the moxkoe jnrnvir. Turin v. nrrmmFn t. mm. We Offer Our Customers The Services of a Modrenand Progressive Bank. Their needs are always considered thoroughly by our officers. We are always jrlad to extend accommodations ou as liberal terms as the rules of uiodern banking will permit. We f elicit the checking accounts of Firms and Individuals. This ltnk isn't trying toniake money OUT of its customer, but to make money WITH thrtn. THE rarmerss Merchants Bank The Bank That Backs the Farmer. C. B. Adams, Cshier. 51. K. Lee, President. Mmllimed a Trunk Key. 1 "I have tw&llowed a key to lock my brain," is the remark attributed to i Leiand Jordan, a 14-year-old school' boy. i:i West Durham, when it was found that he had actually nwallowed j a trunk key. The teacher had been from the room a few minutes and up on returning found the pupils in a' great commo'ion. and inquiry devel oped that he had swallowed a thin trunk key. about an inch and a half by half an inch wide. The young man was ruxhed to the Watts hospital where auX-ray machine dis-! closed the key at the lower part of the throat, Physicians, after a eriod of strenuous work, it is stated, relieved the young man of the foreign matter, i and he is now at school and happily makes the statement that he had "rather study than lock his brain." It is generally believed, says a Dur ham dispatch, that young Jordan had the key in his mouth and accidentally locking his brain was retarded as a joke. Why Not Now? We now have on hand GO head of Horses, Mares and Mules. No matter what your taste, we can fill your bill. A carload of extra good Mules, fine haired, good qualitied, sound and young, just received from Kan sas City. Also a number of good farm mares, blocky and workers. We have what you want, come and give us a look. For sale or exchange at reasonable prices. Cash or time. We appreciate your trade and will do our utmost to take care of our customers L. S. Fowler & Co. At Armfield Old Stand. Made Mo a Weil Man Mr. Louis Young:, 1G."2 ! Suffered thirty i Clifford St., Rochester, N. Y., writes: "I ii-ifTiirJ for thirty years with clirnl'ic iMiwtl trouble, uluir 11 Mi trouble li nil briuorrbuii of the iitmt-l'i. l.ovu.-5'.t a hettl of rerun:: Mid I Hi.k it fruitfully, mid I kr'i in tn tri'l hrtlrr. .i.V v.". to 1"'IMi;ii:i 'I Iti to con t!r. :'t, ur.d 1 ;.( it fur o:ue tir 'irtctnl. Nov 1 m well n:tn." p 3 ml years with stomach trouble and hemonhages of the bowels. I.liliild or Tablet Form FORI) REPAIRING A SPECIALTIY. 5 Next to Baptist Church. 5 S FISK TIRES. FORD TARTS. j X Wk ft ... - At . I Am Climbing Mountarnsx A harmonious Tenor DUet This sentimental song of child hood's and manhood's dreams and ambitions is a beautiful bit of harmony. Roth this song and the coupling "Golden Gate" are JiVW worthy successors io i ni rur ttlowins? Bubbles." bv the ""'same authors. Charles Harrison and Lewis James a new combi nationsing them wonderfully. A-2791-85C Other Good Records THE W. J. RUDGE COMPANY JEWELERS AND STATIONERS. Tin di'twin Wat teu fct AMsst tr V.w t p-, Curcu m 6 to M Days . .. . t Shot in Time. A ceiia'n sportsman went out for a clay's rotih shoot inc. He was not a particularly pood shot, and so he Mi noihinc; but since he was rather ashamed to return empty-handed, ho, hough t a hare in the lovii on his way home. He presented the liare to his wife, who. after responding with the usual congratulations, thoughtfully re marked: "l"o you know, it was a Rood thing you idiot that hare when you did, John; it wouldn't have' kept another! day." S.U.K OK l,AXI. Under and by virtue of an order made by U. W. Lemiiiond, Esq., Clerk of the Superior Court of Union Coun ty, N. C, in the Special Proceeding! entitled "(ireen Whitley vs. Roy Brewer." the undersigned Commis sioners will, on Saturday, U7th Day of bereinlier, 1919. at 12 o'clock M.. at the court house door in Monroe. X. C, sell at public unction to the highest bidder the following tract or lot of land, ly-: iiig and beiiiK In Union County, N. C, on the waters of Stewart's Fork creek, adjoining the lands of Thos. F. Hill. Henry Cut lee, Hulda GulledRe and others, and hounded as follows: : lN'jiintiins at u stake by two Hed Oaks, a P. O. nnd Hickory in the Mot ran Mill public road, a chain Xorlh of the "footer" pond, the beginning corner of Lot. No. ti. ami with a liiu thereof X. 75 S-J W. 44 cIih. to a Spanish Oak by 2 Spanish Oaks and Maple on the Southeast bank of Slew Pit's Fork Creek, ut n bluff at n bend in the creek, a coiner of raid Lot C; thence down the various courses of said creek, the channel thereof being the line. iil;oi:i f!" chs. to an Overcup tH'.'t tree by 2 Maples on the South hank ol said creek, above and near die mouth of a small branch; thence X. 2 V. 20 chs. and " links, crossing t In- i reek and a pond to a slake by 2 pines, P. O. and IS. O.. M. F. Medlin's coiner; thence with a line of the M. F. M dlin land S. "4 K. 19 chs nnd 20 links to a Persimmon tree by 2 Per-, Simmon trees, u W. O. and Wild Cher-; ry tree, on the West bank of said j creek; thence down ami with the va-j Hons courses of said creek, the chan-i tiel being the line, about 15 chs. and 5o links lo a stake by an Elm tree and Sweet Gum tree on th Fast hank of said creek at a bluff or mill seal; thence X. 83 K. 5 chs. nnd 75 links with Chaney's line lo raid public road; thence with the various courses of said public road in a southerly di rection to the beginning, containing 102 acres, more or less, and known as Lot 7 in the partition of the Clem ent B. Cutlee estate lands, made un der the Will of said Curlee and allol ed and assigned to said Frances M. Newsont, nee Curlee, Feb., 1887. the report of which is registered in office of the Register of Deeds or said county In "Record of Deeds No. 2t," page 238 lo 342. IVrnis of sale: Cash. This 25th dav of November. 1919. T. F. LIMERICK, J. C. S1KES, Commissioners. XOTICK. North Carolina, Union County: In the Superior Court J. S. Stearne, Plaintiff, vs. W. N. Ashe, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior court of Union county, for the purpose of recovering Judgment vs. the defendant for the sum of $920.20, damages sustained by the plaintiff by vlrture of the fact that the defendant failed to carry out a certain contract made with the plaintiff of about 250 thousand brick, and the said defend and will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the office of clerk of Superior court of said county on the 9th day of Jan., 1920, at the courthouse in Monroe. N. C, nnd an swer or demur to the complaint In said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 5th day of December, 1919. R. W. LEMMOND, C. S.C. John C. Sikes, Ally for Plaintiff. TOYS and JOYS tor GIRLS and BOYS Never before have our floors teemed with ruch a wonderful array of goods for the holidays. Our second floor, "The Toy Shop of Monroe," U literally overbuldging with fascinating doll.? "made in America," games, guns, mechanical toys, doll carriages, toy farm wagons, express wagons, wheel barrows, toy cookstoves, "scoot ers," coaster wogons, autos, and other toys far too numerous to mention. For the old we have a large variety of useful and practical gifts like silverware, chinaware, dinner sets, handy articles for the home and kitchen, and a thousand and one other things. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY Though we have a large stock, there is a big shortage of Christmas goods in this section, and we do not expect to begin to fill the demand; so come while "the pickings are good." Aosttiim & Clornte 5 and 10 Cents Store Headquarters for Santa Claus 4 ?? ?'? V? ...j. I A A H m Y? in y A A I Jt.A A ft M i ' Y'C ! Yr XX 14 tertn ol it -cie w! rt, I. AX v T1VK BROMUVri f -i " Cuimrt tl ' '" Bfrvoa.iii oo' imairif la licid. Rtmrr tV? lull n-i:.ert louk tut ike iin.u v,' OKOVlu .t Nothing a rkaaure when it be comes a habit. w f . t nMnu it DA?r. ftfVTvr vr : ' lo .. '.cl.tne. B..n.-. Wt$tatYrxvitot Tive 1 i j-: niurn t.M',H Pi."--, tee you r-.o ? i-.'iili-'jr" ' ' " " Prcjc Love is the lamp by which the r-cv.) is uidet! through despair to ha;'it.sB. u YY Y Ti YY XOTICK Nrrth Carolina, Union County. In the Srperior Court T. McCain, bv his nc- frlen l r.n 1 wlie, Lizzie McCain. s. Tlior a" Craig, et als. Tho above named defendarts. "'homas Crai?. John Craig. K!' ' 'raig, George Mi-Dow. M""w lola'id MiDow. Lee Xi'Mw, Lcr '.r .'icDov. J C. M: Dow. twood .:c low nnd Heik McDew will take in i!ce t nat a K)eciul procemling hp It td .if above has bivtl coMimcnced I'' tV "ntper or court of Union coun' ! -r he par' it ion of the land- descri'."'d "he petition in this ra (; Bud tho th defendants will further take ti.. 'Ice.Liat they an- retMil'ed to :pi'e ' .it t!:- oflitr of 'he Cle of the S' perioi Ct t'rt of saidC'i n;v, i ' t i ; -'o:f f lU'-ue i i Monret". N. C. t'dity, ."i.h da'' of Ji .tiary. It".", Mid nnsw-er or denoT 'o tlu- com , taint, or petition in ai,i luooJiti-, or the t:.i;titirf will M'ply to t i. runt for the r I'ef denuitded in Ms r.;; la:nt. v ,im 2'h'i o.i : f D 0"i-.b-r. 1919. li. V,. T.LMMOND. C. S. C ,r I., Frkor k Craig. .Vitys. STATEMENT OF The Bank of Union MONROE, N. C. ' NOVEMBER 17th, 1919 (Condensed from Report to the North Carolina Corporation Commission) RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $ 744,499.12 Furniture and Fixtures 6,041.25 Insurance Premiums 3,857.50 United States Liberty Bonds 17,600.00 Stocks 2,500.00 Cash on Hand and Due from Banks . 386,650.52 $1,161,148.39 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 94,352.93 Notes Re-discounted : . 10,000.00 Dividends Unpaid 807.50 Deposits 1,005,987.96 $1,161,148.39 We be to call your attention to the above statement showing Total Deposit of $1,005, 987.96, a gain of $476,782.61 in deposits in one year, evidencing the confidence and support accorded us by the people of this section. This increase is not the result of any unusual transaction every dollar of the above deposits belongs to the people of this community, and we wish to express our ap preciation to our friends in assisting us to make this showing pos sible. Our facilities justify confidence and patronage. We invite both larfre nnd small dennsitnrs tn im'n nnd n-rnvv with us I Y - i j j,. .. .. .w. I The Bank of Union 4 it n I? a yI x yX ?Y ST yytYr It ..:. Y 'h v It it k It h tt tY tt 1 ?t r tt