Tc.: i:j;ht thk momuh: jori:u ti;uv. iti.iu r.v tv wi. I K.HT I'AGIIS CEI1ARS ARE CAVING IN AND WELLS OVERFLOWING TV lUiiM Swm l IVuikallj I K inged (hir Mule Neishtior lu the KaM f lHut. mix. wiiijs in: mis iinivi; "I.AIl l t ihi: iOlV Jk Wt lKXT IllVAL IS IH MHI.l l Wiusate. Feb. H. Th Wiuat' hixh humbled Marshville. an at and toruiidable rival, m a tucket ball game taere Friday after aeon. 1 Captain IVrry. Winsate's Uny forward. was easily the star of the iraiue. IcadinR with 15 point more than all his opponents' combined, lie cased Ave out of seven attempt at fouls. Hars tt held Marshville star forward. Mailman, scorele. Hall nan getting two foul shots, F.irkti. pUvjing with a broken lin;; r. fol lowed with the other seven , H.s two long shots fiom the corners wre features of the ame. Tarle ton and llcach played consistent ball. Biois and Gray tor Marshville de rve special unnt.on. The same was, but fouls were frequent. Wiu rote has lo?l only oue Mine this On account of the rain, the Thurs day night niftin;s of the I'hilo ophlan aud Oladsione societies of tlie Wmtate ahool were not held. Messrs. Jei.-e and Claremv KatlifT. of the hi:h .-chool. spt-nt the week end in Wadehoro. Putins the wet weather every-i-dy's well was filled almost to the U-p and two or three cellar caved in. Miss Le.-ter Humphrey, of Fayt-tte-ille. is visiliiiK M ;.. Kale and Corean Humphrey this week. The a.M ,-taret Oi il tin W'om.iu's Vissionary Society will r.vw Tues.'a;. .a'ternooii wi'ii Mrs. llrili Outen. Miss Mar) iladdy spent the weel.- t'otti tinted tniu lu:e ie. .....t I C:i : n ' C t--miie or t-n OviS even !?-.. I n:4 , -l(il.ed all u. . My alarm e Liiin.d st i.-r sis o'clock in the ; !..oi'Hi throughout the fl ai.J w:'-i- ur months, and 1 was always in iae 1 tffice by seven o'clock, and ery much o: t ie time, while 1 had charge, of the road woik. I covered an aver se milease of around fifty mile per , .1.... The charge of lavity and leakage t is positively ridiculous 10 ine as u a b.lls were carefully checked and the f inspected D J. I Plant Your Seed A. IRISH POTATOES EARLY in Nm i-i. TO OI'TSTKir MKII1I.I.K They will make more. We have genuine Maine rr T. V. r l.t.l 1 r 1 Diloo r! i-nnv 1 urown iriMi uouuiei aim i.t-u uu?a. uci iwi ground ready for Cabbage Plants, we will have plenty of them next week. Also Onion Sets and Seed of all kinds. T. T. REDWIXE. T Vake II Seoiu.1 1-arseM tin 01 r- Special Notices One cent a word each insertion. nie.1 Town In County. Will I --lie ; A j,; .v 1X0 15 IU. Ki.e. $1 00; Imiii1 for Improvement. . ; lb, be t Corn. l.l0; "Corn Ilread Tobacco"1 hall l-rie. 1 cts. twist. Smith-Lee Co. Warehouse Company t! i d in Chert' tives. The little S. C, vis -oil el lela- he w ill co dow rea l hi.iliS 1 wis) -iy tluit ie ;t!l T-oad nf.ti.itfsioii t j- i'l ; !uu I 'V Car.l'M.t. 1 have ;i fun":!.: iep v: t'te :r di;t ',: 1 .lid Messrs ...1 : r ''l collateral in the world on which to borrow A WORD TO THE UNWISE Heti.'.er- 2b Caudl week. Can beee.'.i f Living, around Wit three mm, tits, eants are sellit he left an I ;rod and f rom 1" to !as Im-.-i: iek el I !;.'.! to I'le it in a , o;T ii' ;! e w ui" Co-t i't ali 'Jl !v. o or ill'., te ll'.e'- 1 el' ;ti t'vi: i.iu-y. l:y a;ivwhe' . ; '. and Mill comm.. I'nwn. T:i .. v- -e..;. lv on a par "nil eolton. The Jennie Tuek.T (i.'.nf 1 li Wnman's Minion;1 :y t.tti-.m of tin r.ptlst church will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mr-. M. 1. N -wsotn.'. All member are requited to le jitesent. Mr. Oscar Matheson of Charoltto vifited his mother, Mr. A. Matlie-t-on last week. .Mr. Vanu Critfin of Envin. Tenn , spent Sunday with his paiei;ts, Mr, aid Mrs. W. I. Griffin. The Girls' Auxiliary of the llup'.it church delightfully entertained the "youny Women's auxiliary Sattirdav enini; from seven o'clock to nine, in the ClailstoiiP-JMcXeill hall. The hall was beautifully decorated Willi frns and 'lowers. As the me'nbers petered the door a name of un ani mal, was pinned on their backs, and ach one was to try to keep an) one Ue from seemc tho name on their hack and see as many as they could. After this contest, refreshments were rved and then a nut and flower contest was Kiven. The prize was awarded to Miss Glennie Morgan. Af fr the prize had been awarded, cantos were played and suts and can dies were rerved. Rev. J. V. Uowell preached an in WRtlnir sermon Sunday niRht at itie Baptist church His theme was "The Power of Association." This service was attended by a laiye' f'owd. a nil m:k1tri.llA some representative of the comtui- e-e-M--fl-e9--0- bion betore tae bills were paid. . , , l1 - - I p to this time 1 have tenured Thi.xiK'The Union County ing down on the job." The-e are , manv piHiple In Union county w ho . are familiar w ith my past history as I wcil as my present tarnation. It is ' rather singular that if I possessed that trait or shirkinc dutie and oned its doois for business several months ago wun rtould r'to'Ld 1hI-2!out any flourish of trumpets and today there are stored tions 1 have held and to be able to seVeral thousand bales of the fleecy staple within its walls h0,d ,v I'CioMu.i. ! against which are issued the best receipts in the South, if it has not been the purpose of not in the whole world. These receipts carry all neces- information about the cotton, including numbers, pe'opie'of union county a i am nd;names, grades, weights, condition, etc., and the holder mi " ?if( r Healhntigcts a good title to the cotton which may be had any time type and r.t'iease of roa.u winch he ; on demand. By Statute law everything in these receipts says he has and at the fta;;res named. . -ln,.n00.l kv trio Ctnto nf Vni-th P.irnHnn find thpvp is n in histoiy as "iiiif,b'"',"l"ullu.' w' . , mo better opportunity to , -perience with - - ia various coun- v section of North ,'iried h.?r.ier to d!!' One more big crop oi cotton in 11)21 and you and the whole south will be banKrupt. now uo you expect 10 pay tkbts raising cotton when it costs twice what you get out of it? If you have any cotton why not hold that cotton in the let .nv. d warehouse and plant little or none at all, using the receipt to supply your current necessities? If you have any money or can get any on a warehouse receipt or otherwise, why not buy your cotton crop for 15)21 on the market and plant not a seed? Cut out that fer tilizer bill this year ami save all the other expenses and labor necessary to produce and market cotton. This ad- !ki church ,.jce js being f0n0Wed bv those who are able and have :ense enougn au over me aoum. u enpugn peopie join m this nraetical sten. the result of this new demand and acre- ords age reduction will wake up the world and the South will become prosperous again as speedily as it went broke on e iiium II... riM iLI.I. .f U A a U nn fn. Klnff Brieve, knowing her fiifferiucs are, me UtM VI i'l'. narii umii ui nu uiui u uuiuunui .v.vuim over ami she is at rest where there ;vou can rai?e and what a chance it gives to improve the is neither pain nor sorrow. ; . Therefore, we the members of the lai'hl. Missionary society of the Meadow, SLAVERY AND BANKRUPTCY. Branch Baptist church, offer the fol-: ,0Vrr5t.rThatf memorv of her pt.re1 The estimate now is that we will carry into the next life and christ-iike spirit, we shaii crop 9 or 10 million bales while the average in the past XXrVicMs been one million two hundred thousand bales surplus, tian work. I Another crop like 1920 in 1921 and there will be no nXX .n ' K"; j debt paying power. We have got to change our methods bereavement. J as a matter of necessity and now is the time to get about ,,rSL i it The warehouse and acreage reduction will solve the of our society, and a copy be sent difficulty. to her family and to the county pa-, V APniniTCJP PATH ITIF! Ml t : . i Mr. !!. I'. Iltiiinieuit. ; iuny r. ii ths of strtl-cle ,t a,se;i-e. o'i Kebruarv St h. God - a'l wise prov td.tic- r h av. !:lv V.on-e Mr. K. t. :tt. Sl;e va a faith.Ul tu.-m-; t!i" eh'ir.h. ;i lo-. al member , Mis-ionaty society, a coti- i-ited GhristiiMi. a devoted moth' r. and a true lo iiv: friend and neuh h -r. Although i'i:ys:i'al!y unable t attend re!i-iou sen iees for sonie tiine she was always deeply ititet- e-ted ii) every pliase of work. It ;h ac reat pleasure to I'ef friend and loved ones to be with her duriht: her ii'knes. because ot the biisht smile and lovinsc w w ith w hich she erected them. While sV:e is deeply missed, we niut not pers Mrs. V. B. Williams. Mrs. H. C. Bivens, and Mrs. C. M. Beach, committee. Talk Is cheap at a safe distance. Enthusiasm to a salesman is like gasoline to an automobile. Union county has needed a warehouse many years and now she has one with ample capacity and strictly up-to- I Hnte. The nublic is invited to inspect it and patronize it. It When two braezarts etmae in a . f. , i l: U rtfm. wt.tdy war each one furnishes his l t?) V ujjenei uim u uuuh iu mis bwiiuii i nig wuuw;. own applause. THE UNION COUNTY WAREHOUSE COMPANY W. S. Blakeney, President. P. P. V. Plyler, Sec. & Treas. The in. in who does things never ! 'lias to sprint to keep up with his I fellow s. a serious break we are forced to withdraw our exchange of litW pounds nieal for a ton of need. W are now giving Hot) pounds, and paying the huhest cash price for A BIG SAVING 15 lb. Rice. 11.00: K lbs. be-st Corn. 11.00; "Com Bread Tobacco- halt price, 10 ct. twist. Smith-Lee Co. FOR AUTO TRANSFER call Helrui & Fulenwider at Nanc BatU-ry i. Service Station. Meet all titins, day and nicht. Will carry you auy where between here and Sampson county. Caretul drivers. Hay tel ephone. 4$?: night, call 26-R and , 364-R. A inetinR of the citizens of the town of Benton Ilcl?hti was held on last Friday nlsbl at the Benton j. NOTICE Owins to Heights school buildins to devise I In the oil market. ways and means of Installing a water! system for the town. The idea of put- ting In a water system bas originated out of the proposal f the City of) Monroe offerinc their ."aid in fisht-j Ins 'rres ,n B nton Heishts. The first' q".:'!on to be settled was the water suiM-'y. It w as first suggested to build j clvervs to supply water, then it wasj that the idea of putting In a water works syst. m sprang up. On search-1 in the tax books for the past year it : was learned that nearly a quarter of a million of dollars of property was listed In Benton Heights. It ts tht intention of the town to vote bonds to raise sufficient money for this pur pose. Benton Heights has already In stalled a lighting system of her own. as many people already know, and the money for the lights was large ly raised by private subscription by he property owners. Each man who owned a house In Benton Heights was to pay thirty dollars for each house he owned for the purpose of lighting the streets ami running the lines for the houses. Then each man was to wire his own house at hi own expense and nearly every man has paid this thirty dollars. A good many houses are lighted now and others are jroinp to wire as soon as possible. Plans are being made to hove not less than five teachers In the Benton STRAYED OR STOLEN Two luilk rows tone Jersey and one Spotted I both with horns, and one Jersey heifer, from my birn north of Monroe. Notify A. . Uenton or 1. F. rplcr. FOR SALE Three fresh iniW cows. ' J. C. Mclntyre. Wlngate, N. C. LOST C. O. D. package from Bali more. Leave at postoffic. D. A. Williams. Painting Painting Our Paint Shop offers you a saving. Now is the time . to have your car repainted and put in readinessfcj spring and summer use. nearly two hundred in the school now. With elect lie liehts. city water and a cod school, and then the aatlnnnl highway rtmniu through the town Binteu li.lght bids fair to become! one of the best residential sections ir j and mound Monroe. There are a good many fine building lots in Benton Heights which can be bought at a fait price. Some lots that sold form fifty to a hundred dollars four years ago will now easily bring from three hun dred to five hundred dollars. Several good residences will be built within the next twelve months and it Is pos-' sible that In a few years Benton Heights will be the second largest in corporated town in the county. cnroii.d We guarantee our work. i Secrest Motor Co. - 'Automobile Tops Let us pit a new top on your old car and repair the uphol stering. Prompt service and reasonable prices. Secrest Motor Co. FOR SALE One pair of computing scales in Al condition. Iturgaln to quick buyer. McColluni Bros. Cof.perative niar'retin" sounds a lot better than "eronoiuie slavery." doesn't it? Plant a permanent pasture but don't expect it to grow on worn-out. our. worthelss land. See your coun ty farm agent. ",i i a good brood sow take care of her '- this U the way to use acres v Mere jetton and tobacco are cut out. l.veiy day brings forth new prob lems for us to face, but night usually comes before we can get around to It. France has invented a new gun ca pable of shooting two hundred miles, and not a thing to shoot at. What luck! No. this country- is not short on money. The only shortage that ex ist is in the ability of certain people to get hold of it. Some folks never borrow trouble they Jus' borrow $2 an' forget it. Kin Hubbard. 350 CABUAOE PLANTS, delivered by parcel post, fresh from the patch, for $1.00 Oakdale Farm. Marshville. N. C. LOST 33x4 Firestone tire and rim between Wadesbifto and Monroe February Sth. Finder please com municate with Standard Oil Com pany. Charlotte, N. C. 4Kfr-M--M-e--M Cut Flowers Floral designs, wedding boquot. and flowers of all kinds. Prices reasonable. We make shipments to Waxhaw, Marshville, Wing-ate and other nearby towns. CODE MORGAN At Union Drug Co. Phone 221. Children nre seen and rot heard in the movies. Most pleasures are In contrast rest and work for Instance. JZ--.M'"''-1-K 4W444WW444444WWW4W44 A Lot of Shoes, one and two pair of a kind, at Give Away Prices. One Case Men's Gray Hose 10c or 3 pair for 25c Seos Siloes Yes, We are Selling Shoes on Today's Market Not What They Cost. $9.00 Ladies' Vici Rubber Heel Shoes for $5.00 $7.50 Ladies Shoes for - $3.93 $5.00 Ladies' Shoes for $2.98 Men's $9.00 Tan English Last Shoes for $4.98 Men's $12.50 Munson Last Shoes for $7.50 Men's $11.00 Vici Rubber Heel Shoes, Craddock Terry make for $7.50 Young Men's $7.50 Shoes for . .... $4.98 Men's Work Shoes for Less. Endicott and Star Brand Heavy Work Shoes $4.50 Big Stock Children's Shoes and the Price is Less. $2.00 Shoes $1.48 $:J.OO Shoes $1.98 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS AT OLD PRICES Young Men's 2.00 Dress Shirts . $1.25 $3.00 Shirts . $5.00 Shirts $1.50 $3.48 MEN'S HOSE Good 25 cents Black Hose 15c or 2 pair for 25c One case 48c Black Top White Foot Hose ...... 25c pair All Men's 75c Hose 48c pair All Men's Collars (except soft collars) - 20c each Men's 75c Suspenders 48c One lot 50c Belts - - 38c MEN'S NECKTIES FOR LESS All 50c Ties All $1.00 Ties All $1.50 Ties All $2.00 Ties .. 25c 75c 98c $1.48 MEN'S WORK OR EVERDAY PANTS at 5 cents Cotton Price. $2.25 Pants at $5 00 Pants at $ Boys' $2.98 Pants" Good Heavy Wool, at $1.98 Men's All Wool $35.00 Suits at $15.00 Men's Hats Men's $2.00 Sweaters . Lot of Blue Work Shirts 98c 98c 48c Pee-Dee Plaids ... 10c yard 10c yard Good Apron Gingham, full bolts Dress Gingham, was 35c yard, all you want, 10c yard 36-inch Wide Good Percale 15c yard Hickory Shirting 15c yard ACA, Best Ticking Made .. 24c yard AAA Sheeting This Week (limit 10 yards to each customer) : . 10c yard Crochet Thread, all this week RMC Thread, all cotton Needles, all you want . ... 5c spool 10c spool 5c paper We will sell you 50c Pro-Phy-Lactic Tooth Brush es this week at 34c BIG SHIPMENT VOILS JUST COME IN $1.00 Voils 50c yard DonH Buy a Thing Until You See Us. We are Here for Business and Will Make the Price Right SM ITH-LEE COMPANY