza epidemic To recur to tli" illiistriiiiiiii niiove used: The farmer knows what clover sick that the soil can no longer produce the clover which for several seasons piw luxuriantly; and in the same way and for the same reason the soi' becomes sick, unable to pro-luce anv crop raised continuously unon It for a number of yeat. So with epidem ics; they can, spread, and exi-t only on non-immune, misceptiW populations, end when the suscepti ble population has been affected am! made immune, the epidemic, under natural laws, must s'em. Now comes the real question: What percentape of the influenza sus ceptible population did the epidem e of last winter affect? On our ability to answer this question would seem to rt Pt our right to draw conclusions as to the prevalence of Influenza th's fall and winter. The history of influ enza, extending back over a period of SOfi yeprs Rtid recording over 100 ep idemics, Indicates that nn epidemic usually Involves about 40 per cent of ihe population. Recalling the more recent epidemics (that of last year ex cepted), the epidemics of 18S0, '91. and 'fi2 and that of 1900, '01. ami '02, we had an involvement during the entire course of these epidemics of perhaps 40 per cent of the popula tion, possibly 50 per cent. In both of these last two mentioned epidemics there was during the several years of their prevalence a total of less than 10ft deaths per 100.000 population. In the epidemic of last year there was an involvement of at least 2r per cent of the population, and there were 400 deaths per 100. 000 popula lon. These figures would indicate that the epidemic of last fall and winter consumed the major portion of the susceptible material, and that there remains but a small percentage of susceptible material to be affected t hi.- fall and winter. It, therefore, appears reasonable to assume that we need not look for mora then one seventh, certainly not more than one fifth, of the cases of the disease ami deaths from the disease that we hud (Inline the year. It is likely that we will see local, and In some places, rather Intensive epidemics; howtver. these local epidemics will In nearly all cases occur in those places that were, comparatively speaking, but slightly affected last winter, and, for tunately, there are only a few such places. On the other hand, judginc from the teachings of history, we must ex pt c the pneumonia death rate for this winter to be exceptionally- high. In the epidemic af 1899 to 1S92. we find that while that epidemic stopped In the year 1892. the pneumonia death rate In '93. the year following the ep idemic, was unusually high. The writer has written the above with a consid"rable degree of hesita tion; In fact, with a distinct etnbar- rasnient feeling that in setting forth! his rather hopeful attitude towards will hp pb-aded !:i bar of h"ir recov the possible recurrence of Influenza cry. The partbs indthted to said rs- this fall and winter he would discour- age preparations for meeting emer- vencies, that he would substitute op- tlmlslm for preparedness, hope for saffty. Therefore. It seems well to point out the fact that the history of his -.ii- t-a-h-s cri?'y. :r '; . ' mi's' v 'i ;t 4:;V iS'.iiwi. mat i' ;:., ; rr eral $air a:! ! ..i :i :.: of ;e-:;t tv"..: '" ' .." it a,,i. ;,-s ',. iiv t:i .- lift' oS,u ay of tin health tu ! is : countr) T.' we shall : '- ' r-..- of ' !.!'. t'.i-I'-'.tv .'h-s iruiT..iUi:H-s. cur '. ")( , .'ii i,. tee hotte- '. 'r ; oto ii.'Ti I.":- if W r'lN-itiM IJ.'t r ali .1 1" :i::ty N-v.- I.-i'er.) ' :'.!:iTsi of no'-';.! n. it toi:s -i':s aho t r ua! Ttrrt,i-io:i. i pffiilt ar 'i I tt:tre Silvias the i rohle:.' i '.. a way. io;- instance, in 'he Ma ..' v: a ft- i o: ! ( in !i- scl" i i : i.-'ilmri.ouj t1o-:i in J..'. :i ston co'iiity. We v low an account of thi. ":' t-:n :nakiiiir. v.hi-h is a veaiiv f l! r fo-:. ncp 1 At fieu i!f'-' I !i.f! lone t-noi!:a 'o he pi'' t'i:uikHii tha: d h:!! f;! him with tl: oil of - a tho it lti w' : , .ng ho: ss : !i i it-pro". ' in.: jd.rasf. ' to u i : 1 j-:.t a ffw ilen in .vith alone! peo;)!- v.'ho !ai:at'" hiirn co -ra'-e. and I le w! !:k- David1 i hao; i a!:i:,.t tii-y d with i!'e oil oi" L'l.'Jne ss. And j e all too fow i i Tiiis wear.'i wo: Tii-k !y fooleiits, innoc-nt. liuht- he.Tr.-d. happy fun. s'ui'.it aad laup'i, pla;s ;..i.l tames, jes's and jnkes are pot d :.;-d;ei:ie for body and soul. Oft tiins "i sm-on they ; ra better tluin pills and pi"rs. T1..' Prei - 'ifr kne . that liiere is "a iie to ! :i.h as v.11 as a time to "Aft . a ti'' to dan-f as well as a tiiut- to mo vn a ti i and a season to e.rv n,' v under ihe htavni ' ! 0 :r r!i. !.m is a joyful itlip'on. Rtjo'ce and be excf:l!;:ic cia l. said the .Master. And we dare to say that Je.'i:.-: was no killjoy at the weddinu fei'st in Cann of OalM'ee. our vel"t on rs w live it looks very like 'a t: 0 u.;::-'i; ;ttinR on patiflice. Piifvins: at .!le' to tern Rosa lind's ji' nroi'.nd. Somehow we have It-ft (he oil of e!a'i;:"s oat of in'.r relipion. and it f.r.-M iie r. stored, or the Devil after his wont is v!t -id-sure to capture and Cfipi'.a'ikt the fi'.n-lovinp instincts of Christ' ndo-i. In deed, h" has nearly done t!;:s very thins already. Ab.'.'H'ant v holesome rocieatioii. town and country, is one of the hip constructive jobs that the church must set its hand to with a will. For tunate!;, the play jind soup leaders of the army camps are sendinp four mil lion m. ii buck into the communities of America trained for leadership In soi i '.l lay" and tames. They oupht to V enlisted by th" church and Sun day s'-hool amlioi ities of very iiefeh horhnmi ;n the promotion of whole some sin vrv-miikiiii.'. The evil thhiLs in dancing, dunce halls, mueis-lial's. and moviiip pic ture siiows mus' be remedied by sub- ?tif-: SOlVe ion. hov,-. tio: Th e problem cannot hp d by mere ii"Palion, in our opln- The folks ;.t Massey show us Vl .1 Aill.H I.AMI 'i MILE MOV i;ot: I-or sai.e si i'i. U'. iir. Eiuier and by virtu" of the power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust dated Feb. 5, 1917, and registered in Book A W page 2U3. and another dated .l ily 17, 1 1' 1 T. ar.;l ivgisi-ied In Book A W page 324; I'.ml another dated S-.-pt. 8, 1917, and registered in Book A W pa.e S157, and another dated Febiuary 5, 191$, and registered in Book A X page 20, all of which said Deeds of Trust hav t'.iS beui made and eecated by Ems ley Fletcher and wife Alma Fletcher 'o John (". Sikes, Trustee, to secure certain bonds cr hons therein de scribed and to all of which reference is hereby made for a more particular description, and at the request of tlif holder of said notes or bonds securtd by said Dct'ds of Trust. I will on Saturday. September 20. 1!M1, at the west entrance to the court house, Monroe, N. C, offtr for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder all of the following land lying i near Monroe, N. C , and described as , follows: I 1st Tract: Known and designated las Lot No. 3 of tlie estate lands of E. 1 M. Griffin, deceastd, on the Wades ,bcro read e;u! tona-Ieii on the north by the Wadesboro Road, on thtt east by Mattie Earnhardt, on the south by Shute and Worley and on the west by T. C. Lee, facinp 350 feet on the W'adesluno road and containing and excepting a about 8 acres, l;ss : lot off the north-east corner sold to II. C. Ingram by Emsley Fletcher and ; released from the lien of these Deeds of Tins'. ! 2nd Tract: Being lots 3 and 4 of ihe E. M. Griffin estate lands that face the Griffith road and described i's follows: i LVginnlng at an Iron pin. the X. W. coiner of Lot No. 2 and runs the di vision line between lets 2 and 3 S. 78 1 E. 12 2i chs. to an Iron pin in Ihe -hack line, thence X. 10.30 E. 15.90 ; chs. to a stone, corner of lot No. 5. thence the divisional line between lots No. 4 r-ild No. 5 X. 82 1-2 W. ! 11.75 chs. to an iron pipe and edge of Griffith roa.l. thence with Griffith road S. 1. W. 997 feet to corner of lot Xo. 2. the beginning corner and containing 18.lt0 acres, adjoiirnc the t lands of Mattie Earnhardt ami Eliz jabetn Griffin. Reference is hereby made to the di- ! vision of (lie estate lands of E. M. Griffin for ?. mote particular descrip tion. This Ae-p-st K.tb. 1919. I .'OMN C. SIKES. Tru : '. I John C. Sikes, Atty. i ! XOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of M J. Mull's, this Is to notify al! persons holding claims at a I list her estate to present tbem to me. dulv authenticated, en or before th" 2Hth day of August, 1920. or this notice j tat will make prompt s0't!erae:it. and save cost. This the 19th dav of A-ir-st. 1919 J. E. Ml'LLIS. Administrator of M. J. Mullis Stack A Parker, Attys. . NOTICE. ; 0 ii. ii: ist i aior msfd. !iit" o! rolina. This it to T.d'il.. p run' s having claims jc.ti.i-t Tii- t-s'at- of id dtctas-.l to -liiibi; them o the .s'gtfd on or '.ef.);" l'.- r".i .f J fly, I'jCO. or his !'if Hill t-- jltadeti ia br.r if he.r i f,v ry. A'i .t-:.-oi.s indebted f.tit: rs';. v. t:.Laf ilil:e- :ii.?" a; t!i-::t. Tiiis 2!iti: ti! if -. H. T. MU.'iKiK. Admr. of Y. (J. McBt ii-, debased. I. C. UttMltf. Afo::iy. A!)VtlTIUl!:s NOTICE. Tf; i :(! -rsir !-! havin? this da ;;!;. ri d i.o:e j;. W. Leriimoiid. C!e:k .f The S ::. :!oi ( ly, n of fnk.:; " . j:t': i.-Tai r.-: of the s of N. V. !!r. s'v i. (M-ci'a -' d. thi? . : 0 ::':' . u-.'l:'Kt : iv'.y vt;:!1 ih- ir r.ttrr ifcv of Jn! . ' - t.i-..!. ' .VI T"t 1 M v :!1 rea'-v -1 J'i'.rc 1 "at- I ! y on i. ho'dia," flaiu.P o i-i'siit thi.i :i!"i;"-,iifd, tit tit-fort the 8;h his NO' iff will 3:C-' or i l h:r.- of h r- -ovt ry. !!' '. ( cti.i est;tt ifi ; a;. 1. 1 nt. I f .? tit;-. l'.l!. T!.:s V. r I. !:.S !:;.!. and UJtASWKM.. A:!!i'.rs r o; N. '. liraswell. A-'y. of t Hst V. L". I.ov XtlTICK TO CrtEhll'OHS. Havit:? qualified as administrator of the estate of J. P. Boyd, deceased. 'his is to rotify nil person havinp I "lai'. is against said estate to present ?in.:e to i:i" at my heme in Vance I township. (Inly verified, within twelve j months tf this date, or this notice i witl he pleadtd in bar thereof. All persons indebted to said deceased will please i.iak" immediate settlement. This 2'l'h (iav of Jnlv. 1919. J. F. THOMPSON. Admr. of J. P. Boyd, deceased. Stack rarkey, Attys. MSSOHTION NOTICE. j Th? partnership heretofore existing betwetn E. C. Winchester and J. D. Fntch, under the name and style of Winchester & Futch has been dissolv ed by mutual consent. Parties hav inp claims HL-ainst us will please pre sent them for payment. Those who owe us will please make prompt pav ment. ii 0. WINCHESTER. J. 1). FETCH. Th" business will l rout limed at il'.e same location by J. D. Futch, Sr.. !. K. Futch. J. D. Futch. Jr.. and A. H. Futch. tin ler the naint' and style of J. D. Futch i Sons, who solicit the continued pirroaap-1 of merchants which has been piven to I he old firm. J V. FUTCH & SONS. Aupnst 1. Ill 111. A DM I M SI K A TO ICS X Oil CE If it villi; qualified as administrate! of th e: tate of .lames I. Orr. deceas ed, la'" of Union county. North Caro lina, this is to not if) all persons hcv- MKT (iiiims aeainct the estate of sab: j -Iceeaci'd. to exhibit them to the un Ivlersgned nt Indian Trail. N. C. or to j his attorney at Monroe. N. C on or tietore tin- lotii (lay oi .liny lii.u. or 'bis notice will he pleaded in bar of their right of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pavment. HIRAM OUR. Administrator. '.V. O. Le.nmond, Attorney. SAI.I OK IIOISE A Xli LOT OX EF.XTOX HlilOIITS. Under and by virtue of an order of sale made in the special proceeding entitled "H. II. McLendon. W. E Brock, ft als. ex parte," which said special proceeding is docketed in the office of C'leik of the Superior Court of Union County, North Carolina, I ill, on Saturday, the (ith Day of September, 1919. at the court house door in the city of Monroe Union county, and state of North Carolina, expose tc public auction to the blithest bidder, for cash, at twelve o'clock, one house and lot in Bnton Heights, described and defintd as follows: Beginning at a rock or stake on the cast edge of Concord road, Tom Helms' corner on said road, and runs X. t r along said tast edge of Concord Road 70 feet to a roclt or stake, G. M. Tucker's corner or division line; thence east along G. M. Tucker's di vision line 210 feet to a rock or slake Mrs. E. E. Fitzgerald's and G. M Tucker's corner; thence along Mrs. E E. Fitzgerald's line South 70 feet to a stake or rock In Tom II !nis' line; thence west 210 feet to the beginning, being a part of that parcel of land ful ly described In deed dated November 8, 1906, from Mrs. E. E. Fitzgerald to G. M. Tucker. Bidding to begin at $81 '.00. This the 18th day of Aur st. 1919 JOHN C. SIKES. Commissioner XOTICE OF KE-SAI.E. Under and by virtue of an order of Ihe Superior Court of Union County, made In a special proceeding, entitled "I.ela Lawrence, Administratrix with Will Annexed, vs. Tes.sle Howard et al." the undersigned commissioner will, on Saturda'', Sepiemlier l;t. ItMfl, at ii o'dock. at the courthouse door in Monroe. X. C, ofer for sale to the highest bidder 'or cash that certain tract of land ly ing and being In the town of Waxliaw, County of Union, Stn'e of North Car olina, adjoining the lands of Frank Annfield. X. S. Matthews. It. II. Cuth bertson and others, and more partic ularly described as follows, to-wil: Beginning at a stake, extreme sou thern part of the G. D. Adams' home place and runs X. 1 E. 184 3-4 feet to a stake In t!o southern edge of the Waxhaw and Monroe road; ihencnwith thee.'u -if said road 2Sfi 1-4 feet to a strhe in .1. D. Adams' old Hue. the course brine South 77 V..; thence with the Adams' old line South 60 1-2 W. 328 feet to the be irinuing. being triangular in shape and bein-; lot No. 1. block G. shown on the plat of Annfield and Matthews' J. B. Adams properly and made by Thomas Secrest, Surveyor, for their sale nl Decpinber 20. 1909, to which plat reference Is herohy made. The said ded Is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds In Berk 46, rare 446. This will be a re-sale and tho bid dine will begin at $350.00. This 22nd dsv of August. 1919. A. M. STACK. Commissioner Stack A Parker, Attys. administrator-: Hi v :::g i sul ltd i,s W. j. Jt- .!. "l to o. Ci xotk j: of ian.E or I'uisuant to an -ird.-i of resale t a-!e by the Cltik of the Sap.-rior Cour. of Uiiion count v. Xt;rth I'an iiia. in a special ;roc. ediii; with Mrs-Add;- Outl.'w. adn.inistrntiix. and in ' r ov. n right as v i !w of f. C. Out plaintiff, and Henry Out et al. t' ft iitlaots. on account r.f a raided bid having been offered for the laud !it itinaftt r desoriV-d. 1. J. J. Parker, Commissioner of the Court, on ttia Sitti'itlay, St'pit-iulx'r lit, !i!t, t 12 o'clock noon, nt the court boiift 'loor in Union coui ty, in Monro-, X. C. . will sell at publie auction to th highest bidder for the follow in de scribed real estate: First Tract Beginning at a stake. Win. Griffin's comer of his !im tract and running thence S. 27 W. 29.31 chains to a persimmon. Vance Lai.ev's corner; thence S. 61 E. 21. SS chains to a P. K., Crow's corner; thence with thrte of his lines, 1st, X. 6 E. 11.20 chains to a stake; ;nd. J". 8.1 1-2 E. 2.fc."i chains to a s'ake on a road; thence N. l:; F. 8.11 chains to a stake; thenee X. 37 1-2 W. 20.20 chains to the pi. ife of beuinnin-; ancj ( outcii irp 4 1 aert s. Second Tract IJeuinniii' at a stout- on a ioa-i and running lheiiro K7 1-2 E. t hi' ins to a pile or 'tones; thenee X. 2 E. lG.r.S chains lo a stone on old linf; thence with the old line due W. 22.f. (ha'r.s to a stake; thence S. 37 1-2 E. 20 20 chs, to the pla"e of In-ginning and con taining 25 acres. Being the land to whirh the late D. C. Outlaw was seized and possess ed at the time of his death. Bidding to begin at $11:70. Terms of sale: One-third cash, ono third in six months end one third In twelve months,, title to be retained until all of purchase money has been paid. Deferred payments to bear in terest and to be secured by adequate endorsement; Mrs. Addie Outlaw to have the right to occupy second tract of land above described during the year 1919 and to pay reasonable rent al then for lo the purchaser at thi9 sale. This the 2.".t'i day or Aug.. 1919. J. J. PARKER. Commissioner. Stack & Parker. Attys. LAND SALE XEAR COIU'OKATK LIMITS OK MOMIOK Umii r and hv vlrti'e of a Deed of Trust dated May 27, 1914. of Isaiah Hllliird and wife Alice Hillard to mo as Trustee, which said Deed of Trust .'.;. s dulv i gistered ill Book A T page 10 of Hie office of Rtcister of Deeds for Union county and to which ref ill net is hereby matte for a more par ticular i!t script ion ami al 111" request of the holder of th" utiles or bonds securtd by spid D 1 of Trus I will on Saturday. Ihe 20tll (Inv of Sep tet, liter, A. II. IfMtl al !i! o'clock. o'l'er for sale at pel-lie .vicli'iii lo tilt" bii lie i bidder a th" court honso door in Monroe. X. C. for cash, tho t'oilo .ving tract of land Ivhit south-of Monroe, X C, descri' t-d rs lot lows: Beginning at an iron stake in lli C. H. Richardson road. Love Carter's south-east coriier, and running tlieneo with Ci.iler's line S. 88 1-t W. 12.11 chs to Curler's south-wl corner in Walt McLellantl's line then with said McLelland's line S. 14 1-4 W. 1 chain to McLelland's corner in the Wolf Pond roiul; thence along said road about S. 20 1-4 E. 4 chains to an iron siak"; thence with a new linn about N. 80 12 E. 111-2 chs. to an iron slake in the C. H. Richardson road; thenee along said road X 2.32 chains to the beginning, 3. If acres, more or less and being tho same land deeded to Isaiah Hillianl by C. V. Sikes nnd husband C. f Sikes by deed dated Sept. 4. 1911. This being a part of the W. J. C. Mo Cauley "Broom land" nnd adjolas O. V. Sikes. C. H. Richardson. Love Car ter. Walt McCkllaml and the Woit Pond read. This August 16. 1919 W. C. SANDERS. Trustee. John C. Sikes. Atty. CEKTII ICATE OF DISSOI.UTIOX STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA , DEPARTMENT OF STATE To all to whom these presents may come -Greeting: WHEREAS, It appears to ny sat isfaction, by duly authenticated rec ord of the proceedings for the volun tary dissolution thereof by !he unan imous consent of all the stockholders, deposited In my office, that the Mint Hill Gold Mining Company, a corpor ation of this State, who?" priucial office is situated at Mini Hill Miii, near the town of Indian Trail, Coun ty of Union, State of North Carolina (John Marz being the agent therehv ami In charge I hereof, upon whniu process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21 Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corpora lion," preliminary to the issuing of this t'eiti'icale of Dissolution: NOW. THEREFORE. I. J. BRYAX GRIMES, Soeiotury of Slate or the. Stale of North Carolina, do hereby certify that ihe said corporation, did, on the 17th day of June. 1919. file) iu til) office a duly executed ami at tested consent iu writing to the dis solution of said corporation, executed, by all the stockholders I hereof, which saitl consent and the record of tlin proceedings aforesaid are now on file in uiv saitl office as provided hv law. IN TEST1MOY WHEREOF, i have hereto ret my hand and affixed my olllrial h'-ai n Rait ich. th's 17th day of June. A. D. 1919. J. BR VAN GRIMES. Secretary of State. (Sen! of Department of Stute of North Carolina,) XOTICE OK ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administratrix tf the istii'e of Hoffman Kin?, de' this is to notify aM peinons holding claims against suit! estate fo present them to me at piy resilience In Vance township. North Carolina, nr to n:y rttorney nt his office in Monroe. N C. on or before the St fl day of August, 1921. or this noflc will be pleaded In bar of their right o recover. All persons Indebted to ssld estate) will please make Immediate pay ments. This the 5th dav of August 12 MRS. MAUD KING HARTIS. Admx of estate of Kin-. W. O. Lemrusnd, Atty.

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