THE WJON COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY READS FT "THE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY NEEDS IT" r i i tt -n 1 1 " I ME Monroe Journ1l PUBLISHED TWICE EACH WEEK - TUESDAY AND FRIDAY VOL.26. No. 68. Monroe, N. 0 , Friday, October 1, 1020. $2.00 PER YliR CASH DR. NEAL'S POUTICS WERE . HELD AGAINST HIM IN STOKES REMOVING Tl.MHKlt IMPROVED HIS PROPERTY, HE WAS TOU Mr. Richardson Is Determined to tict Dollar Per Pound fur Hla lotig Staple. "Up in Stokes county, where I was reared, a democrat doesn't always get a square deal," said Dr. J. V. Real. Wednesday. "The county." he continued, "is overwhelmingly re publican, and it a man starts any thing he seldom puts It across it he happens to bo a democrat. Several years ago, when they were building roads in Stokos, tho contractors craped top-soil off eight acres o land that I owned. Everybody else was reimbursed for their loss, but roy claim for damages has beeu persistently Ignored. On another oc casion I won a suit for possession of some land, off which the defendant 1a the case bad sold some fine tim ber. I asked damages for my tim ber,' but they laughed at my claim. "Why man,' they said, 'your land has been Improved. You couldn't hope to cultivate it until you had the tim ber cleared off. Today that timber would be worth around two hundred dollars to the acre." Was Looking for the Warehouse "When'a the warehouse going to be opened?" asked Mr. Vann Sikes. one of the large farmers of this sec tion, the other day. "I ginned two bales this morning," he continued, "and I'm looking for a place to store them. I'm not going to sell at pres ent prices." The warehouse, It. is stated, will be ready for businers 'within a few days. Determined to (iet n Dollar u Pound for Long Staple Cotton. Mr. Cad Griffin, of the S-nidy Kidge (section in Oxford township. Is Among the thousands of I'uiuu county farmers who are determiner to hold their cotton until a bet Km nrlce is offered. He also renorta that farmers in his section tre right with ?him in the movement. "My neigh bor, Ned Richardson,' remarked Griffin, while In town Wednesday, ("planted long staple, cotton last spring, and he says he Is going to g. a dollar a pouad-.for It If he has to hold until this time next yenr. I've Kot a saw villi,' he told me, 'and I can furnish enough bread and meat lor the kids until next fall. That's the spirit that wins," remarked Mr. ilrooni, who overhead Mr. Griffin, And who was manifestly pleased. f 'Heretofore," he continued, "Ned ha always believed that a bird in the hand wns worth two in the bush. I "Yea," chirped in Mr. Criftln, "ant", 'he used to gallop his hnrsos to town to got hla cotton veich'vl before the .'price had r chance ti drop anymore." it tkiiinn l'iilni (Vil:i!v lllstorv. During the af'er clliitio:- anecdotes at the Kiwani supper l-st Tuesday night at the Holte Joiiic, Mr. John A. McRae of Charlotte told the story of the organization o' Vn'.on county. According to Mr. ,McR&e tho.-e w. a strip of land lyln? along the western border of Aiiboii county whii'h '.vr. so poor and sorry that Anson did not want It, and a similar strip along the southern border of Mecklenburg ho poor that Mecklenburg would r; claim It, so a new county was form and called Union. This vcrrion o' SMonroe man present, and he re'a' what he de-lare.l to be the true story of the birth of Union county, as f lows: There Is r territory about mid way between the Pee Dee and Cr tawba rivers and Just south of Rocky river whore the finest "mounia!n dew" in the world Is made. Some eighty years ago the people of Anr.on county discovered the delights to he experienced from Imbibing this elixir and bid claim to ell the territory. The Meeklenburgers, however, had also discovered the value of th" product from this section and claimed it. In order to avert a civil war between the two old counties cf Anson and Mecklenburg the lenlsla ture ordered a new county establish ed, and In token of the frleirrish'r and harmony restored the county was named Union. fieorgc TelN a Rig Due. While the luncheon was In pro" ies?. the attention of the guetts was diverted by some sort of a commotio taking place on tho hotel roof. Soni thought It was a cat fight, while oth ers were In doubt. Mr. 0. S. Lee. Jr., noticing the quizzical expression on the facss of the Charlotte men, undertook to quiet their fears. "Gen tlemen," he said, as he arose, "the noise you hear Is caused by football players on the high school team who are engaged In secret signal prat lee on the root. They are going to play Charlotte University team next Saturday, and I'm here to tell you that they are going to win.". For Once Watson Is Modest. "Tom Watson denies being the father of rural mall service," re marked Capt. W. E. Cason, as ne handed us a copy of Watson's new paper, "The Columbia Sentinel." "He does, however," continued Capt. Cason, "admit Zeb Green was right m the extent of saying that be helped ecu re the appropriation for the ser Tlce." Watson, after reprinting the Marsbvllle Home'a recent comment on bis election, says: "urotner ureen errs In one statement: I actually got tha first anoronrlation. but It was not Tted until 'hat noble Virginia gen tleman, William L. Wilson, expert She Was a Chum of Olive Thomas; Olive Was Dead; "He" Didn't Lave Her Any More So She Took Poison Anna Daly. Cloak Model. Finds So Little in Life She Ends It All LOCAL INTELLIGENCE The mystery surrounding the identity of the girl who died last Thursday In Bellevue hospital, a sui cide from drinking veronal, was dis pelled when Mrs. Paul T. Black, or McKeew Rock, Pa., identified the body at the morgue as that of her sister. Miss Anna Daly, a cloak model and a chum of Olive Thomas, "movie" star, who died several weeks ago in Paris, also a poison victim, says a New York dispatch. Last Thursday iMiss Daly was re moved from the Hotel Seville, Thirty first street and Fourth avenue to Bellevue hospital. She was admit ted to the institution as "Mrs. Elisa beth Anderson," the name she had written In the hotel register. All ef forts to rouse the girl to tell who she was failed, and she sank steadily without regaining consciousness. That night Mlss Betty Martin, a member of the Zlegfeld Follies, now playing In Chicago, returned to her apartment at the Hotel Monterey, Broadway and Ninety-fourth afreet, and found a note from Miss Daly with whom she shared the room. It read: "He doesn't love me any niore. I can't stand It any longer, and Olive Is dead." iMIss Martin Immediately notified the police. Detective Jacob Fettdner was sent up to Interview the Follies chorus girl. While Miss Martin was glviug the detective a description of her missing chum Feudncr noticed a story about the Hotel Seville suicide and, comparing the published de scription with the description of Miss Daly supplied by her friend, de cided to Investigate along that line. Miss Martin had left with the Follies company for Chicago, hut Feudner managed to obtain entrance to the apartment of the two girls and found the address of the sister, Mrs. Black. She was notified to come here to see whether she could Ident ify the body. . ..Monday -Bight,' while Mrs. ."Black was on her way to this city, a man who said thnt he was Edward Leudl nen of 69 East 123rd street, called at the morgue.- He sought permis sion to view the body, saying that he thought that It might be that of his niece, Miss Elizabeth Anderson, of Chicago. After he had admitted that he bad not seen his niece for about two years, the police refused his request and he left. Mrs. Black went to tho riorgur yesterday afternoon, and after a glance at the tmall form broke down and said that It was her younger sis ter. She c'.fcbred that In 1912 Anna and Olive ThcTias, then the wife of Bernard Kru?h, were employed to gether In a Pittsburg departmen' store. Both rirls had gone to the s.'.nie sc'iool rnd were inseparable. frl-Mib. Li lllZ, they decided to visit Ne' York togither and after their va-ailon thought they would come heie end get on the stage, A fw wee!. after their determi nation to try their fortunes here, thoy were living in a small unfur nished r?om in West Forty-eighth strt, Olive Tho-tas was earning stnMI sui'.ia poring for photographers, while Anna was socking a position as model. Finally, Olive Thomas's Rood looks began to nltinet atten tion; she wont to the "Follies" aiul her ti'eteorlc career began, a rise to wealth and fame which ended the o:hor day In Paris. .Ihs Daly never obtained he chaw on the stage. She continued to work as a model, now and then nor.lng for nrtlsls. Despite their dif re rent paths, the girls continued fas' friends and were frequent corres pondents. The news of the death o' Miss Thonns was a severe shock It, Miss Daly, friends said last night in declaring that melancholia Induced by grief might have played a larger part In her act than her note about some unknown man would Indicate. Beyond the fact that the man men tioned In the girl's note was "a New Yorker, now In Chicago," efforts tr establish his Identity were fruitless last night. Mt. Calvary A. M. K. Zion Church Tag Day. We have been granted permission by the honorable mayor, Mr. John C. Slkes, that October 9th might be used as "tag day." You will find commit tees at the passenger station, at the court house, and on the streets, and we trust that no one wilt object to then going In your store with aniall badges bearing the name of this par ticular church, at which time we trust that you will buy at least one or more of these little badges and help us out. We make special appeal to our good white people to help by buying from the committee when ap proached on that day. Will you help or turn us away? Remember, He that glveth to the poor, lendeth to the lord. Signed by the Board of Trustees; Rev. Q. W. Hunter, Pastor. niented with It successfully In the mountains of West Virginia. Mr. Green Is one ot the very few editors who has given me credit for this national educational system, which even the government In Its official publications denies to its author." Latest Happenings In and Around Monroe, The Wesleyan Philathea class will meet Monday evening at 7:30 with Mrs. J. T. Shute. A full attenadnce is desired. There will be a called meeting ot the members of the Mill Creek Bap tist church next Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Business ot Importance Is to be transacted. The sacrament of the Lord's sup per will be observed at the Presbyte rian church next Sunday morning. A preparatory service will be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock. On account of the Inclement wea ther the Baptist woman's missionary union was unable to have Its meeting at Faulks church yesterday. The date for the next meeting will be announced later. Rev. R. M. Halgler will preach at Corinth Baptist church Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. The entire mem bership Is requested to be present as the letter to the association la to be Oiled out and approved. Of the forty-five or more cases from this county on the federal court docket, none came from either Lanes Creek, Sandy Rldge or Jackson town ships, according to Esq. M. L. Flow, the United Stales commissioner. Colonel Albert Cox, who speaks here Tuesday, October 19th, was elected president of the Thirtieth Di vision association In Ashevllle Wed nesday. He was colonel of the 113th Field Artillery, of which the Blckett Battery was a unit. Louise McCollum, grand-daughter of J. H. McCollum has raised a gourd vine this summer from which she gathered one hundred and twenty gourds and had it not been for the worms, would have gathered many more. An open competitive examination under the rules of the U. S. civil ser vice commission for the position of clerk-carrier will be held In the post office In Monroe on Oct. 23rd, com mencing at o'clock a. m. . The sal ary to begin with for this position is 11400 per year. Rev. J. A. Smith of Duncan Me morial church. Charlotte, will preach at the M. E. church at Indian Trail next Sunday evening at 3 o'clock. He will be accompanied by his choir, consisting of 30 or 40 talented sing ers. Come out and hear them or you will miss something grand. The names of score of Union counf ty citizens who failed to make re turns under the revaluation act will 'te turned over to the solicitor ot the Clstrlct for curt action, it has been announced. Failure to list is a mis demeanor under the law, and convic tion carries with It a fine. S. A. Montgomery of west Monroe township Is at liberty under bond for hla appearance in EBq. M. L. Flow's court mxt Saturday on the charge of stealing an automobile from Mr. B. C. Hir.son. Montgomery, It Is alleg ed, forced an entrance Into Mr. B. C. Hlnson's garage at 10 o'clock on the night of Sept. 27, and made away with the car. Lee Gulledge. the 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gulledge of Benton Heights, suffered a painful Injury yesterdoy when he fell off of a wagon. His dobc struck a broken bottle, and was almost completely severed. Physicians, however, were able to sew the injured member back, and unless blool poisoning Bets In the young fellow will soon be well. The manager of the People's Drug Company, a local concern owned and operated by colored people, has been bound over to the Federal court un der a thousand dollar bond on the charge of failure to keep a record or narcotics used In filling prescriptions. The arrest was made by Dr. Cart A. Leves. federal narcotic inspector, and the preliminary hearing was held be fore United States commissioner m. L. Flow on Wednesday. Rev. S. L. Rotter has has returned from a trip to Washington and the Virginia theological seminary near Alexandria, of which he is a gradu ate. Mr. Rotter was a delegate from North Carolina to the fifteenth In ternational congress against alcohol ism held In Washington and at Ral eleh attended a conference of the Episcopal diocese of North Carolina on work of the nation-wide cam paign for the missionary work of the church for this year. St. Paul's KpiNcoal Church Sunday, Oct. 3 Sunday school at o'clock, C. H. Hasty, superintendent. Serlvce of the holy communion, with sermon, at 11 o'clock. Men's Bible class at 4:30 p. m., J. J. Parker leader. Evening prayer and sermon at 8 Litany service' every Wednesday night at 8 o ciocK. Community Schedule. Miss .Lura Heath, director, an nounces the following community service schedule: Union, Monday; Jerome. Tuesday: 8hlloh. Wednes day; Unlonvllle, Thursday; Prospect, Friday. Extra good program next week. Performance begins prompt ly at T.ii p. m. Deeds speak louder than word.i in the real estate business. IN REGISTERING WOMEN ARE MOT REQUIRED TO GIVE AGE DEMOCRATIC CHAIRMAN LEE TELLS HOW TO KKtilSTKK Fair Sex Are Not Compelled to Pay Poll Tax, But Must Uo to Itrgt trar in Person. "All persons not previously regis tered and who expect to vote, at the election ou November t are required to present themselves in person be fore the registrar ot the precinct for registration between now and Octo ber. 23," reads a statement Issued by Mr. G. S. Lee, Jr., chairman of the Union county executive committee. Voters cannot be registered In any other way or manner," the statement continues. "They cannot be register ed by mail or over the telephone. The registrar of the precinct will be at the polling place on each of the four Saturdays during the registration pe riod with his books for the purpose of registering voters. At other times he may be found at his residence. "The woman voter is subject to the same conditions and qualifications as apply to the male voter, except that she Is not required to pay a poll tax or exhibit a poll tax receipt In order to register and vote In the coming election. Before registering each wo man voter must take the following oat 3: 'That she will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State ot North Carolina, not inconsist ent therewith; that she has been resident of the State ot North Carolina tor two years, ot the county for six months and of the precinct In which she proposes to vote four months; that she la 21 years of age and has not reg istered for this election In any other precinct. "The attorney general has ruled that the woman voter need not give her exact age, but she must state that she is 21 years of age or over. An act of the extra session of the gen eral assembly of 1920 defines the res idence of a married woman living with! her husband to be where her husband resides, and that of a woman living separato and apart from her huebjnd to be where she actually re sides. - "Where a person has moved from one precinct to another precinct In the same county within four months from the election, such person should register and vote at the old precinct. "At the coming election six boxes will be provided in which the follow ing ballots will be deposited: (1) State officers, including United States Senator; (2) members of congress; (3) presidential electors; (4) mem bers of the general assmbly and coun ty officers; (S) township constable and Justices of the peace, and (6) constitutional amendments. "Under the absentee voters law. any person duly registered who may be absent from the county or physi cally unable to go to the polls for the purpose of voting In person, which fact shall be made to appear by the certificates of a physician or by affidavit, shall be allowed to reg ister and vote upon application to the chairman of the county board of elec tions, who will furnish the voler bal lots and blank certificate necessary for voting." MMK ADDED TO COMPLETE FERTILIZER DOUBLES YIELD DESPITE THE BAD WEATHER 49 WOMEN REGISTERED HERE MRS. E. M. GRIFFIN WAS THE OLDEST TO ENROLL HEK NAME Mrs, W. E. Cason at South Monroe, and Miss Sarah Welsh, at Xortli Monroe, First to lU-giMer. Dean C. Ii. WtlllimiM (iives Results of Koiiimkiiblo Tent at the Iredell I arm, Listen to this, fanners! begins a statement from Mr. T. J. W. Broom, the county farm demonstrator. Mr. C. B. Wllliums, dean of agriculture, says in tho last ls3iie of the Progres sive Farmer, that at the Iredell test farm In 1920, lime added to a com plete fertilizer more than doubled the yield of hay. 2. Increasing the fertilizer appli cation from 400 to 800 pounds per acre led to an Increase In yield of clover hay almost 60 per cent, with the same labor and expense for put ting in the crop. 3. Lime added to an application of acid phosphate increased the yield of red clover hay more than three and one-half times over acid phos phate alone. 4. Lime added to a fertilizer car rying nitrogen and phosphoric acid increased the yield ot clover hay about seven times over nitrogen and phosphle acid. 6. Lime added to fertilizer appli cation carrying phosphoric acid and potash increased the yield a little over six times more than was secur ed without the lime. The Progressive Farmer of this week carries a photograph of a field of wheat on the farm of J. C. Fox Sons of Statesvllle that five years ago would not average five bushels of wheat per acre; but by the use of lime and clover to build It up, a yield ot forty-six bushels an acre was har vested this year. Why not get some lime, sow some wheat and clover and build up your land? If you will place your order at once you can se cure lime by time to sow wheat, uet busy and make up a car for your neighborhood and let It be coming. You will be glad you did it vlien the boll weevil arrives. Rev. R. M. Ha'cler will fMl his reg- nt 'Uaulrhnla fiat- i U .1.11 tiff fuiuillivtil m ..1 ! . v ....... w urday afternoon at 2 o clock, and on Sunday at 11 o'clock. Despite the continued rains, forty nine Monroe women registered yes terday in the Monroe precincts. Miss Sarah Welsh was the first to register at North Monroe, and Mrs. W. E. Cason the first at South Mon roe. Mrs. E. M. Griffin, who lives In the South Monroe precinct, was the oldest to register, having given her age at 72 years. Several young la dies, between 21 and 22 years of age, were also among those register ing yesterday. To the surprise of the registers, Messrs. Duncan Huntley and Judge Rogers, few ot the women showed any hesitancy about giving their age. The law does not require women, in registering. to give thtr age, but most of those registering yester day Insisted on giving their exact age, the same Information required ot male voters. Those registering at South Mon roe were: Mrs. C. A. Ayscue, Mrs. L. Austin, Mrs. G. M. Beasley, Mrs. W S. Baskervllle, Mrs. W. E. Cason, Mrs. Fred Carroll, Mrs. T. T. Cape hart, Mrs. Carrie Coble, Mrs. Lura L. Evans, Mrs. Vannr Funderburk, Mrs. W. Z. Faulkner, Mrs. Julian Griffin, Mrs. E. M. Griffin. Mrs. J. T. Griffith. Mrs. Fred Huntley, Mrs. Duncan Huntley, Mrs. R. H. Har gett, Miss Clara Laney, Mrs. J. Frank Laney, Mrs. G. S. Lee, Mrs. Heath Lee, Miss Virginia Lee, Mrs. M. C. Long, Mrs. W. A. Lane, Miss Mabel Lane, Mrs. Hen 17 Melton, Miss Ro berta Penegar, Mrs. R. L. Payne, Mrs. J. J. Parker, iMIss Anna Lee Plyler, Miss AUie Horn, Miss Claudia San ders, Mrs. Jeff Sewell, Mrs. J. C. Sikes, Mrs. V. D. Sikes, Mrs. J. E. Stewart. Mrs. W. C. Sanders, Mrs. J. F. Williams, and Mrs. J. D. Warren. At North Monroe the following registered: Mrs. I. H. Blair, Mrs. W. C. Crowell, Miss Bessie Reid Hous ton, Miss Jennie Hartsell, Mrs. P. H. Johnson, Miss Cora Montgomery. Miaa Haiel Melton, Mrs. Tioscoe Phl- rer, "Mrs. A. A. Scales, Mrs. Lloyd Stilton, and Mrs. J. C. Thomas, The registration books will be open all day tomorrow. Mr. Duncan Huntley, register for South Monroe, can bo found at Lathan & Richard son's store; while Mr. Judge Rogers, registrar for North Monroe, has his headquarters In the court house. Registrars for the various precincts outside of Monroe are: WILL SELL 7000-BVSHKL CROP HERE THIS WINTER Dr. Ewing Rents Warehouse Ap ples Are Selling Cheap In the MoiinliiiiiH. Dr. J. B. Ewlng of Mitchell county has rented a part ot the Co-Operative Mercantile Company warehouse at the freight station here and will en deavor to dispose of his 7,000 bushel apple crop In this section. He will be ready for business by the first of November, ho announced while here last week. Of the apple situation, the Journal learns (hut: "The pres ent crop Is one of the biggest ever made and while the quality of the fruit Is good the prices have opened very low. One mountaineer said he was not averaging over twenty-live cents a bushel and that if he had to Mre them picked It would not pay him to haul them in for that. The .".ppics thl j man had were the large gieen kind and above the average for early fall stuff. A barrel of apples ready for shipment will cost the pur chaser around $3.50; $1.30 of this amount being for the be.rrel itself. A mountaineer said he used to make barrels for five cents apiece and sell them for a quarter. Labor has gone up In the mountains as everywhere else. One man who bought apples from the trees last fall and paid 75 cents a barrel for them that way said all the profits he expected to make were eaten up In the cost of getting the fruit to market. The prices in dicated are not for choice orchard fruft but simply for the apples which grow at random on the hillsides about the mountain homes. That 1.1 the way most of the North Carolina apples have been grown In the past. It Is not the way most of them will be grown In the future. Real orch ards are being created In varlou parts of western North Carolina and In a few years this Is going to be a won derful fruit country." JOHN PARKER SAYS HE IS PROUD OF SOUTHERN BLOOD REMINDS AUDIENCE OF HIS GRANDE AlHMt-B WAR UKl'OKD In Wentworth Speech, He Claims That South Has Been Ignored by (Jot eminent. Anson Man Finds His Taee Are IjCma Under Revaluation. (From the Wadesboro M. A I.) Mr. J. F. Baucom, of Lanesboro, was the first man In the county to pay his 1920 taxes, he having paid Sheriff Braswell last Monday. When Mr. Baucom went to the sheriff's of fice he was afraid his taxes would be largely Increased, perhaps doubled, and he was very much relieved when he heard the figures. Mr. Baucom paid $12.10 this year, and $13.47 lul year, making the amount this year $1.37 less than before. He is a land owner, and almost all his tax is on real estate. Let somebody carry the news to Candidate John Parker, who thinks he is making votes by claiming that the farmer is discriminated against. In his Wentworth speech Wednes day, Mr. J. J. Parker, republican nominee for governor, besides deal ing with state and national issues, devoted much time to a discussion or the "Solid South." On this sub ject be said in part: "I am proud of the fact that I am a Southerner. I am proud of the men and women who in anti-bellutu days made the name of the South a aynonyn of chivalry and honor. I glory In the bravery and the manhood and the de votion of the men who followed the "Lost cause." My grandfather ten fighting for the Confederacy at the ill-starred battle of Chancellorsvllle, and his bones today He In an un marked Virginia grave. I would be untrue to him whose name I revere it I should ever cease to love this beautiful section which gave me birth and tor which he gave his lite. "And it is because I love the South and her splendid people that I am grieved at her political condition. Every wise man knows that the on party system is the greatest curse against the south has to contend. It means that the south has lost her voice In the council ot the nation, that political leadership In the south has deteriorated and that the inter ests ot the south are Ignored by the national government. "I know that during the period of democratic ascendency southern men occupied Important chairmanship In congress. But every student of af fairs knows that this amounted to nothing. Both parties write their platform and name their candidates to appeal to the so-called doubtful states, that is to the states that en Joy political freedom. In the naming of their candidates and the formula tion of their policies both parties Ig nore the south. They do this be cause they think that the south has already voted before the election. When someone suggested to Mr. Car ter Glass of Vlrglula that he aspire to the democratic nomination, he sadly replied, "I come from the sec tion that always furnishes the votes for my party, hut never furnishes the candidates." To this I would add that the reason why It "never" fur nishes the candidates is because it "always" furnishes the votes. "The one party system has meant the detrioratlon of southern, leader ship. It has meant that policies have ceased to be a contest over princi ples and has degenerated Into a pet ty squabble over personalities. Big men refuse to enter a contest of that sort; and the result has been that the big men of the south have with drawn from politics and have left the noble duty of statesmanship to men of lesser stature. And so low has southern leadership fallen under this condition that in the crucial hour of the nation's history, with southern men because of seniority filling every important chairmanship in congress, the president found it necessary to call upon men from other sections to put through the legislation necessary to save the life of the republic. That Is what has been done to southern leadership by what Judge Carter has eloquently called 'political serfdom.' "The south Is ignored by the gov ernment. In 1914 the cotton market went to pieces because of the out break of the war. Cotton then had a high potential value, but it was im possible to sell it at any reasonable price. During that awful time the south was 'bled white.' Merchant after merchant went to the wall, and thousands stood In the shadow of want. But while the government had time and time again gone to the assistance of business of other sec tions, It did not turn over its hand to help the south. The democratic party had absolute control of the government, and the south had been voting the ticket for fifty years: but the democratic party did nothing, be cause It thought 11 could depend on the south anyhow, and to help the south might antagonize some other section. The Manufacturers Record says that if the south really knew what high officials of tho government have done at various times In ili frantic effort to beat down the price of cotton It does not believe that the democratic party would carry a sin gle southern state, "Let's change this situation. The time ha? come whn the national re publican party ha: taken the position on the great uatic.ial Issue of the day wnicn appeals to the patriotism and sterling Americanism of the people 01 Norm Carolina. Let s assert our political freedom and vote without sectional or partisan prejudice to preserve the ludepenednce and the institutions of our beloved country. By so doing we will not only do our duty to our country, but we will have stricken oft the shackles of political serfdom, and In addition will have given our state the blessings of the two party system and the inestimable benefits which comes from a change ot government." Monroe Market. Cotton 24 to 24 H Seed 7 Eggs , 40 Hens 70 Young chickens 40 to 45 Sweet potatoes .... .... .... $1.5

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