"iV V !? t 3"i ' 3 fcsip 4 BrJ's t?v rieu' o the Dear Skin Cot:on Mills settlement shou'in.; the attractive, modern homes that are furnished their employees. Tv.'t . I.e 1..' .: v;l i.i i SsraiC: :.n.! !.: .' v. -o i;;u-: I.tuuih a ii ai-'n rlii'll 'he V.'.!' vll'-ii l.uor '...is .1."..! w ivn COI'.ill'i US vi. it look "nc ui icon mill, even tnourb Hie t:.t.l- ind'istry was "..n. iiig si.ch eiior:,:o:!s l rotits . Tl.e p:o mi t Tn of 'he rais'..iu cotton mill (. tt no ui' l ie difficulty of tiu-ir I sk. for liitv thought tlioy -.voi;l.i J" at?' to move right into the build in;: ti-.meily o.T' iiied by the 11 M i..oi:t UiUiiv Co. Instead, after '..--ittK rules I'm i;- laachiiu'ir. t l.'iar! '!:.U th. ':-:;i'i.liit wouM have l 'i It- :tno.;il' ironi lop !o 'i. The -' 'i-ivuir; C C::- l 4 !.'. t-ta:.' .:' !.l I . : h ... ... I u.l ! ';;.(" ,.:!.!. V. !,r'"1.' Noi V' i li 'i,.' HI'i'l'S I 'I il f-.ii i , v i.i. ' i e.i-i- ; to ; !'. ; ".','! ' e- . a. .1 . i : . ( M 'i. T'ie,v ' tv ,-. 'A',;., v.u-l a i ' "!' :;-! ji Jr: U ! c.-.t".. I 'it; i.-.si fiiu; iiie ec- "V..'..''j of li'.i.K, lOIMlili.ttlS. jCT $-' ''..T" . - .. ' I .. " J- '..v., '. W.-' V- The Ikarskin Cotton Mills. This building was formerly occupied by the Pledmcnt Buggy Company, and a number of changes have devel oped this property into one of the most mcCern mills in the State. II).K!r. HAS ll.l WONOMU'TI. KKHKP INMVrKI.W, ;ilHVTII Tiivii Vj:s I'oiioiIoiI in IHII and 'i'l.ioimli the Ycui'N Hum Kmi ieuc il SU'iuly jii'1 Siihsiatitial Promts By !H:KV DKI.K in Chariot ti Oh v ver. The h!tory of Monroe since its fimmiatii n in lH lias heeii a story rf steady growth and promes alon; l iilits. V''.e of Vhe lht facts which ui,.s to txp'iu'in th'.-: staten.cnt is its location, "'he city is in the heart of the pieil ii Diit section of the state, 57li feet aixive sea level. It is on the junction ri two of the main lines of the Sea tiarti At' Line railway -between AVas'ninion and Biniiiitham. and be I'i'itn WilmiiiKton and Kuthi'rl'oril--jin I'ou'Uen passenscr trains arrive Jfij -J. part from the ?iuion here in 7he .o.i.e of I'-t hours. ('!,( of the la-iT-' -f the Seaiioa.ii'S tcl'iiinal ohj).'i is .orated here atxi provides 'ior.loy .,. iM for arou .u '.'' J .i m. An- ; makers of sash, doors, etc.. and t)tlnr .',,'iioad which n'll .ooot Mon-ii Henderson Holler mills. The la: rce is ;''e proposed C.ui lottt Monioe !ier plant lias a daily capacity of 1" ami Colombia road, a l:rk oi which 1 barrels of flour, 10 tons of feed and hj -s nlri :; been built frcn Jefferson 00 bushels of meal. It is one of the :o Mel-.ee, 3. C., ana 'Ol'dbiy iw best equipped flour ana erist nuns nt the state anil draws patronaue from the Btirroimdinj? counties in this s'ate and in South Car Uin. Dnrinc most of the year it inns night and lay. New ei. tennises scheduled to paddle his own canoe, bi;t if a city come to the city in would iifow that every citizen must an overall factory be a blade in the propeller of prog- factory, ress. Thev are practicing what they The have learned. The teacher in this located here, me the largest Jobbers leaching process is the Monroe of hardware in the I'.irola.as, I'nitr. Chatnber ot Couiiiierce. one of the 'an annual business of iiioi'p t!i:m t't!ild in South Carolina is hauled many miles and sold on the Monroe market. The annual receipts nere Motiroe Hardware company, are around "n.OOl) hales. a short time are and a fertilizT would have cost around $7,000,000. i their obligations. Economists, fluan vere not allowed and it had to belcieis, business and professional i.ten livesi organizations of its kind in the state with a membership of approxi mately P.ort. i- G. IU r.ili-vson is pres ident of the oreanlzai :on atid T. I.. Ilidd! secretary. In l!oo the vivml i'i-ai of Monroe was 2.0oi. In lHlo i- was 4.US2. The present po;i,;l;t ion Is between S.eo,. and Id. ono. Knur n'ton in'Us. tlie lacksnn, Kvereit, lcennrle" am! B'-tM'skin, are r aiait.g ftt'l :i;ir and stock has been s:i bsri 'el air! a, plication made for the ch-uter for a knitting mill. Othe'- textile enter prises incltaling a f ".no. itiiu'initi ttiill i.re now being proiunted. O'lv r manuftict'.ri'.ig n'e; ;.r:se-; of the city ai" the Mont'.e I.-e ,v- F; ' eoiai-.tiiy. which nlati"factiire? i''e r local consi'i intion and for li'Mirny towns; J. H. Myers latmner coaipanv $1.0o0.0oo. This hnsiness in t';':i- short time, lized at t l."o.nio) with James A. Stew- stor;1 room art as president and K. C. Carpenter, secretary aad treasurer. T!'e firm al so do.-s n large retail re;slnes. The department store of W. II Ttelk ii Uto. occupies a i:r.i'P'. p'ace aluong th depavtir.ent st'nvs of the state it; tV.at it is the narer.t storf the Ilelk chain. The Messrs. Itel'- ;d this ( Oi-nty and started ' of are na'i their fir vears r-'i Mod stiv. ei' h1 (': The lnt I.eMit St o" store here a nuiuh" IViiliiir.gs which will total a cost of $l",0.o0t( are now tinder way or t' contract for them will be let in n They include: A 7 on Jefierson street, r $"0.ihm1 bank buiKiingon Main stree to be joined by buildings for stores costing approximately Jl'i.OOO nil1' $10 Oi-o . ach. a .."iO,onrt high school building, a $10,000 r railed school building itt North Monroe, an noo negro church and a hospital costing around $15,000, KINK SYSTEM OK STUEETS. completed in the futute Another fact which accounts for Jlonroe's growth and progress is the rharacter of the people of the city. Tbej have learned that a man must x-x--X":-x-:-X"X-x Mrs. Farmer They hi' vc si. 'i -e iiib iii more Mian L'1' ci'iefl !aia. r.i.i! Virginia, st at rival i t t1. -;... ri- tield in tie ii' ; 'e;i,ii !i o,' the wet! Utio-vn firm of Itlit'd's. The U'tinaiviiienf of this business recoR-tiiz.-d the future of Monro" and es'ab 'ish.etl a s'ore here several months "go. It v;'s a marked suceers Mont th- start and a new building ieide the pvtsrat quarters of tl.e i,i(,re i. in course of erection to give large quar tets to the business. Other depart ment stores of the city art Lee V Lee company and the Co-Operative Mer cantile company. The wholesale grocery firm. Th? Heath-Morrow company. J. I). Ktitch k Sens and the Henderson-Snyder company, are among the largest in their class in the state. There are four banks in the city and all enjoying a prosperous condi tion. One of this number last week voted to double its capital stock and The streets mid sidewalks of the city are in ket pine with the busi ness of the city. It has been said that Monroe aa more miles of paved streets t' :,n :uiv citv of equal popula tion in North Carollnt. These streets were completed in 1D17. Miles- of crmcnt sidewalks wend their wav into the res'deiitial districts of the city. abandoned, dii? to the uncertainty of financial conditions following I he signing of the armistice. At some fu ture time a radio station such as was planned will become u necessity which cannot be dispensed with and w hen this time come it will probably be constructed on the site four miles from here. Engineers sWecied ih.J point a!te!- they had inspected every site which showed any possibility of the requiieiueuts in all parts of the nii'lon. Writing of Monroe and its future Pi n i-ect at issue of The Monore Jour nal, 11. K. lieasley, commissioner o. public welfare und a native of Mon-i-one, said: "The Ft'i'tt' advent 'ire In American life is now community building. This is an old Idea but with many new and tar-ivrrhing inpliratioi.s. Here tofore the iiiea of the average Ameri can town or city was limited too much to mere material undertakings. Now, we are thinking of a broader and These streets and the city as a .,, rnului,.d out urogram of build whole, at" i;o;,t hi the best of sanl-.lngi embracing not onlv material but ary condition by an efficient street ,.u (.,l,,.al aluj uvinx conditions dopr.rtmen:. Ada Ward, noted Eng-8UCi, as n together contribute to n lish lecturer, who came to M mi roe on : 111()1.e rm,mid out community of hap the Chautauqua prognm the last sea-,iv ,msperous a,i contented people, son. s-id while h-v-e that Monro wjis comll:ions based upon the opportuni sm nto Msi'eujtv ,jf poJd liviiiR Tor all men and wo- il) America. Ani,Ml. .!, ullllnif tn rnntrihute the c'einest town i since her arrival adequate sewerage system is pro- thelr pa,.t t0 the well beins; of ull ln vi(le1- , ! proportion to their opportunities and Water, noted for its pureness ana healing qualities, is supplied the city of the highest standing In the nation are now saying everywhere that com munities are to be judged by the de gree of progress and happiness and contentment of the average citizen. "Judged by all the standard that are now belli? discussed, the present and thef mure of Monroe can not b exceeded by ti-iy town of like size and location that we know of. Monroe sits In the midst of a population of sturdy .Industrious and energetic Americans of the best stock. By in heritance and by training we ar.i Americans to the manner horn, dem ocratic in every point of life and be ' und all measure sound and safe. No own n the United States has a bet 'er background to btil'd upon in n'l l!,e esnii: Is of community building. 'Th"te !s a charge upon us to mak" the most of all thes things, to con tribute to the continued growth of a community so abundantly supplied with all the opportunities for happy normal American life. At hand there are the means for industrial and com nvunity so abundantly supplied with all the opportunities for happy nor mal American life. At band there are the means for Industrial and com--merclal expansion too flattering H he neglected. Equally at hand thre Is the mind and the spirit to achieve this expansion and to convert It Into all the finer qualities that call to life and happiness." -and- from Its artesian wells located In the m northwestern part of town. Water from these wells tested by the federa' 9 chemist showed a rare degree of nttreness The Ollalitv of the Water I S surplus end to proceed In the erec-jC0Up,e(l with the proper sanitation of, tion of new quarters to cost approxl-. ,h( rlfv and jtg location account for tinteiy ?.;u.uou. Aiioineroi ine uaims tn (a,,, tr,a, disease Is comparatively Mrs. Housewife r. cenuy purchased one oi me oesi ; nj(riown buildings in the city paying $2.".00e j The m'in lin o( thP Southern .'or it. The total resources of the p0WPr comnaiiv passes near the citi banks of Uie city at th? close of luisi- Lnj . ,.,.,, for commercial and do- i ness on June SO was more than two mPf,tc n-.rposes Is supmd at a lov ? and one-half million dollars, as is j r(te The town is well lighted with IIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIB a shov.ii tn t.ie reports '0 tne .n. i . cor-1 piorrlcitv und the "white way." ooration commission. There are two ,aiong Majn ar.d Franklin streets For a Short time we will pay $1.50 per hundred for IZTZ ZitWZt'n compared ' tkat old raffs and clothes. Don't waste. The government t the town have er-cted homes, j . 0O0n schools wint vnn rr. csvp PVPrvthinrr AUn WP mv 1 hifrh ? Monro l recognized as one of the For yn the Khoni, of Monro- wants jou to save everyimng. Aboe paj a nign , fpnirM 0f tti Hat. '""-Ihave s? a high standard as is price for scrap iron. Before cotton picking time t 1,2 ,he nion,h pf July ,hP r",ninn In" ;shown bv the fart tint the 4 A "f. iice & Investment co-.ipany. state lyonrne Hieh School Is anion the agents for the Ph'tatteii :'.a Life In-1 accredited Institution' 'i d traduaf" su-at-.-e company In the Carollnas. I ,.nn, 1. ar(1 admitted to the high rote business to the amount of about I rolleee without examination. " HURRY AND BRING YOUR JUNK AND GET THE MONEY A M.r.OO.OOO. This l a r-cord in the jFacmtM anj equipment which will! If vou brir.i: your old books and magazines at orce we can pay you 50 cents per one hundred pounds. ; t'on today, is S lof the state a WE ARE OFFERING THESE HIGH PRICES IN ORDER TO FILL SHIPMENTS :: :: :: If you would take advantage of them you must act now. aMiiaiianiBin Monroe Iron S Metal Co. NEAR FREIGHT DEPOT tiiutance field for the month of July. The Joffr? hotel, shown on the front rage 'of the roto-gravure sec- one of the finest hotels and I Monroe's pride. It was erected at a cost of approxmate ly $150. 000 and entirely by local cap ital. It wr.s completed last winter ami leased by Messrs. W. E. Hoekett nnd J. P. Saunders of Charlotte, un der th flr.n name of Hotel Joffre, Inc. From the day It was thrown o-ien to the public It made a hit with the . . ii Li:. r . A..- .....! A height and the slozan of the nianase 4n:n is "109 rooms of Union county connori. As a cotton market it has lonsr been known that tlfe stapl" fold here bring?! a hieher price than that sold at othr points In th s!ae. Cotton from Stardv. Anson. C3arn:s. Meck- 5; , l "tir.r. Union ini other conntl In 1 this Btats ana Lancaster aaa cues- creatly Increase the efficiency or the schols are now under way. They In- elude a rew and modern hiath school : buildins; and a new brick structure! for the graded school ln North Mon-1 roe. ! When Monroe Is mentioned In the(p nrf.,0,ioo of a straneer'to the city b Instinct! v recalls that that was t''A! name of th place where the world's a gre-itfst radio station was to have n(.n located. Yes. that Is the name H and it Is also the place. A site foer j B miles nothwes of the city was j g loofd Itv leovernment ensrlnoers as, the best location in the United S'ates j m 'or the frnt station, which was a'l ; n hut erected. The proposition to errt ,g he station proceeded to such a sta5 ! g that bids were asked for the construe- j g ('on work and deeds conveying tb JH site to rronr authorities prepared, n At the lat minut? appropriations for i the erection ot the station which We will receive Hires solid car loads fresh Horses nod Mules from St. Lou's List of tills week. The Sikes Company

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