, ! t 4 '1 1 1 1 : 4 j I 1 1 It: 1 BiMsOrea 5,000 YARDS 40-inch BROWN SHEETING 10c BEST HEAVY WEIGHT UN- f i GOOD UNBLEECHED SHEET- ING .. - iz ft na A0C - mwimntn inntUL ntmAT. SOVE5C5ER 8, MM. - TC.ZTT PACTS .u't'ilttii'yiiiiii'''''''''1' " seeoaes eee assess astaaaaaeae est 6 eeaeaeoaKH Hi ' , -. s ... . - ' . TO PRE-WAR -DAYS. DOMINO APRON GINGHAMS - 10c BEST APRON GINGHAM, colors guaranteed, in all the pretty . checks 15c 5,000 YARDS DRESS GINGHAMS in Pretty New Plaids, etc 15c 40c PERCAL 18c 2,000 Yards 40 cents Percal in Light and Dark Colors, 36 inches wide. Efird Sells it for 18c Boys' Good Heavy Ribbed Union ers. , 98c each MEN'S HEAVY RIBBED SHIRTS AND PANTS TO MATCH 85c each the best. Sale price $2.98 Boy's Good Heavy Ribbed Under Suits 98c Children's Union Suits, the good kind, at .. 98c suit up Ladies' Heavy Underwear, Vests and Pants 98c each MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 85c. Men's Full Cut Blue Chambray Work Shirt ... 85c BLANKETS Don't forget we have the Blankets, the kind that will keep you warm, and will save you money on them. tw. nnt a tnr Inthe South so full of saving chances. Efirds is the mon ey saving spot, as they were first to reduce the price and are offering mer chandise on the lowest basis known to the mercantile business. :: :: :: SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. We save you money on Shoes. The largest stock in this section to select from. Efird's in the lead as usual with lower prices on Fall Footwear. Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, selected by Careful Buyers and Bought the Efird Way, Means Everything to You. OUR NEW RED CROSS BOOTS Are here, you know the make and the comfort they represent Our prices are not $16.50 to $20.00, but just $10.00 to $12.50 LADIES HIGH GRADE DRESS SHOES, PULLMAN AND OTHER WELL KNOWN MAKES. Dark Brown Calf Boots, wing and imitation tips $900 Dark Brown Kid Boots, Cuban and Louise Heels, imitation tips $8.50 Black Vici Kid, Military Heel Boot, Imitation tips $9.00 Black and tan Kid Military heel Boots, low heel and wide toes, price $6.95 Black and Tan Kid Military Heel Boots, imitation tips, price $6.00 Growing girls' Brown Calf School Shoes, sizes 2 1-2 to 6, $5.00 Black and Tan Kid Louis Heel Boots, imitation tips, $12.50 value, $6.00 MISSES AND GROWING GIRLS' SMART DRESS SHOES Black or Tan Kid and Calf leathers, all bought the Efird way Misses' Gun Metal English Bals, sizes 12 1-2 to 2, price $3.48 Misses' Dark Brown Calf Bals, sizes 12 1-2 to 2, price $-198 Growing Girls' Dark Brown Bals, sizes 2 1-2 to 8. price $5.98 E. C SKUFFERS, THE CORRECT SHOES FOR SCHOOL WEAR. . BUTTON OR LACE Childrens E. C Skuffers, black, sizes 3 to 6, $1.75 Children's E, C. Staffers, tan, sizes 3 to 6, -i : $L98 Childrens' E. C. Skuffers, black, sizes 6 to 8, Children's E. C. Skuffers, tan, sizes 6 to 8, . Children's E. C Skuffers, sizes 8 1-2 to 12, Children's E. a Skuffers, tan, sizes 8 1-2 to 12. Misses' E. C. Skuffers, black, sizes 12 1-2 to 2, Misses' E. C. Skuffers, tan, sizes 12 1-2 to 2.- $2.75 $2.75 $3.25 $3.25 .$3.48 $3.98 Children's Mahogany Button Skuf fers, sizes 6 to 8, $2.98 Children's Mahogany Bal Staffers sizes6to8 $2.08 Misses' Mahogany Button Skuffer, sizes 8 to 12, $3.48 Misses' Mahogany Bal Skuffer, size 8 to 12, . $3.4S Misses' Mahogany Bal Skuffers, - sizes 12 1-2 to 2, $4.50 Youths' Mahogany Blucher Skuffer, sizes 10 to 2, $-1.95 BIG BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES We all know that the Boys' Shoe3 should be strong and sturdy. We have that kind here. The price, $2.48 ABOUT 200 PAIRS LADIES' DRESS SHOES . You can easily see they are worth double the price. Sale price-... .yo Carolinas Largest Chain One Price Department Stores. :: EFIRDS DEPARTMET MEN'S HIGH GRADE PULLMAN SHOES English or Blucher, genuine tan calf leather, here is where Efird'a buy , ing power speaks the loudest$6.50 MEN'S DRESS SHOES FOR $1.98 Black and tan Kid and Calf leathers. English and blucher last We have them all in this wonderful lot Your chance to save money is here. -, The price, . . - $4.9S ABOUT 200 PAIRS RUIN'S HEAVY . WORK SHOES All two full soles and full vamps, $5.00 and $6.00 values. . Sale price -' : $3.48 to $4.98. ABOUT 200 PAIRS LADIES' AftD GROWING GIRLS' DRESS SHOES At a sacrifice. ' Com early and get the beet Sale price . ... $28 MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING One lot of Men's $30.00 All Wool Suits,' reduced to -11 $18X0 One lot of Men's $35.00 All Wool Suits, in nice range of materials and styles, $35.00 values at .$22.50 Men's $37.50 to $40.00 Suits, at. $2495 Big shipment of Men's Pants just re- ' ceived from : $4.98 to $9.95 Fine lot of Boys' Suits in the newest materials and models, all reinforc ed knee, seat and elbows $4.98 to ' ; - 12.50 ONE LOT OF BOYS' SUITS In all the new mixtures and colors at $5.98 and $6.95 OVERALLS AT SAVING PRICES - Anvil Alls', at ; 1 , $1.95 Blue Buckle Overalls, at . $1.98 Indian Head Overalls, at lir$2.25 Iron Alls, at $2.45 SELL SAME GOODS FOR LESS. :: :: STORE tft;t;;iiii!!iii;auawws it ' '41 1 'x KmmU Cnh. Tlgkl aaa? iMHHitvkll FIVE bodiet in ONE on the Pneumatic Cord Tire equipped Commerce chassis handles diversified loads in city and country hauling Fat 0 CUy TrtupotU Raw Malarial Fiaiahad PradvcM raoalci awl Stent ackaia Haaaa PkhKicM MaMciau T . 'inail'ii I 'ick-ap Sarnca lottUa lip ma Coal.Waoa.laa i faraitwre Hiaiiway Kapaa ( Car4aa Track Daa9 Piadactr. t I City taaaW FtlUFtmHuU Craia in Bt W Bulk Bulky Ptoduea Farta Produra in Cratca Comix in Ba Of Bulk Barnrud Fanilmt Poultrr ta Cr.ua Farm MacciKtary Draawri MaaU Fonca Poata . . Frail ond Vafalablaa la Datkata, bosn. of CrtM BaUd Hay. Wkcal.OataarCara Stall Coal. Dirt, Cra.al Hoc. Cattla. Skmp v Applaa, Pstatoaa, M.loaa, Cabkia. "FIDDLING" All" TAYLOR . LEADING IN TENNESSEE famoi's poLmaAX hah LEAD OVER OOV. ROBKHTS OoniM Out Into Polttlral Arena Af ter RtUrement of BS Ypmh HI llntt Rare FamoriB. NhTllIe. Tnn.,-NoT 8 Aftet be ing In political retirement for twenty flre yean, and with more than a third of a century between hit first and second race for goTernor. Alfred Al exander Taylor, familiarly known asj "All" Taylor, waged a vigorous cam paign. Mr. Taylor was past the three score and tcu mark when he entered the race for the Republican nomination in the primary of August 6 last. In Tennepgoeani ly impressed with the consideration the brothers showed each other, not only In debate at Jasper, but about the hospitable fireside of the home. The next morning the gathered from her garden two boquets of roses, one white and the other red. Returning she found Alt and Bob waiting to say good-bye. To each she presented one of the bouquets. ' CWea Two Roeee, "I want you to accept these flow ers, gentlemen," said the warm hearted hostess, "for the sake of your mother; I know that she must be proud of her boys, who can be politi cians and still be brothers. I know that her heart is with you and that her blessings follow you." Bob Taylor received the white ros es and Alf the red. Thereafter dur- Inr the campaign Bob Taylor was known as the "Knight of the White Rose," and Alf as "Knight of the Red Rose," and Robert was still known as the "Knight of the white Rose MUNGO BROS:,Deal:rs PA;ELAr, s. c. J rack fiack rnith Wmtt. Ht hi anaW the beginning many .-k n bnAiv VIm atnmltf aa IK. hrnthap of "Our Bob." late Democratic Gov-1 when he defeated Edward W. Cr- ernor and Senator from Tennessee. I .r looked upon his campaign as hardly j "n8- ,6T'" a mutter for serious consideration. , Roee " betw" thev Tylor This view underwent a change when l01 S "Z't Colonel Taylor took the stump and h Rbif tn K . , ,.mn,i, it h. i Alf Taylor became a member of Icame evident that it was a one man's CpnK.r?M "2 tha. rare practically all over the State, district on Mrc .4 1889 and Served I So "Alf Tavlor woke up on his sev- fr decillning further lenty-second birthday to find himself .nomination and taking up the prae ,; the Republican nominee for Cover- jc of law 'in Johnson City. . Hta nor of Tennessee for the second time I "'" "' vu.B. '-. in hi Ufa i where he is extensively interested In ,.K-'n. - farming. He is the father of several -War of the Roees." iong. 0, of whom. following the Taylors first race for Governor , family bent for political division, Is was the most famous affair of the a democrat. - "' kind in the hl'tory of the State. On ' n SYRUP k 1,1 m ' lb.k L.a.a lb.b adn(oMaf JfaiartaJ THE COMMERCE MOTOR CAR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH. f t jaTaaaarrorar W a 1 Tmm TrmtMm a. .Amaraa Send The Journal to that far-away soii daughter, or friend. Each issue wiM be use a letter irom norae to mem. June 18. 188, the Republican State convention met in Nashville, and the late Elchard W. Austin, for several terms Congressman from the second Tennessee district, nominated Taylor for Governor. The Democratic state convention met on August 11, 1886, and after considerable jockeying, nominated Robert 1 Taylor. "Our Bob." for Governor on the fifteenth ballot. Thus it was that Tennessee's "War of the Roses" was set going. The two Taylors made a tour of the State, speaking to immense crowds. They hammered the opposition party and poked fun kt one another, but wound up each day with brotherly af fection unimpaired. After a tour of the SoQuathte Valley, in the coarse of the campaign, the Iwo stopped at Bridgeport, Ala., for the night at gnesta of a Mrs. Jones, who had heard them apeak that afternoon at Jasper. The good woman was great- FOR SALE Terms or cash; going out of business, one new Auburn ' Beauty Six. Heath Motor Co. - A FRESH SHIPMENT OF HORriES axi MIXES AIAO SOME Flira BROOD MARKS. oc5 m i n ii i r OIt m look FOWLER & LEE. Tis AaavaW, le aWsraW CW hif hl wintt Axyl MBwrroW ALACA." , Wttr4Mt)T two'. - Pure and wholesome nutritious and henllMuL Pure cane ayrup, with .aialler amount of com syrup addemalinff a de- licious blend Just right to the taste Children ALADA!.IA-GIXr.GLV SYRU? WSKLVi w.