EIGHT PAGES THE MONltOH JOmtAI. TlTSntT, JANTART 4. 0 One Thing about Our Store 'is THE UNIFORM PRICE ON OUR GOODS- That is, we don't try to make it all on some articles that 0 e trade does not know the cost of and make a leader out something that everybody knows the cost. VANN FUNDERBURK, One Price Cash Grocer, five Minutes Delivery. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE Latest Happenings In and Around Monroe. The Wesley Pliilalhta class of Cen tral .Mellunlist churrli will meei this evening at 7:30 at Mrs. Frank La ney". The Parent-Teacher Asocial ion ill mett at the Chamber or Com merce next Monday afternoon at 3:45. Miss Willie Fair H-i'.iy. daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. W. : Memby. was operated oil for app -adit-ilia at a Charlotte hospital Saturday, and is recovering rapidly. Messrs. J. E. Stack k Co. have moved their cotton office into the room loipierly occupied by the Heath .Cotton Company on East Franklin Street. Miss Fronle Morgan, who has a po sition with the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville, returned to the orphan age yesterday after spending some time with relatives In the county. H. T.. the 18-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conder of Goose Creek township, died Thursday, and the funeral services were conduced Friday at Hopewell church by Rev. E. C. Snyder. The night of Dec. 31, fort years ago. was bitterly cold, according to Dr. J. M. Blair. The thermometer, he said, registered below r.ero. He has a vivid remembrance of the night, as he was forced to drive home from Matthews In an open buggy alter the close of a party at the hem" o: fwiii friends. Mr. H. C. Sparkman of Brooksville, Fla.. and Miss Beiie Tombe-rlin of east Monroe township were married Saturdav evening. January 1st, at eight thirty by Esquire S. A. Helms, at his residence. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tom berlin and is a popular young woman and a successful teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Sparkinan left at once for Florida where they will make their home. Although Senator J. X. Price Is now fighting revaluation, he admin that the principle of the measure is sound. "It is the manner in which the act was applied in this ,ouniy that I object to," he said. while In Monroe the other day. "Valuations." he continued, "are not uniform In this county, nor is money paring tip? same proportion of tax itl'in as l;m i, while the asses -mcnt :f other prop, erty has been tripled. My taxes have more than doubled." Ai Kited in another column or this paper. Mr. Price wants to hold a i i:'.:s meeting at Monroe to discuss le.uluati'ii) and road iu.1t I ers. They have not quit pounding 'em in places yet. It is one of the lovely old customs when done in the right way and whoa the preacher is not ex pected to live, all the year on the proceeds of one assault. The Baptist congregations of Marshville and Win gate do not expect their pastor, Hev. A. C. Sherwood, to do Unit, although their Christmas poundings wore such that the family could long thrive on them. On Wednesday night before Christmas the Marshville fol'.ts sent two car loads to the home of Mr. Sherwood at Wingate, and the of torings included eighty dollars In money. Then on Thursday the in gate folks fell upon them with n great quantity of everything good to cut ahd tilings serviceable for the household, including a rare and lich lot of "rich pine" kindling. Nor did th"so congregations neglect the chil dren in Europe w ho are suffering and dying for bare bread, but both Sun day schools sent good contribution in both money and poods. ! Rev. W. T. Pearman and family of ! I'nionville gave a reception to the members of the Uuionville and Beth lehem congregations last Friday ev ening from 7 to 10:3rt. A large crowd was present and the evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Prof. Kay Fuudt-rburk was elected superiut-mb-nt of the First Baptist Sunday M-licMd Mind;'.y. Mr. Frank II. Asiici ill. who Iihs been superin tendent f the Sunday school, tender ed hi; re.-in taMoi. some time ago to l.e effective January fust. A burglar went to R. C. Griffin Brother's stable on Windsor street lat Saturday morning just before day and attempted to open the safe. The dial was knocked off with tools found in the building and the door battered with a hammer, but the safe wa3 jiot opened. Mrs. Helen S. Perry, who was tel egraph operator at the depot here when the late Capt. Whitneld was agent in the early 70's. died Friday at her home iu Atlanta. She is re meinbeied by the older inhabitants as a cultured and refined woman. Mrs. Perry was a sister of the late Mrs. J. D. Parker. Rev. W. C. Underwood and family of Indian Trail were the happy recip ients recently of a generous pounding by the members of the Indian Trail and Siler congregations. The new pastor, coming from far away Mis si! sippi, was then made to feel much at home and greatly heartened for his work. To the F.v-Service Man. The American Legion Is depending upon ou and upon every other mem ber for the financial means to carry out its ambitious program for 1921 its effort to get adequate legislation and treatment for the disabled, its tight for adjusted compensation, its projected compensation census and eUan-i'p, Its work in bringing the slackers to justice, its plans for Americanism, its plans for the at tainment of its ideals and its plans for a bigger and better Legion. Pay your dues now, so every issue of the Legion Weekly will get In your hands and enable you to see just what is going to happen with the ex service men throughout the country; and stick to your Post by attending the meetings and let's make It one of the best, If not the best iu North Car olina. Melvin Deese Post No. 27 can be one of the strongest if the fellows will co-operate, so let's do it. $2.10 pn.s your national and post dues to Dece'iiber 31. 1921. niul your aub-M-iiptiou to Hie American Legion Weeklv, so send It in at the earliest possible date and Join the great and valuable organization of ex-service nie:i and let's get something started not only n. .liou.illy but locally. Our L" n toll County Post needs a place for hicdquait' t's for the ex-service men. but unless we get (he co operation of every Irllow this will be Impossible. We also need a Women's Auxiliary I nil organized, but this Is useless until v. e get the Legion post lin.ily organized and in good working shape. Adjutant, Melvin Deese Post American Legion. Produce Market. Rowden cotton lrc Short cotton 15 l-2c Eggs 40c Butter 25 to 40c Sweet potatoes $1.00 Irish potatoes $1.50 Hens 65 to 75c Card of Thanks. We desire to express our sincere I luniks and appreciation to our friends who so willingly assisted us iu the (recent Illness and death of our hus band and father. Mrs. V. T. Cheat's land family. I Strand Theatre j TODAY i g National Pictures Presents 5 5 "OUT OF THE SNOWS" g p( A Thos. H. Ince Production. g WEDNESDAY g First National Exhibitors Presents CONSTANCE TALMAGE "THE PERFECT WOMAN" Her latest and best production. ' THURSDAY ' " Paramount Presents BILLIE BURKE "THE FRISKY MRS. JOHNSON" : FRIDAY Select Pictures Co. Presents CONSTANCE TALMADGE "SCANDAL" g STRAND COMING NEXT WEEK . "IDOLS OF CLAY" I SOCIAL. Mr. Sikes Sanders was elected president of the Union county Wake Forest Alumni Association at the an nual banquet staged by Wake Forest men at Saleehy'a Friday bight. Mr. P. O. Pusscr was chosen vice-president, and Mr. 11. D. Browning. Jr.. secretary and treasuier. Principal speakers at the banquet Friday n:!it wero Messrs. E. H. Austin. Frank Limerick. Dr. E. W. Sike.s. Pr,.f. C. M. Beach, ami Pi of. U;:y Funier burk. Mayor J. C. Sikes was toast master. Those present were the fol lowing: Mr. and Mr.., John Sikes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Limerick. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sanders. Mr. H. E. Copple, Miss Kate Copple. Mis. C. W. Baucom, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sikes, Mrs. H. H. Wilson. Mr. E. H. Austin. Mr. Hogan, Prof. C. M. Beach. Prof. Harrell. Prof, and Mrs. Ray Funder burk, Mr. J. B. Helms, Mis.i Josctlyn Sikes. Mr. J. E. Crfffin. Miss Jaunita Mears, .Mr. Roy Moore, Misa Alma Brower, Mr. L. C. Bennett, Miss Small. Mr. Outen, Mr. O. B. Sikes. Miss Ruth Janet Sikes, Mr. P. O. Pusser, Mr. Deese. Mr. Tarlton, Mr. John A. Bivcns, Mr. Henry Brown ing, and Mr. Sikes Samlets. The Willie Gordon missionary so ciety will meet Friday 7 p. m., with Missos Maude and Lliia Belle Shute. Mr. Hinton James returned to Rutherford college Tuesday after spending the holidays with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert James at Uuionville. Miss Nona Barksdale of Abbeville is the guest of her sifter, Mrs. J. h. Bundy. Miss Annalee Best returns to her home In Warsaw tomorrow after a visit to Misses Maude Boyte and Mary (iiiftith. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Allen and children, Katherine and Charles, ol Wadesboro spent the week-end with old friends. Miss Ruth Russell returned last night from a visit to friends in Rockingham. She was accompanied home by Miss Marlon Hull of Shelby. Mr. ami Mrs. T. F. Limerick spent several days last week with relatives in Shelby. Mrs. John A. Wray returned Fri day from an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Jack Bennett, in Mi ama. Fla. Mrs. Wray was called home on account of the illness of her son, John, who underwent an opera lion In a Charlotte hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Myrt Hunnicutt spent last week with Mrs. Hunicutt's pa rents In Shelby. Several Monroe, people have receiv ed unique, as well as beautiful Christmas cards from Mr. Ed Lee. son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Lee, who is studying music In Boston, Mass. The card is in the shape of a folder. On the front is a winter scene in wa ter colors, while in the middle part of the Inside of the folder Is this poem : YOUR COFFEE A hcnri-wnrinins thing Is one's coffee, Far more so than cocoa or tea. That's why I'm sending a fupful. To keep your hoart glowing for me, On the right side of the folder, next to the poem is n small package of coffee, tied with a green ribbon. Under the coffee- is this wish: To you and yours, wishing you all the joy and happiness that Christmas and the New Year can bring. .Mr. Lee's name was figned In the notes of the treble clef. Mrs. C. D. Morton of Rockingham spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. V. C. Davis. Miss Annie Marsh Bailey of Marsh ville is spending the week with Mrs. R. H. Cunningham here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clarey and Chil dren of Atlanta are visiting Mrs. C. W. Brttner. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dixon of Char lotte and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bennett of Wadesboro have returned home after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Richardson. A New Year's Little Prayer. Give us, dear Lord, clear eyes, that we The beauty of Thy world may see; Ears that are quick Thy call to hear, A heart that feels Thy presence near, And helpful hands Thy poor to feed And aid our brother in his need; Lleht feet that run to do Thy will! A tongue that works no slanderous III, And through earth's warfare till It cease A soul that hath Thv Inward peace. Mrs. NAN CARL1LE. I Cut Flowers Floral designs, wedding boqueta, and flowers of all kinds. Prices reasonable. We make shipments to Waxhaw, Marshville. Wingate and other nearby towns. CODE MORGAN At Tnlon Drag Co. Phone 321.' A Wonderful New Pattern that will Convert You to Home Sewing. DRESS GINGHAMS. New price on the best brands of dress Gingham. Choice Styles, full pieces, perfect goods. These goods i.hould not be confused with the riff-raff that is so1 commonly advertised at a prlre. Start your Spring Sewing now, while you can get the choice styles in Renfrew, Bates. Tolle de Noru. Gold Star. etc. 60 and 65c Dress Ginghams reduced to 4.V 50c Dret-s Gingham reduced to !1.V , 45c Dress Gingham reduced to 40c Dress Ginghams reduced to -"' AH other Wash (;km1 have been put on a basis with low pi-Ice cotton. Lee & Lee Company Reliable Merchandise. Special Notices One cent a word each Insertion. FOR SALE Good International Tractor 10-20. Practically new. Will sell for good paper. J. C. Mclntyie. Wingate. N. C. FOR SALE 10 shares comm. in stock iceman Knitting Mills. For infor mation apply at Journal office. TURNER'S ALMANAC for 1!I21, the Pllrd year, now for sale by local agents. Single ropy mailed pre paid for 20c stamps. Address the Times Publishing Co., Raleigh. FOUR SALESMEN WANTED If you have a car and want to earn pood money selling a nationally advertised article through a live (baler in Union county, see H. F. Wyly, Jr., Joffre Hotel, Monroe, Monday, January tenth. HALF MILLION large tough cab bage plants now ready for ship ment dollar and fifty cents thous and shipping point. These are tinn plains and now's the time to set out for early cabbage. G. J. Der rick, Lancaster, S. C. FOR RENT Cottage next to my dwelling. J. W. Yates. SEND A DOLLAR for two months daily subscription to Raleigh Times during sessions State Legislature. 'Complete reports, full national news, good features. Address the Times. Raleigh. NO'llCK OV COMPLETION OF AS SESSMENT ROLL. To All Property Owners and Other Persons Concerned, TAKE NOTICE You are hereby notified that the governing body of the City of Mon roe, has completed the assesnient roll for the local Improvement made on Lnncaster Ave., from intersection with Houston St., to College St., Col lege St., from Lancaster Ave. to Fraiklin St., Washington St. from Lancaster Ave. to Windsor St., Craw ford St., from Windsor St.. to Frank lin St.. Johnson St. from Windsor St. lo Franklin St., Windpor St. from Mai l St. to John St., and are further more notified that the Boatd of Al dermen, which Is the governing body of the City of Monroe, will meet on Monday, the 17th day of January, 1921, at seven o'clock p. m., in the office of the City Clerk of. the City of Monroe, for the purpose of hearing of allegations and objections In re spect to raid special assessments. You are furthermore notified that the assessment roll has been comple ted and Is now deposited In the office of J. H. Boyte, Clerk of the City of Monroe, for the Inspection of all par lies Interested. This the 3rd day of January, 1921. J. H. BOYTE, City Clerk or the City of Monroe, N. C. JOHN C. SIKES. Mayor. Speaking of women having more sento than men, did you ever notice that when the baby gets big enough to walk, father wants to give away the baby-carriage, but mother puts It up In the garret? mrsEjiTS BILLIE BURKE in ; The Frisky AVsJohnson She always played a winning pamo with tho men. But one nipht she made a mis-cue and come watch the gossips run up a score! From the Tlay by Clyde Fitch Directed lv Edward Dillon. Scenario by Lawrence McCloskey. STRAND THEATRE THURSDAY No Difference. the office boy reported. "What shall The regular conductor of the. a-l- I tell him?" vice to the love-lorn voliitnn being "Use your own brain, boy:" the away, the red-headed office boy had sporting editor growled. "Tell hi in been temporarily promoted to that Just the same way as short girls, of Job. under the general super 1 io'i of course." the sporting editor. "Here's a gink who wants to know1 Hold vour opinions: do not let how long girls should be courted." them hold you. tiir Thanks Y QUI Your loyal support the past year has been a matter of gratification and pride to us. That you may know that we appreciate it to the fullest extent, we take this means of extending to you our warmest thanks, and the hope that 1921 will see you both happy and prosperous. LEE GRIFFIN, The Far.cy Grocer.