pcht rica OLD TIMERS W THE ARMY HAD FUK WITH THE ROOKIES HOW CJREEX ME!C WERE MADE THE GOATS V MICH GAIETY Generally the Fun mam More ol U U.K.IHI! Hut a to That They DWn't Care. The pranks played on the rookie ... . ih thinea recalled Will V uia " M , with glee by veteran of the Great War heo they get together In re unions In the year to come. trade ha Its trick, perpetrated for : .... i .niHirine is no e- ine noicc, "- " . . " i rv vou th had occasion to learn shortly An,,n, ihe O. 1. and found hm-seil. unwillingly and unwitting CK.trlb ...i i.rH making a" merry Tgg MO.TRQK JOrBJIAJL. TTESDAT. SEPTEMBER tl. IWj. EIGHT PAGES .-l J. lant ftMfflAunrtDE hUl Dret- OUU&1UW iu - . ence by apeaking properly la the third person. From within came the aentoriaa voice ot the supposed chief. Leviaaky wu compumemru mui--. .nt itnallr hurried away bubllng over with enthusiasm because he had been appointee a corjwr.t. i.w tmv itr a aauad ana on line the next morning reported all present with mucn gusto, out 10. skip looked him over and reduced him so far that Levtnaky never there after even dreamed of becoming a private first class. Oimwi Staff. rv.ii. .olnr overseas fell for a lot of stuff. One bunch of new men i n.nfii in the South, soon to embark, when the company clerk ..a mm eveuinn richt after Cilliuuutiu - M - taps for the new men to fall In for overseas medals. i nf this same outfl. had . ini nf Ribles. thick and heavy. which had been the company property NO TRUE I0MLKWH1 VOTE FOR MEN WITH SHADY PAST MR. FVXPF.ItBVKK ITttiES THE WOMEN TO STIDY POUT1CS ALEXANDER'S FATHER WAS FOD DER Of CHURCH HERE u-ittwuit the Help of Women. This Country CouUlnt Hope to Secure Beat of Government. iU " - ... UIIliK iuiu -.- , . lA i lone 10DK wniur, um - -The army without the .ookW would, when came ,0 be like a bar without a l-ran rail, .. - , 8how u wa, , -nothing for tPt'y Zx 'what to do with th. Bible., rest on." according lo the hard .. ,he ,0,per Mnt for the new ...ua While the prwicai "... . " .. rnnned in single " " ... he unsuspecting yoiwa- ': " ' V,, .oY 7 Bible, ex- stern when mey t" a" ' niaintnK that It was me n-Rui-r Vncle Sam were no Uoubt a hurt J he ulpment. A couple rouRh.it was not long before the , "P beeUs COuld.ft even read learend the ropes. For a few we" En(5,l8h but they glommed on to the they would swallow hook. line, and, d ,t Mlde on,y when sinker in their breathless anx et) tO w,nd on ,ong nike9i weeks make themaelve. useful am d sur- v More than one rookie nas reponru . H.0 fnmDailV clerk as an oruerij maae inrii . liu roundincs entirely new nd lllk-wU. TOysterioua and .omewnai ""'-- But afier they had seen a tvm Mj pulled they got wise and looked upon peclally such a. had th. trmta It errands of mercy. "A boob la th. army la maae oer In any other organisation, say. t. writer in The American Legion Weekly iNw York), from whose reminiscence, dealing with stock and spontaneous army j- - "T" -,h. If It Is a warm day within the wigwam and the flies are holding their usual convention, the rook may b sent to the grease-wagon for a bucket of steam In order to .team r m. call may be sent . .u .nniv.tnt for the new iroiu me ""n"' , wen to fall In for the O. D. Is."" ' . ,, i ii,. .iimmer hat. A rook may even clash with a supply ".,..nt nnn-com ii a try for O. orri","" D. hose. ' M ti.i- Ij.1 Wanted Sunpemlers. Freuuently the rooks complain to or Sibley engineer. A buck once sent a rookie to the colonel tent as ... Tt,. .Mnnoi nv him a seat and a good cigar, and before he left he had horned In for a furlough. At the- Yt. irw. nr . lran buck With luv " . ' ,nnvi miixt needs be bard. Over near St Omer. In France, a unit was ramped on the ntusiae. naiu8 m. into some tents which had been used hv the Hruisn. i" .1 int on one company street was a huge pile 01 "'" hwn mewl 10 uiue ic . . . inin tha hard ErouiiQ The unit was to move forward to the ii ... h.ii and everybody was on edge. A rook passing the tent asked the company clerk what the Trench-raiders." he said, silent trench-raiders. HavenH you got your v There's to le a ireuiu- .. r'. . ' "..,t that they are raider inspection . .... inn HUiiuiy ocih" - nu want niT Min ine irrmru ahy on enulpment such ra( ;7dtarled t0 polish it up. the vest or garters. One bo U ow i r e rm number of more country ho had always worn . m- h He he 0 up)(Uerg , g0 up ,or pendens has been known t W o e r oMm ' " More ,, a doien to the topper, neau . ... company fell. Includ-, eklpper wiih a complaint I hut tne "DP , . do?-robber. arn.y bel, hurt his tonueh. I I 8obtr got his Issue and Alihouh the rookies of 1918 1 l ! ft ,hl8 belng! thought they were veie.ai.s b) the, al lh I of ni. enpecially time .hey bucked open .J1: orflters. so the dog robber was would occasionally be ' ,. i , 'S he ,i,riri ward hd line of skirmishers to the co lo el s ,o Id VN Bla ra,der8 . headquarters for a piece of skim sh ;',ar,er gathered in Ihe street, line. 'This same .tunt " salute was of- pulled on the target range alter of discipline and excited rook would rush off for some, ered upn d )ded over Be. nring-Une. The O. U. ram; e-f. i Uer he s lent ra has also been searched for as well as ore n uj distributed "."u ,::: ;.w on hi. first guard to rooks throughout tne JNOl "7 J Ill irqu...j ----- - ...i mount, a rook would nurry "? his freshly cleaned equipment u . . general's headquarter. In a frantic " . . ..oi ihe kev to the pa- VroundV One lad.' bucking for The Guanl House lawyer. A rook hit a Southern trauung camp after a month of service and wined rurioiien riKiu . rade-grounds. One lad. bucking for) h d bpen away from hoine "rderlV. went to the stable for a mule m bpslaps he. only for guard mount. na,l olie mother. The bucks lo , . ,.l. .... Tentu . .. . .... klk nit fur and the neW- i linus v" r nun 10 K" mii" - - - , The rookie's first trial In striking corner wnlked rlgth past the oPPfr 'j thJ ouD-ie.i.s was alwa.v. fraught ,et and bearded the skip In his den with much trob" If his tent-pegs aving lost the M, he repcr led were n taauig tnd they usually were. bark ,0 ,, ringleader of the veierans. e one won d proffer advice thai tie was told lo see the officer of the too kUK Li a handy .upply orj,he ,iay and pot penuisslon to to n-i tne top mm ..,.. anL..i. n, ..no-.ii.-innsp lawyer, the logu! .."rrZd liruie" co,u-pv!;;no7rok.es as well as for rook has souuh . vain for these (orlll,,,H,0 lo n bird who only know., Accessories During cold weather!.,, ofli,er as oldm.V or 'boss " as -hg;ior ... ' Mess sergeant were often bothered I dollar-extra man to bury a match liv lookieJ anxious lo get their issue (I!.,Ril,g Hume., ., hole for the t'SSS' cia!"1' go, ,. a siory ,h.. one ,? hv i e vets and an occasional ' pf ,!)P boys had dl.-d and a rook was okie lias en loco ed ?0 try It out. , every captain In Ihe reg l.nent a t i , few du on busy drill r0r dmmtlnn. The wl.cres signed ma v . "ok as I ought the more , ,r own skipper's name ,t. Ihe heal wn ' ... 'ILiK- tab of M. P. I f the list. Sure enough, after sew r.miiuii Hitvi vim' A ven ran buck In the southern train ing-camp formed a mine suuuu , "hVthu of rookies, and they manl- cured the corral and mules for days! while training the mounts. Their, dutlos were to patrol Ihe st reels or he town mounted on the fence buslers The guffaws of the large crowd that gathered to watch them vater the puntahmenl-absorber. sob ered their pent-up desires lo enforce heaven's law. order. The "CiMiimisslon Stunt" The non-coms frequently frame-'. i.. ,,il-i,,o- off warrants and giv- riJU IVS . P,in'"P . lug them conrnilssions of much d g- nlty. One evening overseas the skip-i ter and looey of a certain outfit had gone Into town, leaving at their head-, quarter, a dog-robl.er The sergean went Into the tent -and lay down on the skipper's bunk, sending the gear polisher for one Levlnsky, a rook of the first water. , .J Levinsky stood at attention Just eral hours' ion, mis ' turned with a ten-dollar donation from ten out of eleven officers. Dr. Kemp Funderburk DENTIST Office over Waller'. Old Store. Modern Methods Employed By MRS. EDNA V. FUNDERBURK. At the request of the Editor of The Journal I shall endeavor to the attitude that to. according to my ..Ai... K kt nne fnr woman I f K nfii... ' " " - - . i.i. inward the bolitical auesllona of to-day. I will take up so much space to talk about these things tnai I will run a short series of articles along these lines. In this let", think about the party, snouia women join anv parly? If so which oi.e? To ...J . v r thliikinr It would be fool- i.,v. in. wnnmn eil lier in the city Or the country to attempt to organise a party of their own. we are new In these things and men have been in. i. i ho nnliilral unit that it ni i.' " p ... i n.uuii rnr im io nave no unv in governmental affairs at all if we ......,ni in An ui alone because It .....i.i .in.niv mean defeat and be side that I do not think that would i... v.. v Wa nusht to work .i.. nh nur men. 'Via need their experience and their advice and cooler Judgment. v.i,i, .r can make a Derfect home without the help of the other i i. .n, that nrh heinr the case we ought to have found out long ago that neitner sex coum n of the other. Then let u. ally our- .Iih anma DartV but Which one. you .ay? Well, when we try to . . l J ..J Mitt decide about mat we snuum mm .w . i.,i. all nr tnem siana iur. V.'e .hould not consider our own in terest alone but the Interest and wel- ka whnia country. Which party consider, the rights of all the people? Now, or course, u uum well for us to study what each party ha. done for the good ot the nation. To my mind there Isn't any question but that both the greatest parties have done some gooa minus. . one of them have done altogether bad and yet if the Democratic party -...ii ona what Ha name implies it must stand for all of the people. It lllUSt, If the wora oemucim-jr m.. i. n... .minri mean and intend that that all the people have a voice In I.. .Kilr. nf tha lift' loll. I have heard people say time after ! time that they didn't care who was -Mint nf ihe l nlled States, that It makes absolutely no difference j which party succeeds In PitJlnR a man In the While House. Well, it 1 1. i.,,nrniAa that tiromnls an expres- that ami the one who says so may be Intelltgenet In other things hut he or she certainly doesn't know much about this government. It does i.. . A-.rtro,yro and a verv material iiihrc a uiin ------ difference which man is put In the presidential chair. My advice to our . . m he 10 en to a man in Yi II 1 1 1 r 11 n w v. c- whose Judgment you place confidence and talk these things over with him. Don't go to a man wnose me failure a man who hasn't made his nr. ,,.,i rnr anmethlne In his part 1 1 1 r- vuuiii i v ,J . . of the world. If you were going to run a farm you certainly wouldn t to to a farmer who hadn't made any thing and ask him how to make crops rrow No vou wouldn't be so silly. .Veil then iise that same reason in s-rklng advice about public affairs. Tiiik with more than one If you wish nn.1 see for yourself wneiner uir. ii,, . i ia Rtnndine for and IS U I'illi,. i ... " considering Ihe welfare or the home ... -.t the home In the distant North and the little Southern home i.'so. The party that is seemii j . thlmr fnr nil of 118 and nu im: in, ........ vo:e with thai party and help It i ma'.te this n oetter counnj has over men even at Its best. As to the Uiiid of a man we should .,n u neere. s ra Km. WOlllU" p II l I'.' I 1 1' " ' . ti going lo vote for a man whose h.,n the least bid shady. it t he n mnn with a clean lir niur,i - ...,. record behind hfm. Any man would do dirty things In private uel wouldn't do lo trust In public affairs He that Is faithful over small thlnKS will be faithful In greater things. So search the careers of the er.ndldates by nil means aim u-. now to do It by keeping up with daily doings so that In the years to come when a man announces himself f office you will know whether to -crntrh his name off or not. In our next article we are going lo try to disruss as best we can .what our attitude should be toward ihe League of Nr.tions. WeU-Kawma Biblical Scholar Also VhiUMl Friend, ia Monroe tm Sev eral (trraaiooa. Tha father of Mr. R. O. Alexander. th. Charlotte cotton mill man. and bible student, who la being tried in Charlotte for non-enpporl on charge. filed by bis wife. lounoea iu roe Presbyterian church here, aceord- ! In nM raatrtenla. Mil laiuvi, iu b.. ...i. tii-m v.. naslor of the W'adesboro church, and came to Mon roe to preach once a month. A. a result of his visits, the Presbyterian w kin Mtahllahed. I. 11 U I V (I HTIC " - . Mr Alexander, the son. has visited Yriends in Monroe on several occa- ii u aain in be a aevoui oi- ble .indent, and hi. wife claim, that his religion ha. reached tne ianuc stage. Mr. Alexander, it m ,r meiubered. propneciea th.t th Kiironean war would end In the Mississippi valley. 4Vti Should Hold For 4.1 Cents. r .. t-iinr nf The Journal: IU III. L. , ' - - I , You asked me to write a short article on how to combat ana aeieai w-.it street aneculators. I am glad) ta give vou mv opinion. First, keep th. coiion off the market for ninety da. Let every merchant and bank er extend notes ana accouma period of time. Buy nothing that one . !ki. An without. There is can H""J w.i,. enough surplus money m . . ... .A ... anri nit for eV- ery article that I. absolutely needed t a k A fn lm At-SB B tin Mil UlUriS Wi I oy i tic i.i - ninety days. Reliable report, from South Caro- I. Xliaaiaalnnl State una, uwiRia - " . that the cotton weed li deceptive, and that the yield will ,not oe nr - k ...noaranpaa would indicate. UIUI. II Ml , I ' , From a study of private and govern ment reports. I nave tim nrnHurtion can- conciusioii " f---- . not be more than eleven and one-half million bales. There is no why the present crop should noij bring an average oi iwij 1 ' u.i. .. . nnund It will do one-nan t - . - , , so If the farmers and business men keep their nerve. Tne worm nr..r , every available pound of cotton, and , . . . fair nrlce for It. : II IS wining iv V'J Kui Keep the cotton off the market by, all means. To do .o will be to thwart the speculator and hi. designs. fc.y-1 ery farmer and business man who is In a position to oo su , Hiairess" cotton and hold It for i centg.W. L. Motes. Her Money Was Gone! An old woman who lived alon. had kept nearly U.000.00 la currency .round her house for year.. Sh. wa. afraid of bank.. Last fall sh. became seriously 111. and No. .he didn't die. But when .he went to look for the cash It g .... rnrti.nalelv an roe honest friend, had found It while .he W wa. unconscious and had deposed it to her credit in a bank. n-wi. . v... in. rinrided that after all the bank Is the safest A U lo wuutiu aievo n - - - y place, and. besides, her money la not Idle any longer. It is now S earning per ceni lor us . Let u. put your money to work for you. THE BANK OF UNION Monroe, N. C. CAPITAL . SURPLUS $100,000.00 $100,000.00 W. 8. BLAKENKT, President. . ... a a V PAf T Aaaa Cm all. laftB W7 W AAar nNtlX tr J A A aT.llAaW B. G. LA NET, Caahier HAIWiKO k bu i-". A 9 Announcement Father Substitnteil for Son on KUh-' inoud jury. (From Rockingham Post-Dispatch I An incident happened at the civil term of Superior court lor county, at Rockingham mis that we venture sets a preceurm, a good one, for the state. A young man summoned as a Juror had so much to do on his farm that he brought his sued father along as a j substitute. The father nau ir-u.., broken an arm. and could not.do phy-, steal labor, bul could easily serve as a. Juror. When the young man ask-j ed Judge McElroy If the substitution, could be made, the Judge of course .jn.. The father took! the ton's place In the Jury box and .. I l. ... u.nrlf I the younger man weiu A juI) like Descent. ! Frances." said the little girl's' mother, who was enteitalng waller.,, "you came down-stairs so noisily that . '.. i.i h huutd all over the house.1 I Now go back and come down stairs , I like n. lady." After a rew momeius rinmr .v. entered the room. "Did ou hear me ,i ihl time, mother? ishe asked, according to the Philadel phia Bulletin. "No, dear; I am glad you came . .,iiiv TpII these ladies how. i-ou managed to come down like a iady the second time, when the first time you made so much noise." ; i ..Tho aernnd lime I slid down the. banisters," explained Frances. IWOI LD COS N F.t'T ( HIl'AtiO WITH NKW limn. , DR. P. M. ABERNETHY VETERINARIAN Office FOWLER ft LEE STABLE MONROE. N. C. phone S08. Residence Phone 159-J. 11)19 ll2 CroweH's Variety Store SOITH MAIN HTHKKT, Monroe, X. t'. R.H.Garren,H.D. Pmctlco Limited to Treatment of Disease, of BYE, F.AK. NOSE AM THROAT Office Over THE VMON IRUO COMPANY. PHONE ,258. GORDON INSURANCE and INVESTMENT CO. INSURANCE EXPERTS Phone 209. Farmers ft MerclianU Bank BnUdlng. Stop, Look and Listen! New clothes have advanced and doubled In price, but we make the old ones look new by cleaning and pressing them at the same old nrloe. We have with us Major Houston from a large Philadelphia nrv rieanlns Plant. We clean anything cleanable and guarantee all work. CUVE ME A TRIAL LADIES' WOHK A SPECIALITY. The Tjic Vcd o,i0 Yo,ir lo ,u, lUli KmlorM'tiieiils of IHmiu's Kid ney Pills. Of the many kidney remedies on Ihe market to-day. none other is rec ommended like Doan's Kidney 1 lis. Fifty thousand benefit ted people g ad ly testify In the newspapers of their !0wn towns. Forty-five hundred Ainer ilcnn newspapers publish (his home: , proof of DoaVs merit. The type used 1 1.. i i. .ii this wonderful sto-, III OHC .1-11. - . . , ry would make a solid column of met- I al twice as high as the world's high est mountain. Placed end lo end the lines of tvpe would reach from New . York to Chicago. These miles of( good wordt told by 50.000 tongues sound glad tidings to any Monroe suf ferer who wants relief from kldnej ...j i.i.i.io,. nu Here's a Monroe auu ui . .1, case. Don't experiment. Ise the remedy endorsed by people you koo. ' . -i. . .,..li.l,lmr W W. Hargett. plumber, Aliaira St., says: "My b:uk ached a great deal and my kidneys were disordered. The kidney secretions were hiclil .... j i . nJ n.ivied to trv Donn s cuiuri'ii. " - - , , Kidney Pills, so I got a supply at the English Drug t o- " - '" .t "..i.. ..iir ihnv save tne. Soon I was entirely cured and I bent had to use a kidney medicine since, n.i fn. .,i nil dealers. Don t Imply ask for a kidney remedy-get .ri .i.. Tnio the same thai Mr. Hargett had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs.. Buffalo, w. We are better prepared than ever before to care for our farmer friends, and we are in a position to promise you quick service on a moment's notice. This year, on account of the bet ter quality of the wheat we are making a better grade of flour, and we are certain to please you. Special attention given to ship ments from neighboring towns and communities. Monroe Steam Pressing Club (Uoucester Hotel Building. C. 8. SIMPSON, Prop. Phone 33 . Phone 83S Henderson Roller Mills Co. Monroe, N. C. JUNK Wanted We are always In ! market fot Iron, metsl of al' k.n.is. uoues. iii tc. Open every day. Monroe Iron & Metal Co. Near FrlDt urpou This Bank is for PEOPLE WHO WANT TO IMPROVE THEIR FINANCIAL CONDITION. Will You Let Us Serve You ? A rWkinrr account is most convenient in the payment of bills. A savings account is the sure road to an eventual competency. The Savings, Loan and Trust Co. . . '.a '. TT SM.t. O 1. i K. is. Kedwine, rrcsiaeni. . i. v-iarn, v,asu.i a

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