ITTfiHAT FACTS THK MOXROE JOCRWAL. TUESDAY-. SEPTEMBER tl, 1920. EIGHT PACK as L7K RE 55a ma Good business conditions and the increased pro duction so necessary to the present day prosperity go hand in hand. A dollar spent and put in circulation is much nore potent for good than a dollar idle, hoarded and ost to the world. Your funds in this bank will be made to work intelligently toward maintaining this prosperity. NATIONAL- AMERICA IS LAND OF ICE CREAM, SAYS ENGLISHMAN SAYS THIS IS COCXTRY OF EXTREMES WITH MILIJOXS And the Uirb Are Scantily Dreiued ('btiiiu New York I Km ply Fx rept fr Five Million Pfople. LIFE- is full of trials and tribulations, but they are less acute if you have a bank account. This bank offers you safety in the care of your funds, convenience in the payment of bills, and a haven of refuge from the storms of life. If you open an account today you will feel better tomorrow. THE Farmers&Aleronants BanK The Bank That Backs the Farmer. v M. K. Lee, Pres. C. B. Adams, Vice-Pres. R. A. Morrow, Jr., Cashier. Cotton Pickers Account Book This valuable book, which contain a ready reckoner of account ing, will be given free to parties who will call In person for them. Also Income Tax and Farmers Business Record. A copy of this will also be given to those who call In person or to those who write for same enclosing postage. This Income Tax Record contains copy of the law and Information as to how to keep your accounts and other vaulable Information. The country Is now being readjusted, and It behooves us all to get on a business basis, so come early and get your free records before they are all gone. Gordon Insurance 6 Investment Co. WK WRITE ALL FORMS OF UFK A XI) FIRE INSURANCE. Farmers & Men limit Hank Building. W. M. ;OMM) AHTHl'K KIHJEWORTH 1 W. B. UKOWX. HOIiKKT LKE HARRY COBLE ess Insurance to Farmers on UNUSUAL TERMS Fire Insurance on a credit basis for tho farmer Is a new de parture, and we are opening up a department for that purpose which Is of unusual benefit. Fire and Tornado Insuraico are written covering all property for three or five years at very low rates, and annual notes given In pavment of same, after a small cash payment. Farmers are urged to take advantage of this unusual oppor tunity. Monroe insurance & investment Gom. Office In Bank of Vnion Building. O. B. CALDWELL, Manage. SEABOARD Air Line Railroad Tralna Arrive No. 14 from Charlotte .... 8.60 a.m. Np. 1 from Atlanta 6:.0 a. m. No. H from Rutherfordton 10.65 a.m. No. S from Richmond .... 7.SS a.m. No. 19 from Wilmington . . 11:20 a. m. No. 15 from Monroe No. 29 from Monroe No. SI from Raleigh and Wilmington 2:40 p.m. No. 20 from Charlotte .... 5.50 p. m. No. SO from Atlanta S.50 p. m. IS from Rutherfordton 1.10 P. m. I from Atlanta 9.35 p. m. No. 13 from Wilmington . 19.IS m. No. 11 treat Portsmouth .. 11:06 P-. No. No. a , KARIULJU Leave 6.65 a. m. for Wilmington. (:35 a. m. for Richmond 11.00 a. m. for Raleigh and Wilmington 8.00 a. m. for Atlanta. 11. SO a. m. for Charlotte. S.10 a. ni. for Rutherfordton. 11:30 a. m. for Atlanta 2.4S p. m. for Rutherfordton (.00 p. tn. for Wilmington. Monro. , Monroe. . 9.45 for Richmond. 11.46 p. b. for Charlotte. 11.19 p. b. for Atlanta. B. W. L050, Pli M l PiuMrnevr 4mi Otarlntta, X. C An Englishman who recently i foiled the Uuittd States wrote his Impressions of the country upon bis ! return to his native land. Here la his article: Of course America is the land of extremes. The people are either de manding that all countries pn earth Join In a, League of Nations so that universal brotherhood shall be main tained, or they want to shoot, at siKht. the mug-wuang patriot who would tarnish the glory of America by having obligations with decayed and played-out European lands. In winter the thermometer signs away below xero; and in summer it bubbles up beyond the century. Just now i something like a hundred million Americana are gasping with heat. New York is empty except for some five million people who are ob- i lifted to remain in "the poor little old town." The wealthy have gone to Newport, or Southampton or Long Island, or to the Berkshire Hills, or to charming Tiixedo. and there they live the simple life as only American millionaires can. Half the people one meets are mil lionaires. The war made eighteen thousand new millionaires in dol lars, not pounds. They are very hospitable. The current thing, how ever has been to visit Europe. Per haps you have met them. As the temperature is torrid Amer ica is adaptive. Many country houses have their sleeping porches, and there, in the open, slumber is sought In the hot, breathless nights. Elec tric fans are everywhere buzzing overhead In the shops and restau rants, and twirling with 'mechanical sidewings so that the breeze be spread. A little electric fan is hum ming on the table as I write to re lieve the 102 in the shade limpness. Elder and even youthful British golf ers would think It bad form to ap pear on the links in anything but a Jacket. The American, a stickler for convention in most things appertain ing to garb, leaves his coat in the rlub houses and snore likely than not has his shirt sleeves rolled up above the elbows. . i Every body wears a slraw hat. The Panama of Hamburg is not very pop ular. Mostly the round straw hat is worn, and In the morning when the great railway stations disgorge thou sands of workers coming in from the suburbs, you cannot looking from your hotel window see people for straw. j Men's costumes are flimsy. The : waistcoat is unknown. To wear braces or suspenders Is to proclaim j yourself an old-timer or an English I man. Cool mohair suits are the ! thing, though If you want to admit I It Is real summer, you wear a Palm I Beach suit, canary colored coat and pants, such as oil kings or steel mag i nates are supposed to don in the gen jernl winter sunshine of Florida. What the Englishman would call a nut though the word has not the same meaning In America Is not content unless he is wearing a silk shirt. A silk shirt costs anything , from twelve to twenty dollars. City 'clerks spent halt a week's wages to buy a ailk shirt. The most gorgeous silk shlrta are not worn In New York. The most wonderful silk shirts I have seen! have seen have been In the smaller! towns of the Middle West, In Illinois,! Michigan, Wlecoiihln and Iowa, flam- ing stripes of chocolate and green; and puce, and collars of orange and. magenta. At the risk of making myself un-, pnular at home, I must say that I think the young American girl is the greatest creature on earth. And she has taste. And, further, when it j come to scantiness of attire In the warn months she "goes some." La, la! the costumes of the girls I saw in France last year were demueness Itself compared with the fli main ess of the dress worn by the average Amer ican girl this year. iDelng a mere man, I dare not at tempt to describe. The dresses, how ever, begin low down and end high up, and lace and silken ribbons, shown through the gauze,, leave a lit tle, but not much, to the Imagination. The other day down at New Orleans a clergyman was so shocked when a bride walked up the aisle that he ordered the church lights to be ex tinguished and the girl to go and find more clothing before he would offici ate at the marriage ceremony. Llfo Is made possible with ice. The first thing that probably makes an American mad in English is the ab sence of Ice. Our tepid drinking wa ter nauseates htm. Everything is Iced in America. The flint thing you do In the morn ing Is to drink Iced water. At all meals, whether at a quick lunch coun ter or at the Rita, you are supplied with a glass of water with pieces of Ice In It. The last thing you do at night Is to have the servant bring you a pitcher Jangling with lumps of Ice. The Ice chest is an Institution In every household. Ice Is delivered each day the same as milk. No doubt the Ice habit Is a bad one. But like most bad habits It is very pleasant. Americans have many pastimes, but the chief one seems to be eating Ice cream. Talk about the roast beef of old England! What Is It compared with the Ice cream of young America. The American has the sweetest tooth, and when he, and particularly she. Is, not munching andy or chewing gum. the local drug "tore Is being patronized. Incomes tre made from selling patent medi cine, but fmtunaes are accumulate by tho sale of Ice cream and toft drinks. Thee parlors I leave the "u" out of tho word In deference to m American friends are really rorre- ou eetabllshnenla. They are partoaa. araaalously clean and decorative. On one aide Is a long white marble counter and you ait on a high stool while white clad young pien spryly . anpply the thirsty uiob. Everything ia neat, dishes clean, glass polished with medicated paper cups, so your lips run no risk of contamination. and with pkntitude of straws through which to sup the cooling beverages. There is grape Juice and logan berry Juice, root beer, orangeade, cola, cherry Phosphate, limeade, mix tures of aeraed water. Ice cream. crushed strawberries, chocolate sun daes and ire cream of many colors and many flavors. There are thou sands of these places. They are al ways lull fat men as well as slim women. I felt quite a shock one day when I waa introduced to the governor of a State while he was sitting at a drug store table eating vanilla loo, cream. It had never entered my mind that governors could eat vanilla flav ored ice cream. At the roar part of the establish ment are nice glass covered tables where you sit and while the hours away consuming inordinate quantities of ice soft drinks and listening to a band, or a nickel in tho slot machine, not infrequently a horrible but in genious Gerihp.i contrivance of a fid dle played by electricity. Last Sunday I went for a solitary five-hour walk among the beautiful hills of Western Pennsylvania. Not once did I meet a pedestrian out for a stroll. Not once In the woods near the town where I was staying and overlooking the Ohio river, did I come across any couples. How different from England! Young coi:ples do not go country walks in America. They chiefly con sort In the ice cream parlors. And when, h()i and dusty, I got back to Ice root beer, thero was a throng of young people. In the drug store con suming ire cream plain, ice cream with walnuts. Ice cream with syrups. Of course, everybody In America has a motorcar called automobile "for short." A man may have a heavy mortgage on hi3 house, but he must have a motorcar. Nobody is anybody in America unless he has a car. And women and young girls drive as often as men. While there are social dlst tactions in the Eastern states, Just as much as In England, they are practically non-existent In the Middle West. The atmosphere Is that of a big, good natured fa inly. Everybody la "BUI" or "Euphella" to everybody else. There is bathing and eating ice cream picnicing with plenty of Ice cream, fighting the mosquitoes and consum ing more ice cream. Why bother about the League of Nations when the evening s warm and a bucket of cream is on the table? Somebody ought really to write a book on the Land of Ice Creajn. E JOURNAL WANT ADS. ONF CENT A WORD FOR EACH INSERTION A GOOD LINE of Buceiea and War. ness on band all the lime. Fowler A Lee. SKEETER SKOOT drives away nioa quitoa. The Union Drug Co. FOR SALE on the Wilmington and Monroe highway a small farm, one tenant house and plenty of timber and water. J. Frank Williams. WE CALL FOR and deliver prescrip tions. The Union Drug Co. AKE YOU RUPTURED? Trust us to truss you. All fitting done by a truss expert. The Union Drug Co. FOR SALE New 1-ton Ford truck. See J. E. Llles or Ben H. Wolfe, at Monroe Service Station. FOR SALE One C b. p. later national engine and corn mill at a bargain. A. R. Deese, Monroe, Route 1. WE HAVE ANYTHING any first-claaa arug store has. The Union Drag Co. FOR SALE A registered Shropshire duck; weighs about two hundred poiiiid!i. George S. Lee. TWO DWELLINGS and one vacant lot for sale. Fowler A Lee. He Stole the Chicken. Jedge (scene: a court room): "You are here early. Are you a witness?" Johnson colored): "No, sah; I Is no witness." Judge: "What might your name be?" Johnson: "My name Is Johnson, yo Honah." Judge: "Are you the defendant In the case?" . Johnson: "No. sah: Use got a lawyer to do my defencln'. Use de gentleman what stole de chicken. Great Rejoicing by Rheumatic Cripples If So Crippled You Can't Use Arms or Legs r.lictiiiia Will Help You or 'nothing To I'uy. If you want relief in two days swift, gral Ifylng relief, take one tea sioouful of Rheuma once a day. If you want to dissolve the uric acid poison in your body and drive it out through the natural channels so that ou will be free from rheumatism, get a 75 cent bottle of Uheuma from your druggist today. Rheumatism Is a. powerful disease strongly entrenched in Joints and muscles. In order to conquer it a powerful enemy must be Bent against it. R hen ma is the enemy of rheuma tism (no matter what form) an en emy that must conquer it every time or your money will be refunded. Rheuma contains no narcotics Is absolutely harmless, and thoroughly reliable because it Is the only remedy that has relieved the agonizing pains of rheumatic sufferers who thought nothing would give relief. It should do as much for you it seldom fails. The English Drug Co. will gladly sup ply you on the no-cure-no-pay plan. a After you cat always take 7VTONIC ( TOR TOUR ACID-STOMACH) InatantlvTallavM Heartburn. Bloat 4 Catty Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. AM 4liiltia tad apeattta. " tamch twwCanditrai. IicrmM Yltiit and Ftp. CATONICte tht bait ramady. Tana of tkaa sandawoodtrfullr banaflwd. 0 jreoauaamil sr two. mt to w it Podtiwi aj2 Baa Mar. XoawUltea, Kntilmli Drug Co.. Monroe, N. C. A FRESH SHIPMENT OF HORSES AND MUXES MAO SOME FIXE BROOD MARKS. Give na a look. FOWLER & LEE. FOR SALE Modern bungalow In first class shape on East Everette street. See W. J. Rudge. SICK ROOM SUPPLIES Kantleek Syringes, Ice Caps. Water Cot tics, and combinations. The Union Drug Co. FOR SALE One Chevrolet roadster equipped with tires, Bulck top, and In excellent running condition Bargain for quick buyer. Cash or good note. W. B. Brown, Gordon Insurance Office. SEE THE STINE COMPANY. Char lotte, N. C 29 S. Tryon St. They will pay you cash for your automobiles. DR. II. SMITH. Eye-Sight Specialist, has returned to Mo.iroe and can be found regularly at has office until Oct. 1st. The latest methods of examination. Your eyes evAUiiaid FREE. You pay for the gi'aaea only. The latest stylea are always furnirJied. Office In Belk-Bucdy building. AUTO TUBES 30x3, $1.50. 30x3 $1.75 Monroe Hardware Co. FOR HALE Good 7-room house la good neighborhood on McCauley heights. Water, lights and sewer age. Can give possession at once. The price is reasonable, and terms can be arranged to suit purchaser. If you want a good home, se mo at once. J. Frank Williams. JEWELRY. SOLID COLD, all kinds at MoCall's. FOR RELIEF of Indigestion, al:' Crawford's Digestine. Sold only at The Union Drug Co. FOR SALE Good top buggy che.ip. T. C. Haule r. HEALTH BELTS. Abdominal Sup porters, and Non-Skid Exeel-slnr Trusses, ail fitted by an expert any time. The Union Drug Co. AUTO CASINGS 30x3 Fidelity cas ings, )12.&0. 30x3 H. $15.00. Monroe Hardware Company . FOR SALE 65-acre farm on Con cord road: 4-room house; 6-stall barn; good orchard; plenty water. Terms half cash, balance in two years. O. V. Hunnlcutt. 1 OFFER FOR the next ten days one of the bvx and most his;l'iy Im proved fauna of RIaden county for sale. For particulars applv to owner. A. G. McDougald, Clark ton, N. C. AUTO TUHES 30x3. $1.50. 30vJ $1.75 Monroe Hardware Co. SETH THOMAS CLOCKS at McCull's. I AM prepared to do your hauling. Phone' 28-J. J. W. Richardson. JEWELRY, we have what you want. McCall. FOR RENT Good two-horse farm, one mile from town. J. L. Winchester. WANT TO BUY 6 to 7-rooni house with from 10 to 20 acres. In or near Wingate. Write me what you have no agent. J. E. Fowler, Gray son, Ga. CLERKStmen, women) over 17, for Postal Wall Service. $1.35 month. Examinations September - October. Experience unnecssary. For free particulars, write J. Leonard (for mer Civil Service Examiner), 84 Equitable Bldg., Washington. 1). C. FOR SALE A forty acre farm with a six-room dwelling, newly painted, and good barn, on public road, six miles from town; twenty acres in cultivation. Will make a bale to the acre with proper farming. Don't let this opportunity pass and then In a few years say "I could have bought that farm for so and so." Fowler A Lee. j FOR SALE OR RENT My farm of 196 acres on Goose Creek 65 acres of bottom land, 5 acres of meadon land. Has one dwelling houuu containing seven rooms, large barn and outbuildings. Also a four room house, barn and outbuildings. Tv ' wells of good water. Call Or write W. P. Griffin. Wingate. N. C. THREE FARMS FOR SALE One 107 acres, 2Vi miles from town, one 40 acres 6 miles from town, one 6 acres 2 miles from town. Fowler A Lee. 'HOMES ARE SCARCE in Vonroe. ' oiwl tlwirn ia vorv litlla itrnKOMrt Of them getting more plentiful in the near future. I have one fo.- imme diate sale, and if you want It. see mc at once. J. Frank MR. FARMER see our Wnicaes bo fore you buy. McCall. CUSTOMERS WANTED I an in a position to supply a few nine cus tomers with sweet milk early every morning. W. E. Marsh, Phone Un ion Grove No. 25. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY Let us show you. McCall. IF YOU WANT a good home In Mon roe, see J. Frank Williams. CALL ON R. W. KILLICTOH at Indian Trail for General Merchan dise and save money. WATCHES JUST RECEIVED A new line Elgins, etc. McCall. AUTO CASINGS 30x3 Fidelity cas ings. $12.50. 30x3H. $15.00. Monroe Hardware Company . AUTO TRANSFER For quick trips seo A. F. Helms, Just below city fire station. Careful driver. 1 DR. S. A. ALEXANDER VETERINARIAN The late Dr. Watt Ash era ft office. Office Phone II 3. Res. 55-J W. HOWARD WOLFF.. Ilepref;mtn!lv Sold in Monroe by Mcni'"P Un ion Mercantile Co.. Lee Crifnn, Bivens Bros., T. C. Lee A Son, Crowell'a Variety Store, S. R. Dos ter, Heath Grocery Co., Five Points Grocer Co., Parker A Moore, Sikes Sanders Co., J. W. Springfield. Benton A Benton. He is well paid that la well sal Isfied. Shakespeare. r. f) rmr arc NCwtir oesio AIL WIOMT mm inK0 i?tiisiiiigisiiag ? '.t-T-"-i 1 4 Home Furnishings that Insure la ting satisfaction That's the kind yon will find at the House of Dillion. The only kind It pays to buy for your home and you will find, too, that our prices are always the lowest possible, conrli'tent with the high quality Home Furnishings we sell. We have been in the business a long time and we always believed that a plea d customer was a profitable customer. We have the goods and It will be a pleasure to show you through our Urge stock. Come In and see for yourself. furhitvrT I AT THE OLD STAND I r2 UNDRTAKim I mtmtt CMAtteen comtunct 1 I Monmor, h. c.