flTE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY READS IT" i i f THE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY NEEDS IT NR0E JOURNAL PUBLISHED TWICE EACH WEEK - TUESDAY AND FRIDAY VOL.26. No. 93. MONROE, N. G, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1921. $2.00 PER YEAR -SVSU AS ON F YEAR'S DAY ASF' JF SUPERSTITION V I'nk.j County lrle Can Af foul to l-auxh at the SUersll tloiis of Oloreil IVople. ISlvl MAY UK LOCAL OK1WX Wii you have peas' for dinner New ar's day? Most Union county 'tkia qui. ana 11 uu we t uivhk -.ti . mber you can no longer laugh at lark night, or who carries in his .cket the loft hlmi foot of a grave i d rabbit as his -lady-luck" piece d.ive away hams," misfortune i hunger. Like him. you are su- "stitioua. The origin of this superstition Is known. It is a deep-rooted one this section, and there were few U in Union county minus a dish w4 mi s-.'nr.luv Their iirescnce .-iphesied nil sorts of good fortune . l . : i .. ..- 4:...ul n.t l.j hum. ' dish. Some claim one will save . .ic.llur durin,g the year for every i one ate; while- others say the lilv that dint'd on them the first v of the year will k'low uo hunger . tivelve months. r. E. V. Sikes. president of Coker ieee Inclines to the view that this . I I ... I .... 1, I... J it4 i on 1.4 iturei local, us in- iua -A or encountered it in other sec . is Nor hsa The Jonrnal been able . Il-cover any mention of it in folk- mien oi the South. . are, nowever, niany Mipci- PKICK U K AXTl" OS THK KKVALIAITON ACT Senator Now Want to Hold Con- ferem-e to DI'Umi Means of KeiliM-ing Time. Senator J. N. Price, who voted for revaluation while a member of the General Assembly In 1919. has turned "antl," and now wants to hold a conference at Monroe for the purpose of form- ulating ways and means of re- duciug the tax rate. He went to settle with the Sherifl the other day, and discovered that his tux- m had increased considerably over the previous year. Now he has blood in his eyes for some- body. Pes ides taxes, good raids would be discussed at this eon- ference which iMr. Price, ulong with a number of others, wauU ' to stage. Should it be held, a Joint -iijcupsion "on revaluation netweui Mr. J. Z. Green and Mr. Price is advocated. Mr. Green has been strong for revaluation nil the while. WATSOV WOULD MAKE W. S. S. AND BONDS LEGAL TIIXDEH Georgia Senator Tells of Itemed)' He Will I'roiMise Winn He Takes His Neat. Thomas K. Watson. United States senator -elect from Georgia, announc ed iu a copyrighted statement pub lished in the Atlanta Constitution Sunday that at the extra sessiou of NLW YKAIt IMIKItl D l WITH CHUH.E OK DYNAMITK ie 67th congress he will introduce a ions said to purely of local origin. h,,il lo make Liberty and Victory bunds and oilier government war pa per legal lender. Mr. Watson has announced plans for introducing bills lo force the. led etal i i si rve and farm loan banks fo lend money directly to individuals ami lo 1'iiiiiie the secretary of the trois- J. iM. Illair believe llw custom . p.plt hnve of pu;ting a pan of lii under (lie tied lo prevent ,!,t-sweal" is peculiar to Union ii'y. i.c.vn on llocky river, whore lm ,'. born and reared, Mayor John C. es learned from lilt, mirkies th'.i' screech of un owl could be slop by thrusting u shovel In the tire, has never heard mention of ibis erst It ion from any other source. .. negroes aiound llocky river also ieve, ho says, thai a large 'possum, reason unknown, will climb noth- . but small trees. The-y always ex ted a small possum when they .iid the dogs baying under a large r. Illair, wiio is Interested in Un . county folk-lore, believes in only superstition. He always turns . if a black cat crosses his path .Mday.. , . tr suvc.s.IilouJ tul-l to ia tittJ ..il Include: IMaring of a fill er toe nail under the door step is tood luck; also, the hiding of mull tip off the tale of a dog will :i him from straying from homo. a squirrel to cross the. road iu , t of a buggy Is comidered a good "ii. .:i kmployki:. MAKE Till IK WANT TO A( TOMOMM.U.S f ti'diliir l w I'm .mil's 'I'jil.r n Nome ol .Uiog I'cl nils-loil to .lol.l. i i int. Mich., Jan. Ol'cials of '""I'd Mo'or Company h;:d w.'wn i:i. ial no; ice tonight of a handbill ilated Sunday by a number of the . ni' nmiiliii-irMi !i;1,-inir thiit the . pany permit the workers to use ...Ford plant, now closed for iuven .. to he used hv I hem lenmorarilv making ears for their own' use. foinnl reiTuest had been made to company for such action, il was e.iuced. . Sttilmlion of the handbills gave :o a number of false rumois in (lit today. The police ridiculed e rumor that the Ford employees "declared Soviet ronlrol and had tued opet'Alion of the plant. When oil worker;! apepared at the ilaml Park plant this morning to ... tl...l. ...... ,.l,..,.bu tl... .it . . 1 1 1. 1 1 'III . II . I. ". III.-- . I -pre.id thai lluy weio- storming il.int. Hut one policeman was on in the vicinity of the factory and .. e was no disorder, the police an iced. Rumors that the Governor j- to be asKed lo send Federal 'p frntn Fort Wayne, were called A. rlt'U ly (lie ponce uhu coiiimiii,i I. lis. ury to issue the unused gree-nuacKs aulhnriztd by a bill signed by Presi ildil Lincoln. The total of thc.-e au thorized but unissued greenbacks, ac cording to the ieiiator-C'lecl, Is 1 J II . uOrt.OOO. liiscnsshig bis plan lo make legal lender of Liberty and Victory bunds, credit certificates, war saving stamps and all government obligation paper Issued duriiig and since the world war as u remedy for what he claims Is an existing "domestic crisis," Mr. Wat son declared such action would have an electrifying effect upon America business life. On I'RSsj ge of such lesrlidatiou M.r U'au.ou tleolnred rti'ehenslon Of a panic would quickly disappear." Regarding the nation's linauclal system, Mr. Watson said he would in troduce bills to make it mandatory under penally for the regional banks 10 lend direct to farmers on up proved securities at an interest rule not over ii per cent; lo rept.il thai section of the farm loan act requir ing a group of ten slgnaioi ics lo u loan and insertion ol a man 'atoiy clause compelling slid' banks ti lend an individual uppiic. rl upon approv ed scciirllits vl' mil! Mi" requiiemcei of additional blu.ii;: ;. Mn-sIiv lite s Hoi ked by Hie Terrillr Imrr of the .plolMi Tile Kigbl New ar Nplrit. Marshivlle, Dec. 3-The New Year arrived amidst a great clutter of sounding brass and tinkling symbols. There was no public watch night ob served, but most of our folks were watching all right and alting, ev en though they had prepared for slumber. The preliminary ringing of bells and firing of guns finally an nounced th- passing of the-old vet eiau 192U and the arrival of the smiling babe 1921. Then when the folks had generally thanked heaven that the racket had been no worse, wished everybody a happy New Year, and crawled in and were about hair asleep, there came a mighty noise as if the earth was rendine and the skies falling. Everybody sal ud in rroin bed and waited for the earth to close in oil 'em then, when it didn't, rub bed their eyes and demanded to know "Whre am I?" By that time, the rumbling and roaring was dimin ishing siithcicntly for one to think a we bit, and gradually it became known (hat some one bad made use of u mighty charge of dynamite in greeting the glad New Ye.n ! Wei!, everybody turned over iieii and staited to sleep ag.-.in; when they had given about one nore. the tool thing went off the second I hue and jerked everybody upright once more, this liiao to a minor e.;iitMiu of 1 their own; for while we all like to know Vl;eu the new jear arrives, yet lit is .1 wee hit unnoyiu ' lo be Inlofiu iod of the fact twice in moh strong j language, and especially wIumi we ate about half a -deep. However the last explosion seemed to have landed him yal' ly, and there was -nothing more said about it, and in the morning w lerybody had something to talk about and laugh over. Mr. Roy Marsh is in a hospital in Halt iinnre lo undergo an operation, his friends over the county will re gret lo It'll ru. He was accompanied to ifnltimore by his brothor-in-law, Mr. E. E. Marsh. HOW Mils. LIUMtM (.l is , I u.vin; tiiiiM mi; n:i;; i She Hit I nki'ie l-ilNir-Na big IVi- j I noes a ; on Her I- ami Hard ' Klevting in IH-guiM-. " Wixhaw. K K. V. 1. Jan. 3 The Rehobeth school reopned after ii holiday recess on Monday, Jan. 3id. The teachers. Mi-ses llelk and Reef, are making excellent reputations for genuine school work at this place. Mrs. Lonnie Austin aim children of I Wiiii'.ln ei.anl u-iik ih- f.-..... ' er'i sister. Mr. R. S. Gamble or this community. Mr. Gamble has recent ly suflered a fresh attack of nuritus. For the past s-veral months he has been una hie to do any work but had thought until a few weeks ago that he was on the road to complete re covery. However, his recent expe riences has caused him lo feel like there is no easy or quick route away the trouhle. After several costly attempts toj get water on one of her farms by putting down a well in the yard am! failing on aec-unt of the extreme hardness of the rock encountered, j Mrs. L. K. Hidim has had a line of j (Wiles set from the house to the I sprfu.'t and on 'hese a light wire at tached on whieii a Ion kit suspt ml (' j '. a pulley h- 1 .ung it ml sent uuvvn to ,ov; I'Losr the spriii!.- whin water is to be car-i AHIIVI ried. Mr. L. M. Rim-r const ruetcd this project at it we uudei-tand ;:;! it Is coiisi.lt n-ii a very Welcome la 'tor tavin-i device. On- t'f the iiio-i il. 'pressing siirns of tin iMMt-s' .'Oil now is the .lll ltiSI ualversal ani nl of planle-s uuo r- t'ie people. t seeies is experieacing a pe- j -Iromv niireriain i'lio 'Ue m-'I-is I .) have any Kverv one ilonl.i .i.. .... . i.... ... .i . t. tiu in . . i i . 1 1 ii i am ii i ll,.,l ,, ..... in. , . I I a:e .iain, t:nn v. line iiiiiuv limits in the I'eileral at Unisphere are iii--quieiing. I .u 111 as hopeful and confi dent ol the future as 1 have been mi l iai iu mihinshixk iti;t ii hin imk nni: Ol lit el's, in Scan liiiig ll'Hoe ol ( t il' il vi I Woinaii, t ame Al locs I iiltpie Hiihinr I'laie. In ihe past t'.ice uiticers have found liquor hidden in out -of way places, such as iu rhutch cellars and beds, but Minnie Helms, colored, who lives near the cemetery, hud the most unique hiding place on record. She kepi hei whi.-key ia tlie ov en of her coik-stove, where it was found the other night by Officer Helms, of the local police force. The officers had been suspi cinning Minnie of selling liquor for some lime, and d 'cided i. raid her home. On entering the house, they were met l y M.nnie. who gave them a cordial invita tion lo make a sea ten of her peniiises The oHicen. after !oi'l;ing in almost every cou ntable hiding place, were about to g.Ve up the search when Ml. Helms pulled open t!o. stove door. There sat a halt-i allon of meo!,s!nne. MONROE MINISTER AIDS ' THOSE 'TON AND OUT" Hei. Mr. Shi.I.t kevt Young Men OH the (Hint? I it wills lit Pu) i mg 'llii-ir Fine. Ill IV I II Hill THK ('OUVIKY Mt'el I i i il i'. ii ' 1 1. el rn'dteellilg Ii) ia..'.ty among Hill I tvervlioi! rfod of tie D'ly l-'S nit .-s. No fixed pl.'ii!''. to what ti ll'feems to be tfi (Mliclutle i : will hitev w i-i is ceriaiu gat ''iron i II. II. I.IH V, of lilt I'retlii Is lleleal Public. That a lung era of prosperity lies ; ahead of the United States ami t'u t li.h tli;leriiiuia! ion ami nmra-e ol I lie i-nple will overcome all lUoi'ltin.- of adjust Hit lit was prediclnl by Chaii - man K. 11. (iaiy. of the I'liitetl States J I ' ...!!,.,. ,. . . -,, . i.,l I..I1.- i nl t; ;'' MO I ill' IU 'VSliijlt'r III' 11 tl HO SI lie,. 'it is only repeat ins w hat man) M'OKY OK CHKnTKI! YOI (i MKX , Two cotton mill operative "swung" a train at Chester, intend ing lo drop off" at the mill, a short distance down the. line, where they were emi'liiyed. The train, however, happened to be a thiough freight, and instead of making the customary B'.op at the mill village, came on to Monroe without so much as slowing down. I n!ortunate! for the two young lien. tVe local oflicei's were unusually vigilant l hut day. and they espied them as the train came to a halt. They spent the night in jail. ; In the l;e. oiti.. s court the next morning tbtv. to u!l ajiearanci s. told a stru: lit" story, ami tin- Recorder saw tit to -;. iu! judgment upon the pav mem . i i : '.. The Keel i. r.iii iy have tlioiullt he was very I - lit nt towards the ih lend- ' n u is. 'i in "cost" amounted to but mi; 1'it even a dollar is a large sum to two penniless me:i in a strange communitv. Tin y faci d a road sen tience unless the "in.'!" bill was paid; 1 t;;i ! rti mpt'lv lor ihe;:i, sympathetic in the com t room a" I sent lliem !: paid me lt wiiatev ef vi do, vv w e didn'l. I me tliiti': I however, we are golii:; to j h. we are sure lo come nil' at one einl or the other, mil niavbe the experietic.' will be worth all ii cofts. 1: it is we will find in a year or two that what we thought was enln til it t- u--i r..itti ti ).!.. iiw, i .11. Mr. J U. Austin and family spent , js n()thllJ ,,,.. nmneuilv cripple an Industrious pco- the wtsik-end in Nomvood Mrs. U. C. Giillln and daughter Miss Virginia have returned frotif ri visit to Mrs. McWhirter of Salisbury. While there they were guests of hon or at a brilliant reception given By Mrs. McWhirter on Friday afternoon', r .',' Mrs. It. L. Griffin, accompanied by";C0AL OIL JOHVW" OM'K her sister. Miss Lillian. Stevens, i'-j--'S A (.ItK AT sPKXDKIt, DKAD turned - TJiursJay Iroh -nmMHtK, ilc, except the denial lo them of the ftunl light to labor and produce. When we see the point, we'll be all right. I think we don't quite see It ye.. Novus Homo. 'roni Tv.o Ii; Ith Ter- icxt to f land : con died ned . .iiOll .. VVII Mid oeg i the rows down ng the trari of in in . I.KK WHJITK ACCKITS CALL TO KINSTO.N CIIUHCH '.Is er Moiiiih' Slmlsler to Iteconie -tor of One of longest t barges I a si em Carolina. . . j . Leo M. While, for several i . pastor of the First Hapttst I . e l of Monroe, now pastor of Ihej - ' Ilaptbt church of Chester, has1 ,-ted n call to the past orate Of F!rst Ilapii-t .chuii'li nt Kinston, ii.'lng to n Cluster dispatch to. Charlotte Ohsiwcr. It Is Riv. While's intention to include his j ; at Chester about February la. ' First Itaptist church of che-i ; enjoyed an er;1 of rival pros ; v along nil line! during Rev. Mr. le's leadership; and there N deep ret that !e will leave Chester. p'n hli friends and members are u 'hut his luteins h.tve found rei - - ton in n call in a larger field. H v. Mr. While, who went lo Ches- - 'rem Shil.by, in June 1917. Is a '- iMd spea'ter, a good organizer, ins his work woll In hand. doubt, if some of those fellows! want mote pay for less work been on the Job Creating week. would have quit the third day ke speeches from the fourth to venth. to 1 1 races A few yea.r ago I lou- . my home, l.lty-ilnvo nci . ; that were in v. ry ;io .r fat . dillon. Later 1 lioii"iit a . acres adj. lining the i.bove m. tract that was in worse e; than ihe first Had. 1 clcare Ihe hedge row :., liati'ed at raw plowed down the gi.'iies. The w ho hud ow ned It n ihf hill nearly rul. land. The first operation In cultivating the land was disking, and then the breaking of it. Afterward I planted iirnh of th'j field to com and peas for hay. Tic remaining twenty acres, laid olf in straight rows, mad;' l wo bales of cotton, for, due to the fa t ihat the rows were straight and the soil loose, the fields washed badly. The second year I ran the rows Hie .ame way with the one water ditch in the twenty urrei. The field al most washed away, the drills caus ing a hundred and fifty yards of fence to be washed down. Hut, in spite of all the washes and gullies I made six bales of cotton, and enough com for use, with a surplus to sell. In Pccptnber, 1 saw a dlleher ad vertised In The Progressive Farmer so 1 fiat-broke Ihe twenty acres, and by the first of January I was through breaking the land, the ditcher was now on hand, and I had the machine to make a width of from twenty to twenty-four lucres and a depth of not less than three feel at the terraces, but no level to lay them nlT. In order to ovi'icome this obstacle, I made one. t sing a spirit level. Seven terraces were laid off In thin twenty-acre olat i f iH'otind vich one having a litlh' fall. They wcte thrown up wilh n two-horse plow, six furrow i to the te:i-ae. Then I pu four gnotl liniles lo tin ditcher and went four times lo the terrace. I laid off the rows with the ten aces mi lh:M the short rows weuld conic in th- center be- itweeii the letracis. A good part of the fit Id was planted to corn and peas and ihe remainder to rclton. I j made a fine crop ef ccvi and ten nates ot coitnn, so, lialittaily 1 am veiy much pleased with my terraces. I give Ihe credit to the Loid for mak ing me able and w ise enough lo build these terraces, which I know have aved my crops and my land. L. H. McCoy, In The Progressive Farmer. Christmas In Matthews. iMiss Lillian Moore of Charlotte is spending a few days with her aunt Mrs. J. K. Applewhite. Air. J. W. Davis of, Statesville spent the week-end here with his daughter, Mrs. 11. C. Crlflin. .Miss Evelyn Price of Monroe spent several days here last week with-her grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Harrino. On her ivliifu Ironic she was accmnpa ied by Margie and Master Charles i .'.rrino, Jr. Miss Lola Capdle from near W.. lesboro spi nl the w eek-end here v.'itii relatives and friends. Aliases Johnsie and Cladvs Long have I 'turiied from a week's visit to ulativis In Concord. Mr. ami Mrs. J. M. Edwards have moved ino their attractive new home which turn just been completed. All brick wcrk has btsm completed on i be new Pivrbyteriun church and the (.over I". ! en. Work on the in side and fini. hing will be pushed for ward so Mairhville may look forward to worshiping in a real church build ing before many more months. ..Mr. Charlie Morgan has been quite, sick for several days. Mrs. J. J, Edwards and daughter lv ilrook have returned from a shot! visit lo Mrs. Edwards' molhet at Ml. Ulla. The general "donation" df spirits which seem to have the cuuntry by ihe nape o the nock just now, brings one up with a Jerk to the realization of just bow wedded the world is to material things. Of course v. e ve got to live, and we mtisi have something to live on, and we have! True we nrc not Hying as high as formt i ly, lots of us are wearing old clothes and last year's shoes, and can't collect a cent out o' folks on the books, and so on. but what on earth is the use to get so blue about it? A long face and blue talk never won a battle for anybody. It everybody would make ia New l ear s resolution to throw ! hack their shoulders, lake a deep breath and face the thing wilh a grin and cheerful, optimistic talk Oh, how much better we V.ould all feel. We aie nop suffering, so let's wait until we ate before we look like a dtath's head. The only aclm.l suf- you susport Ihat your wife has 1 you out, tell her beore she 11 you. She'll be so mad she'll t half she wanted to say. Mr. J. Z. Green will spend Wednes day and Thursday in Charlotte at tending the meeting of newspaper men. Mr. Green Is on the program for a speech. .Marshville correspond-Jence. terini! is from the ungodly "thus" thi.t not one of us has a i-iosvl t l.t to indulge in. it i: a sin ! a i t oiir.selvi and humanity in ; ,ai wilh any inch spiri!tt il uepri -i.',i! It's tlcti imental lo health as .. all knew, and if we keep it up We tuny b" able to add some netvi.us break 'downs and M.ch lliing-i to the i:em ril .-ituation in order to liven ilun.:s no a bit. What do jou say, let's stop it '.' Iteiiiembt r this "The mail worth while Is Ihe man Who can smile When everything, goes wrong." If you are doing the be t yon ran, and In an honest way, nothing more can be expected of you, but this lunch is dead sure, tile more blue talk you indulge in and enrourage the other Mlnw to do, just that much w orse off are we nil going to be physically and mentally If not financially. Now then! I feel very much better! I am quite sure I can smile thi nnvt few days anyhow, unless 1 meet some o you folks that won't. Lina C Harrell. .Mm W. Slecle, Who Once iive a Negm Ninger Kto.ootl, Dies a Hail i oikI mm ion Agent. John W. Steel", known widely In (he east half a century ago n-i "Coal Oil Johnny," reputed then to have spent a fortune when oil was discov ert d on hU Pennsylvania land, died of pneumonia yesterday, aged 77 yea is, lit Fort Crook, Nen.. vvhi'e he was a station agent for the llurling tott railroad, having beet in ihe road's employ thirty-seven years. Utile mote than a mythical name nowadays, bark in the sixties "Coal Oil Johnny" set records for scatter ing coin along great white ways ihat have never been surpassed. He was the adopted rbilti ol a fa't.ier named Mit'lintock at Oil Creek, Franklin county. Pa., who took hi out of a poorhoiise as a child. Ho inherited the apparently worthies" farm ami when a fortune in oil was discovered on it lie set mil to wiiian ier ti c gains in every form of wild exces-t. He handed Ja.OOO to a negro who plcised him Willi u song, he bought hoises nuil carriages for a short drive a ml then gave them to the driver, champagne he alvvavs ordeted the basket. Luckily he mi" -lav found his coat so sniffed wi'h given baiks that it was iincotnfortabe'. 'i.' ran into a bank, threw it to the lav ing teller, and never came it.'clt "gain. Years later, when ha- v. as penniless, Ihe bank directors -'i.tiud him and sent him the coal's coinen's, some Jso.tmn. He bought a farm and he and his wile settled dovv .1 rear Ashland. Neb. Falling; 1'ilces Due to l'iiiMigaiida. Six months ago ninety-nine out of every one bundled o our population not living on farms were "rooting." as they say at the baseball games, for the prices ol farm products to come down. Prices have come down and -o have the business ami polits of those short-sighted merchants, man ufacturers, and laborers who were holl-riii't tor lower piiets for '' other fellow's products. Huslne s can never he i;ood, nor can Lie l.on lai lllitiL' p "pul.ittoil he prospeioir. when the laraur is producing at lit tle or no profit, ami ceriainl no wh -n he lei'st sell ; t a loss. The reason is plain. The farmers ate our largest producers. Tiny pioilu.'ed , J.'.lliiil.l'OO.Oeo , l!!):i, jitnl 111"' constitute in numbers ph mi o p i cent of t!ie buyers; therefore, it oui. lit to be evident to ai.y merchant or laborer that vvh.-n ll," lar.nti pro duces at a lo-s, the I. living po. or ol the country is crippled and ne t c'.;' ;t ilising cannot be profitable. If v ptetent price of cotton, for instance, weie Ihe result of the free and ir -hampertxl influences of supply and demand, no one would have a reason to complain; but It Is not, it is al mosl entirely due to the propaganda for lower prices and its consequent effect on tho.-e who control the credit and finances of tho country. There Is not mote cotton nor less demand than last yeor. but less money avail able for handling it and nn nrV.m'; .d effort lo for tit ip, il.m-n Th : nations Prcrressive Farmer. ii anv otiii r lime." s.ud Mr. Car' . "The things ihat have come to pass have iiot been unexpected to the thoughnul mind. The wonder is that times have iml been much worse. The minds of men through out the country have been distorted. War Developed (.iced, "'luring the war men have bei-n thinking of power and force. De moralization, envy and cupl li'y have developed. The capitalist has been using his wealih to unreasonable, if not unfairly, increase his fortune, The tradesmen have been buying fv ilw l.Mfvxt ohialnsiMe pr.ee Mid charging the highest profits whlca would he toleiaied. There has been indit'lermico on the part of many to the rights and Interests of others. The Golden Utile In business has been temporarily suspended. There has been an orgy of extravagance and profit." Mi. Gary said thai fiiline genera lions, looking back upon the present, would be amazed at how nearly in sati'' laiL'p numbers of oiiliii' officials and pr. ati in.!'; nluals 'he world ever seem to have hoi n. Tin ;i he ad ('( d ; "When tioi !io..olnlelv n -ce vary to kill people by eie million- or to steal Itoperiy in sriuM quantities 'f to appropriate the property or territory nt ir.iother of li.ig' v.'bie is ;.usf j,s i.i.u us to tiiuri.e; jiii'gl" individual or to steal a small amount m mo. icy or to rob another ol a single horse. Fur i'ov t rui'ieiits to w aste money by the millions or billions for war pur poses, when unnecessary, is as inex cusable as it is for Individuals to wa.-te small amounts, although m genetally so considered, Our Power Manilesleil. "There is another side of this picture. , Any country which, within a year and a half, can mobilize a, oao.Otm or fi.ni'o.ono of men tor the .my ami navy and transpoii mote ;!.ati 2. mm. mm soldiers from the raped Slate to the battle fronts of France and can raise, tor its own military nece-siiits and those of its associate nations across tiie seas, over f.'H.i m.1. unu, nun, mls demon strated that, with the e-ercise of the proper spirit and the utilization of its natural resources, can muster an ecomiioinic situation far worse ami tnor" diilictilt than the ptesenl situation according to the wildest sliiien ect or imagination 'hat has yet been conceived oi suggested. "Hilt, in my judgment, there is no difficult situation to overcome. The pre -etl appati lit dt pi't ss,iui in lm 'icss which, i.l'tr ail. means onlv a diminution of trade or commerce, is I only the result of the mutual ami I necessary readjustt'ti ni which were I spectators 1 them "out, (waid. Hut (-.vm- a'ceiic spectators are not ; pri'.st nt a' ;.'! I 'S'loiis o! the Ilecord ,er"s court. , : .mo-e than one youth ' ;i t r! I .-t i - i v. i i t w iiiidet lust would lie seiviiiL . -i ...I sentence if il were j not for Kt '.. .1. C. Snyder, a Union .unity I!.!'.: minister. Whenever a vonlh with come reliu-meiil. oi pos Jsest,! wnh an honest face, happens ;t t be i.t'i-ht m t lie police drag-net, S Kev. Mr. Saydcr is notified. Without ji'i.ikiiig Hi . s' i .a' ion of the lad's case he ti usts io the innate .-euse of hon ! of the ililt'.iilant. ami proceeds ho "pa" him out. If the young man livts not far-away, Kev, Mr. Snyder semis him home; and invariably he receives a clerk compensating him for what money he expended In court costs and railioad fare. Others he semis out into Ihe country , where they work until they tarn money suf tl.'ient to discharge their obligation to their benefactor, and n little sur plus to supply them with waiiuth and food until l hey secure steady work. The Monroe minister Is doing a prca: work. Owing to the distress of the country, thousands and thousands of men are thrown out of work, and they roam over the railroads seeking for work; and the number who are daily idcked up by the officers in creases daily. The indications lire, unless the police and liecorder'a court are more lenient with the float ing laborers, that the most of l!ev. Mr. Snyder's time will be occupied in tins wotk. I IO. COt VIA ( Ol PLK MAIiHIUD l. CHAHLOTT12 Ihe the iav e nt llll'ier If Christmas ii not kept with mirth land love, it is merely December 25th. no spirit boi'tni to follow ; Ik ces-ation hie lilitit s. l'i ices ( f man ol 1 1 ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 1 ics. p.i! t i.'ul.tl iy by ' middle men or stunt of tht m, ! ; I 1 1 n ii ii ti aomibc. a ml iu i. ( uses. ar,. n lil xt-'tt iona'e. jthis ii e-s l as In en l o ng en . coil! -e the gt m 1 ,'l pubilc Ids ! j v cilii'.g' for a m, tie n asenalile ::. P- ' I t Ii" commo I eolis,l, I ,;l Ion, ' ' "Ui.til Ibis 1 1 ;iil lust io, i is i imi ; pit ted and a fail basis ,.f st li.iu ' !! i ' established, so i'i.m t J i . - !eu:i ! co.'i of living ill.ill res ! :,l a pom! j which is fair, we may mil c-;.e I 1H large a volume ot bu no ss a . we might hope for. The some! every one realizes this lact Hut Petti r for .ill conctrncd." In nn informal talk, subsequently , 1 1 Han man Gary cxpressod the opin ion that the possibility of any rouble with Japan was very remote I and he did not believe It was pos sible to embroil tw such friendlv He said, however, it Is the duty of newspapers snd public speakers in both countries to do everything possible lo repress a Jin- Mlss Ziillne McAllister N the Hi itle of Mr. J. Mack C la'k, of the . I niou ('niiKinmiiy. Mr, J. Mack Clark .or the Union communitv in Union county and Miss Zuliiie McAllister, ol M iddleburg, were mnni.'d Thursday afternoon nt S o'clock hv lie. II G. Hardin, at the Ttvon Street Methodist parson age, savs the Charlotte Obsetver. '1 he voting couple moloted up from Union county, accompanied by Miss Flossie Moore and W. D. Clark, There had been uo announcement of the plans of the young people and most of i lie 1 1 fiiends will be given a ide.is.uil surprise The bride is a daughter of the lato ir. William .!c,ili.-ter and Mrs. Mi mic .vliket McAllister of Middle but g and has many friends both in the (astern part ol the state, whete she war. reared, and iu Ibis section where iimnv of her iclattve, live. For the past two or three years she has be. n teaching school in Geotgia, but more recently lias been teaching at Wesley Chapel. The groom is a prominent young fatmer and business man. ami is a brut tier of Messrs. II, II. and Murray Clark, of Monroe. His bride is a niece of Mrs. '. T. Shannon. They will make i heir home In Ihe Union community . WIIST MIK.IMA CAPITOL In DKsTHoY IID ll I LAMMS One I :bel.T Is Killed ami Several I- icciiu ii Injured When Hot f (:iet In. ion. W. V.l. Jan. " - The lld'i g of We.'t Yiigiiiia was lib rap, .ie .l.'Mi'i.v. .; : . hurt r v. as I, 111 j"! 1 1 d .'. mi 1.!.: t v. I t il iwi.oii the' The s.. , ietl .-idle, ui'tli: t e Vl ! I hill lee late lo.lii. i! led . a fireman t Ver I other tit e seel ( of the 1 oi w 'i Mt'di'ic. c o u la , mil ure of el v !i"t', much ii in in un i -i he third floor of t im One la- el'ioilsly It; liters I. tinder lived in the tiro hours after the fire was d-covc!..; ;:i, rapilol building, coi.ti'iii.U!. the loveinoi's office, s'.iiie 'depii! i lot uts ami "priceless records," ''ns i.otliini: but a utiiis of smoking ruins. State officials made no attempt to joslilnnie the loss, but they Faid Ihat 1 1 li' records destroyed upon which no insurance was carried, could not be replaced ami that It was Impossible to estimate their value Some state jrecoids were saved by clerks, officials and. hremcn. . The cost of living has been re duced one-fourth in some lines. That only leaves seven-fourth still to be lopped off before we descend to some- thing approaching normal.

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