THE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY READS IT -Tfig union count f papeii everybody needs it ie Monroe Journal PUBLISHED TWICE EACH WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY VOLUME 26. No. 47 MONROE, N. O, TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1920. $2.00 PER YEAR CASH LOCAL INTELLIGENCE !su,'in he ",in T'ral I weeks late and the men who had ron- " """" -" Itracted to do the lhuterin tot other LatCSt HaPPeninSTS In and Job' Shortage of men In the plaster- I !na tMjA ha,. ....... A 1 lnin..lkU MS 11 Uu lias UIU. l IUIIUBB1UIV IU ret thU work done. Plasterers have been secured now, however, and will begin on the hospital this week. Most of the material for finishing the hos pital is on hand and with the plaster- quar-jm done mere snouta not be runner delay. In speaking of the rise of Judge Watt P. Stacey, Democratic nominee for the supreme court, a former resi dent of Union county, and room-mate Around Monroe. A (icnic will be held at Sell's fish pond, Saturday, July 31st. Mr. H. A. Redfearn of Wingate cut two tons or nay on one and a ter acre j of laud this spring. The:e will be no reunion at the home of J. R. Sweatta this year on ac count of sickness. There will he a nioeiin? arlv (VI. day morning or all persons Interested of W- B- Love Bt ,ne l'"'y. n In the Macedonia cemetery for the w!amin",on s,ar ' "Locating in Mr. liroom Tell the liiionvllle Cor reMMHiilent How to Successfully Cultivate Corn. To the Editor of The Journal: In the last issue of The Journal your UnionWlle correspondent asked about the cultivation of corn in dry weather and since the drought has been broken we will answer by saying a few things about l lie growing and cultivation of corn in general. To grow corn profit ably we need a soil high in humus content. The average soils in this section contain only about one and one-half per cent of humus and the average yield is about twenty bushels per acre. Whenever we find a farmer making forty bushels or corn per acre we find that he has attained this yield by Increasing the humus con tent or his aoil, preparing a deeper seed bed, fertilizing judiciously, and proper cultivation. Water is the most important element in the pro duction of crops. It requires about three hundred and fifty pounds of wa ter to produce a pound of dry mat ter in the corn plant on good laud and about five hundred pounds or wa ter produce a pound or dry matter ir the corn is grown on poor land. We see that poor soils requires more rain to make a crop than do rich soils. So at a glance, we see the im portance or improving our soils through the incorporation or organic matter. This can be most cheaplv done by putting on cover crops, such as rye, oats, crimson clover, bur clover and vetch, as winter cover wars was onlv $1.29. From his la- and soybeans, cowpeas. lespe- listicul table this miner also learns lez:i and red clover as catch or inier- thut: The total rural school census tillftl crops. Just in proportion as is 11.9f6: enrollment, l(i.xr.!i; nver-'e Increase the humus content of our aire attendance. fi.!7S: number of soils no we increase tnelr nitrogen The Wesley Chapel liiuh school children f comnulsorv attendance 'content and water holding power, and purpose or clearing off the grounds. Mr. J. L. Davis of Waxhaw route 4 presented The Journal Saturday with some of the finest peaches seen on the market this year. Prof. G. W. Moser requests The Journal to announce that he will start a sioging school at Olive Branch Mon day, July 26th. Mr. A. B. Helms, who lives on route 2, six miles north of town, reports that he has discovered what he thinks to be boll weevils in his cotton. Those Interested are requested to meet at New Salem church. In 'Mon roe township, Saturday morning for the purpose or cleaning the ceme tery off. Cabbage are being sold on the Monroe market at ten cents per pound. For the cost or five pounds at this price, one could have bought a htyidrcd pounds ten years ago. Kverone, old and young, is invit ed to a supper to be given at Fairview school house In Mecklenburg county next Saturday night, July 24. begin ning nt 8 o'clock; Proceeds go to the; Pleasant Plain church. Wilmington several years ago. Judge Stacy associated himself with the late Graham Kenan. Esq., in the law firm or Kenan k Stacy, which firm ope rated successfully until time or disso lution, January, 1916, when he was appointed judge of the superior court or North Carolina. Judge Stacy spent his boyhood days at Weaverville. Bun combe county. He afterwards en tered the University or North Caro lina, graduating In 1908. In 1915, Judge Stacy was a member or the State legislature from New Hanover county, and he served with conspicous merit during his tenure. In January, 1916, he was appointed judge of the superior court. He was elected to the judgeship in November of that year." According to statistics compiled by Mr. Ray Fuiiderburk. county superin tendent of public schools, the average monthly cost of tuition in the fiscal year just closed for each Union coun ty child between the ages ol 6 to 21 CORN .NEEDS SOIL HIGH IX CONTENTS OK HUMUS PROTECT THOSE PRISONERS AT AM. HAZARDS SAYS BICKETT "Shoot Straight," hi the Order Uiven by the Governor to Captain in Charge of Machine Gun Company at lirahani. Asheville. July lg. "Captain Fowler, protect those prisoners at all hazards, and notify the people I have ordered you and your machine gun ners to shoot straight if an attempt on the lite of the prisoners Is made." was the order given by Governor Bickett to-iight over long distance telephone from Asheville to Captain Marion B. Fowler, captain of the Durham machine gun company, which is protecting the Jail at Graham, in which three negroes, charged with an assault on a white woman, were lodged to-day. Later Governor Bickett got into communication with Captain Fowler and learned that the machine gun ners had the situation well in hand, and at ten o'clock to-night quiet prevailed. opened for the 1920-21 term this .,.., si?!' average attendance of .their power to produce crops morning' with appropriate exercises, (.i.i,ir,n r ,.. nulsnrv school ace. The seed bed should be at least and an address by Kay Funderbui k, 1 4 s7;i number of ' teachers 169 F'x lo eitht Inches deep, thoroughly county superintendent ot schools, 1 i..,, so colored- number teachers pulverized. 1 he preparation ol the Prof. 1.. A. Price Is in charge of the i,,,,i,, male certificates 12u white seed bed is perhaps the most Import- land 9 colored- number of teachers m operation in me production 01 men report that Repub- lidding second grade certificates 79 , '' conl rr"l- He who plants on a iwhite and 41 colored; number giailu- j I ' prepared seen lien invites 1.111- ....... 1...... mm., it schools mill colleges , nt e ami it usually conies without u -25 while and 9 colored; number of teachers who tauah first ear in pres ent school. 16S:' number of teachers who taught second year In present ! school. SS; number teachers who I school Tiavelin iicans over the Slate are claiming ihal the entire Monroe bar will sup port Mr. J. J. Parker lor Governor. This is t-ironeous. The only tuciuher nf the local bar who will vote for Mr. Paiker Is Mr. W. B. Love, a life long republican, so the lawyers claim. The officers captured a seventy- taught third year in present school gallon copper Btill and seven gallons 9: number illiterates 12 to 21 years ..f be ou. the farm of Alexander of age 30 wnue, iwa coioieq; mim- Purser, in New Salem township, ber one-learner senoois jd wnue. Thursday. On the rollowlng day they j 42 colored; nntuoer iwo-iearner found a small ten-gallon galvanized scnoois 4s wnue. - onuira: iron still In a buggy on J. W. Jenkins' 1 ber inree-teacner scnoois m wnue, I arm In Lanes Creek township. . no colored; number rour or more -or 1,.., Mr. J. L. Taylor and Mis. Maggie ! ' "hools7 .hl' 'avinr rf iuirhier of Fl.ler Henrv Tav- average annual salary or rural teach- given a deep .second invitation. On most soils in this county it Is advisable to plant ill open furrow, three or four inrhes below level of surface and one and one-half to two inches deep owing to condition of land and seasons. The first cultivations can, moat economically done witn section har row, going with the rows a rew days after planting, and again a rew days later until the corn is large enough number rour or more 'for the cultivator. When the corn is about eignt inches nign it may oe cultivation, say three Inrhes deep, and after this. total 'the cultivation should he more shal- ft. ... . t. a i. a k .Hr 111 HIIU1 iruilirm, .... ... lull rieu Ul llie luiilir Ul cimi. o. n, - . . ,sq. Helms. Mr. Taylor a a prosper- "..:. . fll,.-b,,r ,hat ,he whole purpose or cult! ,t.UU, 0'rnmr m'", w. - - - ... . . , . . . . . i ni l.m u t H f ft v n-uuil i cinn if t the nome ot fcsq. s. a. - ' , . . . . . ,, . low. aiwav taking care not to inlure leltns on Benton Heights Sunday by ' ' - ,h. Vnm. in the c,7ltivtlon. Remem- .. in 1 moil cipiiiuj o i ii . ii - - --- -- - Bins lartner aim sirs. iaior is a pop- ;.'..-...; MI,, -', VMr 'vatlon is to destroy weeds and to (Jilar young woman, both having many 60,- unserve moisture. Weeds take mols- nends. ' ... t-iru frnm Hie snll ihev lake nlant Heath Helms, the flrteen-year-old ... . , t 'reod also, and should not be allowed (on of Mr. Coleman Helms, who re-1 "r ' ' "L, ' . ,, ' ' lo : row. Many fanners seem lo think umcd a few weeks ago from a trip fnlbu J " ,,,iddlp9 need ,0 b 0 South American points with Wll- ;j ' '"..n prart Irtll v III vtlr-"'-1 broken up at a later date than .he iam Stack, died Friday In Charlotte .'l' " 'm'!.' fhl ,,,n -'llnie mentioned above, and so they rom the effect of Injuries he sus tained on a leg a number of years igo. Funeral services were held at Uethleheni Methodist church Sat- lirday. The Monroe and Lincolnton base tall teams will engage in a series of wo games at Roberts' Held Wednes- lay and Thursday, July 21 ant 22. iinrolnton has one of the strongest Itioiu In the ci y of Monroe, the 1110 t:oHnvor;'.i be' . license tax on gaso I'.i.' 1:11! :g t' (Ions located on the street.'. Thev levied a lax of $11)0 for 1 arh s.alii n an.l reserve the nu therliy ; 1 have the station removed ui anv t'i ie tl: y mav see tit and pro hlbi' any furi'.i.-r ioas being placed on tlu fide walk- lii the town. The board nr. inlmoiisly con- do clop cultivation when the corn two to lhre feet high and tear the ren'.'. of the corn in a fearful m.-nner. They forget that the seed bed was, or Jionld have been pre pared, before the rrtp was planted, that the ion s that are being plowed up are out In the middles seeking I ..nt 11 rage, plant food and water. That when these roots are torn out they are temporarily destroying the power it. mi nud ilia tilnrin.- nf fsoline ser- P111114 lii Ihi slate mid some fust olav-t. , .. ,1... u Tk. ng is expected. Thompson. Unlver-' gs " L , , and ' !'' 10 omi aml 'a,Pr' Ity of Tennessee pitcher, who twirl- ' ' ' " V, ,.,,,' ,v (,t,er '' " ,ne' urP l,v xh" very opera d a .....hit came aeainst Vanderbilt n " P. " " V . ... ..." lion driving moisture from the soil ind fanned 24 men, will work In the:,.1(1. h' rnl,' . ,,,.-, n10,. i by opening It up and let! lug in the lox for Monroe In one of the games. Ten or fifteen Monroe citizens have Prui of ,h(1 rnv na(j ln P fu). ignilu d Iheir inteiitloti of going lo ; pieniented, and the board after some Ualelgh on the August loth to at- 'deliberation and discussion passed an end the good roads rally. Mr. Ms-, act last night whereby practically et, secretary of the Chamber ot Com- L-verv business house and profession Inerce, is making an effort to secure t,a( lnpy could tax will have to make couple of Pullman cars for the n small donation to the city treasury. Monroe delegation. The Icemoiiee Tno money therefrom will mostly be .and will be curried along. Among lmed extending the city's sewerage hose who are going ar Mayor Sikes .vstem in order to take care of the ind Mr. F. 0. Henderson, president ,,resent demands. A complete list of .f Ihe local booster organization. ilnP spelcal taxes levied will be puo D. B. Smith, of Charlotte, former lished this week. It Is the concensus .iviiteimnt-Governor Newland, W. E.'of opinion that the service station Irock. Fred Hackett. J. C. M. Vann. located on the streets will be removed lind several others are among those neiitloned as the probable sucessors o W. C. Hammer. United States dls rlct attorney, who is the Democratic ongresslonal nominee trom this dis- rict. Newland has the endorsement (levying privilege taxes, but the Ken- rather than pay the license tax, ex cept those in front of garages, and this Is what It seems the board wants done. If they are removed forthwith, they will not have to pay the license tax. Anolherextraordlnarychanire was f Senator Overman, and It Is thought ,niade when Mr. J. D. Bundy and Mr. hat he will receive the appoint-iW. F. Lemmond exchanged positions, neut if he desires It. Mr. Vann Is Mr. Lemmond now becomes head of iiaking no effort to land the Job. the police and fire department and The barn of Mr. Marshall Simpson f New Salem township wbs deslroy d bv fiie caused by lightning about .vc o'clock Friday afternoon. Two alttable mares, a lot of feed and arm Implements were consumed by he flames. The loss amounted lo bout I2JA0. Mr. Simpson .war rrom home with a threshing kuttit at the time and there was no ne to help Mrs. Simpson save the rooertv. She succeeded in getting ne or the horses out of the stable. ut when turned loose, it would not eave Its mate, which was killed by he bolt of lightning whicn nrea tne uildlne. The mules when turned loose galloped away to safety. Work on the Ellen Fitzgerald Me lorlal Hospital, which has been de rived for several months on account f inability to get materials and labor. . Ill be resumed this week and will be nshe.l ranldlv to completion, accord- big to Ihe secretary of the board or rusteei. Delayed shipments 01 neai- fig equipment made the work or in- Mr. llundy head of the sanitary and cemetery department. Can Ignorant Wife Hold Her Hus band's love? Do you think a girl who, though was 'exquisitely beautiful. Is so Ignorant she can neither read nor write can hold the love of a man or wealth and genius? This Is a question raised in the romantic drama. "The A. B. C. or Love." ln which Mae Murray, the maid of manv moods, is starring at the Pastime Theater, Thursday. Have you picked out a spot for planting late crop Irish potatoes? Owing to the high price of potatoes at this time, and the reported small quantity In cold storage, it seems as if this crop will prove profitable to the grower. By all means, every farmer and tenant should plant an acreage large enough to supply his own fiiully. The Progressive Farmer. hot air and sunshine, and Ihus de priving the plant of Its most needed element, water. When the com and rotlon roots gel Into the middles we want our fields to feel like a dusty road when walking across them, dusty on top and firm ground under neath.' Now is 10 cultivation In dry weath er. Should we continue to cultivate regardless of whether rain falls be tween times for cultivation? ies cultivation should be given every week or ten days In order to keep the dust mulch perfect. If we cease to cultivate the winds and the nat ural settling of the soli will restore capllarlty and moisture will evapo rate rapidly. However, the cultiva tion should be shallow and with Im plements that will not turn or ex pose the moist soil beneath. How shall we cultivate now since the rains have fallen? All cultiva tion should be shallow and the cul tivation should continue well Into Au gllHt. t. J. W. Broom. Picnic nt Eleiieier. There will be a picnic on the grounds of Ebenezer church In Goose Creek township on Saturday, July 24. It will be remembered that this church was In the wake of the cy clone which came through this county on April 12th. Visitors from all over the State have journeyed to Its grounds to see the devastation, and it will long stand as a remembrance of that destructive storm. The public Is cordially invited to gather at 9:30 a. m.. bringing with them well filled baskets, and they are assured or an edjoyable time. There will be retreshmenta or all kinds on the grounds and Interesting contests will be staged. . Afternoon speakers will be present. Come and learn and enjoy yourslf . hay. A day spent l:i pulling hay with a wonderful day's outing andlrroo "a f ill produce more feed breathe" the good air of Ebenezer than can be gathered In a week bv community. J. 0. Baucoia, InUUn j the slow method or pulling Todder. Trail Route 1. we should not pull fodder any way, Graham, July IS. Making two attempts in broad daylight to-day to lynch three negroes held In the Alamance county jail here, an angry mob of over fifteen hundred persons was held off by Sheriff C. B. Story of Alamance, and four deputy sheriffs until the machine gun company sent to Graham to-day from Durham, un der orders of Governor Bickett, ar rived to check further trouble. The mob was oultalked by Sheriff Story. The three negroes, William Lee and Jim Hazel, both of Burlington, and Arthur Veasey of Klon College, are being held in the Alamance jail on suspicion of having criminally hs- iiiulted a while woman, aged twenty- even, of IiMilinnlon, at the home of her husband there last night nt nine o'clock. Her husband, an electrician at :he power house there, had gone up to the li'lsiuess seel ion of Burling ton whi n a negro entered th" home, drew B pistol m the wile, who was alone v illi her little child, attacked her and made his escape. Upon her husband's return home, the alrtn was sounded and the search for Ihe negro continued .til right without result. Sheriff S'ory sent for bloodhounds at KalHtii. which arrived at Cra haui at six o'clock this morning. They Immediately picked up the trail and tinted it a few miles from Bmi ingloj at a ne.gvo house where Jim HaM 'and Arthur Veasey were ar rested at about seven o'clock this morning. The negro Lee was ar resied on suspicion as he seemed lo resemble the description given by the woman of her assailant. He was at rested near the Burlington hospital at the home of his father. He had been employed at the hospital. The negroes were taken before the woman this morning but she was un able to Identify positively any of Ihe three as her assailant. She Is in a rather serious condition and nervous ness lesultlng from the attack helped to make identification Impossible. Ily this time the mob was large ami at about twelve o'clock to-day made the first attempt to secure the negroes and lynch them. Sheriff Story told the mob that none of the neniocs had been Identified as tin miilty person and asked it to dis-iei-e. The mob left the Jail and made no further attempt until live o'clock this afternoon, when a second at lack was made, the mob beating on 'lie doors of the Jail. . Again SlieiiiT Story asked the mob to let the law take Its course, and the mob left again. It was a thoroughly aroiinsed col lect ion of men from Alamance. Iliii'tnrd and Orange counties. None 01 lite members of the mob wore niH-ki. .t six o'clock this afternoon lb Dni'i.iin company of militia arrived, aim t thlriy-flve men under the coi:i iiur..i of Captain Fowler, coming thiii'ivih the country, in trucks and Immediately went to Ihe jail to pre vent mob violence. By this time the ram was falling and the mob began to disperse. The city has quietd down after a day of turmoil and no further trouble is expected. It is the Intention of the authori ties to remove the negroes to the penitentiary at Raleigh fur safe keeping. The request for troops was made to Governor aboui two o'clock to-day by the coun ty com m issloners of Alamance county. The three negroes all deny any connection with the crime. They ran-e In age from about 22 to -years. for we pay for it twice when we get our winter feed by this method. Coker has found that the yield of corn is reduced twenty-five per cent on corn producing forty bushels ht acre. Lloyd in Mississippi found the loss less in some rases, but even higher than those of Coker in others. Duggar or Alabama says that the loss will be from three to five bushels per acre wheu Ihe blades are nulled, he also says, that leaves w ill equal about one-fourth Hie grain in weighr. and this agrees prelly closely with Coker. On a twenty bushel crop, estimated 011 this basis. Ihe weight of fodder. Idry leaves) obtained would be 2S(1 pounds, but if we allow an average or three hundred pounds per acre. at torty dollars per ton. ihe three hundred pounds or rodder is worth six dollars. At two dollars a bushel it would only require a loss or three bushels ot com per acre lo equal the entire value or ihe rodder obtained. In other words, the rodder Is paid for in lessened corn yields and then again in the labor cost expended in pull ing It. We should plan to save the entire corn crop by cutting and shocking when corn Is ripe. There are feed mills on the market that will grind the corn, stalk, and all. or the corn can be shredded. Farmers who have tractors will do Well to investigate these feed mills. There are some or them in use on farms In this couuty and they are a success when it comes to grinding anything in the way of roughage grown on ihe farm. One farmer reports to me that he has put awav four hundred bushels o. oats in the sheaf lo be ground, straw and all. on his mill for his livestock this winter. This farmer also says thai Lis mill will grind the whole corn plant, with ear on, and wrapped from bottom to top with velvet beans, with rapidity. They will grind corn in ihe ear and with the shuck' on. shelled corn, cotton .-eed. wheat n. oat :iliiiw and all kinds of folate. Tho ehl. in eliminate waste in feeding. According to all averages of prog ress of Ihe hull weevil into Pew ter ritory, says Franklin Sherman, State Knioniiilogist, Union county will l.e invaded late tiiis lull, but no damage will be done Ihis year. Most of these weevils will die out this winter und the county will be invaded In greater Torre in 1921, hut not in time to do material damage, ln 1922 the real lest of our preparedness to meet the foe will come. Every farmer ihnt not raising an abundance of food and food for family and livestock will have a mighty hard lime getting any. We had better start now preparing for grasses and clovers for forage and pastures, for corn, wheat, oats, pota toes, beans and peas, for food and feed. I.lme will help the grasses an clovers, peas and beans, and incident ally will help all other crops. Bet ter get your order in for lime now for you will not be able to get it later. For further Information about lime and grasses see your count) agent. T. J. W. Broom. PIciiHUt.t (irove Ciuiip Meeting. On Thursday evening before the "rd Sunday in August, the Pleasant drove camp meeting will begin. We expect to run about ten days. A num ber of tents will be built. We ought to have at least filly built by the opening of camp meeting. We had a mioil meeting last year, more than fifty professions of religion. On Tuesday, August the l?th we are lo have a reunion of the Union county Meth01li.1t preachers.. Will be ulad to have other preachers also, but we expect nil the Methodist preach ers, those now serving in the county and all those born or reared In the county. Rev. K. K. McLarly. I). D.. 'i is been asked lo preach nt eleven i.'iiock - and other Union county t.ien will preach at other hours of s -tvice during the day. Dr. McLarly lias been asked in conduct the camp meeting but have not heard from him in regard to it. Let ever. body get readv for camp meeting. E. Myers, Pastor. July 19, 1920. SAX I THE CORN CROP BY Cl'TTINU AND MliM Kl Fined Fifty Dollar for Failing to Births. Raleigh, July 17. The highest fine let imposed in a local court for a violation of the State vital statistics Bickett at ,la as Imposed during the week on nr. 11. . liigman or w arrensvtiie, A die county, who was fined fifty dol lars and the costs in two cases for failing lo report births where he w-as the attending phsiian. The case of Dr. Tiigman was ag gravated by the fact that last sum mer he was convicted and given a. nominal fine for a similar offense. aa.l in the present instance prosecu tion was Instigated only after re nea'ed efforts had been made lo get him lo complv with ihe law. "It Is Ihe Inherent right of every baby born in North Carolina to have Its birth promptly and properly reg istered." declared Ir2". M. Reg ister, state deputy registrar ot vital statistics. In commenting on the pros ecutions being Instituted by his divi sion of the, state board of health. "In this case the state board of health has extended its activities to the most north-western, county nf the state. Its arm is long enough to reach across the mountains and say to the doctors and nildwives who are derelict in their duty, "you must treat every bab Failure LATEST HAPPENINGS News Events of the Day la the State and Nation. Prince Joachim of Hohenzollern. youngest sob of former Emperor Wil liam, committed suicide Sunday la Potsdam. Jaachim is believed to have been in financial straits. He recently was divorced. Mr. E. M. Andrews, died at his home in Greensboro last Tuesday evening. Mr. Andrews was seventy years old and formerly lived in Char lotte. He is survived bv his wife three daughters and one son. Los Angeles. Calir.. July 16th. Four severe eanhquates here lo-dav threw the city and its suburbs into excitement Indirectly caused a num ber or injuries to men. women and children, and slightly damaged sev eral buildings, chiefly old ones, but none to a great extent. Stalesville is to have a dailv naner. Mr. Pegrar-. A. Bryant, owner and pullsher of The Landmark, is to be gin the publication of a dailv Au gust 1st. , The publisher announces that the dally will In no way inter fere with The Landmark. It is to be a local afternoon paper and will be a member of The Associated Press. Strikes and lock-outs In the United Slates In 1919 numbered 3.374 and affected more than four million workers, according lo a review Is sued July 7th by the Department of Labor. Approximately one-half of the strikes '.curred in five Slates New York. Massachusetts, Pennsyl vania. Ohio end Illinois. Governor Clement, of Vermont, has issued a proclamation in which he refused to call the Vermont Legis lature in special session to make pos sible ratification of the Federal amendment for woman suffrage. Gov ernor Calls of Florida has also re fused to call the Florida l.egUlature in special session to consider the amendment. A son of Din ley Grr.g-4. living near Grandfather Mountain, was accident ally killed a few days ago while in the woods chopping wood. The boy was" using -11 double-bladed axe and struck II in a log and started to climb upon the log but his foot slipping, he fell on the axe, which sank into his body, causing an ugly wound, from which he bled to death before aid could be administered. According to a statement Issued from Mexico City. Mexico will export during 1920 between 130.000,000 and 135.000,000 barrels or oil. more than all the rest of the world, including the United States, according to the estimates made by George Blardone, Tampiro oil statistician. Exports for May alone are given as 12,520.568 barrels, which Is nearly double the shipments for May. 1919. and sets the world's record for one month's production. Tulsa. Okla.. July IS. Albert W. Newsom. of Unlonpolnt. Georgia, and Robert F. Mldkiff. an adopted son of Madame Schumann-Helnk. and son of a minister at Decatur. 111., were In stantly killed In an wroplane fall near here to-day. Newsom, pilot of the machine, was maneuvering for a land ing when one of the wings suddenly dropped off and Ihe plane fell about, thirty-five hundred feel. Newsom was mutineer of a commercial flying field at Okntlgee. about firty-nine nitles outh of Tulsa. Approximately $9 600)00,000 will he added to the nation's living costs for the year beginning whh Septem ber, J. E. Weatherly. economic ex pert 01 the department ol Justice, pre dicts. Weatherly said he based this prediction on the belief that the In ler - Slate Commerce Commission would be forced lo increase freight tales approximately $2,tii0.uuu,000. An appeal for increase totaling $1,- 000, '. olio now Is being considered by the commission at the request of the railroad managers. Another bil lion must be added w hen the railroad labor board grants proposed wage In creases 10 two million worners, Weatherly raid he assumed. Says That Pulling Fodder Is not only a Waste of Time hut n ,o of Money. Am I olng to have forage in abundance for alt my livestock Ihis winter and until haying time next spring? This Is a question that every rarnicr should ask himself this week. There was a great shortage of forage last winter and spring, and thousands of dollars were sent out of the county for hay that might have been raised at home. We should not permit this to happen again next winter. It Is not too late to plant forage crops. Sorghum planted this week, or next will make an abundance of good feed r(l;h, aild'rpKiBr lts Dir)h ror itvesiocs next winter, ine lann . ,,.,., ith nr...nn. nf lh. should be well prepared and manured ,,sw wM1 no, be tolerated. ad prose or fertilized. Cowpeas and soybeans lfm,, .,,, bp tn.tituted In all esses can also be planted and will m of violations, regardless of who may be affected." Messrs. J. D. Hill and W. G. Lomsx or Goose Creek township spent the week-end In Albemarle. tr on Mae Murray Will IJIve l.ewon A. II. C. of Love. Mae Murray is going lo give les sons on "The A. B. C. of Love" at the Pastime Theater next Thursday and from all accounts the lessons are extremely Interesting. The object of the lesson Is an orphan girl who pos sesser nothing In the world but beauty and Innocence. Left to his care, Harry Rtjant marries her. Hi a nt !i a playwrigth who has once sitcce?. f ill; eluded the wiles of one Diana Nelson, c charmer If ever there was one. Diana Is an artless, and all her bet actln? Is not necessarily dot.e before the ootllghls, as poor little Kate learn: when she finds her husband slipping from her a disas ter hi-r intuition warned her of when they went to the city and she would have to match her untrained wits, her lack of : octal (raining and her Ignorance of even reading and writ ing, with such hothouse, wordly crea tures as Diana. "The A. B. C. of Love" Is one of those frolicsome pictures that pull springtime Into your blood. Mae Murray Is utterly Irresistible as the untrained country girl suddenly plunged Into the sophisticated whirl of New York, and her supporting cast, ' Including H. E. Herbert. Dorthy Green and Arthur Donaldson Is a corking one. See T. P. Red wine for seed: tur nips, rrfpe, cane, and col lard plants. Mae Murray In the A. B. C. of Love at Pastime Theatre Thursday.