THE MONKOF. JOI KXAI-. FKIDAV. WTOKI.R 21. 1910. .JACK TIUFD TO BUIKK THE J IKY WITH MEAL AT HOTEL Well-lv: own IakvA diameter W;tntel Hie Damsige, '! Made Atfal in On ii lU-lialf IPfore Sujierior Court. AltIough Professor Jack Williams. ell-known local character, and the man who ran the hogs out of Mon roe, made a hard light to win his own case In Superior court Tuesday, he failed to receive a favorable verdict from the Jury. From the start to finish the Professor handled his own case, and eren-mada an appeal to the Jury. The court stenographer look down Jack's speech in shorthand, and at the request of a number of court at tendants, The Journal is printing it. The speech was of a rambling nature, and it was hard for Jack, with Ifis meaner attainments, to confine his re marks entirely to the issue at stake. The speech follows: "Gentlemen of the jury, and Your Honor, I have never made a speech before the Jury before but I am call ed on today as a United States man and the United States says don't fool with no lawyer and I believe it. Jury mens I am asking for damage against the Jackson Cotton Mill for the in Jury to my leg and my time and what my time would have come to up to Saturday at eleven thirty. Jurymens you see that they have formed a con clusion amongst themselves up here and you see where somebody ha drawed $15.25 of my wages without any leave or license that is they way they do us. If you Jurymens is go ing to allow John Sikes or any other man to go down and issue papers without any cause or any grounds or anv notice and then come up here and claim they give them ten day's notice that is the way they do the poor cotton mill people the cotton mill men and the ladies don't you see thev have rotten floors and bad places to kill them and they break their legs and Jurymens can't you decide to make them do better and I ask you to give me Justice and tight to the best of your ability. I am not able to explain It to you for I am no lawver but I know this the United States would allow It and you have pot to decide this but I can hand that claim up to the United State and thev will pay It at once but I am here for the court to give them a hearing over it and I ask you for damage to my ler for It Is hurt amf will hurt i:e the loncest day I live and I don't expect I will ever be able to hold an other section down In the mill and thev have agreed to pay me $10.00 n week and they have not. Here is what their arbitration was men. Here, von Jurymens take and take it in the room w'ith you you have got better eves than I have. That is the pav roll. The pay roll comes every week and these tickets show how much thev have taken out. They took out 1 118 or $120 of my time. -I have a'ot it lu-ie but I can't find it. "I sctu that many and I will Just leave this matter to you as good, huutsl citizens and upright men to decide this in the favor of the old muii, crippled Jack Williams, who ii . lighiiug tue court tor his rights mid asks you twelve men to give uie ! damage and to give me $65,(Ht j damage and if you find you can't tr im d to give uie that why make tin damage heavy enough so it will pay the expanses of this court and you jurymens' fees, aud also when you ;aie done with the case why you jury I mens go down to the hotel and get j on a meal of victuals on Jack vv n liaius. I mean to give you a meal of victuals I would rather give it to you than to some lawyer and I want you jurymens to understand I am an honest man and I want to give you a meal of victuals for the lawyers tee. so bring back a verdict aud have them pay me houxe rent for Mr. Merritt didn't allow me to pay auy rent and he told me not to ever say anythijj about rent until he did and Mr. Wal ton you see he didn't know an thing and when he got up here on the stand he didn't seem to know anything.. Men you see it he had John Sikes to mislead you and John Sikes advised Mr. Knight to dispos sess me and he had no right to the property at ail. The mill company sent me up to be a super and i. was'nt concerned with this contract it was made before he come and 1 contend that he didn't have any right to turn the house into the office. Like we agreed gentlemen eight men there In the mill who know how to run all them spindles and all them cards, and when they seed the floor was rotten and I got hurt they seed that and as good free masons and fel low men and they sympathized wh me enough to give me a life time job so I could make a living without beg ging for it and now you men decide in favor to give me the house rent free and I ought to have damage for the mill company makes plenty of money and is able to pay it. It has paid enough to pay all you Jurymens. I look In the face of you good honest men to give me damage no matter what John Sikes claims for he is liable to prove a alibi or anything else. I think he has showed It In the court and also English he was here so you needn't believe anything he says. I have tried them and when a man will take his pen and forge t: thing against a man and Klip down to the office and draw $15.25 you know he Is guilty of swearing, so that theiv has been plenty of evidence to show you what he will swear to. Ani there Is no use In it that shows it is a waste of court. "Now when Mr. Knight was up here he said they couldn't show any date of the papers that has been filed away in the office claimed they had been sent away off yonder. They ain't been sent anywhere I bet I can shake around their old rat's nests and find them and you can make It a mur der for them to keep that rotten floor and try them in the next court for murder in the second degree. That is what it ought to be and that fel low John Sikes knows It. They have given the officers trouble and th' lawjers trouble. They don't th::. nothing of playing crack-a-loo dowu theie. There is a common game m iin the little boys. There was some play ing out by my house Sunday and they play down there every Sunday that is their Sunday iccupation aud :ae don't none of them catch thcui and if jou can catch them you can make them pay fur it and the mill com pany ought not to- allow them to do that around there. 1 ask you jury mens as fine citizens and fine gentle men of Union county to help i.:e i fight this hateful cause down fi.r . is ruining young men and younv ladies and I ask you today to he!,' the said Jack Williams to do this am: so the officers in this town won't have any more trouble. So I ain't got no more to say until I hear from John Sikes." Influenza Again Appears Among Us una i!:nueuza again, among us wkilo.ii cial foresight dictate tha' v 'ery t;'.i! ily fcl.uuld prepare to j revent 'and combat this disease. In the iu- terest of humanity, physicians and layi.itu who were so success! ul las! vur In treating Influenza. Colds. Grippe. Croup aud other diseases of the inspiratory organs are recou.nen- ci US as tl.e most effective treatment, the external remdy RIXGUNG BROS. AND HA It M M HA I LEY Mammoth Showc Are Now Combined And Announce Exhibition at Ear ly Date. The world's biggest amusemnt in stitution, Ringling Bros, and Barnuni & Bailey Shows Combined, is to ex hibit afternoon and night at Char lotte Monday, November 3rd. The consolidation of the "World's Greatest Shows" and the "Greatest Show on Earth" In one circus of co lossal size, constitutes the amusement surprise of the country. Nothing to approach this gigantic, new circus has ever before toured America. It has been formed by merging the pick and the cream of all that was biggest and best In the two famous shows. It would be folly to attempt to enumer ate its many wonders. Some idea of the enormous scale upon which fea tures are presented may be had when it is stated that a quarter of a million pounds of elephants take part in a single act; in other words six times as many of the big-eared giants than have ever before been seen In one main tent exhibition. All else to be seen Is in proportion. The arenic starts embrace all the world's fore most circus performers. There are three hours of novelties and big sen sational acts. The menagerie is far and away the most collossal ever traveled. For instance a herd of eight giraffes are exhibited in place of the two or three shown in the past. The great tournament which opens the muin-teiit program, is the most magnificent . thing in pagentry yet produced In America. Hundreds up on hundreds of gorgeously costumed characters and beautiful horses take part In It. The morning street pa rade is the longest and most brilliant ever given anywhere. It is a stu pendous super-circus that baffles description. SALVE Brame's Yapo:uetha Salve, when applied to the chest and throt pene trates the pores of the skin and breaks up the congestion, at the same time healing vapors are carried direct to the infected membranes of the nasal passages, causing the phlegm kto be loosed and inducing restful sleep. Brame's Vapomentha Salve may be obtained at every drug store, or it may be had from the manufacturers direct, the Bra me Drug Company ot North Wilkesboro, N. C. Sold in three sizes, 30c, 60c and $1.20. Com plete directions accompany every package. 1'lVsll I'ilillt. "Waiter," he called, sniffing the air suspiciously, "what Is this smell of fresh paint around here?" "If you'll Just wait a few minutes, sir," replied the waiter, "them two young ladles at the next will be going In a minute, sir." salve '"free NAVY WILL KELEASE THHEE MILLION POUNDS OK SKJAIt REAL CIRCUS DAY Secretary Daniels Takes Step to lte lieve Sugar Shortage in United States. Advised that the Navy Department has in reserve 9, 000. 000 pounds of sugar. Secretary Daniels Tuesday in timated that he would release one third of the stock or 3.000,000 pounds for public use to relieve the situation resulting from a nation wide shortage of the commodity. The present supply of the navy. Secretary Daniels said, was sufficient for six months, as only a three months surplus usually is kept on hand, Mr. Daniels Indicated it would be unjust to retain more than that amount now when the entire country is experiencing a shortage. The War Department, however, un like the navy found that its supply was running low. the supply being estimated ns barely sufficient to last until December 15. Quartermaster General Rogers accordingly w ired all zone supply officers that sales of su gar to any one person In the service must be limited to not more than six pounds per month and to not more than 21 pounds per month for each family. Secretary Daniels also said he hn1 sent a message to all ships and sta tions of the navy calling for strict economy In the use of sugar, as wastefulness by the navy, even of Its abundant supply would "not only b unpardonable but would reflect dis credit upon the navy Itself." Pride goeth before a fall. Curiosity is frequently an excellent quality. Tuesday, November 4. Marks the Coining of The SjmiL World's Famous Shows to Monroe (iivlng Two Complete Performances. Circus day dawns with an indelinable stir in the air that seta the small boy's heart to beating faster, and awakens pleasant memories iu the minds of the gray beards who have not forgotten childhood's happy days. The people of this city and community will undoubtedly be treated to a tremendous surprise in the above show, as report has it that it is not only triple in size this season, but t!:at it still retains those features that made it such a welcome visitor in rast years, viz: Its freedom from all semblance of gamblers and fakirs, the high-class moral entertainment af-. forded and its honorable methods of doing business. The management of the Sparks World Famous Shows have not only ventured Into a field of greater endeavor, but in so doing, it is said, have outdistanced tented rivals in a manner that leaves nothing to the imagina tion, with the additional telling advantage of being triple in size. All new In the matter of equipment and presentation, and still retaining the wonderful trained w ild animal exhibition, which has done much to causa this show to become famous, it Is the most remarkable amusement enter prise of its kind in the world today. The big street parade, while a feature of marvelous beauty and enor mors? expense, but is a slight remainder of the great pomp, opulence and bev IHering brilliancy to be witnessed under the mammoth tents during the exhibitions. In other words the show is not a'! oi the streets. Surprise Coffee IN SEALED TINS 1 .'i 1 5 Pound Tins. Phone for a Canl TO-DAY WE SELL THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. LEE GRIFFIN x X X ? - I i PHONE 193. fordson , ractosr .Demonstration Twenty experts from Henry Ford and Son's factory till give a FORDSON Tractor Demonstration at Vann Sikes farm, one mile east of Monroe, on Moim(dlaLy9 Octt. beginning at 10 o'clock and lasting throughout the day. Actual demonstrations in plowing, harrowing, etc., will be made, and all farmers who contemplate buying a Tracor now or ever should be present. 1 Refreshments Served A light lunch will be served on the grounds. -.So come preparedlo stay all day. Other Demonstrations Plow manufacturers and dealers in other implements ers what their particular implements will accomplish, sold as Fordson accessories will be there to show farm- COME IT WILL BE WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE. Henderson Garage and Machine Co. pt? Ford Cars and Fordson Tractors MONROE, N. C. I

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