THE MOVROE JOrTtXAL. VTtlTV. OTTOTiflt 21. 1010. Will Exhibit at MONROE TUESDAY MOV. COUKKSPONItKNT COMES OUT AUA1XST HAZlNli STIDKXTS I f evil . T fl 1 r 4 kZAtf ll X. I fill J ri "VI K.rjl The' Big Menagerie baatttrMeaktasol Koak't Ark. n Buy l ike antaih irt rftmeaitt' ly mtt Uui tie stir. SENSATIONAL ACTS, tbuujnc raroK- MANCES. ia i boars' I uii tuai Ilbm4 tna tvtry itiM w tirtfc. awfiEWSBSS GRAJSID "psT FREE VV" STREET .Vd PARADE i 'V'Vl Kovct lDEs XSL 1 HMSli HOBSES. U a . Vrbkib aula u rtr-' ft Ha "i k trr "!M ' U;I3M 1030 EACH DAY ' v Mr. S. 1, TLU'HKK SHORTAGE 71, s Story of a Turret Captain T'oraotion in the Nvy nmn quickly JO thai who qualify for hishcr ratuit. In Mm S 16"( A. P. cnlutrd in tM riv n Appfntic Srmn. 3rd elM. In Ar.l J"? fc rated C.Vif Turret CaKain. Hit pay tucay it S165 76 per A mans life among men ! ' Keel them off "Rio",GibrtUr, Ceylon, Yolcohtma til the treat pert s cf the wcrld are they only places on the map to you or are they pwt where you've gone tail ing ia from the high teat with every eye a!onj the ahore turned adn.irir.?iy on your big ihip ycur ship I Every ocean hat a United States hip tailing for tome port worth teeing. If you've any call in you for a full life join, and color all your yean ahead with inemoriet of thinti worth teeing with knowl , edge worth having with an Inex haustible fund of sea talet and adventuret picked up ashore and afloat that will make you a wel come man in any company. Work? ture, and a man't work it it, among men. Play? weH,rather,withbunch of men who know how to play. Tieso comradea of yourt carry in their eart the aoundi cf peat world citict. cf booming glint, of twashing teat toundt you will with them and that will die away. And when you come home, you'll face life athore with level eyet for Uncle Sam traint in If relUnct at well at telf retpect. The Navy buildt ttraight man no mollycoddlea. thare never Knlltt for two year. Kjcellent opportunitiei fof advancement. Pour weak. boBday. with pay Hck ye- 6h leare toe to e. Und ...Mi at portt ited. Men alw.y. leamtaa, Good food JndSrrt umforrn outfit frea. P., day IhtJ 0 full Information from jrour ntoroat raerultftt ttatkm. If you do , know Whr, th. ocrwt racrulttog nation la. a.k your Po.tma.ter. He know. Shove off ! - Join the Haw Has Slmle Sl Ikilew of t'utton from SU Acre Tract. Correspondence of The Journal. Waxhaw. Rt. 5.. Oct. 22. Mr. Billy Hays held the flrst corn shuck ing last Tuesday In this section for 1919. Cotton is about done iu this sect- tlou and most everybody is busy with their grain sowing since the shower last Friday ana fcaturcay. I have a sulk of cotton six feet and five inches tall. 'The tuoon was un doubtedly full when you planted It," said a neighbor. Can you beat it? Mrs. D. F. Sapp is critically ill. I will be remembered she suBeied a stroke of paralysis several ytaiS a;o. She has been growing steadily worse :t.r some time. Not only .Monroe but Ltiion coun iv has lost two of her best citizen!?, i- i.u, nml Dr. Asliorat't. Mr. i.,.iohuni v, no imp nf the fir. st Chris tian men that me writer wus ever 1( pnn irr nun hiiii 11 iv-iiuiiii.t M pleaaure to have business dealings with him. Dr. Watt was a big nean ed, big souled, honest gentleman as L'nion county ever produced aim it is needless to say that those men will be crcatly inlssed. Mr. S. V. Jlcunue prew uie em Held of cotton that 1 have seen this year. Mr. Mcuride nas aneau ered six bales off from this six acre patch and will get a bale aim a naii yet. Yes. this means five hundred jioiind bales. The seed Is of thf Wannamaker variety. Mr. McBride is a Fplendid farmer. If a mercantile firm was put up In Monro? and ruii on the same stan a...a . ), inui priiiiinnl court they lit, I 11 11" - - - vould have to (.o out of business in thirty days."' declared one or tne jury In ii'iv presence. I asked him wtnv and he said: "The jiulR was three hours late starling court while tn-n iiiin.ii-p.i men lost one-half a day wnitine end the court cost was coing on Just the same. The judge fined a juror $40 for not being there. After court started it was but a vaudeville show almost and lawyers took a part of the time In idle talk which only worried the jury- A number of case? weie heard that any manlKtrale in the countv was capable of silting on. In fact. I think Bunk Lemmond runs the onlv court iu Union county. And what the gentleman said was a fact. The present day courts are more of a farce than a reality. About six Years apo I was a wilneps in court in a South tieornia case. While wait i iv.- ti,n rnse I heard the indse dis pose of a case where one man was , sueiiiK another man for possession ot a hound dog. U had been in the courts for some time. Disposed of, carried up to Supreme court whleli hn nrled li hack to the Superior court. lil not cive un his claim on the doff although they had siient over a hundred uoimis e u. mi.. t.,j ouifwd iiur.i ir lie wmn.i dispose of the case fair would ' satisfied, liotn sam iney judge ordered the sheriff to bring the dog In court and ordered one party to the left ot the oencn ami me uu.t. to the right. "Now," sam uie juum . each one call and muicn ut me u. at the same time. I am going to noiu the doe between my legs aim he goes to snau own mm. m it Enrh one began to snap .v.i- oiwl rail iii net names and the old dog raised up and looked around. The crowd was too much for him so he ran for the door as fast as his feet could carry him. The judge acratched his head as ne saw me uv. go out of alKht. 'Thete, by George he said, "he does not neioun m ei.... one of you. He's mine. yvi. . v.o ,inire inai me mm in 111 I'" n. - - nrnnertv at the muge. uom ..i...;. went away satisfied, which ended th case. - , l.., 1,., n taut Willi 11 l.rn i....,..- iiipii nf Charlotte on tlie strike situation, as It was some time neo and the murder cnarpea niu...i- . .i.. ..!, Thla o-.illllf ninn. WHO Olli or me r--j . ' ,. , i i.,ia,.aot nn pnner iue. niv nan iiu imivni - n, .u- ii nnini tted and allow ed committed (by the strike breakers ... u ,.nA mimn FtlllB UlUUtU V ' " buck shot! one of the foulest uur .hot hna been committed n ho last fifteen years , .... ,,i. n,.nnr nonrlv everyone ana as ii . .hnt iii the back. Some of the j ....... v,a Mr hnrn with bad ClOWU wcui i " - , . Intentions, but the greater part of the crowd had just "fonoweu a. i a i.a n n til on nr Hf i ill nn 1 no noi ueu.c nrw. have any more ngni io muiuri nf the law than a set of citizens have in lynching some k.s nnmm ttPIl SOUte Drute who nun K trncinus cr me and Dotn biumuu nunished to the limn. e . - : u- v., nniice or detective Ilieilliiri iiw. , - iri bitinrl n man n Monroe a lew ,e-.o i.. I.... .,, in rhaslnc the ago simi'i.v ""o..nv ... i I. Ihm, lliniMVIV 1,11, .hoi 'rtlprl" him so that he ine tinu hiw. , , . . .. iaaih resulted, and snoi ine inan , . . mv memory serves me ngm. went scot free. . fin vnnrler Ihe wherefore or IV V UM.'i . , ,. lynching and rlotlnR and general breaking and the answer r rn. i.i.. t. Koo-ina when one lime uu. pini... "r- - - gets crowd oi noys ami )"" hnv nrid heats him tin. That tisua 1 nrenr. Iii school. When he ft" ix- . i. n . ndiiiron in ri n ii. leen lie nun mi.....b- . .A .ovarii rock nes lust for iiiniiii, nu, 11 . . . n . Anllniro Bllll IllPr" II is hazd and the verv next year -v..i.. hnr HpvII and remember he i In the very inspirational center of the stste the college, nm through hnzing and being hazed he is finished product and when he U sen b."ck he onlv needs a crowd to do nl bidding and he becomes a leaner. .... f fVinrAll rhlv neninst hnzin lllll llllin. ,i...,v...r. ; . , J. of students snd a student who does . tiA nnniea nf the ones .i. ,ioai Mm u n h i a rnwar' l II," IIM""1' ns the ones who do Ihe mischief pinks "The- nndercrust to that rht'-k0" pl von brotirht me was ab- nn'nnWv tonrh. it-.iB "TViBro vim't nnv under ., In that tile. lr! 11 WS fyved en raper plate, and you've eaten More Tluii lVitrntiH Either, Y tit . nt or Impropeily Filletl l$et t'MIlilriIIK ill MnmitcllUM-ttS. . I Wasliiugton Dispatch. More than 100,000 positions in the. public schools are either vacant or, filled by teachers below standard, while attendance at normal schools, has decreased 20 per cent since 191$. : according to a report of the national education association made public Monday. i This shortage of trained teachers, is greatest in rural districts where! salurus are lowest, the report said. In six of the southern states one-third of the schools are reported without standard ttachers. California shows a combined shortage and below stand ard of only 3'.i per cent and Massa- chusttis only 4 Vi per cent, as a result of liet'er ta'.aiies and conditions of work. The Wrong Reaction. la Georgia, ' says the Argonaut, they t.ll a story of a lolitician who was seeking to win th- votes of his district to th'nd that he might be sent to the Hwse of Kepvesentatives. In er.e speech he tho-itht it miuht r to his Humble orig-n and early sin gles. "Gentlemen," he said oratorically, "I :oi my start In life by woikiiiK in a general store for tnree uonars a week, yit I managed to save money." As he paesed impressively a shrill voice from the group of auditors de manded. "Was that before they in vented cash registers?" Saving; the rotatoes. When a irest threatened his 23 acre field of late pouaoes, an enter prising Ohio farmer used a smoke screen to prevent the potatoes from freezing, teoause of dry weather in July and August, sr..s Popular Me chanics, the potatoes were Just be ginning to mature when the tempera ture fell suddenly In September. But the farmer had anticipated the emer gency, and hurt piled baled straw about in the Ik-M. Timi .1 it'll r nince wet straw pro- i duct s the heaviest clouds of smoke, ' he threw water on the piles and light I ed them and kept theia burning un jtil morning, when h found that his I experiment was a success. Although I all oilier vegetation was killed, th potatoes were still green. He had I used about ten tons of straw; in his i struggle against the frost. ! Uh Do Live Out of Water. Certain fish oi the South American tropics are known to leave the small io seek larger and cooler , .-..mlma nf water when the srtn threaten" to dry UP their late hillil- i..ii,.iw Thev snend whole days and nights upon their inarch, and travel by hundreds through tne moist mi dersrowth cf the forests. c a package before the war m c a pacKase during the war c a pacKaee NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! United StatesTires are Good Tires n8Sw VoyaCorJ- Most Economical Wear lifeservice mile age safety comfort. These are the things that count in a tire. These are exactly what yon get in United States Tires, general all-round tire satisfaction. values means greater econo myless cost of maintenance less repairs and depreciation. Car owners who do their own thinking prefer United States Tires. Their merit is recognized everywhere. We have them a type and size for every car. This greater total of tire For Sale by MONRO!? tlARDtf ARE COMPANY, Monroe, N. C. We know United States Tires are GOOD .tires. That's why we seH them. MONROE HARDWARE COMPANY. 15. C. HINSON HOWELL'S GARAGE (Thos. V. Howell), Peachland. rLYLERS GARAGE, Waxhaw J. L POLK & CO., Mineral Springs V It."

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