171 E MONROE JOIRXAL. TUEsDAY. OOTOr.ER 2. 1919. ONLY A POWERFUL MEDICINE WILL END RHEUMATISM It matteis in:t wheihtr you have had agonizing rheumatic pains for SO years or distressing twitehiut: for SO weeks. Kheuiua is luiglity and pow erful enough to help drive rheuiaatir poisons (rain your body and abolish all misery, or the cost, email as it la. will be cheerfully refunded. , Druggists everywhere are authori sed to sell Rheuma on a no-cure-no-pay basis. It's absolutely harmless and after taking the small dose as di rected once a day for two day you should know at least you have obtain ed a remedy that will conquer rheu matism. For over ten years throughout America Rheuma has been prescribed and ha released thousands from ag ony. English Drug Company will supply you and guarantee money re funded if not satisfactory. THANK liOD FOR THE ItK.HT TO MEIkE. SAY J. I. LEWIS MInIM; AIRMEN MURDERED i:V TWO MEXICAN' F1HERMEX Thio K Hie Aliiis lre-ileHt of Ihe 4'Mtl U'niim Aiit-r lo the Mate nwiit f lrestetit W ilwui. President Wil-on. on the eve of a great coal strike, bald that the pro posed action of the miner's strike, called for Nov. 1, is unjustifiable and unlawful, and !u reply, John L. Lew is, acting president of the I'nited Mine Workers, issued the following: ' I am an American, free born, with all the pride of my heritage. I love my country with lis institutions am: traditions. With Abraham Lincoln. I thank Cod that we have a country where men may strike. May the pow er of the government never be usee to throttle and crush the efforts of the toilers to improve their material welfare and elevate the standard of their citizenship." Colds Causa Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROSIO QUININE Tablets iwnove tht eaiu. Thrra is only ooa "Bromo Quicja." E W GROVE'S sikMturt ca bet. JOc. Will Exhibit at MONROE TUESDAY NOV. The BIfl Menagerie b one stride h,1 H Iton's Ark. at anoy I Ihf salads arc rrprrscalet ay sort II taaa oat aalr. 5?-NSATIU:NAI. ACTS, THRILLING fEXTOR-M4NCES,U(lltoi-4 I limy citHDi ilkrrrl lra every aatloa m tula. GRAND FREE STREET parade: el CIMrrlBf SfkttK. NOVEL IDEAS. BRASS BANDS. CAGES A FLOATS, HIMSOUE HOISES. ul Jaibtrlns Mnkil -trkkab aukt UK ft-1 tit r1i caalaf Btln ' I Mt. -Al- 10:30 EACH DAY 1 tr.- i n 1 - w V"."-. Unifc orm (J No matter where vou bvy itXuzianne coffee is always the same high standardfexceUence. gEvery pound is sold, in an air-tight tin can. fiJLuzianne retains its full rich flavor.;: If. after mum tnttrt torn tenia of th cn according t irectlont, you tr imh mi lifted tn every respect, your rorer will refund Ihf Bioney foa paid for il. V89 rt- coffee The Reily-Taylor Company Niw Orleans 7 r I Coiini'lly aiiil Walcilmue Went Nine lecn l.ii Without EoimI Siorx 'I t hi Hoi Hide for lulliutioii With-lul.l. It was officially announced at San . Diego Cal.. Sunday night that Lieu tenants Cecil H. Connolly of San Die go and E. P. Waterhouse of Wel ser, Idaho, army aviators, missing since August 21, were slain in lower California by two Mexican fisherman, j Ihe announcement was made upon arrival in San Diego of the destroyer Aaron Ward, brineint: Ihe bodies of the two aviators from Bahia Los An-' geles, on tbe Gulf of Lower Cali fornia, to which point they had flown after losing l heir way in a border pa trol flight from Yuma, Ariz., to San Diego. The destroyer also brought a part of a story of the sunering endured by the young aviators, in the form of notes scrawled in part on the wings and fusilage of the DeHaviland air plane in w hich Connolly and Water- house made their last flight. feoi of these messages, evidently written when the aviators had almost lost hope of being found, were of such a tragic nature that Major Bratton as Ic ed the newspaper reporters to refrain from using them, out of consideration for the officers' families. Major Bratton said that the two aviators had gone 19 days without food, or at least without much to sus tain them. The fate that drew them far from their air path remained with them until the very last. Major The odore MacAuley, in one of his flights to find them, flew with sixty miles of the spot where they stood guarding their plane. Later, on the afternoon of September 6. they were landed from a canoe on the shore of Bahia Los Angeles by the same fish ermen who are accused of having killed them five days later, and at that lime were only 12 miles from Los Florres Stiver mine where they might have received protection and food. MaJke AI.BEUT PLACES W HEATH os iioosEYEi.rs ;kave and I'nilcr Leaden Skies Belgian Munurcli Cay Tribute to Memory of (ireat AiiierU'iin. King Albei t of the Belgians placed j a wreath upon the grave of Koosevelt , Sunday. There were lew to see the; simple ceremony lor the skies were leaden and his majesty passed ; through Long Island almost tinrecog-; i it'll. ! The king and the little party who accomapnied him were met at the i;ues of Young's Memorial cemetery in Oyster Buy by Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Koosevelt, who escorted the, Belgian monarch lo the plot where, lies the former presiedent. Albert ; strode up the slope carrying on hisi rinlit arm a huge wreath in Ihe colors of his country yellow chrysanthe mums and dark red asters tied with a wide black ribbon. The king and eldest son of the great American went nlone inside Ihe Iron gate which bars the way against in truders. The monarch stooped and I t 1 the flowers reverently upon the grave. Then he stood for a lew mo ments, cap In hand, gazing at the simple granite slab which bears the name of Theodore Koosevelt, bowed deeply and stepped backward outside the fence. The little procession lei? by the kini, which Included Hear Ad miral Andrew T. Long and Major General William W. Wright, walked lowly down the hillside and entered not or cars which carried theni to S. ganiore Hill. There they were nsii e. d into the ruinous trophy root, w hi re Albert wws welcomed oy the vlrt.i'.v oi Colonel Koosevelt who elnU ld villi h;m in his own tongue. Take Shares in the The People's Building and Loan Association TWENTY-THIRD SERIES OPENS Saturday, Nov, 1st $10 PER MONTH SAVED IN PEOPLE'S BUILDING AND LOAN WILL PAY $1,000 IN ABOUT SIX AND ONE-HALF YEARS Here's How It Is Done It's as simple as A B C shares cost 2oc a week (take as many as you like) ; they mature (become worth $100.00) and are redeemed in cash in from six years three months to seven years, depending on the earning rate of the Association. The present rate will ma ture shares in six years and five months, an interest return of more than 6 per cent. You can get the money you've paid in out of the Association at any time on thirty days notice with all of your profits if you've held your shares two years or longer. It's safe! Every loan is secured by a first mortgage on improved real estate in this community and is made only after approval of the Board of Directors and the attorney of the Association. The Secretary and Treasurer of the Association is under bDnd for $5,000.00 and the Association is under the supervision of the State of North Carolina. Take shares in this series, and put in application for a loan if you want to buy or build a home in the future. Our association is as strong as the best, and has had a miraculous growth in the past three years. I IThe People's Building Loan Association i andl iE. C. CARPENTER, President. HARGROVE BOWLES, Secretary. OFFICE IN BANK OF UNION. J SAYS MIS WIEE CALLED HIM AN "Ol.DGKAY HAHIED LIAIl" Mi'lor tJiii'-am Tells of Being Locked U:it of Home Alter He Had (ione Away Set';ipt IVuce. Major W. A. Graham. North Caro lina's commissioner of agriculture has Just filed his answer In the suit by his wife, who was Miss Sallie Clark, sister oi Chief Justice Walter Clark, in which she charges abandonment an demands an alimony allowance oi $150 per month, which Commissioner Graham pleads is out of proportion to his Income from salary and plantation near Charlotte. The answer is filed through his counsel. Attorney General J. S. Man ning and Armlstead Jones and son. It is a lengthy doctment, setting out a most unhappy matrimonial state in which he pleads that he has striven by every possible concession to concil iate. Answering her charge that he abandoned her he writes that he en dured harsh treatment and abuses, in cluding charges that he was an "old gray-haired liar," and only left their home on an evening specified for the relief of a much needed night's rest and on returning the next day found his suitcase with clothing and person al efTects on the front porch. Attemp ting to let himself in with his night latch kev, he found the door locked against him from the Inside with Mrs Graham at home. He therefore em idiatlcally denies the charge of aban donment and pleads that her demands as to an allowance are more than his financial condition would justify. It is tindeistod that there will be n RiineHor court hearing In chambers first as to any temporary allowance for Mrs. Graham pending ine jnu trial of the main suit to be had later. V'?:aT v (ieneial Curr Sends Eggs to WiNoii. A part of President Wilson's diet these days are Tresh eggs from Oeeo neechee Farm, near Hillsboro Gen. J. S. Carr's model farm. K is under stood that the Ceneral has ordered fresh eggs to be sent to the White House daily during the Illness of the President. CAMELS supply cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever experienced ! You never tasted such full bodied mellow-mildness; such' refreshing, appetizing flavor and coolness. The more Camels you smoke the greater becomes your delight Camels are such a ciga rette revelation I Everything about Camels you find so fascinating is due to their quality to the expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos. '' You'll say Camels are in a class by themselves they seem made to meet your own personal taste in so many ways! Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or un pleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels particularly desirable to the most fastidious smokers. And, you smoke Camels as liberally as meets your own wishes, for they never tire your taste ! You are always keen for the cigarette satisfaction that makes Camels so attractive. Smokers real ize that the value is in the cigarettes and do not expect premiums or cou pons! Compare Camels with any ciga rette in the world at any price! 3 s .-,'1 T, - V 18c. a package MSi Camt arm oW mvryn hffrr in ncier.tificalty covf.-fd cjrtcn W tmrf,.'y rrorimenct the carton fnr t.'- icrre or rfHrv mppty or when you trsvei. m R.J.REYN0LDS TOBACCO COMPANY Wintoa-5alcm, N. C. Habitual Constipation Cared la 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottlo. DR. KEMP Fl'NDERBCItK DENTIST Office over Waller's Old Store. MODERN METHODS EMPLOYED. GEORGE C. PRUITT, Physician & Surgeon. Office over Union Drug Store Telephone No. 465. DR. It. L PAYNE, PHYSICIAN AND Sl'ROEON Office over Union Drug Co. Telephone 400-J. Common sense extracts more solid! All men are good good for some- j Girls drws fashionably rather tb.au comfort from life than genius doea. 1 thing or good for nothiug. sensibly.

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