THE MONROE JOrRXAI.. Tl ESIVIV. OCTOHI IX 2H. 1919. BEFORE PLANTING In buying our Seed we pay more attention to PURITY and GERMINATION than we do to price. Our Motto is -RELIABLE SEED AT REASONABLE PRICES." STILL MAKING FRIENDS F. B.ASfiCRAFT AT THE OLD STAND KEAD THIS 1U:-SI K OF HOI K AM) LOT OX n J? 't t? Ti i I! pi it 8 it II m a s a H s E M 5 s E m. It Is Our Business to Fight the H. C. L. It is our policy to sell as cheap as we can. We believe in small profits with quick turnovers. Cheap overhead expense, on account of our location, enables us to sell at a smaller margin of profit. General Merchandise We carry an up-to-date line of Staple and Fancy Gro ceries and a full line of Shoes and Dry Goods. Evervthing for the family. SERVICE Prompt and courteous treatment whether your order is given in person or by phone with quick delivery to any part of the city. We Set the Pace FOR Country Produce We pay the top market prices for all kinds of country produce in season. We handle all you bring. T. w-xxK--HxK-M-:":-:xX"X EE & SON tt A.S !..S H tt tt tt tt ii i I? tt H H it a !i 1! 'Y tt E 3 3 ti ti M-x"Xxxxx-:x4.sxX':x:x:X''y K-xXKKKKXK"X-xXKMKSxX';-M";"i-;"C,iKM 'IF IT'S GOOD TO EAT WE HAVE IT 'PHONE 336. iil SOCIAL PERSONAL AXTOIXETTE BEASLEV, Social Editor Office Fhone 19 Residence Phone 89-R Hudson. Eleanor Stevens. Katherfhe English. Sara Ashrraft. Louisa An derson. Charlotte Houston. William Simpson. V. C. Austin. Edwin Win chester. George Laney. Tom Young. John Lee Austin. David Houston and Gustave Henderson. ! For more than a week the Fordson Tractor has been demonstrating HILLSIDE PLOWING at Mt. Airy, North Wilkes boro, Henrietta, Lenoir, Asheville and Monroe and has proven that it not only plows these hill sides successfully, but has demonstrated its belt power by drilling rock, ginning cotton, cutting ensilage, sawing wood, grinding, and doing all farm work where belt power is re quired. Three Fordsons are now in use by the Durham County Road Commission building a National Highway through Durham. Where power is required the Fordson will supply it efficiently and econom ically. .. 1.3 ri J 1 TAT The FORDSON Tractor PRICE $730.00, F.O.B., DEARBORN, MICH. Henderson Garage and Machine Co. Ford Cars, Ford Trucks, Fordson Tractors, Genuine Ford Parts. Oliver Plows, Amsco Seed Drills, Roderick Lean Harrows, McKay Disc Plws, Oliver Culti-Packers. 70 of all the Tractors in the world are "FORDSONS" "An acre an hour Kerosene for Power Mrs. Hattie Strayhorn of Thoinas v.lle is the guest of Mrs. M. K. Lee. Mrs. A. S. Morrison, after an ex tended visit to friends and relatives lure, has returned to her home in Hartsville. The hich school foot ball- team were hosts at a delightful party last Friday evening at tne home or Jir. Garah Caldwell. The team from Raird s school In Charlotte were the honor guests. Delightful refresh miiis ininch. sandwiches, cream and cake were served to about fifty young people by Mrs. G. B. Caldwell. Mrs. Horace Neal. Misses OUie Alexander and Eleanor Gurney. Miss Thema Carroll of Timnions- ville. S. C. spent Sunday with Miss Claudia Sanders. Mrs. DeWitt Bradford and children of Davidson are the guests of Mrs. Bradford's mother. Mrs. M. A. Alex ander. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sikes and C. C Jr.. are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hudson in Dur ham. Miss Genleveve Smith of Charlotte spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Smith. Mrs. F. T. Holton of Winston-Salem is the Sliest of Miss Antoinette Beas- ley. Mr. J. C. Brooks has moved his family from Marsliville to the house adjoining Mr. R. B. Redwine's home on the Wuxhaw road. He has opened n oltice in the court house. The retlrina president of the Book ings Cliil.. Mrs. W. B. Love, was hostess to. the club Saturday after noon. During the war the Booklovers suspended activities, but have reor ganized, with Mrs. Albert Keafearn president mul Mrs. Allen Heath sec retary. Additional members are Mesdaines K. B. Stack. W. S. Basker- ville. V. J. Heath. J. J. Parker. Har grove Bowles, Frank Rose, C. N. Simpson. Jr., H. L. Payne. J. C. M. Vann, A. L. Monroe and F. O. Hen derson. Mesdaines A. M. Secrest, Heath Lee and C. M. Redfern were Invited to Join the club. Mrs. Julian Smith, who has been in a hospital in Charlotte for some time, returned home yesterday. M ss F.lizabeth Smith, who is In trainiuy In it Richmond hospital, has been spending several weeks with her mother in Charlotte. Miss Pat Adams has returned to Concord after a month's visit to rel atives here. Mis Sarah Redwlne. a teacher in the Wadesboro high school, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. U. Redwlne. The Chautauqua club held a call ed meeting -Wednesday afternoon with the vice-president, Mrs. W. B. Love. Several members have com pleted the four years course In the Chautauqua literary and scientific course of home reading. The same course will be continued, and as this Is the American year the members an ticipate an interesting and helpful program. Mesdaines W. J. Rudge, E. C. Ingram and Sam Phifer were elected members. Other members are Mesdaines W. C. Crowell, G. H. Mears, Eugene Ashcraft. W. B. Love, C. B. Adams. W. C. Sanders, A. M. Secrest, R. W. Allen. Lloyd Sutton, J. A. Wray, E. C. Winchester and Roscoe Phifer. Mesdaines Wrlston Lee, J. W. Yates and daughter. Miss Carson Yates, are spending a while In New York, Baltimore and Washington. Mrs. D. L. Middleton has returned from a visit to Norfolk. Mrs. E. H. Austin is visiting rela tives in Hartsville, S. C. Little Celeste Armfteld entertained a number of friends last Friday af ternoon from 4 to 6. After playing many Interesting games Mesdaines Ella Houston and Allen Heath served a delicious salad course to the youth ful guests. Those enjoying this oc casion were Johnnie Belk. Katherine Redfern. Chat lie and Helen Cason, Margaret Dixon Sikes. Franc s Green, Isabelle Heath, Virginia Neal, Ellie j Cut Flowers l ft 1 J : .lit - . V ""' ursigus, wruuing uuqueia. - j m . . , i , , j uunni vi an Kinus. Prices reasonable. We make shipments to Waxhaw, Marshville, Wingate and other nearby towns. - CODE MORA AN At Vnlon Drug Co. Phone 221. We are in the market for WHOLE MILK and SOUR CREAM at HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. Individual Shipments Given Prompt Attention. If interested Phone or write SPRINGDALE DAIRY Charlotte, N. C. ULXTOX HUGHTS. ; Under and by virtue of an order of sale made In the special proceeding entitled "H. H. McLendon. W. E. , Brock, et als. ex parte." which said special proceeding is docketed In the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Union County. North Carolina, I will, on Sntiinlay, the 8th day of Xov., 1919. at the court house door In the city of Monroe. Union county, and state of North Carolina, expose to public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at twelve o'clock, one house and lot in Benton Heights, described and defined as follows: Beginning at a rock or stake on the east edge of Concord road, Tom Helms' corner on said road, and runs N. or along said east edge of Concord Road 70 feet to a rock or stake, G. M. Tucker's corner or division line; thence east along G. M. Tucker'a di vision line 210 feet to a rock or stake, Mrs. E. E. Fitzgerald's and G. M. Tucker's cerner; thence along Mrs. E. E. Fitzgerald's line South 70 feet to a stake or rock In Tom Helms' line; thence west 210 feet to the beginning, being a part of that parcel of land ful ly described in deed dated November 8. 1906. from Mrs. E. E. Fitzgerald to G. M. Tucker. Bidding to begin at 1905.00. This the 24th day of Oct.. 1919. JOHN C. SIKES. Commissioner. accidents. Pastime Theatre FRIDAY OLIVE TELL In a vivid picturization of the celebrated play "THE TRAP" By Richard Harding Daris and Jules Eckert Goodman. ONE DAY ONLY. 10 and I5c. Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Pastime Theatre. Mules and Mares We have received from Kansas City two car loads of Mules and Mares. These mules are extra good. Seven mated pairs. Some medium broad kind of mated teams. Some extra good brood mares. . We have something that will please everybody. Terms cash or good paper. United States Railroad Administration Director General of Railroads SEABOARD Air Line Railroad Trains Arrive Leave No. 14 from Charlotte .... 6.50 a.m. 6. 65 a. m. for Wilmington. No. 12 from Atlanta ...... 6.45 a.m. 6. 60 a. m. for Richmond. No. 34 from Rutherfordton 10.55 a.m. 11.00 a. m. for Raleigh. No. 5 from Portsmouth .. 8.65 a.m. 9.00 a, m. for Atlanta. No. 19 from Wilmington .. 11.45 a.m. 11.50 a. m. for Charlotte. No. 15 from Monroe 7.30 a. m. for Rutherfordton. No. 29 from Monroe . . 11.55 a. m. for Atlanta. No. 31 from Raleigh 2.40 p.m. 2.45 p. m. for Rutherfordton No. 20 from Charlotte .... 6.50 p. m. COO p. m. for Wilmington. No. 30 from Atlanta 5.50 p. m Monroe. No. 16 from Rutherfordton 9.20 p.m Monroe. No. 6 from Atlanta t 10.00 p. m. 10.10 p. m. for Portsmouth. No. 13 from Wilmington .. 10.35 p.m. 10.45 p. m. for Charlotte. r No. 11 from Portsmouth .. 11.35 p.m. 11.45 p. m. for Atlanta. C. T. HARRILL, , JOIIJi T. WEST, Ticket Agent. Dlvlxlon riwnenger Agent