krnmT facts THF MOTTtOF JOVMkU TTTSn4T. M fiVST 31. tfn FIGHT PAf3TTl AGO MONBOE FIFTEEN YEARS (From The Journal of this date 15 year ago.) ONE 0? WHIM FAMILY REACHED THE AGE OF 113 . . . 7. . . fr i-nltnn. 11 SPOke Of the Best cotton to-day la bringing iM chouse systeai of! VMS. Mr Horace Clark, aslant cashier : storing cotton an. ,M ,Srui & Trust Con,- to establish he s iinj ha be,, appointed a notary , d to lh In pany iiuldic. Mr. John A. Helms ha shown us it is profit cotton and urged Cleveland ayaieiu. He us-, intense mier,, believed with a great ueai 01 to our fanners. neio cw- U.unU.n of Hii t Uii Wa able Urcanoii l hle lleeu 1 -ruder. Al.rAMl II WWTS A BANK TAT1 MtNT M;oM THE M1F.K Association. ' .""" Jr...a:nf. -count of "Home Com- :ulte aii interesting u.u ; jn Vfk" in News and Observer. Tin ihe war Iv his father. Mr. L. Ing . ,irMiden, 0f KV. Heluis. who in I"' .', ::: -Jm.ihern Cotton HI iiiw life, ami .ri-oner. . , ..,., ..... ...nriatioa. on the . ubj t Mr. S. Richardson nau a . . u. mm ii with nun . A. TI i: FtH liHT THK HIUTISH The INt master, Sieitig for the ti- en.iitei.t. fM Tlwre 1 Mo Liquor About Hi 1'Lur. Hogville. August SO. The Post uiatter tujs he Ire'.a if the Dtmccrau should w they have no chance what ever of winning they will r.en.:naie Urvan; that St does not hurt him to be defeated and he goes on just the same ever afterward. Pau H k says they seem to na 1 JOURNAL WANT ADS. . ZZ- . ..on rnu INSERTION UNI wr.vwv-- m rOU SALE Rubber Top Buggy at bargain. Secrest Motor Co. JCST RECEIVED a ctuload of Of rolet Cars Secret Motor Co. . ... , . i-nu LK Guod fi'.rm clo.-v iu. Ie- riRST QVAUTY-' X-.n .k.d Auto i' . tjSani l. H-in.. casings, muue Quan'ity !ln:ii-d. Tharp Hardware Co. Cash talks CLF.U K3 m n or women) over IT, The Whitley reunion, which was h.ll Thursday at the home of Mr. I.llilf . ti.r .aeon with sideboards and Mrs. I'hillip Whitley iu Bufoid,on u ttis Ume j,nj that no one U township, was featured by a L0i:6 to fall oil. t-iiatur LaiK. 01 vnmr-i Zer() w.k brlievs cue 01 me x. and the reading of n he and his w ife do not ' ton esiooiauoa. u;i t , ' interestni): paper oil uie no"i' laloug well and li s neismor o .i!.r.n em ton ftorape warehouses., . -hitley. t-l Aibe- ...... Ki. .,lkiiir to her ' r i... .iher. a very'"' "V. ..... ....... ...i... ""T. . . ..T t.." - . ... ft f it& itttr in inr va " ... ij uimi iidii vii t ihiui' ' .....i.tuirj una nvt r ifiif uui uiyt d v lay that would proDWiy o. - 0, prw,. but i; . , ,he revolutionary ; , ,t, .tori'. M this tune, u - . wM , P1husiai.ttc one. Mr. jn.- by of ie pnirs of the j.venbo,iv in Hopvillf thontlH Sle Una spin-plaster 01 jammi.. ordinarily co Into th' , . nolir ,.ie KU,!. . .... .,.,. .,,, . wonuerfiil tor the amount of nv . . 0,.illK ,0 ,. fact ;- .. dilllwr. "is".. ,ra,twl a rear old ' DEALERS IX KOKD his money ... ,,,, lh, ure so many places to u. . whiiley's eich: I r!1if , . ,,Ra aut mobiK ime may be hiferrea u ' services are in such preat I lires,.,. They an : If. , nti. hv a lo-wln for to! 11. ... if n .i niKiiii ii in' ......... . . H- niti nfii , .. . , . . . ..!"- mi. ... . . .... .i..,,,,.i .1 nc nromi n" .j ii xviiuiv. c uaei." . ... : . i . " . fw metis at :. tune a lie rrowine l:i. idly wor.-e KOK SALE My house and lot oa South Ct'lU-se street. Mr. J. A Tate. See us. S.-cnI tor 1'tiMal Mail Service; 1135 IT,T1IESE AKE W1XXEUS Ciavroiet, mailt ii. ExauiMiattims epieniori.) ikkI'p yros., uaKiai.u ieiisime Ex,e.!:Ke i.nn ,ce-ary. ror m-e' and Uuiik Cars, par'icih'.rs. write J. Leonard. I for-! Mior Co. tiler l iVH 'Hil-- l. " ; i-. ..,.!. In f'ii . V:..'!!ii(tlon. D. C. ;Ol"K Al'TO filled ti . . .. ... CM- IK... m. i;irH:irilsoil rriiii-ini - .uat .. - . . . . .... .;, Ine tc Charlotte who ... -. -. - ,..,rn and so ile which were som . --' u lust been iars. buhsel. and l-att of them a. . ;lipeam, b. fve dollars aoren. - ,era, nd Jliry m i Thne hbi 01 new " ftBlimi ,, tnvetigation. . m.irn. i iir im . t.. i. i pern ... ... " bou,.h-, AKa!a hes the little my . fe ,ownshi,i: Min. Kerry H--in.s. .ale sold n this state DO'"-o, . . . .rw, , expected direc-,-' j D L wh;l. In th twelfth DV trow ...... i, m, inhn Law. .j IV" - . t... Mr I Il'.R llllie Ii i" - Iwelve cents, it was h for nf,y-four years J. A. Aran, of Cheste ne, , u ' 7 n reVlster of deeds of Oran.e All of Mr. and Mrs. Whiiley s eiRh: present. 1 uey an : Mr. H. W. b. Whitley, c. i.3i iralr bark eatt b i,,!n-.i on ?.ieF Ur A. 1. X. Whitley, of Cuionv ill-; I f.,ce Hr ba! never !) n able to set Mrs. H. Y. 1'usser, of Chestertield. the autoiiioi !l- to ri'n '.nore than a C... Dr. L. L. WhilHy. of Craw-' , ,iue n.,j n Frer.: to rni ri t'liillin Whitley. Jr.. of th:? KOIl SALE Building lots; terms if desited C.U.Koberts. lme 20!t-U- We will ship . . i ,.l L'ril a carioau oi .nu u.m w. lor resale at a you all models ready TOP WOKK ami I v hol!riiiP cant he l-;.t. Mins yc.r cur to us. Sec rest Motor Co. FUR Ii EXT Two. thre or four liors farms, with or without stork. Cool fresh land. Plenty winter Hit Sam l. Helms. 'comity; Mrs. J. 0. Baucom. of l.oosui nully Rets IT. C. Lee One of th Moseley sitis who live? over near C. rd Xek school house. . in M..L-ville vts:erday to se lev of Mint Hill, ine sons ' 7vl0 pwk. who claim to ne a . dausluers were accompanied by their f f ,,h doc,0,t w10 wanted to see : . . n - I . f .. I . r t frill.. huslMinds anu ne. iiu , tf be coma rein.''- a laij-c ,h, Kai here. .vr. . na e-n rr.h. nusuanas anu . iir ne com Arl,,l mill gin-! county, and Miss Mrgrrt : Grhnj : ,hr childwl. Mr. Whitley has near-, w, iwononTree and also save Mr ,.Bed .-en.y-two. we ;; ,y Seven,y-five Rrandh.,: ren . no A, - .hiti he ha', to see a w a .. ... five uniiars wiiiru " . . . ..i... ,.tii ur nas ?ron,Wd if he sold .he firs, bale p.. , .oodc, J-Y Nt .hijK r n any maraei ... -"., . tnnw the editor of the uranee v o..., Trof.B.T. Kalis, super . " - - . , emD,oy a printer ana !ra,ZT C. .aVinu his ,wo weeks- vacation e :. ,.h venr. nmh nf Monroe. Air. nm i"- --, r :L " " ..i .hnwd that he hail The nr I. .... - ileal of thoucht on his I"-'" " . .v. r o .,hi ,v. lunl He SKOKe OI "lie ur ' wi ' ' i . . 1 - . . rrfeet organization . J ...... . r,i..l-.l-. lllrll ten or iwene ii-f.i Ail orsar.lxa.ion was perfected to preserve papers and records conct rn i.. the family, and to have charge irtlcle used at the chrlsenln Moseley Wishes ine, would include the ('Id Miser In the next cull for statements from Na tional balks. . ih. ii..- master, in b nalt of t.i t.rice that will tuake vou money. cm. v. i..0n Ford truck. win eiiiu freiehl rar insitection al- rv,J , .... n..., n v..lf. See J. K. Uies or iten ti. at Monroe Service Station. lowed, small deposit required as faith, halatite siltht draO bill lading attached. For particulars FO,, s ALE Thirl.. puie-lned Wnilw write or wire Chicago isea ora iEbo,n cockerels. 12.50 Exchange. Chicago's ttiuesi m Largest Used Ford Dealers, nav Michigan Ave.. Chicago. III. each. i- : " . "... . e G. B. Caldwell, rnones b'J anu i o !0VR PAINT DEPARTMENT best. Bring us your next FOR SLE on the Wilmington an.. Monroe highway a small farm, one tenant house and plenty of limber and vat.l. J. I rani w imams. of the aniimii reunion, the date of!.-nl,e(i pi:;t. s Government, wishes to .1.1.1. h.. heen set on the last Thurs' in August. Dr. A. v. . n..- of rnionville. was eiecieu ie; day ley iao i nr m.iiitui. lev. oi i nioii. inr-, his of the battleship Kansas at TYuM nd Mr . w. B. Whitley, of t.1 nihr rtav was enotiKh to er-rXfy ihe V ioncounly kUtdofpro- H was in'iw'np privet orcanizaiH'ii 5d of the vast good ,ha, con,, e f derived tront meir - ,,. of Kansas broKe in- the merchants, bankers ana ousnies n, -.... j flui(1 men of the South in securing good bottle thai "eltl lny Itaeford. secretary t. it i Whltlev tmper on Whit lev family, which is I linn passing Interest lows the of more was as foi- CHOOSE CAREFULLY. The selection of a bank should be a matter for careful considerition. Look into its personnel, its directorship, its finan cial strength, its methods and its principles. THE FarmersSMeroliants BanK The Bank That Backs the Farmer. M. K. Lee, Pres. C B. Adams, Vice-Pres. H. E. Lee, Cashier. announce to the pvl.lic mat mere is .-tiiettiv hiiti'eu anywhere about the buildius. neither in i. or under it and tf.-uests that they nwt shifting the building about searching m t. 5:i e!.. .hn in hired a week ri.e on. ic. - - aco. beginning Monday, by Smothers, tie Hogviue fimr AlTO.MOniLE DRAY Tro cars for hire for all kinas oi namm. freight to furniture moving. R F. Trice. Bub as a .. ..... ie.A ARMY SHOES Full .sALr,- i thousand pairs of secona-uauu army hoes in good condition at prices ranting from $1 to $3. All izes. Plenty ot good bargains. U F Price, at the old Curlee place. hla older children ft Is a great pleasure to tne to ,;a,esma; ha, ten fired off the Jolv .... -.Ht. v.. ii to-aav. v ..en tup., neen a Kiea. u was here and enjoyed the hl'i'i,?Lx,,iaining done by both sides as ' to of my cousin and his family. I was i.hy si,e fail4d to ..mBke KOod. Mi' i it inai Miin in wv... Han iuiu ii loitimntA buBinees ana that a palman. It mattered not now u mr) fraiiK n ituq i" DUiiroi - could not have "Vn . Vhe ,in. m the fact that they runi' ...... .- 1..K l j w.. joivoii ao otten ur i hi. nRt dealings with them. When Bub heard this h said the reason he fired file was tnai ne onlv a boy ana were little lots. Whitley's Are Scotch, i t eould clve you definite information of the origin of the Whit ley family in North uarouna. ...ii,i with a well inforruea gentie- iuh. - . ,. .1... man in Baltimore wno saia uia u. knew the Whitley family In Scotland and that we were Scotch. Others to whom 1 have talked claim thai the family cam from England; how- ,h.i m.v he. there are a great niuny Whitley's In both Eugland and Scotland. i "There are many Whltley'a In w-i, on.intr N. C who resemble .. whiiiev'a of Stanly and Union counties. My daughter, who was at Chapel Hill this sunvmer. " if .h weie a sister of George i. : . , -j .i'i.i.l., nr Wake county, a luniirr Mttdent of the University who stood high In his class, ana was " ""' .. iko tike hrother and sister. I have not been able lo learn whether the Whitley's or tnose """" branched off from Ihe Stanly "hit- ley's or whether we oram-.... ... from them, but Ihe family resem blance Is very striking. tief.igc Wat. First Whitley. whtilev that 1 have any ...IT HI-. . . ....... V.l. l..fn.-malin.l Of In 1'leUlUOIU .iu. Carolina was George Whitley, born i-liout 1735. He lived on Big Rear ......... i .iilv riiiintv. lie i iixi, . . led twice tliiii reur.'U ii i.n.e .. . He and two or Ihree of ins sous .-. ii.ldieis 'i the Anier.c.tii u "" ... inn. t mikil with one of '. ...... .1. .. I'ar lc r.illic w niuey. ' " old. Who uuii in. mi . '. . . ..iij.iit If he man; that n is now - was placed on a main thoroughfare gain prices he could sell a cupful. . oitn h' the right sort preaches to himself harder than any one else can Tre are manv ways in which a good strong bank nnv K of valao to you. Our unalterable policy is to i - rriv:;le possible value to the largest possi ble num'n r ot people, ix-pardless of whether or not thev avo customers of ours. Cur welfare is dependent on the welfare of this community, so we have a vuai interest in each individual who composes it. Do not hesit,te to call onsgg ltnttlQ &BflEa-a-sss I Turnip is ih job. Secrest Motor Co. SHOE SHOP Let u do your re pairing. Good, white skilled work man who know how. Charges rea sonable. R. F. Trice, in old Cur. lee building. WE CARRY a splendid line of bug gies and wagons and buggy ana wagon harness. Sold on easy terms. Fowler & Lee. EE I S BEFORE you buy your auto mobile. We can please you. Secrest Motor Co. CAR LOAD of Barb Wire end Field Fencing. Figure with us. Tharp Hardware Co. WE WILL RECHARGE, rebuild or sell you a new Battery. See us It you have trouble. Secrest. Moic-r Company. FOR SALE One 6 h. p. Inter nal ional engine and corn mill at a bargain. A. K. Deese, Monroe. Route 1. WANTED LUMBER For genera! building purposes. I. n. onmo"- WANTED I have two customers who want farina within a mue . Monroe. Have cash lo pay for them anywhere from 60 to 75 acre farms considered. R. F. Price. FOR SALE Modern nungaiow first class shape on r.aai B(reet.See W. J. Rudge. HAVE US TO relop. upholster ana paint your car. our won is g. anteed. Secrest Motor Co. TRY SOME of the SwifU' Premium ham. sliced. Star Marget Kivrw-i' it la a violation of the laws of the State of Rortn v.rnn make any ahid of re palm, remove . .ex.! anv kind of a building In .i.. -in ..f Monroe without a per mit Thewe permits can only be issued by (i. B. Caldwell, Building Inspector. WIRE NAILS. Galvanlied and Rub ber noofing.--Tnarp narow.e Seed! nnr.nvi.-AU FIRESTONE and Good Hrh Tires ana iiu-s. Motor Co. WANTED To rent a good one-horse t n..n rnnn mi'iiuiii. 11 " i arm ii . r , Fstridge. Waxhaw. N. C. WANTED A good cook. Apply 314 West Croweit streei SPECIAL PRICES ON FIRESTON3 Fabric Casings for au&ui Secrest Motor Co. FOR SALE A aix-rootu cottaxo Church street, newqr immw side and out. a clean as a ptn. with every wotiero conveuieoc. electric lights, water and soweraffe-. and well screened. Oaa give Vb sessioo at once. No ue complain ing about not beJn able to g houses, as we will sell at a rea sonable price. Fowler ft Le. PHONE THE STAR MARKET for Spring Ijnub. as nue as had. Phone 1S8. Fatly Ked r l'nrple Top. (fiat s(H.i.lenv.Ml.) flal. white, with pu.p.e toil, flue grain, d and temler; the inost pi.puhir of all varieties and tne b-st .--Her. .-...iv white Hat Hutch. Exactly his -lilte' Early Red or 1'nrpL' Top. ecei't llllll ivn it a ur white: Hvet 1 1 'J v.:iftl I lit II Jl , " - - - i-.l.,. III. Illli' Ted r eel": " 1 lldlliv 110111 Ii" CUTTING SHINGLES AGAIN At the rainier Steele old stand. Shingles of ell kinds ready for de livery, and milking more every day. wve L. N. Griffin at the mill or L. n IVown at Cnrmel. L. K. Brown. Moii'.oe route 4. !fOK SALE One Chevrolet roadsi i..,,,'i,neil with tires. n..i- "i SAND HILL LAND for to! In Chesterfield county. S. C. I On acres on the Angelus 4. ChtetT.eld pulv lic road six miles from Aiiselits. Good rlny rond by place. 1 Un'y of limber to build. Saw ti 1;1 is mile of timber. Will aeli for 1 per tictv. 1-3 catli. balnncf- mi tir.'.". , Also SO acres near the 1'0 ( trnrt . W. N. Lee or W. 1-. M't thai he T? i,i..l hrotlii'is come :.- l.i-lin;lii their ciis ! then: i:ie til .... . nl v M It'll i inn e i d;.v 1 Viiinw of one oiti.-f cum brotu h.Mi'ie by tlics" 1'oys wlreli is s' II the Whiiley family. flie SIOIV l.lll l ihe t'hl'li This Georte Wliill.y :tlfo had a , nai.1,.1 George, a IhiprlM n.lni-n-r He was married twice ai d raised a large family. One of his "ii'r v.r.fl bitten a rubid dg and Willi livdiophobia. He also had a son George who was my grandfalh". and niv con: in rhilllu's grnndlalhei. 1H Iwlut one of the commission.'! a who Icstablish-d the boundaries county ami located Ihe comity m.. This Georue was omii ri.-d Ke'ierca Cugle who was born in 1 7 t 1 . Tiiey l.veu on inn .... I, .,,1 flfteen children. ...i nvmi to he trown men ii.i in ii.. ' " women, anions them Whitley who was cousin f .ii.i r There was aisu this family (Mie louruu " r .mmr MIHlllI niill. Oiie lil I-'- . . .'.hniienEe from his coin- i . attmilflir a thn'O hag of wheat while stnniung ' ' J..i,i. , sneeeeried In slmulderiui , Imtieove.1 Top White t.MV n itnprnved strain grown from roots '. l. eted for size, shapi. q'Uiliiy an-1 -nail lops. Very popular for mavku i: home use, nl.-'O km shkb. ' . . .. i. . i t.... vviilie lilolie. i laini""iii i..-.. ! -- j Make large white ulobv shapjil rm.ts A lilg yiei'i'-i . I"" j and Bt.i' k f . i vliite variety Flesh fwe-t, tirrn SEABOARD Air Line Railroad thirteen 01 Hi Addison Phillip eorgo J i was i is coin b'.tshe I V. !th I'l't pl"' toe. 'fur table, mark-.'l White Vw. A n tick producing, egg s'.inned. smooth. wte vith small los. mil mild. Largo White Norfolk ;lo!i'. Makes jyj.T huge round white roots, excellent .... table or stock; nlso used for w.ntirj salad. I'o-.-.ieratilan White Globe. Lxtra . ., fur inhle and k-.rce, toana iu, ..n. i ...tit ; big yielder. Unge White One of th! biggest yieliUrs to' id mid firm. YlXLOW-nrslH I) VAFilTIKS Uii-ko Aiiiher or Yellow filoU-. Of . ..-pe gU.'..-.-iiaieJ. H1J ;'' lesh. Floe for' an-I '"''": a line keeper. ... . l-un.lo Top Yellow AlM-rdeeti. A .plendld keeper. Flerh is verv rolid. I.m'i.r and sweet. Hindy nn.i vi.l.l.r: line stock turn p. .inn i - - ... ...ii.. .. ;..Mon Ball or ia:ige - and .1 . ...rninn f llllll II Mill. in exceiien. '""-' ' , Bavei'in for quick buyer. Cash or ftWA not.-. W. B. llrown. Gordon Inst'rance Offlce. Tit- it cviT!!. Eve-?!g''t S.e"iall-I. .:.. .,.;,,.nn.l to Voi-roe iivd can be f n'nl .egularly at hls.ofilce fon.. t-ts d a'". The late-' methods or, aiirn .tir:-!. Your evv oxam'.U'd trl-W Yl 1 IV. V IO" lie f.i.1 ....... Ttii. la'-' SM'..S a'" I' f;i'v;i!s'i-d. 0'"!ice '-- UK. IK. FOR SALE ScieeniH Cteni. Rack porch s rents to ll.r.O; screen ' fran.-. 75 cents l J Window 'i"-lies.- .!. t. Iir, f: . After you eat-atvray. I'lilV" Peik-R'tf.dy f Mi UK Miuiv;:: Fr.iit Jarn.- - LOST A No S V. its''iC.v '-vcr ; Lee's fill. Untile 1. ntnent of nvil'T. - . Wed n city am! , , Monroe SEE TH' loMo. .' will pa !iles t . ii ri 5 "rye'' ci.s".i L-r Char-They UlllOlllO- l,otlvwlievesHiartburc,Hi-!.- d Cty Feeling. Stops food 3. repeat mfr. and all atomflcj m.- r - wwlknd .iron. neV.tal.iy aa -EATOKlCithhitiml)'-,Tcn,'l... bi).X..Vuwuino. Etigl.sli Hiiitf Co- Moi.ioe. X. C Whv is it the Mit.ill cu-ioi n r ul-v.-j.ys I'.em.inils mm-.' service (''All U , big on ? Tralna ma ti frnm Charlotte .... 660 Vl No. 12 from Atlanta ;30 No. 4 Ifom Rutherfordton 10. So a. a.m. m. ni. Leave S.66 a. 6:35 a, 11.00 a . 7.5S a. 11:20 a. m. m. No. 5 from Kicnmona No. 19 from Wilmington No. 15 from Monroe No. 29 from Monroe No. II from Raleigh ana uiu6vi r No 20 from Charlotte .... 6.U P-m. No. 30 from Atlanta 6-60 P. m. No. 16 from Rnthertorflton 9 i v- from Atlanta " 10.30 p. l". 11:05 No. N. U f Wllmlngten No. 11 f'n rortsttoalh 0. T. IlARBnX, Ticket At. m. for Wilmington, m. for Richmond , m. for Raleigh and Wilmington 8.00 a. in. for Atlanta. 11.30 a. ni. for Chailotte. 8.10 a. m. for Rutherfordton. 11:30 a. m. for Atlanta 2.45 p. ni. for Rutherfordton 6.00 P- m. for Wilmington. Monrce. Monroe. I. 4S for Richmond. 10.45 P- 'or Charlotte. II. 10 P. ui. for Atlanta. JOHN T. WEST. Division raaaifr Ajtent. lion oi ..'.'i. - - - one. while many of them ...icm inles. The Whllle) Whitley blon.l :. .,.'.'. u. i. ....vtiired a ruptincif ,ko .vpetest and ! t yellow nirii- of some 'internal organ from which !. , hardy, flesh Is firm and ot nvtsl died. ... ..,....,. ' . "The Whltlev tnmii.v ... ' .viiveo ii.r..'i' .-..- , . tlon of North Carolina is a very lnrcc ,,,, on ,hlg paRtf m a well l.alatucu mixture. SALAD VAI.I I.TY Seven Top. A very hardy vailety trown exclusively for salad. KIT A HAtiA OR SWF.HK l-nrple Top Yrll.iw. The old stnn dard variety. A larr.e yield-r, go..d . i.rj. tinl and sol (I. k . in i, .ii..... . ...... , i isiri.l.. Ton Yellow. AS improved strain grown from roots se lected for large tle. tinifor.nily in hune and fine Quality, iiaru? . s - . . . u .. I,... t a goou serpfi. n.e . most productive. . u-in. tinve am ii.. ....... i.. ihe in thorn are ana nave ... . past nn honwl and progressive clas Hi citizens. Most of them hsve been farmers, and have enjoyed a fair c erP. of success. Many of our famih have been teacher, in the vt our counties and rt.ile e have also had a number of minis rs l;i - .i inn In our family. V hue none have become fsmo.-s. yet their lives and Influence have heen a larsc I factor -in te development of the C0tti- nuinltlcs In wnicn tn-y nu--- shaped and A It'rtlidHy Kemlniler. ;ril "To-motrow Is Jack's twen- ty-ichth Mrlhday." pp,l,,"Are you golnff to give htm anvthing?" . . Nell "Yea. a good strong hint Boston Transcript. Ouica ChniiKe. 'in Ncxiro," saya Uncle Abimclofli Bogardus. "a feller'a tot to ouy tne latest extry to aee whether hes patriot or a traitor." Seattle rt lBtellietr. , ENGLISH DRUG CO. WHOLESALE AM) KFTAII. DR. P. M. ABERNETHY VETERINARIAN Office FOWLER LKE STAPLE MONROE. N. C. Phone 301. Tlceidcnce ritone 1SJ-J. rrTi?? , ffl Uvt Tot j.e Ms Vh3 i i:,e business a long luce anj we m.i -,..r u . a nrofllable cusiomei. We h ive the good.-, aud possible, irv . . , . . urnflinlile cusiome t will i- a j lcusure lo how you through our large slock Come In and see fir yourself. Witt UNDZRTAIUUg I AT THE OLD oTAw v ZM tnmatj ommtnct J