THE MOVROR JOURNAL, TITIUV. OCTOBER 2X. vTon s IH TY TO IT.KU II .ori:i says iiki.i(.t IMIMTIKXTLY AWAIT ;rkat xkv t-iiuTs. .0 KIINOK IHCKKTT'S SOX HAS i:xti:iu:h m i;ham toTroT mui n Iti-imp Coixlt iiiiih Modem Sfiivil ioii:t Method of siitf IVemliei- in tl ilreo In t'tmlrreiice. Bishop Pas letton, in an address to IliugliiiK llroten mul llariiimi ami Itailey CoinliiiHI Mitiut Keen Intrrrol Here. "Circus Day," the bis holiday fori which ou 11 r and old impatiently wail Ho Ileum at lUmom of the Ladder to . I I earn Textile Ittioiiirs. smiting in the 1 aiding ISimhii. William Dirketl. onlv son of Gor- ihe MoihiHlUt coherence, in session at this particular season promise 10 f rnor and Mrs. T. W. Bickett, a young at Gri-msLoro. the other day. called eoli.-se all other event f the r.len- man of about 10 years of ae. has en- !! .in tl-.i ... I. . . . a .w. - . ... . ... ": "rl-l,"' rit-ainris iu n-rp in nar year at l narlotte. Alonaav, ov. lr r-rmn lotion tuuis. at west i tind their mission to preach the goa- Zti. I: mould seem as though everv- Durham, at the bottom of the ladder XX without frills and to leae sensa-. lody in this locality were planning to ' expert milling education, and took AA initial method alone. I attend. The terv name of the rreat Ul his work in the carding room, as "l crave for the ministry." said the new circus Ringling Brothers and regular hand, and started bis ca Pishop. "the time hen we will Darnum & Bailev Combined has reer as a cotton mill man. pleach only of the things that pertain been sufficient to arouse far more In-' , terest than has ever before been shown in the coin ins of any amuse ment enterprise. Any word from, the Ilingllug Brothers, who are the directors of this gigantic super-circus. Is to the effect that those who attend to the kingdom of God. I heard once i'i a man who announced that he was joins to speak on garlic and onions. V God l.ave mercy on his shriveled soul. I U'.il't tkn-.A 1 AA i ursr ..imiiik l ratlin a YY With coat off and sleeves rolled up he has cleared the deck for milling operations. He is residing with Mrs. Harper, who conducts a hoarding house In West Durham for the offles force and others of the Erwin mills. He Is a large "chip of the old block.' trout doing a thing like that "I am not going to discuss with the nerCm-ma n will iriniu.. iha and has gone to work with all of the ou the number of blessings. But greatest prourain ever presented in energy and Tim characteristic of the these early disciples sought all the America. This is likewise truje of the Bickett type. blessings they could get. ! mammoth street parade, which will' .M.I...I .1... . . . ..-u ...- uim i-irs .mm positively lake place showdav morn froni Jerusalem, an exceedingly hard jn!C, the inanimoth menagerie and a i i . oisotry. moral turpitude, and iu rnmivisit riih ihii ki..i .n H II It u n t : ti ! I I II '! ft YY spiiiiuai ueaaness. amusement institutions. The famous Yt ' Too many of us want good places. ; showmen have made a complete s-ir- A a" ",0 oi ' want to make a bad i vev of both the great circusen snd I 100 head on hand fresh from St. Louis. Also a nice lot of mares. piace gooa. (merged the finest and best of ea.-h The way to the top. if there is any i j,it0 on. Hundreds upon hun reds top. is to do the work well at thePf performers will appear tr. the gi-l,0,,om- ! gantic tr.ain-tent. There w ill be scores "We now invite people to the pray-1 ,)on scores of the cleverest dumb er meeting promising just one hour if , actors. A gorgeouslv costumed page they will come. The Lord called to a ,ant. of stupendous sixe. will open the prayer meeting that lasted ten days, j program. Great companies of charac- The Bishop s account of his con-i ters. representing the best-loved stor versum in a little, country church. es 0f fable and nursery lore, will ap when smitten with conviction he; near Tho y-i knelt at the altar in prayer where a j many groups of beautiful horses in ,.. r.,c,,rU,asu, uiiu iic ruse jeweiea trappings. The armv of a new man in Christ Jesus .swept the clowns exceed all past records for fun coniereiice wnn tides or holy emotion :ad numbers. All contribute to the v - n I? I? yj. DELCO-LIGHT Tk cempbt EUctrie Light and Powwr Pkat Endorsed by more than 70000 sat isfied users throughout the world. Monroe Electric Service Company, A. L. Helderman, Manager. biggest circus In history. and billows of aniens" rolled up from that great body of itinerants." 'Sfl vnnr hiitthttnit ratnaAit ins uuhbm inn vou mn mci nMHMljyou an automobile?" Urctuse of its tonie and lixatire tttect, T.KXA Ti VK BKOMO OUSINS.J b;!ter lhaa or.linir, 0'iinin ami does n-t can; nfrv.)uu no : inn inn in h'l.l. Remember !!;e tuli n iris i. .vt tJt the sigoai'ite ct li. W L.kOVi. Jj. No Worms In a Healthy Child i An chiklrea troubled with worms hart an an 1 healthy color, which Indicate poor blood, and aa I to buy rule, there la mora or lest stomach disturbance, i GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given reaMUrK Not exactlv refused: he said I twoor th weekj will enrih the blood. Ira ht first to become familiar with P the dneitlon. aod act as a General Streoith- in general, so he bought : "T.Tfft! ou machinery me a sewing machine." Selected I iaperivtheaiiu. Pleaiaat to uke. tWc pjr boti: II : t .... YY II 8 The Sikes Company, Inc. l a. A.... 1 II I? I u :-M"::- I Y 1 w JOURNAL WANT AOS.. . J ONF CENT AWOHDKOR EACH INSERTION VK 1IAVK sho.s for ildlliiis up. t'ollii:s in on fiom i ll.HHi'U. WE MAKE a specialty of momitini? (iuummiis, and Luarai.loe not to oi nek them. W. J. Kudgo Co. . 1 VU IloIiSK I'AKMKIi V.M'!;i YVtlfi siiiek and help siH'llcient lo, oi k a two-horse farm. Applv to i A il. A. Hell;. Monroe lloul; 8. Wi: ll.WK big shoi's. little shoes,, woili slioes and, line diess shoes. .'oil i ns 4.- Harsen. ; . Willi IIUOOKS MVKUS al I tie head j of our repair department you may j know your car. when in need of re- i pairs, will ei the henelii of good ' woiltinanship. No aiiiateuis at our; garage. All first-class workmen j who know how. Seoiest Motor Co. WAHKY IF LOXKLY. many wealthy; anxious for early marriage. Photos j of, bfautiful ladies and gents list! mailed tree. Box 3306, Jackson-j ville, Fla. V. J WAI.TKi;.-: iiiel D. M. Pate's market is the place to buy your fresh meats, lish. e'e. Ft)U SALE A Mie-ton Ford truck; a Ford tourini. car Mi Hot-class condition Monroe Haki iy. I!IH)K - KKF.l'lXit. Shortliauil, tlior iiii uhly taught; enroll any time. Address Greensboro Commercial School. Greensboro. X. C., fot cata logue. ATHF.XS. GA.. is on Seaboard main iine, directly ronnerled with Mon roe. North Carolina. For I. tubes! prices, quickest service, txpress green hides to Alliens Ifide Co.. Athens, Ga. Wholesale hides tine folks; rapid express transiioriation. FOR KF.N'T A good two-horse farm on public road, near school and church. Will furnish slock. -M. II. Kiehardson. Fl'K SAI.K llllee lots good well fine barn. A four-room heus- jiml nt Indian Trail. Has of water in yard, and House is located near KOI! UKXT--A good two-horse farm with good improvements, neat Armfield's mill, and good schools. See Eerie Helms or H. B. Clark. NINETY - OXE AND ONE-half arte farm for sale on public road, two nines ironi jiocit Kest school; one mile from Mountain Spring church and schooi; good house, good barn, plenty of other outbuildings. and several acres under good wire lence. Collins & Harnett. I'KHTILIZKKS KOU small grain. Collins & Hargett. CALL Walters and Pate for meats. They will deliver the goods. Phone 199. WANTED Two experienced milli nery salesladies. Apply Eflrd's Department Store Monroe, N. C. rOK hALE several Ford touring cars in A-l condition; price reason able. B. C. Hinson. FOR SALE A six-room house on Washington street, and a six-room house on Crawford street. W. J. nudge. WE HAVE a Surprise for everybody in Monroe. Lee Griffin. FOR PALE One 420 gallon tank, air pump and gauge. Fowler & Lee. SEVERAL FINE farms, improved or unimproved for rent, lease share crops or sale, with or without team. Fine unimproved land heap. For further information, come to see tne and land. Owner. A. G. MoIJougald, Clarkton, N. C. IF YOU want shoes, see Collins and Hargett. 1 WILL be surprised jf you (n not call for your surprise. Lee Grif-i fin. j WHEN YOU need a good steak call i 199. We will have a full line of! choice beef pork, sausage and Ash j all the time. Pork sausage a spec- j laity. Walters At Tate. j FOR SALE Forty-two acre farm, 20 acres in high state of cultivation, balance in good saw timber. Good 4-rootu house, barn, crib and well; 7 or 8 acres fine creek bottom land. Cotton on place now will make bale per acre. On good road, three miles North of Monroe. To quick buver. J2.5O0.00 Terms reasonable. L. S. Fow ler ic Co. WE HAVE some specials in shoes. Collins & Hargett. AI'TO TRANSFER Call M. L. Threat t nt the New Home Cafe, riione 284. school, Presbj terian and M. thodist churches. See John T. P.uker at Coca-Cola Bottling Company. L)Ii. H. SMITH. Eye-Sight Specialist, can be found regularly nt Lis office, Monroe. X. C, the entire fall and winter. Modern and tjp-to-da'e in every patticular. Have your eyes examined and glasses fitted, (ifiice in Belk-Iiundy building net to Dr. Green's dental office. I WAS RAISED OX THE FARM, and sympathize with the farmers. Bring your repair work to me and get it done at reasonable prices. E. T. Parker, at Shute's old gin. PHONE us about that Surprise. Lee Griffin. IF YOU WANT shoes, don't fail see us. Collins A Hargett. to FOR SALE One used Empire road ster, one Inter-State touring car One Hudson touring car; all ready for the road, and In good shape. Heath Motor Co. WE HAVE fertilizer for small grain. Collins & Hargett. HORSESHOEING Only $1.25. Good work, satisfaction guaranteed. Ford repair work done at like prices. Bring us your next horse to be shod, ntid save money. Ross Bros., facing Fowler and Lee's stable. y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y i if y I Mam Lr.l l!l DGE repair your watch the next tune and save you money by- having a first-class workman do the Jos. BRING VOUK REPAIR WORK to Parker's blacksmith shop, at the Shutes' old gin. WE HAVE shoes at last year's price Collins & Hargett. FIRST GRADE school teacher want ed. Apply to T. L. Furr or J. C. Foard, Indian Trail. Rl. 1. FOR RENT Several good farms. See W. O. Lemniond. TRY ONE of our ever-sharp pencils. W. J. Rudge Co. SEE US before you trade or sell that second-hand automobile. We are , In the market for them. Socrest Motor Co. THK LARGEST GARAGE in this sec tion of the country Is at jour dis posal In Monroe. The Secrest Mo tor Company has fifteen thousand square feet of space, which allows Ihetn to give you better service. A trial is all they want along the au tomobile line. DON'T FORGET when you call for fresh meats to phone 139. Wal ters & Pate. PHOXE No. 3 for auto transfer. Care ful drivers, and charges reasonable. B. C. Hinson. FOft SALE Rebuilt Ford cars, tour ing and roadster models. I nlso have in stock at nil times a variety of used but rebuilt standard makes automobiles that I will sell or ex change. I will buy your rundown hords at liberal rash prices. rayne's Auto Woiks, 26E fith St., Charlotte, N. C. RUBBER ROOFING nt the old price. Collins & Hargett. HAVE YOU gotten your surprise vet. Lee Griffin. Bring Eggs to trowell s Variety Store and get the Highest Price for Them. SOUTH M UX STREET. Mow For Iek The capital stock and surplus of the Savings, Loan and Trust Company is to be doubled by January 1, 1920, and soon thereafter this bank will remove to its new and handsome building now in course of erection. The name of the bank will probably be changed. The words 'The Savings Loan" may be stricken out, but it is preferred to retain "and Trust Company." Any person is eligible to this contest. We will pay Twenty dollars ($20) in cash to the one who suggests the name finally adopted by the board of directors. All suggestions should be sent in a sealed envelope to E. B. Clark, Cashier, on or before the 5th day of November, 1919. Do not forget to sign your name and give your address and remember your suggestion must be in on or before the 5th of November, 1919, at ten o'clock, The Saving's, Loan and Trust Co. f 1 ! I i R. B. Red wine, President. S. O. Blair, Vice-Pres. H. B. Clark, Cashier. tlrove Tasteless chill Tonic restore, vitality an,l eontr hf purlfyin and ra. richinf tlie blood. You ran mi feel its Streu V eoinj, luvijoratiag Effect. Piico 60c. Assets Over $300,000.00