Tin! MOXKOE JOntXAL. Tl FSIUY. OCTOBER T. 1919. THE MONROE JOURNAL Founded ia li4 by the present owners and publishers, G. M. and R. F. Beasiey. JOHN KFAsl.F.Y. Editor. Puliilnil l.uU TuIav ami Fiiday. f a Year. Invariably in Advance. The Journal BJiMiTti. corner of Jefferson and Beasiey Stretts. Telephone No. lil. A notice to discontinue The Journal ia unnecessary, as we undemcnd that JOU do not van' the paper whe:i you da not renew joir s-.ji soi iiTio:i. Tl FIY. OCTOItHt 7. lt. The Kie iVid city authorities should coooesav with Major F. K. Harrington, of the ftitt.-d sat--s pti it lie Health Service, i". making a health survey. At !ii-t 'ho'iEh'. o.:e woulu conclude that Momoe is a healthy place to l.vt in; a:id. comparatively sea'iht.:. 11 is; V t H !v are several tti.sa.i'.t: i-oi., that '! eil to lie ter.o ! T'ie !irt th- pre-, aleuce uf : i.t!aila. vhU'.i canted ly mos-qri'o-s. These pests have been pr !'; ao ive hei heaPltv sur oi:hl lately, and the i o'litiearth their breeding i-hues. The survey will rrot'ai'ly show ;iji "'her unthotight of breeding place o; ri'th. Major Hai linq'ori comes her- ili'oiJi the in- Ftrc.-ier.tality Co::i".:e,ce. ot he Chamber of The local tore closed al : .M for f Sa- irilay :jsht. and i the first ;:::'.e both :::e-ehant to be please,! ami patrons appear with the expel intent. N'o dissatisfaction has been heard, and the merchants are now hoping that they will be permitted to close eariiet still on Saturday nights in the i near future. The Journal has not learned if the church at'endance was increased by the abolishment of the Sattmlay niuht debauch." Kev. S. , L. Hotter, red or of the Monroe Epis eopal church, was lari-'eh' inst rumo!'. tal in securing the early closing agree ment. He labored for s-veial weeks, appartntly a-ainst heavy odds, but Anally won out. nm in i: We a nno'ti'iv to t!i' ha e ii.-Mii'iai etl w ii h v. tice of law C'.pi;j:i i late of the United Sta' experienced lawyer w! a'ed with us in our o! i'::i::c : -nit we in l tie prac li'.iiam Craii:. s Army, an i was associ-ic- before he enl'sted in l he Ar uv two years a to. r 'i ;s;nt ss has in our wo. kin;: Tii i ; i Crai.' will I to coi.ituei via I el '.ops, e'i'.. and r;i! pr i'ice. The "in k, Pa i Iter ' (icto'i.-r. pipi. a: pai!kv:k. ::loii of s iucr-as- ess, 111. i land force Rive : bv. Will i! five, Ti w i : i s ') 1- THEATRE WEDNESDAY ElsieFurguson; -in- The D&ng'er Mark Dandruff as hillir Lynair . 'Mv head itched unbearably ar.d mir hair was coming out bv the htnc'lul. A tew application ol Wil Jroof trovrud and removed quantities of dandrufi the itchinu stopped. Today it is thicker and more beautiiul than ever," THE GUARANTEED HAIH TONIC Far tatt hm under a mano-Mt guarantt Bohona Drug Co. villi iMnwt. vttll h ttti t tt-(inn"it. (cTDAlim -. j i Man. GASTINE TABLETS save gasoline! ond Increase your power 30 per' cent, and Insures a clean motor. Money back If not satisfied. i Tharp's Hardware. i FOR SALE Registered Jersey hull. - seven months old; rood Individual ; FOR KENT A good two-horse farm and in nice condition. R. B. Red-1 v. ith good improvements, near wine. Monroe, N. C. ' Armfleld's mill, and pood schools. JUST RECEIVED A car load of . buggies, all kinds, steel and rubber , tires, top and runabouts. Prices , light. Come and see nt. Fowler k Lee. FOR RENT Several gcod farms. 6ee W. 0. Lemr.iond. TRY ONE of our ever-sharp pencils. W. J. Rudge Co. Special Notices One cent a word each insertion. CoTTOX SEEI-Curry them to H. G. Xash Co. il I'M1, per bushel. two-Horse farmer wa.tei With s'oek and !ie!;t sufficient to work a r.vo-!.orse farm. Apply to A. H. A. Belk. Monroe Route S. WHEN YOU ARK IX INDIAN TRAIL looking tor shots. 1 have the shoe yon wa it for your boy or wife or self. Some special for next week: It. J. 'ojuco. 2'c phsa; Apple sun cared i'i plus; t:iany other brands not i..e!!Tio:id; Full cream cheese. Ji'c: Coffee, 30c; Good Hour. $5.!H; Seed oat. $1.10; Hob feed. $3.40. When oa need the best overall buy Carbarn, the best on the market. G. W. H. Kistr. In dia:! Tia:!. X. C. FIVE POINTS Grocery Siore phone number is Iris. Use it when yol nerd :re-h ::iea's. good -rooeries. and tj':ick service. Willi UUi'i'KS .iERS at the n.ad . it . .1 ! .1 . . t . , I I .-. t l II 11 t t III I - i It know ji.,ir car. when in need of re pa:rs. will tet the benefit nt j:ood AX tto;kmaaship. Xo amaleui s at o ur pat ace. AM rttst-class workmen w ho ki:ow !;oW. Seciest Motor Co. MAKKY IF I.OXK1.Y. many wealthy anxious lor early marriage. 1'hotos of ba;nifril ladies and j:enis list mailed :ree. IJox 335t!. Jackson ville. Fla. Fitl IT TItKKS The time lor deliv ti.v of trees will soon be here, and I w ;s!i :o urte :u friends to semi i:i their orders :Vr what they need ; tith! at or.ee. 1 have been in bus iness six yars. and will cive you ' satisfaction. Kit her write or phone .--T. F. Tadlock. Monroe, route Thone 46 Fairfield. ! WAXTK1 Two experienced luliii- uer saieslaiii s. Apply Ktird's Lit pal ' !ii. lit Store .Monroe. X. C. Ftilt SAI.K-A one-ton Ford iruck; a Kurd tonnntt car in tirst -class condition Monroe !!ak r. f kks ii mk.vt hail at I he Sutre. Ai W.i.b o ::i a bu savum can ! Fie points C nicety the inters-'c! ion o' ad Vi:i(isi)- avenues. J '.si i ii . uriit i ict . a s::oii i i viei p: , and u-i uf irom o le!. phone iilick dellt ir l;o:i:e. us uU r SeV- no 4, V in; Ai.K llOllle Inaiie per 1 1 1 t!) . inii.a.-'-Pliou- C.l l.OAii . II. (.. X. :ki ia is v Co. .:i kinds :i:.vr d one -ho:.-' ml ivurch; I pasiare. : I oiiiaiul.- s XY acr l.a-inio.v. i Kichariison. M. II Kl.l. I'HKAP V!i V Pecan.- ! ai- ins t of i he lush rent dis- I t. and c:ve you the s.ivinc on I AI- at. are positively sold the i lowtsi anw!:ert Five Points (tin eery Store. Phone 4jS. lilt. 11. SMITH. Kye-Siyht Specialist, . is out of town for a few days. See i this paper tor date of his return. I ,1100k - KKF.PIXC. Shorthand, thor oughly lauvht; enroll any lime. Address Greensboro Commercial School, Greensboro. X. (.'., lor cata logue. FORI) UKPAIKIXC. and hlacksmiih slmn, We have opened a repair simp on the ccimer of Franklin and Church streets, in the tear of the old Houston properly, ami solicit a share of j our patronaL'e. We will carry at all times Ford parts, and will make repairs at I he lowest charges consistent with pood ser vice. Horse-shoeiiic done by an ex pert. Give us a trial. Itoss Pros., i Henry and Joe Koss, Proprietors. I JPST KECIIIVKD A barrel of brand new home-made molasses. Oh. so pood: Plyler, Funderburk &. Co. SEE I'S he fore you trade or sell that second-hand automobile. We are in the market for them. Secrest Motor Co. FOR SALE Six-room house on Col lege street, the "Adams house." Possession given at once. Terms satisfactory. R. F. Price, at Col lins & Hargett's. CAR LOAD SALT Nash & Co. at $1.15. H. G. FOR SALE or for ten I lt acre farm near Hopewell church In Goose Creek township; two houses, 2 wells; 25 acres In bollom land; 5 acres meadow; 75 acres in culti vation; i a acres timber land. . i P. Griffin. Winpate, N. C. I "KEVE.NT'E IN RABBIT RAISING. "J Send for this hook today it will I show you the way to an indepeml-1 ent income. Address Dept. T, The! Florida Rabbit Farm, Cromanton,1 Florida. j ATHENS. GA., is on Seaboard main line, directly connected with Mon roe, North Carolina. For highest prices, quickest service, express green hides to Athens Hide Co., Athens, Ga. Wholesale hides; fine folks; rapid express transportation. FOR SALE Building lots, a twelve room house, and a one-horse farm. C. I). Roberts, Phone 208-R. BETTER GET busy and have that Calorie Furnace installed now be fore the winter sets in. Tharp Hardware Co. See Eerie Helms or H. U. Clark. FOR SALE Several Ford tourln? cars In A-l condition; price reason able. B. C. Hinson. FOR SALE Seventy one acres of land on White Store road. Two j dwellings and ontbuildigft. Twen-j ty-hve or thirty acres under culti vation. Easy terms. Fowler tt Lee. I t It ! Mi Brothers Department Store New Sport Skirts and Sweaters tt t it it it it SEE THE 1JIG STOCK OF Sport Skirts JUST ARRIVED In Velours, Plaids, Soliik Etc., Pleat.-d and Plain, $8.30, $10..0 up fo S19.30. A.!. 1 n I? tt : tt New Sweaters New Fall Shades in the Newest Effects, Ripple, etc. All Wool Zephyr, Navy, Purple, Pekin and Black $8.93. $10.00 and $11.50. llitf I'epiil tiocnt Mjiivs K One lteiis.ni Why We Sell it for Less. FOlt SALK Forty-two acre farm, 20 acres in hiph state of cultivation, balance in tood saw timber. Good 4-rooin house, bat ii. crib ami well; 7 or 8 acre line creek brtttom land. Cotton on place now w ill make bale per acre. On (sood road, three miles North of Monroe. To quick buyer, J2.50n.iM) Terms reasonable.--L. S. Fowler 4l Co. FOlt KKXT OR SAI.K A few cood farms. Sam I). Helms. WE MARK a specialty of mounting diamonds, and cnarantce not to crack them. W. J. Itudse Co. I.KT I"S sell jou an all - steel com crib. Cheaper than wood. Tharp Hardware. 1 AC TO TRANSFER Call M. L. Threat t nt (he New Home Cafe, Thone 384. LET Rl'DGE repair your watch the next time and save you money by havinp a first-class workman do the job. FOR SALE A six-room house on Washington street, and a six-rooin house on Crawford street. W. J. Rudge. THE LARGEST GARAGE in this see lion of the country is nt jour dis posal In Monroe. The Secrest Mo tor Company has fifteen thousand square feet of space, which allows them to give you bettor sen ire. A trial is all they want along the au tomobile line. ItlilXG US jour chickens, egi-s and country produce Five Points Gro cery Store, Intersection Wadesboro and Windsor Avenues. LET GEORGE W. MOSER WEIGH your cotton seed and get $l.nO,a per hil. H. G. Nash fe Co. DR. B. C. REDFEARN. DENTIST. Office over Heath-Morrow Company. Phone 232. Monroe, N. C It's a Great Improvement. I Having your house wired for elec jtric light gives you an "up-to-date 'feeling;" you are not ashamed to 'have your friends visit your home. I We can wire your home and pro vide you with thrifty National Mazda lamps at little cost. A cents SYSTEM. for DFI.CO LIGHTING MOTtOK FI.FCTRIC SEUVICK COMPANY. L. HF.LPEKMAN . Proprietor F. Franklin Street. Telephone So. 471. & Belle Bros. mlyf Carolinas' Larpest Distributors of KELIAKLE MERCHANDISE. I sold ranges for years and years and saw hundreds and hundred of old ranges that had rusted out from the inside, yet the balance of the range wa.i almost as pood as new. 1 discovered why out. they rusted I found that this rusting wa.-i from the inside and always where the asbestos lining touched the body. I was right. As the discov erer of this Principle, I was planted patents on "Any rust proof material between the as bestos and outer casing" (or lange body). I Investigated ent metals and the best. all the differ found copper I discovered that copper domes, roofs and gutters on buildings, never rusted out. 1 announced my intention to make a new ranee and line It with pure sheet copper where olher ranges rusted out. Monroe Hardware Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. LADIES Sweaters ONE SOLID CASE TODAY, made of -ood nnte rial in Newest Shades, with Belt SPECIAL for m"QtLpril MM W New Sport SKIRTINGS A very attractive line of Coating and Shirtings in Cheviots, Velours, Checks !?1.M5 to $4.93 yard. .:j.:xM:x-xM":M:x:: Copper Clad COM F.W-FO lirNGF.S To hide the hinges and leave the catches and latches in sight would be but little Improve ment, so the catches and latch es are also put Inside the range where they are out of sight and out' of ihe way. The surface Is smooth, plain and richly ele gant with no hinges, catches or latches to mar the beauty, A range Is expected to do duty every day three times a day. Any decorations that In terfere with this dally duty are expensive playthings. Mate rials that grow ugly from heat ing are to le shunned. Cor ners, cracks and crevlcfs are dirt citterns. Just as freaky orn aments are dirt holders. 22 B'iT nepartnieiit Stores is !ne Itenson Why We Sell it for Less. :x-xx:xX"Xx: '.XXXXXXXX I found that the asbestos sweated every time a fire was built in the range. I told my friends (hat sweaty asbestos caused i list. the the I was call I a Crank. I knew I wM right, so applied for a patent on "Placing a rust proof material between the as ljstos and range body." I was called Clad Crank." the "Copper- I had the Government on my side. I had the best dealers on mv Riile for they, too, found that rust was caused from the sweaty asbeslos. 1 organized a brand-new com pany, made a brand-new range and clad It with pure sheet copper. That was many years ago. I now want to show you why the lining of pure sheet copper doubles and trebles the life of a range. 3 Mr