EIGHAT FACES THE MOXKOE JOnWAL, TTESDAT. AUGUST SI. 1&30 ITIGHT PACES Just received today all sizes FRUIT JARS. Get yours while we have them - VANN FUHDERBURK, One Price Cash Grocer, Five Minutes Delivery. ; SteamcD. Ttieattirce Trn A V WILLIAM FOX 1 KJUtl I presents Shirley Mason in ''Love's Harvest" A Dramatic Comedy of Love and the Stage. Wednesday jiSS? B"ck,on Herbert Rawlinson in "Passers By" A Drama That Probes the Heart He opened his home to the PASSERS BY even to those who came with faltering steps and downcast eyes. He found them interesting. Then one night came an astonishing surprise and supreme happiness, s j- j- Life is but a hurrying throng of "PASSERS BY" J National Pictures I tlUrSday presents "Just a Wife0 From (oe Play by EUGENE WALTER Featuring Kathlyn Williams, Roy Stewart, leatrice Joy and other favorite screen artists The STRAND Next Week is Paramount Week Always the BEST Always the BEST SOCIAL Jt Mis. K. B. Laney and sons. Hoy and K. .. Jr.. are visiting the 101 met's daughter, Mrs. M. M. Smith of IkiineUsvllle, S. C. -Miss we iane hj relumed from Washington, D. C where she spent four weeks. -'i " i m. tiint.in Tnincit of I'nionville Ut'i Momlav for Rutherford College. Where he will enter school. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Jen- Die James, who will vim menus in fllckory before returning home. m w w n iinttiu M:m Helms has retnt'D- t-d fioin .Morven where ."he attended house-party given by Mis. C. I. liobiiison last week. MitMS Loul.-e and Maltie Basse of Chester illi til guests ol .Misses r.iiiui and llallie Mae Helms this week, en route to their new home In Lakeland, Fla. M'. and Mrs. M. M. Wlne'.tester and .i ,i.t.., n-. Vivian. Herniee and Murray will arrive home to-day after spending ten days in norma and Alabama on a pleasure trip. i Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Laney ami daughter. Miss Mary Dean I.aney, Mi this morning to spend a lew ias !:i Norfolk, Virginia Beach and ttasn ington. Master Abram Hill Crowell is visit ing friem'.s in liaeford. Mrs J K. Clarv of Atlanta Is vis iting her' mot her, Mrs. C. W. Bruner. Mrs. Joe Fttlenwider returned to her home in Hooky Mount this morn ing after spending a week here with relative. Miss Lillian Belk and Miss Mar rurlte Tate of Union Mills are the niests of Miss Odessa Richardson. Mr. B. B. Nelson, a native of this cotititv. who has been a resident of Moekl'enburg for a long time was In town yesterday. Mr. T. L. Crowell and son, Alex ander, leave to-morrow for Atlanta on a business trip. Miss Alleen Krauss of Talm Bench, Florida, arrived Sunday for a visit to Mrs. J. E. Eflrd and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Corter and fam ily of Shelby sent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Gumey. In honor of her ninth birthday, lit tle Miss Elizabeth Griffin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Grtrnn. win en tertain at a movie party una m..- whlrh her cucsts will be served Ice cream and cake at Slnrn- son's. Among those wno win . i-.-ent are the following: Misses Loraine Stark. Elirabetn .voares. runninirham. Eliza- beth Stewart. Marion Slm-pson, fiaran Parker, Elizabeth Wray, Francis Stack, Hallie Austin, Louise Middle ton, Kuth Davis, Henrietta Redfern, and Margaret Simpson. Dr. S. A. Alexander, Mrs. B. C. Ashcraft and Miss Lillian Cole spent the week-end In Troy. Miss Hallie Lee of Lanes Creek township has been visiting Mrs. Joel Griffin. Miss Lillian Liles of Wingate is visiting Mrs. Joel Griffin. Mrs. Hugh McAllister, of Lumber Ion, was the guest of Mrs. Wrist on Lee at the Tea Room yesterday after noon. Others present were: Mes dames J. C. Sikes, N. M. Redfearn, C. M. Redfearn, J. L. Hoyle, and Frank Rose. Miss Claudia Sanders entertained a nuinher of her friends at the Tea Room Friday in honor of Miss Lor raine Sale, the attractive daughter of dipt, mid Mrs. T. B. Sale, formerly residents of Monroe. Miss Sale is the pinst of her aunt, Mrs. T. C. Ander son. Miss Hattie Beasley, who has a government position In Washington, is spending her vacation here with her aunts, Mrs. D. B. Snyder, and Mrs. Gaston Meares. Mrs. J. Rush Dixon and Miss M.ir garette Morris, of Gartonla. are the guests of their friend. Miss Vera Fowler, at Mrs. J. L. ration's. iMIs Joe Watson of Forest City Is t Xpert ed to arrive to-morrow to visit Mr. Max Griffin. tut blowers Floral designs, wedding boqueti, and flowers of all kinds. & We make shipments to Waxhaw, X Marshvllle. Wingate 'and other ? nearby towns. CODE MORGAN J At I'nlon Prog Co. Thone 221. 1010 1020 CrowelPs Variety Store South Main Street MONROE, H. C. Taj br W rites About Baseball. To the Editor of The Journal: A good baseball team is an usset to a town. The Bible says there Is a time for all things a time to weep and a time to rejoice; a time to work and a time to play; a time for prayer and thanksgiving and a time for worldly pursuits. There is no reason why a ball-player should be a loafer He can have a time to work and the best citizens should encourairc htm. Then he can have a lime lot playing ball and showing the physl nil manhood, itiirk thinking and ilitlck action in bull playing that will make him lit for service in other li,ies. The young man who has the brains and the athletic physique to heat others in the struggle on the diamond is able by application and e'foil also to accomplish useful things in other lines. There is nothing more bontt Mini than the mathematics and the physics of baseball. Of course after our team has playrd professional ball fur nine, ten or eleven innings and then two or three weak players pull off hone-head plays and lose the ROAD BOND MONEY HAS NOT BEEN WASTED, SAYS KEZIAH After ltling i,r Ittiail Siialilile in the la"r. He Wum Sur. priwtl at lr"gres. MADE 40 MILES HOIK OX UOAII Special Notices One cent a word each insertion. CALL JOFFUE HOTEL for baggage ttansfer Will Davis. NOTICE M't Button Ill-other Auc tion Company sell your funiis ami dty prneil.v at Hint inn. Flume or write It. F. Williams for interview at Joltre Hotel on of lclore Se leiiilier .'till. FOR SALE Four 70-saw Mungei gins, double box press, lint flue, condenser, seed conveyors, fan and suction pipe, shafting pulleys, 54" grist mill, crusher, etc. Will sell as a whole or in purts. L. C. Folk, Bakers, N. C. AC TO TRANSFER For quick trips see A. F. Helms, Just below city ,fire station. Careful driver. By W. U. KEZIAH, Editor of !h Wliitewlle News-Reporter. On uiy way bui k home to-day not!:- iiiir U'.im i ,,r. n.ili-t-,1 Minn I iit hoiil.l dritn intii Th Jtni!ii::l iiltirt- tor a few iniiiutes, and us usual the powets tnut he the.-.' eomniaiiueU liul I write suluel li.i.c about 1 lit crops, etc., in Jaik.-,ni towiihhip, wnere i nave neeu visn.ng my ioiks. I it 1 1 ll 'I kn n. verv ni.u :i aliiiut the crops, they o,.k very g..od. espe.ially corn. Lotto'i :s also looaing every thing that cu.iid be des.red but thtrt seems to a concensus of opinion among all the larmers that there is Just a little too lMich weed and no: enough fruit lo bear out the appear ances of the plants: One tiling that is vtry pleasing is the roads, the main ones that have been a;il .ire still under course w construct i'.m. I have been following I'.iiini tt:u:!!v'u rn:id Hiiuabhlpa nretlv closely liiiin.gh all the local papus ever since ihe row rfarted and 1 havt no desire to take sides, but I cer tainly wan' to say that 1 do not. be lieve so much money has been wasted as the exaggerated reports wouiii mi., m litive There h:ii' probably been a lot of mistakes made, mistakes that were anu are sun being rosiiy to :he tax pa;. era. yet I'nlon county !i s made its start mi the process of building rural high ways and the start will count for everything. The past mistakes, i! they can be called sucn, ma) turn on a blessing. Nothing was ever accomplished without the making ol mistakes. I am L'biil that Cnloii has staried out on its road building program in the rural sections, anu wneiner me start was made rightly or not the work N bound to continue. It used tn hp that onlv city People owned cars and they were supposed to be the chief henehcary or goon roans. looked ti noil as u plodding cl.iss and Just so they gn there, it did not matter to the aver age man how slow his trip to town or anywhere might prove to oe. Nowdays the farmers' time is often more valuable than that of his city neighbor. He Is, as has often been said, the backbone and the life o every cily and town and he deserves the best of roads when he goes to use one. I understand fiat under the pres ent system, the main and most trav eled roads connecting towns, will In built up first and then attention will be given to the smaller and le-s frequently used rands that they may be brought up fo about fie same standards of the principle thorough fares. One day this week 1 talked to a man living off two miles on one of these lesser Important roads. ATler leaving the new highway it Is pretty tough going for the rest o the way to his home, on account of the road having been nede'ec while the main one was being built, i ..v.,1,1 in Hiul this fellow pretty much dlsatisfled and found Just the reverse condition existing. He sa be did not in the least mind the two miles of bad road leading to i'h highwav when II was such easy gn Ing Ihe balance of the distance to Warhaw. Coming ttti from Wav'i n earlv this morning with a friend wh'i ii going ba-k with me to V!t.! MiMMty we ma le forty tiii'es per h-n:-in places where It nsul to take tt tei'in of mules to get through wif anvthing. f'llon has made its utart in -of' birlding and I tirmly believe that jv.st as soon as the people have f! learned the advantage of the bene! roads they will support the systeiv heart and soul. Conditions have In come such that a county without toads Is black lisded everywhere. m matter how good it Is and how ore pttssive Its people may be. They used to say that schools- and churches were the bert Indexes lo a commu nity and they stiil are. but the pub lic roads are taking the b-ad In that ........wi uii,1 lliev :ue destined to hold the lead for ail time in the future unless they make flying machines that will become more popular man the automobile and that contigency is very remote. There are too many people with a profound dislike o, le;iving the earth for the flying ma chines to ever In-come a dangetous lhal of tli mnlnr rar. WANTED A lew thousand feet forest ltin-jber. M. C. Holmes. .Marshviile, N. C. LOST Somewhere near Monroe. Sunday, a log chain. Return to The Journal office. C. Braswell. A SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. About a hundred acres fine farm ing land, in high state of ctilti vatinn. good pastures for cattle and hogs, a good large orchard Just In Its prime, one good eight room dwelling houses and good tenant house, good barn ard out buildings. On this place there Is a lot of good timber, about sixty acres under cultivation. The place Is within less than one rn!le front Vnlonville high school, one of the best schools In Union county. Ly ing on good road, seven mile frcm Monroe. Will sell at a bar gain. See W. O. Lemmond, Mon roe, N. C. game. It is sometimes very d'seotir aging and disgusting. The thing t do is to displace these bone-heads ami replace them with accurate, f;tl dependable ball-players. Hasty. Thoma-on. Simpson. Aber n.ii.v on.! Fni'livli will do. Donner? and Broom have been added. Two strong pllchers like Hilton and a veteran catcher with om more fast outfielder are needed to complete the team. The whole crowd need coach ing in fielding, batting and base rumilng. Bunting and base-running are very important and necessary to witling a game. Confidence, har.d wotk and pep are very Important loo. Good base-tealing requires kt.ov.inc how to get a good lead, fast run ning and proper slidding. The run ner who hesitates rr Is afraid tc take a chance Is already lost or dead. The player who cannot think qui kly what lo do with the ball at a critica' momml is out-of place on the dta liiond. H. F. Taylor. Reduced Prices on SILKS We are now offering Silks of Al quality at these Special Attractive Prices mi.k rori.ixs $1.25 Siisquehans Toplins. 3C-lnch wide 0- One lot Tussa Fancy Silks. 36-inch wide, special .. TAFFETA SILKS $1.00 . . 5(c $2. SO Assorted Colored Winnei Taffeta, 36-inch, fj $1.75 $3. Oil and $3. CO 36-inch Sup rlor Taffetas $2. DO MESCALINES 56-inch No. 1 Quality Messaliue g! WASH SATIXS $2.00 Special Wash Satin for Underwear, Value $3.50, Now .... $;.Gt SILK MABKAS SHIIMIMi 32-inch All Ture Silk Shirting, Value $3.00, Now $2.f'ti Will outwear the finest cotton Madias and too, will be a consider able saving in your laundry bill. $l.f , $2.5(1 I'O.XGEE SILKS $2.00 All Silk Pongee $3.50 White Fongee HXE SO.K JERSEY $6.5o The handsomest quality, & $4.50 This is an opportunity you have for buying real values that arc worth while. Lee & Lee Co. Reliable Merchandise Monroe, N. C. if--- i 1 9" Announcemen We are better prepared then ever before to care for our farmer friends, and we are m a position to promise you quick service on a moment's notice. This y carbon account of the bet ter quality of the wheat we are making a better grade of f)ours and we are certain to please you. Special attention given to ship ments from neighboring towns and communities. Henderson Roller Mills Co. Monroe, N. C. It Mi.ti.uLLmtmiimimuttuLLLuti.i.fi Oufaim is to please, both in quality and service, PRtHK? Call us on plone 195 to please us; our goods and service will please you. - L.U'J-v LxlVlr r