j rotR pa;ks THE MONROE JOdWAL. TUESDAY. AUtiCST X IMrt. VOCR PAGES Setter Crimson Clover Now f . 8. Mcraft Are You Sure of Your Bank? lljny business men have been seriously crippled, if not ruined. XXVWVWVVVVVWVVVVXVVVxVVVVXVVNXW.VVVVVVXVVX ! i I Marolix ille Social News. Marshville. Aug. 2. Mrs. C. H William and baby daughter Jean of Iue West. S. C. are the guests of the former's sister. .Mr. B. A. Uallman. Misses Mary Marsh and Lillian Stevens spent Friady in Charlotte i shopping. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Whirener and! children leave Tuesday for llincolton ' to siend a week or so with relatives. ; Mr. Fred Ashcrafl has purchased the Davis bungalow which was recent- j ly bought by Mr. H. H. Marh. I Mr. Pearcell of Wilmington was ihe guest this week of hi cousin, Mr. James I'. Marsh. Aun announcement of iinisual in- terst was made Saturday afternoon ' when Mrs. H. A. Mailman entertained i t , for hei sister. Mrs. liiiee Williams of; This bank makes it a point to study the needs of its custodier xw West, S. C. and m ide known the ! ., , , .luagemeni of her stsier-iu-law. Mis ; how they can best be met. etc. It takes pride In Its ahl.ity at , i,.ijm.,n , r Kv Marsh - bv tbeir failure to entrust their interests to a bank that would r- Fiend to their needs in time of stress. h'A times to tender to customers every assistance that they deserve. iter a number oi louuds of hearts due it'ie price was awaidet to "bin. 'Bailey or hi-host seme. She Lee was U we are not already serr-ig you. lei ta:s i:.e u.aucr ...... jj.,.,, ., ,,., ,u,l!.. a., hall(l ,,a!uH Hint Soul. The gmMs were then in- THE BANK OF Jjviied into the dining room which was,' la-low with candles. On the round' W. HOWARD WOI.FK, Itepresciitative. Sold 111 Monroe by Monroe Un ion Mercantile Co.. Lee Griffin, Itivens Bros.. T. C. Lee & Son, Croweli's Variety Store. S. R. Dos ter. Heath Grocery Co.. Five Points Grocer Co.. Parker k Moore, Sikes Sanders Co., J. W. Springfield, Benton ft Teuton. CAPITAL $ SURPLUS 5 UNON Monroe, X. C. $100,000.00 $100,000.00 i . S. Itl.AKFNKY. President. table v. l'.i;h was covered with a ftilei lace cover oer yellow, rested a large) while .;sket tilled Willi golden Rlow i - the hiii'.die tied vviili yellow maline I A salad course was served and on each plate a dainty hand-painted card hearing tfii- verse: "The daisy lilts a secret Lilt daises never tell: So if :ii: would know it. Guess what these letters spell: S RE-O.R.S Y. The guests were not lone In finding it spelled "Bess-Re.." tin the reverse ide was the dale Aug. 2.. Mrs. J. j ,l. II. Mil IK, Ire-ncsiilenl w. II. t int.. .!. I a-iucr y It. LANKY. Cashier II AKC.KOY K BOWLES, ,t. Cashier .nd li in): 'he;'! at last, in th sun VVi I s. i s glow glorious land of thei S. Harrell gave the follow ins toast to 'The Bride and Uroom'': "May the long. loii4 trail t!iev)ve hii He lit with jov's hiiiht beams. We Have 50 Head Fresh Mule fmiti POrt to 12(H) pounds, well broke ready for work. ALSO SOMK UNK ltKOOD LRKS. Give u a look. FOWLER & LEE. III ! (I FOR SALE FARMS l:'. 1 '1 it ii i '! th i-.-t ,,f M. i r . ..n ( )iivc 1 !r,t::i-!: v ;. i. 7" ;n !v in t'-iih i ;it i"i 'J ..ml 1i'U.m-: u 1 p . ;!!:! ;it' r. K.'4V tiTH-!. Ill'l .'"Irs. ! ; ,i ,-;:-t nf Mm,m-.m- o!i Wjulo- l ii.-l ';' jc!:ii.t! r..-n. St ;i.-r in t-1 ; i t i ;i t i J t : !' ai-i-fs in IhiiIm-:', I, bun- in pi'.tui-'. N-v s imiii ilwt IHiil;; Del--.. i:u!it; l! Inrv lari!: : ti-imiit li.nisi s; tiii'c l.iiii.linu. S.-limil aii,l i-liuivh within I'lif-fuuilli mill'. This farm is in hi'li state if fiil tivatinii and line Miii)iiU!iity. 17 ai-i't's nil Sfi-rt'.-t Slmrt Cut rnail, 4 milt's f roii i tuwii, .)( acres in cnltivatii'ii; : springs: tiiif ji'.sturr: pn.tl rive room tlwcllim; m-w larn anl ; .anary: line cotton l.nitl. Can he Itnulit at a haru'-iiii ami on easy terms. 24 acres. 1-U miles from Waxhaw. 1(H) acres in cultivation; '2 tenant houses; ijnoil well ami spring: ' acres in pasture under wire; tine cotton lands and plenty of wood This is a bargain. 80 acres on new highway, 2 miles from Wax haw; ."0 acres in cultivation; 20 acres in pasture; plenty of cordwood; 1 room house; harns and tine well. The hest laud in this section. ."2 acres mi Xr.Tcst Short Cut road, n 1-2 miles from Monroe. :'" acres in cultivation; tine bot tom land; meadows and pasture with springs ami hraiicli; uood ." room dwelliiii:; liam. corn erilt and wa.oii shetls; youiu' orchard and vineyard: near church and litrit school. Can ) sold on very easy terms. aci'es on WiiloULihliy road, miles from Monroe. ;!0 a.-i s in cultivation, balance in pas ture under wire: line spring and wdl: plenty of cordwood: bottom iand and orchard: b room dwtdlimr; barn, liarac, store and tenant house; land is equally divided by public road- 1-2 acres at Stouts. 7 miles from Monroe, near graded schmd and church; '.)" acres in culti vation; 1 acres of fine meadow; ." room dwelling: I rooin tenant house; uranary. Fine sandy loom soil in hi'li state of cultivation anil price very reasonable, 70 acres near Wilininut'-n-Charlotte highway. ( miles from Monroe. acres in cultivation; 7 acres feiu-ed for pasture with spring and runninir water; line yo;ni oi'chard, apples, peaches, pears and cherries: 1 mile 1; church and school. ?, mom house; Hew b:::i; c 'ltoii '.louse; i;ood we.ll. This is o-o,,,! strong land that makes more than a bale of cotton t-i the acre and is priced low for tjiiick sale. lb") acres ;b'ut 2 miles frt.iu Unioiiville. 8" aires in euitivati .;i; balam-e in pi.-ture: 1-4 mil lion feet of ti:u'i"r; g-uA live i m dwelliii":; one tenant house ai'd '-A barns; live rood wells anil brantdi. This l ;i:d prmluees heavily and is one of the finest farms in this section. PINNIX REALTY CO. LAWBLDO. PHONE 495. WE SPECIALIZE IN FARM LANDS. . To tin die. .viilsie wis ; ill or u.mi or i noon. Tlo- h. vl'-m-he was Ple- ... i. ..I ill. i i.. . i Ml' iihi. lt lioe I !! n:'i' eoup!' a!" Weil known ii li.s I I I'.iUve !so...e. M 1-s Hi II- ('('liiaM U;" i'.Ii i ai' ii .1' Meieilith Co'. W ; it-. 'I is t r i::.isical. ii".'isinK u H i eh coi.irai'o voj.-e. S!;- Was assWt !' ;i .1 1 iiiiisic ii -ii !.: ill the s !"ot lie;-i- it ;is , ; , i She icn atn.ui.ve a lid j j ipn 'iii v. ii it .. ! '.':.' r ol i tlds ,.-r t'..' si Mi. itsh vas eiiuc.i (ti t. .! ;ii Va!;e Kre -t i-d has madi ' Stop, Look and Listen! 't i. . i,t,.., lis. . ,i. I . hiiihl i ' ice.-s.ii! iii his a oil;. At ir sent I.' i. i i'il' i ili'iii oi' tl.e r.rthei fori! (j schools. I'lillls lot' Hie V.c.lcllu ttlli tie lililll ji'iliLo soon, A miiiiiier of social .'eiilf. are tienm natineii lor on In ide-to-'ie. The PhiliCheii Clas of the i:.i.lisl church entertained ft an elaourate lawn iiartv at the honie of Mr. J. V llallniaii Friday evening havinc as uuests the .von uk people of the Itap- iist rliureli. An interest mc prociatn ot reudhus and music was rendered, sanies were played and delicious re freshments served Miss Jem Harrell ha's returned to Ail.iiHa for a short lime. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse James of Wiidesboro spent Sunday here villi relatives. Mrs. Wyntt of l.ll. sville is the guest of her cousin. Miss Hessie Mae Hiiil nian. Miss Mabel Tonoy of rolumliia. S. I'., who has been the guest of M;ss Catherine Ilailey for several weeks has returned to, her home. A severe electric slorin here Sun day lflet noon was acroiup iiio'il by hail iiboiil the size of la rite mait.hs. The hail did not continue lone, and no llamas" was ('one in ihis immedi ate v icinity. Mrs. J. S. II. Monroe Market ii t . . . 40 to 40 I Oi (Oil , . . . ; I . Kccs MiltllS ' ! liens 1st" 2"c H. Vounu ehlekens "' to '.o Irish potato-s J I 00 u lluoer :; i to 40 Coin 2.40 Stilt v il hiis a chamber o o.in merce secretary n:u'i"(l "Ilopi." ,ind I.eiiidi' has one named Jo " sl.niild -i;f!etat ies "Cliariiy." ami ,I.oe" appear on the scene, the cio i" iiilfl be complete. HAD TERRIBLE SKIN DISEASE LiiuS CIrf I.T.?r:v:s Rapidlr When 6ir 21P.QN Ircn Tonic. '.tar.y mr.t'.iers try one remedy after an ".'her, for tMesuifermcscf Ihe.r Idtleones. I.. .11. . . . a ... i ... 1 1 i 1. 1 ,i'.nr m.y ovaiK nuic iu una me -ipht one. Ifanything seems wrong with i the blood, or stomach, or if the child's I system isTun-down and needs strengthen I in?, vou may benefit by the experience of ihis Westmoreland, Tenn., mother, Mrs. ' John F. Anglea, who writes: ".My little girl had a terrible sVin dite and her stomach was in such a bad condi- lion. Nothing helped her, so we finally I started to give horZiron. She iniptoved so rapidly from the first bottle, so we have civea her two more. She is much better. Don t try other remedies first! Choose Ziron from the start. It has benefited many people suft'ering from poor blood, general weakness, loss of appetite and other symptoms which indicatt tack of iron in the blood. Sold by druggists on a money-back guarantee ZH 15 New clothes have advanced and doubled in price, but we make the ie ! ones look innv by cleaning and pi ; .- iiitf them at the same old pi ice. We have with us Major Houston fronni lari:e Philadelphia lr Cleauii;; I'lanl. Wo clean i'ii,. ihir.c ch'.'iiiahlo and guarantee all work. .l Ii MK A TltlAL I.AIHKS' AVOKK A M'Kt 1AI.ITV. Monroe Steam Pressing Club (.loucester Hotel lluililiiiK. C. S. SIMISOX, Prop. I'lione :iiH I'bofie a;W DR. S. A. ALEXANDER ' VETERINARIAN The late Dr. Watt Ash craft office. ' Office Phone 113. Res. 53-J CORDON INSURANCE and INVESTMENT CO. INSURANCE EXPERTS Phone 209. Fanner & Merchants Bunk lliilhllng. DR. P. M. ABERNETHY VETERINARIAN orr.ee kowi.ei: & lee stable MONROE, N. C. Thone 3 )8. Residence Phone 159-J. Dr. Kemp Funderhurk DENTIST Office over Waller' Old Store. Modern Methods Employed Write the neighborhood news up for The Journal, and help make the paper better. I Your Blood Needs .NOTICi: OK AIIIMSTH.TIO.V Havinc Qualified aa administrator of the estate of W. H. Lonr. de cased, late of I'nion county. North Carolina, this la to notify all per sona havinc claims attains! the estate of aald deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, or his attorney, on or before the 28th day of July. 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to said estate will please make Imtnedlae payment. This the 27th ot July. 1920. J. M. LONG, Administrator or W. H. Lone, deceased. W. 0. Letumond, Attorney. . 'tee cent a word each Insertion. i I WE HAVE listed some of the best larms in I nion county and can of fer reasonable terms. Pin nix Real ty Co. Phone 495. THREE FINE buildinc lots In very W3- TOLBEKT "il be at Fowler attractive location. Price richt for quick ki le. Pinnii Realty Co. W. S. TOLBERT will be at Fowler Lee's stable Thursday and Friday or this week to buy horses and mules. FOR SALE A Kood Jersey milk eow and calf; one Mosier safe with com bination lock. Mrs. S. Ii. Lundy. FOR RENT Two furnished room for lisht housekeeping. 202 Church Street. FOt'NO Saturday. July 31, on the Morgan Mill uhlic road, an auto mobile tire on rim. Owner can pet same by calling on me. si. J. Mo ser. I'uioi.vilie Route 2, Rox Ha. YA'ANTKD 50 acre farm wiih cood house aad barns, near Monroe. Wine P. O. llox 363. CHEESE ON ICE all the time. Uuheuge at Sn.vder's. Lee'a stable Thursday and Fridiv of this week to buy horses and mules. FOR SALE A six-room cottage on Church Street, newly painted In side and out. as clean aa a pin. with every modern convenience, electric lights, water and sewerage, and well screened. Can give pos session at once. No use complain ing about not beiiu able to get houses, as we will sell at a rea sonable price. Fowler & Lee. WE CARRY a splendid line of bug- Kies ana wagons ana bussy and wagon harness. Sold on easv terms. Fowler Lee. PHONE THE STAR MARKET for -spring Lamb, as fine as can be had. Phone 1SJ. LET ME QUOTE YOU a price before you nave your Automobile or Bug gy Top trimmed and painted. We can save you money or no charge. ii.. , i f, .I FOR SALE-11UV. acies good ' 04 the vViluunsion and Charlotte-SEE OUR LIST of farm property on Highway, lt miles from Charlotte, 9 miles from Monroe, one mile from Indian Trail, sehool ami hiiiY-hu good house and outbuildings, tinei pasture, small creek running iiuousu piaee. uig vrcnuru. u. A. Rustling. .Matthews, N. C, Rt. 26. another page. If your farm is for sale we can find you a buyer. Plnnix Realty Co. Phone 495. FOR SALE My residence, at reason able price, liberal terms. Mrs. cliucKuer. NOTICE. North Carolina. I'nion foontv In the Superior Co in. O. M. Tucker, plaintiff, vs. .Morse Limited, alias Morse-Greens. Ltd.. and the Bank of Nova Scotia. Vancou ver. R. C. ... ., . , . ,, rr. 7r. 1 I The defendants, Morse Limited, ali- 101. ti.XLK Monarch No. i Type- as Morse-Creens. Ltd., and the Bank writer, made by Remington Co. lnf Nova Scotia. Vancouver li C , will Pert .i-t alignment and lettering. , take notire that an nrtion'entitled as I sed 1 year. J. T. Helms, at above has b-en coiiitiienci'd in the n- Secu: ...iitor Company. perior Court of Union county. N. C. ...... . ... ,, . ; ; the plaintiff alleging that the defend- rOR ALI. New 9 room house, p .is-1.,,,, . ,. ., , ,., ,, , . .... , . . I, i . ,11111s me imlehii id ! u II the sum ' , ' M tt:'1",0k,' """of JM:....:;.dan,i.Fesand oven-haw ... i. on laid and b aires o une ., r.. ,., , , ,uri.ha,,,J bv laud, J miles lioin .lie e,, , l.ou.e 1,!ilils,i,T f,. ,. , ,..,,.,,.,,;, .,. goe, road.-n.iiiu Kealij Co. ,,;,. ,,, p,:dulifr omit(,lt(lm, At To.MOIill.E HRAY-Two ears for iiiie for all iiiuds ot hauling, froi.i tre giii to luriiitiitv mi.viiu.--i:. F. Price. SHOE SHOP - I.i I us I'iunr.i.. tiooii, w Lite do your ro Uiliid work- in., i i v. no know-how. cuares rea sonable.-- R. F. Price, in old Cu; lee buildup. FOi; SALE- One h. p. Inter- i...,.,i ...i.;... .....I ...... ...ill ii.ii ..'ii. ii I uiii. ii'iu mill i li j.--. i'. utm iiiirv.i m iif-iiiui I" S.liU baruaiu. A. R. lHese. Monroe, rmi'liilnt or the 'relief demnnded In Koine i. fonie up to contract, and ((fondants v. ill fill I heriiiore !; Ke i-olleo that a warrant of nttnchtneiit was sned by s:ild conn on the 31st day of July. l!2rt. against the property of saiit de fendant, which warrant is returnable op the filh day of S"ut l!Jo. and the said (lefendan's will fiirtjier lake po lice that they me reulrid to nniiea'r at the of lb e of. R. W. Lenitnond. Clerk 'f 'he superior C.nt of Union coiniiy, nt the cieirt hou.-e In Monroe, N. C, on the f.ih day of I'nr.iber. liu. and answer or demur to said FOR SALE -Small farm six miles south of Monroe. Dwelling house and out-houses. Extra tine cotton land. Good water and pasture. Bar gain to quirk buyer. S. A. Simp sou, yon roe Route 7. WANTED LUMBER For general building purposes. T. II. Simpson. FOR SALE 'Modern bungalow In first class shape on East Everette grreet. See W. J. Rudge. alii rniiiiiliiint will be granted. This 31st dav of Julv. 12. R. W. LEMMONP, C. S. C. John C. Sikes. Monroe, N. C, Attorney for Plaintiff. ALWAYS RELIABLE. FOR SALE Seven acres of flue land Inside city limits; produces 10 bales of cotton; can be divided hno valuable building lot.'. 'Bargain rr cash. -Plnnix Realty Co. Phone 4!l 3. AUTOMOBILE AND BUGGY TOPS. Cushions, Backs, etc. We can save you money. Herman McCall. West of C.rifin's Stables. TRY SOME of the Swifts' Premium ham. sliced. Star Market. SAND HILL LAND for rale In Chesterfield rounty, S. C. lO'l acres on the Angelus & Chesterfield pub lic road six miles from Aiucltis. Good clay road by place. Plenty or timber to build. Saw mill Is one mile of timber. Will sell for $2 per acre. 1-3 cash, bulartce on time. Also SO ueie.i near the 100 acre tract. W. N. le-e or W. D. Smith. SEE THE S IN;: COMPANY", Char lotte. N. C 2.1 3. ir..on St. They w ill poy yoit liian for your automobiles. FOR SALE One Chevrolet roadster, equipped with tires. Quick top, and in excellent running condition. Bargain ror quirk buyer. Cash or good note. W. B. Brown, Gordon Insurance Orflce. W. S. TOLBERT will be at. Fowler Lee's stable Thursday and Friday nf this week to buy horses and tiii'le. Monroe Kcricnre (jolng Hack For Seven Years. Kidney weakness can be cured. But what caused it once will cause It again. Here's n Monroe(nian who has had several attacks. Sevetal times in six years Mr. War lirk has used Down's Kidney Pills. He says that Doau's have never failed him. Seven years ago Mr. Warlick pub licly endorsed Doan's. He confirms his statement. What better proof of merit? Troved by year of experience. Told by Mrmroe people. This Is convincing testimony. S. A. W.irllck. proprietor of shot repair fhop and grocery, "08 Hayne Street, Monroe, says: "I tried Doan's Kidney pills on two different occa sion.!. It was hard for me to straight en after heiid'tig. t::y kidneys were cut of order and I whs In pretty bad Miape: Doan's Kidney Pills fixed me tip in every way nnd made me stran? and well. I have great fulth In this Medicine." "Statement given Febru ary 2fi. lf12.l . On May 4. IMS, Mr. V.'ailirk said: "I use Doan's occasionally when I feel the least fj:n of kidney complaint and I know they nre fine, 1 endorse this medicine us highly as ever. Doan's always prove more than satis factory." Price 60c, at - nil dealers. Don't simply nsk for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. WarllcV had. Foster-Mllburn Co. Migrs., Buffalo. N. Y. FOR SALE 10 room house on Windsor Street. All Improvements J hardwood Doors; slate roof, cement walks, garage, wood house. Bar gain for quick sale. Pinnlx Realty Co. Phone 4:5. FOR SALE or trade One new Ford, totirini car with starter; never: been run. One slightly used tour ing car with starter, good as new; and others. D. B. Harrington. AUTOMOBILE AND BUGGY TOPS, we make any kind and guarantee perfect satisfaction. Fifteen years experience. Herman McCall. After you eat always take 'ATONIC fToinroTm acip-stomact!) laf .nl lw mIIavm HMrilmnl. Bloat. dCauy feeling. Stops food souring repeating, and all itomach miseries. AUh 41sta 4 MMMtM. XT wectaodatraa-. Ihchbm Vitality sod !'. EATONlCtstheWiwMdT. Tw of theo Mndi won4rullr bnwflurf; OolojUrnl r two day to wa It. Imiixnr fumanfM taplMMor vll MfuodaxiOM. (MataC boiwiUr. XoawOlsw. English Dnig Co., Monro. S. C FOR SALE Screetna from Camp Green. Back porch screens, fifty rents to 1 1.50 : screens in sturdy frames. 75 cents to $1.25. Also window sashes. J. J. Crow. NOTICE I have opened up a trim ming shop next to Griffin's Stables and can make any kind of Auto mobile and Buggy Tops. Cushions. Barks, etc. Fifteen years experi ence. Herman McCall. NEW FORD, self starter. Quick de- livery. Write T. M. Wiley, Unlon tille, N."C. M. C. Howie ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOU The years of satisfactory work that we bare done tor the people ot Monroe It the best recommend ation for any one seekln an elec trical contract. We solicit your on the basta ot this reputation, .