THE MONROE JOURNAL Mros X. C. Founded 1891 by the present (mil err, a. M. IWoiJct ih1 II. K. llcajJey. 3K 5t ru V.imi Jl IK.K CAKTKK rV MIS liKsrHlTS TO OITKAI ACT L . r - : . . ... ' J TIIK JOII'.WI. I.lll ll(i, Collier Jt'lVlTMHI UIlil lU'ilsli'J M. T li-phouo . I!. tenner Jurist ihl w Fditor Is "Agin" IC 1 laU for Mai Pro. tnbiitoii I'mmiii-vsioiu-r. Judce Frank Catter. formerly 'f the Superior court, pay hi respect to Federal prohiDuion and its rcMilt in an eiitonal in tV last issue of t'artcr's Weekly, published at North W'ilkesboro. in the following vicious w ords: The numphobiacs who sold the ot;th j bitthriuilt of Jeffersoiiun de mocrat and Uxal s If-governim nt for a nis of are bawling to l.ei;NI.,uire for men litht the liquor traffic , i-i,ik:tii; for himself alone. !t i til i he writ"" r. i lie .-''(ill 'was . laVl's; Ver -. ll.Tt pro. rev a fie extirpation of this evil, with out sacviilce of the basic principle 01 its political life, wh. n alone ''"' ol ,t. ,,,..,,.,. :v siw in To- (llilS a .i-I Cliai IOU l-l lail'iuis --- j ; .icii.ttms whom n! bin ; theory that the raven that fed Elijah won t turn you down. Optimism urge you to go to the store and have things charged. Thrirt impels you to pay for what you buy when you buy it. Optimum inspire you U buy a ; piano and an automobile Ai the in-; stallmeiit pian. and from that day j forth s'easy collectors will make: your life a Burden; and you'll be so busy itiak inc the payments you won't have time to go to church or to the ball callus. Thrift induce you to buy nothing you can't afford. 1U Iter play a tin rVderit luofitbuimi jwnisue amm ine j.-ei, v, u- ,.i.Pu t!n North I'arolii a jl:"'' ' I'"' 5 month on a piano ind money U'"r lerm 01 jour nui-ir.ii me. l'.eMer walk Ulitil your feet need ro- W. H. BELK & BRO. Department Store. j I i-e.ik:u for inmsei J I liv t r e;:iiet hoj e 1 i that i' v stt neither. iu an auteiiioliiU down and J 15 n ?X d years. February ' X I 3. A ! in a.linu than i -i boitclt fr ' 'i lor hitndt ll.arst. ' a i lia: rot: i'.Timm; msi'itks .". M. IIKASI.FY. . jtn l!isiii.-, Ir. Fditor Si nsi'Kll'TlON KATK One T-ar KKIIVW .IIM'AIIY JH. 19-11. Kepresentative Tom Howie, of Ahe, introduced a bill in the pei.eral aembly to aiiolish the office of coun ty treasurer in Ashe, although the officer had been t lected for a term of two The .Mouse iiuickly l.ill 'd the bill and the treasurer of Ashe county will til! the office for the term for which he was elected. The effort of Mr. Stack to change Ihe Ktco'dei's court is alon; the sani" line, and deserves the same fate as the loie bill. THE WOUK THAT IS t Mil K I HIK Some id'M of the scope vi the wel fare w ni the ptirpo-' .ll.slt llellt a l.ill i; IS t! ill tile Hi l,e:-,i .U .N.i-!:. is 1... r. , I.. Ill' ' il.iu I.MMI e , ('.. . I"..'-' .li.'l.e V. liaM j.t-:.:illi 1 pelll.V of t''e 1 pelises inatiy liiui ove:. lor vH:li we have had a .'ompulsory atteDilau'e law tor seven.l yiars it did not K't the children in sciio'.-l. Hut jou have handled between live and siv tnou faild delill'l'lent, depend at and neg lected children iii your woik as probation officers of the j'r.i tide courts These ciiildren had started upon the road to ruii and tu lin n, you held out both the ni. trail inl and the helping liand. More than this, j on have e anied aid and com fort to thousands ol broken home?, you have helped the sick and the af flicted, you have li.m hi.: brother fo the iie-'dy in nirv walk of life, you have bound tip the wounds, you haw helped eM-rv Mi!" a lid " coll n I y ilrli tutimi ils proM. ms ai.d in t'i. :i i y, you have i, p , .h i't a t'ii: i' l'ai, v no i,i . ii - d l !.,ive oiherw - W Uld s.-.tisfv except the f.deta.:a tieii of prohibition and the t muscu lation o! the police power of the states by the .now--easy process of .iiiuiiilini: the constitution of the United Stat'-s. They -ot their K.ichteetith Amend ment all li-ht. with the natural re sult of a nation-wide reaction acainst prohibition. TIkv cot their Eighteenth Anierd ment. and with it such a ptodisiom increase ia the demand for "moon shine" that the alcohol in a bushel of corn would anywhere letch the ' rise of a hundred dollars. I Thy cot their Kichteeiith Ameiid- imeiit. and as a direct consequence. isiich farcv profits in "buii juice"' that ; even ministers of Ihe pospel have : been louml liii.kiiii; it. , The state and local anthotities well able to supptvs the traffic ;iu tifty-ceitts-a-pitit stulT. The army that won the Croat War couldn't stop the manufacture and sale of rt jgut liquor at six dollars a quart. I Tht Ki.htecnth Amendment is the woik of professional agitators and not the will of the majority of the j American teople. The Volstead Law-, that so minutely federalize the jrquor problem, is not the sense of i the nation, but the characteristic product of rumpliobia. The agitators have made their bed of fe al ild '1 h. prohibition, that they lie lite UOltd I f '111 I" ,1 ' it. 'I Th. on it. tii" .i . in l:i. ;!'.' r stall qcraliw t'onceiii. tFrom the Type .Metal M.tcuine. ) i-v The longer 1 im in bn:nes, n-dij' the luori' critici.-m of business that XX I lead, the surer 1 become that a ' man must have had some actual ex- j t perience in running a business i fore Xa he is qualified to discuss intelligently vy the problems of business men. ! Three fourths of all that Is printed about business is from the pens oi writers who could not pass a primer examination on such matters as over head expense, cost accounting, turn over, mark-up. I have actually known of editors who could not tell ou the difference Between truss and net profits. It is a lack of knowledge, and not willful tuisii pr st ntation that is at the basis of most of the unwarranted attacks upon husines. This condition is the result of a gradual chanm from man-power pro duction, where tin unit in the indus try was small, to machine-power pro duction, where the unit is larte. Rack one hundred years nco. be frre Jho ate of steam, the workman owned hi tools. He was a separate and di-tinct unit. There was no def inite line separatinu the employed and the employing ealsses. With the introduction of steam and the development of labor-saving machinery, it became necessary for capital to concentrate into l.irte units. Today the vat majority of worker- are cut o'f iro'ii any op; onutiit.v to o n tin ir tools. Y'" !-.! - ihi-t till v ('.ink t'i it SI .it l.i Mil at-d 1' r l' v, t; I.. 1' iliisuen n! i i. publ.c iii"---Hate tu tho- ami vwi'ild i tt. day a behalf V"l hue hi aii'i by riiihl of l it!' c:;i . Ii y il to in i - n. i of the I'u.'il ami iiiiinii, i oner a'i'l !ns bai i. the i: i'.rd :!ie ,.,.; Villi 1 le .-ll.ltclied yr.tuia tiredf oi thi'l.l, f-eiil til" F.hame ami disaster mi v totteii d, yon have st'icid In ward ( lit' lieinb-il I'm til. . i. i , . Miinw il linn t,ie i Her Joined h ill,! ; wu:t the r1-e-..cies, Willi fill mil' us who lire wo: Cam'ivi to tii" en. I t Hie th" 11"!: way ; chin idiw.l .lor! lit h by t ill Mi ii. "I 'miiiil d ; KvU, iian liriiiii o: 'i.hil l!:.v til" W:y haii and you hay.' lies, th" - .!! ". league, and a ,-inall army of prohib: tiou COll-fliUll.l'V wet.' placed utu'ei , his'coiiiniami. In such cast, we mUhl i reasonably cxpii t some hiirh Jinks ii. the Old Stat": but the commissioner i (whosoever he mii-ht bei ntid the. Constabulary are about the only pen- Pie W ho likely would benefit by the IniV" expenditures that sucii a policy would entail. I'nder the second clan so of thi ; i'.iuhteenth Atlletldllleiit, tile Federal juvenniietiftt ran at the will of Con press retire from the instra-tnte field iof prohibition enforcement. ! It should he the policy and busi ness of the Deiuoct atie party to see to it thnt the federal piverittnettt does retire from this field at tin earl iest possible moment. In such rever sion to its secular principles lies its best hope Of itsell as a poxernini: force in the nation. Not until this result is achievid will the time lie ripe for the St;.t"s to undertake the duty of a thornu uii tiKiii.' enforcement of the l-;i-.!:t"i ntn Amend: lent, in conformity Willi t1'" in-'u ctive tiii'.i and see era) coii m i lie's of --nil c.enuHMiwi alth. Tiu ti, and not till tlu ti, w ill it !" lie--lhl" to eldi-l tile loi'il S!l;.pO!t without whicli no lav. can be cli'.'c ti'.i ly etiforci d. It: th" t'leai'tii''", the Rnmpliohiae siieul'i be l i t to stew in their w I. ire.l-e of f"der:il l-llfovcellielll. : : .. . t lei ; i; ' i in ci uii moil w ;t:i . l'.. i -p'.'W I -' ::. -t. ' ('.lll'l-- t ;s w r; t'o tart ti ll! t'-.. e v'J' W 1 .I'-" it 'iu.l l.-o : if w : ; in- XX , , e: ':;'.. :: -U .qu 1- i. i b; I.;-;, e! . ... : , !, !.. !iv$ i i .; -:.:i ii ui . : ,r sitbjei t, tuid it X.j. I I t ' . t I " -" I'llte Ii o vS flv , law s tliat hau.' . r ! f X is nut to be f' lind I ; 1UG NEW LOT OF LACE INSER- L.VDIES COTON HOSE TIOX 1 lc yard 10c 13c 23c I NEW VAL EDGING LADIES SILK HOSE 20.000 yards 3c yard 4Sc, 73c, 93c, $1.50, $1.93 SPECIALS IN ALL BED LINENS CORSET SALE CONTINUES n. ;1 n,.l tl C1 ein . TRfimif THII WFFK ' Dimilj (guilts 51.4a, Sl.5, Sl.Vo 1KULUU lliib L1K Crochet Quills $1.18, $1.9S, $2.48, $3.95 Buy in this Sale and realize Saving of Double Bed Sheets About ONE-HALF. 9Sc, $1.25, $1.48, $1.98 Pillow Cases 25c, 39c, 48c, NEW LINE OF SPRING COLAKS TOWELS Lace and Organdy Collars in - 0 te 30c, 73c, $1.00, $1.30 1 10c' Ui loC' 2dC' 39c 4Sc IllOV t, Tin 'a Ui N and n our M Mry I lives , Worth far onlv tu In I!, i '- iit vTuil. V. .'lioi I ' I'V l at In Im i, and y P.-IMT 1. ::it il .' . 1' r and l ii. t tie it ! I' .1 I," ur v. ot ;: i," -, :u. .v.! I'-t-r ll'lli" ill pi.o s. A iittl" l.ime tout , a littl" more ere. u little imne patience and the w If no .scheii e of N'oith t'ar lii i will not only be known in every nook of tit ration, but will be a source oi ahotimlini; pride to e very North Caro linian. " , C'rtdible W itiicsi. A Knnsa Ci'.v crocer nanid Tony Crisiilck was artesied by the food inspector, after a housewife had com plained that Grisnirk had sold her Koine bad epgs. The grocer I leaded iiot Kiiilty. "Ia anyone here a Judge of good and bad okks?" the Judge asked, af ter hearintj (he evidence. No one re sponded. The Inspector, who was prosecuting Grlsnlck, toyed with tn egg above the Judge'8 desk. "I gtiess we had bettt-r give Tony the benefit of the doubt, and " bet Iran the Judge. He was interrupted by a loud "pop." The Inspector had dropped the egg. "You're fined twenty-five dollari!" shouted the Judee. Society welcomes the new million aire, but it frowns upon his telling how he made his money. Iini" ur lilieiiiiiaiisin. l!y YVAI.T WASON. country is full of peopb who ai" seatteriiiL' siinshine at so much per scatter. Few of the sun-hlm e!ets work for-1ove of the t'anie. And I clouM whether tlieie's one aide and eloquent man who makes :: !ni-uie-s of leciurinir on Thrift; ai d what this country and its pi ! need : im-e thin ;"iyt'iiii'-' else under the uin is a tiioroiish irrnui'dimr in lii" I llili l-Lts r, thl"!'t. M' t or the nil! I'orts in the p-ior'ious" w:e ii.on c.!.t:mit :. For in, f b.M-e been iul li "i d t'1 riii nu;;iti:-iii, fi.niil uuni' it om of th" iu." I l! ' 1 1 i'iU i'. i (Mseu ill the .lilllll I'.i.'. I am unit" coin unfed tba !i"ie is stie'i a di-'ea-o i,J vh ui ua ti'in. and that it hurts like thunder, mill I have no pa'ience with pro-fe-Mvial (i.l',urels who say it i but a riuini nt of t ie iniiuinatlmi. There is no slnudnrd disease that is i -ntivelv enjoyable; tiny all have their little drawbacks. I!ut by beini: prepared for them you minimize those drawbacks. And the fiM thing necessary, in Ihe way of prepa ration. Is money in the bank. In the dark hour of affliction and suffering there is no comfort like that of knowing that you have some guilders In pickle. Vhen I nm iue for a sleee of rheumatism I lay m a big supply of detective storlfs and phonocraph rec ords and other luxuries; and I can do this because I have the price. And I have the bulliest time when I am sick, and my feet are wrapped up In poultices, for then I can rend and smoke In comfort and nobody asks me to go to lectures, or visit the neighbors, or attend an uplift meeting at the community house, or anything else. And If We come to see me. I have a gopd excuse for sending them away. There really Is a great deal of fun In belne sick, If von are prop erly eci'ilnoed; and If you have prac ticed thrift, your equipment Is all right. It Is better to have a bundlt in the bank than a noisy faith In the I WlU I lie. .1 v. ' ')l-s il'.tllU The solution iii socialism. That would t .flc prom ess smothitiui; individual Initiative. Yet it hih'iiis to me that wo n list work out a way tn tive the ordinary man a real Make in the industry in which he works, other than that o merely drawing wares. This idaii tii ii -t contemplate flint he will assume the losses as well as the profits, whichever way the tide may turn It was recently pointed out tba there ate two million rnlltoad wiu ployees in the Fnited States. j ii If each of those employees con- i 2 tribnti'd fifty deltai to a common A. fund, ther- would In- a sum available I 15 nt the end of one year snifn ient fe ; 2 purchase control of the New- York : p Central lines. I'nder th's phin tin-1 J control of t xery line between i.v ! fJJ York and ChiraLo could be pttveuased 30 Biff Department Stores Belt B ros. SELL MORE AND BETTER GOODS FOR LESS. 30 Bi? Department Stores -v-xX"K"WK"::::x V!";x-Km-x-;K"-;';k--:-km'.'k 4X"X'Kkm:,m )IU- 1 J ft HER BEST LOVE in lie yi':,fs slinpos" til tint be pn it nhiu, oi-. own the w oel 1 i '.'ml. We III t . were tlell". I raid-- to the b r v !iu h the imhli' railfeiuls a'ld the i i lanaiie t'ouu'' co ope-ail' e owners!) expect belter sen 1 U ,uib Plumb in could i than iii-iVr uoveftnueni ownship? Or. 'i t us take a sma'iet it t-it of inuust rv. S'lpUOs'- the liiohb rs' iiiiion Of si'ine larte city asl;ed all it tuetu hers to take one share of i-t.n l; each in a co-op. 'I'.itjie "(Hiipany, fi rmed to ti l'e OM V sin,,. evi-litlt; foundry. Tl'i -e tn.'ti could Kit out aiii! hire a matiacer a suitable salarv, and tl'.i -i b t him iliel"P the lei iness,. .'-tleilt,-; einidoy tin nt to as tinny of ll-' "tockhohlers -is he could Use. You iuhv smile, and t'i 'nk this v-eniil be a sort of musical emuedy l ilt. r;.- .. I ;ini not o su-'e. I i.ndi i sta-rl it is woi kiii .' in Fne 1. :. l. II' IluiI'.i and Italv t"i!;-v. and I'l-'t 'he jib : il spre-ditlB II 'hll.V If e;ie-!'i,;t ( f th" lie!'!-! h s of 9 ft i) DARLING) ng?. j a wow Kwawf ulf) I? Jscuostuujjrrul CJi-V ANP SHE DON T EVEN TASTE THE MEDICINE. I .'i uir counti . i- lit-"'i.-, .ti i.i. as a bai'iii.'. life mure . f the u'her "id. , .. v "uik l I ! CO-0.etnti . !v nvr, 1 to tlii-ll; ti t thk ,1 owner- h:" -. ould w h"i 1 w !. ir'i onb "n-ii'd" for (in- m n- thl e' -lotll i lis. In t'ps n ay we wo il.l i - ii.luallv j ' r.'inii tho-im f, i f i, ..i j. , i! v ' ii ho votild. in a siiiiil v av at bast,' nndi : stand oinet!iine of the prob-1 'ems of luisine-s. and this in time rhonld ri'Meet Its. if in n much ninr. enllthteneil public opinion regarding business. Xot llaby's Saiiiliiuin" It was time for "baby ghl" to be In bed. but no amount of coaxing could get her there. At last her father offered to lie on the bed till the "sandman" arrived. Off she went "plck-a-hnck," and the tired mother leaned back In her chair with a sigh of content-, ready for a hard-earned reot. Ten minutes twenty half an hoPr, and she was -wonderine when her husband would be down, when all aj'once she heard a soft, ntcalthy plt-a-pat. Nearer came the steps, and then a little white-robed form, with a tiny finger on her lip, stood In her doorway. "Hush, hush, murver," she said. 'Tea got farver to sleep." The basis of business Is confidence and the basis of confidence Is underM standing. Do something each 'day that will make your work easier each day thereafter. - . THE BRICK DID THE TRICK (.i dim his oil BiAcnriANs MIDicmD BFtlClf sNf too tkMhmtii o'ah ot tw.J f BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. GET THE OLD RELIABLE AND GENUINE AT PRE-WAR PRICES MONROE HARDWARE CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PHONE No.!