"TOE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVER YBOD Y READS IT 1HE "THE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY NEEDS IT" ROE JOU RNAJtl PUBLISHED TWICE EACH WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY VOL- 27. No. 2. MONROE, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1921. $2.00 PER YEAR CA$- SHEER FOLLY TO PLANT MORE THAN HALF A CROP Indication Are, S Mr. Broom, That Them WM be I'arrj Over of Ten MUIIon Bale. FREPAKE XOW TO SOW OATS By T. J. W. BROOM. The Federal Department of Agri culture wakes the statement that the indicated world supply of unspun American cotton July 21. 1921. will be between nine and ten millions of bales. This corroborates the Mem phis Conference which made the es timate that there would be more than nine million bales of unspun Amer ican cotton July 1, 1921. The total unspun cotton in the world is esti mated to be between twelve and thirteen million bales, July 31. 1921. Nearly enough to supply the demands of the world for another year. With these facts before us It looks like sheer folly to plant for more, than a half crop of cotton. When we take into consideration that the ten year average of unspun American cotton on hand at the beginning of each fiscal year has been one million two hundred thousand bales, and that July 31, 1920, there were six million and eighty-six thousand bales of unspun American cotton, and that this amount will be increased to near ten million bales July 31, 192L. it makes cotton look like a good crop to go light on this year. To the farmer who is In debt, and most farmers are, because of the heavy losses last year, it may seem impos sible to- materially reduce acreage and meet his obligations, but when V a rnmiHar that In lion nt ovtatlnir conditions one bale of cotton will sell for more money than two, provided all cotton farmers act together in curtailing acreage, it looks like the easiest way to pay debts would be to produce the one bale of cotton and save the added expense to producing the second bale. One Farmer Is Buying Cotton. But the farmer Is not asked to reduce his crop by one'half, the only thing that he Is aBked to do Is not to plant more than one-third his cul tivated land In cotton. It is esti mated that it every farmer will do this, the acreage will be reduced fifty per cent and that financial bank ruptcy to the South will be averted. Hundreds of farmers in this coun try can sign the pledge to not plant mora than one-third their cultivated land in cotton and yet not reduce. We have talked with some of the most successful farmers of the coun ty about this proposition and they tell me that they have never planted more than one-third of their culti vated land' in cotton. One of these said, and he is one of the most suc cessful farmers In the county, "I will sign that pledge, for I have more than half of my farm sown to wheat and onti, and will plant more than half the remainder In corn. I made fourteen bales of cotton last year, have bought six balr-B, and have ev ery bale of it yet, do not owe a dol lar, and can finance myself to make another crop and not Bell a bale of my cotton." This farmer has often made the statement to me that hej can produce his hay cheaper at home , than he could haul It from Monroe if it was given, to him, and that he would rather produce his own wheat because of the rotation and oppor tunity for pasturage that It gave him for his livestock, than to haul the Hour from town. We believe the proposition not to plant more than oue-thlrd the cultivated land to cot ton would be a profitable system for every farmer In the county to adopt as a permanent system regardless of what cotton may sell for in the fu ture, because it will mean a self-sup-portlug agriculture. ' These pledges will be soon circu lated in the county and In the mean time farmers are requested to seri ously consider this matter. Prepare to Row Spring Oats. We want to suggest that farmers prepare to sow spring oats, not only as a means of reducing cotton acre age, but to supply needed forage this summer. An acre of fairly good land sown to oats will, In all prob ability, make more hay than the same land If planted to cotton will pay for next fall, and the hay can be pro duced much cheaper than the cot ton. Oats, cut in the milk or early dough stage, when the stalk and blades are still green, makes a hay that is greatly relished by all kinds of stock, and is superior to the best timothy hay. Sow the Fulghum, Ap pier, Red Rust Proof, or Burt, in the order named for best results. Two hay crops can be grown on the same land if desired. After the oats are off, cowpeas or sorguhm can be grown. Another advantage in hav ing lands devoted to hay crops Is the opportunity it gives tor getting In clover and pats, or vetch and oats, for bay early' in the fall. Another crop that every farmer In the county should prepare to grow this year is soybeans. They should be planted In every row of corn grown In the county for the Improve ment of the land if for nothing else. One of the largest farmers in the county said to me last fall, that he considered that a crop of soybeans grown In the row with the corn ahd let remain on the land to be worth a ton of fertilizer to the following crops. We have it demonstrated here In the county that they will double corn with the beans In the corn. ' If you are in need of soybeans seed se your county agent for prices and where to obtain them. Refusing Major HeatKs Offer to Resign in His Favor Senator Price SaysThat the"Pickings AreGone HE DENIES CONFERRING WITH THOSE PROMINENTS Says the Present ltoad ComiiilMiioa Head Is Only Monro Man He Haa Talked With. WANTS TO HEU" HIM LAND JOU To the Editor of The Journal: If you and the public will pardon me I would like to ask for space for one more communication in regard to the road question. I would not write this, for the people have already act ed in mass meeting, and their voice prevails whether I or Major Heath Is pleased or not; but as the Major has come at me with a broad side for some purpose I do not know and as the water seems to be fine and he has invited me to come in, so here I go. I am almost afraid to speak out very strong for fear he will put me in his Ananias club. He has come at me with his big stick, in fact he has stayed thorn right and left If you don't want to get a knock out blow then you must stand In with the Maj or and do as he says or woe unto you. How well do I recall what a very prominent mau said on one occasion when asked how he thought the Maj or would do as road commissioner that there was one thing sure and that was that if everything did not do or go as the Major wished that he would cuss out the whole push. That is Just what- de Major am done. He has cussed out JUu Price, Zeb Oreen, W. L. Hemby, A. A. Secrest. Billy Bivens, John Slkes and members of the Chamber of Commerce with but ft,-w exceptions and he does not call out by name these exceptions. He has cussed out Mr. Henderson and Ira iMullls, but this was not done at this special cussing but at a former cussing away back yonder about May 1, 1920, when the Major was seek ing to oust Mr. Henderson and finally did oust hint so as to get Mr. Hender son's Job. The Major raised h 1 then to get a Job and now he la rais ing h 1 to keep this job. Hays Job Is Worthelss One The Major says "I am a friend of Jim Price and wish that he was pres ent, etc.,- so that he could have asked questions of Jim as to his recent flop on the road question." Now, Major, I used to think and did so up to this time that you and I were friends as you say, but when you say if I will join you in this road matter that you will resign and let me have your job, 1 no longer can be led to believe that you are a friend of mine. Why, my God, man, what would I want with your Job! Your Job now Is a worth less one. The pickings are all gone. Nothing there for me. This offer does not sctnid like one coming from a friend. You have ate all the pie. The dishes are licked clean. Not even any crumbs left for the dogs. I did not want to criticise the M iJ or ani v.ould not have done, so If La had net dra vn the ring and called me in. I have never been known to back from a clar.h of this kind and God fnrbl'l that I ever should. I always try to champion the cause of right a 'id 1 may land wrong, as the Major says I have In tils instance, but if I do, just as socn as I find I am wrong I will have the manhood to say so and not be a stickler for the wrong In order to be bull-headed. If it's pie I am after then it makes no dif ference if I do land wrong, in fact I should land wrong. ' Dues HI Own Thinking In the Major's speech as reported In The Monroe Journal of Jan. 25 he charged that "I had been Influenced by the directors of the Chamber of Commerce," etc., etc. Now I want to say here once and for all that this statement of the Major's so far as It applies to me Is false. Major Heath should know that I am not built that way and he does know It, but In his cunning and foxy manner was trying to mislead somebody. I am a man that does my own thinking and ar rive at nvy conclusions without the permission of any one. I don't even know who the directors of the Cham ber of Commerce are, If the Major has enemies in the Chamber of Com merce I do not know It and I do not think It fair in h Lin to accuse me .of being Influenced by any one much less his enemies. I have not even connlted with a single member of the Chamber of Commerce, that Is to my knowledge, for ns I said I do not know who the members are. Wants to Live In Monroe Home Day Again the Major says In his article In The Journal of the 4th Inst, that "from his leter (referring to me) he has evidently been In conference with some of the 'prominents' of Monroe." ' So here he comes again accusing me of being In conference with some of the "prominents" of Monroe. Who are thore prominents of Monroe that have si:ch a wonderful Influence over me? There muBt be ome wonderful people In Monroe. I know I have a lot of good friends In Monroe and I am proud of this fact. I have no enemies there that 1 know of and I have often expressed the hope that some day I may get to the point In life that I will be able to move to Menroe and be among so many of my pood friends. If I never cet to that point in life then I would like to spend my latter days here in the bst section of country In the world, but would like to have a road that I could get to Monroe occasion ally, anyway to meet and mingle more often with ray good friends. As it is, if the Major waa to die I could j not attend his funeral at it would ! be impossible to get there over our five hundred and fifty thousand dol lar road. . The reason. Major, that I .flopped over on this road question is that I saw that the present system was a failure and would not do. I felt in terested, as all citixens should, and am now taking the part I am solely tor the good of the people of this county. I am not looking as to how It shall benefit a few as a few are always benefited at the expense of the many, but I am trying to look at it from an unbiased standpoint and tope that we finally will get the best and most economical law and one that will be the most benefit to the greatest number. Acta Proved Worthless The Major twits me by asking if I Iwere not for the present law and did I not help pass some amendments to i same at special session, etc. Yes, sir, de Major am right, I did. and by the 1 way, I have these amendments lying .'right here before me and looking at them I see that these amendments are numbered from 39B to 39H inclu sive and I want to Bay right here in j this connection that I then recognized jthat the system was proving a failure land wished to do all I could by j amendatory acts to straighten same, i but I find tbat some of these acts were not worth the paper they were written upon. Take for lnsance, Sec. 39C which says "That it shall be the duty of the road commission or other road authorities to keep, or cause to be kept, an accurate Itemized account of all road funds received from 'any Bource and how the same is expend ed by townships and It shall be tho duty of said road commission or oth er road authorities within 30 days from the passage of this act to make or cause to be made an Itemized statement of all fuuda heretofore re ceived from any sourpe for raod pur poses, and an Itemized statement of disbursements of same by townsips and the said road commission, or road authorities, shall cause the same to be published In one tesue of at least one weekly newspaper publish ed In such county and it shall be the duty of said road commission or road authorities in such county to publish j In the first week in October, 1920, a 'complete, correct and detailed. Item ized statement of all road funds re ceived and disbursed by townships In said county since the last published , statement and such statement shall ibe published in at least one newspa per as directed once every month ' thereafter a similar statement shall be made and' published as provided. : That If said road commission or other road authorities shall fall or refuse .to keep such an accouut, or to make lor cause to be made and published i the statements herein provided, each ' member thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished at the discretion of the court." YAutiO Itemized Statement. Rememb-jr it says plainly a "cor rect and ('.stalled itemize"!! statement" and hnvA annm nnhlisheri Nnw Mr. j Editor, If there ever has been an Itemized, detailed statement publish ed I have never seen it and I would be glad to get a copy, if I am mis taken, and I will cheerfully correct this matter. If I am right and no such itemized, detailed statement has been made then the system Is not al together responsible, but some of the responsibility for Its failure Is upon the Major. Let's have that Itemized statement. I want to see how much each one got In Sandy Ridge. I want to know how much Bill Jones got and what for; how much Jim Smith and what for, and how much the Major got and how many days, etc., etc. In fact I and the people want Just what the law says, "an Itemized, detailed statement." .What does itemize mean anyway? Don't take all tho people to be fools. If we can't get this statement, then It looks very much like Mr. Brock might get busy and have this statement forth coming. Wouldn't Have Thought It. No, Major, I don't think it nice In you to pretend to be my friend (this shows your foxlness; ask me to come and have a seat with you at the ta ble; In fact ask me to take your seat at the head (offering to resign in my favor) when lo and behold the pick lings arc all gone; no pie, not even a crumb for my pup! It's too bad, and (I would have never thought dat de ; Major would be guilty of such an act. j . Hays the Major I a Puazle. . . I The Major says that "everybody J knows that Jim Price Is a fairly good I politician, etc." I may be a fairly I good one, hope I am, but I want to here now once and forever, to hand it over to you as my superior. I am only a novice compared with you, when It comes to playing politics. There Is not a man In the county to compare with you whn it comes to playing politics. Juct one instance will suffice. You remember how cun ningly and completely you ousted Henderson and Mullla. That was a great game. You played It success fully. You made a great to do, and you had some mighty good help too., and aH just for Henderson's Job Pnd the. people were on to It. Yo-i m.n have fooled a few, but a mlgh'y few. TRAMPS ARE NOW GETTING PLENTIFUL AT UNGATE Ono Awoke Citiaen to Secure Matches to Build HitiiKeir a Kire in the Railroad Station. DEATH OF MRS. K. F. HIXXICVTT Wingate, Feb. 10. Mrs. R. F. Hunnicutt died Tuesday afternoon af ter an illness of several months. Mrs. Hunnicutt was forty-five years of age and was a beloved woman. The deensed is survived by her hus band, seven children and two broth ers and one sister. Funeral serv ices were conducted Wednesday af ternoon by Rev. A. C. Sherwood at Bakers, where the remains were In terred In the cemetery there. Mr. R. F. McWhirter spent Mon day In Charlotte on business. Bruce and Russel, children of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Griffin of Pittsboro, N. C, visited friends in Wingate this week. The Perry Mill Company has not been running this week on account of some repair woi k that is being done on the boiler. Mr. A. B. McWhirter is In Maxton on business. Mrs. D. H. Perry is suffering from a nervous breakdown but is improv ing rapidly. There will be preaching at the Baptist church here Saturday after noon at two o'clock and at eleven o'clock Sunday morning and six-thirty in the evening. Everybody is in vited to attend these services. We are sure that the pastor, Rev. Mr. Sherwood, has something in store for us that will be worth our time. The girls auxilary of the Baptist church met with Mrs. C. M. Beach Tuesday afternoon. The roll was called and minutes read of the last meeting and approved. After which an Interesting program was rendered, circle No. 1 having the program In charge. It was decided by the auxil ary to maet every first and third Sundays immediately after Sunday school, t Mr. H. K. Helms spen( Tuesday In McAdensvllle on business. Mr. ... Lamb has resumed his work as agent here with the S. A. L. after recovering from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Hazel Wright spent the week end with relatlvesin South Carolina. Mr. Jack Duncan spent a few days in Wingate this week. Mrs.' Jfthtf McManus of Tradesville, S. C. visited her daughter, Mrs. E. B. Wright last week. Miss Ora Blggers spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blggers. Several tramps have been hanging around Wingate for the past few days. A few nights ago one spent the night In the depot He lay down on the seats and went to sleep and when he awoke the Are had gone out. Having no matches he went up to a man's honse and woke him and cot him to give him a few matches. The tramp then returned to the depot. There being no wood nor coal In the waiting room, he managed to get an egg crate which he broke up and started his fire. MAX SCATTERS GREENBACKS Continued on Page Light. Many $100 and t.K Note Destroyed Before Police Interfere. Denver, Feb. 6. A man tearing up greenbacks and scattering them broadcast on the streets In the busi ness section lute last night was ar rested. The policemen were shocked to observe that the bills were of large denominations, mostly 1100 and 160 greenbacks. "What are you trying to do? Does not this stuff mean anything to you?" demanded the police. The only answer was an angry scowl. At the police station .handfuls of the torn greenbacks and a few good ones were taken from the prisoner. There were more than $1000 of de stroyed bills. EfforU to get any explanation from the man were unavailing. From documents In his suitcase, the police said they believed the prisoner to be Peter Ada McAvlch, a miner from Hermlne, Pa. The papers showed McAvlch's age to be forty-eisht years. A Pullman ticket from Red Oak, la., to McCook, Neb., was found in his effects. ITesbyterlan Church Notes I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving. Psa. t9:30. 10 a. m., Sunday school, iV A. Henderson, Superintendent. II a. m., Worship and fourth ser mon on "Temple teachings." 7:30 p. m., Praise service and ser mon. The praise service will be led by the Intermediate Department of the Sunday school. Foreign Mission week, Feb. 20-27. The Woman's Auxiliary will ob serve next week, Feb. 14-19, as Self Denial, and Week of Prayer. Meet ings each afternoon except Wednes day, when the meeting will be at 7:10, and Mrs. Suttenfield's class of young ladies will have a special pro gram. Reporter. Trade Commissioner Arthur Young reports that American exports to Spain increased 240 per cent from 1914 to 1919. The 1914 total wax 130,000 whila that of 1919 was! $102,000,000. I The Bureau of SUikti's of the Labor Department announces that the eo'.t of. food declined elpht per cent in December over November figures. j MARSHYILLE BUSINESS GOOD DESPITE THE RAIN Wednesday Saw Many People Out Willi the Buying Spirit Mr. Davis Continues to Improve. MA.N'Y STCDEXTS OX HOXOU ROLL Marshvllle. Feb. 10. The two Im portant features of Marahville nem-s this week are the rain and the big sales. The rain may be general, but the sales are absolutely local. There seems to be something doing in the old town now. Wednesday saw num bers or people out with the buying spirit and absolute disregard of the elements. Opportunity was in the air and the folks were wasting no time making use of it. As for the rain well all things have an end Cheer up! Mr. E. H. Moore spent several days last week In Richmond on business. Mrs. Lillie Price is visiting rela tives in WilminVon and Lumberlon. Miss Mittle Green attended the weddins of Miss Cullie Marsh to Mr. B. C. Edwards ir. Charlotte last Sat urday evening. Mrs. M. E. Applewhite spent last week in Wilmington with relatives. Mrs. Hurd Davis has returned from Baltimore where she has been with her husband who is taking treatment at Johns Hopkins for sleeping sick ness. Mr. Davis continues to Im prove.' Mrs. Davis is with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Morgan. Mrs. Charlie Barrino spent the week-end in Monroe the guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Croff Edwards of Baltimore are the guests of their par ents, .Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Edwards, and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Tadlock. Mrs. J. S. Harrell entertained the Book Club with a valentine party on Wednesday afternoon. The room was decorated with numbers of pink hearts, cupids, pine and blooming plants. The hostess had written a valentine story In which occurred freauent blanks, these hianU in ha supplied by the guests from the given names or tne ciud members. Mrs. E. E. iMarsh was given the first prize, a satin and lace sachet, and Mrs. J. T. Garland the second, a heart shaped box of candy. Butterfly salad, sand witches and coffee were served. The guests were then sent upon a hunt about the room to find letters left by Cupid. These proved to be quaint valentine for each guest Besides club members there . were present Mrs. Claude P. Orlffln, Mrs. J. T. Garland, and Mrs. J. M. Edwards. The following pupils of the Marsh vllle sccbool made the honor roll for the fifth month. First grade. Lll Kirk Huggins. Harold White, Max Harrell, Annie Lee Haney, and Roy Harget. Second trade. Mabel Rasa M.ihpl Griffin, Herman Moore, Glenn Moore, nuDert strawn, stlnson Williams and Garry Harrell. i Third trade. Marrarpt Orlffln. Virginia Bailey, Ell Bivens, Howard oiegau, waiiace Harrell, Connie Burns, Mae Tucker, Willie Dean, Lamar Little, Boyce Hargett. Fourth grade. Kenneth Caddy, Mabel Ruth Hearon, Beuna Brewer, OUie Mae Phlfer, Mae Newsome, Hal lie Mae Rollins, and Joscyhlue Sturdivant. Fifth prade. Evelvn Bailev. Bruce Staton, Nannie Lee Long, Bovd Strawn, Ruth Blair, Cassle Belle Glover, Selma Stegall, and Billy Harrell. Sixth grade. Ellis Marsh, Kath leen Newsome, Willie Gaddy, and Roy Tucker. Seventh grade. Virginia .Griffin, and Furman Little. Eighth grade. Martha Stegall, Kate Swanner, Hal Griffin, Jean Hallman. Ives Green, Harry Bivens, and Haskell Bivens. . Ninth grade. Margie Marsh, Vera Leonard, Georgie Dean. Tenth grade. Edwin Griffin. Hal Marsh, Ellie Phlfer, Effle Strawn. Eleventh grade. Kate Morgan. (UKL IS ATTACKED' AT PAXCSJ Despite Blow on the Xoe, She Still "Wants Her BUI." Wlnthrop, Mass., Feb. 10. Be cause Violet L. Hagman took It into her pretty head to dance three times with another man, William T. Tal cott, who had been keeping company with her for five years, lost his head and struck her on the nose. Blood was drawn and her new evening gown was spoiled, but Talcott would not give her a handkerchief nor al low the other mnn to do so. That was the testimony of Miss Hagman, nineteen years old, in the District Court today, where Talcott was on trial for assault. Talcott said he believed she still cared for him. "Why, when I pass her home on the way to court, she ran out of the house, put her arms around mc, hug ged and kissed me," he testified, "saying 'I want my Bill. I'm just as much to blame for this as you are. I don't want to go to court.' " Under crors-examluation Mi3S Vio let said she still "wanted her Bill." but the .court held that the assnult was unwarranted and fined Talcott $10. He appealed. C. B. ADAMS LEADING FIGHT AGAINSHAR CLEARANCE Acting for State Bunkers, He and Si A. Page, Jr., Start legal Proceed, intfs of Southern Wide luterest. CASE TO BE HEARD AT MOXItOE In behalf of the state bankers op posed to par clearance, Mr. C. B. Ad ams, vice-president of the Farmers & Merchants Bank, and Mr. H. A. Page. Jr., of the Page Trust Compa ny, have secured a temporary Injunc tion from Judge W. E. Harding re straining the Richmond Federal Re serve bank- from carrying out Its intention to evade North Carolina new clearance act, which was passed last Saturday by the General Assem bly. The injunction is returnable at Monroe before Judge J. Bis Kay at the March term of the Superior court, and the case will be oi.e of Southern wide lnieveU. The Nona Carolina clearance law, the passage of which Mr. Adums was largely instrumental in secuiiu,;, re quires the federal reserve bank to pay a clearance rate of one-eighth of one per cent on checks. This charge, it is pointed out, is necessary for the salvation of small banks. The fed eral reserve bank, however. Insists upon par celarance, intimating that the North Carolina act is unconstitu tional. The operation of the new act, said a leading Monroe bank director thil morning, id best illustrated In the following Lianner: "Suppose," said the director, "I give a check on a Monroe bank to a New York firm. This firm deposits it wttn a New York bank, which in turn sends it to Rich mond for clearance. After its arrival at Richmond, it is forwarded back to the Monroe bank, which must clear It with either the actual cash or New York exchange at par. This, it can readily be seen, is quite a burden upon the local banks. It is obviated, however, by the North Carolina act, which requires the federal reserve bank to pay one-eighth of one per cent for clearance. This expense falls upon the bank, not the custom ers." The Injunction was secured la Charlotte yesterday by Messrs. Stack, Parker k Craig, and in speaking of the case, the Charlotte Observer "The step waa bailed here last night as the first open action of the non-member banks in their fight for the privilege of charging exchange in the cashing of checks. For month the battle has waged back and forth, the reserve bank insisting chock should be cashed at par. "The passage of the par clearance law by the North Carolina general assembly at Raleigh last Saturday was followed, it is said, by the Rich mond bank sending a letter to non member banks in this state threat ening to send an agent to North Carolina and collect checks on the Biuallcr banks, later forcing these Institutions to pay cash in clearing the checks. "Immediately on receipt of the let ter from Richmond, the non-member banks of North Carolina got busy and took steps to restrain the federal reserve banks from proceed ing 'with Its announced Intentions. It was pointed out that the credit of the smaller North Carolina banks is menaced, In that a check dishonored In Richmond would have an unfavorable effect upon the bank Issuing It. "The Richmond bank, It Is under stood, Insists the North Carolina law Is unconstitutional and would bo so adjudged by the courts. The banks are determined that the courts shall have .the opportunity of so ruling. "Already an agent of the reserve bank, Mr. Wheelrlght, Is said to be busy In North Carolina, and the In junction was also served on him. "Interested parties pointed out last night that while only about 20 bank combined to secure the Injunction, It is so drawn that any or all of the 200 non-nu'iuber banks in the state can participate later If they so desire." Good Piece of Good News. To the Editor of The Journal: The best local news lately is that the contract for a new taugh school build inp will probably be given within the nest sixty days. It can be construct ed as cheaply now as It tan within the net two yean and lie giving service. D'n't forcet the gymnasium, the 11 bray and the large auditorium, plesse. H. D. ctov.art. ALARM CLOCK AWAKES HENS. Ekr Lnyrrs Begin Work of the Day by Flw trie Light. . . Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 10. Believing that the early bird' lays the most t ggs, William Sloan calls his hens off their roosts at 6 o'clock in order that they may waste no time during the matutinal period of the day. And In order that his fowls may have plenty of light while darkness ftill prevails on the outside, he has provided an electric lighting system, which Is automatically switched on while the clocl- is clanging. By these Incentives Slo: n's hens are now pro ducing their maximum limit of eggs. One morning after the alarm call ed the hens to duty the artificial orbs did not glow forth on time. The hens, after lazily hopping off their perches when awakened by the alarm, got back on them again when tha lights failed to flash. None scratch ed, cackled br produced eggs, but in stead took and extra nsp. What One Doctor Says. Dr. M. C. Lyons says: "After care ful invetslgatlon I heartily . recom mend It (Rheuma) for all form of rheumatism." English Drug Stora sells and guarantees It. Use of one I bottle will convince you why this j well-known doctor praises it so atgniy. v A heilthy appetite is a priceless po?oslo:i, but an expensive thing to have.