'PAGES th- MONROE JomAr. rRnnr. xovtimbfr 5, eisn. Her Money Was Gone! ab 010 woman wno lira alone had kept nearly 11,000.00 la currency around her boom for rears. She u afraid of banks. Last fall she became seriously ill, and No, she didn't die. - But when iha went in lank th. i . waa f one! Fortunately some honest friends had found It while she was uncaoscioua ana naa aepositea It to ner eredlt la a bank. Tots woman has bow decided that after ll tha x.rV i. tha um place, and. besides, her money la not Idle any longer. . It Is bow earning a per eeni xor US Owner. . - Let us put your money to work for you. ' " ; ' THE BANK OF Monroe, N. C. . CAPITAL " ' -SURPLUS ' Remarkable Revelations of "Louise? GirlSpiritualist Through Her the Dead Are Said to Have Aked For a Smoke, and One Peparted Soul Even Wanted a unnic; ner KevelaaonS Said to Be Genuine UNION $100,000.00 . $100,000.00 vf' ft. BLAKEXKT President. . t. R. 8HUTK. Vice-President W. B. COLE, Asst. Cashier B. O. LAXET, Cashier HARGROVE BOWLES, Asst. Cashier rjwwmwmmwi.wim 11k -Is for ; ; PEOPLE WHO WANT TO IMPROVE THEIR FINANCIAL CONDITION. WW You Let Us Serve You? v A checking account is most convenient in the payment of bills. A savings account is the Bure road to an eventual competency. I The Savings, Loan and Trust Co. 1 R. B, Red wine. President. H.R rialr C.M, t - - w w . ) 'Wwaoa-av A toOe6eot6oeosoeeoeT vtT f warrsroa Albert 8. Crockett, a New Tork newspaperman, whose veracity la VOUCbed for BT ChM!r I ni-H fnr many years managing editor of the New York Sun: Booth Tirkinrinn author: and Adolnh a rvha nuhii. ti er of the New York Times; baa pub lished a chronicle of spirit communi cations alleged to hare been received by his step-daughter. Louise Crock ett. The book Is In the farm of s narrative, the simplicity of which commends Itself. The story is devoid of argument, and for the most part la devoted to the story of events that took place In six weeks of the sum mer oi a little camp In south western Connecticut, which Mr. Crockett had oartlv built -tth hi. own hands, the medium being a child Just verxlnr on twelve. wh van existence had first been told Mrs. Crockett through a professions! me dium on the flrst dav aha to the letter In tha hone nr flnriina something of comfort, following the death of her only daughter. un inai occasion. Mrs. Crockett's first husband, whom aha ! di vorced many years before, manifested his presence and barred ha t inn out for hi little dark-haired daughH icr, wno waa in need or protection. Search waa made for tha mm ani after a month ahe was found In the iar west, it waa then the little girl learned that foe the flrat iim tk.t she had a soldier brother as well as a grown sister who had recently died. oue waa orougni on to Connecticut the following summer. One dV she Wu ahnnnln with Mrs Crockett la a nearby town, when she saw In a tor anon wimtnw ordinary talking board. Shs said she naa never aeen one, and one was sonant ror ner. within a r. she and Mia. Crockett heran m re ceive extraordinary messsgea, pur- mming 10 come irom Mrs. Crockett a dauchter. Loulaa. Mr Pmvtt u should bo eiplalned, being the latter's siepiamer. . Mr. Crockett, who all tha whii had treated tha whnla mat tar r M- Crockett's visits to the professional meaium, as no ssys, "aa a sort of psychonsthlc eXDerimant fn ha ... genuinely afraid his wife a as going to lose her resson, had made several visits to the professions! medium out ih cunoeiiy ana naa had some re markable exnerlencea hut waa at all convinced. Now he regarded the talklna board as an imniin. i and lta messages unconvincing. But avuia oayi aiier me cnua and Mrs. Crockett beasn to ua tha began to take an Interest. Soon th began to receive automatic writings. Then the table wu used. - this be gat) to tilt, and soon to rise In the air. AUUIOTS VOtlM DiwinnMii "It wss not until rwht tki. stage of our experiences," writes Mrs. Crockett, -that I really believed we were witnessing maniXestlona of extra-human power. My doubts did not disappear until I had seen a heavy table lifted four feet from, the Boor, when I could swear that the only physical force applied was several pairs of human hands resting lightly upon the top. My conviction was Strengthened hv havlna- tha tM. wrenched from my hands and whirled uuui Dy a rorce that must have measured . fullv a hunririwt Later I felt and saw a human being wngning a nunarea and twenty Pounds lifted mnra than thn fast irom tne noor. The experience wss progressing, for soon after the tipping of the table atarted the child began to go mto trances. In which. In time, the personality of the dead half-sister, whom the child had never known, began to manifest lUelf In her body; not oniy mat, ut one evening more tbsn a dosen other distinct person alities, some of them relatives, the othera described aa "guides," mani fested themselves In the same man ner. Most of the "evidential matter" received during the summer waa the homelr sort, which, aa tha atithAr nf the book asserts, fas more convinc ing than "formal or oracular messages." One of the moat realistic chapters la the book Is that which records what took Dlaea in tha rvrtati-. apartment In New York one summer night, when Louise, In the body or her little Sister, went ahnnt la'antlfv- Ing the things that had been her's. me young woman, who had develop ed lunr trouble tnat ItnAli t hat ava r being graduated from the school of inuBirai an. nan iwmm lit tnr nj half years, but it had been thought several times that ahe waa getting won. mi iasi winter before her aeain sba had passed with relatives In California, and such was the prog ress she had made that her recovery wa preaiciea ana ner marriage to a young officer to whom aha h.t hun engaged, was ararnged to take place w 1eiiver. ine weaaiBf nnery r. been made ready and Louise was meet her mother in nnvar urhi the mother arrived there, telegrams wuurinea ner mat tne war Deps' ment had ordered tha nf . ..it and would not give him a furlough, and that Louise was unable to travel. - That nleht referred tn in "tha apartment In New York, tn the pres- wiic ur iwo ciose mends or the fam ily, after some levltatlons, Louise's personality took possession of the child, who is called "Violet" In t book. She left the room where all bad been seated. On Brief Incident, "lib tha hall aha mill. h rsayt the book, "her eyes still closed. ana turnea into tne dining room on the left. At the old phonograph, al most unused since she bsd danced to It. ahe paused, and carefully turn ed tt on. In the drawing room ahe took a book from a bookcase, her eyes being; all the time closed, and there being no light. My book." she said: "tnv book PRIZE FOR SEW NAME. Chariea Tow n, W. Va, Tirwi of Beta Confined with Capital. Winchester. Vs.Tha ell of Charles Town, historic aeat Of Jefferson eountv. Wast I'lrrtnt. r. ThU was found later. 'a Charfenarai!4 ,, P'c here John Brown, i nis was round later, a Chardenafs 11!: p,"c wner Jobn Brown, French course and upon the flv leaf ' ',urrectj01it, was tried, condemn' wss written hr nam. t. k.: ld and hanged, has offered ISO aa a . mcti U II ) 1 .... ' asndwriting. Then, armixtlna n iv. H- ,1 she took from the top of a high old and desk a picture of her fiance. viaspTM ii 10 ner oreaat. "Mr Dick" a nanaa U. M.t my Dick." In the tenderest, saddest sccents. Then she gave a sob that wrung our hearts. It waa so real. She went into the room that had been hers, and Mantles ... . . the things that had been her own.i prise to the person who will submit iub uwh acceptable new name for the town. The similarity of Charles Town and Charleston haa resulted la all sorts of coufuiion. and merchants, manufacturers, farmers and people generally of PhariM r. v... come to the conclusion that the nam snouia o ensnged. The general assembly some years ago authorised tha nama n H AinA. ed into two words. "Charles Town." but railroad, fostal and telegraph She demanded that the picture of her nrother. which showed him looking very serious, be changed for one that showed him smllling. mie is oniy one brief incident . """ " wnanesion. me Stat The book la full of the unusual and p u A Urgu manufacturing con the stsrtllng. For Instance, there ls:"1 h" refu9d ! Charles wu.uoi jl me cuniusion, officials and clerks eonilnuail tn miba mistskes. Bodies Intended for bur ial at Charles Town frequently hav vrn arnea.io wnaneston. the Stat visitor from the other world who aemauas a "smoke.- saying he has not smoked since he died." He de mends a drink an ninth.. i All thta took place with the child in Care of the Hair A XT- r . .i iuw iwi piace wun the child ln "KW Ior aoman says: "I hav a trance, and with the ghostly visitor ! !,8ed Priaian Sage only two weeks, using her body and her voice, chang-1 Dut mT nlr bu wonderfully increas ed, however, beyond recognition. And i4 .ln heauty. seems much heavier, cunous incident of, , tree or aandruff. Louise claiming to have written her English Drug Co. sells It with money nam in indelible nnii nnn - .... back guarantee. aaavat mwV I ' oftvlnr. u sh guiit KrA.,.1.. u ' . vuftiii, inrj I 1 t ii Ctl UDItftira un rt liifi, a,i-.i i JJ? nJ tt nro"rt on of the holes mumci tua aningies. On Of th. afr.n.u. ...a- mat the nower which h. kiu .-j - wujftu uau tV. .r.i. . 01 nmmer, so agents toia Mr. Crock ett, entirely removed, following the wish expressed by himself and his wire that th child might be permlt- L t0A'd Bormal Ilf- They had been told that tha ..i. -i. f Sf would be a alight inVT it . u un ln dr rollow ing the last aa.n.. ti a.ua - - iu, cuiiu was !7or wwgned the day JUNK Wanted W are alwars La tha market far lroa. metal of all kinds, bonea. nanar. to. Open everv dav. Monroe Iron & Metal Co. Near Freight Depot. - t A FEW MORE FREE BOOKS COTTON RECORDS AND FEDERAL INCOME ' TAXRECORDS W are specialising on Are insurance, and can give prompt and ef ficient service. We represent Companies with assets aggregating fnu91 M.U."n P01!8"' and tt"orw Spared t5 giv you -the very best protection at lowest rates. FARM PROPERTY ?rl C0Te!:ln f? rm PPorty. protects you against loss from Are. lightning and wind storm, and covers live stock anywhere with, in he county W. write this In three and flv year 'ermVand g v. you the privilege of paying one-fifth cash and the balance In equal lnluUrance!l5rienla " WU1 P8y yU ,0 U Mm Plng7our GORDON INSURANCE & INVESTMENT CO. Farmers & Merchanu Bank BuUdlng. Monroe, N.C. lA---..A...A,-.i.A.i..-Amaas.ai..i i ' fl "-wawajaBaBwawawaawawawaawawawaBW-wawawawawaMwawaaaw gy W w a WS- 0 Wth these words ijie store in vites .you,to the flavor that delightsVou'-good old Lu zianne. Tiy it soon and note its flavorkeep in mind this inoney saver-goodpld Luzianne GocsTuiceosrar' 1JJZIANNE ' wlwawawaf , Aja. A jav al. a OUASAMTia-H, iftar MtitHr.ialnl. Ik. na aecorAUif to 4lmtiu, r m aol tllto ki .vary naid rour gnnt Ul ratiuMl tka ataMf pa M hv sT 'MAAVAAA W VM New Orleans nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmM Car Load I it TRADE MARK ?4 t '"" ' s wt.a'jl vy"J- . ol; til. 1 a s S s - H D B D D a a n u n u Bagg 4 ;iiig' and Ties We cm make you the right prices Sec us at once iKfHrvWttttWtTtMMMMmMMM T. G. Lee & Son! tx n tt GENERAL MERCHANDISE COUNTRY PRODUCE PHONE 336. FERTILIZERS SiiaiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiinii! . Th.erf ,ar miny Trctor clamoring for the patronage of the farmer. The very air Is charged with th JftJ . On. would think ttat all th farmer bad to do wu to buy . TractTr and he would enter ln?o Well, consider this fact there are a great many different makes of Tractors. Tractors hav been on the America market for twenty years. In that time aome three hundred thousand Tractors have been sold to the farmers In the United States. Th Ford.on Tractor has only been on the market two ye"rs and teThat tim mor than on hundred thouaand Fordson Tractors have been sold to th farmers of th i Unl.te I States. T0 n two mak four Two and two always will mak four. If th Fordson Tractor had not deliver ed mor good work mor satisfactory work, mor economical work, than any other farm Tractor It would -ft!? bB W la V1!10 of rjwhen from flT "d IMrt t0 Proof of the puddhig I. in th eating." Jh proof of th superior merits of the Fordson Tractor I in Its larger sales and use, . w n.! rordon l?ctor.tn,ln !,k r t0 buT. " bwu ' hat t has don for your neighbors. It asks rou to buy It on Its merits. It asks you to buy It, Mr. Farmer, berause you hav us. for It every drr In the year AU the uses for th. Fordson Tractor hav not yet been uncovered because new places wheie machit e t,alr can tak th pl.c. of human power.wher. machine power can supplanr hors. and muTepoweT r fctZ uZ?WVZ TerT 0CUr, l.h' Fori TrCt0r wlU fl" ,hfl hill morewuractorHy i .v Tb T0?"? ,lmp,a ,n dMlgn' fnd U rtrr n'y of the highest qustity of Iron and steel It Is ths product of the greatest mechanical genius th world has ever known, and it Is most economical to ni ' cost and after eipens. Th Fordson Tractor on your farm will Increas the valu o ereTjr f oot o around ln that farm. It will put mor dollars and cent, into every hour you put Into th farm. B Now why not have a Fordson right away? Tak up th subject with u. Com ln and ret th- dotail, Wi-S l?SrmoneVto ItStZSSg. Henderson Elotor Company v ;. 'Agents. ' '". . "' Ford Cars Ford Trucks Fordson Tractors Ford Scnice. tt 1 1. . . k i. . i . i ,( i Sv ttnin : it