TIIE MONROE JOITtXAL. Tt FSIHY. OTTOIll K 2H. 19l. M Surprise FISHIXG IN OH.l .MIUS I TOO 11SY SlYS M AI'Kt.OAT STEADFAST I OVFIIlEXCE hU n!s and to devote himself ex clusively to t!i-ir capture with rod; . and li:i!e line. The led breasts are The Kollouinu M;ii-meiit SliouM . . . , , I not the oiilv kind of fish we havr Form t'ii hiie l'nf of Merit In riiitiko He C Hilil Tetni mum" of Hi jht-re Tht. iaal!iht!, anU Lake Wac-; Every M.nr Header. hhmI r Miettii.tti ad Waxhaw o camaw are full of all manner ofj Could stronger ptoof of the met it ltf Native ll:miitHell OKI perch, chubs, pike, bass, l-lrtk fish, of anv ni.ied. be desired than the It ic difficult to bwome angry one who is always good-natured with Coffee Time, oil Waxhaw and Twelve Mile "," ' ""-' IN 1-34 SEALED TINS 5 Pound Tins. Phone for a Can TO-DAY WE SELL TIIE BEST OF EVERYTHING. LEE GRIFFIN PHONE 195. Creeks. Whiteville. Oct. 25th. Everybody down home who was in the least ac quainted with uie always knew my propensities for loafing around and for going fishing. As I look bark over my earlier days spent in the Ke hobetb community below Waxhaw it seems to uie that I never did much of anything etse. I never had any too much love for hatd work, proba bly, -because I had uever found any work of a sort that I could lov and feel a real interest in. A fellow has to find himself before he can do !"- over one of our streaivs one evening last spring and swung an even dozt-n jacks icit of one hole in less than twenty minuter. It is such slaughter as that and the ease with which It is done that causes the sport to pale terest in fishing. Hutnan nature always makes a man wish that his game be worthy of his steel, whether it be a fsh or a tirl. The thing that is easiest to catch Is oftenest the least desired and we want that which is hard t to obtain. This lettrr is not going to be as long as usual. I don't want to crowd any of The Journal's local correspon dent out of any space. It is their w You Do More Work, You are more ambitious and you get mora statements of grateful endorsers w ho enjoyment out of everything when your say their confidence has been uudi-i Wood is m goo condition. Impurities in miuished by lapse of time? These are ; the blood have a very depressing eRect on the kind of statements that are ap-; U system, causing weakness, laziness, pearing eonstantlv in vour local pa-: nervousness and sickness, pers for Doan's Kidnev Pills. They I GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC are twice told and confirmed, .with restores Energy and Vitality by Purify ing ! ; loua time to ;tach your niche. I woiked about as much :s the 'stuff, not mine, that makes the paper I'rverage fellow of my age but what j (merest ing and I wish they would , jl did was done in only a half hearted I have more of it from i.ll about the 'jway and with little interest on my countv. I am so situated that I can Ijpart In whatever task .u 'i hand. w.';r, about local things that hap- I untied along slowly, i .'.v.i;. s icain ' : Iitg a little that would ir.v -js-f ul ! ! to me in after days, and ;u the uiean- ; t!:.e. not hint; was half m iniere.iin,; ; or alluring to me as nn opportunity to slip off some evening and hit the tisil for Waxhaw or Tvive-Mile ;sX"X"X"W 1 creek with a big can ol bait a id a Ol noons mat oi;m itg'iur We want this, in the highest sense of the term, to be a Bang of Service to its friends. It makes no difference whether or not you are a cus timer of ours, if we can serve you in our lines, call on us freely. Remember us in your every banking need. Your visit or request will always be appreciated here. I X5V iMONROE. N I supply almost a wagon load of polis. 1 hud pen in Union county. Hut there are a lot of boys a. id girls scattered about around down 'hte who can get such matters and th y ought to write the Interesting thi.u.s that happen around I hem up foi The Journal. Once thy get started it wiil be mighty easy to keep on and it will prove, mighty interesting to the writers. I wish that I could get off from here for a new enthusiasm. Can any reader doubt the following? It's from a Monroe resident : J. L. Railing, proprietor of gro cery, English St., Monroe, says: "I think Doan's Kidney Pills are a fine remedy, as they do just as represent ed. My kidneys were weak, inact ive and my back ached, too. I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised and got a supply at the English Drug Co. They quickly regulated my kidnoys." I Statement tiven Feb. 2'!. I!tl2.) On May 4. l'iK. Mr. K illings ad ded: "I am clad to say a good word for Doan's Kidney Pills. They did good work for me some time ago and I am grateful for this. I advise oth ers to try this remedy. " Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't and Lnrtching the tiluod. When you feel its trentithenir.g. invigorating effect, see how it briugs color to the cheeks and haw it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC is not a patent medicine, it is siinpl IRON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. So pleasant even children like it. Th blood needs Quinine to Purify it and I ROM to Enrich it 'Ihese reliable tonic lop erties never fail to drive cut iinpuritit in the blood. The Strength-Creating Power of CKOVE'S TASTELLSS Chill TONIC has made it the favorite tonic in thousands of homes. More than thi:iy-hve years ago. folk would ride a long distance to get OR0VES TASTELESS Chill TONIC v. hen a member of their family had Malaria or needed a body-building, strength-giving simtilv ask for a kidney remedy get, Doan's Kidnev Pills the same that tonic. Tbe formula is just the same lo- Mr. rollings "had. Fostet-Milburn ' day. and you can get it from any drug Co.. Mfgrs., Buffalo., N. Y. ' ore. 6"c. per bottle. yet to learn that work wa3 work and icol)lo or mole months and have noth- ti.at everynouy nau to imk -i iii. ,l)g tJ llo mit rake niouna over thing or other. My dreams of what j Vnhm t ull,v in company with a I would do later were few and I was typewriter. I'll tell you what I would always solely intent oi: lh'.- fish. Oit;d'o, to use a newspaper expression those rambles and sollui-y fishiiU ex- ji would "shoot the bull." As I can't piditions it never en"?rel :y v.ead;Verv well tio that I v, ill shoot him. . ... U!Ia anyway, from nere along tor a nr this winter and 1 hope that some one from the progressive places In Union will stir up enough (.t: nipt ion to fire up and hoosf their sections with some ratting good news leitevs telling what thev have going on and what inter ests them. If :imvs gets scarce wlih them in 'hey can still do ns I have to do. "si.ool the bull." C?.- r M I Ail JlWrt- I Quality Gasoline CHOOSE your brand of gaso line and stand by it. Choose the grade you like best and stick to it. These are two good rules (or any motorist to follow. It is not always convenient or possible to live up to them unless ' you choose your filling station and make it a rule to go there always. To Buy Here Is a Good Habit By being forehanded by anticipating your gasoline needs you can make pro vision for always filling your tank here. Then you will be sure of a gasoline uniform in quality, high in power, moderate in price. , ihat some day I would hive to leave' tl.ose luted suiToumliiui and all and become the g-v who wt-R r siioiisib!" for pulr.hg the news in Th News; fiepott-M" nearly two '.'.M ired miles1 nv, ay. Usually, I vent l-.ii.jv; i.lon. 1 flattered '.eir thai 1 i ou'd go and May all night o tithe creek and catch more fish by my unnidej v'Tiitts than I could witli half a doz-t h-.dpff;!. The lesiiHs generally bote i'.o out In this bit of epoiisiu anil when t iven fibi ie I generally brought home with me a string of grat yellow cat fish that would create envy in Hi ' luimh of all who got to see tliein. Coruradts for (hose expeditions were always available. el. when pome 'if .he boys . ...:.t.' ...... tl. ....... ....n,.1.. f.1u-i Weill tllMI 11' IJH l limn," seemed lo ne a jinx on nr. en in.iini and the capture would h. iviciU An other peculiar feature of Ihos.' trips on. which I had companv a.h ihai my ronirade would alwas nc'.-i'lc nt aliy fall out of the boat, or it "vonld upsei wi'h him or he would f ill off the bank into the stream. ThU, vas another feature- that tfistingtiitdcd the jinx iIk'.i v. ns on us when I l.ad company. 1'V some stiiiiur dispensa tion of proviueitre or sonutliii g line that 1 never fell overboard or had run iliuitt to happen to me. It was nlw:ts on the oth'-r f 'llow that the evil results came and I came cl'iirl with no harm done except lor a pnhi ! .r in my side that may hnv been t anse.l i UlllCe bv laughing. I especially er.j..' e.l having company when ihe water was I cold and it is reasonable to S'.'ppose that there are half a dozen oi move fellows around home who are ieau to inwardly cuss at the memory of! having eone fishing with me on lu nie cold night. Even Mr. UensK-yi K. K.l was not proof against the J'nx thi-.t attended those who accompi.ni"d me and which followed me out hne. two yeara ago when he was spending a few days htre with me he went with me one night and the boat mysterious ly sank with him and left him stand ing In water tip to his neck. My end of the hoat was near the bank and 1 In m ned out. I Since coming here I have lost my ' tnve for fishinir to a large extent. The i sport Is not so enticing when inre ho easv to capture and then 1 1 now have other things to do than fish and am trying to do tnem. ai thniith I cannot get out after them much now there are some fish up hero that are beauties enough to tempt i e. Franklin Street. anyone. They do not bite at this Telephone No. 471. season of the year tiui during spring and Bummer they w ill rise in our creeks and rivers for an allur ing grasshopper in a way that will send a thrill through anyone. These fiHh are known locally as "Ilea Breasts." They will weigh anywhere from one to two and three pounds and I never saw a prettier kind ol fish than they are. Their Rides and breasts are of a beautiful, almost, blood red. They belong to the perch family and are much like the ordi nary perch save for their red color and thicker, chubbier appearance. Fishing for tljum in the ordinary way won't bring you any results. Your bait has to be on top of or entirely out of the water and grassnoppeis and Insects are the best baitt. If the bait is alive, so much the better. The hooks used are very small and almost Invisible; the line used is no larger than a common sewing thread. The poles with the line and hook are set i. -i t 1.. Iia lino tt th iiiRt enouen hihi-k i 5 After you eat always take ATONIC CyOR YOUR ACTD-STOMAC1Q InctarvtlwrelievesHeartburn, Bloat ed Gsiiy Feeling. Stops food souring; repeating-, and all stomach miseries. ! wctMiltrooa-. IncreaKtViulityindrep. EATONICIi thelwit rmdy. Tni of thou ,.ndC wonderfully Unfiled. pnlycUnt crtwoa dy to use it. P',,,velu?",t!S to ple.no owe will rf und maw. Gt big feaxtoday. juu wiu Kuglish Dnitf t'o., Monroe, X. DlT B. C. REDFEARN. DENTIST. over Heath-Iorrow Company. , Phone 232. Monroe, N. C The Long, Dark Nights Are With Us Turn night Into day by hav ing your home wired and equipped with the latest electrical devices. Pay us a call any day We'll tell von how it Is done. for DFI.ro LIGHTING Agents they isYSTKM. too MoxrioF, skuvk i: FLKCTRIC COMrAXV. A. L. HFLDl'UMAN Proprietor I Prompt Semce-Certam Satisfaction SECREST MOTOR COMPANY A. M. SECREST, Manager Brooks Mvers, Head Mechanic. T. B. Laney, Salesman. THE J Hamlet Hospital W. D. JAMES, Surgeon in Charge A thoroughly equipped institution for the scientific treatment of Surgical, Medical, Xray and Radium cases. Special attention given to the removal of Tonsils and Aaenoius. to permit the grasshopper or other bait to drift iaiy anoiu on face of the water. The fisherman goes along the atream putting out more hooks and lines and pretty soon he returns rebaiting the hooks and se curing what they captured during his absence. Sometimes the bait does not drift about more than a minute or two before there Is a flash of gold and red clean out of the water and It Is gone into the capacious maw of a red breast which In turn will find e small but strong hook se curely fastened Into its mouth. A fellow almost hates to capture and take a red breast away from us nat ural elements, they are so prettv. I went with a party from here to down about twenty miles on the Waccamaw river one day last spring on a nshl trip and we got a lot of them. They taste as gooa as they look and I mean to learn how to catch them when an other spring conies around. I Jst know that if Pick MeGuIrt of Osceola or "Doodle" Frank Niven of Waxhaw were to come here and see a few or them they would want to take "P their residence here permanently. Thev would even tempt Will Hood of Waxhaw to give up his Job with the A. W. Heath company; to throw away oft th petsled hasrta of the rose from whenca iu fragrance ctma "jurt a little better than th on yon thought was belt" that i h tht wm3$ofEd't Stony, popular motion waurt uan "In Mouitit fralrane. dunty rctinemenl and charm, will find itMiich fnniU moni th Most ducriminttina worn. OtHr Day Draam Bondolr Cra tion. ara Tartan Toilet Watar, Talc, Sachat, Soap. Bohona Drug Co. For Sale Two good small dwellings on Alfalfa street. Cheap price and terms. A good five room dwelling on Bryan street. Good neighborhood. Good small dwelling on Washington street, cheap and all o. k. 23J2 acr right m the city limits; will make a bale of cotton to the acre. Has a good four room dwelling. 101 feet x 120 on pavement, good street; has a four room dwelling on it. G. B. CALDWELL. Bank of Union Buiding. l GF.T All the Time at FIVE AND TEX C'EXTH STOKE, "Where Every Little Bit Counts" rj Satiety Jictfrt tfiain Jiit' FOIt ALTO CALL Xo. . Good Curs. Careful Drivers. II. C. HIXSOX. We Have 50 Head Fretdi Mules from 1)00 to 1200 pounds, well broke ready for work. ALSO SOME FINE imOOD LKES. Give us a look. FOWLER & LEE. GORDON INSURANCE ami INVESTMENT CO. INSURANCE EXPERTS Phone 209. Farmers & Merchants Bank Ilutlding. Pile Cured la 6 to H Days taolaurrnrod money If PA20 OINTM NT fa!: MX.Ti.rhia R,n.i r.W nnor Prnirudji Pilr huuntlT ielr l.thin Pi.a, snd yoa cmn r mtf ul aterp I tar U tut aiKuiuUbb. fric . M. C. Howie FLECTHirAL COXTU U'TOH The years of satisfactory work that we have done for the people of Monroe is the best recommend ation for any one seeking an elec trical contract. We solicit yours on the basis of this reputation. .5.Xmx...::....:.. Charlotte Directory Don't Send your money to Richmond, Atlanta, and Other Far Off Markets. When You Can't Get What You Want at Home BUY IT IN CHARLOTTE! Established 1842 CHAS. M. STIEFF Manufacturer of Grand, Upright and Player Pianos. 210 S, Tryon St. Charlotte, X. C. D. M. MAXXIXG Mutineer. PIEDMONT HOTEL 39 S. Tryon St. One Block from Square. $1.00 STONEWALL HOTEL AND CAFE Lender In Gxm1 Thing to Eat. Come in nnl we are sure wo. . run plense you, .Next to Southern Depot. W. E, HOCKETT, Malinger. Rate without bath Ty .in n-:k kotk (1 K(i tvaic nun uaiu c.wv , SCHOLTZ THE FLORIST Everything in Flowers and Seed. Phones 411-412. 8 North Tryon Street Charlotte, N. C,